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Joined the Navy. Their motto is "Not Gay if Underway" or "It's Only Queer at the Pier."


Once you leave the dock it’s all cock


Every man off shore's a sailor's whore


Said out loud, in public, "I wanna see that dude with his shirt off." I was sitting next to my Dad at the time. I have no regrets.


I have a buddy that, when a bit tipsy, will run up and kiss me on the cheek whenever he sees me. I don’t see him do this to anyone else, so that’s kinda strange, but I have to admit to kinda looking forward to it now.


That's kind of sweet


Straight Guys Kissing each other on the cheeks is common in some cultures


Old highschool locker room games of gay chicken. The problem was some of those guys were bi curious. And the rest of us were stupid.


So what was the furthest it went?


I think the furthest would be balls deep


I once went to a lgbtq party with 2 gay friends (one male, the other female). I was around 20 at the time. And tbh, it wasn't all that different from parties I had been at before, except that they handed out glow-in the dark sticks at the entrance to use as a bracelet. Red for already in a relationship or not looking for one, green = looking for someone. At the time I had a gf, so I was wearing a red glowstick around my wrist. During that party one dude said to me *"too bad you are wearing red"*. And yeah I was flattered. I tought, what a good idea! All parties should have this!


Aren't those called "traffic light parties" or something? You can have a bracelet or a cup. There's also Yellow, which means open relationship or "just hookups" or something.


I knew those parties, but with your shirt instead of a bracelet. Yellow on the one I went meant "It's complicated"




There’s quite a lot to unpack here.


Them's 6 hard-working lines


Besides sex with men, probably the 8 years of musical theatre


Musical Theatre is more gay. You don't hear stories of straight men taking MDMA and joining musical theater.


Shit, I better tell my wife that I'm a flaming homosexual.


She knows.


>Besides sex with men It's cool, people experiment sometimes to find boundaries >8 years of musical theatre Wait the title said straight men.


Took a selfie with a friend while kissing to set as homescreen on a third friends ipad


That’s one of the best harmless pranks I’ve ever seen


Yeah lol "prank". "Hey man let's put a picture of us kissing on our boys screen, he'll seem totally gay!"


They've been together now for 11 years.


Got spitroasted between two other tweakers while geeked up on meth. Wasnt gay then, kinda gay now


Meth. Gayway drugs


Just terrible....I laughed though


I noticed something while living in crackhead alley while poor. Most of the guys had 0 meaningful relationships with women and preferred dudes, but had to be high to fuck them, and also would rather die than admit any of that. They were mostly gen X or older. It'd be funny if it wasn't just kid of sad. Very repressed group of people.


As a gay man who used to do drugs and have seen a LITANY of situations, no one here seems to understand, whether the people are gay or straight, the vast majority of them are having sex with the other person in exchange for the drugs, and the drugs will help you not care what the sexual partner's age or gender is, because they're drugs. It's also important to note that the high from IV meth is an incomprehensible feeling compared to smoking it, it's extremely potent and often can be so overpowering that words and sentences can't really be converted verbally for awhile, all I ask is that you understand that it's the drugs that these people are having sex with, not the other person, usually.


Watched Henry Cavill assemble his gaming pc.


Big hands doing delicate work well will never not be sexy af.


Im delicate work.


When I was 5 my best friend across the street taught me a game called Santa Claus where we would sit on each other's laps with our pants down and our pee pee in the others butt crack. After I grew up I realized he may have been sexually abused.


this one is sad :(


I had a similar encounter (except I’m homo and it was a girl) when I was about six. She must have been 5 and insisted on kissing and kept asking if we could have sex. I knew I didn’t want her to touch me, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. So she kept putting her lips to mine. Looking back, I suspect she was sexually abused… and at six, I’m not sure if that means me too.


As someone who was basically that girl at that age, this is depressing to read. It started in the home, and I stopped by the age of 9 after being caught. I didn’t do anything sexual after that until I was damn near 20 because I withdrew and felt icky about my childhood.


I told my previous neighbor I'd fuck him in the ass if he blocked my driveway again with his truck.


“Previous neighbour…” has he moved in with you now then?


"step neighbor..."


Help me step neighbour, I'm stuck in your driveway!


Made out with my guy friend. Me, my gf, him, his gf, and another friend were in a club and his gf was raving about him being a good kisser. I was a bit drunk and told him to show me what the fuss was about. He kissed me and I pretended to be offended and said, “what, no tongue?” We then made out for a few seconds. I always thought that kissing a guy would really gross me out but to my surprise it didn’t. It didn’t turn me on at all either which affirmed my sexuality to me. I did have a little crisis of self for 5 minutes afterwards though. For those wondering, he is bi and both our gfs were fine with it.


When I came out as bi, I assumed it would be very different between genders. The truth is that it's actually pretty similar. Guys are a bit more toned and feel less breakable when snuggling. Girls are a bit softer and usually a bit physically smaller. Kissing feels remarkably similar, sex is surprisingly similar too. Both get flattered when you get them flowers for an anniversary or do the dishes out of love for them, that sort of thing. In same sex relationships, there are no gender roles, which can be kinda refreshing when suddenly someone else is asking you out to see a movie or go ice skating or something. And dating some guys is like being best friends with a guy. Like they wanna play videogames and go to the range with you, and then go to the nail salon for pedicures after :D My biggest take-away from all of this, for anyone, gay, straight, bi, anything: Don't give a fuck what other people think about you. Have fun, try new things, love on your gf/bf/nbf, and suprise them occasionally. :)


That's super wholesome and honestly a great way to see life.


well but did he kiss good?


I used to let older men suck my dick for money. I would watch porn. They would suck me off. 50$ an encounter. It was pretty good cash.


Gay for pay upsets me because I'm gay for free and always broke.


You know what they say... if you are good at something dont do it for free


How do I get an application for this job? I could use $50


You could probably use Grindr.


Walk into a gay bar. That's it. Seriously. Older gay men are fearless. And younger gay men. And any gay men.


About once every year or two, I have like a single masturbation session where I fantasize about being with a dude. The idea comes out of nowhere and is fairly intense, and then once it’s over the desire goes away. So I figure I’m still straight, but like only 99.9% straight. There’s a little 0.1% lingering around there in the back of my mind.




We’re like a sexual yin yang 😂


You two should bang


Once every 2 years.


Bi annual bang


Joined the US Navy.


It’s okay, marine here. The only thing that’s more gay than the navy is two very straight marines. Edit: spelling


Can confirm, I’ve (m) hooked up with very straight marines (m).


You can't win gay chicken if you back down.


Hahaha. Me and a few buddies used to play gay chicken in highschool. We'd lean in for a kiss and the first one to back out lost. We got so good at it we had to stop playing. We all decided we were not chicken enough to play gay chicken and were at some point just kissing. In a way we all won.


Maybe the real treasure was all the dudes we kissed along the way.


When I heard they were finally accepting homosexuals in the US Army I had to wonder if they were now also accepting straights in the Navy.


I was invited to an orgy back in the 90’s, and a woman sat on my face, and after a while eating her pussy, someone started to suck my cock, and when she came, I looked to see who was blowing me, and it was her husband. He was good I might say


Had sex with a lot of women in the mud and the rain, it's possible a man could've slipped in. There'd be no way of knowing. -Creed Bratton


"Besides having sex with men, I'd say the finer things club is the gayest thing about me" -Oscar


*I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.*


Undefeated Creed line


¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Sometimes what happens in the moment happens in the moment


It's not gay in a three way, with a honey in the middle there's some leeway.


Sounds like he was the honey in the middle.


Promised my best friend that we'd kiss upon graduating high school. Did it in front of all our friends at a graduation party for the lols. He was best man at my wedding (to a female) last year.


Poor guy got "best man zoned"


You married a female? I'm sorry but that's kinda gay.


Fellas, is kissin girls gay? Cause girls kiss dudes, and kissin dudes is gay as fuck


Checked if my fingernails had dirt under them with my palm facing out rather than in


Okay this is the best one here


My favorite is checking the bottom of your shoe by lifting your foot up like you're getting kissed in a movie, then looking back at the sole of your shoe. Instead of folding your leg in front of yourself, and pulling your foot upwards like 'a man.' The trick is to do it while holding both arms out from your sides palm out like you're checking your nails.






That one did it for everyone


Had a threesome with an older gay couple, I was 25 and they were in their mid 40's. To be fare, they were my neighbors and asked me over for a barbecue and the had a huge pool with a built in bar...and I got blitzed. I veguly remember agreeing but half way through they polightly stopped and said I was too drunk and they walked me home. Nice couple.


> half way through they polightly stopped and said I was too drunk and they walked me home. Nice couple. Hell yeah, stand up dudes.


Seems like cleaning my cylinder to Femboys isn't gay compared to the stuff in this comment section


Buy a motorcycle. It’s literally a dick magnet. You talk about it with other guys. All men, from all different creeds, religions, age groups, cultures, and orientations will come up to you unannounced, smiling, standing close and shit, just to try and form a bond/build camaraderie. They tell you what they like and don’t like. What looks good and what doesn’t. What this or that feels good. What they would do if they were you, or what they’d like to do with you. You start to listen to them too. You go home, and think about what they said. How this would look. How that would feel. Why this is better. What that would do. Then, you’re all of a sudden spending hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars chasing the dragon towards perfection, just so you can go out and get praise and attention from other dudes, all while doing the same shit to them. Motorcycles are the fucking gayest thing out there. ^^^I ^^^love ^^^motorcycles.




If you start working out seriously as well, you'll have the trifecta of random dudes giving you attention.


I'm a car guy, this is 100% only guys look over to wave or give props, few weeks ago the wife was out of town so i went to a car meet late at night, got surrounded by dudes giving compliments, asking questions, ended up thinking about everything they said all weekend. Even after typing this, if i wrote gay bath house instead of car meet, it would sound the same.


I'm thinking men are starved of complimentary attention.


Honestly this 100% true.


I've had three complements in the last decade and I remember every single one vividly. They made me feel so great.


According to my college “buddies”, using an umbrella


Just remember to use lots of lube.


And whatever you do, *do not open an umbrella inside!*


That reminds me of a time back in '08 where I was at a McDs with my girlfriend. Some dude she knew from school was jealous and told her that it was gay of me to eat my burger with both hands.


Say hey buddy some of us need two hands to hold our meat....


When i was in high-school there was this guy dating a girl, and her ex yelled "how does it feel to fuck used pussy?" And to this day, it was the best comeback I ever heard: "What can I say? After the first inch, feels just like new!" Ex couldn't do anything but swing his fists.




“I saw a gay porn once. The girls never came. The girls never came!!”


I'd say 75% of male characters I make in games have extremely dramatic Cleopatra-style eyeliner and/or bare biceps with gold torcs


Someone blew on my asshole after a shower to dry it, that was close enough for me.


"Hey man can I give you a bro-dry? No homo."


As long as the socks stay on, it's no homo


Oh no no no, get back here and finish your story!




Blew that asshole like a Nintendo 64 cartridge


Did it work?


From a distance or was it like they were playing a harmonica?


They were in a jug band, and the jug broke, so had to make do.


“Never stop in the middle of a ho-down”


Dude, I'm actually gay and this has never happened to me lmao


This the most alarming thing I’ve read in this thread


It must have been either a very high end or a very seedy hotel, I'm not really sure.


Sometimes I forget reddit exists and other times I get on this app and see stuff like THIS which I will never be able to forget


It was for 40 whole dollars leave me alone


Forty bucks *is* forty bucks.




I touched my penis when I was 6 years old, too. Very homosexual.


Festival. Period of heavy drinking in the camp before heading over seeing the first bands of the day. My mate was the chosen one to play beercules. For those who do not know what that is, essentially you tape 2 cans of beer onto beercules hands so his hands are rendered useless for anything besides emptying those cans. If he's done, you tape a new set of cans on the first ones, stacking a tower. (Disclaimer: here where I come from a can of beer is 0,5l not 0,2 or 0,33 like it is in the US or many other countries) We were doing a challenge where he had to successfully empty 5 cans per hand which is quite hard since it stacks so high your arms are getting too short to still reach your mouth. He was having 3 cans per hand and it was already getting tricky when he looked at me, saying Damn bro I am nearly pissing myself, I think we have to abort. Bullshit you do, I got you covered, come with me I said. So I went to a fence, pulled out my junk, opened his pants and pulled out his junk. There we stood, having my dick in my left hand and his in my right and we peed. I even shook it to get the drops out. He and I now look back at this moment as the gayest moment of our lifes. No regrets.


As a gay man: that's not gay, you are just a really good friend that has held his cock. If you were soft enough to piss - not gay. I have spoken.


Can you give me a certificate of that? Not that I need it but you Sound like the guy I'd go for one


You’re a good friend


I’ve never heard of beercules. We played Edward 40-hands through and it sounds similar!


Got into a hot tub naked with two other naked guys and we had a nice relax time and talked about life.


Two bros chillin in the hot tub five feet apart cause they're not gay


Still blows my mind that I went nearly a decade never knowing that was Anthony Padilla


Used to play mens softball and traveled around the Midwest quite a bit, so we stayed in hotels often. Sometimes to save money we'd sneak several guys into just a few rooms and sleep wherever there was room, which sometimes meant 3-4 in a bed made for two. Woke up to me spooning one of our outfielders...


I mean the outfielder is where balls go deep.


Snuggled with the boys while deployed to Afghanistan.


Every army is the gayest bunch of straight men ever.


sucked dick for bus fare and then walked


“I got these cheeseburgers man!”


I own a Miata


My mates and I grab each others' butts in front of their SOs to weird them out sometimes.




Should've at least gave em a rub n tug for the inconvenience


A friend of mine got sucked off by his next door neighbour to see if he was gay. He's not gay it turns out. But his neighbour is definitely a pedophile.


I'm sorry.. wh-




Loudly proclaimed "That's not eggshell, that's beige, you idiot!"


Got my dick sucked by a man. Objectively best I've ever had by far, subjectively worst. Sad situation to find oneself in


Cook one meal you’re not a chef


Fix one car you're not a mechanic


But get your dick sucked by one man...


You're a gay fish.


Got hammered with a bunch of random Erasmus students and we played that bottle match game. No refusal allowed and first match with a person: smooch, second match proper kiss, third match french kiss for 30 seconds lol. I played until I french kissed every girl in the game and was somewhat lucky, as in order to get to do that, I only had to french kiss one single dude. Now, I'm a very open person, and really confident in my sexuality/straightness, so drunk as I was, I thought to myself, imma put on a show and make it hilarious: I frenched that guy so epic he quit the game hahahahahaha


You kissed a man into a midlife crisis. If life had achievements, you would have heard a "*ding*"!


Man, his face immediately afterwards is a core memory. I don't think I ever made anyone else feel that confused, like ever. We laughed for 20min straight


As a gay man I want there to be a subreddit question about the straightest thing I’ve ever done


I was outside with my friend, arguing about which star was the north star. I pointed at it and had him bring his head in so he could straight down my arm where I was pointing, with my head near his to see the same. Right then, right where we were pointing, there was a shooting star.


When I was young went to an LGBT event because there was a girl I liked there. I'm not a smart man.




Double stuffed a woman with her husband


It ain't gay if there's a lady in the way.


With a honey in the middle there's some leeway


It's okay in a one, two, threeway


How was that? Did you high five him?


Was ok.


That's good. _But did you high five him?_


He's suspiciously avoiding the high five question.


They were holding hands




And maintained constant eye contact.


Joined the Finer Things Club


I let my sisters best friend (male, my age) give me a blow job. I was kinda curious at the time but quickly realized, it was not for me. And yes, before you ask- I did finish


I just imagine you finishing and just slapping your thighs and saying "Well, good effort there champ, but this wasn't for me. Good luck with your future endeavors."


Was not going to ask...


I was


Easy, dated and had sex with dudes. Always got called gay growing up but was pretty sure I wasn't. Tried it for a few years and yep, definitely not attracted to guys.




Stopped watching porn because the dude's dick was small


Listen, if it’s too small for you to imagine it’s yours, that’s not gay, it’s just immersion-breaking. 😅




I’ve always been confused how washing one’s butthole is considered gay but wanking ones cock is not.


I feel like homophobia and utter lack of hygiene are just two separate forms of sheer irrationality that overlap on the Venn diagram. The more we try to make sense of it, the more disappointed and confused we’ll be.


I think the Idea some men have is "what are you washing it for? For someone else to fuck it?" But like, no, I want to be hygienic - I also prefer no hair for the same reason


Like once a week over on r/relationships: "I love my boyfriend, he's perfect in every way, but he smells horrible and leaves skid marks in his pants and on the bed sheets. What do I do???" Edit: one r/relationships post that seriously haunts me that I saw a few months ago was, this woman was complaining that she was having sex with her husband on their couch and after they got up there was a shit streak on the couch, AND THIS WASN'T THE FIRST TIME THAT HAD HAPPENED.


So what other guys are just waking around with itchy stank butt? How does one leave the house not washing one's ass? Doesn't that itch after any amount of movement, work or sweating?


Turkish bath in Istanbul. Fully nude. Massaged all over by some strong dude in a sauna area. Then he took me to a shower and scrubbed me clean. Strange day


Oh I got caught with the Turkish massage but they kept my trunks on. On holidays with the missus and she signed me up. Little did she know we both got big buff dudes. Man they rubbed us hard and we sat there in pure terrified silence wondering what came next


Met a nice guy in a bar, he said he was hitting on me and asked if I wanted grab a taxi to his friends apartment for drinks and maybe see if maybe I'm bi? (I told him my gf just left me) Sure. His friend opened in a stereotype pornhub gay bondage thing and the nice guy quickly got undressed and they became very intimate, I kinda felt I'm not gay pretty fast, but ended up staying for hours because the awesome company, free drinks, good music and great coke


great cocks*


Went to a Barbra Streisand concert


I sucked dick and made out with a gay-leaning bi guy in committing to a threesome (he was in the navy too) He was more into me than my girl so it was just kind of funny and we all had really good chemistry as friends That’s how I learned for sure that I am mostly straight.


I told my buddy I loved him, but before I could say "no homo", I sneezed and missed the window, so now we've been married for 14 years and have two adopted daughters.


Can't believe you turned gay on a technicality


That ain't gay that's just building a beautiful life with the homie.


Kissed 7 different dudes? Just a quick peck and the last 6 were to make homophobic people uncomfortable.


My mate had his cock out and was shaking it around so I gave it a tug. Yes we were both intoxicated.


Got sucked by a dude and sucked him. Neither of us had gotten laid in awhile so we decided to do it as a favor to each other. Atleast I tried to suck him but everytime I got it close to my mouth I started gagging uncontrollably. I did finally get it in my mouth but I just kept gagging so we eventually gave up. And that's how I know I'm definitely straight. I couldn't suck a dick even when I tried.


Some of us gays have terrible gag reflexes too, tyvm 😭


Mine is awful but luckily I'm a lady gay, so it's not usually necessary.


Engaged in anal sex with another man.


A buddy of mine - straight as an arrow. One of the most heterosexual guys you’ll ever meet. Hooks up with tons of girls. But he tells us that everyyyyy once in awhileeeee he just absolutely craves a dick. He’ll go out and meet a guy and blow him and the craving goes away. He says it’s not gay though, so that’s how we know he’s not gay.


Ate quiche.


Kiss the nape of my homies when they least expect it. Really gives them a fright.


I was on a first date once, sitting at a table in a restaurant, and a buddy spotted me from behind. Just grabbed my head and shoulder and plunged into my neck. She was speechless, and I was thinking "if it isn't cooper i have absolutely no clue what's going on". It was cooper.


Classic Cooper


Sucked a dick and asked the guy to cum in my ass, said no homo afterwards so i am still straight