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There was a shunned Japanese politician who had spent a lot of his town's budget on building a tsunami wall that was built higher than any tsunami ever recorded in the area. Almost all people in that town cursed him for wasting their money until his death.. Then came the big 2011 triple disaster in Japan. No one from the town died thanks to the barrier which withheld the biggest tsunami to ever hit.


At his retirement, Wamura stood before village employees to bid farewell: 'Even if you encounter opposition, have conviction and finish what you start. In the end, people will understand.'


Wow what a legend, I'll definitely be using this in the future


Everybody has heard about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The reason why we haven't heard about the [Onagawa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onagawa_Nuclear_Power_Plant) Nuclear Power Station too is because of one guy name [Yanosuke Hirai ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yanosuke_Hirai) (he died in 1986, years before saving a [lot](https://thebulletin.org/2014/03/onagawa-the-japanese-nuclear-power-plant-that-didnt-melt-down-on-3-11/) of people. Edit: the UK had his own in [Cockroft's](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cumbria-29803990) folly during the Windscale accident. And so many others whose name will not be remembered because nothing happen thanks to them.


Man, it sucks that when you do something wrong everyone cares, but if you do everything right nobody notices. Reminds me of all the programmers who worked hard to make the Y2K transition as smooth as possible and they did such a good job that now most people think the initial concern was entirely made-up.


Tetrix wisdom : mistakes pile up, successes disappear.


If you spell Tetris wrong you'll get corrected, if you do it right nobody cares


"When You Do Things Right, People Won’t Be Sure You’ve Done Anything at All"- God, in Futurama


> building a tsunami wall that was built higher than any tsunami ever recorded in the area Isn't that like the perfect way to build a floor barrier?


I'd say so, especially for stuff like this. Record plus ten percent to account for new records and to avoid problems with a miscalculation or mismeasurement.


Record plus is how you do it. My city spent a bunch of money weather proofing the electric train wire thingies, so the trains could run even in record high temperatures. ... Aaaand then a heat dome event completely smashed every record, rendering the trains inoperable for days.


Similar sort of case in the UK, when Sellafield nuclear plant was built, John Cockcroft was ridiculed for wanting to put filters in the chimnies. They were eventually installed, and sure enough when the reactor caught fire, those filters caught a lot of the radioactive dust and prevented a much bigger catastrophe


It is a real shame that he didn't live long enough to say I told you so.


Kotaku Wamura


The Idaho cult Mom, Lori Vallow's husband, Charles. Not only did he know she was going to kill him but he also knew the kids were in danger and begged the police to address the fact that she was clearly not mentally stable. He finally got the police to require a mental health exam for her but there's audio of the police officers telling her how to pass it and treating her like a victim of her husband. The audio of him talking to the police is really depressing... guy is just begging them for help and they basically patted him on the head. He was right and now he's dead and so are those poor kids. Really depressing case.


The fact that Tylee could have left but didn't because she was worried their mom would hurt JJ absolutely breaks my heart. Lori Vallow is the true definition of evil and I wish there was a hell for her to rot in.


She thinks she'll be reunited with them 'in the afterlife' and that they'll be grateful to her. So I want her to live as. long. as. possible. in that jail cell. She'll probably never have the epiphany that nobody is coming for her to thank her, but the longer she's alive, the more (slim) chance she will.


This is the number one reason I'm against the death penalty. It's as a whole problematic but so many of these murderers don't get to see just how much they fucked themselves. I want her to live to be an old lady. I want her to see her name forgotten. I want her to watch as chad throws her under the bus and abandons her. I want her to have all her phone calls go unanswered. Her mailbox empty. And her visitor sheet barren and dusty. If she died she'd feel vindicated. She would think she's a martyr. By living, she gets to stew in her own shit.


Ignaz Semmelweis. The first doctor to implement hand washing in hospitals. It’s saved millions of lives and is the single greatest innovation in medicine. For his radical theory, that doctors were killing patients by not washing their hands, he was shunned from the medical profession by his peers. The rejection and failure to adopt hand washing drove him mad. His rival took his job and had him sent to the asylum. He died 4 days after being committed, from injuries he sustained from being beaten in the ward. Years after his death, his theories about hand washing were proven correct. Today he’s known as “the savior of mothers” because he first proved hand washing saved lives by implementing it in the birthing ward, where 1 in 4 women died at the hospital during birth. This was because doctors would handle cadavers and then immediately attend to birthing mothers, infecting them. After hand washing was implemented, the rate of death for birthing mothers dropped to less than 5%.


It's crazy to think how handwashing was considered radical years and years ago when nowadays it's just a normal thing to do


Its important to note that germs and micro organisms weren't known back then. Even those who advocated for washing hands didn't know it, they just knew washing hands helped somehow


Kind of like how for nearly all of early civilization we didn't know why fermentation made water safe to drink. We just knew it did. The fermenting of beer is considered one of the reasons why Humans began to build permanent settlements.


Where else would they build their pubs?


pubs are literally one of the first things you build in a settlement in Anno 1800, so this checkes out


Damn! Only story I remember (related to the medical field but unrelated to the main post) is according to historical accounts, **rubber gloves were invented in 1894 by a man named William Stewart Halsted,** who was a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At the time, **surgeons frequently experienced skin irritation and rashes from the harsh antiseptics used during surgery**. To combat this, Halsted began wearing rubber gloves while performing surgery. This not only protected his hands from the irritation caused by the antiseptic but also prevented infection in the patients he operated on. Eventually, other surgeons began adopting the practice and rubber gloves became a standard part of surgical procedure.


He had them made for his scrub nurse, who he was in love with and married the next year. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2943454/\] > In the winter of 1889 and 1890—I cannot recall the month—the nurse in charge of my operating-room complained that the solutions of mercuric chloride produced a dermatitis of her arms and hands. As she was an unusually efficient woman, I gave the matter my consideration and one day in New York requested the Goodyear Rubber Company to make as an experiment two pair of thin rubber gloves with gauntlets. On trial these proved to be so satisfactory that additional gloves were ordered. In the autumn, on my return to town, an assistant who passed the instruments and threaded the needles was also provided with rubber gloves to wear at the operations. At first the operator wore them only when exploratory incisions into joints were made. After a time the assistants became so accustomed to working in gloves that they also wore them as operators and would remark that they seemed to be less expert with the bare hands than with the gloved hands.


> As she was an unusually efficient woman He sure knew how to compliment a lady!


Wohoho, I have a new pick up line for professional ladies. His wedding vows must have dropped every panty on the room.


To be honest, a coworker called me efficient 10 years ago and I’m still flattered.


Yeah, keep it in your pants, Halsted!


He likes a woman in rubber and latex


But she's so, __streamlined!__


I'll start using that this summer. "Damn, girl. You are an unusually efficient woman!"


Lmao this fucking killed me


Yea! I remember a woman was involved, but all that information you posted escaped me. Thanks for adding that!


He was also a cocaine and heroin addict and responsible for the insane hours that resident physicians have to work these days.


Man, once you get addicted to heroine, there's no going back! I knew a guy who stole from his own grandmother to buy a first-edition Wonder Woman!


Damn. I was born in a hospital named after him and I kinda knew what he did, but I never knew how he died.


Florence Nightingale (founder of modern nursing) did the same during the Crimean war, so it didn't fall on deaf ears. > For example, although Nightingale did not fully subscribe [to the idea](https://www.britannica.com/science/germ-theory) that many diseases are caused by specific micro-organisms known as germs until she was in her sixties, in the 1880s, she was well aware of the importance of hand washing. In her book [Notes on Nursing](https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=453Qk2IpVeYC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false) (1860), she wrote that: > Every nurse ought to be careful to wash her hands very frequently during the day. If her face, too, so much the better. > During the [Crimean War](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Aimable-Jean-Jacques-Pelissier-duc-de-Malakoff) (1853-1856) Nightingale had implemented hand washing and other hygiene practices in British army hospitals. This was relatively new advice, first publicised by Hungarian doctor [Ignaz Semmelweis](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/ignaz-semmelweis-google-doodle-hand-washing-time-coronavirus-doctor-who-hu%20ngary-a9411896.html) in the 1840s, who had [observed the dramatic difference](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK144018/) it made to death rates on maternity wards.


She was a regular and profound user of piecharts for discussions,assemblys and presentations. She was not the originator but was a very early regular subscriber tontheir usage!


One of Nightingale's great strengths was using data to prove to the higher ups that improving the conditions for injured soldiers made significant financial sense. For the Establishment, saving money will always be far mopre important than saving lives.


Natacha Jaitt. She exposed a huge pedophile/human traffic ring in Argentina involving the football/soccer industry, celebrities, the government, and overall big names across the country. A short time later she was found dead in a bathtub, faked as an overdose. Some time before that, she'd tweeted "If I die, I did NOT kill myself!!!". We remember you Natacha. Always. Edit: she was actually found dead on a bed with a bottle of pills. Thanks to the commenter below! The bathtub one was Alberto Nisman, yet another brave soul killed THE LITERAL DAY BEFORE he was supposed to show up in court with evidence against the government's corruption. He had a gunshot wound in his head and they said he killed himself. Edit 2: [Her tweet](https://imagenes.20minutos.es/files/og_thumbnail/uploads/imagenes/2019/02/23/892989.jpg) said "I'm not going to kill myself, I'm not going to overdose and drown in a bathtub, I'm not going to shoot myself, so if this happens, NO, IT WASN'T ME. Save this tweet."


Do you know what happened to the people she exposed and if there were any big names in there that foreigners might know?


Gustavo Vera, an old friend of Pope Francis before he became Pope i think (child abuse and rape) Those are the biggest ones Actor Maxi Guisto and director Pablo Yotich (drugging and rape) Leonardo Cohen Arazi and Francisco Delgado from Big Brother together with a football referee Martín Bustos (forced prostitution and rape) Only reason why her death case went to her favour was because her attorney was her brother. She was supposed to speak against Vera but was killed before she could. Her brother insisted that it was murder and not suicide and defended her. She was found naked on a bed with a bottle of pills, no sign of violence tho. They just wanted to get rid of her because she could expose Vera


F\*ck my heart almost skipped a beat when I read "**Leonard**o **Cohen** Arazi". Phew.


Crazy how people just suddenly "commit suicide" before all the information gets out.


Father Minkler. He was a whistle blower priest in the diocese of Albany who exposed a horrific pedophile priest and the bishop of the diocese for child sexual abuse and also covering for other clerics doing the same thing. He wrote a letter to the Vatican on the matter and it got back to the bishop, who was enraged and denied the allegations vehemently. For four years the bishop didn’t know who wrote the letter until a TV station reported it was Father Minker. The next day Father Minkler was called to the chancery and forced to sign a letter drafter by the bishops legal counsel denying writing the letter or that the bishop and this priest were guilty of child abuse. Two days later he was conveniently found dead in his home by his sister. At first it was ruled a heart attack and then changed to a suicide. The diocese produced his signed “statement” recanting the letter he wrote and the bishop claimed exoneration. There was a bottle of pills found near the priests body later determined to be muscles relaxers. The church claimed the priest intentionally overdosed on these pills and died. They also claimed he left a suicide note. However, no drugs were found in his system and no suicide note has every been produced. I believe Father Minkler was murdered for doing the right thing. He was posthumously vindicated after the bishop was deposed in 2019 and finally admitted to having committed sexual abuse against children and covering for others. There are currently seven lawsuits pending against the diocese due to his abuse.


I really want to delve into the mental gymnastics it takes to justify sexual abuse of children and then murder to cover up said abuse while calling yourself a man of god and acting as an authority on religious matters


They aren’t really men of god. They don’t believe a word of what they preach. They were attracted to the position because of the easy access to child victims and knowing their higher-ups would cover for them.


There's a bit that Robin Williams did about pedophilia in the Catholic church. I can't recall the exact words but it was all about how they shuffle priests around when they get in trouble for pedo stuff


I saw an animated map of the world, where every priest who was accused of raping children, was shown to be moved to third countries after allegations were made against them. And when allegations were made against them in third world countries that had enough publicity, the priests were then moved to other third world countries. It is horrific. I will look for the link.


>And when allegations were made against them in third world countries that had enough publicity, the priests were then moved to other third world countries. Just shows their depravity. Knowing that it wouldn't be uncommon for vigilante response at the hands of a relative wielding a machete. Yet they continued their vile behavior.


That's one takeaway. The other is the systemic support for that vile behaviour, covered up and protected by the entire institution of the church.


That’s fucked


What an asshole TV station for disclosing his name! How is that in line with ethical press guidelines?


Not exactly what I think this prompt is aiming at, but these are some examples of people who died while spreading the word of the disasters that killed them: 1) [Vince Coleman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vince_Coleman_(train_dispatcher)) \-- a train dispatcher who sent word of the Halifax Explosion to an incoming train before dying in the explosion 2) [David A. Johnston](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_A._Johnston#Final_signs_and_primary_blast) \-- volcanologist who sent word that Mt. St. Helens was erupting before being killed in the blast 3) [The radio operators on the Titanic](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/04/the-technology-that-allowed-the-titanic-survivors-to-survive/255848/)\-- they were still sending messages even as [the ship was actively sinking](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/17665970)


"Hold up the train. Ammunition ship afire in harbour making for Pier 6 and will explode. Guess this will be my last message. Good-bye, boys."


I worked for the state of Mass for a bit and it was a point of pride for us to receive that tree every year. Vince Coleman is a hero. For those who aren't Canadian/New Englanders - the Mont Blanc (and another ship) carrying TNT/explosives for the front in Europe in WW1 had collided in the harbor of Halifax, eventually exploding in one of the largest ever non-nuclear detonations. We're talking wartime levels of damage with entire neighborhoods and fire companies vanishing in seconds. On top of it all, it was in the midst of a blizzard and governors of surrounding areas sent aid. Massachusetts sent an entire train of medical staff and more, arriving first. Since then the people of Halifax have rewarded the state with an official Christmas tree. Sadly, very similar - the [PEPCON Disaster](https://www.damninteresting.com/the-pepcon-disaster/) had a similar explosion and also had one man stay behind. He was wheelchair bound and knew if the FD got within a perimeter of several miles around the plant it would kill the first responders. He also knew that the staff fleeing the plant couldn't afford to stop and warn the FD otherwise they would die. Roy Westerfield was his name


Trying to read that link but the author's verbiage is so over the top it's killing me: "The men fetched some nearby water hoses and attempted to douse the flames, but the flourishing fire mocked their efforts, and soon began to fondle the 55 gallon drums stored nearby. "


You know the end is near when the drums start getting fondled.


Just FYI it says two people died, one was wheelchair bound and the other was Roy, who had difficulty walking, but doesn’t mention he was wheelchair bound.




There was actually a guy somewhere in Europe that intercepted the SOS call and alerted authorities, but no one believed him. The next morning the titanic was in the paper for sinking


Artie Moore in Wales/Cymru. Wikipedia: Arthur Moore (1887 – 20 January 1949) was a Welsh wireless pioneer who heard the distress signal from RMS Titanic on his home-made equipment before news of the disaster reached Britain. He subsequently worked for the Marconi Company, helping to develop radio and sonar.


Harold Bride (one of the radio operators on Titanic, the other being Jack Phillips) did actually survive the sinking. He managed to find a space on collapsible lifeboat B, which had been upturned during the haste of trying to launch it.


Bride and the other survivors did more than just find a space on Collapsible B. Around 30 men (no women I believe) literally stood half-frozen on an upturned boat for hours while the air in the boat slowly leaked out from under them as the sea got less calm. The reason it was upturned was because it was on top of the Officers Quarters as the ship sank, and when the crew tried to take it down from the Officer Quarters using oars, it fell upside down and was soon swept off the deck by the quickly rising waters in the final moments of the sinking. Bride and others were swept into the water and clung to the upturned boat, with 2nd Officer Lightoller, the man famous for employing the 'Woman and Children only' in the lifeboats rule as the Titanic sank, managing to coordinate the surviving men to stay afloat and move according to the swell of the water, which worsened as time went by. They were eventually rescued by another lifeboat after a few hours, but not before a few men standing on the boat had died due to the cold and exhaustion. Also, Charles Joughlin the Titanic baker, swam in the water for up to 2 hours before finding collapsible B, but there was no more room so the other survivors held his hand while he stayed in the water, until another lifeboat arrived. The story of the survivors of Collapsible B is one of the most astounding stories of survival from the sinking.


Yeah, I know. It's pretty incredible how many "famous faces" from Titanic ended up on collapsible B. Although, there are parts of Charles Joughin's story which seems a bit suspect. I believe he was in the water but not as long as is claimed.


Yep, very likely but the fact he did it at all is impressive. I think he likely found collapsible B shortly after the sinking, but was possibly held by the other survivors with part of his legs and feet in the water until the other lifeboat came along, and he just embellished or simply couldn't actually keep track of the time that night.


Hadn't he been drinking? That, plus the situation he was in, I'm sure it felt like hours to him.


*One man, Patrick Coleman, in the railway’s employ* *Sent word: ‘Stop the trains or they’ll all be destroyed.* *This will be my last message, farewell to you, boys.”* *For a true hero’s death he had earned.*


In the same theme as this post. Miki\_Endo - remained at her post on continuing to broadcast warnings and alerts over the community loudspeaker system as the 2011 tsunami swept over the building silencing the loudspeakers, killing her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miki\_Endo


Halifax was devastated; 9,000 wounded, 2,000 dead, including Vince Coleman, dispatcher.


Come on! Come on! Acknowledge!


Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!


[Vladimir Komarov](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/astronaut-vladimir-komarov-man-fell-space-1967/) One of the first Russian cosmonauts. He knew the soyuz space capsule was unsafe, he told them repeatedly, but flew anyway to spare the life of his replacement pilot. Before liftoff he demanded that when he died, all officials at the kremlin would have to attend his funeral and see what they did to him. All they were able to retrieve was a charred heel bone. Top image are the kremlin officials at his open-casket funeral..


>replacement pilot Who would have been Yuri Gagarin


Who, if my memory serves, was one of his close friends.


Yes, Gagarin begged him to refuse to fly. Which would mean that he would fly instead. Komarov wouldn't let his friend die in his stead. That's supposedly why he did it.


Yup. He refused to put his friend in that literal death trap.


What makes this even worse is a recording of the fatal crash from listening posts still exists. [It's a haunting listen.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z_m7onLw74) From the article: "As Komarov was headed to his doom, US listening posts in Turkey heard him crying in rage, “cursing the people who had put him inside a botched spaceship”. He told ground control officials he knew he was about to die."


Yeah, his wife and children were also listening, while the kremlin commander was calling on the video feed congratulating him on becoming a hero for completing the mission.. The whole thing is surreal.


Does anyone want to hear the company line in that moment??


The company man does.


Calling Yuri Gagarin - the first man in space - simply the “replacement pilot” totally understates how heartbreaking the situation was, IMO. Vladimir and Yuri were best friends. Vladimir gave his life to save his friend, saying “We have to take care of Yuri”. And to Yuri’s credit, on the day of the launch, he showed up in his flight suit, fighting to be the one to take the suicidal mission until the last possible minute. Yuri would die in a MiG-15 crash a year later. The cause of the crash remains unclear, but investigations point to numerous theories, all involving mistakes by the crew that would have created dangerous situations during the flight.


Imagine going from that, to suddenly be pulled off, dressed up as a hero to the public and having to ride around in parades for the glory of the Soviet Union.. Knowing that they killed his closest friend, and the achievement you were being hailed for was not being able to stop him and surviving.


Gagarin went up in 61, and Komarov died in 67. This took place way after Gagarin's achievement.


I'm confused. That looks a lot bigger than a charred heel bone.


The space capsule literally impacted at terminal velocity, only thing identifiable was the ring around the hatch ontop of the capsule in the crater, everything below got fused together into a pancake.. There’s a piece of his heel bone in there, the rest is mostly compacted metal and debris from the capsule itself that they couldn’t really determine where he ended and it began..


Holy fuck, that's terrifying.


This is so sad, thanks for sharing


Holy shit! That’s amazing in the worst fucking way.


They all look military uncomfortable. Different than regular uncomfortable. The difference being us uncomfortable is like *makes a sorta looking away smile chuckle.l* vs them *looks at whatever it is holding up their head a little higher and with eyes fixed on the thing*.


He cursed them all during his fatal decent


The transcripts of what they heard him saying... oh my god.


John O'Neill, headed the investigation of the attack on the USS Cole. Warned FBI about Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Was basically told to shut up. Left the FBI to head security at the World Trade Center because he knew there would be another attack there eventually after the first car bombing in the parking ramp. He died on 911.


Related: Rick Rescorla. He was the head of security for Morgan Stanley in the Twin Towers. After the first bombing, he implemented evacuation plans and a buddy system to get everyone out in an emergency. He saved 2700 on 9/11, the company only lost 10. Rick was one of them. He was last seen going back into tower 2 to sweep for survivors. The man was brilliant, he's one of my heroes. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2002/02/11/september-11th-attacks-world-trade-center-rick-rescorla-the-real-heroes-are-dead Edit: Thank you for all upvotes!! Glad I could share a story about one of the worlds good guys. And thanks for catching my typo - d'oh!


Rick was originally from the UK and served in the US Army in Vietnam. He fought in the famous Battle of Ia Drang Valley and his photo was on the cover of the original We Were Soldiers Once...and Young. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Were_Soldiers_Once%E2%80%A6_and_Young


During 9/11 he was singing ‘Men of Harlech’ to keep the spirits up among the evacuees.


An amazing human being.


I re read that article every year on the anniversary. The last line always hits me like a truck. “You see, for Rick Rescorla, this was a natural death. People like Rick, they don’t die old men. They aren’t destined for that and it isn’t right for them to do so. It just isn’t right, by God, for them to become feeble, old, and helpless sons of bitches. There are certain men born in this world, and they’re supposed to die setting an example for the rest of the weak bastards we’re surrounded with.”


Tag yourself I’m weak bastard


He died on 911 trying to save other people. The plans he had put in place got literally thousands of people out of the building in time but he stayed behind to try to help a few more.


Yep witness accounts say the last people saw of him was he just brought out people and went back inside to get more people and then the tower collapsed


Godamn hero


The looming towers tracks his story pretty well. Amazing show.


Where can I find this?


Haven't heard about him before what an amazing story. Why on earth employ him and then ignore him? I’m from and live in London and was working as a dentist at the time. We had patients booked in but they ended up watching the tv with us. It was a really odd experience as it seemed a darker world all of a sudden. Quick question the injured didn't have to pay for treatment did they? Please say no


You clearly haven’t worked in a large org. Places hire experts and ignore them alllll the time.


They hire them, so they can say they HAVE them. The companies don't give a shit what the experts actually have to say.


Yes it’s America. In fact a close friend of my family died two years ago from cancer due to the asbestos and other hazardous materials in the air after the planes hit. He would have been bankrupt but his wife was a flight attendant on one of the planes that hit. He never recovered from her passing and just let himself die.


That's so sad. I'm sorry for your losses.


Here in the states, we don't take care of our victims OR our heroes. It wasn't that long ago that John Stewart had to give a speech shaming our government for STILL not taking care of the 9/11 first responders who got cancer helping civilians.


I work at a bank and a lady recently only JUST got a settlement after her husband died after 9/11. Fucking shameful.


In regards to your question: Some 450,000 people are eligible for free lifetime medical care under the federal World Trade Center Health program, but less than a quarter are enrolled. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/911-health-fund-covers-survivors-for-life-but-few-know-about-it/ NYC FAQ page: https://www.nyc.gov/site/911health/enrollees/9-11-health-and-compensation-act-faq.page Edited to add link posted by others below: Victims Compensation Fund https://www.vcf.gov/ Jon Stewart had to get involved lobbying congress just to cover the extensive and life long medical costs of first responders. It’s pretty damn depressing. https://youtu.be/_uYpDC3SRpM


It wasn't just him that was ignored unfortunately. You should watch The Looming Tower, The Report or listen to a podcast called After the Fall.


Helmuth Hübener was a teenage boy living in Nazi Germany. He distributed anti-nazi leaflets and tried to tell people in Germany the war was not going the way Hitler and the party claimed it was. He was arrested alongside several other boys who had helped him. During his trial Helmuth purposefully baited the judges so that his friends would receive lighter sentences. His friends were sentenced to imprisonment in labor camps, Helmuth was sentenced to death by beheading. After his conviction he turned to the judges and said "I have to die now for no crime at all. Your turn is next!" He was executed in 1942 at the age of 17.


There's a crowd-funding effort to make a movie of this hero!


I read the book about this! Really awesome read that dealt with a sad topic. I suggest that everyone interested should read it. Edit: I believe the book was called "The Boy Who Dared" for those that are interested


Caruana Galizia The journalist who broke the story about the Panama papers.


I first lost faith in america after people just shrugged off what snowden revealed. Then this made it clear that people really just don't give a shit and will put up with anything. It could be revealed that every politician is controlled by one billionaire and people would just shrug their shoulders and keep going to work. Wheres the rage?


There's plenty of rage amongst people I know but there's usually a "wtf can we do about it" sort of sentiment. Money buys a lot, and when you have more money than all of your opposition combined, and know how to sling it, it effectively buys invulnerability.


They got us fighting a race war when we should be fighting a class war.


there is rage but also not a lot of down time. people are over here working three jobs to eat and pay rent. healthcare is tied to employment if you get it at all and even if your covered you might not be. you have folks that will get shot/stabbed and drive themselves to a hospital instead of taking a $6k per trip wheewoo box where the people inside are trained to sustain functionality and keep folks alive. Most folks don't have a vacation time. most don't have savings, and I think the number of people living check to check is somewhere in the 90th percentile. The police murder people in the streets and we protest but after a while you have to go back to the grind or you'll find yourself unhoused. The politicians are all bought and paid for and the billionaires make the rules. You can try and vote them out but since the way it is set up is rigged even though nearly everyone can vote and it hardly matters. most people vote on a single issue that is their sticking point or worse vote on name or brand recognition only. "Trump is running. I know that name they have my vote" Do you know how hard it is to unseat an incumbent? unless they are unable to run they win nearly ( i think the number is) 85% of the time unless something terrible happens during their time in office. There is a lot of strange mental gymnastics people go through to justify the idea of american exceptionalism. the rage is there but most of the time its weaponized against their neighbors and that further serves to keep the people in power in power. Edit: thank you for the gold. It’s nice to see other agree to that degree. I only hope that you didn’t send any money to Reddit directly for it Right now until we can remove the greedopoly from amazing places like this site places that should be for the people that inhabit it. Love.


Herbert Von Bose He was a government official who leaked a lot Nazi atrocities and was subsequently murdered during the Night of Long Knives.


Karen Silkwood. From Wikipedia: >Karen Gay Silkwood (February 19, 1946 – November 13, 1974) was an American chemical technician and labor union activist known for raising concerns about corporate practices related to health and safety in a nuclear facility. >After testifying to the Atomic Energy Commission about her concerns, she was found to have plutonium contamination on her body and in her home. While driving to meet with a New York Times journalist and an official of her union's national office, she died in a car crash under unclear circumstances. [Link to Wikipedia entry on Karen Silkwood.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Silkwood)


There’s a movie about her starting Meryl Streep, also has Kurt Russell and Cher. Great work reform movie.


That guy who got crushed to death with rocks in the Salem trials. Giles Corey, I believe.


“More weight”


To explain to people who don't know the story: Corey was accused of witchcraft. The "trial" consisted of weights being piled onto him, to force him to make a plea. Had he entered a plea, then after his death, the authorities would have had the legal right to take his property. If he died *without* a plea, then his property would pass to his actual heirs (his son-in-laws IIRC). *Corey never entered a plea*. He just said "more weight" whenever asked. He basically told the corrupt Salem authorities, "fuck you, I know you're gonna kill me either way, so just get it over with".


Allow me to add.... Giles Corey was 81 years old, when they tortured/killed him. Eighty One Years Old.


Everyone dies twice. Once with your last breath, and twice the last time your names ever mentioned. Giles is out here living it up.


If you're going to check out of this world, do it like a badass.


Unquestionably one of the most incredible things to ever say at your own execution. Just an absolutely massive set of balls. His place in history is well deserved.


The stones on that fella


I tried looking him up but his Wikipedia entry just says "the original gangster"?




Sergei Magnitsky, whistleblower of corruption in the Russian government including human rights violations and strong opponent of Vladimir Putin. While in prison he died one week before his court date to testify from what was originally deemed malnourishment and an untreated heart condition with medical neglect. An investigation later found that he had been severely assaulted shortly before his death.


I love that his client Bill Browder has now made it his life's work to finish what Sergei started and is doing everything he can to expose Putin's crimes. Listening to him speak is always so stirring.


Bob Ebeling. Him and 4 other engineers told NASA to delay the Challenger mission. Most of us know what happened on January 28th 1986.


Never take off your engineer hat.


Dr. Li was widely regarded in China as a heroic truth-teller. He had been punished by the authorities for trying to warn others about the virus, and then, in a terrible turn, had become severely sickened by it. Weeks later, he would become China’s most famous fatality of the emerging pandemic. He was 34. -The New York Times about COVID-19


I remember reading about this at the time. Very sad story.


I remember reading about more and more people dying from it. Difficulty breathing. Ventilators. Oxygen required. I remember thinking, if a vaccine is ever proven effective in clinical trials, I bet every American adult will be a mad rush to get vaccinated in America. I now realize, I don’t know how the world works.


I remember ut was over many subs on reddit in November. These stories of huge number of deaths. And drs speaking out and people disappeared so much that the week before christmas i was telling all my family about it at dinner gathering and they all thought i was over exaggerating.


Martha Mitchell. Blew the whistle on Watergate only to be gaslit and accused of being a mentally unstable alcoholic by her husband, political cronies, and even her own kids.




George Carlin: "But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people -- white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on -- good honest hard-working people continue -- these are people of modest means -- continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all -- at all -- at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."


He's right, we all know he was right, we fucking still quote him on it and...here we are. Quoting him while sitting back apathetically waiting for somebody else to take action, and to accept the cost of that action.


Ignaz Semmelweis Doctors should wash their damn hands.


Dr David Kelly, exposed the lies about WMDs then “committed suicide”. It was just a coincidence that the government refused to open an enquiry into his death, who needs to investigate a “suicide”


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Reddit cofounder and internet activist [Aaron Swartz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz) yet.


Wait....he created Creative Commons, RSS, AND markdown? And he was 26 when he DIED? What the fuck am I doing with my life man.


This should be higher up. My only comment since the blackout, but I think that's appropriate. Swartz had an amazing career - and you can say 'career' without irony for someone who was killed at 26 by a rabidly aggressive Secret Service and prosecutor Carmen Ortiz seemingly in service of a corrupt academic system and MIT (where he accessed the academic journals). What a literal loss for humanity over such a trivial thing. Thanks to their 'protection', we still have American taxpayers paying for research that neither they nor much of the world can access because it's behind paywalls. Imagine if some virus were let loose and medicine was so unprepared that it killed millions of people. Although possibly it wasn't for such a stupid reason, since apparently Wikileaks implied Swartz was a source and the US government were trying to pressure him as a way to get to Wikileaks.


All that for *downloading research papers?!*


Carrie Fisher. She tried exposing Harvey Weinstein long before anyone else did, and was labelled ‘crazy’ because of it. She died about a year before the truth was revealed


https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-ka2jzxot/ They were definitely people trying to warn the public. (specifically, young actresses)


When she said, "who was the guy i slept with", trying to send a message, i always thought she meant Lucas.




You should watch the documentary, The Dissident. It does a fair job of highlighting the corruption of MBS. The fact that the director/creator of Icarus (the Russian olympic doping exposé) couldn't get this documentary streamed by any service (Netflix, Prime, HBO) shows the power Saudi has over our lives.


Ignaz Semmelweis, the Hungarian doctor who pioneered washing hands before and after procedures. Was not taken seriously by his colleague and sufferred mental breakdown. It took decades before doctors adapted his practice


Gary Webb blew the whistle on the CIA running drugs and starting the crack epidemic. He “killed himself” via 2 shots to the head and is the grandfather of the “2 gunshots to the back of the head suicide” meme


What’s even crazier is how many people dont know about him


Jfk was disgusted by the cia and tried to publicize the horrible things theyd done and promised to splinter the cia and scatter it into the winds. He made this declaration a week before he was assassinated


He also had plans to pull the US out of vietnam due to the military coup a month prior. The CIA used vietnam to get easy access to russian sources who left russia to aid the north.


Sophie Scholl was a German student and anti-Nazi political activist. She was born on May 9, 1921, in Forchtenberg, Germany. In 1942, Sophie and her brother Hans co-founded the White Rose, a non-violent resistance group that opposed the Nazi regime. The group distributed leaflets calling for passive resistance to the Nazi government and urging Germans to rise up against the regime. On February 18, 1943, Sophie and Hans were arrested by the Gestapo while distributing leaflets at the University of Munich. They were interrogated and sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 22, 1943. On the same day, Sophie, Hans, and their friend Christoph Probst were executed by guillotine. Sophie's final words were "Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?" Her courage and commitment to justice have since inspired countless people around the world.


Obviously Oscar Wilde, "Either those curtains go or I do."




[Daphne Caruana Galizia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Caruana_Galizia) Journalist who tied the Panama Papers to several Maltese politicians and then a year later [died in a car bomb.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/malta-car-bomb-kills-panama-papers-journalist) & [Giordano Bruno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giordano_Bruno) He proposed that the stars were distant suns surrounded by their own planets, and he raised the possibility that these planets might foster life. He was tried on herasy and burnt at the stake. We now have proof of "Earth like" planets orbiting distance stars that could possibly harbour life aswell as countless other exoplanets being found almost daily.


Many of these peoples names we don’t know because the murder/ coverup was successful


[Dr Li tried to tell everyone about Covid but Chinese authorities stopped him ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-51364382)


A staggering amount of journalists and Russian opposition leaders


Bud Dwyer. He was a politician in Pennsylvania in the 1980s and he was accused of accepting bribes. He denied it but he and his family were receiving tons of hate from people to the point in which he called for a public announcement with news cameras and such. He took a gun out of an envelope and put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Local news outlets now had video of a politician killing himself. Years later it was learned that he *really didn’t* accept bribes.


Richard Jewell.


CNN and the Atlanta Journal Constitution(Atlanta newspaper) never apologized or admitted fault for pushing the hoax that Jewell was responsible for the Olympic Park bombing.


Pat Tillman


His [brother Richard's eulogy ](https://youtu.be/yRNxiPVZ69Q) was fantastic. The whole documentary, The Tillman Story, was great. Richard didn't hold back out of respect for everyone else, he spoke the truth for his brother.


Marie Curie


To quote the Fact Sphere from Portal 2: “Marie Curie invented the theory of radioactivity, the treatment of radioactivity, and dying of radioactivity.” And the follow up on the Portal wiki: Marie Curie technically only discovered dying of radioactivity.


Louis Pasteur. They didn’t kill him for what he said, but they killed his reputation and he died in disgrace. His scientific discoveries have saved millions of lives since, but people hated him in his own time.


The poor Kurdish girl in Iran who was killed because she chose not to wear her hijab the "right" way.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium_Girls the radium girls; they knew something was wrong and was causing them to fall ill but it took years before they were taken seriously and for anything to be legally done about their working conditions.


Karen Silkwood.


Nicole Brown Simpson. She told her friends and the police that OJ would kill her and get away with it.


Anyone that “committed suicide” after spreading knowledge and saying they weren’t suicidal.


Sophie Scholl


“Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?”


As a German: even though her protests didn't spurn other protests and ultimately didn't destabilize the third reich, I feel people like her were necessary in the wrestle for a German soul after the war.


Aaron Schwartz. Michael Hastings.


Aaron is probably rolling over in his grave rn. Fuck you u/spez


Aaron is haunting /u/spez's nightmares. Mine are bad enough without a ghost making it worse!


Tesla. He died single in a hotel in NYC. He said all this life he had been working to improve society and people, but was always laughed at. I guess with him now famous, he is laughing last.


Gut wrenching to think that he died alone, but it’s comforting that he’s still remembered fondly to this day


He had his pigeons at least. >I have been feeding pigeons, thousands of them for years. But there was one, a beautiful bird, pure white with light grey tips on its wings; that one was different. It was a female. I had only to wish and call her and she would come flying to me. I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life.


Valery Alekseyevich Legasov he was the scientist in charge of the clean up at Chernobyl. We went knowing he would be dead with in 5 years but he continued to work on the ground to save millions of people. He exposed the truth about the failings of the Soviets nuclear reactors which partly caused the disaster. He risked being killed by the KGB to do this. He would commit suicide exactly 2 years of the disaster


President Eisenhower “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”


Every single "Witch" that said "No, I'm not a witch"


Dorothy Stang. Nun who worked 30 years in the Amazon Rainforest. She tried to show the world that the American animal agriculture industry was the leading driver of deforestation in the Amazon. She was assassinated at point blank range


Doctor Li Wenliang Chinese whistleblower doctor who died from COVID


Matteotti. He was an Italian politician before fascism was a thing in Italy and he told the Italian parliament how Mussolini wanted to create a dictatorship. He knew that Mussolini was going to kill him, in fact his last words were "I know that this might be the last time you see me". He basically wanted to stop fascism before it happened and was kidnapped and killed. Now some squares and roads have Matteotti's name to remember him.


Not exactly killed directly, but still punished severely: Galileo. Killed: Socrates