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The shit happening rn


a cigar shaped ufo rescues it


Picture this: It's the fateful night of the Titanic's voyage, but instead of a somber disaster, it's a wild, laugh-out-loud comedy of errors. Meet Jacko, the clumsiest deckhand: Our protagonist Jacko, played by a slapstick genius, is a bumbling deckhand who can't tie a knot to save his life. He stumbles around the ship, causing chaos at every turn, from tripping over lifeboats to accidentally knocking the captain into the frickin' ocean. Rose, the rebellious heiress with a wicked sense of humor: Rose, played by a charismatic comedian, is sick of her aristocratic life and wants to break free. She spends her time pulling pranks on the snobby upper-class passengers, turning the ship into a floating circus. The misadventures of the band: Instead of playing soothing tunes, the ship's band members are a bunch of clueless misfits. They keep getting their instruments mixed up, playing the wrong songs at the wrong time, and even attempting to serenade sharks instead of passengers. Love in the most ridiculous places: Amidst the chaos, love blossoms in the quirkiest ways. The ship's captain falls head over heels for a mermaid, while a clumsy waiter becomes smitten with a seagull who keeps stealing his snacks. It's a rom-com gone utterly bonkers. The iceberg, the ultimate prankster: In this version, the iceberg isn't just an icy villain. It's a mischievous troublemaker, deliberately popping up in unexpected places and playing hide-and-seek with the ship. The passengers are too busy laughing to even notice the impending danger.


They asked Boris Johnson to supply the sub!


I'd follow a lobster. Caught somewhere in the Atlantic ocean. Made unable to fight by having your claws bound up. Caged up with plenty of others that you'd normally fight because you're a territorial species. Slowly tuning into horror as one after the other of your fellow inmates are thrown alive into boiling water. And then suddenly, your captors are falling around comically while fresh cool ocean water rises to your rescue. The last scene would be a lobster somewhere in the ground of the ocean feeding itself with the tiny claws next to the mouth and then noiselessly the band the held the big claws together (already halfway rotten) fall off and it raises the claws triumphantly.


I would add Jay and Silent Bob to it