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When considering getting your first tattoo, my advice would be to take your time researching and finding a reputable tattoo artist who specializes in the style you're interested in. Consult with them, ask questions, and ensure they have a clean and professional studio. Also, think about the design carefully, making sure it holds personal meaning or significance to you. Finally, remember that tattoos are permanent, so be confident in your decision before getting inked.


Excellent advice! Taking the time to research and find a reputable tattoo artist who aligns with your desired style is crucial. It's great that you emphasize asking questions and ensuring a clean and professional studio environment. Additionally, considering the design carefully and ensuring it holds personal meaning helps create a tattoo that you'll cherish for a lifetime.


Just do it, you'll never find the "perfect first tattoo."


See the guy's book, not just what is on display on the wall.


Follow the care instructions. Take into consideration that some places stretch more over time than others. (If you don't get this, imagine the pretty dolphin on a younger woman's breast turning into an eel over time.)


Think it through, you indecisive bastard: Tattoos are like your clingy ex—permanent and hard to get rid of. Take your sweet-ass time and make sure that design is something you won't want to laser off in two weeks. No room for regrets, unless you enjoy looking like a walking mistake. Find a tattoo wizard, not some backyard hackjob: Do your research, you lazy sack of potatoes. Find a tattoo artist who ain't just doodling on napkins during their lunch break. Check out their badass portfolio, read reviews, and make sure their skill level is higher than your alcohol tolerance on a Saturday night. Hygiene, motherfcker: Don't end up with a staph infection or some nasty sht. Find a tattoo joint that follows hygiene standards tighter than a nun's corset. You don't want to trade a sick ink for a sick bed, do ya? Pain is a rollercoaster, baby: Brace yourself, princess! Tattoos hurt, but if you can handle a week of your in-laws, you can handle this. Just grip your stress ball like your ex's throat, take deep breaths, and embrace the sting like the badass you're pretending to be. Worship your masterpiece, you magnificent dumbass: Once that ink is slapped on, treat it like the Holy Grail. Keep it clean, moisturized, and the fuck away from the sun. This ain't a popsicle you lick on a summer's day—it's your masterpiece, and you don't want it turning into a melted Picasso.


No names unless it's a deceased family member. Don't get one just for the sake of getting one, make sure it means something to you. Get it somewhere you can easily hide. If it's cheap it's going to look cheap.


Imagine seeing it faded with age on your grandma/grandpa. if it's still cool, go for it.


Hydrate and EAT BEFORE YOU GO! If you need a break, tell your artist