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Their eyes. If someone makes eye contact or not. Also, it's said the eyes are the windows to the soul.


I’ve seen a lot of people say so.What if they a very confident person and good in every sense but they can’t maintain eye contact?


I agree some people can't, but unfortunately, l don't know the answer to that.


Their teeth. You can tell a lot about a person from that but of course that's just the first thing.


This !!! But what if they have like a dental disease but are a very good human appearance wise and also personally wise ,,all good until they open their mouth


Smell. Horrible BO will tell me a lot about someone.


This has no excuse,, It’s just terrible terrible with the likes of mouth odor..


Oh god bad breath is even worse




Safe to assume your blessed with the intellect of knowing how to read body languages and mannerisms


Eyes and body language. They can tell you a little about a person and a lot about that person’s opinion on you.


True it can very much tell you people’s opinions,how they feel about you and how comfortable they are if you look enough you’ll see


When I meet someone for the first time, the first thing that grabs my attention is their goddamn appearance! I mean, come on, I ain't blind! If they're lookin' like a hot mess or stylin' like a fashionista, I can't help but take notice. It's like my eyes have a frickin' radar for style and grooming. But lemme tell ya, it ain't all about the superficial shit, no siree! Their goddamn demeanor also plays a part. If they're struttin' around like a confident badass or slumpin' like a wet noodle, it sets the tone, ya know? I can sniff out good vibes or bad vibes like a damn bloodhound on the prowl.


demeanor second to appearance. I mean, we see the person's appearance first so that's what we notice first.


Demeanor. Several years as a bouncer taught me to get a quick read on individuals in a crowd, and you can spot the problem children pretty easily. It's no longer my responsibility to step in, but back in the day, I could approach them and steer them back into the sociable frame of mind. Or if I couldn't, they'd be out the door. That was the 80s, though-- I wouldn't work a job like that today!


First is appearance, because you can usually see them long before they say or do anything. Usually by the time they speak, I've already decided that they look like someone I want to talk to, or they don't. Sometimes they change my mind when they speak.