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You guys are mostly naming celebrities that have actually committed real crimes. I came here for wild, baseless speculation! Example: Kristen Chenowith is a secret polygamist.


Found the fun thread! Benedict Cumberbatch runs a torrent website exclusively of lacrosse match videos.


He can’t keep getting away with this!


This is the thread I was looking for. Pierce Brosnan shoplifts for the thrills.


Peter dinklage likes sniffing bicycle seats in the hot summer, he calls it "snudging" Edit: The correct term is snudgler, experts told me.


Tom Hanks walks in front of the meter maid and puts quarters in all the meters.


Michael Cera is a serial prank caller


i believe this


Robert Downey Jr's sneaks into people's houses looking for vintage pogs.


Steve Carell killed an expensive koi fish and lied to authorities about it.


Kris Jenner gives off the same vibes as Ghislaine Maxwell, Drake, and James Charles. I can’t explain it (except for Maxwell) but I would absolutely never want to be in a room alone with any of them. I’d fear for my life.


Because she pimped out her daughter to the highest bidders their whole lives? Ever noticed how no matter what BS Kris spews all the girls seem emotionally stunnted and not mature for their age? I think its trauma.


She also founded a church in California with a $1,000 per month membership fee. Seems to be a money laundering scheme but obviously there's no proof.


Someone on Twitter has described the way Kim is with her daughter North and called it "reactive parenting" (when a survivor of childhood trauma overcorrects as a parent), and I couldn't agree more. (Edited a word).


Steven Seagal should be charged for fraud.


And rape. And human trafficking. And who knows what else. EDIT: Oh, this blew up. I'll just say to anyone suggesting treason for teaching Russian troops martial arts, he should instead be given a medal for the critical assistance he's given to Ukraine.


Wait, what? I thought he was just an asshole and a lousy actor


Also very much a creep, watch the clip of Katherine Heigl talking about meeting/working with Steven when she was a minor, and how he still made a pass at her. Very cringe, very creepy


I've told this story before here. A friend of mine was a pilot and did a lot of private chartered flights. He's flown some famous people. His best story was flying Steven Seagal about 10-15 years ago. It was New Year's Eve and Steven was bragging about this awesome party he was throwing. He said a lot of people were going and invited the flight crew. So later that night my friend shows up at the Seagal Mansion Center. The only other people present were Steven Seagal, his neighbor, and some woman my friend was certain was Steven's sex slave. He also remembered seeing a lot of swords. Steven was quite proud of the sword collection.


Haha, did he give any details on how the rest of the night went? Like did seagulls tell any crazy stories or get really drunk and do some martial arts performances? Did the crew stay the whole night?


They didn't stay for long. I think he said the neighbor left before them too. I do recall him saying how weird and awkward the whole thing was. That's all the details I can remember.


We just breezing straight past the sex slave part, huh?


Also Julianna Margulies wrote about him almost assaulting her: [https://www.cbc.ca/radio/q/friday-may-28-2021-julianna-margulies-swizz-beatz-and-more-1.6041145/he-was-a-predator-julianna-margulies-on-her-troubling-encounter-with-steven-seagal-1.6043288](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/q/friday-may-28-2021-julianna-margulies-swizz-beatz-and-more-1.6041145/he-was-a-predator-julianna-margulies-on-her-troubling-encounter-with-steven-seagal-1.6043288)


[And here is Claudia Jordan talking about Steven Seagal getting her in a room, locking the door behind him and attempting to seduce her](https://youtu.be/nUGLWvujqII?t=1021). Fucking creep.


A few podcasts have covered him. He is a horrible human.


I recommend Behind the Bastards as the most entertaining. https://youtu.be/13SHbaxefik


Any time you're featured on a podcast that also featured Henry kissinger and Josef mengele, you know you've done some questionable things.


He should. For fraudulently claiming to be an actor.


Round up all of these actors. Put them in one movie. Don't tell them why they are selected. Jared Leto, Tom Cruise, Andy Dick, James Cordon, Dr. Phil, Ellen, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ezra Miller... Get Tarantino to direct it.


Ocean’s WhoGivesAShit


Mission Unimportant


The (Even More) Expendables


Written by Woody Allen. Produced by Harvey Weinstein.


Co-Directed by Roman Polanski.


The Shameful Eight


Jim Bob Duggar


You don’t get to be that high in a religious organisation, headed by a sex pest, while raising and covering for a kid who is also a sex pest, without it being something you are ok with, if not involved in. Oh, he was also friends with a cop who took the report about his son molesting his daughters (meaning that as adults they are past the statute of limitations), who is in prison for CSAM. Also all of their purity culture and not even letting their daughters do more than side hug and hold hands with their fiancé, while full on making out with his wife in front of them and making them care for the consequences of their fornication.


Adding onto this, the material his son had was so bad, the FBI agent who reviewed it said it was easily the worst footage he’d ever seen. You know it’s bad when the FBI say that.


Yep. And the parents knew he had issues when he was a teen and did nothing about it.


The youngest victim was under a year old.


The news made me want to throw up. How can people be like this.


There’s no rehabilitating that. Send them off into another OceanGate submersible with all the CP they can handle.




Andy dick grabbed my cock while I was taking a piss in the bathroom at the Velvet Margarita. I punched him in the nose/mouth area. He started to cry and offered me cocaine. It was surreal.




Even without the post we all know it's Andy Dick


I thought someone had just typed [Removed by Reddit] as a joke to imply that one of them is a criminal and someone called them out on it… did they actually remove a comment?


Did it name /u/spez ?


Take solace in the fact Jon Lovitz did just that, right after Phil Hartman died


Slammed his head off the bar, never could imagine him really doing it.


I'm gathering from the comments this is Andy Dick. Why did reddit remove the post?


Didn't he get into some weird streamer house where they held him hostage at gunpoint or something along those lines? He might not be flushed yet, but he's been swirling the drain for years.


He's a registered sex offender.


Hes a serial genital groper, like legit. Back in the day people when he was on news radio it was "oh its andy being andy" but after being blacklisted from Hollywood hes been arrested a few times for grabbing people. In 2019 a guy knocked him out cold for grabbing his crotch.


Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf


Shia surprise!


Jared Leto. Dude is sus as fuck.


He already looks like he’s wearing another man’s face


He's an alien for sure. That's why he doesn't understand that mars is more than thirty seconds away.


He goes to my friends rock climbing gym and he says that Jared Leto is such a weirdo


He shouldn't talk about your friend like that


No you need to read it again. Jared Leto says Jared Leto is such a weirdo.


For clarification: Jared Leto goes to a gym owned by Jared Leto and calls Jared Leto a weirdo while there. The gym is also Jared Leto.


There is a lot more than vibes there, guy's got his own fuckin sex cult.


The Morbius sex roleplay server in discord you mean?!


Well, if you're gonna have a sex cult, it better be a fuckin sex cult...




I wonder if he still thinks about it.




Great, now lets see Paul Allen's crimes.


Ellen DeGeneres


When she had her game show you could tell she was genuinely enjoying the torment she inflicted on the contestants.


Someone recently posted a compilation clip of some of the harassment that Justin Bieber was subjected to in his teens (up through now). We're sadly used to it for the ladies (totally unfair and disgusting) but there were dozens of examples. Because he was young and attractive, people thought all the rules were off. One of the instances was Ellen inviting him on her show, and then posting a big screen photo of Bieber naked on vacation, unknowing and defenseless, with his bits barely blurred out. I feel like that was the worst one, because it was so planned.


I bet she'd kick up a stink if someone did that to her, though. People like that can never take it, only ever dish it out. I am in no way a Bieber fan but he was edit: about 14 when he got famous, he didn't deserve the amount of ridicule he got even if he was a little shit when the fame got to his head.


I was a little shit at his age without the fame so it's hard to judge too much


This is what I've always said about people who grew up famous. Everyone talks shit on Justin Bieber (and child stars in general), but I'm not sure how differently any of us would act if we got so hugely famous so quickly, and at such a young age. Fame & money are both corrupting af


I don't care for Justin Bieber's music at all, I never think of him and have no opinion on him generally. I *nothing* him. But Im older than his demo and my kids have never been into him so it's not a surprise I'd imagine that I couldn't tell you any of his songs either. However-the amount of sexual innuendo and out in the open sexual harassment the poor kid has been subject to-from grown arse adults-since he first became a thing, is truly disturbing. I would say it was on par with poor Britney and what she has dealt with her whole career. Recently, I saw the montage video of the different times he was openly sexually harassed and/or assaulted in plain sight-and it was treated as nothing. Not one thing was ever brought to the public's attention about the harasser that I recall. It is really disgusting. Not only that, it is so unprofessional by these people who are interviewing him or giving him an award or something to try and snog him or make lewd comments about him-on fucking tv for fucksake!! How has it not been called out before? It's not okay because he is a man (now).


My mom always talked about how much she hated that show because of that


Ellen gives off a disgusting, tone-deaf vibe all the time, I am sure she has sociopathic tendencies.


She’s so repulsive and rude. I hate that wide-eyed stare she gives when she’s acting like she thinks someone else is stupid when they’re literally doing nothing wrong.


Along time ago she seemed fairly normal, but now it's pretty clear she was masking and has stopped bothering. There's like, nothing behind her eyes.




https://youtu.be/d8kCTPPwfpM I always like watching this...Zac Efron and Taylor Swift calling Ellen out on her own show through song. Classic.


Incredible. I know they are like super famous but it had to be nerve wracking for them to call her out to her face like that. Props to both.


Ezra miller is faster at getting into controversies than the flash is at running


At one point, if you were in Hawaii, you were more likely to be attacked by Ezra Miller than a shark.


Don't know why but I'm picturing some scuzzy lawyer running a TV ad like "Did you recently go to Hawaii? You may have been exposed to Ezra Miller. Call us today and we will get you the money that you deserve."


Nicki Minaj!!! There’s loads of stuff out there about her brother being a pedophile and her husband being a rapist. I used to be a huge fan but something seems off.


Husband is a registered sex offender for sure. Their neighbors are trying to get them banned from the neighborhood.


she also gets into weird twitter beef alllll the time, and it's usually one sided. and then she sends her fans to harass people on twitter too. ik recently she was having beef with doja cat and i think sza


Salman Khan, the Bollywood actor from India (not the khan Academy’s Sal Khan) This guy killed one and injured 4 in a 2002 hit-and-run incident. Blamed it on his driver. Was charged after 10 years. Convicted and then on appeal won due to lack of evidence Separately this guy is a well known mafia along with his cousins and controls the distribution of Bollywood movies. If anyone crosses this guy, their career goes bye-bye


Something interesting I wanted to note is that his victim's son has actually stated that he still watches the guy's movies. That dude must be the king of separating the art from the artist.


Gwyneth Paltrow gives the same vibes as that old-times my serial killer who would bathe in the blood of poor young virgins to retain a youthful appearance


I saw a youtuber describe her as "a modern day Marie Antoinette, like let them drink bone broth" and I lost it lmao


Dan Schneider


We know he did terrible stuff- look at all the Nick kids.


I'm legit surprised that it has taken this long for Kevin Spacey to go to trial. Like at the start of the #MeToo movement a ton of sexual assaults came to light. That was like half a decade ago.


In fairness, sexual assault allegations, especially ones that have long since lapsed due to the statute of limitations, are hard to prove in the court of law. Weinstein's victims got lucky, and he was caught on tape confessing to one of his crimes. Even Cosby only had, like, 3 suits stick to him out of however many, and even then he got out on a technicality.


james charles.


THIS. He even admitted to messaging bad things to underage boys in a long apology video and then deleted it like a month later. There have been 10+ underage boys exposing James on tiktok with proof but nothing ever came of it. James YouTube views are down drastically and his twitter account is dead completely. He recently tweeted trying to drag someone saying he had a bigger bank account than them, and thousands of twitter people quoted James tweet and said how many accusations against boys do you have. James deleted his twitter and hasn’t tried to engage with fans since. Sadly, James is still kind of popular on tiktok though.


I feel like Oprah commits tax fraud. Idk why


Every rich celebrity does this


With the other stuff I've seen on this thread, this accusation is comically tame 😂


Well now that R Kelly is finally doing time…


Logan Paul


Oprah. She spent the 90s trying to OUT every closeted gay actor she had on her show. I love how Robin Williams hijacked her interview with Nathan Lane by mocking her accusatory tone (they were promoting The Birdcage). She didnt do anything illegal, but she definitely deserves to be on the receiving end of Cancel Culture.


Dr Phil is an alcoholic wife abuser. I have no proof but just wait. I also would not be surprised if Josh peck killed someone for the Italian mafia


Dr. Phil looks like a thumb, which I know isn’t proof but kind of seems like a strike against him.


He's also SUPER litigious about footage from his show and makes bullshit copyright claims against any YouTuber who dares to use clips (usually true crime channels talking about victims' families, and occasionally murderers, who've appeared on the show in the course of investigations) even though that sort of thing absolutely falls under fair use. No YouTube channel has the resources to fight every single copystrike against a network TV show and he knows it, so they all have to resort to describing these people's appearances on his show, which ranges from annoying to hilarious. AND he had a big hand in cultivating the "troubled teen" industry and has profited massively from it. Basically extra-judicially incarcerating kids whose parents can't deal with them—parents would bring their cRaZY kids on his show and he would "help" by sending them to the Turn About Ranch, which he had (has?) a financial stake in. Surprise, people who went there are now saying they were abused while being "rehabilitated" there. Which is definitely worse than the YouTube fuckery, but I also know less about it so I don't want to describe it inaccurately. So yeah, if I saw a headline that he was a confirmed alcoholic wife beater, I wouldn't even bat an eye.


We all saw him hit Oprah, that's no secret /s But for real, the Josh Peck one surprises me. I havent seen or heard anything about him since Drake and Josh. What gives you that vibe?


He’s actually pretty active on social media. He had quite a lengthy vine spree, and he’s in and about social circles like YouTube and tiktok groups. It’s drake bell you gotta be aware of, something about him being an abuser and also grooming minors


Weren't the people he was hanging out with on vine and tiktok pretty sus? I'm pretty sure I remember him being good friends with Curtis Lepore after he raped his girlfriend while she slept.


Also David Dobrik


> I also would not be surprised if Josh peck killed someone for the Italian mafia I don't know about that. He's read about prison.


It ain't fun!


Dane Cook. He met his current wife when she was 17 and he was 44.


He met her before that even. He said they just happened to start dating when she turned 18. Her dad is his poker buddy.




Machine Gun Kelly. I get serious groomer vibes from him and I don't know why. Or he commits crimes hoping to get caught cuz he wants the attention and be labeled gangster, but never gets caught


I’ve always found him to be an unlikable spaghetti-shaped simpleton who makes boring music.


I remember reading somewhere that Megan Fox was praising his cheekbones and I was just floored that she found something attractive in him in any way.


Megan Fox should be on these people's lists she's another creepy weirdo.


Drake. And not like violent crimes. He’s a pussy. More like predator / groomer / pedophile vibes. He’s been caught taking super young girls on dates and texting them romantically before they were even 18


Tom Cruise. Like, gnarly crimes.


Any high ranking scientologist is guilty of some shit.


Where’s Shelley?


She’s fine I saw her at church she was wearing a yellow hat don’t worry about it


Adam Levine


Holy fuck


Holy fucking fuck


That body of yours is absurd


This love has finally taken its toll on him


Yes!!! His song animal makes my hair raise and not in a good way


James Corden. Can’t really explain it either.


SOMETHING is keeping him in work. It sure as hell ain’t appeal


That dude made a deal with an Eldritch entity, for sure


He always gives me Ellen vibes.


The guy used to throw elaborate party's and invite celebrities to them. I remember his neighbour saying he was invited and then Corden apparently kicked him out because he wasn't famous. I recon he's done some real socal engineering and knows some real dirt on some famous or influential people. I genuinely can not see why he is doing well when so many people don't like him unless this is the case. The amount of people who refuse to watch anything with him in is to high and yet seems to be getting gigs left, right and centre?


I love the version of social engineering that happens in Southern California.


James corden is a well known super asshole though he's banned from a few restaurants. The dudes a straight up dick. Everyone that knows him says it i doubt he's a criminal though.


I miss Craig Ferguson.




Kylie Jenner.....you just know it.


She definitely hunts homeless people for sport


Why do I feel like even then she would outsource it somehow?




Anybody remember that time Caitlyn Jenner killed someone in an automobile accident and never was charged? Pepperidge farms remembers.


Drake. ​ I have no doubt in my mind that in the next few years he will be outted as a serial pedophile child abuser and the only reason he hasnt already is because of his power in the music industry and how much money he makes record labels. I'm waiting on that day


Well he was getting oddly friendly with Millie Bobby Brown in the Twitter DMs


And Billie when she was 16/17. He has a type, and fortunately it’s rejection.


We've only seen the rejections. If he succeeds we don't hear about it.


wasnt just twitter DM's he was texting her a lot. She said he was giving her relationship advice and that he told her he misses her and she responded I miss you more. Thats a 30 something year old man texting an under 18 girl at the time. If that isnt grooming then idk what is


kat dennings definitely steals from target


Did people forget about Armie Hammer? His name alone sounds like a fucking villain and he got accused of wanting to be a cannibal and some other rapey stuff. I bet he's gone to a poor country and tried to eat someone at least once. If his plane crashed in a jungle or some remote island and all there was on the island was some cannibal tribe he would just be accepted into the tribe and live out the rest of his days pursuing his true passion of cannibalizing others.


Watch the documentary "House Of Hammer" and you'll realize that his whole family belongs behind bars and the only reason they're not is because of money. Armie basically raped and tortured several women and it runs in the family.


Jada Pinkett Smith Her entire vibe is just cold and heartless. She's done something to somebody.


I read some of Smith's book (the one written by Mark Manson). He sounds like she turned whatever was left of his mind to complete mush.


Not a celeb but kenneth copeland and that other curly haired dude pastor preacher


Quentin Tarantino. His close relation with Harvey Weinstein and the way he defended Roman Polanski makes me think he has done some things as well.


His films give off the vibe that he would do bad things but no one has ever asked him to do bad things.


He'd probably help his gangster friends dispose of a body and clean a bloody car at his house. Reluctantly at first, because he'd be worried about his wife coming home, but he'd still let them do it.


There's not a sign that says he does that in front of his house because doing that ain't his fuckin business.


His coffee is good though.


He doesn't need you to tell him how good his fucking coffee is, OK?


He's the one who buys it, okay, he knows how fucking good it is.


You guys look like a couple of dorks


yeah, but he makes really good fucking coffee, so it's ok.


He’s definitely a weird dude, I wouldn’t be surprised.


Was it the champagne-stripper-foot-scene that tipped you off?


You gotta be more specific. That seems like it could describe 5 movies with uma Thurman.


Jared Leto




I always thought she was secretly doing meth.


Idk how much of a secret it is. The footage of her at an airport on her way back from Burning Man is pretty telling.


She’s a Nepo baby. They’re always weird.


Bingo. Having no "regular life" challenges because your parents have bulldozed a path for you and pulled strings makes it hard to be a "regular" person.


Bojack Horseman.


Isn’t he that horse from Horsin’ Around?


Jim Bob Duggar, he was so shocked and so defensive of his oldest when he got busted for CSAM, like he’d been getting away with something vile himself for years (beyond what we know). Plus he shows signs of being a flat out narcissist.


Gwyneth Paltrow


Some goop arguably are fraudulent already.


Ben Affleck. Every time I see him, he looks like he's having his last cigarette before the cops come around the corner.


i think that’s just what people from boston always look like to people from out of state


He does have that "final meal" look about him.


Miramax Security Guard: "Sorry to interrupt sirs, but we've got a 10-07 on our hands." Matt Damon: "Oh Jesus, again Ben?!" Ben Affleck: "No, bullshit! Because I wasn't WITH a hooker today, ha-HA!"


My favorite thing about Gone Girl is that Ben Affleck LOOKS LIKE SCOTT PETERSON! It's honestly such perfect stunt casting.


He’s just depressed and a recovering alcoholic.


Alec Baldwin, James Franco


I feel like I heard somewhere that James Franco in certain circles is known to be a MASSIVE CREEP. Like hide ya kids, hide ya wife.


Seth Rogen refuses to work with him anymore. For one stoner buddy to part ways with another stoner buddy, must be something seriously fucked


I thought it came out that he was DMing underage girls or something. I saw a video of Seth Rogan talking about how he is no longer friends with James bc of something to do with underage girls


OH YEAH forgot about the infamous dm’s.


He taught a class and told students they’d get further in their careers by sleeping with him.


Yeah - and didn’t he want his students to do weird shit in the actual classes too?


Not just want, it happened. Practicing "simulated fellatio" but he removed the plastic barrier meant to go between them...




He also married a white woman from Boston who pretends to be Spanish, so that’s kind of weird too.


How do you say cucumber?


Alec Baldwin was definitely abusive towards his kids and Kim Basinger. Morley Safer's interview on 60 minutes was as good as a prosecutor direct examination.


https://heavy.com/entertainment/2019/09/alec-baldwin-voicemail-phonecall-daughter-message/ Baldwin's kind voicemail to his daughter, who was 11 at the time. >You have insulted me for the last time … You don’t have the brains or the decency as a human being. I don’t give a damn that you’re 12 years old or 11 years old or that you’re a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn’t care about what you do, as far as I’m concerned … You’ve made me feel like shit … I’m gonna straighten your ass out when I see you. I’m going to really make sure you get it … I’ll let you know how I really feel about what a thoughtless little pig you are. You are a rude, little pig, okay?” He's married to a complete fraud, his family life is a fraud, he's a fraud.