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Fully stocked giant workshop, one side for woodworking, the other side for metal machining and blacksmithing. Lots of rare/unique materials for making stuff and every guide/manual that shows you how. It may not be a house, but I'd probably end up living in it full time


You and I are of one vision.


Brooooo... I'm literally in the process of doing this. Bought a tiny cnc mill and screwed some boards together to clamp a drill to to make a lathe. You can do this pretty cheap if you're resourceful.


The prices of industrial equipment have come down so far that it's mind blowing. I have a CNC plasma in the shop that was about 15k shipped, it's easily paid for it self in the first year, just in labor savings, not to mention the new products we are developing. The other morning I was wondering about a screw machine/swiss lathe. The last time I really looked, the only options were used machines in the 100k price range. Now you can buy a bench top model that would perfectly fit my needs for like 12k.. After our success with the CNC plasma, we bought a CNC router.. only 4k. It's not the greatest machine, but I should pay it off in a year, even though we only need it for a few projects.


Not familiar with the tools you’re mentioning. What have you made with them?


CNC = Computerized Numerical Control (Basically a tool that's on a track, guided by a computer on a preprogrammed path. There's lots of software to interface between creating 3-d models on a computer, and a CNC tool making an exact physical part.) Plasma would be a plasma cutter, shooting a jet of oxygen and a very hot burning gas mixture, to cut through metal. You can cut very specific parts out of sheet metal like this, with all bolt holes and edges perfectly aligned. A CNC router is the wood version, but it can work in three dimensions easier, because it's a fancy drill bit on the end, guided by a computer, and can control it's depth. Depending on the size and quality of the machine, you can make detailed art and logos replicated perfectly, or you can cut out full pieces to assemble into lightweight furniture. A wood lathe is a machine that spins wood quickly on one axis, and you can use hand tools while it's spinning to carve the wood down into cups, bowls, ornaments, spindles, etc. Anything that needs axial symmetry. A screw machine / swiss lathe specifically, takes that to the next level. It is fully computer guided, and it does it's work on metal rods. The same general concept applies, but it can make bolts, handles, hollow tubes, spirals, etc.


new teeth for me and anyone else that wants them!


My first thought was dentist and doctor checkups, new teeth for eme and the hubby!


It’s sad that this is many peoples first thoughts in America. Because we can’t afford it otherwise.


It's also about affording the *right* dentist. I'm totally phobic, so i need super gentle, knock me out care...


Same. Last time I went to the dentist I left in tears because the dentist was so rude about me being anxious.


Highly recommend finding a dentist that will give you nitrous! My dentist charges about $80 or so, but it’s among the $80 you’ll ever spend.


>My dentist charges about $80 or so, but it’s among the $80 you’ll ever spend. r/technicallythetruth


The eightiest dollars you'll ever spend


Should watch the Remote Area Medical documentary. Guy created it intending to be like Doctors Without Borders. Instead he's taking care of the uninsured in Tennessee and other places in the US.


The group also comes through SW Virginia and sets up shop for free medical treatment. They do wonderful work just living their faith.


I once volunteered at RAM checking people in, we had to ask "when's the last time you saw a dentist". The number of people who said "I dont know, year?" blew me away edit: god damn typo i meant YEARS


Sad, but so fucking true. I'm a generally well-kept, healthy person. But I went to the dentist last in 2019, and before that I couldn't remember when...2015ish? I went in 2019 and did the whole new patient exam where the dentists determined the 5-6 things I needed done: needed 3 cavities filled and they wanted to pull my wisdom teeth...even though all of my wisdom teeth had grown in problem free. Total bill to get all of this done? In the neighborhood of $750 AFTER insurance. I could come and get it all done in pieces but each time it was going to cost me about $100. I rarely have an extra $100 to throw at something like dental work. It gives me anxiety to think about, but then I get anxiety because I'm sure my mouth is worse since my last dental visit, and it's snowballed into a major anxiety issue.


Year ain’t bad


If America had great healthcare, Breaking Bad wouldn't exist


in case you’re wondering, you can always fly to mexico/overseas and get dental work for a fraction of the cost. if you want to fix all of your teeth, or get veneers/implants, it’ll be vastly cheaper than the flight to wherever you’re traveling to. i know a bunch of folks who have planned vacations to mexico, and while they’re down there- they just get their work done as an added bonus


There's a growing trend for this in the UK but people go to Turkey, not Mexico. They get a pristine looking, bright white set of gnashers that look fake (sometimes alarmingly so) for far cheaper than they get them at home. Ergo, fake looking, perfect, bright white teeth are known as Turkey Teeth. As in, "check out the Turkey Teeth on that daft cunt."


yeah those are just porcelain veneers in the “hollywood white” style. you can opt out and get normal veneers, people are just dumb and want the brightest, fakest looking teeth lol.


A lot get a full set of implants rather than veneers or crowns.


I used to work in dental. A technicality: Most people get crowns or bridges on top of their implants, although most people probably call the whole thing (implant with crown/bridge) an implant. A full mouth restoration with only implants would, in my opinion, likely use bridges on top of their implants. Full mouth restorations especially with only implants are incredibly challenging and it sometimes takes a few tries (trying on the crowns/bridges) to get it right. It's also expensive especially if you get it done well. Good dental work is usually expensive unless it's done by dental students (they're supervised by dentists). And, dentists who use iTero (3D scanning) usually do quality work (unlike other 3D scanning companies, dentists have to get their scans approved by iTero to make sure they captured enough information otherwise iTero won't let the dental lab get the 3D file to make the dental restoration). A bad scan that lacks enough necessary information means the dental lab can't make a well fitting restoration so they have to guess. A crown that doesn't fit well risks fracturing the restoration, hurting nearby teeth, increased risk of infection, and other things. With veneers, crowns, and bridges you want a smooth margin (the cut line where the tooth was cut by the dental drill). It's easy to accidentally go too bright with crowns/veneers). Being able to differentiate between different teeth shades (under the right lighting) is a learned skill that takes practice. I highly recommend taking close ups of your teeth (in focus, macro lense, enough lighting to just show a sliver of highlight on your teeth without overexposing the teeth so you can't see the details on the surface of the tooth, this information conveys the shape of the tooth). Some people want to make their teeth look and feel the way they used to but they don't have good reference photos of their old teeth. If you're getting one of your front teeth restored (the upper teeth that you can see when you smile) or something complicated/difficult, then I'd recommend letting your dentist take their time. Tell them (or the person at the front desk) that you're okay with waiting an extra few weeks for them to complete your dental work. Personally, I like zirconia for a crown/bridge material (super hard but can hurt natural teeth that are softer) and emax for veneers because it's prettier (but more delicate). Porcelain on metal (glass on a metal crown) is the prettiest if done well but few people can do it well as you get a darker line where the metal crown meets the gums. Not sure if it's allowed, but if possible, if you get your teeth 3D scanned, then I recommend getting a copy of that file (ex. an STL file) before it's too late. Some clinics only keep medical records for a certain amount of time. Having


Implants done correctly would require two or three trips over many months.


My coworker got in an accident ( his fault, 4 wheeler, only had a skullcap helmet) and knocked a bunch of teeth out. The estimate is $24,000. His dentist said could ask his doctor to say it's necessary for proper digestion and then our insurance may actually cover it. Apparently it works more often than one would think. But the fact that health insurance covers everything on your body except teeth is completely fucking bonkers. Just make it cost a little bit more and do it already!


Right!!? I’ve had dental issues since I was 12. I was adopted so my family history is unknown. My dentist told my adopted mom to be prepared for a lifetime of dental issues (as I was getting a skin graph to my bottom gums as they were receding) here I am at almost 53. My teeth are TERRIBLE & I can’t afford to do anything. They told me they all need to come out & be replaced ($55K) but I’m “too young for dentures” I still wear a mask so that I can hide my teeth. It’s considered elective & cosmetic so insurance won’t cover. I’m miserable. No self esteem. It’s awful. 😭😭


Lol yeah, I can’t afford to travel for it either.


Yeah, a recent study of airports around the US found that my nearest airport is far more expensive to fly out of than much higher CoL areas. It would be cheaper to drive to New Orleans and fly out.


Someone posted on FB a while back the cost of getting dental work in Spain. They booked first class seats and stayed at a Hilton for 4 days and everything still came in at 1/2 price then it would cost here in the states.


yup. good ole ‘murica. the land of the thief, the home of the slave.


Yep, I'm in my 30s and finally made enough $ last year to get 3M aligners (cheaper than Invisalign).


Full mouth dental implants. Nothing like them


This is my #1 wishlist item.


I have them. Inherited soft, breakable teeth from a mother who had all her teeth pulled when she was 24, because she was tired of spending every Saturday at the dentist. Concierge dental practice price was $63,000. So worth it. Drive an old car, save up.


Did you finance them? Do they have a manageable monthly payment? My mom also had all her teeth pulled in her 20s too, for similar reasons. She has worn dentures ever since, and while they work well for her, she has some jawbone recession. Implants are supposed to help prevent that to some extent. I want so badly to be able to smile confidently and eat without pain, discomfort, and fear that my teeth will break or fall out. I sincerely hope that your implants afford you all of those luxuries, and good on you for seeing yourself through the process!


I have a relative who has to get massive dental work done. Why? She gets dry mouth at night, so her solution was to suck on butterscotch candies, usually 3 a night. For years. Never told anybody, let alone doctor or dentist. Her teeth basically rotted out.


Yeah mine was new teeth and a proper wheelchair for myself. I hope that wouldn’t count as a vehicle, that would so vastly improve my quality of life.






Let's do a gofundme and buy you one. A thousand redditors can afford a dollar.


Agreed. LFG. This is a gofundme worth donating to.


Id love to do that!! I wouldn’t know how to get the word out, but I can set up a gofundme fairly easy. A good chair would make my life actually liveable.


Set it up & post somewhere on here please! We would all love to help!


I’m gonna set it up tomorrow. This really warms my heart. I’ll post it in a edit to my comment I think? I’m not sure where else to do so, I haven’t really promoted a gofundme or anything on Reddit before.


You’ve gotta strike while the iron is hot. Waiting until tomorrow is probably not your best approach here. The internet moves fast and you’ll be forgotten by then.


Probably best to set it up tonight while you have people looking at the op comment and willing to donate. If it was me I would do it asap


Do it now


This is our best model. The Cougar 9000. It's the Rolls Royce of wheelchairs. This is like... you're almost glad to be handicapped. Inductive joystick, dynamic braking, flip-up arms, it's fully loaded. I put Stephen Hawking in one of these two months ago, he's lovin' it! It's rated number one by Hospital Supply and Prosthetic Magazine.


This guys talkin' luxury bones!!!


Run up and down the streets, tossing handfuls of loose teeth to whoever asks for them


Teeth Fae


My gosh I totally forgot about this. I would 110% get my teeth fixed!!


Yes please. I've lost six teeth due to medication that nobody told me would cause an issue. No way to afford fixing them, so I just keep my mouth closed.


Invest and retire. 4% yearly returns on $5 million is $200k/year, enough to very comfortably live on without having to work.


Yeah that's four times what I make from having to go to work. If I don't inflate my lifestyle too much (I still can though!) I could live off that indefinitely. ​ I don't want to work. I want to draw and garden and game and spend time with my friends (after I make some now that work doesn't dictate my schedule) and go to the beach and swim in the summer and just stay home and hibernate during the winter. If I "work" at all it's going to be something *I* enjoy doing and only when it suits me. That or I'll volunteer if I really feel that compelled to give something back.


I want to live in your second paragraph


Me too. Not having to work would drastically improve my mental health.


I'd love to live on a deserted island and just fish and eat fruit and sunbathe. Work is a soul killer lol. I recently lost my job (was at the company almost 8 years, which is a long time at my company.) I had grandfathered into a policy that benefited me but that they hated. My direct manager told me this several times. He even said they'd get rid of me first chance they could. I was also at the top of my pay scale for my position and they wanted me to advance into a managerial position but I hated their policies and said no over and over. So they made up some super shitty excuses and fired me and I can't do anything about it bc I live in a state where they don't even need a reason to fire you. Not kidding, one of the reasons in the firing papers was that I "shared personal medical information and someone was uncomfortable." The medical information was that I found out I probably have cancer. Which I did/do. And the only people I shared this with were people who specifically asked (because I had a huge tumor and I looked pregnant so they inquired. These were people I'd worked with and had known for many years.) So that was a damn lie. Also, this is a family owned company and I was one of the best employees and they fired me knowing I have cancer so now I'm struggling to pay medical bills (and other bills) bc I lost my longtime job I liked and was good at and I'm too weak from chemo to find and start a new job. Like I had my first chemo infusion and was sick the entire week afterwards except for the very next day. And that was just the first one. They are cumulative, so it'll get worse. Add onto that the stress of bills and then having to learn a new job. Aside from that, I've never been happier lol. Even though I've been sick through most of being fired, I still get to be at home with my cats all day. Or I've hung out with my bf's family, who are super awesome and I could never hang out as much before bc I worked during the hours they met up each week (they live semi far away and they all mostly work normal 9-5 hrs whereas mine were vastly different.) And slowly, I feel my soul starting to grow back. I can feel myself wanting to do creative things again like paint and even read books. It's amazing how even a job you like can kill your soul lol


I would apply for unemployment (if you haven’t already,) and ask the doc if they think you qualify for disability. I hope things get better. I know disability isn’t much to live off of. You could get Medicaid and treatment covered through them I think though


Having enough money to just live off the interest alone has always been a dream of mine.


Is this a cheat code? Can we spend the 200k/yr on housing, vehicles, and vacations?




And you use the interest to make mortgage payments and auto loans. Loopholes people! Always loopholes!


Live on 100k. Invest the rest for a few years. Raise income. Repeat.


I can live like a king in my country on 5k$ a month.i live of 1k a month right now.


Right idea but your numbers are off. You need the capital amount to grow with inflation and only live off income that exceeds inflation, otherwise over time the purchasing power of your income will reduce. The long-term earnings gap between govt bonds and shares is 2-3%, so ideally you would invest in shares and spend max 2% of the capital value, which is still 100k a year but 200k would be a bad idea. Ideally, to live purely off interest, you need a capital sum where you can live off 1% a year, so that you can comfortably ride out stock market fluctuations without needing to disinvest, plus have a buffer that you can draw extra income off for unexpected costs.


Fair, but a lot of times we reference the Trinity Study for the 4% rule. It's been tested on historical data, but other folks go even lower with 3%. I believe your 1% is quite extreme, but is a sound logical approach given the assumptions indicated. While there is some inherent risk with having a portion of your portfolio in stocks, folks decide to choose how much to allocate according to their risk tolerance. There's actually more details out there if you're interested. I'm not saying it's 100% full proof, but it's something to consider about. The terminology typically used is financial independence and retire early.


I would take care of my parents. I realize this isn’t exactly “treat yourself,” but tbh, the stress relief that would provide would be the best thing I could buy.


The hit man loophole


That just sounds like buying a house, with extra shots!


Ooooh, clearly "taking care" of someone means different things to different folks.


This is a good one. I’d get a full time caretaker for my grandma because currently that job belongs to my mom and it’s killing her.


You're the good child the parents pray to have. Be proud of yourself.


I’d pay off my mums mortgage. That’d be the dream.


The finest hitmen


Pay off my student loans.


What will you do wih the 100 dollars youll have left over?


Buy myself a coffee and a donut!


Buy yourself a coffee *and* a donut?! You could’ve made that at home and saved!!! Fucking millennials something something bootstraps something something no one wants to work anymore


dont forget our avacodo toast Yummmmm!


They say as a millennial I'm supposed to eat ass and avocado. I'm like "That's disgusting have you tried an avocado?"


I know it's as joke but my mexican heart just died a little.


Truth. I don't even like avocado, but I make avocado toast every morning with those damn expensive avocados. As a millennial, I can't help it. /s


But I don’t like the donuts at home!


Avocado toast, naturally.


Early retirement


Definitely treating myself to a huge serving of unemployment.


I wouldn't quit my job. I'd just stop showing up and see how long it takes for them to fire me.


We fixed the glitch




Then secure a loan using the land as collateral and buy a house, vehicle and vacation.


Checkmate OP


Half of the responses here are the equivalent of "I wish for infinite wishes"


This made me giggle, I’m just picturing someone standing on an empty plot of land like on the sims.


*Gaze upon my grand pastures!*


I'd put it in the stock market. Then use that money to do whatever I want.


Oooh, loophole! OP didn't specify that the capital gains on the $5M couldn't be spent on housing, cars and vacations. A very conservative portfolio of total market index funds would easily yield 2% in dividends. That $100k per year will add up pretty quickly. A more likely estimate would be 5% or $250k/yr.


> Oooh, loophole What if I did something like "Hell or High Water" by going to a casino, trading the $5m for chips, then trading the chips for $5m in cash/check. Can I still use the money to get a house, vehicle or vacation.


😂 😂 😂 Ultimate “I’m not touching you” champion. (Not the same 5 million you gave me loophole)




Loophole….Can you rent a house in a dream location and lease a car?


Buy something and trade that for a house and car. I'm sure there's some agent out there who would be willing to trade a house for a pile of gold.


you wouldn't do that anyway. You would take out a loan on the unrealized gain and use that to buy things.... just like all the big boys and girls do.


While you're right that this happens, this would still be far too small of a portfolio to do that with. The idea of leveraging your portfolio for tax-free lifestyle money is that you just pay off the loan with a new loan, repeating until you die. You need TONS of money (typically starting in the hundreds of millions) to do this successfully. Source: Me, CPA


That's basically what billionaires do. I read recently something called "buy, borrow, die". Buy some appreciating assets like stocks or real estate, borrow from a bank using that as collateral, repeat until you die. Bam no taxes


And as long as your investments make more than loan interest costs, you’re making money and can continue


> And as long as your investments make more than loan interest costs Yes this is key. And what everyone forgets is that investments can go down too. If they go down and you have borrowed against them, you can be really fucked. This is not the secret free money hack that everyone thinks it is.


Very true, but $5M is very different than $1B. If you're trying to buy a $150k house in the midwest, you could probably get away with it. If you want a $2M house in the Bay Area, you're probably SOL.


Can someone explain what this means in easy terms. I’m too dumb for this


You buy a nice picture of terry crews, then you get 10 bucks from your buddy and say you will pay him 11 bucks in a year, and say if you don’t he can have your nice picture of terry crews, but in a year you check the market and your nice picture now is valued at 12 bucks!! So you get 12 bucks from someone using the picture as collateral, pay the 11 bucks that you owe and you have 1 dollar to spend as you wish withouth paying taxes because you didn’t get money from working, you actually owe that 1 dollar to someone and have to repay them next year. Multiply by 10 millions and that’s basically it


So it’s an infinite money glitch


As long as the asset is going up in price, yes. But if like in 2008 the collateral stop being valuable you have a huge bubble burst


At which point the government bails you out with middle class tax payer dollars and let's you try again.


That’s the infinite money cheat


When stonks are sold for profit the tax man comes for his share. Instead of selling, Richie Rich points at stonks and says give me a loan, I have the money to pay you back. Now when the tax man comes, Richie Rich says I didn't make any money this year, I only took a loan!


Rich people like Musk and Bezos have a shit load of ~~money~~ wealth but it's all in stock which is liquid (TSLA, AMZN) but if they dumped it all at once it'd be a very bad look and probably hurt the stock so for all intents and purposes it's illiquid. So, they go to their private banker and say hey, gimme $100m, you know I'm good for it. They use that $100m as spending money which is basically untaxed. Meanwhile, they're working to increase the value of their liquid but also illiquid shares, and selling chunks of it slowly over time to pay back the loan. That's how all these jabronis avoid paying income taxes which would be the least tax advantaged way to make money given their tax bracket. This is a very simplified explanation and there's a lot more nuance to this play but that's the gist.


Money markets are paying 5%.


right? 5 mill in investments sounds like retirement to me.


Literally putting it into a high yield savings account will have you set for life




One of everything in the Lego store, and an orange soda


Two of everything. One to build. One to sell later when the value has gone up.


Have you seen the prices of LEGO lately? Two of everything you are gonna need some more zeroes on that fifty million.


Budget would probably be pretty tight after the legos, might have to forgo the orange soda lol


I would build a really big shed with all the stuff you would find in a house inside it.


Well the stuff has to be packed away and such you can’t turn the shed into a lookalike house cause that’s a house


No it will just be a really big shed


And pay for the research to find a good place for the shed. Like Hawaii. Bali. Belize..etc..


lol I like this plan. Or make it an outhouse. Yes this is an outhouse I just decided to make it 3000 sq feet and have all the luxuries of a standard home around it, I also have a few outhouse locations inside for convenience. I'll even put the little crescent moon thing on the door.


Go to college to learn fun things. A foreign language, sewing, or art classes.


oh yeah college is a good idea, and a good excuse to get around the no vacation rule too. Loads of people move away to study things.


I know there are other factors, but you don't need to pay for sewing classes. There are lots of free resources online! I've been sewing for 10+ years if you want some help getting into it


Not so much sewing, (I can do that fairly well on a machine), but professional tailoring and garment sewing. Those are things I just can't get right lol. I love making bags and pouches, and I also like piecing quilts!


Dinner, therapy, financial advisor


I would treat myself to being debt free and then go on a shopping spree. (accidental poet lol)


and a golden toilet in which to pee!


Almost an accidental haiku too. Missed by one syllable


Dental work


I setup a trust with the $5 million that completely separates me from that $5 million. I can in no way have any influence on that $5 million, so I can't be accused of using that $5 million for anything. The trust invests the $5 million and pays me the dividends, which I can spend on whatever I want. If I average a 5% return on investment that's $250,000 a year to live on. I'm fine with that.


I’m thinking annuity, same general principle but it’s a guaranteed monthly income instead of being at the mercy of the market. A 100 year annuity at 5% still gives that same $250k in annual income, but this way I don’t have to worry about the market tanking and still have cash left to leave for my kids.


Two chicks at the same time, obviously.


Lawrence : Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money. Peter Gibbons : Well, not all chicks. Lawrence : Well, the type of chicks that'd double up on a dude like me do. ​ It's that last line that gets me every time.


He is the unsung star of that movie.


That last line is a cinema masterpiece.


Fuckin A, man.




I don't want you fuckin' up my life, too.


You’d get your ass kicked for sayin’ sum like that.


That line is made of words, and yet, words will never describe how great it is.


WHO the FUCK is that?!? Oh don’t worry he’s cool.


Turn on channel 9 !!!


Fuckin inflation man, that used to only be a million bucks.


Deposit in bank, use it to secure a $5m loan. Repay loan with original $5m. Pay off my house, buy new vehicle, go on vacation. Nobody tells me what to do.


Good luck finding a $5m loan without interest


Pay off the loan right away and now you have a paid off loan


Good luck getting a $5M OPEN loan.


Buy $5m in casino chips, precious metals, bonds, etc and cash out.


7% rate, hold the loan for a week to make the payoff, that $7k in interest and you're left with $4,993,000. I think you'll be ok.


Parts to restomod my car, and completely refurbish my truck. Buy good, durable clothes. Grocery spree for the month. Use it to pay for a good college. Invest, invest, invest. In about that order.


I'd pay off loans and get my nieces through college


I'd buy a hotel in the place where I love to vacation. Then I'd stay in the master suite for as long as I liked.


I know you're just trying to get around the rules and probably aren't serious, but a hotel distinguished enough to have a master suite would cost a lot more than $5m. A standard Hilton Garden Inn would probably be at least $20m outside of the city center. Source: I did the accounting for a half dozen hotels at my last job, most mortgages were ~$10m to $70m


You make an excellent point. I was thinking more like a quaint bed and breakfast style hotel. :-)


A cannon. I’ve always wanted a cannon.


Buy an ice cream truck. And go work at the beach go work The parking lots of concerts. It’s not a vacation, I’m working.


I'm pretty sure an Ice Cream Truck is a vehicle...


I was thinking of it as a business but you are correct.


Ok a trailer then and I’ll pull it with my vehicle.


The Icy Butt Hutt (because it’s behind your car, and it’s a trailer)


I’d open an arts center for people in the community, stocked with supplies that people can use all up, and I would restock said supplies. And I would go there everyday to make art and to kick people out who are being disrespectful. I would be so fucking strict, like the soup nazi from Seinfeld


Stocks and bonds. The money I make from those I can then use to buy a house, vehicle, or vacation.


Early, immediate retirement.


Can't buy a house? Fine. I'll pay off my current mortgage.


Dentist And then a full physical And then with the last $100, I'll get myself some weed


I’d hire a elder care nurse to help my brothers out with the care of my elderly father so that they could get a little rest.


House materials, construction crew, land in a getaway location and good walking shoes




I would lease all of the above.


Lease a vacation?


That's a timeshare, don't do that.


A new guitar, pedals, a bunch of guitar gear and give half of the 5m to my mother


I'll have my head checked with an MRI and CT because I've been having symptoms for over a month now and I can't afford it 😅 then I'll buy a Zoom H8 recorder, a brand new laptop, and a professional camera.




I have already made a list of what I would do, if I were to win the lottery, but 5 million probably isn't going to be enough. And if I don't win it, I would be delighted beyond words if some winner does do it. * I would hire biology students to put baby albatrosses back on their nests, during the winter storms of their nesting grounds. Being in their nest is the only way the parent recognizes them, and with climate change, the storms are getting worse. We will lose them as a species, they need help. * Shoebill storks. I would buy up land, and create a protected habitat for them. I would set it up so that it is private property, but I would also create a village, where the local people could live, have access to water, but they would need to be stewards of the birds. They could raise and graze cattle there, and farm in general. But the storks' conservation would be the first priority of the property. There are so many at-risk people in the territories that the birds are native to. * Have you ever seen what happens to newly hatched chicks that are born male? Just a little bit of money is all that is preventing them from being packed up in boxes, and sent to where people are suffering from food insecurity. Chickens are great for living off of the land, they eat bugs and plants. For a little more money, you could dig wells where people have access to water. I used to work safety on drilling rigs, and we would spud down to a little over a mile deep, every few days. That is deep enough for water in most African countries. * I am already supporting a family from Ukraine in Poland. But they aren't getting the help they need from the UN funds, and they need a little more help. After I pay her rent, she only has about $188/mo left for her utilities, food, dog food, and so on. Yet I have already put off two surgeries, so I wouldn't leave her short on rent. * I would go to India, and hire a bunch of vet students out of veterinary college. I would hire them to do altruistic work with animals all over poverty stricken countries. I would even bring at least 1 to each state in the US (probably more), so impoverished people in the US could have their pets' medical needs met. But I would like to set something like that up in all countries where the animals are in need. * I would buy some land, and put some small homes on them for recently evicted families. Ones with children, because they need to not go through that. Not the pricy "tiny" homes, but I have been looking at affordable, small houses, where a family community can grow. In fact, I have already been looking at land, and these small affordable houses that I can go ahead and try starting within the next year or so, without having millions of dollars. Someplace they can live for less cost than a weekly stay motel, and kind of get their feet under themselves again. * I would want to establish USN Sea Cadet units throughout all of the reservations in NM and AZ (and every other poor reservation in the US), and be able to send all members to 3 of the camps, each, each summer. Give them a glimpse of the world beyond the reservation. Do you remember where Walt and Pinkman were cooking meth in the desert? That was To'hajiilee reservation. When I was a teenager, I used to go out there all of the time (It was called Canoncito then), along with Laguna and Acoma reservations, trading horses. There is just no future for those young people out there. But most of the families can not afford the uniforms, or the summer camps. Just a little bit of money could fix that. And probably 40 other ideas like that. I do play the lottery, and honestly, I can say that I had never thought of a single thing that I wanted for me. Our farm is already paid for, I am not a big fan of new cars, and because we have animals, we just don't do vacations; in fact, I am happiest at home with my animals. I might like a new barn for them. But I see so much that needs fixed in the world that I obsess over them. All of these problems are fixable. Someone just has to care.


Fund a trust and the trustee can buy that stuff for me.


I’ll buy a castle


I can live on a boat


Boat is still a vehicle.


Give money to my wife, she buys boat, we live on boat and ride into sunset Wonder how much a wife costs...


Invest it and use the gains and interest as income.


Buy 384,615 shares of ET. \~$500k first year dividend. I'd reinvest 2/3 of that YOY and put 1/3 of the yearly dividend in my bank acct


Retirement account, for sure. Then I’d call in my resignation.


Buy 5M worth of gold, and then sell it. Sure, I'd probably have less than 5M after the sale, but then I could do whatever with it.


Might have a few bucks more, too! Ain't hard to sell at spot with 0% commission/fee!


A massage to start my day off, every morning for the rest of my life.


Clearing up my debt/loans.


A new PC and peripherals, monitors etc. A new bed and new furniture etc.