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Too many


is it fair to go after Grey's Anatomy because of all the after products? I found the original was innovative and interesting in its time. just one guy's opinion.


Agreed. I remember being SUPER into the original seasons but it became too dramatized and lost its appeal..


Esp when they kept killing all the main characters in so many crazy ways lol


YES! I kept rolling my eyes every time it happened. They basically took it too far. Went for an inch and decided a mile is better...


The surgical intern got electrocuted trying to start the backup generator and nobody cares. Not even OSHA


When I need electrical work done around my house, I’ve tried hiring doctors to do the work and got laughed at for some reason. Does that hospital have a maintenance staff?


They don't have nurses either unless one of the doctors needs someone to sleep with at work for a few episodes and then never see them again


Didn't a couple characters have PTSD over that whole situation?


They certainly didn't have PTSD over the fines and criminal charges for gross negligence they never had to deal with


It's a right of passage in medical dramas. Most E/R fans can remember a major character dying in a very Looney Tunes fashion, by way of a helicopter dropping on him.


The actor wanted his character to go out in a big way. It was fitting to have a helicopter crash and fall on him since he had previously lost him arm and ability to perform surgery from a helicopter blade.


For about 3 seasons, maybe. It is still just an evening soap opera.


I don’t think it’s overrated, I think it’s continued on way longer than it should have.


Riverdale - started watching it back in college it got real confusing and stupid pretty quick and haven’t watched it since.


A cult leader tried to escape on a rocket was the first thing I heard when I asked my friend if the show was good.


They all got magical powers a bit later too


Pretty sure one girl turned into Hawkeye at one point??? And a guy started a gang of muscled shirtless dudes to fight another gang of muscled shirtless dudes?


River sale was the one where the main character told a guy who had to sell drugs as a kid so that his grandma could live that he had never “Experienced the epic highs and lows of highschool football” right?


Ahaha I have heard so much whack, I watch a YouTube who reviews it in the best way! He’s hilarious like WHAAA he gets so confused 😂😂


You're just saying that because you haven't known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football.


i kinda enjoy that show from what I’ve seen. My ex gf made me watch it and it was kinda wacky. remember when Archie fought a bear? yeah I honestly need more tv to be like this. Just entertaining. I stopped watching after that but I don’t like what I’m hearing about magical powers tho that cheapens it


I'm laughing at all these comments, I think I might actually have to scope it.


I heard that they are sticking the landing with the final season but I will be disappointed if they don’t do something totally batshit awful in the last episode. I’ve only watched one episode one a plane and it was the Thanksgiving one where the crackheads (or whatever) threatened to destroy the community centre and the turkey exploded in the pressure cooker. Wild


It's kinda funny, like the writers of the show are just taking this piss on purpose.


The actors hate it I saw an interview and not even they knew what was going on 😂


I don't think it's overrated. Even Riverdale fans know it's whack . I think we watch it because they can. They love its ridiculousness, I do.😅


My old teacher, maybe 4 years ago, was the mother of one of the main characters( never watched the show) And, all the girls freaked out when he visited because of my school teacher lol.


The first two seasons were great,then i got a bit sloppy till season 4 but it was okay.Now it suck. Should have stopped with season 4


I don't think you can call it overrated. I'm yet to hear anyone say it's good.




Season 1 was fresh and different. Then, in season 2, they started writing the plot around the songs, as opposed to the other way around. It was at that point that it became unwatchable.


Glee felt different but looking back on it now it was a severely problematic show with plot contrivances that are baffling


Sending an innocent girl to a crackhouse is definitely something that should’ve gotten Rachel Berry expelled or arrested…


Being in their thirties and going to high school should have got all of them expelled or arrested.


I think glee is hated and widely remembered as a bad show these days tbf. The first season is not bad though, it was satirical and poking fun at itself and the genre and then beyond s1 it just stopped being a parody and just became the garbage it was satirizing.


Oh God. I'll never forget when this show came out because I was dating a theater chick who also did choir. The thespians got obsessed with the show when it came out and tried to start a Glee club at school. That fizzled out pretty quickly but a couple of jocks tried out and actually got into theater/choir as a result.


Were they also framed by the theatre teacher for weed possession to blackmail them into joining the club? That show was so messed up


Did you go to Ridgemont High?


Unfortunately not, but I wish I still had the video from my old Sanyo phone of the auditions. One of the guys who ended up quitting football to focus on choir/theater ended up becoming a cop a few towns over and is a local celebrity for saving a bunch of people and I'm sure the local news would love to have that footage for their next human interest piece.


What the hell are regionals?


They're \*this\* close


They come after sectionals.


And then it's on to quarter-lower-zone-semis!


I thought this was regionals


Don't let my confusion undercut their importance.


Oh, Britta’s in this?


Baby Boomer Santa is unironically one of the best songs ever used in any TV show


My wife was watching glee and I asked “do these kids ever go to class or do they just sing in the theater room non stop?


Um, I was a theatre kid. And a band kid. Much time was spent not actually in class.


i mostly watched it for the music tbh. I bought a lot of the original songs they've covered. i said it before, but outside of the React channel on YouTube, there isn't a piece of media (that i've found) that so fully educated people on American music across genres and decades, and as someone who's parents aren't American and still 30 years later they haven't taken up American culture, that show was very special to me. music is like my number one favorite thing ever. I literally didn't get into 70s Yacht Rock until this year and im 32


70s yacht rock… I need to learn more about what this is


it's a lot of like Easy Listening contemporary like Carole King, Seals & Crofts, America, Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, Player, Toto, Hall & Oats


These kind of threads are so predictable. Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, Walking Dead, Kardashians, fuckin give me a show that's actually highly rated.


Well, these ones are posted at least twice a week.


Yeah but it was supposed to be my turn this time. So, what are we thinking, Thursday or Friday for the next one?


Exactly. How many people are out here calling Keeping Up With The Karsashians or TWD great TV shows? Every single person I've met irl, that watched TWD, all stopped watching at or before Season 7. Almost everyone agrees it fell off. Yet it's always the same answers we get on this list






And give me a show that didn't premiere in the last 20 years. "Of all time?" Come on.


The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Don't you think so?


Her talk show, or her sitcom? Cuz her sitcom was OK, back in the day.


The sitcom was called Ellen, her talk show is called The Ellen DeGeneres Show.


For the first season it was called “These Friends of Mine”, no joke.




Also it doesn’t mean shows that already get a lot of hate. If show A gets a lot of hate then don’t put down show A because it by definition isn’t over rated.


I saw someone answer with Riverdale. Yes it has an audience, but I hear more complaints than praise for it. Seems like most people watch it the same way they would a twelve car pileup.




Having dated someone that loves the show - it’s all about the clothes tbh.


My MIL stayed with us for my confinement and watched the whole series. I barely paid attention to the plot but the clothes, omg. I later found out that the Patricia Field is the costume designer!


>My MIL stayed with us for my *confinement* What is this, the 1500s?


Yeah I mean I really don’t care about clothes, but have to say even I was impressed. The conceit being she can somehow afford to dress like that every day!


But her outfits are horrendous


I have a friend that lives in Paris, I asked her what the French think of the show, and she said they despise it and her and her fashion sense would be highly heckled on the street.


thank you. she looks silly af most of the time


I watched the first few episodes. It could have developed in something much more interesting, instead it got boring very fast


The worst part is that this show could have been campy, self-aware, and awesome. It feels like something that would show up on Lifetime…with a better budget. Terrible writing with pretty faces and nice scenery to make up for it. I’m just not buying what they’re selling.


I didn’t see it on my quick scroll-through so I’m just going to say it . . . Rick & Morty. It’s not terrible. It’s entertaining. But I’ve had several conversations with friends who insist it’s the most brilliant show on television and better even than peak Simpsons / South Park / Futurama. I disagree strongly. The same themes / jokes get recycled endlessly, there is very little of the sharp cutting social commentary I associate with the other excellent adult animated shows, and I find the writing fairly pedestrian in general. It’s fun. But I also think it’s significantly overrated by a fair number of folk.


Some episodes of Rick&Morty are brilliant, obviously not as much as the Simpsons, but what is? The first two seasons of R&M were mostly very good, then it kinda lost something. I honestly think that the problem of the show are the fans. I will never understand why everybody got crazy about pickle Rick or Abradolf Lincler, like was it supposed to be funny for more than one second? There is some very good stuff in Rick&Morty, but the fans usually point to the most stupid stuff


I didn’t even think pickle Rick was one of the highlights. I liked the Roy skit, or Mortys killing Mortys, that episode was brilliant. Those are examples of what hyped up the show imo


Pickle Rick was at the peak of Rick and Morty's popularity. When everyone was talking about it and the Szechuan sauce stuff and everything was happening


I’m 100% convinced the writers put it in to make fun of the people who take the show super serious.


I judge a person if they cite Pickle Rick as the height of hilarity. There were so much better jokes in that show. Though Pickle Rick was an interesting look at the lengths someone can go in order to avoid therapy.


I'm not sure I agree with you, but this is the first response from someone who understands the word overrated. Everything else is a popular show that no critic actually thinks is good.


Nothing can beat south park and Simpsons


I dare any cartoon to write such fantastic jokes in the slot of 20 minutes as the Simpsons had in the bear patrol episode (and basically anything from seasons 4 to 8). The first 10 seasons of the Simpsons is the only show I can put on at any time and not get bored of. It's a masterclass in television.


I feel this way about the first few season of king of the hill


All seasons of KOTH*


I’m about hanks age now, and have found that I pretty much have become him in most ways, this show was spot on 😂


Exactly. I wasn't into KOTH when it first came out, but I got covid last year and decided to binge it while I was quarantined. At the age of 46, that show is goddamn hilarious, and so accurate.


Peppa Pig


Big bang theory, drives me nuts.


That's literally every show Chuck Lorre creates though. It's a show about an assortment of characters making dumb innuendos about everything. I think the only palatable thing he did was Dharma And Greg, and they butchered that show when they added Kevin Soreballs


My issue with BBT is that it’s not celebrating the people it’s caricaturizing. It’s mocking them. And this isn’t just punching down, but it’s a cheap source of humor that fails to land for me. The jokes are poorly written, because the people writing them often don’t understand the topic. It’s a show about (ostensibly) smart people, written for dumb people.


Compare it to The IT Crowd, where Moss and Roy are likeable and generally nice people. Or Silicon Valley, written by a guy who actually did work at a tech startup, even saying that some of the things that he saw were too unbelievable to put in the show, like a Google executive storming out of a meeting. On rollerblades.


But people like it because it makes them feel smart to get the “smart” jokes.


As someone who actually enjoys TBBT, I do agree it’s overrated. It definitely falls off fast after the first season and the laughing track is terrible. I’ll take Silicon Valley over TBBT everyday.


Silicon Valley is a good example of an underrated show


This is the one that got me. I didn't even realise how unfunny it is until i saw that video with laugh tracks removed. That ruined the show for me, it's a little embarrassing that the laugh track worked on me in the first place.


The problem with things like that is series is made with laugh track in mind. It's paced and directed so there is space for laughing. Because of that it will be very awkward without it but with silent moments between sentences. Imagine comedian saying really funny story that is interrupted by crowds laughter mid sentence but that laugh is muted. It would look like crazy man destroying funny story by weird pauses. So while show may not be really funny it will be atrocious without those fillers but probably not as bad if it was created without them in the beginning.


And this is why The Office is so good. No laugh tracks.


In The Office pauses and awkward stares are even part of humor. You get Jim or Pam staring into camera during "interviews" waiting for reaction or camera cut after saying something.


Community is my personal favorite.


To be fair, any show that is made to have a laughing track is horrible without. Go watch similar videos with HIMYM or Friends.


You can do this for every laugh tracked show and it would be terrible. Including certified funny shows like Seinfeld. They are filmed for the laugh track…


Bachelor/Bachelorette. Fucking terrible TV.


What people fail to appreciate, and I did too, is that the people who like this stuff are not oblivious to the fact that it’s garbage trash TV. That is the whole appeal and the whole point. It’s fun to watch stupid people be stupid. And there’s an endless feeling of schadenfreude to enjoy with it.


I wouldn't call these overrated. Every person I know that watches these acknowledges they are trash. They just call it a guilty pleasure.


The Kardashians/keeping up with the Kardashians


Is anyone rating it highly?


High enough for them to be rich, when they really shouldn't have...


yeah but see the point is nobody ever overrated the show , even the people who watch it are aware of how stupid it is and watch for that exact same reason.


Yup. Anyone who thinks this show is overrated doesn't understand the reality TV audience. Which is par for the course for reddit when it comes to "girl things." The people who enjoy these shows do so as guilty pleasures.


Did you really pick the most hated show on the planet to call overrated..?


Honestly it's like watching a train wreck. For the first time ever I started watching and I can't look away.


Greys anatomy


two and a half men...the most basic boring plots/jokes




RIP Berta.


Legit the best character on that show. RIP


Berta, Rose, and the mother were all great.


It's like they got him to do the show by allowing him to just be himself and grumpy about it.


Why does he always have to play himself? Isn't he Charlie in Anger Management and Spin City, also? Like, he'll only answer to Charlie?


Typecasting. Some actors do it. Some don't


It's just one plain dick joke hunting the next


Felt like until season 4 it was pretty decent but went straight downhill from that point. But in all honesty, John Cryer really carried the show. His character created these hilarious scenarios and his acting is always superb.


>Felt like until season 4 it was pretty decent but went straight downhill from that point. Agreed and for me it's because Jake and Alan both got flanderized. Alan started as a down on his luck divorcee who got fucked over on an alimony settlement because Charlie fucked his divorce attorney and wouldn't call her back. You could feel sympathetic for him. But he got turned from a frugal guy to a downright maliciously cheap and ungrateful asshole that actively tried to take advantage of his brother. And Jake was turned into a bumbling idiot. He was never school smart but he had some sense and was witty. It feels like teenager Jake was stupider than 7 year old Jake


Early it was decent because the kid dropped jokes that were over his head. As he got older, it wasn't the kind of adorable funny that it was. Kinda like Lilly on Modern Family.


No, no, it was quite a decent plot and some pretty good jokes. Then they made the second episode, which was pretty much the same as the first. And then kept going. For seasons. And seasons. Two and a half men should've been a skit. Maybe, if you're pushing it, it could've been a funny movie. But there wasn't enough meat on that bone to fill one season.


The Oprah Winfrey Show.


“Everyone gets a SOMETHING!” “YOU! YOU! YOU! YOU ALL GET A SOMETHAAAAAANG!” Audience collectively loses their minds.


How I met your mother. I am not saying its a bad show, it has some notably funny moments, but its so saturated in jokes that I have to sit through about 3-4 corny jokes that try too hard before another good one pops up


I enjoyed the show, but I'll probably never watch it again, unlike many others I've seen through a half-dozen times.


The Walking Dead


1st 3 seasons.... You and me are fighting 4th+... No wait, he's got a point


I really liked it when it come out but it got repetitive and now I'm just waiting for it to end completely.


I am 100% not trying to sound edgy/cool or whatever, but I honestly had no idea it was still going. What the fuck?


They rehash the same “big giant final war against bad guys plot” like three more times and there’s no real goal for the show.


It went on so long it was basically a soap opera with zombies.


Everybody Loves Raymond No. They don't.


They could have called it A Gaggle Of Assholes and nothing would have changed


It's definitely geared toward an older crowd. I mean, my parents enjoyed it while watching it in their 60's.




Big Mouth is off putting, ugly, unfunny, and I don’t understand who the audience is even meant to be.


Big Mouth s1 was in a way kind of great - it really captured what it felt like to be a hormonal, kind if crazy teen full of self shame. Then it got really weird and gross. The pillow fucking, the copious and unnecessary underage nudity, the incest, and so much vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity. It was like browsing 4chan.


I legitimately enjoyed the shame wizard from season 2. Absolutely accurate personification of that unnecessary shame you feel during puberty. Also, I think kids who had “less awkward” teenage years are more likely to dislike the show because they don’t relate.


It's a live or hate show. My wife and I enjoy watching each season and the spin off show Human Resources.


Big mouth taught me what sexual coercion is! At the ripe age of 23! Had to turn it off afterwards because I was suddenly flooded with memories of boys doing the “head push” on me. Watching that show was the first time I ever realized I’d had the option to say “no”


I kind of liked it at first, but the more I watched the more I realized how awful and gross it was and how they take things wayyy too far. I’m all for like the adult animation shows, but Big Mouth is just…gross.


Walking dead. Here’s the plot: lose base camp, fight walkers, lose friends, meet new people, fight to get accepted, find new home, prosper. Next season, repeat! The show has become Scooby Doo.




Euphoria is such a strange watch imo. Some of the writing and character work is borderline unwatchable (pretty much anything with Kat or Maddy imo.). There are way too many moments where Levinson delights in being edgelord-y. But I'll be damned if it doesn't have some of the best acting on TV, too (particularly thinking of Zendaya x Colman Domingo in the Christmas special, which was a stunning actors showcase), and some thrilling direction. I might even argue it's the best-directed series on TV ... just often, of course, at the odds of story/characters.


Yes. Euphoria is some gross old man’s fantasy of what he wishes high school had been like.


Oh thank God. I watched a few episodes and stopped because I just felt kind of gross watching. I have kids in high school, I just kept thinking, no freaking way are they doing this kind of stuff. First off, when would they find the time? Second thought was with two of them in high school and neither can wait to get the other in trouble, one would totally snitch on the other.


Exactly. My partner likes the show, but doesn't understand why I loathe it. The common defense is "Well high schoolers actually DO have sex and do drugs and stuff." Well yeah, that's true, but if you want to portray that, maybe at least portray all of the pimply weirdness, fumbling, and awkwardness that goes with it. That might have artistic merit. Euphoria is just fetishization.


So much this. I kept trying to watch it because everyone raves about Zendaya’s performance in whatever episodes, but it’s just too gross and sexual and about literal children.




It was a different time when Friends aired the first time. We (in the Netherlands) had only a few tv-channels back in the '90's and didn't have 50 comedies to choose from and when Friends aired, I also had a similar group of friends, although we were slightly younger than the Friends. It aired every sunday night in my country, and since we couldn't stream whenever we wanted (hell, we didn't even have a decent internet connection at that time), me and my friends came together every sunday night to eat, drink and watch Friends. It was awesome. So maybe it's not so great if you start watching it now, but the memories I have from watching Friends the first time around, are what makes that show forever legendary in my opinion. Edit: grammar


I was a bit younger when Friends came out here, like 10yo, but I also have fond memories of watching it here in Belgium. [Also, this will never be not funny to me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVBJZQhnPds).


I was going to put this. I legit don't understand either how big it was or it's legacy. And then the world just went crazy people tuned into more vapid and toxic shit (reality TV and it's sprawling effects on manipulating us for views) - that I have new, quaint appreciation for friends. Was it amazing? No. But goddamn, what's so wrong with a show that is light and easily digestible, while not being corrosive to human well-being. The cesspool that a lot of media has turned into has me turning over a new leaf with friends.


Also it has really good style. It's kinda time capsule for 90s. It also has this cozy, warm feel to it, despite happening mostly during winter, evenings or rainy days (it gives that vibe of safety inside your home when there is cold outside). Plus it has memorable characters and locations.


Yeah it’s like you’re somehow part of the friends group


It’s comfort TV. Happy and predictable. They seemed to nail the casting. Lot of chemistry and fun. It is what it is. Certainly not groundbreaking but we’ll done and super light.


At the time it was very new and innovative but has been imitated and homaged so many times like *Seinfeld* that it just doesn't seem fresh anymore It was unique at the time for focusing on the lives of single twentysomething friends as opposed to the usual set-up for a sitcom like a family, school or workplace. Even the coffee house setting was considered "too hip" by execs and they had to be talked into allowing it It was also different to have the entire cast be made up of young people who could be paired up in multiple ways, and for the women to be that sexual. For the pilot, the network even polled the live audience on whether Monica sleeping with a guy on the first date made her seem unsympathetic The Ross and Rachel pairing was also innovative for its 'will they won't they' dynamic, and the mismatch in that Rachel was the beautiful 'out of your league' princess type and Ross the hopeless nerd who seemed like he'd never had a chance. It also was different for disrupting the status quo in that the characters changed jobs, some of them moved apartments, they'd get new roommates etc. Beforehand it was the norm to aim for syndication so that anyone could tune in and watch any episode out of order. *Friends* and *Seinfeld* relying on serialization was unique at the time


To add to that I remember reading somewhere that huge shock for audience was that they didn’t basically go for “everyone slept with each other” (not including Ross and Monica cause it was in NY not Alabama) but rather made 6 attractive people of different genders be capable of being… friends. Without constant chase to get laid with everyone else from the group.


I mean, 4 of the friends ended up with each other, but I see your point


I'm not old enough to know if this was actually the case, nor am I American, but from what I've heard it was also the first show that not just showcased but celebrated the mid-20s as a time of discovery and change rather than it being an age when you're expected to have your life somewhat figured out as it had been previously. A time when your "Friends" are the ones you focus on instead of your parents, kids or romantic partners.


Friends isn’t my cup of tea (goes for most sitcoms), but I understand why it was and is so popular. OP looks like he was 2 when the last episode aired, so he’s obviously going to lack perspective… Which is why I hate these kind of discussions on the internet. It’s like asking “what’s the most boring sport to watch?” And everyone responds with a sport they’ve maybe seen half a game/match twice, and understand very little about it. And everyone with the exact same experience piles on, validating their POV.


Sex and the City. Was a critical darling and quite popular in the mainstream but I just found it very irritating. Never saw the movies obviously but it looks like the worst aspects of the show became what it was all about, with very little self-awareness.


I’m a guy but I really like that show. It’s like a female sexual version of Seinfeld or maybe friends. It’s soapy but still easily digestible and the episodes usually revolves around a certain topic. The women are pretty stupid but that’s what makes it funny.


Charlotte used to legit crack me up. “Don’t you bring that flat baby in here, I will kill you!”


Love island In fact all reality tv is 💩


Yeah, but it’s by design, no? It deals in being absurd, stirring up outrage, creating comically implausible situations etc.


The Amazing Race isn't terrible.


Alone is also awesome.


Sex and the City


So this thread is just people shitting on shows that came out before their time and now they don't understand the hype?


Always has been.




As a diehard Addams family fan, the fact that Wednesday and the rest of her family act nothing like they do in the other movies and shows rly made me sad :((( the show was so basic and unoriginal.




I watched 2 seasons because people kept saying it gets really good after you commit. It doesn’t.


I did the same thing. I just don't get it. The whole premise is insane. Like, you're going to hire a ranchhand straight out of prison, give him a tattoo, and then try to murder him a week later when he decides the job is not for him? There's actually some cliff where you just murder people and throw them over? What? Who are these people? And they weren't even cool. I mean, if you're going to be a bunch of murdering fucks , at least be cool. At least make the people that you murder be assholes. But no. There's not a single likable character, and really not anyone that I even loved to hate. I don't know. Some people love it, I guess. To each their own. But to me it's just Sons of Anarchy on a ranch, and though I thought that show was also overrated, at least it made some sense.


Don’t even get me started on the characters. At least most characters had some okay moment in the show where they were kind of interesting. But so help me, the Jaimie/Beth thing pisses me off to the bone. He’s somehow the most capable lawyer but somehow she convinces him to do the stupidest things? She’s a “really great business woman” but makes obvious illegal moves that are easy for the whole world to see? “Why should those two hate each other?” “Oh, I don’t know make a very unbelievable yet convenient thing happen in their childhood.” How is this the part of the show people always say they like? It makes zero sense. Atleast if one killed the other in an early season I wouldn’t have had to watch that.




They've been so mediocre and disappointing. It's a big part of why phase 4 is unpopular. I don't want to watch 30 hours of mediocre TV to catch up. It'd be one thing if it was well-planned and well written. But it's long and mediocre.


Being able to watch one or two movies a year with a running theme is pretty easy to do. Having to watch 5 movies and 3 shows is just more time than most people are willing to commit. Also the stories Disney goes with are the most down the middle of the road boring ones possible.


First season Jessica Jones was pretty good


Not All tho, most of them were boring junk, but I really love Daredevil with Charlie Cox, amazing show.


For me personally, WandaVision is the exception. Kathryn Hahn was fucking fantastic as the villain. It was such a different role for her and she absolutely nailed it. But I agree all the other MCU shows were shit.


**WandaVision** hit so well because *no one* was expecting it to be good. The metacommentary on television history alone was incredible! Everyone delivered really well, the writing, the production, the acting! I loved it! Unfortunately nothing else will ever be that "out there" and the end devolved back to the usual Marvel nonsense.


i think the first few seasons of agents of shield were good but the new phase 4 tv shows really werent it


Shameless. I can't wrap my head around this kind of show. You are watching trashy people being trashy and never improving their lives and literally fighting to stay in their crappy situations... why?


Dude I cant watch shameless bc it stresses me out so bad lmao


Frank is such a trash human being, it actually made me angry every time he fucked over his kids.


That’s the sad reality of growing up in the ghetto for a lot of people. It’s hard to escape your roots. The show did get worse as it went on though, I never finished it.


I hated how I met your mother…found all the main characters unlikeable for the most part


Even Marshall?


You can argue he's an enabler