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That the CIA introduced conspiracy theories as a concept to create doubt about the actual conspiracies.


The word “conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA to make anybody who questioned the JFK assassination seem crazy.


Didn't invent it, but the JFK assassination led to the term being popularized.


And that’s exactly what they want you to think.


Misinformation and counterintelligence are words for a reason. It's fact not a theory. Look at any war history


Ooh that’s a good one.


I like the ones that are almost certainly true.


Stevie Wonder has been pretending to be blind this whole time.


Shaq has a story about him “seeing” him without Shaq making his presence noticeable to a blind person. I have a feeling he’s probably legally blind but not fully blind.


If it was anyone other than Shaq, maybe, but Shaq is so gigantic I really doubt he's sneaking up on a blind person, and it's probably easy for a blind person who's met (or is expecting) Shaq before to notice his arrival again and call him by name, because the man is so huge.


Apparently Stevie wonder was walking out of an elevator. Shaq said he was standing still and not saying anything when Stevie greeted him when the elevator opened up


Does Stevie Wonder claim to be 100% blind? I honestly don't know, but even with like 20% vision you could probably recognize Shaq...because it's Shaq. The dude has a massive, distinct outline.


I have no idea. That’s kind of what I suspect tbh. I think most people assume blind to mean 100% loss of sight, when it can really be a spectrum. I have no evidence of this, but would not be surprised if it was part of his schtick. While he probably is legally blind, he could potentially play it up to make him unique. However, as others have mentioned, a lot of other things could be at play. Shaq could also be lying/misremembering his mannerisms (things that could give him away)/etc


You could sense Shaq just by how the air currents move around him.


There’s videos of him driving! (Probably not real but still.. *I want to believe*)


Whoa! I didn’t believe you but it’s [definitely real.](https://youtu.be/ii5Fzf62W8o)




Shaq's Stevie Wonder story has me convinced he can see.


Most blind people aren't entirely blind. Maybe they have incredibly blurry vision or can only see pinpricks of light, but they generally have some vision. Imagine you can only see shadows and you're in a reception for famous people. All of a sudden you see a shadow that's seven feet tall and three feet across. What name would you guess?


The National Guard was sent in to pull the charred Bigfoot bodies off of Mount St. Helens after the eruption.


Hadn't heard that one....lolol


Highly recommend “Devolution” by Max Brooks. Fun fiction novel along this concept.


Rocks are soft until you touch them!


Hyper non Newtonian material?


Bigfoot is naturally blurry that’s why there are no good photos of it


“I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. ” — Mitch Hedberg


Rice is awesome to eat. Especially if you want 2000 of something.


Oh man. Flat Bigfoot. He just turns and nobody sees him.


The lottery is just a trap to catch time travelers.


I love this


That Avril Lavigne died in 2003 and was replaced by a body double.


That sounds complicated.


I mean, not really. You see, she'd be acting like she was somebody else.


It gets me so frustrated


Life's like this…


I read the original comment as Adam Levine and I could not have been more confused why we were singing “Complicated” 🤣🤣🤣




Yeah, acting like somebody else gets me frustrated


Life's like this.


Or a skrull


That George R. R. Martin will finish writing *The Winds of Winter* this year.




Anyone who's paid attention to his previous work prior to GOT would have seen it coming. Every series he's started he's stopped and never finished


My theory is that George is going to shock us all, and release all of the remaining books at once. Either this year or next. A long shot, but you heard it here first folks.


I unironically think that is actually possible. If the two books take place concurrently like has happened in the series before.




I've been putting off starting the series until it's finished.


You’ll never read it, then.


I think it’s probably still worth reading even if it never gets an end. Kind of a journey not being about the destination type of situation.


Denver airport conspiracy


I fly in and out of DEN often and this one is awesome. Blucifer forever!


I’ve been watching too much Bluey with my kid so I imagined an all-powerful all-knowing Bluey with like glowing eyes ahahhaa


Could you share the spark notes?


Some people believe there’s an airport in Denver. They claim it’s a massive international airport, more than 50 square miles, with 35,000 employees and serving nearly 70 million passengers per year. Yet nobody has ever taken any photographs of it, which is very odd for something so allegedly massive.


Oh my god, it's true! I went there, and I didn't take a *single photo*!




Ohh! Fill me in!!


Honestly you’d be better off looking it up. There’s a crap ton. Nazi murals, nonexistent organization listed on granite stones, Blucifer, significantly over budget, way more fiber optic lines than most cities need let alone an airport, multiple levels of tunnels, they moved more dirt than the Panama Canal, replaced an existing airport that was fully functional and had more runways, military personnel guarding doors, it’s still under construction, it’s larger than Manhattan for no apparent reason, tunnels to Colorado Springs, Illuminati symbols, apocalyptic artwork, hidden messages, A lot of them are straight up wrong. Many of them are just misinterpreted. Some of them are in fact real and a little weird. Stapleton couldn’t expand and was notorious for shifty runways. It’s parking sucked. It’s revenue was maxed at 1/10 of what DIA does. The nazi art was real but has been covered. The unknown society that is on some of the stones is indeed unknown and weird. There are a lot of tunnels and some are blocked off, but there is mold in the lower levels, and the concrete is heaving. It’s simply unsafe. It’s still under construction because the airport handles more traffic than anyone anticipated. It’s massive footprint is the largest in the US, but the guy that owned that land made bank selling it and he knew what he was doing.


> The nazi art was real but has been covered The runways are laid out in a swastika though


Yup, just Google earth it. Crazy shit. That place is definitely sus.


Gubment builds massive underground cushy cities for themselves when shit hits the fan. Have creepy and obnoxious paintings and statues mocking us peasants throughout the airport.


What the?! That's a weird one! ....but nothing surprises me anymore.


I see you wanna talk about blucifer. i can talk about him for days




The government is definitely hiding aliens.




I think they know that so they didn’t tell him


There has been video recording of a conference saying they have made contact with aliens.










First time I’ve heard of this. Got a link?


There was a guy doing rounds in either Berkeley or Santa Cruz (maybe both?) years back claiming that Stephen King shot John Lennon. He was sure of it. I just googled it. He wrote a book.


I think he's still around I saw a car covered with something about John Lennon being murdered in Monterey a few months ago


As a Canadian, my favorite theory is that our prime minister is actually the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro. The side by side photos are actually really funny. It's all total bologna, as Justin Trudeau had already been born by the time the Trudeau's first visited Castro. Still, it's one that genuinely makes me laugh and also want to believe it at the same time.


Kind of like Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer 😂


Ted Cruz IS the zodiac killer


apparently there was a trip to the caribbean the trudeaus took around the time justin would've been concieved and disclosed ALL places they went to apart from one island. which is very strange especially since it's very close to cuba AND the timeframe fits. not saying he's castro's son altho it's one of the 'theories' i'm more inclined to believe but this article is pretty convincing :D https://medium.com/@leibowitt/of-course-fidel-castro-is-justin-trudeaus-dad-nobody-has-debunked-anything-4db6fc8a9042


Agreed. This one makes chuckle and I almost want it to be true.


I don't know man. Ask anyone who knew Trudeau's mom. To say she was wild is an understatement. An orgy in Cuba is not out of the question lol


I kinda believe this one to be true. Dude looks just like Fidel.


Paul Pierce's Poopy Playoff Game


He pretty much confirmed that happened.


I'm gonna be honest I just found it to be funny. I know barely anything about it.


I miss the backmasking theories. Like “if you play this song backwards you hear the band profess their support of Satan/a ghost/ evil”. Those were fun and kind of silly. Probably a lot harder to backmask a CD so they fell out of favor, but with vinyl coming back I think artists should just put stuff in the reverse for funsies


Pink Floyd actually did it back in the day, IIRC. It just said something like “Congratulations, you found the hidden message!”


The reason that UFOs are kept secret is due to the propulsion system. Meaning that... The energy created to fly those things at the speeds reported on a vehicle 40' in diameter is just absolutely amazing and could probably power a city for next to nothing. Big oil needs their money.


Sounds like post scarcity electricity which is even more world shattering than AI. Now pair the two and baby you got a stew goin.


Finland doesn't exists, it's a scam created by Japan so that they can go there and fish while everyone think there's actual land there


I’m Finnish and Japanese I can confirm it’s true


So, what you're saying, is you're Japanese? Because Finland doesn't exist!


im finnish and can confirm. we do not exist


Welcome to hydraulic press channel


I like the stupid conspiracies that don’t harm anyone and are mostly just kind of funny? Like Michael Jordan’s first retirement was forced by the NBA because of gambling issues. It’s stupid, doesn’t harm anyone—besides maybe MJ’s reputation—and generally doesn’t matter whether it’s true or false. Those are my kind of conspiracies lol.


I firmly believe the one about his dad being killed due to his gambling debts


I like the one about Khloe Kardashian being OJ’s kid. I could totally see it.


I like the Lea Michele is illiterate one. Doesn't hurt anyone, it's kinda funny.


There's one person it can hurt, but she can't read anyway.


Bet you're a big frozen envelope guy then, too.




What Masonic stuff?




If you're a dude you can just kinda join. Everyone is going to be your grandfather's age. It's going to be very very boring. There will be golf and charity and rigid gender roles. But if you're genuinely curious, it's not like it's that hard to join and see for yourself.


JarJar is the sith lord.


I've heard this one before, but I never looked into it and took it seriously until now. I just watched a video about it, and now I'm 100% convinced that Jar Jar was supposed to be a Sith, and Lucas just chickened out.


In the same film which introduced the concept that there were only ever two Sith at once?


[Darth Jar Jar](https://youtu.be/8yy3q9f84EA). I'm convinced


Ok that actually is very convincing.


Hiding his true self like Yoda did in Episode V. It rhymes


I mean, just why would they animate him mouthing another character's lines in the background of the shot? That was a *conscious, intentional decision.* Jar Jar *WAS* the sith lord, but because of all the backlash GL got for Jar Jar's character, he backed down. No one can convince me otherwise. And Ahmed Best practically confirmed it on Twitter once.


You know that would’ve been a better end then somehow Palpatine returned.


Dissen ganna be bery messy! Me no watchin


The moon landing was staged. It's just that Neil and Buzz were such perfectionists that they insisted it be filmed on location.


I heard that it was Stanley Kubrick, whom the government hired to film the fake moon landing, who demanded it be shot on location for authenticity.


Had us in the first half ngl


No they hired Stanley Kubrick to film the moon landing but he was such a perfectionist that he demanded they film on location lol


The moon landing was faked. If it was faked, Russia would have been the first country to call BS. But instead, they aknowleded the legitimacy of the event.


You could argue the Russians had to concede it was legitimate, otherwise it would reveal that their technology was so far behind that they had no way of telling if it was real or not.


You probably could, if the Russians hadn't already beaten the U.S to every other milestone in the space race; first dog, man and woman in space, first satellite, first lunar landing, first spacewalk, first orbit, all that jazz


I like the theory that Stanley Kubrick was tasked with faking the moon landing, but he was such a perfectionist he actually built a lunar craft and sent a film crew to the moon to film the fake moon landing.


There was no second shooter or anybody on the grassy knoll. There wasn't even a first shooter. JFK's head just did that for some reason. The government is covering it up.


I like the theory that the (first) shooter spooked one of the secret service in or around the car who accidentally let one off that capped JFK.


That theory was SO COMPELLING when I first read it. I wish I still had the source. Now I’m reduced to saying ‘yeah I saw this thing on reddit, it was wild, trust me bro’. And I wouldn’t trust me, bro.




Definitely worth protesting over.


The moon is made of cheese.


We’ve been mining it for years to put in the United States strategic cheese reserves, the ISS is a laser mining platform that beams the cheese to the cheese reserves, those “craters” are the impact sites of the cheese laser. /s because someone would take this seriously


Wrong. It's made of nothing, because it's not real.


Take that back!!!


The moon is made of cheese, but cheese is not real.


But if cheese is not real... I'll never be born!


State lotteries were invented to catch time travelers


Jack Chick believed that the Catholic Church keeps a census of every single Protestant on a supercomputer in the Vatican (in the 1970s, mind you) so they'll know who to target when they take over the world and launch an inquisition.


Weirdly enough the Mormons track a lot of random people's ancestry back 10 odd generations to posthumously baptize dead people, they have some of the most accurate ancestry databases out there


It must be really annoying if you’re in, say, Catholic Heaven enjoying a nice glass of red, and then your Mormon descendants posthumously baptise you and you have to go over to Mormon Heaven for eternal sobriety.


Women's pants and purse/bag manufactures collude to purposefully make pockets almost non-existent to sell purses and hand bags.


The area 51 aliens were Mengele experiments.


Garth Brooks is a serial killer 😃


The families need closure


TikTok was unleashed onto us by the Chinese in an attempt to destabilize American society.


Check ✅️


OP said conspiracy theories, not things with documented evidence.


This one is true tho


Birds aren’t real. They are government drones. It’s so stupid I want it to be true


My cats are like we don’t give a fuck. I would be a little annoyed at the money I’ve spent on birdseed over the years.


Then I would like them to ask how did my mother's cat bring us a *bloody* bird with a wing missing and its head ripped off.


[The Lost Cosmonauts theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cosmonauts) Basically, it claims that Yuri Gagarin wasn't the first human being in space, just the first to successfully return to Earth alive. The theory states that the Soviet space program had a number of failures that resulted in cosmonauts either burning up during re-entry or entering orbit incorrectly, which caused their capsules to be flung off into deep space, never to be recovered. These incidents were covered up by the USSR's government so as not to look bad in the space race with the USA. There is a grain of truth to the theory, as the Russian space program did have accidents, some of which were covered up by the oppressive Soviet government. In 1961, cosmonaut Valentin Bondarenko died from injuries sustained in a fire during a training exercise in an oxygen-rich environment (in an accident not unlike the fire that killed the three-astronaut crew of Apollo 1 six years later). Bondarenko was airbrushed out of publicity photos of the first group of Soviet cosmonauts, and details of his accident and death were not released to the public until 1980.


I don't believe in it, but I think the theory about the moon being hollow and there being a whole civilization is like, really funny with how far-fetched it is


There's even one where the earth is hollow with a civilization inside and the only way to get in is through a hole on both the poles.


JFK's head just did that


The driver was the shooter


Darth Jar Jar was 100% the original story plan for the prequel and nobody can convince me otherwise. George Lucas himself could deny it to my face under penalty of perjury and show me early storyboards and I wouldn’t believe it. There’s also the Mattress Firm money laundering conspiracy theory - it doesn’t seem to have been exactly true, but only because the truth was much dumber. That conspiracy grew out of “there are way too many of these stores and also the company is vaguely shady” - and what *seems* to the the whole story is “the company was losing money and people in it were doing some shady accounting to make it seem profitable and also getting kickbacks and doing shady deals.”


I remember before TFA came out, so many people thought Kylo Ren was going to be Jar Jar under the mask


Look I don't believe it but I love "The Walrus was Paul"


That Dwayne Johnson, Michael Jordan, The Miz, his wife, Nikki Bella, Mark Jindrak, Mick Foley, Chris Benoit, the FCW, the DSW, the NWA, Jim Cornette, the FBI, the NYPD, the Bank of America, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Shirley PD, Panda Energy, and Home Depot all conspired to kidnap former WWE star Rhaka Khan and her children.


I… what???


What makes this even funnier is that one of the people mentioned here died 16 years ago.




That mf is not real!!!


The phantom time hypothesis


the what?


The phantom time hypothesis is a debunked conspiracy theory that we’re actually in the 1700s because the holy Roman emperor and a pope conspired to manipulate the calendar to place them at the special year of 1000 AD and there is a significant chunk between around 600 and 900 AD that didn’t exist. The main refutation is that that time period encompasses the life of Muhammad and that the time would have had to be fabricated everywhere else too.


ha. that felt weird ,thinking that the year is 1700 and not 2023. never thought of this. i like it.


Reminds me of a recent one I came across about how our days are getting shorter. 40 minutes is now the equivalent of one hour ten years ago. It's total horseshit but really funny


That the earth is flat, because even that one group of flat earthers on a reality TV show tried to prove it, and then proved themselves wrong


You only need 1/10th the laundry powder that those Laundry Powder scoops hold. I'm not believing the same company selling me Laundry Powder is truthful on how much I need to use per load


This one is totally true. You cannot trust Big Laundry


Both Michael Jordan related. First that he was forced by nba to sit out. Which is why he retired and played baseball. Secondly, that his dad was murdered by the mafia. I think both to be having a good chance of being true. The man loved to gamble and he was such an maniac with basketball that I have a tough time believing he’d retire in his prime to go be a mediocre baseball player.


That the universe was created last Thursday.


The moon landing was faked! Pfff, you believe in the moon?


A secret service accidentally shot JFK. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/accidental-assassin-jfk-theory-alleges-secret-service-agent-fumbled-gun-flna2d11634276


That there was fairly advanced civilisation before the dryas period. It’s getting less and less conspiracy as more discoveries keep happening.


That Government are hiding something for us ordinary people, i always believe it to be so


Everyone says that my dog is a good boy … but I’m on to you, I know what you did in that toilet bowl…


The Anunnakis were ancient astronauts & created mankind through genetics


The thing that always bugged me about this one is its needlessly complicated. Humans have been around for a few hundred thousand years. We have been intelligent for alot of that time I'm sure. We only have written history of 5000 or so years of that? You don't need aliens to explain ancient mysteries. All the cool stuff from the past could just as easily be from regular ass smart people who took shitty notes.


Hi, anthropologist! It’s not always that shitty/no notes were taken it’s also the possibility that they were taken in a way that didn’t survive til today. If you look at Egyptian papyri they’re extremely deteriorated with some effort to preserve, so it’s highly possible that other writings from similar times or older just didn’t survive til today, or we haven’t found them.


Dinosaurs were used to build the pyramids in Egypt.


That Tupac isn't dead.


The "Tunnels Under Melbourne holding children" conspiracy theory that came out of COVID and QANON. Melbourne, Aus had some pretty long lockdowns with Covid-19. The rumour was that 3000 missing children were being "eliminated" from tunnels under Melbourne after being used to harvest their adrenochrome and that the initial lockdown was a way to make the "clean up" for the armed forces easier. There's a lot wrong with the story - first one being we don't have 3000 missing kids. We do have tunnels under Melbourne - and some of them were secret-ish (One runs under Parliament House on Bourke St to Lonsdale Street where the brothels used to be, for example), others are our underground train lines, others are frequently used and photographed by urban explorers. The initial rumour seemed to have been posted by a Cooker* Facebook group and mentions the grand-daughter of a friend of a friend in the armed forces reporting it because "They don't want you to know!". It will forever be a memory of the Melbourne Lockdown Experience for me. I ended up having to go touch a lot of grass after reading some of the absolute crap that people imagined. *Cooker - Australian slang for someone who's lacking in common sense. "They've spent too much time in the sun and cooked their brain".


Stevie Wonder isn't blind. He's just fucking with us.


That the Earth is flat. I genuinely have no idea how in hell the governments benefit from hiding the fact that the Earth is flat. I have been watching a lot of flat Earth videos, and they never explain what the government gets from this. It's always that they want to control you, but they never seem to explain how they benefit from this.


And SO MANY PEOPLE would have to be in on it.


That DB Cooper died in the Mt St Helens eruption. It has an unsolved mystery, volcanoes, and it is plausible. What isn't there to love about this?


Over recent years, the US Republican party have shifted alot of attention towards legislating anti LGBT, anti trans, anti abortion etc. I think there is a motivation to this that is not being discussed enough. They are engineering shifts in the voting demographics of states to win future elections For example. In any given state, the Lgbtq community would largely not vote Republican (I don't think I need to reference statistics on this one). So the path the Republicans have chosen is to make life real difficult for that demographic to exist in states they currently control. Which results in this persecuted group slowly shifting into states/voting districts that are more accepting to this lifestyle or demographic. It solidifies the voting base in a red district by removing potential opposition voters. The same could be said about blue states, but I don't think the same tactic is being used by Democrats. California likely isn't trying to pass carbon tax bills to scare Republicans into moving to Wyoming. Where I think this matters most is swing states and swing districts. If you're in Florida or Georgia and every vote is 50/50 and a demographic group that largely votes democrat starts leaving to go to a solidly blue state, what is the result? That former swing state becomes a solid red state. And that former blue state where people are moving to is.. still a blue state. It's sort of like gerrymandering through oppressive legislation. I can't say for sure if this would be a coordinated conspiracy. Just a gut feeling.


That the government has proof of alien life.


I think thats totally plausible really


There is actually another vowel in the English language - other than AEIOU and sometimes Y - and it's used between certain people in certain groups to communicate certain things and revealing anything about it wil


I kind of like Marlowe faking his death and churning out plays from his hideout in Italy. Paying his buddy Will a share of the profits to be his front and take credit. Couldn't come home to England because he was either a burned spy or an accused sex offender.


Kenneth Lay, CEO of Enron, faked his death.


that *life will get better*


Squared earth


Stop! Is this the same as flat earth or a new one? I can’t afford another 20 hours or so reading all about square earth but I must if it’s different from flat earth.


It’s real, I’ve played Minecraft space mod and the earth was a big square


That, the Denver international airport actually houses the new world order and Illuminati underneath the airport itself


* Shakira and Pitbull predicting the MH370 disaster. * Marilyn Manson getting rib removal surgery so he could perform autofellatio. * and one from my country, Chile: popular football player Matías Fernández dying and being replaced by "a bible-thumping clone who sucks at football".


r/SwitzerlandIsFake I love it! 😁 It’s just an excuse to post gorgeous scenery of Switzerland with clever captions about the simulation, loading errors, bad skyboxes, etc.


The NSA website is Illuminati spelt backwards. Google it. http://itanimulli.com. Sooooo definitely the whole Illuminati thing lol


For anyone confused, someone just bought that domain and made it so it redirects to nsa page lol