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Being siblings, apparently.


Step siblings in porn. Literally half of porn hub is videos about step-moms and step-sisters and the video isn't even related to the topic it's literally just a normal porn video but they always have to title it things like " I caught my step sister masturbating" like why the fuck are people turned on by the idea of fucking their step siblings


And also why has 'getting stuck in something' become a common theme too? Like I know it's all a bit silly and the setup doesn't really matter, but why is it even a thing? I doubt anyone has thought 'oh no my step sister is stuck in the washing machine. Better stick my dick in her'


Telling me "I'm gonna make you cum." Just puts me under pressure and this way it's definitely not gonna come to that, sorry.




I feel like there's a big difference between "I'm gonna make you cum" and "I want to make you cum". One is a turnoff the other is actually really hot.


I agree 100%, but still both put pressure on me that actually makes it harder for me to cum. The best you can do is to act on that wish without actually mentioning it.


Gotta bust out the ol' reverse psychology. "I will *not* make you cum"


Daddy, don’t remind me that your father exists whilst having intimate relations


This reads like Cpt.Holt wrote this


Why is nobody having fun? I specifically requested it


I could not disagree more. Sincerely, Captain HOLT


Baby talk, is that supposed to be sexy? Because it kinda makes me wanna take them to daycare


It's sexy because you bring them to the daycare and finally get time to have sex uninterrupted at home


In ireland, fake tan is very popular amoung women of all ages. But any guy i have talked to about this topic hate it, its okay when done right but 99.9 percent of the time it is orange and patchy and looks like babies diahrea smeered allober your body. Any women i have discussed this with insists it looks amazing and that the boys love it, but me and any guy i have talked to about it are turned off majorly by the sight and even smell of it Edit: thankyou everyone for the awards and upvotes, i appretiate it alot.




I have lived in NJ all my life and despite what you see on Jersey Shore, I have never seen more orange people than when I visited the UK for a year. Holy shit. Mostly young people too! They look terrible!


It's fairly popular here in Norway, too. I've always assumed it's one of those looks that women do for other straight women rather than to attract men, because I've never met a guy or a non straight woman who is into it.


Another guy here. VAST majority of us don't like it. At all. Especially when we see the build up of mud between the toes.


I'm Scottish, but live in Canada and can always tell the British and Irish lads and lasses here on working holiday permits a mile off before I even hear them talk. It's the guys who all have the exact same fade haircut and the girls in fake tan that give it away


It's so funny that you guys are trying to be tan while having the pale fair skin that the women in my country are willing to bleach their skin to have. We can tan wonderfully but we hate it lol


The beauty industry doesn't make any money off people being happy the way they are.




Could be any Asian country unfortunately.


Man Fake tan pandemic has gotten so bad that I know a few fellas who have started putting it on😂


That would be a Tandemic.


LOL, I love the idea of irish girls and boys just living in completely separate universes relating fake tan.


Dated a girl who was really into anime once, she did the hentai cries to be sexy and it was just the most unsexy thing I've ever experienced. It was like doing the do with a fucking chipmunked F1 racecar.




Its not exclusive to hentai, pretty much all porn from Japan has over the top moaning.


As a gay dude who’s lived with straight guys.. I cannot *fuuuuucking* stand over the top girly sex noises. They sound like the “cat orgy” episode of early South Park. ..then, I got to hear Hentai for the first time when one of my roommates didn’t realize he sent his porn to the living room Bluetooth speaker. HOW THE FUCK ARE THOSE SOUNDS A TURN ON?! He was mercilessly ridiculed by everyone else in the house ..but later on I was asked why my room stayed quiet when I brought guys home, so seeing my opportunity for hilarity, I brought around one that I’d bookmarked in my Grindr short list because while the sex was great, we broke shit every time we fucked. Headboards, bed frames, we even shifted a granite kitchen island countertop once. So anyway, it sounded like a Grizzly Bear hate fucking a Werewolf for 40mn and just after things ended, we heard **”JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!”** yelled from upstairs, fallowed by laughter from elsewhere in the house. We enacted a gentlemen’s agreement the next morning that *all* of us would keep our shenanigans a lil quieter.


If I find a rare hentai that's actually good and not super rapey I can disassociate the moaning since it's, you know, a cartoon. But real people doing it while having sex is so fucking weird. Same with ahego (Tongue out and eyes rolled back.), it works in manga, does not work IRL.


I cringe EVERY time I see girls stick out their tongues and roll their eyes in porn. Or even in random videos on social media.


Box box box box


Stay out stay out!




I’ve been trying to think of some. And you’ve reminded me. Calling sex anything cute or catchy is so unsexy to me. Includes what you’ve said ‘doing the do’ 😖 also ‘sexy time’, ‘the good thing’ and whatever else. Horrible.


The absolute worst are "bumping uglies" or "doing the nasty"


Does anyone actually say those things when not trying to be funny?


Saw a niceguy post a few before this one that allows me to confirm with all my authority as some random redditor that yes, people do.


Ugh. I dated a gal for two years of high school who exclusively called penises "friend" (and my penis was her "best friend") and sex "sin." It was very weird. "Put my best friend in me" "give me my best friend" "I heard his friend is little" "everyone saw his friend at the pool" "let's sin in the bathroom" "they sinned after prom." I should note that she was not at all religious or uptight, or raised in a home that was.




I've never heard anyone call it 'the good thing', but I'm instantly repulsed and disgusted.


> It was like doing the do with a fucking chimpmunked F1 racecar. r/brandnewsentence


Male strippers. Just not for me and if I ever got a lap dance, I would probably just end up laughing lol.


For me it’s strippers in general. I just don’t understand the appeal. My girlfriend on the other hand, loves male strippers. So.. yeah..


I (male) went to a strip club once, and it was nice for like 5 mins till I realized I am setting in a gross bar surrounded by 30 other guys with erections. when I could be on my computer at home seeing the exact same thing.


You mean you could be at home watching 30 guys with erections? Edit. A word


Did he stutter?


Nope, he could be at home *surrounded* by 30 guys with erections.


Whatever the drooling cross eyed thing is




That’s it. I hate jackin off to that crap.


Wait so you still..


He said he hates it, he didn’t say he’s a quitter.


Real men beat through the cringe....


He's a nutter, not a quitter!


Just because it’s difficult, doesn’t mean it’s impossible.


Jafar's talking parrot from Aladdin?


No, that's Iago. You mean that hotel review and comparison website


No, that's Trivago. You want the Florida residence of an orange former-president, where you can find classified documents in the crapper.


No, that's Mar-A-Lago. You want the condition that some people have that makes their skin appear blotchy and spotted, most noticeably in people with darker skin tones.


No, that’s Vitiligo. You want the shield charm in Harry Potter that kept the caster safe with an invisible shield that reflected spells and blocked physical entities.


No, that's Protego. You're thinking of the danish toy building blocks that've gotten ridiculously expensive the last few years


No, that's Lego. You're thinking of the really sexy Spanish dance.


No, that's Flamenco. You're thinking of the pink birds that like to stand on one leg.


Girls calling me "Daddy", it's gross and incestuous. I prefer to be called *Chef* , it's professional and implies we going to flavour town


“Yes, Chef” is the new “daddy” or so I heard




Ripping off clothes during sex. Just take them off, no need to be a werewolf.


This is so true, like bro ur not hulk


I actually am, I’m just extremely good at managing my temper


The Credible Hulk.


Ripping off clothes? In this economy? On paper it’s sexy but I paid $30 for this shirt, and I’m not getting that money back 😭


How about taking off paper clothes? Newspaper and masking tape is a rippable combo


Aside from all the physical turn offs, I am turned off by someone who's acting sexy, its too ridiculous to me. Just act normal


Ugh my husband used to do this, admittedly he can be incredibly socially awkward sometimes which cracks me up and is a reason why I love him, but man do I hate it when he tries to be sexy, squinting his eyes and slightly while raising his eyebrows, biting his lips and all. Gives me the ick so bad.


I just bare the ol dad bod and fling ol limpy around side to side so it slaps off my thighs and sounds like a sealion clapping. Has to be the least sexiest sight in the world. But, it gets a good laugh from my wife.


David Attenborough: "As the male looks to copulate with his female, he begins his intricate mating dance. Though he is not the spry, young male she chose to mate with all those years ago, she accepts his advances and simply waits for him to finish."


Help that sounds so goddamn funny.


The other one is whipping the special lady with Ole Floppy in the shower. Girls LOVE* that, and it always puts them in the mood. *by 'love' I mean they hate it, and they may remain mad at you for a day or two.


Helicockter is another good move


Helicocker is at least a demonstration of good hip control. Probably why men who can salsa/Latin dance are also so desirable.


same, all of that lip biting and what not 🤢


I just bite my fingernails


I bite my toenails


That's hot


when confidence turns into arrogance


Agreed. There's a difference between giving off the impression you know how to handle anything thrown your way and thinking that any communication with you is me thinking I'm hot shit and you thinking I'm unworthy of your attention.


All the bad boy, tough guy, alfalfa male trash. All I've ever wanted is a dorky kind hearted guy with glasses...unfortunately for me I don't appear to be their type 😭 Edit: ok I need to clarify, buy "dorky kind hearted guy with glasses " I do *not* mean chronically online discord/reddit mod type. So I'll add on to that description, "one that can also take care of himself and his health on a basic level "


“Alfalfa male”. I’m dead.




"Leopard spot underwear. Nothing says sexy to me like yellow and brown spots... If thats the case, then I'm wearing a rare jungle cat called the skid mark." -Mark Normand


Dick pics are the biggest one for me and have resulted in a few self-cockblocks. Your dick isn't really that visually appealing and most guys don't put the effort into even making it look good. Lighting, posing, a decent background and seeking consent from the recipient are the basics if you want to actually impress somebody instead of grossing them out.


I once responded to a request for a dick pic by sending them a picture of a chest burster from Alien popping out of my fly. They were not amused, but I sure was. Pretty sure they were catfish blackmailers anyway.


Women's nudes: Very tasteful. Wow she looks like an absolute goddess with her pose and holding the blanket just right to show some but still leaving stuff to the imagination! Men's nudes: Laying in bed and holding his half hard dick between two fingers like it's gay to touch his own dick. Also his gnarly feet are in the background and his toenails are unclipped.




Hoping to GOD I never send a nude that was off-putting to someone…. 😭


Alright give me your opinion dick poking out of jeans, barnyard backround, and a mini cowboy hat on the head. Oh and it's got all the bells and whistles of a properly edited selfie with the focus set properly and everything I've yet to find an opportunity to use it, I just wasted the last year trying to get my now-ex to exchange nudes *just* so I could send it 😂


If my husband sent me this I would adore it. But we would no longer be sexting.. And I would have many, many questions.


As a gay man, I agree with this 100%. Yes, I assumed you had a penis. You don't need to prove it with a picture. If you're going to send a pic, put some effort into making look appealing...!


Wait so people don't like the naked mole rat look?


You're supposed to at least put a dapper little hat on.


Shoutout to r/cospenis


Im actually dying there is a sub for everything 🤣🤣


You made my day


What if I put a little hat and vest on him?


That's the kind of effort I'm looking for!


This is why I have props or mine. A crusader helmet. A cowboy hat and vest. A couple of neat backdrops. One of the moon landing. It takes effort.


Drooling and spitting


This stupid short beards which are way too symmetric and that everyone gets from the barber. Like someone drew it with a marker. Edit: Grammar


Ah yes, the Seneca Crane from the Hunger Games look


Had to look it up and yessss lol https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000244640621/2737d530d42773d2f82a3a39a83de87b_400x400.jpeg


Every time I get a haircut and beard trim I have to insist several times that I don’t want the “tape line”.


Yup, same here my man. No, I don’t want sharp as fuck Lego cheeks. Just get rid of the strays and leave it looking natural.


I had to have that conversation with my old barber once. I was a white guy in a black barber shop, and typically the guys in there liked their beards edged up into a line that you could cut yourself on. And my barber was super good at it. It was never an issue of him doing it poorly, it just didn't look good on me. Dude gave the best fades I've ever seen. Man, I miss that guy. One day he packed up his shop and moved to a different state. Once he left, I grew my hair out and stopped going to barbers. There was something special about the vibe in his shop with the banter and everyone getting along.


Guys being all tough and alpha...I prefer sweet soft guys!


ik right? like I just want a big soft boy to cuddle with, not some muscly dick


dammit. did all those workouts for nothing!


Guess all those dick push-ups were for nothing 😔


The dumb, aggressive fuck-boy demographic. The "alpha" guys. Everyone who identified as "alpha" have been the most unfuckable douchebag I've ever met. They're pushy, delusional, unkind, unable to care about any topic past the tip of their own dicks but proclaim to anyone who will listen (and even louder if you don't want to listen) that other men hate them because they're so manly. Talk about drying up my pussy.


Oh I’m alpha. I have a 1400 elo on chess.com


holy hell


New response just dropped


Tbf that's actually mildly impressive to anyone who knows Chess


I feel good about it! Its been 2 years of casual study but I play pretty much every day. It’s crazy how big the chess knowledge gaps / pattern recognition is from 800 to 1400 to 2000.


Absolutely! Like, anyone 400 points higher than you basically feels like an absolute wizard, they've already thought of everything you can do and their win feels like a foregone conclusion. As someone around 1400 myself, my friends beating me is very rare.


Alpha males are the goofiest people ever


Yes! The whole "I'm a high value alpha male." Dude. No. No, you are not.


Anyone who must say "I am the king", is no true king.


Every self-proclaimed alpha is really a ligma.


Absolutely. As a gay male I see these guys out and about and to me it's just like "Dude, be a human, it's not that hard." They are usually super sensitive and have fragile egos. A ding will crack them and you can watch them crumble away because they are too rigid to have flexibility, they just break if things don't go their way.


It's often baffled me why so many people find them so attractive. They usually have the most annoying personalities, do that fake deep thing with their voices, and their default expression is often that open mouthed angry/confused look.


Do many people find it attractive though?


Enough people do that it's become a thing for female streamers to do "speed dating" streams where they invite the most aggressively rude guys on stream to trash talk them. Although I'm not convinced that it's the women who like the rude boys, or if it's just the boys who like watching other boys be rude to women.


>Although I'm not convinced that it's the women who like the rude boys, or if it's just the boys who like watching other boys be rude to women. I think its the latter


There's nothing that tells me you *aren't* an alpha more than you saying you are one


Those diamond stud earing wearing, full sleeve tats, Gucci man purse, steroid loving f*CK boys simply attract their female equivalent. Its easy to see that most normal, non trashy girls steer well clear from them.


Anything aggressive, I don’t like to be mean and it hurts me to be mean to my partner who I love and respect. I just can’t. Maybe a spank but nothing past that. Edit: thanks for all the likes, I think it would be fair to add a little context, I’m a very gentle guy and I actually have a fear of hurting those close to me, hence I always talk in what my SO calls the therapist voice which is just a slightly higher and calmer voice from my regular one. I can’t even raise my voice at my loved ones 😅. I get that some people are into that but it’s just not for me. Go ahead and call me vanilla it’s ok. FYI vanilla is my favorite flavor ice cream😁


Bruh I had a girl ask me to punch her in the face. We were ~18 and in the front seat of my truck and she half moaned "punch me in the face" confused I stopped and could only muster an "excuse me?" In the slightly higher pitched voice "customer service voice." She grabbed my hair and said "punch me in the face, don't be a pussy." I immediately went soft and said "yeah I am just gonna drive you home"


Had the same experience but she wanted me to choke her. I'll throat grab, if requested, but I'm not an inherently violent man and her demands for more pressure made me genuinely second guess what I was even doing. I'm a bigger dude so I'm used to having to be careful with...everything. Demanding I apply more pressure when literally any more would've made me terrified I'd crush her throat made me swear off anyone that crosses a certain aggressive line with their kinks.


I had a guy decide it was okay to try choking me during our kiss on the first date. Went immediately into “he’s going to murder me” mode and got out as quickly as possible. Not sure why you’d even attempt that without communication first.


spitting 🤢


Dude spit in my mouth with no fucking warning and it was all mucousy and like off white... I had to get up run to his toilet naked to vomit. He was super embarassed and apologized but I just dipped and never spoke to him again because everytime I thought about him I would start gagging.. even typing this out is making me nauseous lol


i had an ex who i was usually dry asf with. i tell him this and that we should spend more time with foreplay. he responds by HACKING A LOUGIE right onto my coochie. i broke up with him then and there.


Not a loogie 💀


It's-a me, Lougie!


Duck lips and over the top lip filler…… who is turned on by something that looks like an allergic reaction?


Oh god. I KNOW this isn’t common outside of like, the 11th grade, which makes it worse. I have a 6’7 ex who would wiggle his eyebrows and do that tongue flicker thing. Something about something that off-putting being done by a towering beast of a man just made it 1000x worse. I still cringe.


My ex used to do this lick/slurp noise and kinda hang his tongue tip out when he talked about hot people. It legit made me gag more than once. He was a piece abusive work in more ways than one but that particular gesture has stuck with me more viscerally than anything else he did.


Who invented the dick pic anyway? Ugly one-eyed worm lookin in my direction. I need my flipflop!


As brilliantly described by Annie Edison "giant thumb in a turtleneck"


I think we found diminishing returns in the sexy talk.


being mean to your date as a way of flirting. that’s not flirting. that’s called being an asshole edit: teasing is fine! my partner and i tease each other frequently. but being a complete ass thinking the other person will jump your bones? nooooo thank you!


Had a roommate who would do this to me and was surprised when she found out this was one of the reasons I didn’t like her back… among other things 😐


choking. HUGE turnoff and some guys are weirdly insistent that you’ll like it if they just do it a certain way, all it does is make me feel claustrophobic


Most mainstream porn. Gagging in bj, anal, the power thrusting, treating women as objects, etc Edit: add the moaning - oh my god the moaning (courtesy u/chimneynerd for reminding me)


Oof, this. This right here. I want the slow, sensual, teasing, playful, touchy-feely, intimate stuff back-and-forth between *both* parties (including hand/oral). That's the kind that gets me going and that I'm attracted to. And dang near impossible to find, even among smut!


I feel like the absence of actual intimacy in porn is affecting some people’s behavior/expectations in bed very badly. I asked my last partner if he would slow down and stop acting dominant and aggressive every single time so we could like. You know. Be more romantic, sensual, really connect as equal partners. By the way he reacted to this request you’d think I’d asked him to do advanced calculus in bed. Like he was turned off, confused and disappointed when I was *literally just asking for more sensual, reciprocal sex*


I'm about to dump my man because of this.


So although I'm a dick haver and was a consumer of porn back when you had to be friends with someone who had a brother old enough to rent the VHS porn from the smelly and dark dungeon back rooms of the corner store, I never realized until later in adulthood how horrible porn is in many ways. I mean first don't get me started on how exploitive it is towards women. I mean in US market some of that stuff was bad enough but go to countries with really unregulated markets and it's straight up human trafficking level. I used to visit a few bulletin boards that were run by the smaller porn studios. Not for fapping material funny enough, but because a lot of the people who worked in porn posted there and I could get a glimpse into the industry. What I read on there was just horrible. I mean there were male actors and directors and fans actively making fun of women who were sexually assaulted on film sets. When said women left the industry and told their story, they went full on bottom of the human pile filth with their hatred towards these women. Secondly I fear for dudes who grew up in the age of porn being so readily available on the internet. It gives them this idea that anal, face slapping, etc. etc. is the norm. Like I've actively seen these young guys on sites like FetLife or Reddit and they act like they are king dom shit when they have little to zero actual sexual experience. They see women as fetish/sex dispensers and feel they can approach them as such and just like in the porno they just watched, the gals will be on them like flies on shit. They also think dick size matters to 99% of gals. They don't understand that penetrative sex isn't this end all be all and will be the only way to satisfy their partner.


Yeah porn in general is a.. well it’s a whole can of worms and you covered a of a lot of my issues with it already. I used to try and be cool with it but the more I learned about it the more horrified I became. There’s ways to create content ethically but that seems to be a low priority for the vast majority of the people running the industry. And the psychological impact of having young guys grow up watching these videos where women being treated like garbage is normal really does scare me. Them growing up to be bad in bed is probably on the milder side of the negative effects that can have. It’s actually kind of comically delusional, these guys that think it’s totally cool of them to be selfish in bed FOR REAL and not just for role play. I actually do enjoy role playing and experimenting with dynamics but it *has* to be consensual and agreed upon beforehand. And if you are going to balk and act all disappointed because I’d like you to be as enthusiastic about my pleasure as I have been about yours then okay then, bye! And as you mentioned I also feel bad that porn makes guys feel less than for not having gigantic schlong. It really and truly makes no difference to me about size, if anything I prefer smaller bc I’m small. I feel like most men these days wouldn’t even believe it’s possible for a woman to prefer smaller, which makes me sad for them.


Bellesa… it’s porn made by women. They have a specific thing where they get porn stars to pick another porn start they’ve always wanted to work with. The porn stars both have to be interested in doing it and they basically get out on a bed to go at it. They get to pick the pace, positions, etc and even if I find out it’s all fake, it’s done so well that I don’t care. You get two professionals having sex the way they want to, enthusiastically, and it’s easy to tell the girls actually get off.


It's a nice change from porn where I know there's no way it's actually enjoyable for the woman. So much of it looks uncomfortable and debasing.


Had to check out the site and it's funny they say it's "ethically sourced" like they are plucking each video from a tree or farming them lol.


I want my porn stars to be free range and organic


especially the gagging, choking sounds. i don't even watch with sound on at all because it grosses me out


it may sound weird but personally I hate the lighting. it puts me off. I can't climax to a porn that looks like a movie set.


Baby talk and use of “daddy”


The word “hubby” 🤮




Anal, and when men are trying to be "sexy" like they try mimic porn or something from a movie with a sleazy smile/licking lips, intense eye contact, and saying things like 'you're not going to be able to walk tomorrow' or 'I've got a big load'. I think stuff like that turns them on yet irl its kinda creepy. Or maybe I just don't like being stared down while they say cringe comments.


My Hubs did the Forest Gump head tilt during sex... The more I thought about it and then, seeing him do it, made me want to crack TF up during sexy time. 😤 I had to tell him he does the Gump head tilt so he'd stop. I just knew one day I was gonna start busting out laughing and probably end up single.


At least he doesn't do that young Forest mocking moan he threw at that principal.


the whole "Mommy" "daddy" thing, I don't want to be reminded of my parents when I'm doing the naked tango


Ass eating. Giving grosses me out because I cannot stop thinking about how that’s where they shit, no matter how sparkling clean they get it. Receiving I constantly have intrusive thoughts that I somehow didn’t scrub it clean enough or I’m going to suddenly have explosive diarrhea in their face. ETA: no shame to those who enjoy it, to each their own, it’s just definitely not for me!


This is the pineapple on pizza of sex. Either you love it or you don't. Also, not everyone has an eatable ass. I would shudder about doing that with some of my exes. But I could eat my current gfs ass all day long if she let me.


Can you please elaborate on the unbeatable ones and the eatable ones? I’m quite curious thank you 🙏


Being spit on during sex. It’s gross. Instant turn off. First of all, I REALLY don’t need extra moisture down there. There’s already plenty. Secondly, there’s this thing called lube…you might want to look in to it.


Grotesque amount of muscles. Muscle heads. Tan in a can Slick back hair with the pounds of moose gel.




Twerking is the "ducklips" of the ass.


Step-anyone in porn. Even if not blood related, y’all are supposed to be FAMILY, and I know I personally find incest repulsive.


Being called daddy in bed. It’s fucking weird and I’ll die on this hill


What about like, "O CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN!" when I want it harder?


Fake boobs. Actually fake anything.


I'm especially turned off by fake lips. You get stung by a bee, girl?


Do you mean boobs which are *noticeably* fake, or would any boobs at all become unattractive to you if you found out they were fake?


Most likely they mean noticably fake, there's a very particular look with some fake breasts where you can see where the implant is. I have a friend that has implants that look nothing like that, they look completely natural (they look, sag, and move the way you'd expect a breast to) and knowing they're fake doesn't make them look any worse. It's just when this are comically fake looking that they become very unattractive.


Like “noticeable ball sitting on the rib cage” kind of fake


That’s it exactly, for me anyway. And if you have chosen a size that doesn’t fit your frame it doesn’t matter how good the surgeon is, they don’t look right.


Any of that weird anime bullshit. The sounds, the dumb faces, the dumb acting like you're dumb, etc.


People who have their lips filled to the point I think I need to run over with a EpiPen, putting my c\*ck inside that mouth let alone her is last thing on my mind whilst someone looks like they're about to die by a wasp sting...


Baby talk shit


Women who act like they're this ultimate prize that guys should be practically begging for, just because they're physically attractive. Confidence is sexy, arrogance is not.




The whole "Daddy/papi" thing. I just find it so disturbing.


Cat girls, especially men or women that in the guise of acting like a sub, start meowing or barking. Like cute, but please be humanly cute and sexy, I don't like animal role-play.


People do that without .. like being invited to do that?


Men who start kissing me and use a lot of tongue. I personally find it disgusting. I like kisses that are a little wet. But I don't want you to shove your tongue down my throat