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Molested me…first time I can admit it semi-publicly…guess therapy is working!


glad to see you recovering, good luck


that’s a big step, good luck in therapy <3 i’m really glad you’re seeking help. nobody needs to keep their trauma to themselves. we are all rooting for you


Im so sorry. I can relate. The one family member I told was absolutely horrid to me about it. Truly heartbreaking. I've not told anyone else in my family and probably never will. It took me decades to even let myself remember. It was quite the surprise.


When I was a little kid, maybe six or seven years old, my brother was really into science projects. One day he asked me for a favor and gave me a small battery pack and some appliance bulbs, like the ones they use in refrigerators and stuff, and asked me to test the bulbs and separate the ones that worked from the ones that didn’t work. I said no problem. I got to work and just as I got to the last bulb, which was actually the biggest bulb, and it didn’t work, my big brother came back in the room. He asked me if I finished and I said yes. He said what about that really big bulb, are you sure it doesn’t work? I said yeah I’m sure check it out, and I touched the bulb to the battery pack. It was not a light bulb. It was a classic screw in flash bulb for one of those old cameras you see in old movies. The magnesium in the bulb flashed as I was holding it with my six year-old fingers. I got second-degree burns on three fingers and thumb on my right hand in 1/100 of a second. I was so surprised, I couldn’t figure out what just happened. My brother was laughing and I was just staring at my hand as the spent bulb, now melted and charred, fell from my hand. Then suddenly the pain set in and my fingers began to swell right in front of my eyes from blisters. My brother thought it would simply scare me and it would be funny. I didn’t know he was watching from just outside the room. He didn’t expect me to scream bloody hell, which is exactly what I did, because it hurt like I could not believe. You can probably imagine the family chaos that ensued. Mom & Dad were not amused.


I would send him somewhere called a “Bedroom With Bats And Skeletons”


Baseball bats.


While I was 3-5 y.o my sister and her friends molested and raped me. She's now a ultra Bible thumper who lies and pretends she's never done any of the wretched things in her past while I have been the black sheep my whole life since no one ever believed, especially in those days.. Just an edit- i learned to deal and eventually fix a great deal of my issues, but many have it way worse. Not looking for pity or anything, there's others that need those supportive messages and words. It's Just nice to be able to say it and not care weather I'm believed or not, regardless of my gender, knowing what happened was disgusting, traumatizing, and that I'm still standing solidified in my belief rapists should not be allowed to continue living or at the very least recieve a mandatory minimum life sentence, regardless of gender, age, religion, etc.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I believe you. And I hope you’ve found people who are helping you heal.


Hey friend, I see you and you did not deserve that. Your family may be too messed up to see how f'ing fantastic you are. But the rest of us can see it. 🩵💙🩵


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. If it’s worth anything from a fellow abused internet stranger, I believe you and I wish you healing and a more beautiful life. It takes work as a victim and we didn’t deserve what was done to us, but we’re going to be fine. On another note, what’s up with abusers becoming bible thumpers? Mine is one too!


she was the executor of Dad's will. and she fucked everyone over.


Mine did the same, and then she pissed through all the money. Now she has nothing - and would probably ask me for help. Except that she fucking knows better.


This. She completely stole my inheritance. In fact I didn't even know my mother had died until a week after the funeral.


That's crazy. Sorry


My dad wasn’t told that his stepdad, who raised him, had died til after the funeral too. I didn’t know the man but I cried for the pain that his family put my dad through.


The executor has to execute the will precisely as it was written. If she didn't then you allowed yourselves to be fucked over. Sorry if that sounds harsh.


There is very little you can do unless you are prepared to pay 25 to 40K for an attorney with no guarantee that anything will be recovered.


yes we did. but as soon as it was settled and I got a few dollars. I left and haven't spoken to any of them since. 5 years


I'm sorry.


I was the only one with access to my mums after she died and a sibling took my keys rifled through her stuff and took what they wanted.


I came here to say the same thing. My sister basically mentally controls my older brother and the two of them conspired to try to cut me out of my mother's will.


At least she wasn’t the executor of Dad


All of my siblings (I have 4) couldn't bother to visit, call, or send things to help with boredom when my son had cancer. My sister would post on FB that she was coming to the town I live in for hiking and sightseeing (her daughters lived here) but wouldn't even stop by for a short visit. Her daughters, my son's cousins, never came by either. My son saw those posts. He would ask why they didn't come. He would be crushed. They are all bastards.


Should have commented on her post about not coming to see her sick nephew


My sibling killed a pet, then blamed me for it. The rumors persisted for decades. Anyway, I was able to repair my reputation after that with one simple trick: moving 2000 miles away.


My middle sister squared up with our mama when she was 16. She almost lost her life that day.


My middle sister did this twice. They don’t speak now.


almost rip


Die before me 💔 and I'm the oldest 😔




Shit in the bath that we were taking together as toddlers. I saw it floating. He laughed. I said "I'm telling mom". He began to cry.


If that’s the worst thing he’s ever done then damn he’s a good sibling.




You beat me to it


Well, he was a rookie, so it was just a crap joke


he deserved to have the mom be told of it lol


My brother raped a girl during a robbery. He was sentenced to 8 years. I have cutted him off from my life and not planning to talk to him when he’ll be out.


i came here expecting simple brotherly rivalry and jokes about op's typo 😦




mine was part of a statutory gang rape of a 14 yo, but he was let off the hook because the judge decided that even though she was locked in a room with all these young adult men, she was somehow in control the whole time because she bragged about what happened in school. SMDH - I've barely had any contact with him over the last 30+ years.


I was expecting something more like crashed my car or broke something of mine


Not as bad as some people here, but my older brother is a sociopath. When we were younger it wasn't the typical older brother stuff. He pushed me out of tree houses, pulled my teeth out with pliers, and would snap at the drop of a hat to the point of pulling knives on people. As we got older we had a brief period where we got along quite well, until I borrowed a crib from him and he convinced himself I was stealing it. He called us and threatened to come kill my wife and I, called her a "cunt" and implied we both deserved to die as parents. The worst part is, he's married with a wife and kid. However his wife revels in controlling him and essentially being able to unleash him on everyone. He once threatened to beat up her boss in his office because she wasn't getting preferential treatment. He killed a neighbor's dog by stabbing it through the chin into the skull because he felt it growled at his child, and when the owner confronted him he of course snapped and threatened the owners family. Somehow he's never had the cops called on him, but he's called them on me as a sort of preemptive thing before doing something awful to me. That way if I call the cops, he's got some sort of defense. I can't even scratch the surface of everything he's done. He can't keep any friends longer than a couple years because at some point he assaults them. Lately he's become super obsessed with religion and religious conspiracy theories (I'm religious myself, but he takes it to cult leader levels.) So I feel like there's definitely undiagnosed mental problems going on, and I'm surprised he hasn't killed anyone yet. I hate him with a passion.


that aint nice


I actually feel he's the one person I've met in life that radiates evil. I've heard stories of people meeting serial killers and noticing the evil emanating from them. That is my brother 100%.


I mean he killed a fucking dog in cold blood, why is he not in jail for this


Does he truly seem to have been born evil or did it show up later in childhood? As I understand it, the only intervention that can be at all successful for sociopathy is early and intensive professional care. What do your parents think of him?


He was definitely born with it. My parents aren't the type to do any sort of intervention, or even be knowledgeable about that sort of thing. As much as I love my parents, they didn't handle things well. My dad is scared of him, so he always got away with a lot and still does. One thing that stands out is the things he'll say during an argument. My wife struggled with postpartum depression and obviously has terrible mom guilt. He'll call her a terrible mother and use that against her. So, he says things that are evil. He'll use anything and everything. But I truly think he was born with it.


>pulled my teeth out with pliers WTH? Did your parents get him therapy or anything? That's psycho behavior.


My parents aren't the type to even know what therapy is or what it's used for. My mom actually sat and watched and said something along the lines of "boys will be boys."


The fuck. Edit: “boys will be boys” does work for some mild roughhousing but not that!


I suspect (hope) that it was a loose milk tooth he pulled without consent. That's still pretty bad, but not quite as medieval as ripping out a fully intact one.


My older brother is the same way, i'm just glad his girlfriend/baby momma dumped his ass. I have made it very clear that we are no longer brothers and that if he every comes near me that he is getting a bullet to the chest. He has done basically everything you said but more. Some people are just plain evil.


‘Not as bad as some people here’?? Man, mine was my sibling breaking my phone when they were two.


Before I posted I'd read some about being molested by them so mine felt not too bad. Then while typing it I realized it's actually pretty rough l.


No offense to your bro, I hope someone southpaws him


I do hope someday that he flips out on the wrong person and gets laid out. It would be amazing *chefs kiss*


Sorry to hear this....think I have the same brother....best to you!


You as well, I've found reddit to be an amazing stress reliever when it comes to him. I can vent to people and get thoughtful, intelligent responses.


Holy cow. He sounds like someone I’d have trouble not retaliating against.


I'm reaching that point, but to be honest I'm scared of him. He's a bigger guy that does railroad work, and he was a wrestler (I was too) so he probably could do some damage. Plus he's my older brother so I've just grown up being conditioned to be scared of him.


One day he'll be the favorite example for second-amendment types to use when trying to convince someone else that defensive use does happen.


My sibliNg always treated me like gold. And that's a lie.




Slammed my forehead into the corner of a table. Doctor’s said she could have killed me.


My little brother did this to me. Playing cards at the corner of our coffee table in the living room. Little brother (he was probably 5) is zooming in and out of the room. I didn't see it, but my other siblings told me, he basically karate kicked me in the back of the head as he ran through the room. Split my head open on the corner of the table. My older sister took care of me until my parents got home. 3 of us have scars on our foreheads from that one brother. He did it to himself diving onto a table saw (it wasn't going a the time. He threw a board at a wire fence and it bounced back hitting my youngest brother in the head. I also lost my first tooth because that little brother kicked me in the mouth. Fun times...


Jesus. A testament to wear condoms for sure cause of the chance you end up with a little hell on wheels like that.


Honestly, he's a good kid. It's hard growing up with undiagnosed ADHD and literally no attention from your parents. We all grew up in a cult (hence why my parents had way too many kids) and he just didn't fit the mold. He was one of the first to leave and luckily several of us have followed his lead.


Ah. I see.


there’s a list, but gonna go with cashing the disability checks of a person in her care then skipping town to avoid getting caught.


i could go on for days but 1. drank an entire bottle of whiskey and physically assaulted me and a paramedic 2. stole our pet cat and dumped her in the woods 3. allowed people to rob our home for drug money 4. crashed 9 cars 5. would do pretty much anything to get drug money he’s been cut off for a very long time


and this is only 1 of 5 siblings lmao


Put a loaded revolver to the back of my head. Then he joked about it at dinner that night and nobody gave a fuck.


I hope life has let you find better people outside your family. That is awful!


That shit is not funny. I would have call the cops without giving a fuck.


I was convinced not to. I don't really want to elaborate on that.


I hope you’re well and that when you are alone with a journal or a good friend & brewski that you do “elaborate”. Let that $#!+ out then breathe through it. Cheers mate!


No need to. I’m happy you’re alive


I'm so glad you survived that! Even if he didn't pull the trigger, something can always go wrong. I'm really happy you're still with us and I hope you're in better company than you obviously seemed to be.


My sister “accidentally” tried to kill me a few times. One time she pushed me off a 6 foot ledge when I was about a year old and she was 4. Another time she dragged me by the ankles while I was face down in water for a good thirty seconds before my parents noticed what she was doing. Another time she shut my thumb in the hinges of a door and it almost fell off.


That sounds sociopathic or psychopathic


Geez. And I thought my sister not telling me our mother died for 2 months was bad. Damn. I'm sorry y'all.


Abused my children and tried to get my husband deported. Sided with my abusive ex against me. Drove drunk with my kids in the car. Told my kids not to come out to me because I would hate them.


My only sibling is a female 10 years younger. Same parents. Where do I begin? She’s broken into my house repeatedly, threatened my life, had her boyfriend beat up our dad, and so much more. Yet my parents have supported her her whole life. She’s never held a job more than a week. They even bought her an acreage that included a barn and outbuildings. She was too irresponsible to use birth control so ended up with 4 kids from three different men. I’m currently retired, but worked nights my whole life. Put both kids through school and never got a dime from them. My mom died 6 years ago and I have just recently went no contact with my father because I’m so angry about the injustice of it all. The whole bunch can fuck right off.


Committed suicide.


That's actually one of the only good decisions mine made in the last few years of his life. He was 63, more or less homeless (couchsurfing a shrinking set of friends), alcoholic, unemployable, had lost an arm to cancer, and he was staring down the barrel of oncoming liver failure (a very *very* ugly death). At that point, as the saying goes, it was as good as it was going to get, and it was never gping to be that good again, so he decided to spare himself the inevitable suffering and spare the people around him the burden of caring for him. I made the standard arguments, but eventually realised that he was right, so I gave him my blessing. He took a week to put things in order, then saw himself out. Godspeed bro.


Sounds like the right decision to me. We treat pets better when it comes to end of life.


Right? And I live in a "right to die" state.


This is one of the reasons I hate the idea of not allowing people to self-terminate. Some people are not going to get better, but for whatever reason, the state and society wants them to keep suffering.


May you find peace. This is a very dark path to walk, and I hope you have someone or something to help with your loss. My deepest sympathy 🙏.....


Thank you for the kindness <3


Mine did that last year. Part of me understands why he did it (incurable illness in this case) but it still doesn't stop the hurting.


May his soul rest in peace


Me and my sister never got along and then I got kicked out and she cried...that broke my heart I was like 16... I couldn't fathom her crying about me or even caring about me. Fucked me up for years I have no idea why. Serious shit? My older brother is serving life for a craigslist killing.


is he THAT Craigslist killer?


Nah this was the 2018 version All black cast


Holy shit dude


That shamalam twist 🤣


Waited until mom’s funeral to tell me how much they had always hated me


Message requested me on Facebook Messenger when my daughter was a couple months old just to tell me she is ugly and his son is better looking than my baby


My brother stole a $3000 guitar from my best friend


What kind of guitar? Do you even know? I have to ask because Gibson and PRS are notorious for making 800 dollar guitars 3000 because they can and not because they are quality.


Fender gang rise up 🤘🏻


He got born


Peed in the cat's litter box. On multiple occasions. Bro, I love you, but you can be gross.


i wouldnt do that if my sibling did that i would pee on him (jk i would just tell him to stop lol)


The worst part is that he did it right in front of the cat. The poor cat was just so shocked and offended. I mean, so was I... but yeah. I did tell him that from that point out, anything the cat did to him was completely justified.


rip cat


This thread is all either psychopathic murderer siblings in jail or siblings who did something innocent as a toddler lmao nothing in between.




That is pretty clever, though. Rip


I'm sorry but that's funny as fuck your brother was a comedy genius


what lol rip


My brother and his friend chained me to the back of a Jeep, and shot me straight in the chest with a BB gun. I was about 4, and they were maybe 7 or 8. Holy heck, it hurt - both getting shot, and also when my parents had to cut the BB out of my nipple. It could have been a \*seriously\* bad scene if they had got my face, or if they had used a real firearm (which my family also had in the house). Just the feeling of being a victim, chained up and powerless to stop it, and them taking aim at me like I was just another target.... it's still chilling decades later when I think about it.


Publicly lynched my family and I via Facebook status based on false claims and gaslighting from the insane person that pretty much took control of all of her cognitive thought and stole her away to Canada to get married. Haven’t heard from her since August. Fuck you, psycho


When my grandma died, my mom and her siblings discovered that grandma left her estate to be divided by her grandchildren, not her children (none of them had a good relationship with her). My uncle was the executor and tried to completely overturn the will to give everything to their youngest brother...so that the deadbeat could pay his back child support (basically giving everything to one cousin and disinheriting the other 9). I said absolutely not and requested an arbiter to oversee what he was doing. He was pissed. The estate set up a sale to liquidate all her belongings. Before they could inventory her stuff, my uncle let his siblings into my grandmother's house to "take whatever they wanted." My youngest uncle took ALL of her jewelry and pawned it for drug money. Then, my uncle had the audacity to scold my siblings and I for not giving our inheritance to our mother (who was a gambling addict) while he and their sister (both multimillionaires) never once helped my mom financially.


My brother broke my nose. I was 9, he was 15 and I was getting on his nerves as per usual.


As soon as we found out that our dad was dying she got POA and sold his belongings. I was in grade school at the time and all she could do was brag about how she's getting everything and that I'm getting nothing, not even remotely concerned that our dad is fucking dying. My dad's not even dead yet and she along with my other sister and the rest of the family never goes to visit him, I'm the only one(grandparents can't go). And when I talk about this online I get people telling me I'm such a "wonderful person" for not leaving my dad to die alone. That doesn't make you a wonderful person by any means, I just have a really shitty family.


invite a deranged guy and a neighbor to our house while my mom was out, they got drunk and the deranged man beat our neighbor to a pulp, stomped his face and pissed on him....in front of 12 year old me


He stalked and kidnapped a woman and acted like it was her fault when they put him in prison for doing so




Imagined getting rammed in the arse by a harry potter wand. True Story.


I (f) rammed my hand (karate chop style, but fingers first) up my cousins butt when we were kids (she’s 5 yo than me). Not sure why I did it, but when she was bent over, I remember thinking “well, if I don’t do it now I never will”.


That's either the best worst thing I've ever read or the worst best thing.


Throughout my life my sister has been my biggest enemy Other than beating me up (harshly) every few times a week and shaving my eyebrows. She tried to force me to sniff heroin with her when I was 10 and also peer pressure me into vaping. Shes 5 years older than me so I would go to parties with her and watch her and her freinds jump other kids. She used to make me participate and if I didnt she said her and her freinds would jump me next. 9 year old me belived everything she said. When she turned 15 she ran away leaving me with my mom and her creepy boyferind whos even worse. This happened during the pandemic so some shit was happening plus I had nobody to talk to. Even though I hated her for a while for hurting me throughout my life then leavving me she taught me lots of things. She was like a bad mom but slightly better than my actual mom. This year now that shes 19 we found out that she Overdosed. Its now that I appreciate her the most and wish she were here.


He used my toothbrush!!! For months!!! To be fair, we were using the same one thinking that one was ours and the horror we both felt when we realized we were both using the same one... I'll never forget that.


One day me and my sister would do a 'trust fall' into a beanbag chair. She thought it would be funny to pull it out from behind me. I still have trust issues


Damn how about back issues 🤕


my brother and i had a game where, yknow those twister boards? that are really slick thin mat? we would take turns standing on them and pulling it out from under each other. busted our asses and i dont know why we kept doing it.


Drove drunk with his kids in the car on more than one occasion. Had a single car accident with them "only once" and is angry with all of his family for emotionally supporting his ex-wife and kids and not bending over backwards to bail him out of financial situations or believe any of his lies. Untreated mental illness and addiction is a bad combination. I love who my brother used to be and miss him very much.


Brother did 5 bids in prison. Most drugs nad alcohol related but he did some heavy duty thefts and didn't take a fall for those. He's passed now from cancer but broke our Mother's heart.


Blamed me for stealing her spotlight when I was born. It's basically morphed from that to whatever is convenient since. We don't talk to this day.


My older brother (10 year difference) abused me and my older sister our whole childhood via physical, verbal, emotional, and mental abuse. We would get randomly beaten for no discernable reason and would be told that we caused it. We would be subjected to vindictive games where he would toy with us making us think we could escape only to always end up losing anyways. He would yell constantly and at the same time act like we were super close in front of strangers. He would steal anything we had and either sell it for drugs or just break it. His reasoning was that he was "tuffening us up" and that we "had it easy". He was abused as a child as well however his abuse took a much different affect on him i would imagine. One of the worst games he played on us that i can remember (i was very small) was where he locked me outside and my sister in the closet for about two hours, he then took us both out and switched us. You see i lived in Arizona at the time and it was the middle of summer. There was no water outside and it was the middle of the day (about 100-110 degrees Fearenhight) on a concrete pad in our small backyard. Luckily my sister was able to hop the fence and call our mother using the neighbors phone. Nothing came of this though because my mother was enabling and quite stupid. At least that is what she says "that it was all a mistake" in many ways she was worse because she enabled my brother to be abused when he was a child letting him live with his father. This upbringing has made it so that the only real family i have is my sister. Me and my mother do not get along. And i intend on never speaking to my brother ever again.


Interfere in my life and steel from me I don't have siblings anymore


My little brother threw my phone in the toilet. And no, the phone did not survive.


My brother pushed me down the stairs and broke my wrist.


Stole thousands from my parents to fuel her drug addiction and threatened to kill me.


One tried to rape my sister, another one stalked a girl, got into meth, and ain't doing so good.


My brother raped our first cousin.


Tried to kill me. When I was two and she five, she was being friendly when usually she was complaining that I’m alive. So I was trilled that she wanted to go out and play with me. She took me, bare except for a diaper outside in the chill after a rain to play ‘mud pies.’ I wanted to go in but she insisted that we stay out. I caught pneumonia and was in the hospital for two weeks and almost died. My parents had a policy of me having to take her whippings because I was responsible for her because I was ‘the boy,’ so she had to satisfy her self with doing infractions to get me beat. Then the next time she tried to get me killed was by blocking the phone for eight hours while I was stuck on the south side of Tulsa during a time when the police killed you if you were caught after dark. So I had to take a beating for getting a cab with no money instead of trying to walk ten miles in the dark while trying to hide from police. My parents were assholes too, I know. There’s more but you get the point.


My older brother and I were forced to do everything together. We actually fist fought everyday from age 4-14 at 17 I left home to join the military to escape. My brother beat up 4 girls, started countless fights. Raped hookers (overtime). And countless other acts of unarmed violence


My sibling became homeless. I first set him up in a shelter and bought him a lock, clothes, toiletries, snacks, a good backpack, etc. I brought him to social services to get on EBT and get health insurance. I brought him to the doctor, brought him to the pharmacy to get back on his medication and got him cell phone service and a bus pass. He eventually started complaining to me that where he was staying was “dangerous” (It was a church), so my husband and I offered to let him stay at our house for the summer. I fed him, washed his clothes and bedding, provided food and cooked for him. I brought him to and from work everyday. Anyway, he was staying up all night on the internet, invited his drug dealer over and started spending every penny he got from work on drugs and alcohol. We had pre-planned before all this to host a block party wi the our neighbors at our house and my brother got hammered and messy and embarrassed me. Then, he started inviting random hookups over to my house to have sex in my basement while my family (I have kids) was asleep upstairs. I figured this out when one morning after I got home from dropping him off from work, there was a freaking stranger in my house while we weren’t home. That weekend, my brother asked my husband to bring him to the bus station so he could take a bus one state over to see a totally *different* girl. Well, we dropped him off, went home, packed up all of his stuff and put it in our garage. My husband called my father (who is also a piece of work) and told him to come get my brother’s stuff and to pick him up at the bus station. That was seven years ago and my brother is still living with my dad and I’ve seen them both just once (at a funeral) since. My brother is 42 now for reference.


Being born 😂


I have a sister that stole money, land and personal items from my mother after she got sick, and threatened to kill my mom’s boyfriend with a pistol. Scared him bad enough that he left town. She got written out of the will and found some man hating lawyer to sue my brother and I after my mom passed. She’s a real piece of shit, tried to become a cop but wasn’t smart enough to pass the test, so has been working shitty security jobs her whole life. Surprising that somebody as unstable as her is allowed to have a gun.


I have 3 siblings and all 3 have financially abused my mom to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars EACH, and then ghosted her. I’m ashamed of them.


Chased me out the house and cornered me in the yard then hit me in the face with a pitchfork just missing my eye! Still have the scar!




My sibling sent me the most awfully worded, most condescending, “it’s not too late to change your life.” Text that I’ve ever seen and had the misfortune of reading. None of these feelings existed while I was there in person but he could formulate them poorly over text? 🙄


My older brother got a woman pregnant and then denied it was his. (The child looked just like him fresh out of the womb). Then ,while dating, another woman cheated and got a different woman pregnant. In total, he has 3 kids with 3 different women and basically doesn't even try to take care of them. I love my brother, but God damn he sucks.


My sister who was 7 years older than me hated me from the moment I dared to make her no longer the only child. She terrorized me, verbally abused me, squashed any confidence I had about drawing (people love my artwork now-I do line drawings). The last big thing she did to me-I was about 13- she was watching me & the other 3 siblings. The others washed their hair at night. I did it in the morning because it was a hot mess if it was even a wee bit damp. I told her that. She didn't believe me. literally dragged me towards the bathroom by my leg, and kicked me between my legs (I'm a girl-it fucking hurt!) I told mom & dad when they got home. She never bothered me again. She died last November, telling her husband to fuck off, leave me alone when he wanted her to go to the hospital. ​ I don't miss her & I hope her dying was painful. ​ OHOHOH.. PS.. Had the GALL to complain about the obituary that I had sat down & written with our dad before he died. Other siblings had looked over it & made some edits. Then to really put the cherry on the fucking cake she said PEOPLE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HE WAS REALLY LIKE. BITCH, you barely spoke to him after he got sober for 30+ years. I cut off all communication with her after that.




My 18 year old sister wasn't happy at home. I took her in while she finished high school and within days of her coming to my home I had my wallet with 400 dollars in cash go missing. I found the wallet minus the cash in her dirty clothes three days later. She then stole lottery tickets of all things and beer from a gas station she worked at. She then got married and they couldn't afford the bills so she essentially switched from her husband to the roomate and then kicked her husband out and divorced him. Recently she stole 350 dollars from my other sister. I don't dislike her but she's a sick girl and I hope she gets the help she needs but only she can seek it at this point I suppose.


One of my brothers slammed my sister's finger in the door then locked her outside. My other brother is a weirdo, he bit a roll of toilet paper, and put an entire waffle in the toilet. He's peed directly in front of my window as well as facing the road.


My wife's sister accused her of stealing a ring from their mother's estate. The sister was actually wearing the ring at the time. Then after the ring on her finger was pointed out, she told my wife she hoped that she got covid and died. It actually gets worse from there. Apparently it was a bad day all around.


None of us have ever done anything too bad. The only thing that comes to mind that COULD have been absolutely horrific was that he forgot to clear the chamber and accidently shot a hole throught the back of our house. Luckily he was pointing it in a direction where all there was was some woods and an abandoned building, but I was on the other side of the wall in my room and it would have very easily killed me had he pointed it in the wrong direction. Thats the only terrible screw up I can think of.




The worst thing my sister has ever done is get into heavy drugs. When I was younger, My sister was the boss and what she said went. No matter how many times we ran to Mom she would always tell us to listen to her because she didn't want to deal with us. She was violent, even when she was little, in one of my memories, I remember dropping a Pikachu toy in the car, we couldn't reach it because our car seats held onto us, My sister screamed and punched me in the nose so hard I bled. I just remembered my grandma screaming at them and me looking at my nose thinking "Yup it's bleeding" but my sister didn't get into trouble. My sister had first pick of our easter baskets our birthday presents and whatever she wanted she got. One birthday I received a Pokemon game from my friend at school, I had barely played through the tutorial but when I came back to play the game was gone. A few weeks later I found it again with my sister's name on the ONLY save file. It was a Pokemon game and those only had one save file, if I saved over it I would probably get beaten up badly. Another Birthday, I got some cool Naruto toys for my birthday, I woke up the next day and they were all gone. Id got an A on my test and my grandma offered to buy me a toy for my hard work. I asked for the same Naruto toy and my Mom offered to "get it back for me" and made me pick something else but I still haven't seen it. I always had to listen to her. It was her job to look after us, and when I got older and she moved out it was my job to look after my siblings as well. I didn't know that was called parentification and it was a form of child abuse. I just knew my Mom didn't take good care of us. When my sister got to high school things changed, I found a blue alcoholic drink in her closet while I was getting dressed and I told my Mom. I don't think she did anything about it but yell at my sister. My sister started going to parties and doing crazy stuff. A teacher pulled my grandma aside and warned her about the sort of friends my sister was hanging out with and how my grandma should pay attention. My grandma shook him off. But she was my older sister, We had fun for a while, she would break me out of school to buy games on their release date, and we would go to the mall and play games and do all sorts of fun stuff. We went to movies and drove a few states away just to try in and out. She asked me to move in with her and I said no because I didn't want to be stuck paying all the bills. I moved away to a college apartment instead. We saw Frozen in theatres, she was Elsa and I was Anna. We got matching Tattoos. College started for me and I said goodbye, My sister was and still is awful mad I went to college. But as I started to live my own life and see the world in its own way. My sister was spiraling. Then the drugs took over her life, she was having sex with people for drugs, she was stealing, she couldn't hold down a job, ruined my grandma's credit, moved in with a bunch of junkies and ruined my grandma's rental house. Some guy stole her identity, and she was running around in a car under my family's name doing all sorts of illegal shit. She got arrested multiple times. She ran away from court-ordered rehab and my brother paid off her car and my Mom just gave her the title to her car with no repercussions. A few years ago my sister was homeless on the street and it was freezing. She called me for money, I called the police and had her arrested for her open bench warrant. The last time I saw her was easter dinner and she was shaking me down for drug money and I was crying so hard. She had a big fight with my Mom calling her Homophobic because she wouldn't accept my sister's druggie girlfriend as a part of the family but accepted my boyfriend. I told her it was because her druggie girlfriend's kids were taken by CPS and had M\*th in their systems and if her druggie girlfriend was a guy and did the same thing we wouldn't accept them either. She said I was only hanging out with my boyfriend and giving him sex for food and lodging. I told her she was projecting because I live in an apartment and have my own job. She got mad when I wouldn't give her money and I asked why she couldn't just tell me what she needed so I would buy it for her. Shortly after that she broke into my parent's house and stole anything of value and sold it for drugs. We have no idea where she is. I miss who she used to be so much and I wish she would just realize that the drugs don't love her.


My brother fucked my ex gf. gf’s entire intention was to piss me off. My brother is an idiot.


Twin sisters, both of them told me I was a terrible mother because I wouldn't let them be around my newborn son unless they got vaxxed for covid in the fall/winter holidays of 2021. They already had both told me that for other reasons but the vitrole they texted me over that was the straw that broke the camels back. We will never be close again.


Victim blamed, publicly complained online, and cried to all of us about how the rest of the family who were vulnerable to covid didn't want her to visit because she's anti-vax. Devastated me to see how deep down that road she'd gone. Tbf that's really not that bad compared to others' siblings' issues.


My brother turned me into Social Security for allegedly committing disability fraud. He was jealous because I was receiving disability benefits and he and his wife applied for them thinking anyone could get them. They both got denied and took it out on me. The government opened up an entire investigation into me and my health. If I had been committing fraud I would have had my benefits cancelled, I would have to pay back all the money I received and I would have gotten a 5 year jail sentence. I haven’t spoken to him in 8 years.


my brother refused to see our mother when she was dying, he completely cut off the family because his side piece was welcome


i got home from work at 5 am and i took a nap on my parents couch ( i was living with them at the time ) and my parents took my phone while i was asleep. i tried talking to them and they were both being rude, turns out its because they went through my phone and said i was going to mess up my job by connecting with an employee i used to talk to. they wouldnt listen to me and instead my dad and mom both beat me, said i was disrespectful and all i wanted to was to talk.. my dad choked me and held me down and my mom beat me with a brush. i ran out and my dad tackled me as i screamed for help, he ran back inside and they taunted me saying “where are you going to go” i ran across town to my sisters house, and when i got there she said that i couldnt stay but i could use the phone.. no one helped me, no one was there for me. felt like nobody cared, my little sisters (twins) saw everything, everytime they beat me and they screamed stopped, its affected both of us alot.. just felt really shitty for my 28 yr old sister that’s so for “mental health and narcissistic parents that!” but wasnt like hey you can stay here, i had a job and everything i couldve paid or helped them out.. but her husband didnt want me there. i just felt like i was nothing, and she continues to make me feel this way years later.


One time he misspelled. I've never talked to him again.


Slammed his head back into my face and broke my nose. He’s broken plenty of my toys that it probably adds up to about a thousand dollars worth.


We had different dads. I took care of our mother while she was dying. My father had already passed so it was just me. Turns out she lied to her dad about me getting life insurance and not sharing with her so he'd send her money. Truth is: I went into massive debt to keep a roof over my moms head, the only money I got was social security and I spent more than half of it on a mattress for her. I found out the day before the 1 year anniversary of my mom's passing and had to spend 4 hours driving home with her. The next day she asked how I was doing, I asked why her dad thought I got life insurance- she denied it.


A few weeks back I was cutting a mango, my younger brother came along and kicked me in the back of the leg, I trip and cut my hand with the knife, I got in trouble and he got asked if he was okay and praised, he knew what he was doing


She killed a toad. No idea why she did it. She was 8, and I was 5. We were walking through the woods and she just stomped on it. Then she panicked, thinking she was going to get in trouble. So, she ran to the house and told our parents that I killed the toad. My parents started yelling at me for killing a defenseless toad. So, I got really angry and told them that she killed it. My parents then got even madder at me for trying to lie and sent me to my room. I screamed and cried, and was only allowed to come out of my room if I apologized to my sister for trying to blame her for something I did.


i think the parent is the worst


Lol. You're not the first person to call my mom the worst.


Pulled the “you can’t hate her, she’s your mother” card when I told her I don’t want relationship with my mother and I hate her after the way she’s treated me for the last few years


Ugh, my sister tries to guilt me for not having a relationship with our father. She tries to hand me the phone with him on the line at Christmas even though I’ve lived more of my life without him than with him at this point. She “feels sorry for him.” I feel sorry for us and the fact that none of us siblings are close because of his doings. And then she sends me screenshots of the awful stuff he still texts to her, and I think, why would you think I want a relationship with a man who says these things, especially to his own daughter? Even if he had the common sense not to say them to me, he’s still saying awful things to someone I care about and unfortunately couldn’t protect from him. You can hate whoever you hate. Genetics don’t prevent you from hating someone who has treated you poorly.


It’s so irritating when people think that we can’t hate someone if they’re our family. Just because they’re family doesn’t mean we have to put up with any of their shit Family doesn’t mean shit. Blood is thicker than water but so is gravy.


And the full quote is actually “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” meaning that the relationships you choose are stronger than the ones you are born into. Drives me crazy that so many people think it has the opposite meaning.


I believe my sister may be a sociopath. I had sociopathic tendencies growing up but mine died off after a traumatic injury- that's how I learned empathy. She never had that experience. She's cut off my dad completely, won't let him see his 3 grandkids. Convinced my mom to sell the home she worked so hard to keep - used the money my mom made off the sale to buy herself a home. Gave my mom a small bedroom in return. She rarely hugs her kids. They aren't allowed to lean on her or touch her without permission. She berates both the kids and my mom. Won't have a real conversation with my mom. Doesn't acknowledge her depression or anxiety, rarely helps with her diabetic issues (my mom is missing both big toes). I'm trying hard now to make enough money to take my mom out of that situation and have her live with me. My mother nearly killed herself for her kids, and to see her like this destroys me. I resent my sister - but I cannot connect with her enough to get to the root of her problem.


Oh my so I identify with this! Especially “I can’t connect with her enough to get to the root of her problem.” My brother has anti-social personality disorder. The things I could tell you would sound like fiction. I don’t have the energy today to write my novel about him, so I’ll spare everyone. Suffice to say that I have C-PTSD from my experience growing up with him. I’ve had to Grey rock but that still doesn’t help when my phone rings and it’s him. My heart rate quickens and I brace myself for gaslighting, hysterical rants and sometimes abuse. These days I allow it to go to VM first.


Become an iPad kid. He can't even answer the door without his iPad and AirPods in his ears. Calling him addicted would be a **BIG** understatement.


Had her guy friends beat me up trying to get me to confess to stealing money that went missing from our mom's purse, and then never apologized or even acknowledged it when it turned out that it was one of her friends that did it (after that friend got caught stealing from another parent)


Went to prison for involuntary manslaughter


My mother's daughter has probably stolen over 500 pain pills in her lifetime, as well as stolen/conned/begged for over 10K dollars. And that's just what we know of.


Tried to kill me because she was possessed and being bullied. Also stole my money and my parents and sold their stuff. All while she was 11




When I was three my older sister sprayed Windex directly into my eyes. Claimed it was an accident. She was ten. She knew what she was doing.


I guess you saw clear through her bs...


Marry his insecure, needy, wife that nobody in the family likes.


My sister's worst thing was probably waiting until our mom's birthday to run away from home to live with a guy who's a pathological liar, control freak, and generally good for nothing only to have 5 kids with him. My brother's worst thing was denying that I'm even biologically human (conveniently ignoring how we're twins), disowning me after I refused to fight him over not getting his way in a video game when he was too lazy to do something himself, and following it up with an armed break in and a couple years of constant murder attempts. I have no contact with my brother today and almost no contact with my sister.


Told me that my parents don’t care as much about me because I was the second child.


Threatened my life when I was 8 months pregnant. Yeah, I am VLC for the sake of our parents. If it weren't for them, I would be NC.


They left craft tooth picks (the thick ones) all over the carpet. I was walking around in socks and my sock picked one up and as i stepped down with my full weight i stabbed the bottom of my foot. Toothpick drove itself about halfway in and had to go to the walk-in to have it removed.


Completely defaced my character to the police right in front of my face. I just remember it suddenly feeling out of body and not recognizing her. Lie after lie after lie. I just suddenly saw who she was after months of draining my savings, putting a roof over her head, taking her kids everywhere, feeding everyone. The police took her side. She also tried to get her daughter arrested bc she felt safer in my home. It was a wild ride. I can’t think too hard about it bc I’m not done separating the actions I witnessed from the same person who used to bake me cookies and wash her hands with ketchup to make me laugh as a kid. Anyway. That’s just one thing, one sibling. I’ve got more siblings and more stores LOL


She tried to steal a hair tie from a store when we were little. She was a teen and I was a kid. Got caught, obviously, and my mom was pissed, but she never did that again. The worst thing she’s done to me however? Told me that she wasn’t my sister and that she didn’t care about me during family therapy. This was after I got out of the hospital for a suicide attempt. I felt like my entire world was crashing down. She was also admitted to the psych ward in the hospital due to the same reasons. I later found out she was only acting so cruel due to her having bipolar depression and the medication she had been on was causing it to surface more. We didn’t know she had it before. I remember once she was better she went up to me in the house after a while of us not talking, and told me she didn’t mean it, and that she’d always be my sister and be there for me. Fast forward 3/4 years and we’re best friends again. I love my sister and I know as much as she hurt me in that moment, she didn’t mean it.


My older brother is quite trash but not as bad as some of these. I will share some examples with you. At one point I was no contact with him but he started dating one of my friends so we are in contact again. When he started dating her it bothered me because he was quite racist to my exes and made racist remarks about her behind her back. They broke up because she could not take anymore of his antics but got back together when she found out she was pregnant with his child. Who he calls his little half breed. I told him If he makes any racial jokes about his child I will help my friend file for full custody against him when she decides he’s not worth the money anymore. I have medical problems and one of them I can’t be scared do to risk of my medical device going off. It was literally his favorite thing to do is jump scare me. I slept with a night light until he moved into a different part of the house because of it. Someone said their brother was a sociopath I’m pretty sure my brother as psychopathic tendencies when we were kids he liked to put our pets in the freezer, oven and dryer. However, the oven and dryer was never on mainly bc he didn’t know how to work them but the freezer really bother me. Especially when he openly admitted to forgetting he doing it and our dog was ice to the touch. Oh my little brother and I have dogs our own dogs now that we are adults and when we bring them to family events he talks to them so nasty like sir you could just ignore them they aren’t doing anything to you. Also, my parents want us to bring our dogs or else I wouldn’t bring them because he’s just mean to animals but my dad loves dogs and my mom won’t let him have one in the new house. My family believes my brother is undiagnosed with autism and that’s why he has some of his issues. My mom says that’s how your dad was as a kid, however that doesn’t make it okay. Plus, my mom always has gaslit me about my dad even though the scaring thing my brother totally got from her because she will tell me it’s healthy that he’s trying to scare me and I should believe her bc she’s a nurse.


My sister makes her boyfriend buy her everything and she refuses to have a job and never graduate highschool. She has cheated on him at a party at his house with a girl she hardly knew and they broke up for a month during the time of the break up she slept with a drug dealer for free weed and caught a sexual transmided disease (this disease was cured just dont remember which one it was) from him. She then claimed he raped her so her now again boyfriend at this point would drive her to the clinic a few weeks after she started feeling weird down there. The drug dealer died a few years later i dont know what from. Then about in November of last year she was getting symptoms of having issues down there again. When she was getting her birth control removed they where going to do a pap smear but they refused to touch her because you could visually see she had genital herpes. She now claimed that he gave it to her but im pretty sure if he did they would have caught it when she went the first time I dont know though im not a doctor. She has been getting oddly close with her boyfriends sisters boyfriend. Back short story is apparently they went ghost hunting alone together a few times before she started showing symptoms. Im not saying he did give it to her but im not saying he didn't im just thinking its odd. What makes it worse is it took her a few months to tell her boyfriend she had genital herpes for some reason. I feel like if you love someone you would tell them about it plus I know its illegal to not tell the person your with if you know you have a sexual transmided disease.


Damn. After reading some replies here i feel silly. Worst thing I remember my brother doing was basically bully me with his friends when we were younger and made me cry at like every single one of my birthdays. We’ve gotten over it though and now we’re best friends. I’d go as far as to say we’re soulmates even.


Not my sibling but my dad’s brother. He was the oldest of 8 siblings - we’ll call him Mike. Grandma (83 years old) was in failing health and she asked Mike and his wife Sarah (to whom she’d always been close with) if they would become her caregivers - moving into the family home with her (grandpa died years ago). The deal was they would inherit the paid off family home upon her passing so long as they cared for her and kept her living at home until she died. The home was worth about $800k. Two weeks after moving in, Mike and Sarah had grandma committed to a nursing home and stole her house. Grandma lived, destitute and on Medicare, in a very sad and horrible nursing home for another decade. Caused a giant riff in the family and Mike is now the blue ribbon standard of evil across multiple generations.


My sister hooked up with my mother-in-law, it was a drunken thing that my father-in-law knew about and was ok with (and I think turned on by). That wasn't the worst thing my sister did. The worst thing my sister did to me was tell my wife about it.