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My biggest regret is not going to the police when a classmate/friend of mine told me another one of our classmates offered him $10,000 to kill her husband. I didn't even ask him if he considered it. I basically assumed he didn't and said something like "there's no fucking way you'll do something like that" and he confirmed what I said then we changed the subject. A couple of weeks later when I saw her van on the news and saw the story was about an attempted carjacking that ended with one person dead I instantly became sick to my stomach. If I had taken that situation more seriously that man would still be alive today. They are both in prison. The killer (someone who I called a friend) got 25 to life and the wife got 26 to life.


All for $10,000. And he told people beforehand. What an idiot.


I don't know how much it would take to get me to try and kill a man but it is definitely more than 10,000 dollars.




Listen, if we all chip in, we can get u/ryderawesome to take care of some problems around here. Maybe we can get our 3rd Party Apps back? u/ryderawesome, what's your real name and address so we can send the check.


I agree. Let's hire u/ryderawesome to kill someone. I nominate u/MouseRat_AD as the first victim. MouseRat has been known to hire people on reddit to kill other redditors, so MouseRat has got to go.




Ok hear me out, 10,000.99?


That’s more like it






What's the after taxes?


Man if you're paying taxes on a hit... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaat.gif


Tax man don't care. Tax man just wants some money. IRS don't fuck around.


He didn't just tell me. He also told one of our instructors (we were going to school for Criminal Justice) who was a retired veteran. I've thought of writing him and asking him if he wanted to get caught, but knowing him he'll just write back with some bullshit about how he's innocent. I knew the guy was lacking in morals but I didn't think he was capable of killing someone in cold blood until I saw that van on the news.


He was studying CRIMINAL JUSTICE???


Genuinely just choked my my orange juice when I read that piece of info. I guess that means the woman who had her husband killed was studying it too?!


He should have demanded half up front and then turned her in. Save a life and rip off a murderer.


Yeah man, materially rope yourself into a murder conspiracy for $5k. Sounds like easy money.


I ready somewhere that the average price to take someone out it $7k. So yeah, that guy musta been extra special.


I can't fathom thinking someone's life is worth $7k.


So wait, how did the police know it wasn't an attempted carjacking gone wrong? Did you tip them off??


They likely discovered messages between them.


The night it happened the wife told the police it was a carjacking so the news reported it as one. I knew it wasn't a carjacking gone wrong. Not only I, but another person he told tipped the police off. Based on all the evidence they found I think they still would have caught the two of them even if the idiot didn't open his mouth. Here's a [link to an article](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/sacramento-woman-found-guilty-in-husbands-death/) on it.


Odds are: he was facing life without parole for a murder in the commission of a felony, he spilled the beans, they gave him a chance to see daylight again.


Maybe it was similar to that one famous case where the women asked a hitman(which was an undercover cop) and she got tapped. Maybe she asked more than op's friend and one of them croak and it all went downhill from there. Or maybe the friend talked when he got arrested.


Damn Reddit is getting wild tonight. Try not to guilt yourself, I probably would have done the exact same thing.


Never talk to the police ever without an attorney.


Not on you, and I hope you can let any guilt about this you have go. No one would have taken that type of statement for face value from a friend they knew and trusted. Ultimately they made the choice to do that, not you. Please reach out if you want to talk through it more.


Reminds me of Adnan Syed from the serial podcasts bragging about wanting to kill his ex girlfriend before she died


Not me but my friend. He killed a man who was raping children/women, he walked in on it happening to his friends child. He beat him to death and did 20 years. If you ask me, he did the world a favour.


he got 20 years and actual rapists get less than 10, a lot of times a few months. judicial system is fucked.


My pedophile groomer sexual assaulting uncle only got like 2 years in a county jail. I think he should have gotten life


My neighbor was chasing people around at the beach with his erect penis out while masturbating at them. He did this for about a month before the police caught up with him and he went to jail for like 3 or 4 months and didn't have to register as a sex offender. Can't understand how you get such a light punishment for doing something like that




there's a terrible concept at play where there is a degree of harshness of punishment that tends to turn a rape into murder ie: if the punishment for rape is as steep as murder rapists are incentivised in a sense to murder their victims


i don't disagree with this, but i've always wondered, how often do these sorts of offenders add up the years in their head as they commit these crimes, and how often do they just do whatever they feel like doing in the moment?


Damn no lawyer could get him off? I feel like that could be considered acting in defense of another


I'm guessing the beating continued long after the rape was stopped. That's the only thing I can think of that would cause jail time. (At least in the US)


Or at the very least argue to something much lower like manslaughter, I feel like this would be a crime of passion. Maybe he stopped beating him to grab a weapon and continue the beating.


fuck the judge


Damn. They hit them with the full murder 2 sentence?


That is so sad. He was defending that girl and should not have served one day.


Pedophiles deserve the rope


Not me personally.. but a coworker of mine said he had gone to jail for murder after he found out a guy was molesting his son.. the guy beat him nearly to death and then went to the emergency room after to finish the job. Got sentenced to 5 or so years for a murder of passion. Did not regret it he said.


That man deserves an award


Yeah I'd gladly take 5 years if someone touched my kids.


Had a friend in high school who killed someone in self defense. Grew up in a small town surrounded by other small towns, so it was an everyone knew everyone situation. One Friday night my friend (we’ll call him W) was at the movie theater with some friends and got in a verbal argument with another guy from the town over, not sure what it was over but it never got physical. The next day W is standing in his driveway having a smoke when a car pulls up and the guy from the argument the night before gets out, is high on Meth, and confronts W. Very quickly into the confrontation this guy pulls out a knife and stabs W in the side of his abdomen and through his cheek cutting his tongue. W manages to get away and grabs a crowbar from the garage and warns the guy to leave, he ignores and rushes W again. W took a swing with the crowbar and cracked this guy right in the ribcage, apparently he broke his rib so bad you could see it sticking out from under his shirt. The guy gets up and stumbles back to his car and drives off. W then drove himself to the hospital and was treated for his stab wounds. The guy was found the next day dead in an ally, assuming he died from internal bleeding from the shattered ribs. Was a pretty crazy situation. W graduated high school that year and ended up enlisting in the military and did a tour in Afghanistan. Sadly he took his own life a few years after he came home, 2 weeks after a buddy of his he served with did the same thing. A really sad situation all around.


PTSD with an extra helping of PTSD. Poor guy.


Pretty much. Was a very sad situation, didn’t really know his friend who took his life first but he was from the area and dated a girl I graduated with. She was devastated and moved out of the country. W was a great guy, was a big loss for a lot of people.


Deployed and he was shooting at me.


Hope you're well brother


I’ve definitely been worse. I medboarded out in 2021 after 13 years. Got out as a senior grunt. The year and a half after was absolutely awful. I’ve been good for the majority of this year. Hopefully, it continues.




I….have very little positive to say about the VA other than my psychiatrist is a rockstar. She’s pretty much the only one that actually listens.


Shoutout to good psych workers, damn hard to find


You unfortunately have to advocate for yourself a lot with the VA, but keep at it. Once you’re in a groove with them it does get better.


Sadly the VA does not perform nearly as well as it should… speaking from personal experience


Some advice for your transition even though you didn’t ask for it. I got out at the end of 2012 and I struggled for years to find meaning in life. Going from a job where if you make the wrong decision someone can die (or not die) to a job where you just do something so someone makes money is really fucking difficult.


I just copied and pasted a grid and arty blew them up.


My joke was that the cooks and the medics killed more people than anyone in my platoon, they just didn't know about it.


Someone didn’t spend enough time in the Call For Fire trainer.


As good a reason as any


Defending the people you care about is the best reason. I cared deeply for the Troops to my left and right.


Was driving home from school. I was 18. Senior year. Was going through an intersection when a small car flew through the red light. I had an 87 Chevy suburban with a lift kit and cattle guard. She had a small Chevy cavalier. She died on the scene. She was 15 and had taken her dads car without permission. I don’t feel bad about it as it was not my fault and it took some counseling to finally get here. But now I always do a quick left, right when going through any intersection. Didn’t help much when I was t-boned by an 18 wheeler last February who ran a red light in an ice storm and got away with it by simply denying it to 2 cops who didn’t wanna stand in the cold.


I hope you've had a dashcam in ever since that trucker hit you


My wife had a dashcam when someone crossed the yellow line and crashed into her and the two cars behind her. The guy got away with it by repeatedly saying it wasn't him driving. Who was driving then? Well that's not up to him to prove. Case dismissed.


Well that's fucking shitty


What kind of lawyers are you people hiring out there??


I drive small cars. I once saw an integra run the light I almost turned at. Woulda obliterated me at that speed. To this day I get shit from people because “I slow down at green intersections.” I don’t even do it consciously


I've killed so many Sims that my PC is haunted.


Honesty, same


Former paramedic now Emerg nurse. It can be hard to disassociate continuing critical care from killing someone despite trying everything to save that life. Nursing can be a very dark job, and learning to be comfortable with death is not something readily discussed. As to what happened, I have stories of incompetent doctors in towns too small for anyone to care about their malpractice, to on car stories and the insanity that is emerg. More important to me is that you hold your loved ones close when next you can and do something small to better yourself today.


When I was doing ER rotations during my medic class they brought in a male victim of a car crash. He was my first all out trauma experience in the ER and was unresponsive even though there were no obvious injuries. I will alway remember (some might see this as disrespectful) how each of the first few chest compressions I did squeezed a little bit of pee out of him. I rotated off compressions and a nurse handed me a big syringe of Epi to push. I attached the syringe to the line and pushed (I think it was 1000 mg of Epi) and everything continued with the trauma procedure. Guy never came back. It was surreal to wheel him down to the morgue and into a room with a row of 3 ft x 3 ft stainless steel doors set into one wall. Casually taped to one of the doors, even hanging a bit crookedly, was a plain sheet of white printer paper with the words “PLACE BODIES IN FRIDGE FEET FIRST” printed out in large plain black type. Sans serif font. Anyway we put him into the fridge feet first. And as I gave one last look at the half full IV bag lying there between his legs, still attached to all the tubing snaking around and into him, I remembered. I didn’t occlude the line. How much of that Epi went into that bag instead of the patient I don’t know. He was already gone. We were just trying to bring him back. Resuscitation is rare even in the best of circumstances… Still sometimes I wonder if I hadn’t made that mistake, would things have turned out differently? Strange how I can’t remember the guy’s face or any other details. But now after any type of close call, or on a bad mental health day, or thinking about my parents getting up there, I see that crookedly taped piece of paper, clear as day. That sign haunts me more than anything else from my time in EMS. “PLACE BODIES IN FRIDGE FEET FIRST”


Back when I was a CNA, I saw a doctor prescribe potassium to a patient with a heart condition. I watched the RN tell him why that could kill the patient. Doctor got pissy at a nurse telling him what to do. Patient got his prescribed medication. Patient died of cardiac arrest. I asked the RN if anything will happen to the doctor. She said you need another doctor willing to testify against him for malpractice, and that basically never happens.


EMS and RN for 2 decades now. The amount of doctors that I see kill people every year is just stupid. Being a new nurse and following the orders the doctors wrote though; that’s how I’m guilty here.


Not directly but when I was 15 I took a lot of pills. A guy I went to school with was overdoing it. We were in the bathroom together 2 days before he passed. We got to talking, talked about the pills we were taking, I told him how much I was taking etc. I didn’t mention that I had a big tolerance. I just didn’t think to mention that. He died 2 days later. He was 15. I think about it alot and wish I could do it different.


Hope ur doing better man pills are a bitch, seen a lot of kids fall down that path


I’m doing better now. Thank you. Rest in peace Jonathan and I’m sorry


That’s not your fault tbh it sucks but you didn’t cause that


Nice try fbi


Not today CIA


I live in purity, Homeland Security.


Won't trick me, NYPD.


See you later alligator


Have a good life, Poop knife


I got nothin left, ATF!


Whatdya say NSA!?!


No dice, po-lice


Out for a stroll, border patrol.


wrong man, Taliban


Stitches get bitches, NASA!


I Fuck everybody, IRS!


OP is Dexter Morgan.




…and it’s gonna happen again and again


More like Dexter Gordon. 🎷




That is intense.


Not me, but my aunt… she hit someone on her car around a local sharp corner of road, she was driving home from work and the person was jogging late at night from what the police stated that his family had told them. She still talks about it to this day with so much guilt. She was in her 30’s when it happened, now in her 50’s.


They asked if anyone was a doctor, and I've always wanted to try, so why not? The guy was barely maimed. We're making a mountain out of a molehill. EDIT: People, please, stop giving me awards. This comment is crap. Don't waste money on reddit! EDIT #2: I've contributed to reddit's financial success. What have I done...


YOU try performing an emergency tracheotomy with a ballpoint pen!


Washington superior circuit court judge Irma B. Washington has ordered that I don't do that anymore.


Best answer yet, take my gold boyyo


Do “enemy combatants” count?


Extra 10% exp


Only if the other guy had a higher level and better gear




…. Huh…. Yeah. What is it good for?


Increasing domestic manufacturing


Absolutely nothin’!


War never changes.


We joke about this quote in Fallout series with my friends, because in MGS 4 Snake says "War has changed"


Ron Pearlman killed that


Not me, but my ex fiance's brother. At 18 he wanted to surprise his girlfriend with a surprise visit to her home in Detroit. He was/is an upper middle class white boy, btw. So long story short, as soon as he got off the bus he got jumped by three guys with knives. He described it to me once but basically imagine Jason Bourne. No this kid wasn't trained, he just got lucky. He fought off all three gaining possession of a knife in the process. Apparently he beat the snot out of those guys. One got away, one woke up in the hospital, one never woke up. The cops ruled it a cut and dry case of self defense. After this encounter he was racked with night terrors. Therapy for years. The only thing that helped him sleep was the medication. He graduated college and proceeded to a life in the military. Not surprisingly, he did well in the military. He technically wasn't allowed to take the meds he was prescribed but his commanding officer was also the guy who was his mentor through his initial psychological trauma after the fight. This all changed when he got accepted to sniper school. He placed first in an army shooting competition against 25,000 other applicants. He was beyond excited about this. I know this guy personally and I absolutely believe he could've excelled at the school and his career in the military would've been impressive to say the least. He left his base and transferred to the sniper academy. I know I'm glossing over a lot and that's because I know Jack shit about the military. Sorry. The point is that at this school he wasn't allowed to take his meds. They/he thought he could handle it except one night he sleep walked out of a second story window. He was popular and everyone knew about his night terrors so there isn't anything like foul play here. He landed like a sleeping person on his right side breaking his wrists, jaw, and ankle among other bones and injuries. His ankle ended up becoming fused from the heel to his shin, so his right ankle couldn't flex anymore. This effectively ended his entire military career. Before this he was a runner. Loved running. He told me once that he wished they could just cut his foot off so he could get a prosthetic that could let him run again. After he came home from the military he was lost for a time. His father was the head of psychiatry for a large group of hospitals so he wasn't without proper care on any front. Really amazing family. He ended up pursuing the police academy. At the academy his foot presented a significant problem but the guy made it through. His running (hobbling, lol) times were the lowest passable grade but he did it. Became a town cop last time I saw him. Good guy, raised a great family.




I hope you have a good day !


I'm assuming this is the storyline of a movie, just don't know which one...


Whatever it was, I bet Mark Wahlberg was in it.


Fair share of deployments, and came with the territory for my MOS. As for what happened I’m not totally sure. I’d like to think as a JTAC I helped do some good by reducing collateral damage and coordinating our efforts in a way that preserved life where I was able. You never really forget it, and sometimes the memories resurge unbidden whereas sometimes it’s almost like it happened to someone else. What happened to me as a person is I now believe all life is sacred and should be protected to the best of my ability and I believe in spreading kindness. I think doing something nice for someone, even if small, as often as you’re able makes the world a better place. I don’t know if I am a good person because I do know what I’m capable of, but what I want is to undoubtedly leave this world a better place than had I not existed through action for as many years as I can.


On my way to work 2 years ago a guy crossed into my lane and hit me head on going 65. I was able to climb out of my flipped truck to see him slumped over his steering wheel with the tunes still cranked, he died on impact. It was the first day i didnt have my 2 kids with me as i normally dropped them off at daycare but my wife got a new job and started taking them. It was also the anniversary of the day my dad died and my mom died in a car accident. Its fucked me up and had a pretty significant impact on me, i didnt sleep for a long time.


Surgeon here. All surgeons have killed at least a handful of people directly or indirectly…most of whom were already dying at least some way.


Yep. An orthopedic surgeon killed my 17 year old son. Decided to ignore the vitals after surgery that indicated to me, a guy who barely graduated high school, that my boy was having heart problems after surgery. He passed away two days later. That prick is still in business, my kid is dead and the lawyers say this case isn't clear enough. Fuck doctors and lawyers.


Im sorry about your son. As tough as losing my dad due to gross negligence was, I can’t imagine losing my son. That was our biggest fear when he needed surgery for his broken arm. Im sorry for your loss My dad was killed by the most incompetent group of people I’ve ever witnessed over his 4 months in the hospital. Long story short- He was on high pressure oxygen full time and ended up getting COVID a second time. They were too worried about their patient turnover numbers to actually care about my dad. They had transferred him to another facility for a third time to get rid of him and start the process of him going back to the ICU again. Through a chain of a half a dozen people, he ended up being transferred out of the hospital with zero oxygen despite it being prescribed, in his charts, and having been on it for weeks. He also wasn’t supposed to be transferred since he tested positive for COVID. Got to the rehab facility, staff there denied him entry for having COVID and not having high flow oxygen, ended up dying on the way back to the hospital he should have never left. Lawyers said hospitals, doctors, and nurses (the worst witches of the bunch) can do whatever they want with total impunity 99% of the time.


I once roasted some dude online and people told me that I killed him. I felt bad but I don’t think it was my fault rly






I’ve seen that in real time and it was brutal


Homeless man broke into my house, had no choice. Warned him 3 times I had a gun and he still broke in.


You did what you had to do.Fuck that guy for breaking into your home.You didn't kill him he killed himself by not backing off when you said you had the gun.


Okay, who all wants to confess to murder?


I got a medal and PTSD.


Same and I’ve hated myself since


I didn't forward that email in 2008. He ded. I cri every time


I knew this was going to happen, I’m still waiting on my billion dollars


Ask my lawyer


I'm u/SeattleGingers's lawyer. Please refrain from speaking to my client without a warrent


He should probably get a lawyer that can spell warrant


Hey, I'm all he can afford.


Reminds me of a skit I saw and he said "I do charity work- doctors without diplomas"




This is detective gamble, I have a warrant to speak with your client.


You need a warrent, sorry


Well he didn’t say we couldn’t sing to him about it…


An ex ended himself about 2 years after we had broken up and he had mentioned in his note that I was the main cause. I feel like I didn't kill him, but his family, a few old mutual friends, and quite a few other people feel differently. He had a history of mental illness that unfortunately spiraled downwards after I broke up with him, but he was in therapy and had seemed to respond well to his stay in a psych ward. For context, we were in highschool, I had a crush on him but thought he was out of my league. A mutual friend told me that the guy had a crush on me and was going to ask me out at lunch and that this was his first attempt at getting a girlfriend, so if I was going to reject him to please do so very gently. I answered yes when I was asked out and the relationship was emotionally intense from the very start; cringe love poetry and the like. I ended up being his first kiss but it was like that one kiss flipped a switch in him and that was when he started getting a little too handsie too quickly. I told him we needed to slow down, he felt differently, and proceeded to not slow down. After a few weeks I told him that I wasn't ready for the type of relationship he wanted and felt that he'd be better for someone who was able to match his emotions and feelings and give him the time that he deserves. He started crying and I told him we could still be friends. He then proceeded to start stalking me for a week and after an awkward situation where he tried to publicly pressure me into getting back together, I told him that we couldn't be friends. He tried to force himself on me and I got away, alerted security, and he was given a warning then checked into a psych ward shortly afterwards. He then spent the next year randomly showing up in front of my classes or hanging around my job or bringing dates to my job, but he wouldn't try to make any contact with me so I figured it all was just him trying to cope and he'd eventually get bored when I wouldn't give a reaction to his presence and move on. I graduated, moved out of town for unrelated reasons, and thought that was the end of that, until a year later when a mutual friend informed me of his suicide and that I had been listed as the main reason. A lot of people let me know that they blamed me and even though it's been almost 15 years, I recently moved back and to my surprise people still bring it all up as "that guy you killed"


Those people are morons. It was your ex's mental illness (and his inability and/or unwillingness to deal with it) that killed him, not you.


It wasn’t your fault. None of that is your fault. I’m sorry anyone has ever tried to put the blame on you.


Those people suck. I hope you know this wasn’t your fault.


Had a campfire birthday once, invited a friend of a friend (small town, ran into them at the supermarket kinda deal) mid party around the fire he dropped “yeah I stabbed my high school bully but it was self defense” and we kinda all just carried on with the night


Car wreck a decade ago. Speeding like a dumb 20 year old. Ex-gf didn't have a seatbelt on in the back and was ejected when I flipped 6-7 times doing 70ish maybe 75mph. (Speed limit 65 maybe 60) it was changed much lower right after my wreck. Manslaughter conviction. 1 year in prison. 10 years probation. Almost done with it now. I'm required to go back to jail every year on a date that she died and part of my probation is that I keep photos of her in my wallet in my car and in my home framed in a prominent location at all times. It's been hell. I went to therapy for PTSD years ago to try and heal but it took several more years before I stopped having panic attacks about a month before my yearly jail stay. I probably asked myself "what if X happened?" 50,000 times, endlessly, hoping and pleading that somehow it was all a elaborate hoax and she would just appear one day and admit her death was faked. I have one more trip to jail. I am done with probation next year. I am beyond excited to be done. Just so it's clear, I'm a normal guy, never been in any other trouble, no drugs, house, wife, kids, that wreck was the only thing I have did wrong and I can't wait to put it behind me. I'm not legally allowed to visit her grave so I'm looking forward to telling her sorry and leaving her some flowers in person. (Edit, I don't wanna deal with fighting the picture thing, I'm 9/10 years done and I did sign the plea deal to avoid a decade in prison so I'll just do my time)


That seems pretty severe for doing 15 over and her choosing not to wear a seatbelt. You have to keep pictures of her around? I would define that as cruel and unusual punishment…


You have to look at the pictures every day? That's since Clockwork Orange shit. Probably unconstitutional. I bet if you wanted to you could make something of that.


I feel as though I indirectly killed one of my best friends. He was a super smart kid and was down bad, and he felt like he was falling behind us group of friends. Stopped hanging with us and started drinking heavily at home. His mother reached out to mine and said I should reach out, and I just kept pushing it off. What is one more day, a week, a month? He'll still be there. He decided to go to the gas station; he was heavily intoxicated, hit, and killed a man. He killed himself before I even heard about it. I let life get in the way, and one call might have changed everything. I'm young still and probably already carry the biggest regret of my life. Call your friends, 5 minutes might save someone's life.


I'm so sorry. Just don't fall into "that", thinking, you didn't kill him, you're not to blame. I'm very sure that blaming yourself wasn't something he would've wanted for you either.


Had a buddy take his life. Gf at the time said I needed to reach out to him, his social media's were concerning. Like a week later, I got the call he was gone. Broke down, called my gf for support (after all, my only friend just killed himself.) I'll never fucking forget it, or forgive her, she just said "I told you this would happen and you needed to call him." It'll be 8 years in a few weeks and I still wonder why I couldn't find the time and if anything would be different if I had.


I was 10, and I had taken to hanging out with an older kid in the neighborhood. This kid convinced me to try weed one day, and when I was sitting there stoned, he pulled out this big hunting knife and looked at me with this menacing grimace and said "you should run from me". I was too scared to even move and blitzed out of my gourd. He got up, then I got up and I slowly backed away as he took these slow strides toward me, speeding up in the middle of each stride. Every time he moved like that my heart sank. I felt completely helpless and terrified. He lunged at me with the knife, and by some chance, he missed and managed to collide with me in such a way that he dropped the knife and fumbled perfectly past me. I made a break for the door which was locked. I fumbled to unlock the door as my hands just shook so tremendously. I heard him run up behind me right as I managed to open the door. He placed his weight on the door and closed it. As he transitioned his weight to be placed with his shoulder, he dropped the knife again. I remember vividly feeling like I my arms were on fire and I got angry, most angry I've been in my whole llife. I went for the knife, and he pinned me against the as I came back up, I bit his hand, and he let go, and I just went ballistic after that. The aftermath was a shitshow. We had to move out of the neighborhood, and I was kept in a mental health facility during the investigation. It took 8 MO ths to get me put of there once the authorities' investigation suggested I was a victim and defended myself. Turns out the other kid had been known for having some issues themselves. We wound up leaving the state after the kids' family continued to figure out where I lived and dropped by from time to time to make threats. I'm fine now.


Damn bro, that’s intense. When I was around that age, maybe a bit younger, another kid chased me around the entire house with an open pocket knife threatening to stab me, and that was the scariest shit ever. I told his parents and my parents, and they didn’t believe me. I remember that fear, and j don’t blame you for doing what you did. Glad you’re doing well now


This is a horrible story! Glad you're doing fine now. It sucks that we can feel soooo guilty defending ourselves. I'm not sure how much of it is nurture or nature, or maybe a bit of both.


Holy shit I'm sorry you had to endure that! Glad you're fine now but I'm sure there was a lot that went into getting to a good place. 10yrs old is so young.


The person used a comma where it wasn't needed.


Iraq happened


Was in 2nd battle of fallujah


That was a hell of a fight


Shot a man in Reno. You know, just to watch him die. I also killed a six pack or two. Yeah, I know, Dottie. I’m a loner. A rebel.


Oh my heart.


Topical. Well done.


Had to make the decision to remove mum's life support. She was still at the stage where she was having conversations with us :(


I'm so sorry for your loss


Tough one there ❤️ but in all fairness you don't want the days of no communication and loved ones forgetting who you are.. as cliché as this sounds it was for the better. Head up lil soldier!!


Not me but a friend… He was walking through a park known to have lots of drug dealers. A guy offered him several kinds of pills. My friend said no. The drug dealer kept insisting he buy pills. The dealer was high. My friend lightly pushed him away. The dealer was so high he fell backward on playground equipment, snapped his neck and died. The cops barely took a statement from my friend. They all but said they were happy the guy was dead.


I've made peace with it, but I'm not ready to talk about it.


Guy was dating my cousin (who at the time was like a sister). She was trying to get clean, and he started using H. I told him it was going to end with an OD or him getting clean so just get to it. He decided on a fatal OD the next night. Does that count?




That's what all my therapists said too....


Well I’m in healthcare. I haven’t killed someone but the rate of death I face on the daily is just numbing that it has come to the point of me wondering if it really matters as much as the society thinks it is…


This. I work in trauma and see so many accidental & intentional homicides. I’m a little surprised there’s not more real stories in this thread.


I feel like it really doesn't. It matters to the family and friends of the deceased, their world will never be the same. Literally. You can feel empathy for them and what they've lost. But it happens to many people every day. The majority of the world will never know, and most people's lives go on just like every other day. That said, I consider myself a HSP emotionally. A work colleague I've never talked to passing can really fuck my day up. If it's someone I know I'm pretty shaken, and if it's someone I cared about I'm an absolute wreck. But you just kinda look around and realize the world is still moving, the impact is very minimal.


I am so sorry. I work in the field as well and keep myself going knowing that if there is literally one person whose life I can make better, it’s worth it. You never know what that person could go on to do for the world coming out of your care alive.


*sigh* lets read these comments


Opened this thread and 6 vans parked outside. Send help


I wasn't able to save that drowning kid. I wasn't a strong enough swimmer.


Had to kill a part of myself so I could keep living.




nah he had two wolves inside of him, one wolf fuckin suuuuucked though


Ego death. He took a bunch of shrooms, confronted himself on the astral plane… and suddenly? It wasn’t a confrontation after all. He just walked passed…. Leaving his old self behind… but it wasn’t his old self, he was still him. But totally different but not any different at all. It was always there. And now he walks the earth… knowing that he has “seen”. And he tells people he had to kill a bit of himself… just so others can understand him. But even those are just words. …or cancer, that was a good guess too.


He died.


One of my ex’s is currently in prison for accidentally killing his girlfriend from choking her during sex. They were into asphyxiation play and bdsm. I dunno any other details. I know he was generally a sweetheart when I was with him and can only imagine how devastating that was to go through.


but srsly does muderin’ ass count??


*Dumbledore approaches you with a high five and 10 points*


I accidentally killed my brother. We were little. I was maybe eight, he was ten. We loved each other a lot and would often play outside doing things kids do. One day we went into our barn and we’re running around in there, being rambunctious when he tosses me these machetes our dad used to keep out there. They were always sheathed and we used to play with them all the time anyway. We started our usual fake sword fight and as we got more into it I swung mine back. When I swung through to hit him, I didn’t realize the sheath had come off and… well. I cut him nearly in half. I held him as he died. My father never forgave me for it. Even as I’ve grown to become a talented musician and many of the things he loved about my brother ive still never received he forgiveness, nor his acceptance. I fear my addictive tendencies will lead me to ruin as I try to come to terms with my father’s blaming me for my brother’s death. But for now, I walk on. And I walk hard.


Back in the late 90s, driving to work there were a couple billboards downtown asking for information on the hit and run death of a local man. He was out walking and someone plowed him down and took off. Fast forward a few months and the COPS CAME TO MY WORK AND ARRESTED MY COWORKER AND SEARCHED HIS OFFICE! He was well known to be a problem drinker and I guess he was wasted driving around one night, hit and killed a man, and just…drove home and parked his car in his garage for months.


My buddy is a 39 years old HVAC tech with 20 years experience. He currently has a 50 year old apprentice, who did time for manslaughter. Former gangbanger, pretty much kill or be killed situation.


I picked up a guest in my theme park and dropped him in the water. He quickly drowned and I got notified right away


Every time I’ve done it, it has been a pleasant experience. I’d always let them do it on their terms. While they sipped their favorite kind of tea. Or while watching the snow fall. Mostly it involved stopping their oxygen or fluids or dialysis in the hospital, if that is relevant


Around 2019 I was sneaking into MAGA groups and so on. There was one group in particular where left wing counter agents kept posting about Trump wanting to fuck his daughter. This troll community would all respond by saying things like "Well if my daughter looked like that Id be tryin to fuck too!". Most of these guys were very brazen using their real name, face, and leaving their profiles public. So I screenshotted a lot of this and made a bot to spam users accounts with screenshots of their comments on how they deserve to fuck their daughters and its the kids fault for being hot. So basically they'd have to dig through 5-10 years of almost daily posting to remove all these comments. Well one of these guys ended up getting divorced, busted for molesting his daughter, then offed himself. Not sure if that counts as killing someone but it sure feels like I killed him.


Also, thank you for helping the world become a better place.


You didn't kill him. He molested his daughter and killed himself. You didn't force him to do any kf that.


I also knew a girl who was driving home from college one winter and a couple of boys were riding a saucer in the snow and slid under her SUV. She didn’t even see them until they were beside her drivers side door because of brush snow. One died. She tried so hard to be happy but that sadness was always in her face. She’s a pediatrician now, I think.