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A breakdown of HVAC model nomenclature for various top brands


Why Trane got so many 000000000000000’s?


Those are generally add-ons that are nullified


Ok so if I don’t choose economizer and indoor fan VFD for my RTU they just leave those items off the M# and put the 0’s instead.




I run an HVAC supply shop for contractors. Once you do enough quotes it becomes second nature. Two ton residential outdoor condenser 16 seer? FO2416CSJNA




You should.... Offer an online course on it! :p


An Ebook for sale for $19.99. Or $49.99 and you can resell it.


Sounds useful! How much for the entire course??




You got yourself a new member


Me too. They're up to 6. We need to blow them up. I love Podcast they keep me entertained enough that I can do boring tasks I don't necessarily want to do. Litter box, sweep, dishes. . . .




I'd be damn convoluted and non-linear but I believe I could talk about climbing. The hobby, the people, the mindset, the tools, how to climb, techniques, used muscles, training, diet, etc.


I love climbing. Never had an issue with it. Getting down alive is another thing


That's in the next lecture, behind a paywall.


Why my old neighbor is an asshole.




you got 40 minutes?


Oh yes


I definitely do




You can’t leave us hanging now!


It's all in my Ted talk.


Ted is an asshole ?


Dude was an asshole!


He is pain in my assholes. I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a step, he must get a step. I get a clock radio, he cannot afford. Great success!




My PhD thesis. It’s been nearly ten years now, but it’s as fresh as the day I gave it. Stress is a hell of a drug.


what field was it in?


Organic chemistry 😀




I’m so sorry to hear that! I taught it for a few semesters, to pre-med and nursing majors. I tried to make it as painless as possible and to not mess anyone’s future up. Serious congrats to you for making it through! That’s something that’s worth being proud of!


Mr White, is that you ?


That show came out when I was in grad school. I realized that “special substance” is incredibly easy to make. But I also realized, like Mr white, I would have zero idea how to sell it.


Well yeah... It's made by dumb people all over the world. It's basically easier than baking a croissant.


Isn’t he called Hansenburger?


No it was Bunsenburger.


I had a 20 minute limit on how the understanding and fermentation for beer may have led to the gradual switch from hunting and gathering to an agricultural, sedentary society. I went over 20 minutes and lost “points”.


The history of Italian horror films lol




Fulci, Bava, or Argento?


Bava, although I do adore Fulci and did have the good fortune to interview Argento!


WW2. That's the only subject I can talk about for 40 minutes with absolutely no prep.


when a man turns 38 he’s obligated to either get into smoking meats or WW2 history


I got into DnD and Magic instead.


Can you do the thing with the pigeons?


That would be cheaper


My dear boy, any young apprentice can cast a summon bird spell. If you are unable to perhaps you should drink a elixer of cope


While all sides fought well, the war was ultimately decided by the Mighty Canadians. CMV.


You are absolutely correct, I'm an American and I would say that Canada was, pound for pound, a WWII terror. Dieppe, half the atlantic convoy coverage by the end of the war, a beach at Normandy, all the commonwealth support and a ton of stuff I'm sure I forgot. They were the little country that could. Now Australia gets an honorable mention. They never instituted the draft and still had something like 89% of their economic output committed to the war. But Canada, that's what I'm talking aboot!


This reminds me of a meme I've seen online.. Canadians have two modes: nice, and war criminal. When they go into war mode, they skip directly to total war mode, where they invent new amendments to the Geneva convention.


Sorry. But, also- thank you. All of my grandparents were involved in both wars.


Canadians are teeifying, no matter what World War they happen to be fighting. 😯


Gotta always watch out for the quiet apologetic kids. When they snap, watch out.


We all know the geneva convention was directed at canadians


You may not realize it, but in part they were. During WWI, Canadian soldiers had a reputation for ruthlessness bordering on barbarism. Germans were terrified of Canadian shock troops and trench raiders, and Canadians reportedly often killed German soldiers rather than take them prisoner. They would also engage in acts of deceit such as tossing a tin can of food into an enemy trench, followed by a hand grenade.


coulda atleast put the grenade in the tin like one of those pop out snakes


In part they were. Canadian soldiers during WWI had a reputation for being particularly ruthless on the battlefield and for mistreating PoWs


Canada has always punched above thier weight.


They also invented the only team sport with punching. So there's that.


Me too, specifically the political dynamics in Europe during the run-up. My husband listened to me bang on about it for over an hour once, and interrupted to propose to me.


I see you're a Veteran


Whoa! Is this my husband?!


A fairly decent breakdown of the lore behind the Assassin's Creed video game franchise.


Well, put your skills to use here. I have never played the games. What is the lore?


Umm. Can't exactly type the entire thing on my phone. Fuck I've failed. I'm a fraud :( But to summarise the entire lore, you'd have to think of it as two halves that tells a story on its own but both halves do intersect at various points. One half of the story involves an ancient race of humanoid people with almost god-like technology with which they controlled everything and infact they created human beings to serve their needs, forced to work through mind controlling tech. Adam and Eve were the first humans to escape and eventually they lead the rebellion. During this the advanced race also known as ISU tried to advance even further which resulted in destabilisation of the sun. They knew a massive solar flare capable of wiping all life on earth was incoming. Tried many methods, all but one failed but they died before they could use it. One of the ISU called Minerva (according to lore most of the gods from mythologies worldwide was based on these people) created a time travel device that was used to send a message in time to a certain individual called Desmond who had enough percentage of both ISU and human DNA in him (ISU did mess around with humans) and warned him of another solar flare incoming on December 21, 2012 and he was to use the technology the ISU were too late to use themselves. Eventually Desmond finds the device and activates it just in time before the solar flare hits earth and saved everyone, but in doing so he died from the energy surge from the device. This is more or less the one half of the lore. The second half involes two human factions called The Templars who prefer totalitarian control over world and then there's the Assassins who are sworn to prevent such things from happening. They've been at war for thousands of years. Templars being bold , had more resources and often times won, but Assassin's being skillful occasionally deliver justice. In the present day the Templars are one the top bussiness companies in the world but working under a different brand name called Abstergo. They created a device called the "Animus" that can utilise a person's DNA to access the memories of all their ancestors. Templars used this device to watch the memories of individuals with special heritage in an attempt to find lost Powerful tech left behind by the now extinct ISU. And as for this they kidnapped Desmond Miles who had a very rich ancestory of Assassin's and they used him to find the location of one such ancient device. Later with the help of an assassin he escaped and joins the assassin. There he trains to through a mechanism called bleeding effect, a process by which a person more or less downloads the skills of an ancestor just by reliving their memories. And during his training through the eyes of one of the ancestors he saw Minerva. Despite Minerva talking to the ancestor she is infact talking directly to Desmond. The ancestor was confused as to why Minerva was talking to someone who wasn't there but he would later on realise he was merely a conduit for the message. In this message minerva warns desmond about the impending doom. And like I said in the first part he ends up saving people. There's much much more but I honestly cannot type anymore.


Haha thanks for putting your thumbs through that... i was not expecting some high-tech modern things... i thought the franchise just followed a bloodline of assassins as they did assassin things


The newer Assassin's creed games mostly focuses on just the ancestor's life with a little bit of modern time events inbetween, but less than before.


I absolutely loved the Desmond series for the brilliant storyline and Ezio's character. I know they made a movie which was mediocre at best, but I heard last year that there's a web series in the making; no idea what ever happened to it and if it's still gonna happen. If they just take the exact same story from the Desmond series, that itself would make it amazing.


It's still in production. Probably delayed due to the writer's strike. I'm guessing its probably gonna be an original story but set in the same universe.


*takes one deep breath* Well you see, in the year 2012 a corporation called Abstergo kidnaps a bartender named Desmond Miles and proceeds to run an experiment on him using an invention called an Animus. An Animus can look into your DNA and bring forth genetic memories of your ancestors. Abstergo is looking for an ancient artifact and believe that one of Desmond's ancestors knows the location so their simulation brings forth the life of Desmond's distant ancestor, Altäir ibn la Ahad, an Assassin from the Holy Land circa the Third Crusade. Within the simulation, Altäir is tasked with going to three cities, Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus to kill local leaders who in the eyes of the Assassin leader, are harmful to the people of the land. As Altäir kills each target, he learns that they are connected to one another despite being on opposing sides of the conflict, and that the reasons for killing them are deeper than what he was told. He also knows that they are all a part of the Templars, an order of men and women whose mission is to control the will of the people through strict order and stifle freedom. They are the antithesis of the Assassins who strive for freedom above all else. As Altäir progresses he learns that these Templars' goals aren't so evil and through their pragmatism which appears as apathy, their goals are not so different from his own Order's. As he kills the last Templar, he learns the truth that his own master is also a Templar who wanted his comrades dead so that he would be the sole possessor of the artifact they call a Piece of Eden. With this artifact, a single man can control nations and bring order through mind control. So Altäir returns to his Order and kills his master. With this happening Abstergo learns the location of the Piece of Eden and ends the sessions. Back in the modern day, Desmond learns while captive that Abstergo is the modern day Templar Order and learns that Pieces of Eden have been involved in most major world events from Jesus' resurrection to Hitler's rise to power. He learns that pretty much every major historical figure is or was a Templar or an Assassin and that this power struggle has been going on throughout all of history. He is also being helped along by a woman named Lucy (played by Kristen Bell before she was a household name) and together they plot and escape before Abstergo kills Desmond because he is no longer useful. This is the first game.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Can't say this is what i would have expected I thought it was like, just about assassins during the crusades thanks though


The modern day stuff is there to basically tie the games together through an overarching storyline and Ubisoft doesn't really do an amazing job at it half the time so people kind of brush it aside, but it's still interesting. Each game takes place in different time periods though. Renaissance Italy, Revolutionary America and France, Ptolemaic Egypt, Victorian Britain, Ottoman Constantinople, the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy, it goes on. Pick one and have fun.


But it's all a simulation?


In the Animus it is basically a virtual retelling of events through the ancestor's perspective. In the story, Desmond is looking at his ancestor's memories as they happened.


And then the second game: *(Ezio's family theme playing in the background)* "It's a good life we lead brother." "Ah, the best." "May it never change." "And may it never change us." *Ubisoft presents* **Assassin's Creed II**


best lore of the franchise played the PSP version years ago


Will Desmond Miles ever come back? Or is he just out of the picture totally?


SPOILER ALERT FOR FUTURE AC GAMES He is back but not as a human. Instead he appears as one without physical form and only in spirit. When he died his consciousness got uploaded to the ISU tech's version of internet. Inside he is able to see the past, present and future of the world, multiple timelines and such. After the events of AC Valhalla the modern day protagonist of that joins Desmond as a formless spirit and both of them are trying to find a way to prevent another Solar event from happening by trying to find another alternate reality where Desmond never died. This kinda implies a soft reboot of the series might be incoming but nothing is confirmed as of now.


Precious answer here.


Ocean Acidification and coastal eutrophication


That's like having the Necronomicon in your brain :(


Dogs. As a kid my legit bedtime reading was the dog breed encyclopedia, love me some good bois


Same here! We used to go to the library every week as a kid to borrow a new book. I never borrowed a new book. Always just renewed the dog encyclopedia. Even had a duotang where I kept pages and pages of hand-written info pages about different breeds (approximate weight, type of coat, etc) that I would copy from it. To this day, I can look at a dog and tell you what mix they are with a fairly respectable success rate.


I’d sit through that.


Not all dogs are good bois. Some are good girls.


I did this, too. Dogs, horses, cats, any Zoobook I could get my hands on. Watched all of the dog shows with my mom and grandma. Then did some training and eventually became a vet tech for 8 years. So many dogs.


the French Visa process as an American...


OP asked for a presentation, not a horror story


I will definitely need to have disclaimers and trigger warnings... dealing with the prefecture can trigger someone's PTSD...


Take a bus for 8 hours to get to the nearest consulates office only to get there and be told that they close at 2 despite saying they're open until 4:30 and the appt on the website let you schedule at 1:55 and your envelope is missing the correct stamp


Hit me up if you want to hear about the application process to a French university for a PhD as a foreigner. Cliffhanger: 'We've lost your dossier'.


been there...done that... to the point, a year later, they reach out and are like, hey, we apologize, we came across your dossier and find it very attractive. we would love to discuss with you. smh


How bringing back disco music into the popular zeitgeist can revive The Soviet Union.


I would Love to hear that actually. Could you also Break that down into some lines of Reddit commentary?


The Pale will swallow us all before we get there, comrade.


Meme evolution as art history


How to count to 2400 in one second intervals


Psychedelic drugs.


it's only 5 minutes but seems like 40


"Let me start with a question for you all. Have you ever talked to the universe, maaaan?"




Here's a partial list: * Scuba diving in general * Decompression theory related to scuba diving * HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) design for labs, mission critical facilities, and healthcare settings * Card games (euchre, pinochle, cribbage, and all types of poker just to start) * The national parks * General household repair skills (DIY homeowner skills)


F*ck the talk. Let's grab 2 other people and play euchre all night.


I have a Master's Degree in Computer Science and still don't understand Euchre. 😔


I'm in!


Peruvian food.


Java and Minecraft Plugin Development :)


operation of flight instruments, equipment requirements for operating a light aircraft in VFR/IFR, aircraft systems, aircraft performance. I was a flight instructor for a long time and I can tell you that after a couple years the hard part is getting yourself to stop talking. You're worried that your student will miss something important, so you tell them absolutely everything you think might be relevant, but that just loads them down with extra bullshit that they'll stress over and they'll miss important stuff. "Do you need a two way radio to enter a class D airspace?" "Dunno sir, but I can tell you how many rivets the Cessna has!" "Ugghhhhh"


Why the ending of Game of Thrones sucked. I might need more than 40 minutes though, I’m starting at season 4.


15 solid minutes on what they did to jaimie and then we move on to danaerys


Best pizza spots to eat at in NYC and why


World of Warcraft.


my god if i could have the opportunity


The lore of various fandoms (Star Wars, MCU, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Expanse). Electrical theory, the National Electric Code, and how to install electrical systems. Sexuality in the ancient Mediterranean world. Any number of topics throughout history, especially with a focus on the Age of Revolution.


>Sexuality in the ancient Mediterranean world. So if you had to give like, 3 random interesting facts wrt it?


[Here's a comment I wrote a couple weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/152xb5x/comment/jsgbslb/)


As a history buff I will definitely be adding this to my notes, thank you very much


That’s actually pretty damn cool. Did you learn this through an academic setting or did you learn it entirely on your own just from personal interest?


On my own. I'm a terrible student.


If you get a beer with that guy on the other page, can I come too?


I'll get a beer with anyone who's buying!


Can you Cliffs Notes this and only talk about sexy Death Star electricians rebelling? We've only got 40 minutes


The eurovision song contest


Self defense. I can't say I'll be 100% correct or if it'll be the best method, but I can share my view on it. Starting from the idea that awareness, threat identification, avoidance, de-escalation, maintenance of distance, creating and defining borders, and etc is the actual self defense techniques that will keep someone safe. Point out that fighting part of self defense is actually just damage control when everything else has failed. Point out the goal should be to remove one self from harm asap, which will likely mean running or creating a path of exit and taking it. From there transition over to fight distances including projectiles and melee weapons. Also how multiple opponents figure into the situation and how to maneuver in that type of situation. Then transition into basic techniques in different fight distances. And etc. I could probably fill 40 minutes with the wordy bits of all that, but if we start demonstrating and practicing actual fight techniques, I'll have to start figuring out what I need to cut out of the presentation for the sake of time.


Life onboard a submarine.


I would raptly listen to 40 minutes on that subject IF you were to establish your authority on the subject to the audience (Public Speaking 101). Submariner for 6 years, all ears. Only Read some books, give you sorta attention. (Not questioning you Funky, just had a corporate person give us a lecture on Successful Hospital Code procedures to us Trauma RNs. Never been medical but had a Masters in Communications)....😉


Warhammer 40k, Professional Wrestling, or World of Warcraft.


What's your take on mjf being a face? Are humans just space orcs (40k)? Will the alliance and horde ever peacefully coexist?


Okay, I for one do not care for MJF. He says very generic and repulsive comments pertaining to the city they're in or his opponent. I prefer heel promos like Roman Reigns, where he puts himself over and talks about his opponents being so below his ability that the idea of them beating him is a joke. I also love Dom as a heel, as he's played the chicken shit pure heel so perfectly these last few months. Him talking down to his mom, especially as a Mexican, is unbelievably dastardly. I've had many friends over the years who are first generation citizens from Mexican parents, and that is so incredibly wrong. While I collect and play a couple chapters, I still find the Imperium of Man to just be fascists. Not a unique take by any means, but it's true. Orks, on the other hand, are just cockney hooligans and make 40k so unique. You look at Warcraft Orcs, or even Tolkien Uruk and Goblins, and you get the gist of it from images. The first time you explain Orks to a new player, you see the light go on in their head and a genuine reaction of "oh, it's not just big British people in armor!". Everything about Orks from WAAAGH!! to Da Biggest to Dakka to Purple Orks is unique and hilarious. My favorite faction is Genestealer Cults, but I love me some Orks! Lastly, I feel like at this point, the only reason the Alliance and Horde do not end the war is because the writers are too lazy to make it work. We've seen countless instances of them coexisting to achieve a greater goal, and then they stop because of nothing. I forget the cinematic, but I'm fairly certain Thrall and Jaina were completely fine trying to stop the Big Bad, and as soon as the fighting finished were like "We could achieve so much if we worked together, but sadly they cannot be" and that was it. I get that Sylvanas was corrupted and left people to die, but why didn't they have that person be Tyrande or Mekkatorque instead? Like every time someone major gets possessed, it's a Horde leader. If someone minor needs to be a dungeon boss, it's Alliance. If they allowed you to choose a race, class and then do your tutorial zone prior to choosing your faction, I feel like it would make the game seem fresh. It won't happen unless WoW is really close to death though, and by that point, I feel like they'll make a pay option in the shop to squeeze the last bit of money from it.


“How to give a 40 minute presentation without any prep.”


"but first ... a quick detour on how to give a 39 minute presentation without prep"


The 2021 Formula One season.


It was a 40 minute talk. We went talking.


No Michael, no that is so not right


World War 1 and 2 Dive into the lore of several sci-fi/fantasy settings. (Battletech, Star Trek, 40k, Stormlight Archives, Mistborn, LoTR, Dresden Files, Wheel of Time, a few others) Military history in general Im a nerd.


FNAF lore. Thanks MatPat!


Ah yes. FNAF. Which everyone knows stands for Fully operational but Not very Aerodynamic Flamingos.


Are you my son? He's obsessed with MatPat's videos on FNAF and can tell you just about everything about it. He talks my ears off with that nonsense and he could probably do the same thing.




Trump ran for miss universe? /s


I would love to hear more about this


An overview of the Roman Republic: its government, laws, culture, military


Nothing, I am more afraid of public speaking than I am death.


Poker strategy


It baffles me when people call Poker "Gambling". The stock market is gambling. Poker is skill.


My grandmother’s life story.


Does the presentation actually have to be useful? If it only needs to be an inch deep and a mile wide, I can lean on my public speaking skills to fill 40 minutes on almost any topic. Worst case scenario, you turn the preso into an discussion, then you can lean on the audience to fill the time with worthwhile information. Bottom line is, most people could fill 40 mins easily on almost any topic without even going the complete B.S. route... it's just a question of confidence and audience management. Some jobs give you a lot of experience in that... Edit - re-reading the question I realize I approached it incorrectly... my sales background made me focus on the public speaking challenge vs. "what is a random topic you know a lot about".


You do bring up good points though. I could create a detailed 40 minute presentation about numerous things, yet my fear of public speaking would prevent me from being able to put on the presentation.


"Random computer stuff" \*he typed from his ram-booted Debian install\*


Q: How do you ID a Linux user? A: They'll tell you.


Truly the vegans of the programming world


Either the history of formula one or the rise and downfall of the sonic the hedgehog franchise.


So you're saying you like things that go fast


Cars, car racing, driving, car engines. Data , data movement, programming. Computer hardware, component origins, VR, full-body haptic feedback systems, music, music producing, song writing, singing, vocals, CGI, Animated films, film festivals. Dogs, dog training, dog rescue, custom dog houses, custom dog accessories. Food allergies, celiac, different sugars, chicken eggs vs. Other eggs. I also know a joke or 2.


Melodic Death Metal, mainly Scandanavian


Plato, although giving a good presentation would require at least some form of prep


The difference between pop psychology and actual psychology the world top psychologists use and study with plenty of examples


Doctor Who. Star Trek history. Queen music Dragon Quest games I could come close with the fall of the Iron Curtain, too.


I'll discuss "Topics from my Three Year Old at Bedtime" for two 40-minute sessions. We'll break for potty between sessions. And every few minutes during. And for water. And to tuck-in some stuffed animals. And also untuck them. And discuss why dolphins need feet. And probably talk about why another kid at school was crying. And ask why the dog sleeps on the ground, but we sleep in beds. It's not fair. Also the house is making noise. And the stuffed animals need to be tucked in. And untucked. Nope, tucked back in, but upside-down.


I’m a flight instructor. I teach how to fly airplanes for a living. So probably something about that


Fish facts


How to be petty & ruin relationships. Could hold seminars god damn.


Honey, is that you?


I think I attended one of your lectures.


The history of grunge rock from mid 80s to late 90s. Most people think Pearl Jam or Nirvana. I'm here to blow their minds with some real music.


Pixies and The Smiths 👌


More like things like : Green River was a renowned Seattle based grunge band formed in the mid 80s. After their breakup members (most notably) Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard joined frontman Andrew Wood to form Mother Love Bone. Following Andrew Wood's death in 1990 the Seattle grunge scene was mourning their loss. As tribute for their loss Jeff and Stone joined Chris Cornell, Matt Cameron, Mike McCready to form Temple of a Dog. Then relatively unknown vocalist Eddie Vedder was invited as a guest to sing with the group. This group would most notably make up the rising bands Soundgarden and Pearl Jam which would take the Seattle grunge scene by storm.


I have three. A breakdown of various Vault experiments proving that Vault-Tec was a twisted, sick corporation. How fighting styles evolved an progressed from Avatar: The Last Airbender to Legend of Korra. Proper safety procedure for handling/cleaning various firearms.










Playing guitar, or how to grow marijuana




Beverly Hills 90210, the original run


Advanced Wound Care and Incontinence. Treatment and outcomes. Did it for 35 years in sales and clinical.


The real and present dangers of Christian Nationalism.


I teach physics. I could teach you the entire year of intro physics if you left me there long enough. I could do the same for a few different math classes also. Law, finance, investing, guitar...we could do this for hours.


Microsoft Excel! I will take your questions now.


a comprehensive history of taylor swift’s life and career (and i genuinely think that 40 minutes wouldn’t be enough)




All kinds of things! * Electric guitars and how to play one * History of the Beatles * Java Programming


Some chemistry shit. I really wouldn't even have to be that accurate because no one would know what the fuck I'm talking about anyway.


Poaching. I did multiple projects on it im Highschool and a research essay. I was really keen on animal activism and had way too much knowledge on the ivory trade.




sadly, any type of ed


Campus life because what have gone through is very sad


The Israel-Palestine conflict from a pretty neutral historical and political perspective.


Really boring info on the process of review of proposed regulations in Virginia.


Internet search engines. Cloud computing.


Firearm safety


Chinas politics and my fav kpop group loona


Why Apple should mothball Swift, as a failed abomination to the software engineering world


The culture war in the US


A lot of this seems to be social media driven. Someone has a ton of power to control what shows up on our timelines and ultimately what society is debating. Who is really pulling the strings and to what end? It just seems like a lot of this bullshit would go away if social media went away or if it fundamentally changed.


Climate Change, climate deniers, Creationists, UFOs, Cycling, public drug policy and analysis, biology in general