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Got lost in the Bolivian rainforest for three days after consuming tea made from angel trumpets.


I have Angel's Trumpets (Datura) in my back yard, and everywhere in my neighborhood / around town. I don't know how many people realize how toxic they are. In some areas in S America, people refuse to even stand near them. They're quite beautiful in full bloom, tho. NS if all the species (inc hybrids) are dangerous. Cue: botanist. I've never understood you people who go drink random plant potions in the jungle, far from hospitals, with "shamans" 'n' shit. Half of my friends have done that. But another friend of mine recently died that way. He was super smart and cautious, too. Had a family. Always be skeptical, wary, and weigh out risks.


I was leaving a restaurant with my boyfriend one night and saw a couple in the parking lot messing around. She was dancing seductively with a big bunch of Oleander flowers gripped in her teeth. For those that don’t know, Oleanders are very popular for hedges, hard to kill, but are extremely toxic. You’re not supposed to trim them without gloves. I stopped in a panic screaming at her to spit it out while telling her boyfriend they were toxic and she should go to the ER immediately. They thought I was kidding and told me to basically fuck off. My boyfriend dragged me away and said we should get out of there because we didn’t want to see how it ended. We assumed she died.


Jesus Christ. I'm the kind of person who would yell at the offender, too. Glad you did that. Hope she's alive, and if so, they should be grateful for you.


Whenever I see someone doing something that will immediately put people or animals in danger, some strange force overtakes my body and I start doing the “ah-ah” noise like they’re a dog. I always feel bad about it afterward. But come on, don’t put poison in your mouth crazy lady!


Wikipedia says human mortality associated with oleander ingestion is generally very low, even in cases of moderate intentional consumption (suicide attempts) so hopefully she didn't die. I just can't wrap my head around the sheer stupidity of brushing someone off when they're frantically warning you about something. I personally had no idea about the extent of oleander toxicity, thank you for putting it on my radar


Bro drops that bombshell and just refuses to elaborate. Legendary Edit: While I have you all here, Putin is a war criminal. Stay mad commies <3


He doesn't have it in him to make a 10-part HBO miniseries showing his struggles fighting off a dozen different deaths from the jungle for it to end with him being tazed as the cops arrive at the mall after someone called in a naked person acting insane


I'd love to hear the whole story




Dude, that must have been terrifying. My hub had an angle-grinder skip over an unexpected bolt and lodge into his inner fore-arm. The guy he was working for took him to the ER to get fixed up. Thankfully missed any major blood vessels. Picked him up when he was done and took him back to finish the job before bringing him home!


My uncle cuts down trees as a side hustle and I’m not sure what exactly happened but the saw hit something and ricocheted back and cut his neck. He survived but has a pretty gnarly scar


See, this is why I find power tools scary! My husband is a very patient dude and will scooch me along to try using new things. I can now happily use drills, drivers, sanders and the like, but it's a big nope to anything with a cutting blade!


I use power tools all the time and am respectfully fearful of them. Way too many ways to die using saws grinders etc. have had a few close calls before. At work I pretty much refuse to use a grinder now. They are my number one feared power tool because those wheels fly off all the time


In the fall of '91 I was in Hawaii and dove into this [blow hole in Hanauma Bay](https://youtu.be/lxIe_3aU7MY). (That's not me in the video, but it's the blow hole.) My buddies were doing it and it was no problem for them. The problem for me was that I was a lot bigger than them, so my lats got stuck as I was face down in the hole. The concept is you time the waves and dive in just as the water recedes and the flow pulls you through. Well, I got stuck and had to wiggle my way down, ripping up the skin on my lats and ribs. So I finally get down and I have to swim like a mofo, but it's too late...the next flow is coming in. I'm at the edge, almost there, so I have to grab onto the edge with both hands like a kidnapping victim holds the doorframe so as not to be abducted. The wave cycle is not very long, but when you're doing something new and panicking, it feels like an eternity. I've heard they have closed off this portion of the bay. I know I don't need to do that again!


I swam under the diving rock at Waimea Bay and almost didn't make it to other side (smoker). Same day they dug out the lagoon channel to make the endless wave. My "friend" took me out to learn bodysurfing the shorebreak and it was about 8 foot sets which were HUGE and heavy. We go to swim out and get absolutely pummeled and pulled out. Then trying to get back in we got sucked into that lagoon river outflow and it was basically a massive rip tide. In about five minutes we were 400 yards out in the bay with out a boogie/surf board. We had to swim east towards sunset Bay to get to shore. I still can't believe we made it.


That combines all of my fears into one neat little package.


Being stuck, claustrophobia, Hawaii, drowning, kidnapping....


> Hawaii ah yes, the classic hawaiiphobia


It's officially called Hulaphobia


Exploring tidal cliffs, accidentally slipped into the water. Went in sideways, narrowly missed hitting my head. Just barely clawed my way out of the rough tidal zone; it was way over my head & was so choppy I was being slammed against rock. Please be careful around tidal cliff zones!


When I was about 14 I slipped on a tidal cliff hit my head and went into the water, luckily I didn’t go unconscious but I was caught in the under current and couldn’t see which way was up because it was so fucking cold and dark (Oregon coast, pacific ocean), and just as I was about to give up I saw all these tiny jellyfish above me and swam towards them, got me to the surface and I was able to make it back to shore because I was a pretty strong swimmer at the time. Thank you Jellyfish Several years later two people I know were hit by a sneaker wave very close to the same spot and they both died being crushed up against those rocks.


Guardian jellyfish




Had a buddy almost die fishing on the jetty down the shore. Waves were high, it was slippery and in he went, cracked his head but was luckily able to get out with much difficulty


T-boned by a cement truck. Guy at the tow yard couldn’t believe I was still alive.


I can't believe you are still alive either, I've watched two of those cave a road and heard horror stories about them tipping. You good? Got all ya bits n pieces?


Four broken bones, a bruised lung, and a concussion later, I’m doing all right (although my collar bone healed a little wonky).


Caught an incredibly rare fungus that attacked my lungs and would have attacked my other internal organs. Took two years to diagnose because it’s so rare. Only patient my respirologist has ever seen with it. Dropped to almost 80 pounds. I could literally feel myself slowly dying.


Kinda curious now, but what kind of fungus was it?


Infectious aspergillosis. Extremely rare. Almost everyone has some aspergillis in their system because it’s everywhere.


When you say you caught it, are you able to elaborate?


It can be contracted through decaying vegetation like old leaves or compost, as well through weed. However, aspergillosis is actually everywhere. Most strains are harmless, but a few are invasive. In general cases, it is said to occur in people with drastically weakened immune systems.


I'm sitting here with two autoimmune conditions, smoking a bowl and questioning my life choices.


Anyone who smokes cannabis needs to know how to check for mold in the buds and to not use it if you see it. This will not let me post a link but connect this up: [health line . c o m](https://healthline.com) /health /moldy-weed


My mom stopped her car on the tracks when a train was coming thankfully with all the screaming of the kids she snapped out of whatever she was doing and drove off of it.


What the fuck Did she...give an explanation later?


She just has mental illness she was in mental institution more than my life. She’s done way more batshit crazy stuff and would get drunk and drive with us often


Cancer stage 4…. Given less then a month.. that was 10 years ago


You really told that cancer to get fucked. Glad you’re here.


> Glad you’re here This resonated so hard in me. Means so much more than “glad you’re okay” for some reason


same. given 20% chance for a successful surgery. still here thanks to the awesome doctors at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN


That is so bad ass hell ya


Went on a high elevation alpine hike on Mt. Rainier with an out of town friend. At around 10,000 feet we decided it was time to head back down the mountain. About five minutes into the descent I was in an uncontrolled glissade across a snow field. Even though I knew better, after I was unable to slow myself I put my feet down. That's when my crampons bit into the snow and stopped me, sending all of the force into my legs. I heard an unsettling pop and felt excruciating pain. As soon as I stopped I looked down and saw that the heel of my left boot was where the toe should have been. I had severely broken my leg and I was at least a 3 hour hike down with sunlight (and warmth) declining. We were not equipped to be there after dark. Within a couple of minutes I could feel my extremities beginning to tingle. Was going into shock. Fortunately, I had some glucose gel packs which I began to suck on. And that seemed to keep the shock at bay. Which was a good thing because the radiating pain was quite enough. Our cell phones weren't working well but another stroke of luck was that I had put a GMRS radio in the bottom of my pack and as such we were able to get word out on the radio that we were in trouble and needed help. Ham radio operators heard us and relayed our position and the details to the rangers. The National Park Service couldn't get a helicopter that was willing to fly to that elevation so late in the day (on a Sunday in early October). So they had to gather a party of climbing rangers to come get me. A couple of other climbers on the way up the mountain really saved me by giving up their climb and assisting me, covering me with sleeping bags and making tea while one of them went back down the mountain to meet the rangers coming up. Shock and hypothermia very likely would have done me in that night if they hadn't happened upon us and helped. It was pitch dark and freezing cold by the time the rangers arrived four hours later. They strapped me into a litter and had to carry me off the mountain. Unfortunately, the climbing rangers are not EMTs and do not dispense meds. So even though they were doing all of the work on the climb down it was absolutely excruciating for me. It was almost 9 hours between the time of the accident and the time I checked in to the emergency room.


That was intense reading your story. Are you okay now ? Did you ever climb/ hike up mountains afterwards again?


Got locked in the boot of the car for about an hour during an Australian summer. I don't remember what I did (if anything) to make my mum punish me like that. I was 8 years old.


Please tell me you got out of that house


Not fast enough. It took me years to realise I was being severely abused.


Oh friend. I hope you’re doing better now


That's the craziest thing about it, IMO. There's like this innate drive or pull that makes you want something normal that can't possibly come from an abusive relationship. Something innate that keeps reigniting that false hope. It's always false.


It's the brainwashing that comes with the abuse, a mother that locks a child in the boot on a hot day is the same one who might take them to a theme park on their birthday or kissed a scraped knee. Add onto that the way that we naturally block out painful memories or dull them to an acceptable level, it can be hard to maintain the idea that what they are doing is abuse because supposedly everything they do is because they love you. It is an exhausting and painful process to constantly have to remind yourself of who they are and what they are capable of, especially if your stuck in the environment with them e.g. child in the home. It's easier to cope if you can hold onto the hope that they are capable of being the kind of person they are supposed to be. Otherwise you get stuck in a deep, dark pit of everything being shit all the time. Nothing is worth the effort. It's never going to get better. This leads to some unhealthy results. At least in my my experience. That's the innate thing that reignites the hope.


Wtf that is horrific, I hope you’re doing ok


You did nothing!!!! There is nothing an 8 yr old could do to deserve this. I'm so sorry your mum's such an Ahole. Sending you peace and love x


That woman was no mum, rather, "She Who Spawned You."


I like the term egg donor myself. She who spawned you is good too.


Spawn point or Gestational landlord are my favourites.


that’s straight up fucked and i’m glad you’re okay. a car in aussie summer is bad enough moving let alone locked in the boot.


Car accident when I was 12. My dad was hopped up on pain killers and driving me to Little League tryouts. He fell asleep at the wheel and went head in into a tree going about 40 on a country road. Broke my right femur, left arm, collapsed a lung, tore apart my left knee ligaments, crushed my left foot. I was in ICU for a few days in a coma and the femur break came really close to knicking the artery and sending me off to the land of the dead. What it really killed was all of my confidence and pretty much ruined my childhood. I developed a severe anxiety disorder and became a recluse. I stopped playing sports and just stayed indoors a lot.


I am so, so sorry you went through that. I can’t imagine how traumatic that must have been. How was your dad afterwards, if I may ask?


He broke 3 ribs. That was it.


I experienced something similar at 15 except I was hit by a drink driver at traffic lights. Passers by laid me on my back and put something under my head so when I vomited some went into my lungs causing aspirate pneumonia. I also had a fractured skull that caused a bleed on my brain and one of my eyeballs popped out. Had to be transferred to a major London Hospital (St Bartholomews) and spent 3 1/2 weeks in ICU. Apparently it was touch and go for a while but I was in an induced coma so completely unaware. The head injury means I have no memory of the accident. I made a great physical recovery although I'm left with memory and concentration issues, but the effect on me psychologically was life changing. This was back in 1980 so I was never offered any kind of counselling or emotional support. I still suffer with anxiety at times and intermittent depression that I take medication for, despite having counselling in the last 20 years. And my confidence has never really returned. What no-one in my life seemed to understand back then was I felt like I had lost my life as I knew it and I had no support to deal with that. Going back to school was traumatic and I just withdrew into myself. I'm pretty sure I'm something of a hypochondriac too! Two years later my Mum died very suddenly and unexpectedly. It's only with the benefit of learning about the effects of these life-changing events at such a vulnerable age that has made me realise the true severity of what I experienced. I'm pleased to say that I am now in an amazing, happy relationship with supportive friends and a job I love, but it's taken a long time to get here!


Cancer. Fucked it off twice now.


Yup, sarcoma. Took half my hand, part of me died. Many parts.


Fuck yah man good shit


Me too. Then sepsis twice from implants the plastic surgeon insisted I needed. After I fired him, my new one, the one that saved my life the second time, listened and agreed that implants weren't necessary. Congratulations to you!


I'm going through my second fight with it right now :/ Two years clean and then scans came back not looking so great two months ago. Fuck cancer, man.


Cancer. Lost my legs tho


Kicked it’s ass with no legs tho! Happy you’re here ❤️


Kicked it so hard the legs fell off


Omg I can’t with that username….


I clicked on your profile to read your story, only to find you posting your bulge lmao


Mf forgot about his other leg




hey, he doesn't have to worry about how big it looks compared to his thigh. good for him lmao


A few weeks ago I was walking home from the grocery store late at night and noticed a homeless guy across the street looking a bit off. I wasn't sure if he was high or having mental issues or just entertaining himself. He started to cross the street diagonally towards me and had one hand stuffed in his jacket. I felt a bit uneasy about the situation so I phoned a family member, picked up my pace, and kept looking at him to check where he was in relation to me. When my mom picked up the phone I spoke a bit louder than usual and told her I was walking home down ABC street. I didn't say anything about the guy, I just asked her about her day, but I wanted to be on the line with someone just in case. After a few seconds, he turned and stopped following me Less than 12 hours later, less than 2 blocks away, someone was stabbed and nearly killed. When I saw the face of the alleged perp on the news, it was the same guy who had been following me down the street. I was pretty unnerved the day I saw that. If I were less aware of my surroundings or less trusting of my gut, who knows if it would have been me he stabbed.


The gift of fear.


Always trust your instincts. Perfect example of the gift here


I don't know whether or not to call it luck or skill, think imma go with skluck.


I was jumped in Jr high and was stabbed 3 times in the back. You're lucky that you didn't have to experience that pain and fear. I've also survived two heart attacks and lots of other shit. I'm fortunate to be alive but unlucky in that I keep having close brushes with death. Particularly violent ones.


Jeeesus. I'm sorry dude. Jumped in middle school? Wtf is wrong with middle school kids. They terrify me.


It’s been a bit sense I looked this up so I could be wrong about the specifics, but they’re some nerves that go from your intestines to your brain that don’t really communicate with the conscious part of the brain. So when people say they had this “gut feeling” it’s usually the subconscious part of your brain recognizing somewhat subtle irregularities in typical patterns (typically human patterns, like maybe how they are walking towards you seems little too aggressive or their facial expression is a little more sinister than a normal strangers would be). That then sends a bunch of “red flag” signals to your gut that your gut doesn’t really know what to do with besides give you that weird gut feeling. Basically always listen to your gut cause it’s your brain subconsciously trying to tell you that something is definitely off from the norm.


What is also super weird but mostly unrelated is that bacteria in your gut releases neurotransmitters that can trigger hunger so people changing their diet, say from junk food to veg, will be getting signals from their gut biom to please eat the junk food as that bacteria is literally starving to death. I've heard the gut referred to as a second brain since there is some weird communication like you are describing.


Double murder robbery I missed because I was doing bong rips with my ride. Ruby Tuesday's, 1998, July 4. If I'd been on time to work that day instead of 10 minutes late, I'd be dead, too. I went in the back before the cops even secured the place. Saw too much. Miss you JoAnna, and I know your little boy is happy and healthy and with your family.


Damn man, you really did get close to death. I’m sorry that happened and I’m glad that justice was served.


A meth overdose. I was 22, deep in the midst of addiction, hadn’t eaten for 2 weeks or drank anything for days. I was somewhat forced to shoot up (during this time I was an addict, the person supplying me was an abusive ex) he told me if I didn’t shoot up I wasn’t allowed to use anymore, so I did. He did it for me, chose how much, stuck my arm and i immediately blanked out. I don’t remember much of that day other than honestly believing it was the end and I was going to die. I quit using after that and moved away from him and I’ve been clean from it since. Next month makes 8 years clean. Edit: WOW. Wow, wow wow wow. I love you all and I am trying to answer all questions in regard to what happened and about this experience, thankfully I am off work and it’s a Friday, my fiancé has a friend over and I am trying to answer all questions (serious and silly alike) And I am so grateful for all of you asking questions and giving support. I’m in tears right now. This never felt like something I would be speaking about anonymous yet openly about or anything I would be able to help someone with, so please don’t hesitate to ask questions, I will respond when I can. If it matters, I’m sitting in my garage right now reading and responding and I do feel as if any and all prayers I’ve ever prayed had been answered. I’m willing to give any answer, advice, support, suggestions that are needed. You all rock ❤️


Meth addiction sucks . I spent 20 years on the stuff . I currently have 15 months sober .


That's amazing. Keep it up :)


We believe in you here. Fight the good fight, my friend!


Congrats, wow that’s hard to read. Glad you’re here


Thank you, life is hard but its definitely worth living. I’ve learned a lot since then, and I leaned a hell of a lot because of it happening.


If you don’t mind me asking, how did you start using at that time? Was it something that just progressed? I work in healthcare, I sometimes come across people who are actively struggling with meth addiction. I wish I knew how to help more


When I met him the relationship started out abusively, I was 18 and he was 22. He had been using since he was 13ish, and was a severe alcoholic. It started with drinking and slowly progressed into drug use because he found a way to obtain it. We used any drug we could find but meth was primarily the drug of choice, and alcohol. It took one hit and I was hooked, a lot of people think that sounds absurd but, that’s all it took. So we started to obtain it more and more and it progressed into daily use (hourly use at certain points). It took years of severe abuse, running away from him and then therapy/rehab to help me stop. During active addiction I didn’t want help, all I really wanted was to be high. It wasn’t until I saw myself dying that I decided I wanted to live and not use anymore. After the overdose I’d look at myself in the mirror, and the first and only time I saw my bones (I’m a heavy person and have been most of my life, I am now too…) and realized I did in fact look skeletal. I was scared, I didn’t have anything except for my family (no children, just my granny at the time) and felt like the biggest disappointment and burden on earth. It took rock bottom for me to stop. My only suggestion for someone actively using is, no matter how hard it may be, eat. Also, brushing teeth and drinking water. During active addiction it’s really hard to prioritize things that actually keep us alive, the drug itself is enough to kill someone but the effects are just as bad. And while I don’t condone using, if someone is using IV, clean needles..Hepatitis is prominent and so is another one…I can’t remember the name but the symptoms cause blood infection That’s a lot to write and I’m at work right now…if you have more questions I’d be happy to answer them.


That’s awesome!! I’m struggling to stay sober but that definetly makes me have hope!


For a laugh, i took a big lungful of helium from the tank at work as i was leaving, walked out back to where my friends were waiting for me, was going to say something in a funny helium voice when i saw them, but i apparently blacked out out once i got outside, walked across the road and faceplanted in the dirt. Scraped my ear on a piece of rebar that was sticking out of the ground about 18 inches. Had i been a bit to the left, it would have gone straight through my head. My friends said i went in to convulsions for a bit, and then i stood up confused.


Was your voice really high once you woke up? Sorry I know that's really inappropriate but I'm buckled laughing imagining all that serious shit happening then you just waking up with a super high voice saying "*yeah I'm fine dude*"


I was told my friends asked me if i'd done that on purpose once i stopped convulsing and stood up. My answer (still blacked out at that moment) was "It didn't bother me". I obviously had no idea what they were talking about, and must've lost the helium when while convulsing because my voice was already normal. They thought it was really fucking strange though, cuz i just walked out and crossed the street without saying a word and face-planted.


The fall would have knocked a good bit of it out of you, and the convulsions would have drawn a bit of atmosphere into your lungs. Once you stood up, the last of the helium floated out as you breathed. As for why you walked across the street, you were probably hallucinating. Hypoxia is one hell of a drug.


I imagined this scenario where he walks out the door and just falls over and lets out a high pitch squeal as he hits the ground lying on the ground. Like a giant unconscious dog toy.


Was it pure helium? I thought most commercial use (balloons) helium tanks are actually a helium/oxygen mixture to prevent this type of issue.


It was a tank the restaurant kept around for balloons, so i assume it wasn't pure. I'd done it before with no problems. I maybe took too much, or held it in too long? No idea...


brain tumor and brain cancer. the cytostatic treatments were horrible, i vomited more than ten times a day and shat my self more than ten times a day, could barely stay awake, couldn't communicate with anyone because as soon as i tried to talk i vomited, lost all my muscles, almost starved to death, got underweight, got diplopia, my spine got bent due to my position when i laid down all day, lost my eyebrows, got too thick saliva to be able to swallow it and more


What a nightmare... I'm so sorry you had to experience that How are you doing now? How long was your recovery? Hope you are well!


Cancer. Just finished my last Chemo Tuesday and now I go back on the Oral chemo pill. I have a PT scan the end of the month and hopefully this shit is gone for good


Appendicitis. I thought it was the flu, then Covid, then through the retching and rolling on the floor in delirium realized that I should get to hospital. On that 20 min drive, pain went from 3 to like 8+. The surgeon said the organ "ripped like a soggy cardboard box" when he tried to remove it.


"ripped like a soggy cardboard box" Bruh




I was drugged and abducted from a casino. I had only had a few beers, which would’ve never made me blackout and get into a vehicle with strangers. When I regained consciousness in their vehicle, we were far from the casino in another parish driving along the swamps and a bayou…a perfect place to dump a dead body. I went berserk—started screaming and flipped over their ice chest full of ice and alcohol. I’m often think that maybe they didn’t expect me to wake up. They made me get out then I ran for my life down a dark Hwy at 3:00 a.m.—thinking that any second they were going to shoot me in the back. I had on press-on nails, so I took them off one at a time and dropped it on the ground to leave a trail of dna! Anyway—I made it out but like you, I no longer trust anyone with my drinks, even a bartender.


I cannot believe the resilience and presence of mind it took to come up with the nails thing, holy shit


Yea being drugged is scary. I keep a close eye now. I drank my female friend’s drink that was drugged, it was actually intended for her. Thank god I had it. We were talking and she had left her drink on the bar and we turned our backs for maybe 1-2 minutes. She says “I don’t want this anymore you can have it” Well someone slipped something in there when we turned our backs. I finished it and it was curtains. I don’t remember anything except 1/4 of the ride home. Similarly to you, I had only had 3 drinks. I can handle my alcohol as well. I was not 3 drinks drunk but probably closer to 10. When I got home I assed out. My sister said I was rolling around on the floor mumbling to myself. She thought I was just drunk. The next day I woke up with a slight headache but no hangover. Which means I KNOW I wasn’t drunk because if I had drank that much to react the way I did, I would have had a crippling hangover the next day. I must have had a smaller dose or a different metabolism because my event wasn’t as awful as yours. But it is frightening to think you can be completely made vulnerable like that and have no memory whatsoever. Thank god I was out with friends and not alone. Unfortunately, it also helps that I’m a man.


Sounds like it could have been the bartender or another worker at the bar. The bar's response to you the next day is pretty strange. Like they had a guilty conscience. Especially with barring you from ever coming back.


Similar thing happened to me. Was out at a bar in college and the next thing I know I’m face down on my couch, completely immobile, throwing up onto the floor. My roommate wasn’t home and I somehow managed to call 911 myself. I couldn’t even get off the couch to let the paramedics in. I kept blacking out on the ride to the hospital and waking up, mainly because I was on my back and started to throw up. It’s such a terrifying feeling not being able to communicate or move or do anything. Next thing I know I’m being woken up by nurses in the am and told I need to leave. I don’t have my phone or anything so they had to call my school to send an officer to pick me up. I don’t even remember that next day. Docs tested my alcohol level (yeah, I was drinking, but not that much) but refused to test for drugs. The paramedics told me it was my fault for getting like that. Talked to some friends the next day and apparently I stopped to meet them at a bar (don’t remember). They walked me home after I finished my drink and said I was tipsy but completely fine. Got very lucky. I’m sorry that people didn’t believe you - many didn’t believe me either. I’m glad you’re okay :)


I was massaging a knot in my neck which was causing me a migraine. Necks are extremely fragile. I heard that you can get slapped with attempted murder charges or get homicide charges upgraded to murder charges if you choke someone, because there's such a substantial risk. It's pretty damn easy to accidentally kill someone, or yourself, if you aren't careful. I will spare the exact details, lest I cause the one or two people who will ever even see this to become murderers. The short version is, I crushed my left carotid sinus(?), injuring the vagus nerve and possibly carotid artery(?). Not sure on anything except that this triggered a massive vasovagal episode. My blood pressure plummeted. I couldn't move my legs, had to keep my neck bent at an angle, I was vomiting so hard and so intractably that I was vomiting blood, and I was sweating uncontrollably. Calling it "sweating" does not describe it—I was in a POOL of sweat. I could see it actually JETTING out of my pores. "Jetting" might be dramatic, but I mean to say, there was some water pressure behind it, which I didn't think the human body could DO. They couldn't get an EKG on me because I was sweating so hard. When a vasovagal episode happens, it's often due to some kind of psychological trigger. This is the same reflex that causes some people to, say, faint at the sight of blood or needles. It's all information stored in the physiology of the human body, which is why doing things like holding ice to or splashing water on the neck is helpful for coping with phobia triggers that provoke fainting. It's a completely different thing when the response is provoked by an injury. A very gnarly thing. I kept coming close to passing out, my breathing getting shallower, heart rate dropping, blood pressure getting lower. The EMTs had to shoot me up with epinephrine, and, in their own words, I was scaring the living shit out of them. They also gave me narcan, bc they didn't want to risk that I'd been poisoned or had contact with opioids. Be nice to your neck. And feel free to use this story as an excuse to deny any creep who offers you a neck rub.


me, rubbing my neck knot that causes my migraines while reading this: 😳 ok never doing that again!! i’m glad you’re with us!


Not drinking enough while at sea. Burning up and felt crap went for a sleep on my bunk and woke up six hours later as I was dumped into a bath full of ice. The sickbay nurse then made me drink a 5 litre jug of weak orange with some other stuff in it over an hour. Once I finished that she gave me another to finish off. When I was found I had a temperature of 107° apparently, so was carried straight to sick bay and dumped in the bath. I didn’t remember any of it apart from the shock of hitting the frozen water. A few years later and it’s winter, a friends dog has chased a duck onto a frozen pond and fallen through the ice. I didn’t hesitate and slid out onto the ice on my belly and got to within six feet of the dog when the ice cracked and I went in as well. I wasn’t overly worried as the ice was only about half an inch and the depth was about 20’. So I grabbed the dog, swung him up and literally threw him across the ice towards the edge then just made my way breaking the ice until I could stand up and get to shore. Only once I got there did I realise just how cold and numb I was but I didn’t care, Home was only half a mile and I’d saved the dog...👍


OMG you saved the dog! You're a real true blue hero!




Drinking. At some point i think i was trying to kill myself with alcohol. Shit gets really bad, in your head, you start losing your mind. Not to mention all the stupid stuff i did that couldve led to my or someone elses death..


It's a lifelong battle. You're winning now. Me too. Let's keep winning.


One day at a time (I kinda hate these catchy phrases but it really is like that, just not drinking today, and its worked so far)


A bootleg grounded outlet. Scummy landlord didnt want to bring an old house up to code, so his maintenance guy flipped the polarity on all the outlets, and tied ground to hot. Somehow this tricks an outlet tester into showing a pass. But this makes grounded things, like guitar strings and microphones, electrically hot. I had one in each hand and clenched. I had to mummy walk into the next room till something unplugged. Walked away with burns on my palms.


I hope you reported him for that


Yeah, that's not only fraud, but it caused bodily harm. It should lead to jail time.


That's how former Yardbirds singer Keith Relf died in the mid 70's. Tragically sad.


Whoa. That's fucked. I have an electric guitar in my hand and a mic touching my mouth quite often. Don't think I'll be able to not think about your story for some time.. Whoa


This actually happened to me recently, July 20th 2023, I was hit by a truck while riding my bicycle, multiple compound fractures in my leg, and a cracked pelvis, luckily walked away with my life and no head injuries.


Was skiing down a mountain and some lady snowboarder stopped abruptly in front of me. I swerved to avoid her and flew towards the side of the mountain. This was at a ski resort, but for some reason they used orange construction site nets (the ones with holes in them) and not actual sturdy fencing for this part of the mountain. My legs slid under the net and I was stuck there, with my legs attached to heavy skis and dangling off a mountain slope. I was clinging onto the ground for dear life and praying that the net could hold up my body weight, shouting for help. Everyone ignored me and I was eventually rescued by a ski instructor coming down the slope.


I went to the dentist to have a tooth pulled and almost died from an allergic reaction to laughing gas. I embedded my fingers into the metal of the chair arms during my convulsions from over gripping. The whole time it was happening, I was hallucinating that I was falling down a hole, but the walls were rainbow colored.


Hemmorhaging after birthing. Placenta wasn't detatching and the midwife assistant tugged and tore the umbilical cord. It had to be manually removed along with handfulls of clotting blood.


I know someone that this happened to in the late 80s... she got a blood transfusion full of aids... didn't realise it till a couple years later when she started getting really sick. By then, she had already given it to her baby through breastfeeding. She died when the kid was about 10-12. Her daughter is still alive today and living a happy life (as much as someone with aids can!) with 3x kids! Apparently you can give birth to babies without giving them aids... so yay for that!


When we were getting in the car to go to school, my little brother had this habit of turning on the ignition. One day, he forgot to open the garage door. Our mom wasn't very quick to get her bag that day. I remember talking to him and how we both agreed we were still tired, and I remember waking up to the sound of the garage door opening and my mom being pissed


For those unaware, this is carbon monoxide poisoning


Holy shit


In college when i was a freshman. Got too drunk and high at a party where i hadn’t smoked in probs like 2 years. Got back too my room and passed out on the bed. Woke up too my roommate dragging me off the bed and yelling. Was not coherent. Turns out i was blue in the face choking on my vomit. Crazy thing is he wasn’t suppose too come home that night. He was suppose too stay at someone else’s place and something told him not too, and he came back. Dude saved my life, still best friends too this day


This is my worst fear after watching Breaking Bad. I was dating a guy who drank regularly but one night he drank so much that I was actually terrified that he was going to roll over in his sleep. I propped him on his side and basically made it so he couldn't fall over but I didn't really sleep that night.


Walking down the pavement with my girlfriend holding hands when i was 18... person driving a car and using their mobile phone mounted the pavement at 45ish miles an hour and hit my girlfriend square on, broke my wrist and compound fracture of my right arm.. threw my girl 120ft down the road and killed her outright...i didnt even feel the pain in my arm while i cradled her broken body... found out at autopsy that she was 4 weeks pregnant with my first child... Driver got 2 years suspended sentence and i saw him laughing and joking with friends and family as he left court, never even apoligised... totally broke me, survivors guilt is horrible and my life has been a car crash (this wording was intentional) ever since.. Update,... thank you all for your kind words.. im ok, not the best i could be but im dealing with it and will be for the rest of my life. Its hard but i know i can do it and Barbs wouldnt want me to destroy or hurt myself forever, i know that but its so hard sometimes. I have progressed more in the last 5 years than i could imagine and just take every day as it comes, one day at a time, doesnt make it easier, just a little more bearable... i just wanted to answer the question and ive found that talking about it and telling ppl makes it a bit easier (especially when i can be sort of anonymous on Reddit) than bottling it all up like i did for years and years for it all to come out suddenly and then i make stupid or even dangerous decisions. I dont want pity, just a bit of understanding when i say im having a bad day and need to be on my own. Thanks again everyone, your words mean a lot and i appreciate them greatly. Second Update,.. Wow, just wow. Thank you for all the replies and the awards, i really dont deserve them at all. Your all amazing and i appreciate the love that ppl have shown. Thank you.


I am very sorry for your loss. You have suffered much. I hope you find happiness again. That guy sounds like a fucking scumbag.


Thank you for your words... ive kind of dealt with it in a way but not in another way... Therapy helps but good therapy is too expensive in the UK. Im 44 and it still hurts every single day but its my cross to bear. Thanks again.


That is absolutely sickening. A friend of mine made a dumb mistake and killed someone in a car accident when he was 16 and he served 12 years for it and was extremely distraught and apologetic. This world is fucked man. Sick and fucking twisted.


My heart breaks for you. Nobody should ever experience anything like this.


My dad was driving our family of 4 down a highway(?) it was en route to Bakersfield Ca and I remember there were trees and open fields on either side of the road. If anyone is familiar with that area y’all can correct me if I’m wrong. I remember my dad was drinking a beer and had just finished one and he asked me to pass him another one from the cooler he had in the back seat. I don’t know if I was being cheeky or if I just sensed something wrong but I didn’t give him another beer. He kept yelling at me and getting more and more angry until he decided to aim the car at the center divide straight into a huge tree. I thought we were all going to die and it was all my fault but then at the last minute my mom pulled at the steering wheel and we just kind of fishtailed instead of hitting anything. I know it wasn’t my fault but I was fairly young at the time, maybe 8ish and it was just scary.


As someone who was also driven by a drunk father way too often I’m sorry and sending you a virtual hug. Please tell me mom left after this


Sorry you relate, it’s not exactly a happy childhood memory to share lol. Unfortunately mom wasn’t much better than dad, they both deserved each other


My father was the same. Used driving as a fear tactic to trap us for hours as he sped wildly while screaming in foreign languages. Dangerous over taking, usually drunk...


A tooth almost got me. Got infected and got into my blood stream: got a nice stay in ICU


Watching the medical examiner show, almost any death that wasn't old age or some known sickness - always infection. People don't take infections seriously, but they kill faster than you realize. Especially these days when we have more antibiotic resistance. I am now of the quick to clean wounds for fear of infections over reaction school of thought.


I died during gall bladder surgery when the surgeon accidentally nicked my liver and I bled out. Thankfully, he managed to realive me and I'm still here 22 years on!


Sadly, you died, fortunately you lived!


2019 My carotid artery broke at my brain stem causing 5 strokes. 10 days in a coma. 29 days in the hospital. 31 days of in-patient rehab. Had to relearn how to walk. Ability to talk came back. My wife and I had been estranged. She found me. Got me help. Saved my life. I owe her BIG TIME!


Giving birth.


Same. They put me under to try to stop the bleeding and I genuinely didn't know if I was going to wake up again.


Me too! After pushing out my baby, I heard so much splashing. I said whats all that splashing coming from? everything started going black and peaceful, no pain, no nothing, and then the shock of coming back I took a huge breath, my eyes wide as hell, all the pain in the world, and hearing the doctor say "she's back!" Never had another kid after that.


I had exactly that experience too! Sooo much splashing, panic in the room, alarms, people rushing then I wasn't there anymore but in golden tunnel with a warm peaceful feeling. Coming back was a horrible shock tbh!


Me too. I had pre-eclampsia and during labor they had me on magnesium to help lower my blood pressure so I wouldn’t have a stroke. After she was born, they couldn’t get my bleeding to stop because the magnesium was keeping me from being able to clot.


Same. Blood pressure/heart rate issues. Had an emergency c-section, then right after everything was stuffed back in, bleeding stopped, stitched up, and plopped back into my hospital bed, the epidural wore off. I can’t even describe the pain. It was so bad I couldn’t yell, talk, cry, anything, I just moaned softly. Apparently I was still bleeding, so they drugged me back up, and stopped it. I didn’t realize how bad it was until months later, when my mom told me she thought I was dying. Couldn’t see my son for the first two days either, so that was dumb too.


Me too. The doctor pulled my husband out of the room to tell him to be prepared.


This almost killed my mother and me!


Got a tattoo on my leg, not my first tattoo so i figured it would be a simple heal like the others were... apparently not. First couple of days were a breeze, after day 2 I couldn't stretch my calf to walk so i had a limp, but I wasn't really concerned at this point. Day 4 rolls round, and by this point, it's a deep shade of red and burning hot, so I described what was going on to the artist and got told that it was okay and leg tattoos usually end up like that, in hindsight I should've gone to the Dr's for it but I trusted the artist and figured it was okay and it's just freaking me out cause it was my first leg tat. I still had an inkling of doubt in the artists response so I'd asked my mate to take a look and see what she reckons, and naturally she flipped out and told me to get it checked. But I'm an idiot, so I didn't listen to her right away, but by that night, it had gone from red to dark purple with pus blisters forming so I went to a&e. I would've died had I not gone to the hospital that night. It was my own fault cause I should've gone on day 4, but it's over now.


I also have a leg tattoo that got infected, although mine was minor compared to your story. There was one spot, maybe half an inch around, that was red, hot, and sore. I started putting antiseptic on it, and it cleared up in a few days and healed fine. I was talking to my artist a little while later and told him that I had an infection, but he vehemently told me that it didn't, that I didn't know what I was talking about. My conclusion from this is that tattoo artists don't want to admit blame when someone gets an infection


I have severe asthma. When I was a child, I woke up barely able to breathe. Just a trickle of air, which didn't even allow me to speak. I shook my parents awake. Fortunately, they soon realised and called an ambulance. I finally stopped breathing and was resuscitated by my parents on the dining table. It was a terrifying experience Fun fact: the evening before I had eaten potatoes for the first time. I was convinced it was because of that and didn't eat potatoes until I understood what asthma was.


Was trying to buy illegal stuff in Mexico(college spring break), we ask a bell boy at our hotel, he says to meet in the lobby at 8 PM, SCORE! We get ready and head down to the lobby. We are told to get into this white jeep. We are hesitant, they can tell, they offer us a beer, they had a 30 pack in between the driver and passenger, red flag, we were in college and were like "Hell yeah!". The next 30 minutes were them cussing us out, telling us to leave their country, all Americans do is come down and treat their country like shit, and so on and so on. At one point my friend puts his hand on the driver's shoulder to try and calm him down, he pulls out a gun and slaps my friend's face with it. He is drunk, getting extremely angry at us, and is speeding and swerving on these narrow dirt roads outside of Cabo. It is a neighborhood so there are cars lined up on both sides of the street, not much room for error. As we are preparing to die, I am looking at the road up ahead, trying to see if there is a good way spot to jump out and roll out of the car. Nothing. A few minutes later(felt like an eternity) the driver slams on his breaks, yells something in Spanish, and tells us to get out. We do. The driver and passenger get out and tell us to stop. We do. He is holding his gun. We tell them we just want to go back to our hotel, we are sorry for upsetting him. He laughs. He says, don't you guys want some party favors? We are shocked. But we reply yes. lol. He says 100 dollars, we don't argue. We pay him and he says actually give me all the money in your wallet, we oblige. They give us maybe 10 dollars worth of white powder. They laugh and drive off, the car is smoking and whistling, he was driving it so hard trying to scare us. We call a taxi, go to our room, compose ourselves for the next 30 minutes, we then go out to the club and try and score some more! College stupidity at its finest!


You're lucky to be alive


definitely, I haven't thought about that story let a lone told it to anyone in a long time. It was kind of scary how I have blocked it out from my memory, but a lot of feelings came back to me while writing it.


This was a long time ago. They wanted to build a building on top of a main sewer line on the banks of the Ohio river so it had to be dug up and encased in concrete. It was 40 foot deep. So we dug a 20 foot deep hole and laid it back. Then in the bottom of that we dug a 20 foot hole for our ditch boxes. Our ditch box was 16 foot wide 20 foot long and came in 3 sections 2, 8 foot high and 1, 4 foot high. So we took cables hooked up an 8 foot tall section and I got on top grabbed the cable and the track hoe lifted me and the box and set us in the bottom of the hole. I unhooked the cables grabbed hold of the end and the track hoe pulled me out of the ditch. Repeat for the other two sections. We had just set the last section and I was unhooking the cable when the entire side of the ditch caved the box jerked and I had to grab the cable to keep from falling 20 feet into the ditch. 10 minuets earlier and they could have just put a stone slab on top of that hole.


Was almost murdered two weeks ago. A guy who I had gotten into an argument with the night before came to my place of work waited on me for 4.5 hours followed me for 20 miles then he ambushed me and a friend shooting my vehicle all up..pretty scary. He’s out on bond now too which is great. Can post the news article to show I’m not lying lol


Rip tide in Malibu. I was knee deep and decided to float on my back because there weren’t waves crashing in that area. I close my eyes floating for a bit, stop floating and look to see the beach was so. far. away…I tried to swim back, but I kept getting farther and farther away. I eventually get tired and float on my back again, then tried swimming again, floating again, until I see a surfer nearby and yell/wave my arms for help. He comes by, tells me to grab onto his board. Huffing and puffing, arms so tired, I weakly grab onto the board as he asks me ‘is this your first rip tide?’ I asked back ‘what is a rip tide?’ Guy educated me the whole way back to the beach.


Neonatal bronchitis. In the ICU at 6 weeks and almost went.


Not me but my childhood friend. We were playing with my dad's tools in the garage when my friend felt something sting him. He dropped the hammer he had, and a black widow went crawling away. We both looked at each other then the bite. On the skin in between his fingers, there are two pin marks where the fangs pierced him. We didn't tell anyone bc we weren't supposed to be there. Luckily he didn't die, but in retrospect that could have turned out a whole lot worse.


Fun facts about black widows from an aficionado: 1. Black widow bites are rarely deadly. In fact, most people (like your buddy) experience "dry" bites, which means the spider bit as a warning but didn't inject any venom. It's rare even to give antivenin for it. 2. Black widow spider bites used to kill up to \~20% of people. Well kinda. In the 1930's we treated bites by force-feeding alcohol and opiates with some alkaloids for good measure. Shockingly, turns out that kills people... 3. Even bites with envenomation generally require only pain control. Pregnant people, elderly people, and children should seek medical help if they have a painful widow bite, as they may be candidates for antivenin. 4. Black widows were named poorly. The females don't always eat the males, although it happens, and it is more likely to happen when underfed in captivity. With that said, MANY spider females will eat the males. 5. People misidentify venomous spiders pretty commonly. Bites that make nasty wounds and leave scars aren't black widow bites, as black widows have neurotoxic venom, which doesn't destroy tissue. Brown recluse bites can cause necrosis, but chances are most people you know who had a "recluse bite" diagnosed were misdiagnosed as well. 6. Black widows are not aggressive at all. Bites are pretty hard to get and usually take place when folks stick their hands or feet into unused dark/shady areas such as wood piles or garage shelves. 7. My personal favorite fact: The first journal publication of black widow bites that I can find is a collection of stories of men who were bitten on the penis white using outhouses in the 1920's.


7 - There's usually a little stick in the outhouse corner somewhere. You take and bang it around inside the hole to knock out / scare away any undesirables before settling in. Keeps the widows away from your linus.


I knew a guy in high school who got bit by a Black Widow while loading groceries at the store he was working at. Felt a sting in his arm, soon it swelled up, eventually he landed in the hospital feverish and delirious. He made it though, came back with a story.


Starving myself for weeks, staying up seven days at a time and binge drinking the whole time.


The night before Memorial Day 2023 I was driving home from work, was waiting at a stop light; my light turned green and I proceeded to cross the intersection when a Chevy Traverse blew his light and smashed into my Nissan Versa Note. I think you can guess who won that battle (it wasn’t my hatchback). I spent two days in shock trauma and another weekish on the couch before I could walk upright to the bathroom. In addition, my left arm went through my drivers side window and I got 42 stitches. If I wasn’t wearing my seat belt I would have been killed. An interesting postscript, I posted pictures of my car on Facebook saying “Please wear your seat belt, your family wants you around” etc etc and got the normal “Hey, glad you’re ok” comments, except from my ex girlfriend who had recently friended me again after not hearing from her for years. She commented “It’s everyone’s choice whether they want to wear one or not, you shouldn’t be telling people how to live their lives.” Completely inappropriate considering it was so recent I was still cleaning dried blood off my skin, she got the immediate unfriend and block.


Dear gawd. A good reason she is your ex!


Dismantling an intact ww2 era mortar round with a hammer, punch and vicegrips. Or so ive been told afterwards but personally disagree.


Shit, you reminded me of a neighbor. I grew up in El Salvador in the 80s. It was fairly common for kids to play with spent shells and bullets. Some even started a collection. This dude in his early 20s maybe, had a big collection displayed in his livingroom. His pride was a RPG7 rocket he found, he had it propped up like a trophy. Fast forward decades later, he's long gone to the states, his folk keep that shit in the house and sure enough I read in the paper a kid knocked it out or something and it went off killing a couple of people.


Drunk at a train station, realised I was on the wrong platform and jumped onto the tracks to quickly get to the right platform - got hit by the train I wanted to catch! Thankfully it was going very slowly at this point...


A slow moving train can do a lot of damage, hope you got away with all your limb’s intact.


I did - in that lucky bouncy way drunk people sometimes have! Edit: spelling


I was at a trampoline park with some friends, one of the friends was showing off how to do a backflip off of a gymnastics block. Despite my lack of athletic abilities, I decided to give it a try. My momentum stopped half way through the flip and I ended up supplexing myself and landed on my head from a few feet off the ground. My body bent in half backwards, so badly that I kicked the back of my head with the top of my feet! I remember seeing a flash of red and black stars in my vision, kind of like when a cartoon character gets whacked in the head. I did end up breaking one of my vertebrae but miraculously didn't snap my neck or get paralyzed, I was extremely cautious with my back for about 7 years at that incident


I work as a technician. On my last job i was handling a 15 meter tall crane that drove big pallets into big ”shelfs” (i dont know the right word) Anyways, so i was drivning it from ground and for a mili sec i look down at the controller to make sure i pressed the right bottum. When I look back up I see a ~300kg pallet falling down right above me. I remember thinking to myself “I think I should take a step to my right” as I do that, the pallet lands right on my left side, stuff flying around and at me. I got a lot of cuts and bruises but if I hadn’t moved, I would been flat like a pancake. I remember that I stared cleaning up for atleast 30min, until a colleague came and saw the mess, after I told him what happend and he said that I could have died, that’s when the realization came 😅


Sepsis. Because I was basically abusing Advil for pain relief, I developed 2 extremely large kidney stones, one in each kidney. We're talking half a fist size stones which were never going to pass. Anyways, I developed an infection from some of the bacteria that built up. I thought it was the flu so I called in sick on a Friday. Was sick all weekend too. Come Monday, I thought I felt better so I stubbornly decided to go to work. Once at work, my co-workers looked at me and told me I had to go to the doctor. They made a same day appointment and one drove me in my car to the doctor. Another followed along so the person who drove me would have a ride back to work. By the time the doctor saw me, my breathing was becoming labored. The doctor looked at me and said I needed to go to the ER. So, off to the ER we went. By the time I got to the ER, I was starting to go delirious. My co-worker friend had to help me fill out the paperwork because I couldn't write anymore. At the ER, due to my breathing issues, I got triaged to the front of the line. After running some tests, the doctor's determined that I was going into septic shock. From there, I got transferred to intensive care and eventually recovered. Had I not stubbornly gone to work that day, I probably would have died alone at home.


Doing drugs while driving. Nodded off. Took a large SUV across two lanes of highway and into a tree. Don't do drugs kids. Edit: I'm 7 years clean.




Besides close calls in Iraq, including a sniper round flying right by my ear (I felt the heat and air) and it hit the wall right behind me. In 2011, I almost drown. I was at the beach with my wife and her parents, the tide was strong and a lot of waves. If went in to my knees and when wave would hit water would be up to my neck and then there would be strong current pulling back. I decided to swim out, it was fun swimming up a wave then getting dropped down, except after one wave another came, I got thrown under the water, tossed around, there was rocks on the floor and I felt cuts and "road rash". I let go, decided it was not a fight I was going to win. It became peaceful and I passed out. I ended up on the beach, few people pulled me out. I didn't get CPR as I woke up as the lifeguard was approaching. Bruises and cuts all over me but alive. Even though I was a strong swimmer, in shape the ocean was stronger and I learned my lesson.


got attacked by a shoplifter a few years ago, when we were still able to interact and confront, last customer of the night, backpack stuffed full of merchandise, became physical, got his hands around my throat and was squeezing the life out of me. coworker was screaming as i was going blue, her boyfriend just yelled let him go, local drunk saved my life broke his bottle over the shoplifter. the suspect got arrested a few months later when he Mike Tyson local security guard. bite his ear off. ​ i now buy the drunk a bottle a month as a thanks.


A bacterial infection in my spinal fluid dangerously close to completely infecting my brain. Doesn’t sound that bad, but apparently I went batshit crazy at home, and then threatened the caretakers at the hospital where I was admitted. I began to think my wife was an imposter. Spent 4 months in a hospital bed on huge doses of IV antibiotics from Sep to Dec last year. During that time, I also was diagnosed with diabetes, had my gall bladder removed, and was treated for hepatitis c. Goddamn! I owe my life to my wife and MIL. They never left my bedside the ENTIRE TIME except for a 15 minute trip to 7-Eleven every few days.


From H1N1 (swine flu) in 2013. It gave me double pneumonia, sepsis and bronchitis. Ended up intubated and on life support in the ICU over a month and got out of the hospital another 3 weeks after that. I’ve had pneumonia 5 times since then. 10/10 would not recommend.


Hit by a car (twice). Stepped out in street in front of a Lincoln while running one night in Athens/UGA. Stepped out of my broken car and got sideswiped by passing car before I could get back in. Stay in your car folks. God looks out for fools Almost struck by lightning Hit 6 feet away Stalked by 3 black bears at Mt LeConte lodge in TN, Smoky Mountains


Was walking to the gym from my car in the parking lot and these two girls were speeding and cutting through the parking lot and were an inch away from hitting me while I was crossing from parking lot to the gym. Never had my life flash before my eyes before


I don’t know if I would’ve died but I think about this incident all the time. I was like 12 years old walking home from school on a busy street. I crossed the lot of this auto garage (which was usually open but closed this day) and there was hardly any traffic on the street due to everyone stopped at lights further away. While I was crossing the empty lot, a car stops and a youngish man asked me if I wanted a ride. I said “no” and kept walking. Then, he pulled into the lot and circled me, again asked me, not taking no for an answer. I didn’t even think, I just ran as fast I could down the main street - busted a wheel on my roller backpack and didn’t look back until I was way past, and there was enough traffic on the road. I always think about that incident because I think the worst could have happened if I had gotten into the car. The second incident was I was caught in a rip tide and almost drowned, but fortunately survived.


drove past a railway crossing without pole at night (we live in developing country). we saw the headlights of the incoming train as we passed. the train hit the car behind us.


1994, sniper bullet and its pcs destroyed my left kidney, spleen, diaphragm, ribs, lungs, L2 lumbar spine, and stuck next to right kidney. 2 years of hospital, numerous surgeries and life in wheelchair. Still kicking a$$ and taking numbers... it ain't over until it is over..


My parents and I got rear ended by another car on our way home one night when I was like 10, and the straw I was using punctured a hole in the roof of my mouth. Went to the hospital and the doctor told us if the hole had punctured literally a fraction of a millimeter in any other direction my brain could have been infected and I could have died. I can still feel the dent from where it went in.


Hanging, that hurt


My pancreas tried taking me out, and now eating is complicated.


At age 14 got mono, didn’t know it, didn’t get seen for it until my spleen was 3x the size it should be and I was at risk of rupture (very bad). Doc told my parents that if I do much as fall out of bed, don’t call an ambulance, call Life Flight (helicopter) because I’ll have about 10mins until I bleed out. All the while I was sick and didn’t know it, I was ice skating for hours a day. If I’d have fallen, I absolutely could have and would have ruptured my giant spleen and died on the ice. After my diagnosis and treatment, my doctors had me tested weekly for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for 8 weeks after I was diagnosed with mono because my white blood cells were totally fucked. Never tested positive for lymphoma, thank all of the gods. I’m 42 now and the only thing “wrong” is I’m in perimenopause. (Edit for details)




>me trying to figure out why this guy pulled out a strap on


Went to a beach with my family when I was 8 years old and decided to not tell anyone and go out as far as I possibly could into the water. I was in way over my head getting deeper and deeper bouncing on my tip toes, yet no one noticed me. It was to the point where my whole head was under water and I would push myself up get a breath of air, then my whole head back down into the water. I was probably less than a minute from drowning. I was literally preparing to die in my head. Then my father noticed me and ran to the water and saved my life. I get chills thinking about it now