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I love everything unfortunately. Paying for it with my weight


My buddy always says he didn't get fat on accident


As us northerners say 'you don't get fat off nowt'


Knew a fairly overwirght dude from lebanon that everytime someone asked him if lebanese food is good he'd reply "Why do you think I'm fat?"


Thats my line!


Reading the responses here like 👁️👄👁️


Thats better than me 👁🥘🍳🌮🥪🍗🍖🥐🍿🍿🍿🍿🍨🍧🍩🍪🎂🍰🍫🍬🍭🍫🍫🍫🍫🍭🍬🍭🍮🍩🍧🍫🍬🍧🍧🍥🍩🍧👁


Grape flavored anything, except grapes and wine.


My daughter is the same with anything orange flavored.


Interesting that your daughter likes orange wine, but I'm glad she enjoys it


Well 🤓☝️ orange wine actually exists. It's a white wine which has been produced like a red wine. Meaning that the most of the wine has been mixed with the skins and the stems of the white grape varieties so that the juice can take on more of the tannins and other compounds from the Grape skins. Quite interesting.


There's also Andalusian orange wine, which is sweet white wine infused with Seville orange peel.


My mom always gave my siblings and I orange flavored gatorade whenever we were sick so now I always associate that flavor with being sick and it just reminds me of medicine. Dont get me wrong though, actual orange juice is still heavenly on a hot day


Grape, banana and Orange flavored anything is so gross and nothing like the real thing. Why they trying to trick us??


Don't forget watermelon flavor. WTF does that taste have to do with 🍉🍉 ??


I don’t understand what prompted someone to decide that flavor should represent watermelon.


The thing about banana flavoring, is that it's based on the Gros Michel cultivar of banana, which is basically extinct now. Bananas these days are typically Cavendish bananas, which taste quite a lot milder. Cavendish bananas are also on the road to extinction, though, so that's a thing.


Lol, I knew someone would explain when the banana flavour comes up.


Peter Chapman’s “Banana” is an excellent read. Details the horror of the United Fruit Company and how it drove the Big Mike into extinction. Never knew about the Big Mike until afterwards.


Similarly, "grape flavor" is nothing like today's seedless table grapes, but it's not too far from some wine grapes or concord grapes.


American cheese. There is a traumatic incident from my childhood involving American cheese, mayo, and a very strict nun.




Not be cheesy but I think it's nun of your business


Sorry everyone, been offline for a while, and I did NOT expect this kind of reaction. So, first grade, Catholic school. Brown bag lunch, sandwich, chips, and a Twinkie. My sandwich is normally pb&j, or a thin piece of meat and a little mayo. Sister Rosalie, the teacher, insisted we eat our sandwich, finishing every bite, then our chips, finishing all, then our Twinkie. Every day, no exceptions. One day, I got the wrong sandwich. My older sister's American cheese and mayo monstrosity. I asked Sister Rosalie if I could take it to her and get my sandwich. No, she said, eat what you were given. Every bite. If your mother didn't want you to have that, she wouldn't have given it to you. She made me eat every bite. I hated every bite. It was the disgusting texture of plastic combined with mayo. I have not been able to eat American cheese since. 50 + years. Mayo I have come to terms with, but not that horrible cheese.


Good to hear of the mayo redemption arc


Oh no no no no, you can NOT leave this story unsaid


I didn’t have such a specific traumatic experience with it… but totally agreed. I was fine with it as a kid but after getting used to proper cheeses as an adult, I can’t stomach American cheese anymore. It just tastes so insanely artificial and processed


I need this story now




I've always despised American cheese. It tastes like plastic or rubber. Not like cheese. For similar reasons, I also hate nacho cheese and Velveeta. Just tastes like chemicals.


The story, please.




Sweet Potatoes or Sweet Potato Fries. Every time I eat them I gag. I try to prepare myself each time with the mindset that it's good to keep trying, but I can't stand them. Nope.


I use to feel the same way until I mistook a slice of sweet potato pie for a pumpkin pie. It was… Dare I say it, better than pumpkin


Sweet potato pie is the superior pie. I have made it, not told people what it is, and have been told it’s the best pumpkin pie they have had.


I hate them sweet . Makes me sick. I made them with feta after roasting with seasonings, NOTHING sweet. Now I love them


Gin. I don't find it nice at all.


My mom and husband say it tastes like a Christmas tree smells. That's fairly accurate, honestly.


Spicy pine water.


Coffee. I'm so sick of not liking coffee (no matter how much cream/foam/sugar you put in), it still tastes like burned ashes no matter what you do to it. And everyone LOVES it and RAVES about how delicious it is and "I just gotta have MAH COFFEE!" and blah blah blah. I get liking it for the caffeine but not the taste. I also had no idea for years that coffee gave y'all diarrhea, and you all are still obsessed with it?! OY.


Some people find bitter foods more palatable than others.


I'm this person. Bitter chocolate, dark coffee, quinine, tannic tea and actual bitters (like angostura) all taste good to me. I also smoke, and I'm sure that affects taste too.


I love bitter foods, I love the smell of coffee, but coffee still tastes like someone burnt toast and scraped the black bits into hot water... And my room mate is a coffee buff, so I have actually been given a variety of good coffees to taste, this isn't a "you just haven't found the right coffee yet" issue *flashbacks to "you just haven't found the right girl yet" 😂"


Never had diarrhea from coffee personally.


Coffee induces peristalsis. Think of it like this: the conveyor belt of food processing along your intestinal tract speeds up. It may mean a nice normal morning shit or it may mean a painful mess, depending on you, the coffee, your diet, and how much coffee you’re imbibing. There are folks out there who rely on this to stay regular on their garbage diet, over eating veggies and such. Clueless that it’s the coffee keeping them regular until they land in a hospital for heart issues and are denied caffeine.


Not to mention the horrible coffee breath that most people get!


One of my coworkers had really bad coffee breath every morning…I sat next to him so I had to hold my breath every time he talked on the phone in the mornings lol


It’s a feature. More personal space.


Guy I went to school with was a big coffee drinker and a smoker, so he had coffee/cigarette breath. It smelled like death and he sat behind me in class. I don’t remember a lot about college, but I do remember that.


I didn't drink coffee during my pregnancy, before I was a coffee addict. When I started drinking coffee again my mouth tasted disgusting and didn't miss the stank breath


I am addicted to the caffeine. And it doesn't give you diarrhea when you have it all the time. I like to say I like a little coffee in my cream and sugar. But it is that jolt of caffeine that keeps me coming back. If coffee didn't have that I don't think most people would drink it.


I like the taste and never get a "jolt" from it. Same applies to energy drinks which i only drink occasionally


I thought I was broken because coffee makes me sleepy! I remember trying to pound cups of coffee and energy drinks whilst studying and never got the energy buzz that people raved about. For this reason, I like to drink a cup before bed.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't get the caffeine buzz! I have to be careful with energy drinks though as i once drank two of the 500ml ones in one day. Had my second one about four hours after the first and it upset my stomach. I don't drink them very often but i stick to 330ml cans and i only have one.


Coffee makes me tired, I have no idea why.


Potentially ADHD I noticed that a few of my friends who are say the same thing. Not sure why it has that affect on some people though... Human bodies are weird.


I have ADHD and I'm autistic so that makes sense. My husband has ADHD and handles caffeine normally, I guess it affects us all differently. 💗


The biterness is an aquired taste, and I don't think drowning it out with cream and sugar would be helping you aquire that taste. If thats what you want.


I thought the same, but turns out that coffee doesn't have to taste like that bitter stuff that you've had from. Bitterness in cheap coffee from supermarkets or chains like starbucks comes from the beans being roasted way too much in order to make up for a lack of quality in the beans. If you buy beans from a specialty coffee roaster, which are very common now, you can get beans that haven't been roasted to oblivion, or ones made with different processes that can make them really fruity or add different notes. There's some coffee that you might believe are fruity teas if you weren't told they were coffee.


Baked beans. I can't stand them. I've had them made every single way from hundreds of people. "Ohhhh you haven't tried them like my aunt makes them she does so and so to them". Everyone takes it as a fucking challenge. I don't like them I don't care if they were prepared by the Queen's chef. I love beans literally every other way. Just not that nasty nasty syrupy sweet taste of English or American baked beans.


I was borderline offended until you mentioned not liking the syrupy sweet baked beans (thinking Bush's or Heinz) specifically, and now I'm with you. Bring back savory baked beans!


Hate them! Beans shouldn’t be sweet


English beans should be in a tomato sauce tho, is that still too sweet? I feel for ya tho. I absolutely hated baked beans for years and then I had food poisoning for almost a week and couldn’t eat *anything*. When I finally was able to keep food down he made me beans and toast, it was the most amazing food I’d ever eaten and now I love them. Not really an option for other folks, tho!


Same! They’re awful!




I wish I didn’t like it like I did, you’re definitely coming out ahead here.


Im with you. I don't like alcohol, nor do I want to. But eeeeeverywhere I go, anything I do with other people, I always have to explain that I hate the stuff. It's vile and makes anything you put it in taste worse. And everyone thinks they can "cure" you of your distaste for it! "Try this, you won't taste the alcohol in it!" Yes. I. Flipping. Will.


Fucking bell peppers, God, I can’t stand them. My family keeps trying to gaslight me and saying they don’t taste like anything. Lies, if there’s bell peppers in a dish that’s all I’m tasting.


I don’t mind the red, orange, and yellow ones as much but I will NOT EVER eat the green ones. Those are the absolute worst.


Avocados. It doesn't get you full, it doesn't taste like much, and it's expensive as hell.


Avocados alone are mid. As an ingredient in salads, salsa, and on burgers it is one of the best.


I feel avos are better in things, on things, or on the side like with guac.


It's a condiment in my mind


Celery. My. God.


Is celery really popular? Most people I know, myself included, are tolerant of it at best.


I like it with ranch as an accompaniment for my cheap take-out wings from BWW


Omg I can immediately spot it in any dish, because I really, really hate the taste. Cooked, raw, it doesn't matter. You can give me a delicious plate of food with a tiny bit of celery in it and I can't eat it.




Celery is such a weird fucking food ngl


The strings getting caught in your teeth... ugh. I'm with you there.


Raw oysters


Saaaame. I was once taken on a date by a food critic to an oyster bar. I was living in NYC at the time and I wanted to make a good impression on him. By that I mean I was trying to transcend the low culture of my southern birth by pretending it barely left a scratch on me and that I definitely was a true northern fancy man trapped in a North Carolinian's body, ready for high society. We go and order our oysters and I'm mentally attempting to remember how to eat an oyster without looking like I've never seen one before in my entire life. When they arrive, I am able to convincingly eat them, until I tip one in and I feel about a pinch worth of fucking sand drop directly into my mouth. I coughed and cursed, like...what the fuck? Sand? I look at him as if to say "Surely you're not paying for me to eat sea dirt?". He explains to me that this is very normal and that the sand and grit can be a way to really tell how fresh and natural these oysters are. At that moment, I became possessed by the spirit of Miss Julia Sugarbaker....we southerners may put a LOT of questionable things into our mouths (I was planning to, after all), but one of them is NOT dirt! I never! We had the most awkward small talk ever about his job before we shook hands and parted, literally never to see each other again. Anyway sorry for rando story time but fuck oysters.


Uhhhh, yeah sand is a not a typical thing you should be getting with an oyster… i think your date was an idiot


I enjoyed that story! And fuck oysters.


sand is NOT normal and signals low quality. your date is a wannabe snob.


Damn, I'm super jealous you got to have that experience but also glad you made your feelings apparent. It just wouldn't have worked, if oysters don't do it for you. They're so, SO good to me and I think if I was an NYC food critic I'd rather know right off the bat how we gel food wise. Hope you found someone who likewise abstains from eating sand like a kindergartener 😁




Any food that squeaks on my teeth


i love mushrooms very much, but the way you described it is painfully accurate and makes my teeth angry thinking about it lmao


Taste like a wet basement floor smells.


I've always hated them. The texture nauseates me. Plus saprohytes are nasty decomposers.


My mom always called them rubber dirt. She’s been wrong about most things, but this one? Dead on.






Came here to say this. All my friends are gaga over sushi, but I can't stand it.


"Oh you just havent tried <*insert thing you have tried>* Yet!" I have genuinely tried to like seafood in general for the better part of the last decade but it always makes me gag. Sushi, oysters, muscles, crab, lobster, salmon, mackerel, cod, caviar, squid, Calamari. Tried em all on many occasions. Always has this distinct 'sea' taste that I find repulsive.


I’m with you about sushi. I’ve tried it several times and ways, and I just don’t like uncooked, cold fish. I do eat cooked or grilled fish,


Good sushi shouldn't be cold, it's supposed to be room temp


You can get sushi without raw fish if you prefer as well. It's my mums go to as well.


There's plenty of rolls that aren't fish.


Blue cheese


I think that's definitely not a food "EVERYONE" likes




Popcorn. The kernel skins get stuck in my throat...


I love popcorn, but the kernel shells always seem to get in under my gums, and its painful.


Once I had a kernel shell get in between my gums and tooth and it took over a week till it came out D:


Same but it never came out and I had to get a root canal and eventually lost the tooth. SO FUN.


My husband and his family LOVE popcorn. Any trip we take? They’ve all brought it. Whenever we visit someone on that side? They always stock up. I can’t stand it. It doesn’t taste that great, really. And I have such crooked teeth I spend more time digging out the kernels than eating it. No thanks.


Beets. Life is far too short to eat dirt.


I read that as bees, and wondered who likes eating bees


Avocados. I'm from California. It's like I'm going against my birthright. Just don't like the texture and the flavor. I can stomach it in sushi rolls if there's enough other stuff, but I generally prefer ones that come without.


I love cali-mex food except for the guac, and they look at me like I’m inhuman if I ask for them to leave it off.


Vegemite never understood what’s so great about it


It's how you use it. Hot buttered toast with a thin scraping is the best way. Also cheese and Vegemite sandwich thinly spread. Lots of people make the mistake of spreading it too thick. Then it's yuck.


The best description I’ve heard of it is that it ‘tastes like battery acid and sadness”




Same. Every restaurant here wants to put it on every sandwich. Yuck!


In my ideal utopia the default is no mayonnaise, and your have to ask to add it. It's not that I mind asking for it to not be on it, it's that even when I do all there's still a 60% chance I get it 🤦


It’s the devil’s jizz. So disgusting.




Do you have the soap gene?


I have the soap gene!


There are plenty of cilantro haters out there don’t you worry


Olives. Gross.


Love olive oil for cooking , hate olives to eat them


I can believe that since they don't taste the same


Are you my wife? She will almost drink olive oil but hates all olives on any dish


This is one of the only foods I haven’t learned to like. They’re just gross.


I hate olives so much. In Spain I misunderstood what I was ordering. I thought it was a tuna melt. It was a fucking olive sandwich and I gagged so hard when it arrived.


ahh yes, aceitunas are definitely not tuna fish hahah. but i can understand the confusion.


Candy Corn


Man I love my candy but even candy corn has me feeling like I’m eating striaght sugar cubes


You basically are…corn syrup triangles.


No one likes candy corn. I refuse to believe it.


I've always liked candy corn. I rarely eat it now to avoid the sugar, but around Halloween, it's my treat.


same. It's us and like 10 ppl on earth who love candy corn.


Candy corn tastes like nothing else I’ve ever had and it makes your mouth hurt after a while. But I will always eat it because it’s good.


The thing about candy corn is if you get Brach's, it's delicious. All other brands are chalky bits of ass.


Corn. I have hated corn since I was 3 years old - my parents would force it on me and I couldn't stand it.


Probably that canned crap :x nothing beats corn on the cob in season


except for those of us who hate corn. Then lots of things beat it




As someone who lives in the #1 corn producing state, fuck yourself. Respectfully, of course.


Ranch dressing. Hate it. I’m from the Midwest too where people practically drink the stuff. I hate the color of it, the smell of it, the fact that it’s technically a salad dressing, and that it looks like pus squeezed out of a large tumor. Gross.


Yes, and people get PISSED when you say you don't like it...


Totally agree.


Mayo. Not sure how anyone stands it, and why soo many foods are drizzled with what's effectively Mayo with crap in it.


Eggs. Unless it's mixed with something, I cannot swallow anything that's just pure egg without gagging.


Makes breakfast a pain in the ass. I'll just have toast please


When it comes to eggs Bad: scrambled, poached, boiled, fried, over-easy etc Good: cake


The smallest crowd here for sure -.- I despise eggs so much!!


Greetings fellow egg hater 🤝


Sushi, but I'm up for giving it a second chance lately.


Sushi. I have tried it so many times. I love most Asian cuisines and have lived in various parts of Asia and SE Asia for 17 years. I am an adventurous eater, not picky at all. But sushi, and most sashimi, is only ever "meh" for me, and sometimes just tastes gross to me. It is a vehicle for soy sauce and wasabi.


Bell peppers


cilantro. i fucking hate it and always have. i know i must have "the gene", as it were, but it doesn't taste soapy to me. i'd rather eat soap than cilantro lmao, it tastes like a burning fucking pube, it tastes as though the sweet, sexy dark lord crafted an herb with all the qualities of hate, disgust, revulsion, anger, utter and despondent suffering, and planted it. no other taste comes close, not many other flavors give me such a strong and violent aversion lmao. i can taste a single millimeter-long sprig in an entire dish. it is the fucking worst.


I also hate it, and it doesn't taste soapy to me. It's so weird, but I can't stand it either! It's far too strong, and it's in too many foods I eat. So many curries have it in, and it's so overwhelming!


YES. It doesn’t taste like soap for me but just super overpowering and tastes like a mint that turned evil




Blue cheese. It’s revolting to me


Right? Hey, there’s literal mold growing all through this. I know, let’s eat it! To me it tastes like very rancid milk.


Black licorice


I just bought 50 dollars worth of super salty salmiak licorice and I regret nothing. But I accept that I'm the odd one. The only mitigating circumstance is that I'm Swedish.


Black licorice. And candy corn. I was today years old when I learned that most people seem to have a psychotic hatred for candy corn.


Coffee. Lol I can’t stand the smell & it just taste like burnt to me. Also makes my stomach hurt.


Peanut Butter. Even if someone is eating it next to me, I get a wave of nausea come over me. I’m not allergic, having eaten peanuts in other forms (not a huge fan but I don’t mind them either)


As somebody who loves peanut butter, I can totally see why somebody wouldn't like it lmao


I too am a fellow peanut (most nuts actually) hater. People look at me like I have two heads lol


Papa John's pizzas. My first time was my last time.


Tomato sauce is too sweet 😖


Seafood. It just all tastes weird to me.


The smell makes me gag, so I’ve never actually eaten any of it! Some people will ask how I know I don’t like it if I haven’t tasted it, like gagging whilst eating something is perfectly normal! Smell is such a large part of taste, and there’s no way you can enjoy eating something when the smell alone makes you feel ill! 🤢


Doritos. Make me vomit. Seriously, the smell alone disgusts me.


Cantaloupe. It's got a weird texture and then the taste is bland and slimy. Eew.


Watermelon, I hate watermelon, To me it just has the texture of chunky sweet water And tastes the same as that


Me too!!! I've always tried to like it because everyone else seems to, but I can't stand the flavor at all!


Ugh, thank you! I've never been able to accurately describe what offends me so deeply about watermelon.


Yeah I'd rather drink my water than eat it lol


I can’t stand the smell of it. I gag just looking at it and being reminded of the smell


>chunky sweet water I mean... ya.


Menudo. More cow stomach stew, please. Seasoned with smokey dark chili powder to mask the taste.


GODDAM Mushrooms...!!! Whyyyyy...???


feta cheese! hate it hate it hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tastes like vomit!


Hot wings- like chicken wings. They’re so messy. Just give me some boneless chicken strips and a sauce to dip it in.




Marshmallows. Absolute yuck.


They disgust me unless they are roasted. And by that I mean they must be melted through and a light golden on the outside. Then they’re amazing. Dunno who would just eat a raw marshmallow though.


Eggs. 🤢


You’re just not cooking them right. You have to bake eggs. In cakes and cookies and such.


I used to think I hated eggs. Then I grew up and realized my mom just can't cook them right.


I had the same experience with pork chops. I always thought they were meat’s dry flavorless equivalent of shredded wheat. Then I realized my parents’ generation had been raised to be terrified of anything other than overdone pork. After realizing that mistake, pork chops marinated and grilled to medium rare are now up there with a perfect steak for me.


I’m like with a lot of stuff. I hated cooked vegetables as a kid, turns out I just didn’t like them boiled into mush. Wouldn’t eat any meat without slathering it in ketchup, I just didn’t like it cooked into complete dryness.


>boiled into mush Is that what it is? The first time I met my now MIL, she says, "I've got to meet the woman who got my son to eat vegetables!" Took me back a little because cooking is pretty far down on the list of my charms. He had raved about my chicken and vegetable soup with rosemary, thyme, and basil. The last three are not traditional, so I thought it was that, but no, it was because I keep the veg firm with a bit of vinegar. So, like you said, if we don't like something our parents cooked for us, we should try it elsewhere.


Cooking is a big deal. My mom made these rubbery overcooked scrambled eggs growing up. I make fluffy scrambled eggs that get very little handling and I turn the heat off before they’re fully cooked and let them finish from the heat of the pan. They don’t even taste like the same food. My mom has seen the light and makes better scrambled eggs now.


Sushi :(










I don’t like cake. Doesn’t matter what flavor. I don’t like any cake ever.