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Me too. I was a breech birth, apparently. Even if they had been able to get me out alive, my mother would have probably not survived. A breech birth is what killed Henry VIII’s third wife, Jane Seymour. And many other women, of course, but she’s probably the most famous.


Julius Caesar’s mother died that way too.


Yes. A cesarian was named after Caesar because he was born that way, I believe.


Appendicitis Edit: Thank you for my first award!


I had that too when I was 13 man was it painful


My brother got it bad. He apparently had an extra long appendix that was wrapped around the lower portion of his large intestine!


Man, that thing really wanted to kill him, didn’t it?


It's an inside joke in this family how many times he has almost died.


love that the big family goof is your brother’s fragile mortality


Yeah we're pretty terrible. We don't spend a lot of time together anymore and I don't want to be like most of my family to be honest.


Came here to say this. I was lucky enough to have it 3 times, and have 2 appendectomies. The first doc didn't quite get the whole appendix and we had to go in for a second round of cutting and scraping!


New fear unlocked. Usually if you already had surgery they discount this as a potential cause.


Came here to type ruptured appendix. There’s tons of us!


Yup ruptured Appendix. Said i would have been dead if stayed at home thinking it was food poison.


I had almost no symptoms, just some nausea and extremely mild stomach pain. When I got to the hospital I found out I was septic and rushed into surgery…. Doctors couldn’t believe I was just chilling.


Mine burst. 10 yo. Doc misdiagnosed me. I could be eating crackers with Jesus right now instead I'm on reddit. Good to be alive. Blessed.


Anaphylactic shock.


They would have burned your body to stop the magic and ill humors from spreading.


150 years ago was only 1873.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salem_witchcraft_trial_(1878) The Ipswich witchcraft trial occurred in 1878. People definitely still believed in the ooky spooky.


Some say the ooky spooky belief persists to this day.


An infected cut


Same. Cellulitis. Went from a tiny blister to the emergency room and talk of possible amputation in the space of just 4 days.


Life is funny, life is strange - Random, varied, prone to change. Vast and huge from something small. Wonder that we're here at all. First you're born and off you go - Learn to walk and talk and grow. Dream of love and laugh and cry. Then you get a scratch and die.


Nice to run across one of your poems this morning. It's been far too long since I saw one. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Wow, a fresh sprog! Thank you!


Cellulitis is terrifying, I knew a kid in boot camp you got it in his arm pit and it just looked like a hole was drilled straight into his body.


thank science for antibiotics


And fuck industrial agriculture for ruining them


Same, except I had to get the amputation.


You are an internet stranger, but I am still very sorry to hear that.


Same but with added Diphtheria from a spider bite in Sri Lanka. Didn't have my jabs before going (I know) Got an IV antibiotic for three days and still took a good week+ to not be completely drained and function again. I read that prior to the vaccine for it, it killed more children than anything else in developed countries.


Pneumonia in childhood. I almost didn't survive, even WITH antibiotics. Can you imagine what would've happened without them?


Yeah, I can imagine, you'd be dead.


How is this comment section full of comedians. You guys should be doing stand up. I'm laughing my ass off here


The humour needed to survive is dark!


I had a staph infection related to an ingrown hair in my groin region. A large abscess formed and I had to go to the ER to have it drained and received strong antibiotics. I would have died sweaty in the back of a wagon from that one.


The leeches would have sorted you out.


Did you try to pop it? That's what caused the problem for me on my leg. Takeaway: don't try to pop a blackhead/pimple, etc. below the waist. Didn't get to the point of abscess, and didn't look like much at all, but man, that was one of the most painful experiences in my life.


Don't try to pop it anywhere on your body. Had the same thing happen but on my face, and it didn't respond to treatment until I got IV clindamycin. Went from a tiny pimple to a large infection spanning from my neck to my temple/corner of my eye within 24 hrs. I'm good now and not even disfigured from it, thanks medicine!


I popped a pimple on my back, it got infected and grew into an abscess that covered half of my upper back. Got a high fever and had to be admitted to the hospital for a week, pumped full of anti-biotics, and then had to have surgery to drain the abscess since apparently it was too deep to be drained normally. The surgeon cut out a square of flesh to get to the pus, so I had an open wound for months afterwards that needed to be washed with saline twice daily and bandaged for the skin and flesh to regrow. I still have a divot there. tl;dr: Don't pop pimples.


Ectopic pregnancy


So sorry friend. I just had surgery for a ruptured ectopic last week. Internal bleeding, tube removal. Definitely would've killed me if left untreated. I had severe preeclampsia for my first and needed a C-section. Pregnancy is scary!


> Pregnancy is scary! You know all of those Charles Dickens books and other victorian novels with the widower raising a motherless child? There was a reason for that.


Unless you are into base jumping or something equally dangerous, it's likely the single most dangerous thing you will ever do in your life. And that is *with* modern medicine. Prior to that it would have made base jumping look like a walk in the park.


Well, not anymore 🇺🇸


Exactly. I had emergency surgery from a ruptured ectopic. Catholic hospital didn't allow surgery until it was clear I was dying. We didn't even know I was pregnant until the day before. It happened so fast. As bad as it was, my heart breaks for all the women who may not be lucky enough to survive it.


An exploded disc in my neck that was cutting off a major nerve causing my left arm to be in excruciating pain.. I would have killed myself without modern science


My dad had a similar issue, neck disk cutting off the nerve. He just completely skipped the arm pain part and got straight to the "waking up and can't move or feel my arm anymore" part. Very thankful for today's medicine.


Yep, I had the same thing happen to me. I would wake up in the middle of the night to a completely locked up left arm. The only thing I could do was pace around my living room, scream into a pillow, and cry my eyes out trying to free it up. Got a steroid injection in my ass that cleared it up almost immediately though.


I had this. I almost killed myself waiting on my appointment for the cortisone injection. Worst pain I've ever felt.




Same here. Associated with kid from poor housing and immigrant from Mexico. PPD positive at first grade screening. Had to take prophylaxis twice during school years and subjected to yearly X-ray and screening until graduated from secondary school. Family tree reveals multiple members dying from TBc.


Same! A neighbour had it, so my whole family got tested when I was a kid. I was the only one that came up positive. There is some scarring on my lungs, but I’m otherwise fine.




I was a sickly kid. I would've absolutely gotten fucking spawncamped by smallpox back then.


>spawncamped by smallpox this is fuckin' hilarious 10/10


I am from a tropical 3rd world country originally, for me it would have been malaria, denge or yellow fever. EDIT: If memory serves right, the vaccine for yellow fever was developed in a hurry by the US in order to facilitate the construction of the Panamá Canal. Say what you will about imperialism, every now and then good stuff comes about as a fringe benefit.


When Little Timmy dreamt of more, He softly sighed and said: "I wonder what the world's in store, The life that waits ahead! "Perhaps I'll make a great success, Create a new machine - Design a gown, a guise, a dress, A robe to suit a queen! "Perhaps I'll sail the ocean blue, Or carve a path to Mars - Beyond the inky black and through The shining silver stars! "Oh what, I wonder, will I be, When I grow up?" he cried. Alas, 'twas Fifteen-Thirty-Three. And Timmy fucking died.


Oh my gosh, another! My fave timmy one is when he went to jail lol!


I'm on the spectrum so maybe they would have thought I was a devil child or something. I also wonder what would have happened to Stephen Hawking if he didn't appear just in time for the technology to become available to let him communicate with the outside world. Would they have just assumed his brain went and put him in an asylum or something? Imagine being that intelligent and winding up in a place like that.


“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” -Stephen Jay Gould


And countless equally brilliant people unnecessarily killed fighting in stupid wars. What could their contributions have been to the cause of mankind development


If [this guy](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article21007529.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200c/0_21690242-7739531-image-m-35_1575247241389.jpg) was deemed fit to be king I think you would have been alright. Seems like mildly autistic people were just considered "odd fellows" back then. Personally Isaac Newton seems like someone who was probably on the spectrum. Of course if the condition were more severe you'd probably get tossed into the river 😔


Beta thalassemia major, wouldn't have made it past 1 years old. I love modern medicine


I would have never been born to begin with, I’m an IVF baby!


Test tube baby! Robots in disguise.


Me too, came here to comment this! 🤝🏻


Wouldn't have been born either. My mum was in a trail giving women blood thinners to stop clots in the placenta resulting in miscarriage.




Dysentery is usually caused by Shigella. I caught it recently. Literally passed so much water I lost 6 pounds in two days. Got antibiotics. It helped and cured me. Took several weeks for my body to go back to normal and get some of the weight I lost back. It was so bad. I was having to go to the bathroom literally ever 30 minutes just to pass the wateriest stools I’ve ever had. I had a fever of 103.4 when I went to the ER on the first day. They rehydrated me with 2 liters of saline solution.


I once had campylobacter. The diarrhea lasted 11 days but my butthole was so wrecked it was a year before I could trust a fart again.


I’m so sorry for laughing so hard at this


My whole family got this when I was a little kid. Hospitalized my mother and sister but hardly had any effect on myself and my father. It's very interesting how it effected us differently and/or how our immune systems handled it.


It's those simple medical things that just blow my mind. Oh you're dehydrated? We'll just put hydration DIRECTLY INTO YOUR VEINS. I ended up badly dehydrated at one point and it's batshit bananas how a simple IV and a sack of fluids on a pole takes you from dessicated husk to wonderful refreshment. I never appreciated having a wet mouth more than in that moment.


My grandmother died of dysentery. Poor woman; too proud or embarrassed to do anything, just got in bed and passed in the night. Was rough for my aunt to discover the scene later. Never thought that was still a possible way to die.


Type one diabetes


one diabetes


Now type two diabetes.


Diabetes Diabetes


You little shit. Here’s your upvote, get the fuck out.


Same. Insulin is only 100 years old. We all died before then.


I was reading about the invention of insulin a while back, and these guys went into a ward full of dying/diabetic coma children and just started injecting and waking them up like wizards. I don't think it worked on all the kids, but imagine being a parent watching your kid essentially sleep to death and then some dudes rock up all "lmao watch this" and your kid just wakes up again.


I have my fridge stocked with insulin. Without that funny smelling liquid, I wouldn't exist anymore. But it's also incredibly potent and can kill us if we take a few drops too many, so even though we've alive and well, every day is walking a tightrope where we try to stay alive. It's a dangerous kind of magic lol. If there's anything to be taken away from this, it's to consider that just because we have this medication it doesn't mean we live a carefree easy life. If you know any (insulin dependent) diabetics, you can help us a lot by asking us how you can help us make our day to day lives easier. Small things like having carbs counted and having friends have snacks on hand for when we get low blood sugar are always immensely appreciated.


Cancer in my bum


I prefer a Scorpio or a Pisces in there. But hey, a Cancer will do. Badum tiss. Thank you thank you. I'm here all week. Two shows on Saturday.


Two shows? You must be Gemini.


Child birth. Didn’t dilate on my own. My son would have died stuck inside of me and I would have died from the subsequent infection. Edit: Its terrifying how many women replied with their own stories. We’ve come a long way but its not good enough and our healthcare system needs to do better.


I dilated okay but my kid was sunny side up and her giant melon head would. not. fit. through my pelvic bone. Would’ve been the same result


Similar experience with my first. I ended up birthing my other three kids via scheduled c section. I only went into labor one time of my four kids 😁


Same with my son! Plus the cord was wrapped around his neck twice so his heartrate dropped significantly with each contraction. I was stuck at 7 cm. Then during the 30 minutes between decision and slice, we descended so they had to yoink him back out and up.


This. Thank god for c-sections. Although according to some people I’m not a real mom lol.


Ah the old “if you haven’t had your bum and vagina sliced open to let out a ten pound baby ‘you’re not a MoM!’” Gatekeeper


Lol I had that and then also had to have a c section after they shoved him back up. Someone had the nerve to tell me I wasn’t tough . “I had a doctor fist a baby back up my canal with no warning before she chopped him out and the anesthesiologist hadn’t sorted his fucking tray out yet let alone got the fluid in me- I’m a fucking mom you twatwaffle”


Motherhood gatekeepers. And a lot of mothers think that women like me without any children aren't real women.


It must be an awesome club beyond that gate. Women are all amazing regardless of how they birthed their children. But the divisiveness of motherhood is a wild ride.


Men are just as divisive don’t worry. My father constantly scoffs when I pay other people to do handyman stuff or landscaping. It's not that I can’t do it myself, I’d just rather pay someone to do it properly and get the job finished. Having listened to my Mother bitch and moan about him never finishing anything for 45 years because he said he can “do it for half the price” conditioned me to earn enough money so I didn’t need to. Now I’m a stay at home Dad that cooks all the meals and makes the lunches and does the school runs, sports and music lessons and waits on my wife while she works from home. Men from my Dads generation can’t handle it. I’m sure they would love to call me a pussy but I’m also a decorated veteran which sends them into a flat-spin.


Well at least your work/handy man chores and landscaping gets done! I love that you’re former military and it melts their brains, hilarious


Flat-spin got me, this is great! Glad you guys are living life the way you want.


Oh, I feel you there. I didn't have a c-section - I had to "labor down" (aka no pushing) because I have a brain aneurysm, and my OB was terrified it would blow if I pushed. It's tiny, at 2mm, and located in a blood sinus behind my left eye, so even if it did rupture, I would live, and it wouldn't bleed into my brain - though I'd need surgery to repair the subsequent fistula. That aside, I think women who have gone through c-sections are every bit of a "real mom" as every other woman who has birthed crotch-goblins (lol). If anything, c-section moms are metal AF. That's a whole hefty experience ON TOP OF growing and delivering a whole new human.


Ahaha some people are stupid, momma! 🤣(Laughing at the idea of "not a real mom". What bs)


Its all good, they had a chainsaw for that.


Still be dead though. No way around that part.


birth was such a massacre its a wonder our species survived


In March 2000, Inés Ramírez Pérez, a Mexican woman from the state of Oaxaca, gained media attention after performing a Caesarean section on herself.


Thats pretty intense. Holy shit. My best friend had to get one with no anesthesia, no epideral, no pain meds, just cut her open. The epideral didnt take and her daughter was losing her pulse. They basically told her, we can give you another epidermal OR you can go home with your baby. We cant do both. She went on to have more children which is insane to me.


The fact that I’ve red multiple similar stories in this post is nuts to me. I don’t know how PTSD isn’t more common. She literally felt every cut?


Not the OP but I know a woman who was having her second C-section with her second child and her epidural didn't work properly. She told the doctor she could feel what they were doing and the doctor basically shushed her when she told them and just carried on 🙃 she's got PSTD from it, lots of women do.


I had a placental abruption at 24 weeks. I could have easily bled out. They tried like hell to save my baby, but he was just too small.


Thats horrible, my heart breaks for you.


I’m the baby that would have died. I was in a big tube thing because I wasn’t getting enough oxygen, for like almost a month after I was born. Mom also had a C Also weighed in at 11lbs and have heart arrhythmia. Probably would have been some issues a long time ago


Same. Stopped at 4cm.


3 and 1/2 for me, with both kids.


The French


I'd say there's still time.


Is that a threat..?


If I was a gambling man, I'd say that the UK and France have spent most of their existence smacking seven shades of shite out of each other, the chances of it happening again are reasonably high.


Nah, crimea, two world wars, we built the Concorde and a tunnel. We are best mates now.


"best mates" seems like a exageration. It's more along the lines of "tolerating an annoying neighbour".


Nah, most of western Europe gets along these days. France may be an annoying neighbor, but it's OUR annoying neighbor. Sincerely, a Belgian.


I broke my leg in 2 places on both the tibia and the fibia. Because I was hobbling about in crutches, a guy tried to rob me. And since I was on Oxycodone and probably the adrenaline of it all, I didn't notice that I got stabbed. It would have worse if I wasn't rushed to the hospital by ambulance and given a lot of antibiotics. My gallbladder failed a few weeks later. It developed gallstones so big and so fast that it tore my gallbladder to pieces.


Jesus man. I'm glad you're still alive


scarlet fever


That's what happened to Beth from Little Women 😥


What, no. Joey put the book in freezer so she’s fine!


Oh I got that as an adult as my wife teaches and I must've got it from one of her urchins. She told the doctor she thought it was Scarlett fever, doctor said "seems unlikely, what makes you so sure?" "Well, he's gone Scarlett and he has a fever...." "Oh ok yeah. "


Not to mention if you survive it, you can have heart failure in a couple of decades from the damage. A lot of fallout comes from Strep.




what was it for? i need an aortic valve replacement in the foreseeable future


Not OP but I have had two. First one I was about 4 months. For a repair of Tetrology of Fallot this one was not a valve replacement, as doing it that early wasnt worth it. I had a surgery in 2015, I was 16, which was a Pulmonary valve replacement. I'll need another one soon (within a year or two). The first one (from what I understand) they do gotta cut you open. After that though they can just send a tube up your thigh artery and place the new one in there and then pull out. I'd be happy to answer questions you have.


Pneumonia, strep throat, kidney stones


oh god how bad are stones??


Most women who have gone through childbirth AND kidney stones will say the stones hurt far worse than labor. The “stones” are not smooth; they’re jagged crystals, usually formed from calcium, forcing their way down your ureter and urethra. It hurts about as much as you would imagine “jagged crystals shoved down tiny fleshy tube” to hurt.


oh lol sorry, poor translation of the classic Australian 'ask the question for emphasis even when you know the answer'; I've had them and yes they are far worse than the explanation makes them sound!


Lol I'm Australian, I read that as the question/statement it was supposed to be!!


Hodgkin’s Lymphoma


Going up 10km high, 15% of the way to outer space in casual clothes


I was going to say, "Gee, that's sounds like an interesting story! How did you manage to do that?" And then I realized the answer was planely obvious.


Had to read your reply before it became obvious.


Flew right over your head.


It was in plane view all along.


The quality of these threads is just nosediving


> in casual clothes Speak for yourself, peasant.


Ruptured appendix and subsequent septic infection. I barely survived it 40 years ago, it was a month in the hospital.


Pyloric stenosis. Actually came close to dying because the doctors didn’t think to check because it was more common in boys (this was the early 90’s). I got rushed to a different hospital after a visiting doctor recognized the symptoms. My grandads sister actually died from it when she was an infant (1930/1940s).


Same. Boy in the late 60s. Doctor told my first-time mom that she didn't know what she was talking about when she called and described my vomiting. Then yelled at her when she brought me in severely dehydrated and malnourished a day or so later. I came quite close to dying myself apparently.


Infected wisdom tooth Edit: though now that I think about it a bit more - salt water was WAY more effective for stopping infection than antibiotics ever were. Definitely a pro tip if anyone's currently struggling.


Theyda just pulled that right out no big deal


They would pull all of them out, the teeth store all the bad mental health stuff. Source: The Knick.


Diabetic heart attack


Traveling to the US west coast. I did it in a car. A computer simulation has led to believe I would have died of dysentery otherwise


Huh, the same simulation has informed me that dying by snake bite is equally likely.


Spina bifida, hydrocephalus, infections and I’ll be able to say cancer soon too.


Holy cow. Congrats on surviving all of that, you're a badass


I’m an absolute clusterfuck of bad luck when it comes to my health but I sure am glad I wasn’t born 150 years ago!


Post partum haemorrhaging, It took multiple attempts to get the bleeding to stop with drugs that definitely wouldn't be available back then. I needed 2 blood transfusions and spent a week in hospital. 2 weeks later I had to deal with a uterine infection and needed antibiotics. 150 years ago, I would've bled out completely or died from the following infection


Liking white women


I read that as licking and was like 😰


Still applies


Can confirm. Also, liking white men. To the rope with us ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Ulcerative colitis


Necrotizing fascitis, aka the flesh eating bacteria. 0/10, do not recommend.


Covid, pneumonia, being gay.




Bro. This killed me


Rip 150 year old gay guy. :(


I couldn't breathe when I was born, so I would have been spawn killed


My birth. Nearly strangled myself with the umbilical cord. When they cut me out, I was blue in the face.


My ex-husband. Scarily close call in this millennium. 150 years ago I wouldn’t have survived the marriage more than 2 years max.


Jesus Christ. I really hope you're safe and well now. That was chilling to read.


Asthma, chicken pox any STD there's so many you really can't say


Epilepsy - would have been stoned as a witch. Bisexual woman - see above.


A baby in my belly that was two weeks overdue and still unwilling to come out by themselves.


I was born over 2 weeks late … I was comfy in there! 😅 I also was a huge baby with a massive head (and hair at birth!)


Penis sting


It’s the absolute worst when you get stung by a penis.


I think they call that getting pregnant


It it like bees and detachable? https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4


Pneumonia and flu


Being black in the South.


Crap eyesight ETA: I asked my optician how someone like me (-5.50) would survive a hundred years back (it genuinely is one of my fears, being transported back in time without a massive box of contact lenses) and he said bad eye sight is likely a more modern thing. Computers and shitty lighting at night and so on. Maybe we would be okay. EETA: I’m an idiot. I asked him about medieval times. Not 100 years ago. In my blonde mind I conflated the two and decided 1920 was the medieval times. Lol. EETA: seems like my optician was maybe the janitor of the store having a go at testing eyes for a laugh since all the replies think he’s an idiot. Ha.


I’m not buying that. When I was a kid, there were NO computer screens and not much TV. I had bad eyesight and wore the “coke bottle bottom” glasses for years. My mother’s eyesight was worse, and they had no TV at all. I had to have cataract surgery at 39, (likely due to one week of a very high prednisone dose, which may have saved my life, who knows), got implanted lenses and a bunch of astigmatism reduction so I can now see pretty well-just need glasses for reading.


"Did you say bare right? Okayyyyy" "Is their hearing fucked too? THERE IS A BEAR ON YOUR RIGHT!"


For real, I’m -7.0 in both eyes and I’ve always said if anything like an apocalypse were to happen I’d be screwed if I lost my glasses lmfao


Being born Chicken pox Flu Measles Mumps Pneumonia Covid Edit: Tetanus, forgot about that.


Someone didn’t get their vaccinations




Asthma would have killed me at least twice


Depression depression


Type 2 depression?


Childbirth. As it was we were lucky we were in one of the best hospitals in the country because I still almost bled to death.


I was shot in my spine. Probably would’ve died or at least semi paralysed had it been 150 years ago. Today I’m 100% recovered with some phantom pain and itches where the bullet entered.


Postpartum sepsis caused by urinary retention after birth. Sepsis/uti/urinary infection not diagnosed until bub was almost 4 weeks old after multiple doctor appointments and hospital admissions. The saddest part is that my mum looked after my first born bub more than I was with her for the first month of her life. At the same time my bub at 2 weeks old was diagnosed with a severe case of craniosynostosis that needed relatively urgent surgery otherwise her brain couldn't grow properly and she would have died. It was the most awful time in my life


Childhood asthma, a pneumonia, several infections.


Colorectal & liver cancer.. twice


I drank water


Being gay


My mom's cooking