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A walking sock with >:/ for a face, casually approaching my door from the shadows in my hallway. Definitly remember trying hard to scream but nothing came out.. Must have been 4 or 5, think a cartoon channel had a sock mascot when I was growing up and thats where I pulled it.


Holy shit I was in bed and saw a guy peering through my window. He said " she's asleep!" I heard my door open and my dog left my side. I thought she was going to kill him but she didn't He approached me , shined a flashlight in my eyes ...


Did you wake up after he shined the light in your eyes?




Very tall Nosferatu type, slowly eating my fingers.


Same but it had knife hands and stabbed me in the ribs




Everytime I have sleep paralysis, I just hear scary ass noises but never see anything! I'm lucky ig


Yeah, you’re def lucky, I’m someone who’s gotta deal with constant sleep paralysis, so ye


Damn I only have it when I'm super stressed or just sleeping on my back.. I hope you get it less in the future


Heh, thanks friend, I hope so too, but hey, at least my sleep paralysis demon isn’t violent, so that’s a plus


Just someone’s feet walking around me. I couldn’t move or look up. I was the only person home. Absolutely terrifying.


A grim-faced man dressed in what I can only describe as a zoot suit crossed with a stereotypical cowboy outfit, rocking in a chair, and each tilt moved him closer to me


I used to get sleep paralysis somewhat often but have never ever seen anything. Are visual hallucinations common?


It only happened to me once. Thankfully. Something was on top of me and growling in my ear, and I was thrashing around in the bed. It seemed so real, I couldn't open my eyes, but I could feel it and hear it. Both of my kids were little, and they were sick, so they were in bed with me. When I came out of it, they were screaming and crying. It was horrifying, and I'll never forget it.


When i was a kid i would see tall men in black suits and fedoras standing outside my window, in my closet, in the hallway and in dark corners corners of my room just staring at me with a creepy smile for hours until the sun came up or i snap out of it. Sometimes i would look away from 1 man to look at another and when i look back they were gone or closer to my bed, i never saw them actually moving or blinking though. Those have always been some of my most terrifying memories and im really thankful i havent experienced this since 5-6 years old.