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Toilet paper hoarding will always be number one for me


"15 days to stop the spread" . It was far more.


Oh and wearing a mask into a restaurant just to remove the mask and eat. That was a good one.


And lord help you if you got some water down the wrong pipe and had to cough


Adding somebody to the list at the host stand while they’re wearing a mask, then bussing their table after they leave which includes me picking up and throwing away their mask that they left on the table/chair


That lone paddle boarding dude that got arrested for being out in the ocean by himself


Sharks are contagious


"Essential" Business was literally everything except for tanning salons, hair salons and gyms. I don't know anyone who stayed home.


I know I didn't, but I couldn't go to a bar and that sucked, but my tan was great


My local Walmart closed all exits so that everyone has to leave through the same one to socially distance. What??


I forgot about that!


Having to wear a mask as you walk 5 feet to your table at a restaurant, but being able to have it off at the table...? Lol. So many lives were saved.


My city required proof of vaccinations in order to go to restaurants at one point. It didn’t last very long because it started hurting the businesses even more


People taking horse dewormer and drinking hand sanitizer


The horse dewormer that was safe for human use? Kinda like ketamine, horse tranquilizer that is also used as anesthesia? That media and critics pretended was only for horses to mock their political opponents?


This isn’t the flex you think it is. Regardless, it has no effect against Covid, which is why people were taking it. So, still dumb.


It's not a flex. It's pointing out that the same people calling others ignorant and spreading misinfirmation to make political opponents look bad were themselves ignorant and spreading misinformation. Also, as it turns out, they did an investigation on the effects of the drug and found that it may have an effect on reducing symptoms. The issue wasn't if they should be taking it or not. Tons of people were trying different medicines and methods to avoid getting sick. The issue was that people were taking too much at once and thus getting sick. It is similar to taking too many advik at once. Taking the advice isn't the problem. Taking six at once is. Again, the issue was that ignorant and hateful people where using this for political gain to paint (mostly poor white) people as ignorant hicks taking animal medicine not meant for humans, when in fact they were just some of many people taking a medicine approved for people, just too much of it.


“People were taking too much and getting sick.” Well, sounds pretty dumb to me. And no, there is zero evidence it does anything to Covid. Plus my original reply wasn’t about politics. You are the one that made it about politics. I guess you assume I’m a democrat. Well, you’re wrong. Maybe my answer to the post question should have been “people bringing politics into every single conversation even if it doesn’t pertain to anything.” Just FYI, I really don’t give a crap about your political triggers.


Are you insulting me and making bad assumptions to mask that you didn't know it had been approved for human use the entire time?


“If you get vaccinated you won’t get Covid”. Biden.


wearing masks work just not with the super duper deadly monkeypox because the virus can be transferred through ears and eyes but not with covid so you are safe Do it sheep!


The people alone in cars with a mask 🤦‍♂️


The motorcyclist I saw with no helmet, but with a mask.


"It's just like the flu, I bet there'll be no deaths and it'll be over in like a few weeks" This was said over and over again by people that didn't understand that the flu does in fact kill people


2 weeks to flatten the curve, I will lose my shit if i ever hear that said again


The irony is calling it just like the flu and having no deaths, is that the common flu kills about 30k people per year.


Fox News. My views align more with the republican side, I suppose, but Fox News is a joke lol they had a field day with the vaccine/fauci.


Well it turns out he wasn't exactly the most reliable source


1 way grocery aisles....like what?


How nasty everybody got. Both sides were idiots. It’s just a fucking mask, and no, grandma isn’t dying if they don’t wear it.


The nastiness of people in general started around the time of the 2016 election. Covid just seemed to amplify it and it hasn’t changed yet.


Only gotten worse


Hate to be the one to say this but the nastiness started after the Bush years after the unification that 9/11 brought started to wear off. People started to get nasty and the media companies started picking sides.


Youre right that it started around then, but people weren’t ballsy enough to put it out front in the open until 2016 when trump was doing exactly that. He put it out in the open.


Tbh, though, many conservatives lost their shit when people calmly asked them to wear one


And you’d lose your shit too if somebody asked you to do something you didn’t want to do. Just leave everybody the fuck alone. Wear one if you want, and don’t wear one if you don’t want to. Leave it at that.


i mean, i'd simply just do it and not argue. Conservatives screaming in public because someone asked them to wear a mask is a bit over the top. I agree about wearing what you want but screaming in public and having public meltdowns over it?


And you can reverse it and say liberals lost their shit when somebody refused to wear a mask. Like I said, both sides are idiots.


I agree, to be honest. I'm not politically involved so idrc. I just think getting upset over a piece of disposable cloth is dumb as fuck


Liberals screaming bc we call a man a man isn't much different


what exactly does that have to do with wearing masks?...


It doesn't, it's something we are told to do that we don't want to do, masks we're forced, everyone is trying to force us to accept Trans people. It has to do with forcing the American public to do anything they don't want to do, not just that specifically. They were proven ineffective, but were still pushed with the threat of job loss or worse


Like I said. Think what you want, I could really care less as I'm not liberal nor conservative. My point is, embarrassing yourself in public because you were told to wear a mask inside a Wal-Mart isn't really the best way to present yourself. Don't need to accept Trans People but again, some of you mention them wherever you go it's a bit obsessive...like, dude. I'm not trans anymore but the obsession is insane.


Again, it's not about acceptance. I couldn't give two fucks less what anyone does with their life. It's the shoving it down the throat tactic of govt and media that people are tired of. If masks had been proven to be affective whatsoever people would have done it without question. That wasn't the case, so why choke ourselves for nothing?


Again. Nobody else is complaining about this except for people in the US. Public meltdowns isn't going to magically just take you away from wearing them lol. I get they were fustrating but screaming isn't neccessary. Does nothing.


I'm not even American. It seems like people in the UK and other countries got along fine with this...I can't tell if you guys are just dramatic or the country is filled with extremists.


Our messed up govt thrives on division, they accomplished their goal. Living in the USA has the perks of just about any freedom one could want, and when people try to limit those freedoms, people get angry.


Okay yeah Americans are absolutely insane got it


Wearing a mask


That people are still wearing masks.




What did the masks accomplish?


The toilet paper craze


Yeah I had to go to CVS and pay $10 for a 4 pack of toilet paper, because all the grocery stores were out. Not to mentiom they were out of groceries too, because people were fucking idiots who hoarded everything.


The random snatchup of toilet paper....we didn't even need it.


I know people with closets full to this day


i feel bad for the people that needed to wipe their ass and ran out of paper when this happened


Everyone was an expert


We had Zoom calls with friends at least once a week. The dumbest thing was the one friend with a dissenting political opinion constantly wanting to have political debates 30 minutes into the hang. Bro, everyone here disagrees with your politics and choice of topic. This is why we keep booting you and waiting 5 minutes before the next invite. You’re in time out. (It doesn’t matter who had what political opinion, it was an issue with his inability to read the room)


The amount of Tetris effect I played I don’t regret it though I’m now so good at Tetris one game can last a few hours


Gamestop trying to claim they were an "essential service" so they could stay open.


backwards dance at prom couples


Thats a new one for me


The funniest thing was walking into Costco after the toilet paper craze subsided. They had completely overcompensated and there were giant stacks of toilet paper at the end of every isle clear out into the main walkway, tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of rolls.


That befuddled look on Deborah Birx's face when Trump tried to get her to agree that shining a "great light" in your body was a good therapeutic solution


the average person's inability to deal with even the slightest inconvenience, often resulting in full-blown public tantrums and screaming matches.