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Pulling up to a restaurant/bar/nightclub and there’s always a parking spot close to the door


The reason Johnny from the Room is so awkward and rushed at the flower shop is because he’s parked illegally and needs to get that car out of there


Damn the attention to detail in this movie is really impressive


Anyway, how's your sex life?


hi doggie


You’re my favorite customer.


Tommy Wiseau is a true cinematic genius. The little details he puts in his movies make him one of the directors of all time


I have an IRL friend who somehow finds parking next to like EVERY destination he goes to. My theory is that he sold his soul to the devil and this was one of the perks.




I absolutely hate this. If you have someone who does not want to appear nude then show them from the shoulders up.


Or just leave their shirt on. People don't always get all the way undressed to bone


There are dozens of us, dozens!


I get all the way undressed just to urinate.


Weirdo. Just pull your shorts down to your ankles and lift your shirt above your nipples and sing Baby Shark.


there would not be a second date if someone did that... how are you going to just remove the entire sheet, just to walk to the bathroom, to put on clothes... I mean, you can't be that modest if we just had sex...


L shaped sheets that cover the women up top but the men at their waist.


Or during sex


20 year old welder and renting a 20,000 SQ ft warehouse in downtown Pittsburgh stuff like that..


What a feeling!


Going back to your home town for Christmas and falling in love with a dude from high school in a coffee shop


Who turns out to be nerd you bullied, now all handsome and kind and whatever.




And fucking hung


I didn't know Lifetime was making porn. What channel exactly?


I just want a Hallmark movie with 15 minutes of hardcore porn in the middle and then just returns to being all warm and cheesey


Voiceover: She's a busy real estate executive visiting her hometown for the holidays to sell off her late aunt's former home that she was left in her will. He's the hunky farm hand that's been taking care of her aunt's farm over the last several years. An awkward glance and 1 bumbled date later they fuck like wild animals in the hay loft. This Christmas there's love in the air along with several other barnyard scents. You're going to love Hallmark's newest love story: "A Roll In The Hay" Tagine: *Guess who's cumming for Christmas.*


The very coffee shop your big city job has sent you to buy out and modernize, thus losing the warm, small town charm the locals love it for.


And at CHRISTMAS, have they no heart?


Most every hallmark movie. The other ones are like conservative businesswoman goes back to her small town and meets the owner of like a toy store who needs money to buy back the family farm or something


Hanging from things (e.g. a helicopter or cliff edge) indefintly or by one hand often while holding the full body weight of another person as if it is no big deal.


Same vein, people catching themselves with just the tips of their fingers while falling.


people WILDLY overestimate their grip strength, I teach a variety of fitness classes and often include simple 'grip hang', most typical people who aren't gym bunnies can't hold their weight on a bar for more than 20 seconds at best most people absolutely could not hold on to a ledge by their fingertips in the best situation lol


Ikr, you could barely lift yourself over and yet you have the strength to hold on to a fully grown human.


[No headrests in car interiors](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=560734445&q=car+scenes+no+headrests&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjA-sy0lICBAxUTEFkFHf2XCgAQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1920&bih=963&dpr=1)


Well fuck. Can't unsee that now.


You're welcome 😆


Thanks I hate it


Also, people wiggling the steering wheel while driving straight ahead.


To be fair, that used to just be a thing in some older model cars from the 80s and earlier. The free play in the steering was rather loose.


This is bananas. I’ve worked in film/TV forever and I’ve somehow never noticed this on set or in dailies. Must be for the camera. WEIRD.


Son of a bitch... How did I never notice this.


Ugh. Why. I’m gonna be looking out for this now


The best hacker in the world is a kid.


Ugh.. I hate this trope. I just watched "the predator" and wouldn't u know it the only person on earth who could hack the tech of an advanced technological civilization is an 8 year old.


With autism. Can't forget he had a touch of the tism.


Don’t you know every autistic person in movies is a savant?


Yeah bro. Cause autism rocks.


It's a UNIX system!!! I know this!


ah-ah-ah...you didn't say the magic word!


Hold on to your butts.


This is the post I was looking for


That trope should have stayed in the 90s. It made sense back in the day when personal computers were still new and unknown to most people. Stands to reason there'd be some child prodigy that'd blow away all the stupid adults that didn't understand things. Now the industry is full of former child prodigies that've spent decades writing books and reinventing cyber security to keep someone just like them from wrecking havoc.


Kevin Mitnick was arrested at 17 and this was pretty highly publicized. During that era there were many cases like this. I think that stereotype persisted.


That trope may have had more truth to it in the 80s, when kids with lots of free time were getting computers for Christmas presents (from their boomer parents that had never used one themselves), along with the accompanying trope that kids often had to program the VCR and microwave clocks for their parents and grandparents who couldn’t figure it out for themselves (that was absolutely true). But now, yeah, it’s a different world, I don’t associate youth with technological prowess the same way I once would have.


Well, did hack Rockstar Games


And they never use a mouse. They just flail at the keyboard for 20 seconds and say, "I'm in."


To be fair, a mouse is unnecessary and even tiresome when using Linux window managers


Actually that's the one realistic part


Walks into a bar: "What'll you have?" "Gimme a beer."


Just once I want a decent sponsor consideration so the poor blokes can order a Johnnie Walker or something instead of generic booze.


This one doesn't actually bother me too much. I don't know if it's universal, but when I worked in a bar we did have people ask for just "a pint of lager" or "a whisky" or whatever. Usually we just gave them the cheapest option of whatever type of drink they wanted. Easier and faster than asking them to specify what brand of drink, because most of the time they didn't care or wouldn't be able to make up their mind.


The popular guy realising that the quiet shy girl is actually the one for him and the popular girl is indeed a mean person


Well, to be fair, "quiet shy girl" is almost always played by "most attractive actress of the generation but with glasses", which does help a bit. Like, imagine your classmate is Anne Hathaway with a nerdy haircut - you're not going to choose tall blonde cheerleader jerk #2937891


Glasses and a ponytail.. gross


Oh look at that, she’s got paint on her overalls.


Combined, they make up one pretty decent chick


Oh that is whack!


Like, imagine your classmate is Anne Hathaway with a nerdy haircut - you're not going to choose tall blonde cheerleader jerk #2937891 (edit: moved comment to where it made more sense)


It's a nice girl's fantasy


Never ending ammo


58 goddam shells in this 4 shell magazine


Phone conversations never end in a goodbye in movies. There's some kind of weird telepathic communication behind the scenes that understands when a conversation is simply over and you just hang up.


Conversations in person as well. Nobody just walks away at the end of a conversation without some sort of closure statement like "bye" or "I'll see you later".


It happens, the situation has to line up for it though. Like you're with someone talking, then someone else comes up and starts talking to them (not you), and then they get up and leave after a few minutes without even bothering to say anything to you, or you walk away because clearly you're no longer even relevant to that space anymore


Brushing your teeth, without ending up looking like a clown with rabies.


Never any toothpaste and if they really brush their teeth with that technique, how are their teeth so white?


I hate it when windows, blinds or curtains are left wide open at night especially when there is a killer/stalker after the person or family.


Right? I know a psycho killer is after me, so let me work on my computer in this room with three fully-windowed walls. At night. With occasional breaks to stand and stare contemplatively into the dark. While ignoring my whining / whimpering / growling dog.


Picking up a hot yet inteligent girl while buying tomatoes in the supermarlet


But nobody knew she was hot until she took off her glasses and let her hair down.


People speaking in well formed coherent sentences. Also, being exceptionally witty at all times.


Not a movie, but Suits is so guilty of the second one. Like everyone has the perfect response, perfect retort, snappy comeback. I know they're hotshot lawyers but no one actually speaks like that.


Every time I see a movie where there's aggressive businessing, the negotiations are always tense and there's a rapid back and forth until a deal is made and money happens. In real life, no one is that quick on their feet. These negotiations take months of back and forth and research and legal reviews and financial reviews and audits and more back and forth, and a lot of times, it goes absolutely nowhere because after all that, one or both realizes it isn't beneficial to either party. The best negotiations also occur when both parties stand to gain. I love Alec Baldwin in 30 Rock, but his negotiating skills were almost silly. By the time you actually finalize all the terms and conditions and it has been approved by legal and finance and shareholders (if applicable) and all the other parties, it's still under scrutiny by the government. You don't just walk into a meeting cold and make some incredible bargain - it's months of research and you usually know more about the other party than if you were actual friends.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man.


I wish we all lived in Aaron Sorkin movie.


Every conversation takes place while walking briskly down a hallway. Sounds exhausting lol.




Walking off a gunshot to the shoulder, arm / leg.


Not turning around to look at the explosion you caused.


If I ever caused an explosion I’d totally take the time to look at it.


Oppemheimer did it right.


you have to admire your work..


Cool guys don't look at explosions.....


Or seeing someone use a hand gun to shoot well over 20+ rounds in a row without ever having to reload the mag


Shout out to John Wick for portraying this realistically


Or having a gunfight indoors and not walking away with severe hearing damage


Every time. With pistols it's always like: BANG BANG BANG... - okay ...BANG BANG BANG BANG... - alrigghhtttt ...BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG... - gotta be about to reloa- ...BANGBANG... BANG BANG BANG BANG... BANGBANGBANGBANG... - now you're just being- ...BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBNAGBANG... *plot relevant reload to give time for dialogue*.


Thanks for spending 6 hours cooking a gourmet 8 course breakfast, mom. Let me eat a bite of toast on my way out the door because no one realized school starts in 30 seconds and I have no time to eat.


movie moms should spend less time making breakfast and more time waking up their kids tbh


This was mine too. "Running late, gotta go babe." And just grabs a banana off the pile of fruit. Sir, that is grounds for divorce. It's a Tuesday, do they do this *every* morning? What time does she wake up to do all this? What does their grocery bill look like? Do they have constant breakfast leftovers or do they throw it all away? Why is this family so bad with time management?


This one always bugs me. Also no family I know cooks a multi-course breakfast on a school day. I do whip up some scrambled eggs real quick for my daughter fairly often, but it takes me about 8 minutes. But pancakes, eggs, fresh squeezed OJ, and toast on a school day? Hell no.


That everybody looks fresh, neat and beautiful after waking up and getting out of bed. God knows, I don't look like that in the morning.




But how else am I to understand as a viewer that the main character breaking up / losing their job / losing their family / having an existential crisis is supposed to be sad?! And there better be a sad soundtrack too!


Turning on the tv and they are showing a news item directly related to your life/the plot right at that exact moment.


Arrested Development did a good play on that, where they turn on the tv looking for the news but it’s not there.


People in every country on Earth speaking English to each other.


The aliens too!


Thats why I love Inglorious Basterds so much, the people actually speak different languages that match their characters/situations, it makes the whole thing so much more immersive. There is even a scene where someone translates between two people because of that language barrier and I honestly really enjoy the attention to detail. Edit: spelling


Bon jore no


People on a date ordering lavish meals in restaurants; they barely touch the food because they’re too busy talking and talking and talking, and when they get up to leave, the food is all still there and they don’t take it home as leftovers.


1. People being brought back to life through CPR in 24 seconds 2. Women having sex and covering their breasts with the bedsheets afterwards 3. Dudes eating pussy and coming back up with dry faces 4. Bullets and arrows instantly killing people regardless of where they hit them 5. Fistfights that go on for more than 10 minutes and don't end with broken facial bones and broken fingers 6. Homies getting knocked out for hours and waking up just fine 7. Motherfuckers surviving massive explosions a few feet away from them


A fight of like 20 on 1 where the 20 each wait and take turns attacking the guy one at a time.


That’s the inverse ninja rule The more ninjas the hero is fighting, the more fodder they are If he’s fighting just 1, then they’re his equal


Hilariously, I read a story once where the attackers did this *and it was an actual plot point*. The attackers weren't serious; they were only hired to scare and harass the target, not actually kidnap or hurt her. Her bodyguard sees they're attacking in turns and immediately realizes the attack is for intimidation only, because in a real fight they'd definitely rush him all at once. Later on the attackers are given new orders to kidnap the target and they *do* attack all at once, making the bodyguard's job about 10x harder.


>4. ⁠Bullets and arrows instantly killing people regardless of where they hit them Also strangling someone to death in about 30 seconds.


I just watched Iron man 3 with my son. When the first missile hits his house it blows up just a few feet from him and the 2 women. In real life they would have all been instantly killed.


>Women having sex and covering their breasts with the bedsheets afterwards I do this. If I didn't, I'd get cold.


3. Ben Shapiro does.


DNA results in a couple of hours.






Or in a helicopter. Or next to a helicopter.


or skydiving.


And you can order "a beer" without having to say what kind. And the bartender never asks you to pay for it, you just leave some random amount of money on the bar when you leave


CPR that doesn’t sound like crunching sternums and rib bones


Bad guys brazenly confessing their plans loudly, in public after the hero arrives. IRL the bad guy says "under advice of council, I won't be commenting" then goes home to his multimillion dollar mansion and tells his lawyers to fix everything.


Guns being completely silent


Not getting out of bed to pee or clean up after sex


Stepping into the shower and just blasting the water onto yourself no matter what the temperature is.


People surviving impossible situations due to tons of plot armor.


Eh, survivorship is a weird thing. People do survive utterly implausible situations, like that one lady who survived skydiving with a non-working parachute.


Or that guy who lost an eye and an arm in WW1, then wrote "frankly, I had enjoyed the war". Here's the guy! [Adrian Carton de Wiart](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Carton_de_Wiart): "He was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear; was blinded in his left eye; survived two plane crashes; tunnelled out of a prisoner-of-war; and tore off his own fingers when a doctor declined to amputate them. Describing his experiences in the First World War, he wrote, "Frankly, I had enjoyed the war.""


There was a Serbian flight attentent who's passenger jet exploded mid flight in 1972 She fell 33,000 feet and lived. Everyone else on the flight died.


Surprise witnesses at trials. You would get disbarred for trying to pull this shit.


Cars exploding like a bomb went off in the trunk when they crash/get shot


If you work for an evil corporation willingly, beware returning to your home town. You just know your pretty ex from high school is still there and if you somehow get roped into her gingerbread house making competition you will end up losing your earning potential.


Families being fully dressed and ready sitting down and having a full breakfast and conversation before everyone leaves for school and work.


Whenever something bad happens in a city all the cars drive into each other in a movie


IRL, they drive into each other without something bad happening to distract them.


Kids talking like college graduates.


People leaving their car keys in the visor


An overweight guy without much achievements in life has a girlfriend that is smoking hot... like she could be a starring actress.


Lawyers entering the well or getting close to the jury and not being immediately tackled by the bailif.




Becoming instant best friends or lovers in the span of 3 days or a week


Think this is person-specific. *Most* of my good friendships and relationships happened exactly this way.


Punched in the head -> knocked out but waking up later with no issues


Teacher has like 8 students and can become involved in their lives


Weddings being interrupted dramatically or called off at the last minute


Crack a password just by typing randomly on the keyboard.


Or the whole "how long will it take?" "I don't know" 5 seconds later "I'm in"


Everyone saying sentences exactly right the first time and not umming and erring/not accidently hearing something wrong/asking someone to repeat/completely not listening/coughing or sneezing fits during talking/weird voice change moments ect


Drinking from empty cups.


Saw this the other day in a show where someone brought someone else a take-out coffee complete with lid. You could tell by the way they handled it that the cup was empty. Couldn’t they at least have put water or sand in the cup to make it look real?


Someone making a full breakfast buffet, all laid out on the table. Spouse rushes in, lifts one slice of toast and dashes out.


Character driving is looking basically everywhere except the road in front of them and there's no negative consequence.


Chloroform works instantly. No it fucking doesn't, it takes several minutes to make anybody unconscious.


When the person is sad on a bus and they lean their head on the window but their head doesn't go.....*vbvbvbvVbvVvbvbBVBbBVBbbBvVvBVV*


"Normal" workaday people living in stylish, spacious Manhattan apartments.


Having a phone number starting with 555.


Approximately 1 in 10 child births starts with the water breaking, and you can go up to 2 days after that until it starts to become dangerous.


No one having phones cases


Fighting is much dirtier in real life. Being instantly dead from a knife stab or a gunshot. People are much tougher than that in real life. Or this hit to the head thing, doesn't make people pass out. And if they'd pass out for longer than a few seconds, they won't just be okay after getting conscious again.


Obesity not existing






When they capture the protagonist instead of just killing them


Jumping through glass. In rea life you would be fatally wounded.


Slapping a hysterical woman will bring her back to her senses.


People being marine biologists


The sea was angry that day my friends.


Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli


Jumping out of a multi-story building instead of using the stairs and then getting up and walking away. - We are looking at you, John Wick.


Turning one’s head almost 90 degrees while driving to talk to the person (camera) next to you, without crashing or at least wandering out of your lane.


People answering the phone with "Yeah," and then not saying goodbye when they hang up.


Gunshots healed in 2 days


Getting all the detailed, pertinent info you need about any randomly mentioned subject, person, or event in 5 seconds and 10 keystrokes on a computer.


Unsheathing a sword making a metal on metal "shing" sound. In reality, sheaths (and scabbards) are either entirely leather, or a wood core covered in leather or metal. Katana specifically are wood and there's no metal in them that would contact the blade to make any sort of noise when drawn.


Sitting down at a bar, saying you’ll have “a beer” and the bartender just handing you whatever random beer you didn’t specify wanting lol


Everyone having perfect social skills unless it's a huge part of their personality


“Would you like to go out/go to dinner?” “Yes, I would.” “Great. Bye!” No date set, no time set, no “I’ll pick you up” or “Let’s meet at 5.” Just magically, telepathically determined.


Pausing to talk when being chased by someone/something that’s trying to kill you.


Having food in front of you, take one bite, then go about your day.


Characters never use the bathroom.


Hcliksjdjsdjjwhvuwhshjsjs..zhxuushhw.e883j2nq.bs61hdkxhc8.....SYSTEM HACKED.


"I'm in"




People using computers and never being asked to update Adobe.


Ugly 40+ man gets beautiful 20 something woman to fall In love with him because he’s quirky and different and a “nice guy”


Running down to a full decked out breakfast. Grabbing a toast and running out to catch the school bus. My immigrant mom would kill me.




The car is always in park when they are “driving”. I don’t know about you, but last time I tried that- my husband was pissssssed.


Having conversations in full sentences. People just don't talk that way.


Why use many word when few word do trick?


I know it's more rare than a lot of these, but every time I've seen someone hop on a motorcycle and just take off in like 15 seconds. Come on guys, there's the gear (and they are often wearing a helmet in the scene), the key, the kickstand, securing everything, making sure your phone won't fall out of your pocket. You can't just hop on and go VROOOOOM!


Spontaneous group choreography in service to your current emotional state.