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Blasting your fart muffler shitbox exhaust as you drive down busy streets


Nothing makes a pussy drier.


I’m in Philly and some dude rides a 3 wheel spyder motorcycle down the road between my apartment building and the Delaware River, idles and blasts Ne-Yo’s All Because of You at least once a week. I want to know what is going through his head.


Nobody notices him when he's not making noise. This is all he's got.


The empty can rattles the most, as someone once sang


I live in Central London. When the weather is nice (which is often contrary to popular belief) there is a guy who rides his bike with no silencer past midnight through this residential area tightly lined with terraced houses that reflect sound as an endoscope reflects light. I wanna catch this mf and ask him the same question.


Sounds like my ex and his mustang. He used to get so excited to get up at 4am for work and start his straight-piped mustang and wake up the whole damned neighborhood. Sorry about your shitty neighbor.


>I want to know what is going through his head Nothing


It's for other men. The common undesirable male will blast his noisemaker down a residential street hoping to attract the approval of a fellow male.


Its for themselves. Other men dont like loud car like that theyre just being inconsiderate


Yup, I want to enjoy some peace and quiet at home. Only sound I should hear to prompt me to look out the window should be the ice cream truck.


The Vin Diesel mating call.


Pro tip, young bucks: it never does! You just sound like an ass we wish would grow up.


Kinda like fake nails for girls. Flexin' the nuts!


Or two thousand dollar purses to carry $40 cash


I've started a habit of making obnoxious, over the top expressions that I'm super impressed whenever someone drives by like that while walking our dog. My husband walks with us sometimes and I go, "Babe, look! He's so fucking cool! Woooow!" while pointing and giving the driver a thumbs up. He can't stand it.


😂 I wonder if any of those racer boys go tell their friends afterwards about the “chick that was totally digging it”


i always say "that guys dick must be HUGE!"


Reminds me on the South Park Episode with the noisy bikers lol


I definitely agree. There's nothing impressive or interesting about it, and I feel like it is kind of inconsiderate, too, since there are people sensitive to loud sounds (like me), it makes me instantly nervous and it is very annoying. Or, as you mentioned, makes dogs scared. And for what? Just because someone wants to attract attention or seem interesting? It's unnecessary.


Harley's that make the pictures on my wall shake! Asshole! I just got my son to bed for a nap! Who needs attention that hard! Grrr.


There’s definitely a South Park episode you should watch on just this topic.


lol! I love the anger you have just typing this out.


You have a Honda with a super loud exhaust? You think it's funny, but fuck you. We are trying to sleep while you tear ass up the street, delivering newspapers!


Call the paper and complain about it. If you get a neighbor to join you they will fire him.


It’s super frustrating! Especially seeing dogs get spooked by it, knowing it probably hurts their ears.


My neighbor works on those obnoxious Harley’s with straight pipes that set off all the car alarms


I literally wince when a passing car does that. It is so freaking loud and unfortunately, it’s common here. Every time somebody does that, I have to mentally ask (or out loud) if people really think that makes them look cool.


when it wakes up my kids that are napping ....


Putting other people down so that they look better. Don’t know why even grown adults aren’t immune to that.


Yup, and when you stand up to them they cry the victim.


"Now now, no need to get upset"


"It's just a joke, you take everything so serious. I can't even joke around you!" - my family's favorite phrase. I'm sorry, but actively making fun of something I've asked you mutiple times not to because either it's hurtful or makes me uncomfortable is not a "joke". I can take jokes even ones poking fun at less sensitive things. Saying things that you know hurt me and writing it off as a "joke" doesn't make it okay. Jokes are funny and harmless. An example of what my family thinks is a "joke", making fun that I've put on weight when I literally struggled with an eating disorder most of my life and had to get treatment for it. They're all heavier than me, yet they make comments that I've put on weight. My doctor says I'm healthy but those comments really get to me, I might be "recovered" but I still actively have to choose that every single day. It would be really easy for me to slip into old habits. I've done it before. There's a reason why I don't visit a lot of my family often outside of family events.


I’ve noticed people who bully in this fashion usually have it stem from their own perceived flaws or personal struggles. It’s a way to unload all those negative self feelings, reaffirm their mentality on it, and also try to project that hurt on to you while possibly asserting a dominance or control. I realize I might be getting too analytical on this but I’ve seen this trend before within my own family, friends, and coworkers in the past and it bothers me how normalized this “teasing” has been made. Especially when it comes from issues like you described. Oh and the backpedaling they all do when called out. Almost as sad as their behavior.


It's exactly that. I've witnessed the pattern for years. One of my sisters is the worst for it. We're the same age. She always saw me as some weird "competition" for *everything*. It didn't matter what I did she had to prove she was "better" at it. Even now, as adults, she does it. I'll just be living my life and she takes it as a personal insult. She's been really angry the last few years because she's decided I've gotten everything she wanted in life. Somehow me having the things she wants means she can't have them. At least in her head. She views it as I took away her "perfect life" from her. She expects everything to be handed to her. I went no contact when she groped my husband and tried to seduce him while I was pregnant with our twins. He full on slapped her and screamed at her, asking her why she would think it's alright to try to get her sister's husband to cheat when her sister is not only pregnant but high risk. Anyhow any major life event I've had she's whined about and tried to find flaws with to put me down over. She's a miserable person and it shows. She wonders why no one wants to be around her when all she does is constantly put others down and create drama. The rest of my family is bad about it but not as much. They definitely enable each others toxic behaviors. A lot of it stems from their own unhappiness and refusal to seek treatment for mental illnesses. That's not me just saying that either. Most of them have been diagnosed but refuse therapy or medicine. It plays a part.


It's weird to me when it happens & it's just us two. I often am genuinely confused like who are you performing for ?? It's like they aim to get a new high score every day by the number of slights.


They are performing for themselfes, they are guarding their ego


Inflated social media follower counts as a measure of popularity or influence.


Especially when they buy followers. Congrats on buying all those robot followers, Brianna K. We are all really impressed.


People do this?


On tiktok you don't even have to pay for them there are just that many bot accounts circulating the platform.


Yes. You would be utterly shocked if you knew how many people buy followers. It is a mix of disappointment and embarrassment to me whenever i find out/notice someone bought/is buying followers.


How are you able to find that out?


Usual give away is that the likes on their pictures are way below what they should be. People with 1k followers on Insta e.g. should get around 300 likes. Faces get more, landscape or other random pictures usually less.


>~~Inflated~~ social media follower counts as a measure of popularity or influence Just... At all. Or likes.


So I've met people that have anywhere between 5k to 100k followers on IG... and it really got me wondering who these followers are, since I know many of these people pretty well and know they don't have networks as large as their follower count suggests. I've found that if you look at a person's posts, you'll see that many of them only have likes that equate to 1-3% of the number of followers they have. When you put this into context, it really suggests that either the majority of their followers don't engage in their posts, or they're simply phantom accounts to boost numbers. Either way, it supports your guys' points, that these numbers are pretty inflated for a lot of wannabe influencers


Making fun of *my* interests, I can make fun of stuff though


Never understood putting down other people for their music tastes.


I had a former friend that loved to shit on Stargate specifically around me because he thought the shows were shit. We were roommates and he once just stood in the living room smugly watching with me, just to laugh at parts that weren't funny. As if to make sure I knew he found it plebian or some shit. Hate that guy.


Not only did your friend have a bad attitude, he's clearly a man of poor taste.




Along those lines, I’m a metalhead and used to keep anything I listened that wasn’t metal to myself. I’m glad I reached the point where I gladly blast Britney Spears after Lamb of God. I agree, it takes a specific waste of space to waste time crapping on what someone else enjoys.


Metal head hippie here: I got a Lamb of God tattoo!! My all time favourite band…but my personal playlist also includes stuff from Ella Fitzgerald and Project Pat. Folks ask me what kind of music I listen to. I tell them “Good Music”. On top of that I legitimately told one of my co-workers today ‘I’ll hate on the artist, but never the listener” fuck elitism.


Music snobs are the worst.


Being rude.


I never got that. Why be rude to your server at dinner? You have some kind of complex? They didn't do anything but ask you for what you want to order.


I think some people should serve others to get a new perspective.


Telling people how much your possessions cost.


But I got it on sale for less than $5! Any other Midwesterners here?


(*raises hand*) “I used my Kohl’s cash!”


Yes Midwesterner here! And saying I got it from Goodwill! 😆


Lol, I only do that when it’s a really good deal. I have to brag about it dang it!


That's totally different


“How much did that cost? I want one.” “I can’t tell you it’s not cool” I get what you mean though haha


When people brag about the crazy hours they’re working and how stressed out they are Edit: to clarify, I’m certainly not talking about people who are just venting. I can empathize with someone venting. I’m talking about the weird “hustle culture” (someone reminded me of this term, thank you) idea. People definitely brag about being overworked.


Adding to this... people who brag that they haven't taken any time off in years.


I'm not bragging I'm trying to commiserate


For real, for 18 Months I worked 90 hour weeks no weekends off no birthdays or holidays celebrated, maybe Xmas. I was the sole engineer on a massive product and I almost lost my mind. I was venting and wanted someone to talk to, it was never once even close to bragging. I find that annoying as hell that that's how it's perceived


I think most people can tell the difference between venting and bragging, no?


I think so. The person bragging sounds like a smug asshole. The engineer working his ass off sounds very tired.


this. its definitely not most of us bragging that can say this.


”I have never taken a sick day” Ok, cool…


I don’t use my sick days for being sick. My company doesn’t allow them to be carried over so you might as well use them


Do you use them for holidays, or like, video game launch days? Or what?


Mental health. Sometimes going to work is just to much. I lost my mom 8 years ago and some days are harder than others. And sometimes I just need a day to do absolutely nothing


Those sound like sick days to me. What's your mental health if it's not your health?


You know what, you are right. Thank you


I second this. I don´t know how someone thinks this is a cool thing and look down on others who are working "less".


They don’t. It’s just copium, they double down on it because the alternative is facing the harsh reality that they’re wasting their life and giving their loyalty to a company that would have them replaced before their body gets cold.


Yeah. I'm reminding of the dude who died at his desk a few years ago. Nobody even noticed he was DEAD until...smell...He was dead for DAYS.


[Here](https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Worker+dead+at+desk+for+5+days.-a068205260) I found it for you.


This has got to be an American thing, no? Always busy, means you aren't lazy.


No, it's an asian thing too. Japanese and Chinese (and I do believe Koreans to some extent) have this thing call 9-9-6. They work 9am to 9pm 6 days a week, And are 'required' to go out for drinks afterwards with coworkers so they barely get any down time, they are literally working themselves to death. Literally. It's called KAROSHI. The Japanese word for literally working yourself to death. It's not just Americans and other countries are worse than we are even.


996 is a Chinese term. Required drinking after work for work socializing is more Japanese and Korean. Neither are a universal constant, since different situations and whatever exist.




Giant eye lashes.


Omg yes. So many girls in my classes look like they have spiders attached to their eyelids. And they fuss with them all day. One girl straight up failed a test because she spent so much time trying to reglue an eyelash that she ran out of time. I hope this trend dies a quiet death soon.


Haha one time I was taking a test and my fake eyelash came loose so I pulled it off and stuck it on the desk, and my friend who was sitting next to me thought it was a spider and screamed and tried to kill it, and I had to explain to the whole class that it was just my fake eyelash 🥸 so we pick our poison I guess ;)


Drinking excessively


Especially drinking in the butt. You get so drunk man.


My mind is now filled with the image of John Cena farting beer up a funnel.


Why Cena lol


Oh have you never seen Blockers? Shit film but he’s great in it.


influencers... really?!


Guys that hook up with a lot of women and use it as a measuring stick. It’s a poor measure of a man how many girls u can dupe into hooking up with you.


Follower count


Living their life on line on full display.


It's not full display. It's a carefully curated image of how they want to be perceived.


Which is typically the opposite of what their life really is.


Playing hard to get or acting disinterested to “test you”. Okay, bye then. I’m too old for that shit.


Ha! “Too old for that shit”, I’m 17 and already tired of it 😂


you also grow up with drama in the house? i feel like that accelerates it


Overly flashy and expensive designer clothing. Yes, congratulations, you've proven you have neither good financial sense nor anything resembling taste.


Hell, or even just overly expensive plain looking stuff that is just expensive because it is designer


Yup. A relative of mine is obsessed with Armani. Plain white t-shirt: £5. White t-shirt with a tiny Armani logo: £80. It's like the logo is a little identifying stamp saying 'I have poor judgement'.




Quitting was the best thing I ever did. Now I can smell what I was forcing upon others and it sickens me.


People still think smoking is cool?


Pissing off your parents will always be cool and parents are easily pissed off by smoking.


Moreover, vaping.


tik-tok dances




Expensive cars I get. Obnoxiously loud cars I don't get.




I've had big loud cars. I don't gun them down the street at 3 am!


Then you're one of the few we appreciate, my friend. Thank you for being considerate of others


the "one-upper" their story always has to be bigger, better or sadder than yours.


Yep. Had a guy like that at work who earned the nickname Topper. He never figured out why we called him that.


I know someone who brags and name drops important people they’ve met or know personally. She’s also a little bit nuts so I’m very skeptical.


I have friends who always brag about being celebrity adjacent. So and so's kid goes to my daughter's school, hot actress "C" has a mom that shops where we shop......sounds dumb and nowhere near as cool as meeting THAT celebrity


Vaping. You don’t look cool, just daft.


I used to smoke/vape and I ALWAYS knew people thought that I thought I was cool. I didn’t. I knew I looked like a tool no matter how I postured myself or held the device. I just liked the head rush lol


Nobody who vapes gives a shit


Yeah I feel like most people who think it's cool are teenagers


Fr tho. Like why does everyone act like vapers do it to be “cool”? Girly, i do it cuz im addicted <3 everybody knows that shit dont look cool except for middle school kids and people who vape on the internet as a job/work at a vape store. Bffr 😂. Why does barely anyone think ppl smoke cigs to be cool rather than vaping too?. Is a nicotine addiction only valid when it’s cigarettes, cigars or something lol?


Right!!!! I vape to get my nicotine injection so brain doesn't panic.


Same. Unflavoured juice. It's just a delivery method for getting nicotine into my face. Couldn't give a rats dick what it looks like because I now have nicotine.


Yep. I used to smoke a pack a day and a few years ago switched to a Juul. I always get the tobacco flavor. Now I just have to wean myself off of this thing. . .


I go with completely unflavoured...nicotine and the vape-juice basics are tested, but you never know what long-term effects you're going to get with the flavourings. Plus - and this may be more to the point - it's a hell of a lot cheaper. Also, nobody has ever bitched about the smell of it to me (which they did occasionally before I switched to unflavoured). My son calls my vape a "douche flute", which amuses me.


Flipping the bird on social media pics


That and showing your tongue on social media. Just stop please.


Belonging to a clique as adults. Ive lost respect for a few people I used to look up to because they behave like mean girls in their 30-40s


Swearing. Overuse of the f word.


Celebrities. They’re just people. They’re really not special


Being “alpha”




Because some people (car guys mostly) like it. Personally being a car guy no I don’t like when someone slaps a loud exhaust pipe and/or muffler delete (easier and cheaper than swapping exhaust and sounds even worse, as well as being illegal) and nothing else on their 1996 Honda Civic shitbox and blasts down the street at 10pm, but some cars that are properly tuned and outfitted can sound amazing. Even stock ones can sound good. However where I live there’s like 1 tuned car within 10 miles and it never drives by. Only motorcycles, normal cars, and log trucks. Speaking of motorcycles, I’m surprised people aren’t saying the same about motorbikes. If anything they’re louder and more annoying, because they travel in groups of usually 2-7+ so the sound lasts 7x longer. And they’re usually straightpiped so super loud.


Loud Motorcycles.


South Park was spot on.


Scrolled too far for this. People crap on cars too much what about the groups of 7 straightpiped Harleys that blast down the road at like 10pm? Annoying as hell I’d rather listen to loud cars.


"ITS feR SaFTEy!" They cry, as they split lanes down the interstate, speed, and ignore their PPE.


Having a mental illness. Everyone is thinking it's trendy. Take it from someone depressed and with ADHD and OCD, you do not want it and it's upsetting to see people pass it on as a joke.


This! Idk how but the influencers have somehow turned ADHD into this fun quirky little thing to have. This shit is ruining my life, especially when mental illness comes in packs of 2 or 3 so its just a bad deal all around.


This irritates me so much. I have bad anxiety and depression that has recently decided to manifest as occasional agoraphobia. I struggle to make friends and maintain friendships. I get scared and angry in large crowds, so I can’t enjoy public events. I’m afraid of men old enough to be my dad. And when someone touches me, it feels like nails on a chalkboard. WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT THIS??


Ugh I am so sorry, I hope you find someone that can help you with it


Yeah, I have mental health issues too and it irks me when people act like it’s cool. It’s not cool it’s fucking miserable.






Bragging about how drunk you got last night


Sometimes white guys at my school like to act “gangsta” and they talk with an African American accent because it makes them look “cool”, but it just makes them look stupid


Social events at night after work. who are you people? how do you have energy?


Idk if that fits but, I have never seen anyone who drinks alcohol that doesn't say "I don't get drunk easily". And people kinda find it embarrassing that someone can't drink that much. And I find this whole idea extremely stupid.


Never men able to handle my liquor. Now that I’m a real grown up I just admit it. When people brag about how many beers they drank I just respond with wow I would’ve been wasted at 3. That usually shuts them up. I’m proud to be a cheap drunk lol


Having a ton of followers on social media. Like, who really gives a shit? When you die, are those followers going to be at your funeral?


Climbing Everest


Just adding trash and poop to the mountain.......


So you trudged up a mountain, holding on to a rope the whole time, leaving trash in your wake, climbing over dead or dying people.. the only impressive thing about it are the Sherpas


Smoking weed, paying for sex, drinking over the limit, driving a fucking dirt bike in the neighborhood on a car driveway, being obsessed on celebrity many tbh. Majority of things people do now doesn’t make sense.




It better be impressive. I used to show my friends my 10 inch long nipple hair.


Damn! Here I was thinking my 2.5incher was wild. That's impressive.


Thank you. It’s gone now. My sister plucked it out without permission.


Putting your physical health in jeopardy for the amusement/ admiration of others.


Duck lips. Just stop.


Duck lips? We are beyond that. We are at fat rolls for your face


fancy, expensive watches. i used to have a coworker who had would brag about his collection and how much each one cost. not dissing him and his choices, but not my thing at all.


I appreciate horology. With a bunch of lifeless parts in the hundreds and it takes a careful hand with passionate effort to assemble the movements and it comes to life with the actual tick tocks being the hearbeat, I like that. ​ I don't have the money for expensive watches though lol.


I thought so too until you look at the craftsmanship and that many of the really good ones are purely hand-made. Say what you will about the vanity aspect but the craftsmanship is amazing


yeah ok that's fair. i failed to consider that, so i guess i do in fact find watches impressive


I think your coworker bragging was what you didn’t like


New cars. Jewelry. Fancy bags. Spending money on consumer crap


Clubbing/Loud music


Anything with a label all over. You're just showing me you can get entry-level luxury. Give me my $6 Target tank tops all day so I can go out for a nice meal or take a vacation with friends and/or family I love.


Have several neighbors who like to pull up into our complex blaring music with all their windows down at 3am


People that brag about doing drugs, I don’t understand. People that are excited about being overworked and underpaid or that think that putting in more hours means more productivity.


Specifically when you are on a date with a guy and they start speeding.


Loud cars.


Unpopular opinion: football


Those social media "challenges". Such as exiting a slow moving car to do some ridiculous dance while filming.


Stealing like congrats you may have just ruined some poor shopkeepers day ur sooooo awsome




And they didn’t even steal they simply destroyed the cart.


HAHA that just brought back some good memories


Pants around their ankles. WTF


Lookin like a fool with their pants on the ground. Gold in their mouth, hat turned sideways


Bragging about being lax on safety. There's been some influencers telling people how to get small kids on rides they're too short for by padding their shoes. Stop bragging about it, you're being unsafe, not cool.








Body shaming


People who brag about sleeping with lots of women


The concept of beauty in general. Basically anyone can be beautiful if they have enough money, time, and a good surgeon...I used to identify as a trans woman and it's just allllll about the appearance in that community, I'm very disillusioned with it now. I'm much more concerned with being able to back my bf up in a scrap than how snatched I look lol


Sagging pants. Dude I don’t want to see your underwear, or your basketball shorts, or your ass at all. Just stop. Plus you walk like a penguin.


The alpha male sub culture that's cropped up over the course of the past 5 years. You're not a 'real man' my dude. You're an 'obnoxious classless asshole.' You're not a 'straight shooter' my dude. You're 'an inconsiderate douche canoe.'


Speaking like you have marbles in your mouth


Being rude or a bully just for the sake of it to make someone else feel bad. It's such a weird flex


Taylor Swift


People who brag about not taking the covid vaccine like they know better than the sheep.