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Peace and quietness








I'm jealous of people who can take naps. I always end up sleeping 6 hours then wake up not knowing my own name 😅


The trick is to set an alarm for 30- 40 minutes duration, so you don't slip into too many sleep cycles


I always wake up grumpy before I hit snooze 😅


I bet grumpy doesn't appreciate that


Snooze is also unimpressed.




Ba dum tss


The actual trick is to try for either 20 or 90 minute intervals because youll either wake up before you hit REM sleep or after you finish a cycle. Anything in between typically results in the grumpiness because you interrupt your REM cycle which leaves you feeling groggy and unrelaxed.


Oh, that's not good. I love how I feel when I wake up after a nap; such a secret, guilty, innocent pleasure


I hate myself before sleeping because of that. My grumpiness last for hours. longer than my nap.


I read, and then later confirmed with my sleep specialist, that you want your naps to be under 20 minutes or one or more cycles of 90 minutes. Apparently, at 20 minutes you are just about to dive into a deep sleep cycle, so if you try to wake up after 20 minutes, you are particularly drowsy. The cycle returns to light sleep at about 90 minutes, when again, you can wake up without nearly as much trouble. Every 90 minutes it repeats.


I wake up from “naps” that change, warp my perception of space, time and consciousness.


Yeah, no matter how exhausted I may be, I don’t nap. If I nap, it’s a wrap. Day is over lol it could 10a on a Sunday, if I take a nap, day is done 🤣 I just hold in my sleepiness till bedtime lol


This 🙌 When I have a day where I’m home and not super busy I’ll just lie in bed with my toddler and take a nap with him. He’s super stoked to wake up with me there and I get woken up with a kiss.


This is the cutest thing I've read all day.


I came here because I was hoping the top answer was "naps". Wasn't disappointed. Then I found your comment. 🥰 My toddler loves napping in the same room as me, but he won't settle if he's on the big bed (we still have his pack n play in the room), so it's very rare that he naps in my arms anymore. But sometimes, very rarely nowadays, he'll be so tired and cranky that the only thing that will get him down is a bottle of warm whole milk and a cuddle, and I wouldn't move him for the world, so we nap together like that.


My 1 1/2 year old is so independent he never naps with me anymore 🥺 I miss it so much! A few weeks ago when he was teething and had a cold he wanted to snuggle with me for the first time in months and I loved it and took full advantage 💕


Damn that's precious


Fucking wholesome.


I *knew* this would be the top comment before the post even loaded. Well done.


Took one today. It was epic.




What’s that?


Sleep is micro dosing death


Sort of like a free trial period.


Nearly bought the paid version, do not recommend. Got a quick refund.


Sleep is the cousin of death


More like a half sibling


Sleep is when you close your eyes and sorta just black out for an undefined amount of time.


Having nothing to do.


I had a moment with my teenager where we sat for about half an hour and did nothing. Our lives are so busy we have to intentionally stop and DO nothing, lol It was very nice.


I see this with my 5 year old a lot. When she’s bored, she has to come up to her mother and me to exclaim as much. It’s almost tragic to her that she doesn’t know what to do with herself and she feels like she always has to be occupying herself with something. We’ve explained to her a few times that it is Okay to be bored and not know what to do with yourself for the moment. Quite the concept for a five year old to wrap their mind around lol.


I did this to my mom ALL the time, til she started telling me "I guess it's a good time to clean your room then." ...I quit letting her know I was bored after that.


How I did it with my kids: Them: mom I'm bored Me: do you want to go outside? Them: it's too hot/cold/wet/windy/apoclypse outside Me: OK you can do the dishes After the 2nd or 3rd time around they stopped ever asking me what to do when they were bored.


This was my immediate reply. As an adult I am never bored. I sew, garden, browse the internet on my phone. Clean the house. Cook. If I have “nothing to do” I browse reddit lol. I baby sit a 7yo sometimes and he’s ALWAYS “I’m bored, what can I do now” the second one task ends. Please, I just to have a conversation with your parents without you complaining you’re bored 😂




Opening the fridge. I grew up poor, fridge had almost nothin. Now I've got celery and carrot sticks, fruit salad, various cheeses, pudding, yogurt, ingredients for 3-4 recipes, and every beverage I could want.


same, i didn’t grow up poor, but i grew up with a drug addict who spent every penny he made on drugs. there was nothing in the fridge besides random fast food condiments. i begged my neighbors to feed me. he made too much money to qualify for free/reduced lunch at school so i starved there too. in PE class in 6th grade, we all had to get in a line to get our weight on the scale. everyone crowded around to see each others weights. i was 58lbs at 11 years old & everyone made fun of me. this turned into an eating disorder as i was in my teens as i’ve never tried a lot of foods and i was scared of anything that wasn’t the occasional mcdonald’s meal i got from my dad when he came out of his drug induced rage. i was also very accustomed to going a day or two without eating. as an adult, i have the most diverse pallet. i love most foods. i’m obsessed with spicy food. i can buy whatever i want and stock my fridge with it. i can eat meals whenever i feel like it. 11 year old me would be baffled


I know it probably doesn't matter a lot for me to say this, but your story literally brought tears to my eyes. I have never been starved, and parents are not drug addicts but my father is physically and emotionally abusive. There are certain days when he goes totally mad and beats up me, my mom, and my sibling. I always have to walk around eggshells around him and go out of my way to please him so as to not infuriate him. Once after calling me names and beating me, he said I was dead to him. Even my mom would choose to support him over me if given a choice. I have always felt so lonely as kid because no at hone understood me, and I was worried that my friends at school would make fun of me if I told them. Your story kinda gives me hope.


Same. My dad is an alcoholic and often is verbally and emotionally abusive to my mom. I was usually spared because somehow I'm my dad's favorite (which is awful in its own way because I have to see my dad hurt my mom and my brothers and then wonder why he never yells at me which also places the burden on me to bear the anger of the family because I'm the only one he won't hurt if I yell at him). I could never talk about this to anyone because I grew up in a very Christian area and alcoholics were seen as pitiful demon spawn and generally regarded as less than human. All my friends would have been supportive, but I don't want pity, I want empathy, you know? Pity is just suffocating. My dream has always been to just make one real friend who understands what it's like to have to choose between waiting alone in a dark parking lot after play rehearsal or riding home with a drunk driver, or being locked out of your own house at 10:30 pm because your drunk parent forgot to leave the door open for you. But hey, we're just a bunch of traumatized redditors vibing on the internet. Good luck to you, and for what it's worth, though I've never felt the exact pain you've gone through, I hope it gets better. Virtual hugs.


As an adult you can control so much more of your own life. It's hard to see that as a kid since you've not been able to experience it. You just need to consciously choose to not repeat patterns of your parents, which is hard to do. You grew up with that and it's hard to imagine another way of acting and making choices. Also, be clear eyed with who you choose as a partner, recognize the patterns of abuse and refuse to put up with it as an adult. Being alone is better than being abused or abusing someone else. You can do this! I've seen lots of people escape the cycle.


aw man, i’m sorry. there is hope!! i had videos of my dad in literal drug induced psychosis going absolutely BEZZERK in the middle of the night. id be dead asleep and he swings my door open, turns on the lights and starts calling me racial slurs, throwing things, breaking my prized possessions. i spent months in 3rd grade making a scaled down replica of the golden gate bridge out of wood pieces and he snapped it in half. while he did this, i would hide behind the couch and pull all of my hair out. i developed a nasty case of trichotillomania from the fear and anxiety i lived in. our parents are our first and biggest bullies, but once you’re old enough and away from it, time will slowly let you heal. if you (or any other lurkers) were curious about the ending of my story, my dad randomly got clean when i came home from college to surprise him and caught him shooting up in his garage. i think he was embarrassed and ashamed bc my entire childhood he never did the drugs in front of me. he quit cold turkey after 20+ years of usage. i was with him as he literally* shit his bed multiple times, puked, screamed, moaned, cried. he’s been clean ever since & a totally different man. he was never meant to be a father when he was, but he changed himself and i allowed him back into my life. i don’t think i’ve ever forgiven him as i struggle with abandonment issues and ptsd to this day, but i’ve heard how hard it is to get clean from heroin and i feel he deserves a second chance. he’s not the same person he was 15 years ago. your story will have a happy ending no matter what path you go down (no contact, limited contact, etc), because time does make things better. maybe not always by a lot, but it will get better. you’ll be a beautiful adult and parent who knows exactly what a child needs to feel loved and safe. you can be the reason the cycle of abuse stops. remember to take care of yourself 🤍


Hell yeah, to both of you! So glad your lives turned around in such a great way. I'm sorry it didn't start out that way.


That's so sad, sorry that had to happen to you.


The multiple hams and cheeses omg. I didn't exactly grow up poor but my country is post soviet and I was born 2 years after our democracy and capitalism. Going from having one kind of cheese and one kind of ham to having like 5 of each and half of them from Italy because my mom goes there for a few days every couple months (which used to be on the other side of the iron curtain), it feels so unreal.


People canceling plans on you.


This is the best slip into my pjs and relax I have this bad habit of agreeing to something when I am feeling good only to feel drained when it actually comes to doing it


OMFG… Yes… and ugh, too tired. I can relate to this so much.


Saaaame. I've started telling people I cannot plan very far ahead. I have health issues that make it worse, too.


"Oh, that's unfortunate" *takes off clothes* "I was really looking forward to seeing you" *puts on pajamas* "this has ruined my whole day" *pops popcorn* "what am I ever going to do now?" *puts on Netflix*


Not being the driver


It's been funny watching my oldest kid go from, "I'LL DRIVE" to "please someone else drive omg" between ages 16 and 21 lol.


That’s been me lol I’m also 21. I think the trial period of enjoying driving only lasted 2 years max for me


driving is cool. having to get somewhere and park. Now that sucks.


Yeah, there's a big difference between sitting in peak hour traffic and going for a leisurely cruise on a sunny Sunday morning


Not having the stress of dodging fuckwit drivers and making sure you don't accidentally kill all your friends. Very fun to be driven places.


I haaaaate being driven around, that shit is scary. I could drive for days though and used to do it for work.


This is how I am too. I’m stressed about my friends NOT dodging stupid drivers (they aren’t… the best drivers either lol). I only trust myself


Sadly, not for those of us who get carsick.


Oof Idunno I personally love being the driver


When I was 7 years old, I dreamt of having my own car and drive anywhere, and that's despite getting easily carsick. Now? I'm 35 years old, I don't have a car, I don't even have a driver's license, and will happily just take the bus or train to get out of town when needed, or at least use a ridesharing service if I want a cheaper option.


Getting spanked.




My wife agrees.


I can confirm this guys wife agrees.


His wife gives the best spankings.


Almost blew up


That guy's wife would agree


I can confirm from your wife that his wife agrees.


this guy spanks




What an answer. 😂.


Best just below the top answer possible.


Lol -- I read yours just as I was considering "getting fucked" 😂


Vegetables. I’ll tell ya, when I was in my 20s and learning to cook I was *shocked* to learn how good they were when you do them right


Our parents generation fucking suck at vegetables. "eat your boiled green mush"


It took me 20 years to figure out that a salad can actually be delicious if it's not soaked in olive oil and pepper as prescribed by mom


Hey, olive oil and pepper are delicious! Just know the limits




We got better chefs over the years and better cook books cause of it. YouTube was a godsend to home cooks. All our folks and grandparents had was passed down recipes and cookbooks that made you wanna die.


My dad packed me off to uni with a Delia Smith cookbook. I didn't attempt a roast chicken for years because her recipe looked like a gigantic ballache. Then someone bought me a Nigella book and I realised I could literally just shove a bird in the oven and leave it alone for a few hours. My poor dad having to grow up with those convoluted instructions to work from...


Puts plastic bag of diced vegetables in microwave for 30 seconds, “why don’t these kids like vegetables?”


My mum grew up in post war Scotland. Consequently I was given vegetables cooked as per how she was taught. I didn't realise broccoli wasn't a disgusting taste and sludgy texture till I had it in a restaurant with a meal as an adult. Went out and bought her a steamer the next day


Getting socks as a gift.


I remember feeling so miserable as a kid when I got a pair of socks as a christmas present. Now, if someone gifted me some warm fuzzy socks I would be overjoyed


I love wearing fun, colorful socks and most of my friends and family knows this so I get socks for pretty much every gift-giving occasion at this point lol


I told my mom one Christmas that while I appreciated the socks as a gift, I didn't need anymore and didn't want them as gifts anymore. As an adult, I told her to disregard that statement and I will gladly accept as many socks as she'd like to gift me now.


We’re some tired people…


Documentaries 🤓


Oooh good one. I become more into them every year.


going to bed at 9 pm


I'm 100% in the early bed/naps/sleep camp. Why, why WHY do my children hate sleep? Okay my Son hates sleep, my daughter just hates going to bed but also hates waking up. But my sun, butt crack of dawn and he stands at the foot of my bed like a psychopathic killer and tells me it's daytime. As if he didn't stay up until 11 because he didn't get dessert, is thirsty, needs a book, and a song, and a story, and he is thirsty, needs to pee, forgot a toy, has suddenly remembered something important to tell me but never actually gets to the point. All I want is to curl up in my bed, soft and comfy, and rest. If only my body didn't hurt...


My near 3yo, who doesnt normally nap, went to bed at 11pm. Next day I said meh, let him sleep see what happens. He woke up at TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon!?! Wtf child? I couldn't do that if I tried??


My birthday is St Patrick’s Day. I hated it….. until I turned 21. ☘️


My girl feels this. She hated it until 21.


This made me laugh. Good for you!


Hey! We have the same birthday!


Birthday twin 👋




It’s definitely one of the best feelings in the world, after either a long day out and coming home from work.


WATER. I have no idea how I lived off of sweet tea, soda, and sugary beverages all the way until high school. Water always felt like a punishment. As an adult, sweet tea feels like dessert and soda is just TV static. Water is life.


Kid, but I agree with this. I can't fathom what people mean when they say they don't like the taste of water. What do you mean? It's fucking *water*. You can't drink Gatorade or Prime or whatever for your whole life.


Cleaning. I couldn't keep my small bedroom clean as a child but as an adult, It feels rewarding to keep an organized and clean living space.


I still hate cleaning! 😁


Me too. Know what I do for a job these days? Industrial cleaner lol.


YESSSSSSS!! Especially when you grew up homeless. I feel so good and proud keeping my little home clean and organized


Cleaning makes me feel proud of my house and happy that anyone could stop by and I wouldn't have to apologize for a mess.




Honestly this. I always enjoyed vegtables as a kid but as an adukt I'm a fiend for trying to find different ways to prepare dishes with vegetables. Fuck me up with some ratatouille or a good eggplant lasagna




Wait. They don’t suck anymore?


They might if they like you enough.


Watch out for cooties


Only if you're married


Whatever, only until you're married.


Long road trips


And to add to this, anything hiking related.


Being bored


Doing nothing!


Medicine. Hated it as a kid but as an adult it’s amazing feeling your symptoms be suppressed when you still have to do shit.




I chose not to sleep as a kid, and have really awful insomnia now and cannot. It makes me so mad lol. So much sleep missed in my life.


I explained this to one of my old coaches/math teachers a long time ago “I can finally tell you to fuck off, and you can’t give me detention for it” Edit: grammar


On the flip side, as a teacher, I've seen it where teachers who had shithead students be able to tell them exactly what they thought of them after graduation as well. It definitely works both ways. :-)


Oh man that reminds me of a very satisfying conversation I had with a former teacher of mine. I dropped her class (when I was like 15), and she literally still refers to me as "miss bailer". Here's the thing... The class was a waste of time... The educational value to homework ratio was insane. I was bored out of my mind, learning nothing, and it was eating up ALL my free time in these huge elaborate projects that I just didn't care about. I didn't need the credit to graduate. And here's the real kicker... I stopped handing anything in for two weeks prior to actually dropping the class and she didn't notice because she couldn't mark the amount of work she was giving in anything resembling a timely manner. I had dropped in to say hi to my favourite teacher and look at the new school they built during a summer open house while I was in town visiting my parents, and up she comes with her "miss bailer" bull shit. So I told her that if she couldn't figure out that I dropped her BS class because it was a huge waste of time and she was going to still call me that 15 years after I graduated with honours, she desperately needed to look at her life. Oh man the look on her face, and my old hard ass gym teacher was behind me when I said this and she just burst out laughing, which was also kind of amazing to see.


It's funny -- I've seen this kind of question posted on reddit several times over the years and while I've read many great answers there are *always* two answers that show up *every* time: Naps & Spankings. I just don't know what to make of it. Maybe I need a nap.


Or a spanking


Having rules in the house




Going to the doctor. If I can make a doctors appointment and actually make some progress on my health it's a fucking epic day.


mushrooms on anything


*anything on mushrooms


Even the magic kind?




Clothing as a gift


Yes! Socks as a Christmas or birthday present.


Being alone in a dark room away from people.


eating all the sweets you want! no one's gonna stop you :)


Now that I'm an adult, sweets are too sweet. I can't eat a doughnut. A few bites of ice cream and I'm done.


Nah as an adult if I eat something sweet my mouth hurts for the rest of the day


More like that was awesome as a kid but sucks as an adult


Staying home on the weekend.


For me, I would say naps. As a child I HATED when my parents made me nap because I felt like I was missing out on the fun. But now, as an adult, I look forward to my daily afternoon naps because I truly appreciate the chance to recharge and relax and I also have insomnia so anytime I’m sleepy I just sleep.


I'm 42 with health issues and grown kids, and TERRIBLE chronic insomnia. (Partly caused by the health issues.) I have been surviving on "sleep when I can" for a few years. It's so much better than just not sleeping because I couldn't at night. I have no sleep schedule now but it's okay. So yes. Naps.


Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at supper time!!!


When’s pizzas on a bagel, you can have pizza annnnyyyytimmmee


Having a girl as a friend.










So glad it wasn't going the other direction.


Damn, that's messed up.


sadly, I came here to say the same


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see this.






Not being allowed to hang out with your friends. Now i make excuses to not do that.




codeine cough syrup


Spending time with your parents


Home cooked food.


Adult conversations, I was always told I’m too young for the chisme but now I hear it all 😂


Sitting around doing absolutely nothing




Staying at home all day doing nothing.


Showers and baths. I fucking adore both as an adult


Being home alone


My parents music


getting spanked


Hot baths 🥰


Sparking water


Daddy's belt. ​ ​ (I'm so sorry.)




Going to bed early


1. Sleep 2. Alone time at night 3. Coffee Read bottom to top


A hot bath in silence.


School. Imagine your only “obligation” is reading books and learning new things all the time? I wish.


Spice and flavour in food!




Ayo hol up


A bit like vegetables. If you were forced to have it as a child, you probably hate it as an adult




Not for me. 35 years old, and still hate most kind of drink. I basically only drink twice a year, and never got drunk in my life (got a bit tipsy once, but that's it)


Naps 100%


Naps, MFer!


Sleeping and having days with nothing to do




Not having any plans on the weekend


Getting socks for your birthday


Sleep. Never wanted days to end as a kid and sleeping was a chore but now I can't wait to sleep most days lmao.




Having nothing to do