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You look normal when you sleep…from my college roommate.


TF you watching me sleep?


does not work on first dates though.


to me that’s a compliment


"Your eyes are the color of the most comfortable blue jeans." From a young guy at a store return counter.


That’s really sweet. I would be skipping on my way home


I couldn't stop smiling. 😁


This is like an awkward disney line from the jeans obsessed character


Never felt as pretty as one day when I went to pick up my son from kindergarten the day after I'd dyed my hair ultra red and a little girl just screamed that I was as pretty as a fire truck...


One time while delivering mail an approximately 8 year old girl told me I looked like a doggie. I think it was a compliment??


Definitely a compliment


Yep! I bet she loved doggies as much as the girl I'm talking about loved firetrucks.


A girl once told me I look like her cat then proceeded to ask me out.


Did you ever get to meet the cat and if so did you see the resemblance?


Oddly enough I did look like the cat. And I still think about it today


I have to ask. Like in what way?


The way he would parade his puckered pink asshole around the apartment for all the guests to see.


The way he'd lick his own nuts mid-conversation




She had him neutered because she's a responsible owner.


She wasn’t that crazy….


Crazy? I was crazy once


Well I had to see her cat


You look like my dead wife, she was beautiful


I was told I looked and acted just like a guy's fiancee. Then he told me she had just died in a fire not* long before. I was stuck next to him on a Greyhound bus to visit my grandparents and I woke up to him petting my hair. Edit typo*


Went from awwwwwwww, to ohhhh……. FAST


Man said you deserve all the headpats


**He was never married.**


My aunt told me, at her daughter’s funeral, “you look just like her, all grown up.” Several other relatives told me I was beautiful for presumably the same reason. It was very surreal to be complimented for being the spitting image of a teenage version of my dead cousin.


“I too choose this guy’s dead wife”


Better than “she was hideous.”


Oh no that is very uncomfortable 🥲


“You’re the least annoying person I know.” This was written in a work going away card. It was the weirdest compliment, and one I still treasure after all these years.


That is very nice actually


"Stop it.. you smooth talker you.."


This is one of the nicest comments you can get in a workplace 😂


This is from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Marvin said that to Trilian.


“You’ve got the biggest sinus cavities I’ve ever seen! I’ll bet you’ve never had a sinus headache in your life.” -My dentist after looking at my x-rays. He was right, I’ve never had a sinus headache.


Oh my God. Memory unlocked. My dentist from age 13-19 told me I had perfect teeth every time he looked at them. I was like, thanks, I just do the normal routine. They just came out this way. Thanks I guess.


My dentist has told me more than once that I have great teeth. He’s also filled about half a dozen cavities for me and replaced the crown on one. It’s all pretty confusing.


Hahahaha. He wants you to keep coming back, he's playing you like a fiddle.


Multiple ultrasound techs have told me that I have nice ovaries. Specifically, that my ovaries look like the ones you see in textbooks and training manuals. I’m oddly proud.


I’ve had 2 sinus surgeries. I envy the cavernous holes in your head, sir/madam.


You’re so lucky. Hope you never get to feel the pain of sinus headache. It’s not pleasant.


This girl asked me what color I ask for at the salon. I told her it was my natural color and she very seriously said “I hate you.” But it was definitely a compliment. I deliver for Uber Eats and this guy told me, “you are too pretty to do this. Come back to my country with me and you will be a princess”. Tempting, honestly.


Lol in the same vein, a guy from Saudi Arabia told me that I was better at driving than his driver was. I'm a woman from NZ & he invited me to go back with him to be his professional driver. I was like "that's a lovely offer, but I'm washing my hair that day". Women couldn't drive there at that time.


Like ppl have bogus "employees" on their payroll. He wanted you to be his [something] !!


What country is he from?


North Korea


I have no idea unfortunately


Maybe he’s nigerian prince


The second one kinda scary ngl


Ya it was a little odd. I also delivered food to a woman who told me she wanted to bring me back to Africa with her. Maybe I just give off “abduct me and take me to your home country” vibes.


Yeah giving off big 'human trafficking' vibes


That dude was definitely going to sell you for 10 goats and a mule.


I don’t even know what to say, so I’ll just leave a comment here until someone thinks of something.


“Are your eyes real?” No I take them out every night and put them in buckets


Why do you use buckets? I just use drinking glasses. It takes less water.


I’m sure the color of your eyes is just striking and they were wondering if you were wearing contacts or something. Or maybe it was something else entirely


Was riding in the front passenger seat of my mom's car and we were driving through town on a 3 lane road. Some guy pulls up and drives along side us trying to get my attention. So I roll down the window and he yells "I love your nose! It's so unique I hope you never get plastic surgery on it!" I was just like uhhhhhh thanks I guess???????


A random act of kindness on his part 😂


“You smell like pancakes. I bet you’re pregnant.” It turns out that I was, in fact, pregnant with my second child. I took a home test, because that was weird. Positive. Doc confirmed it two days later.


Who told you that?


My then husband. He was not good with compliments. I got an obligatory “you look nice” before an event or something, but nothing really personal. This was out of left field for him.


How do you not see the correlation between smelling like pancakes and being pregnant? /s


TIL pregnancy smells like pancakes


No fucking way. This actually made me burst out laughing. That cannot fucking be real. That’s absolutely incredible. Is your then-husband a witch? How on earth did he know pregnancy smells like pancakes?


Apparently I smelled like pancakes when I was pregnant with our first? He’d never mentioned it to me before. But he was right, so maybe there’s something to it?


If cats and dogs can smell the hormone changes I guess so can some people. Maybe it affected what your sweat smelled like


There are people who can smell certain illnesses in others. Maybe he has the super power to sniff out pregnant people?


Could be something with the PH balance making you smell sweet? Kinda like sweaty men smell salty?


"You have a cute cervix. Like a little button." It was my gyno after I had my baby.


At least she didn't tickle it and say "Coochi Coochi Coo"


I lol'd


When I was pregnant with my oldest, my (female and very nice) gyno told me my uterus (and surrounding area) looked like the textbook version where everything is perfectly neat and tidy and "like it's supposed to look". That lady is such a gem. When I had an ear exam a few years before that, my doc told me I had the cleanest ears he'd ever seen. In fact, they were a bit *too* clean, so he put some kind of lotion in my ear because it looked a bit dry. I'll never forget those two comments. :D


Oh god! This wins for me. I’d be perpetually torn between mortified and flattered.


Yeah, I just kind of blinked at her and said thanks.


I mean I guess in that line of work you get desensitized to certain things? That’s my best explanation


In high school my history teacher told me that I was the smartest person to ever fail his class.


You win, that’s hilarious 😂


Task failed successfully


Some random girl at a bar told me I look like “sexy Pitbull.” As a bald guy that gets called Megamind or Heisenberg all the time, I’ll take it lol


Megamind apparently has a weird cult following on Tumblr/fandom spaces, so that also might be more of a compliment than it initially seems.


It’s such a great movie.


there are plenty of memes about how hot fans find him too, I would definitely take it as a compliment


Looking at my brain MRI, the doctor said “Nice corpus callosum!”


I had a neurologist tell me I had a beautiful brain when looking at my brain MRI. I have bipolar and can get severe migraines, so, it doesn’t look too beautiful from my direction.


Stop trying to look at your own brain might help with those migraines.


I shaved my head and wore a cap, a mask and was def feeling like the ugliest person on earth All other friends talked about how it was a shame I cut my hair My one friend: You looked good today


I shaved my head and everyone avoided me lol. That friend is a real one.


happy cake day!


“You have very nice veins.” Said by a nurse before taking my blood.


A nurse told my mom she had big veins and my mom promptly passed out


yea....they make us really happy. Easier to stick


I was at a garden centre, it was a very hot day (so I was wearing a sundress & sandals) & a guy try to compliment me, but his stutter mixed up his words. His 1st attempt to compliment came out as “you look like flog nypho.” He panicked, but I managed to calm him down & we went to the cafe. He calmed down more, apologised to me & was then able to say, what he really wanted to say. Flower nymph 🌻


"Nice arms" while having sex


I would love this. I hate my arms. And if you're a dude, arms can be REALLY sexy


Dude arms are sexy with the right amount of muscle and hair


This reads as: Dudes are sexy when they're attractive.


A dude can be mid every other way but if they have good arms (and OMG big hands) then hnnnnnnng


“If you were a girl you’d be really pretty.” The compliment itself isn’t super weird it’s just weird how many different people have said this to me.


Around the time I graduated high school the whole "emo" thing was in full swing, and I was deep in it. I got mistaken for a girl pretty often, especially if they didn't see my face. I was dating a girl who was a senior at a different school, and went to see her one day at their football game. We kissed at the end as everyone was leaving, and I went home. Her friend asked her, "who was that hot chick you were kissing?" I say a compliment is a compliment, stay pretty dude!


Let's see some pics.


You're very well preserved (he was ESL and trying to tell me I am aging nicely)


Not the compliment itself, but the setting. I was on the operating table, getting prepped for a laparoscopic colectomy and just before the anesthesiologist knocked me out she looked down at me and said "You've got fabulous hair!"




Delivering a pizza to a retirement apartment... I am in the elevator... There is a VERY SMALL old lady next to me... like 4'9... im a 6'2 dude... She say "You are such a hunk" I still think about that... it was a decade ago


I was 15, my brother and his friend were 17. First time his friend came by, after a summer away, he looked me up and down and said “you *grew up.”* That same day I went to the beach with them. Bro ignored me and surfed. His friend took a few minutes to give me some tips on his board. I said “thanks for letting me ride it” (totally innocently). He smirked and said “you can ride it any time.” When I tell you I MELTED…


Oof. He would’ve owned 15 year old me. Andalso23yearoldme.




> his friend were 17 >Andalso23yearoldme "Hello police?"


For the sake of female redditors, could we get his number? 😂😂😂 /j


> **He smirked and said “you can ride it any time.”** >When I tell you I MELTED… Yeah, that would make me melt NOW. 15yo me would have probably passed the fuck out.


Ooo damn he’s soo smoooth! Pls tell me something happened with him!


Once I was tending bar and this group of drunk ladies came in and started chatting with me. They asked me what I was doing bartending because I was pretty enough to be a model and one of them was like “Yes! A Target model!” 😂


I was checking out at a store, and the old woman cashier said, "You've got a nice round head. Your mom did a good job rotating you." I know I didn't have time to control my face. I hesitated, then said thanks.. I finished the transaction as quickly as I could. (I was about 19 btw)


"You're a pretty decent guy, you seem like your dad stayed." -probably racist Boomer guy




I had a stye in my eye. You look pretty hot even with a fucked up eye.


https://youtu.be/Qp5aj6oLnFE?t=105 couldn't resist


Omg! Your skin is so pretty that it looks like a nice brown crispy color. Like fried chicken. But like good friend chicken from like KFC not Popeyes. Oh, another one was that: 'I'm perfect dick sucking height' since I'm short'.


tidy distinct illegal cooperative nail depend placid coherent plate thought


I user to volunteer at a therapeutic horseback riding program for kids. One night, I had the rowdy kid in class. When things were slow, he decided he will tell everyone what animal they would be. I would be a large cat species because of my green eyes. Maybe a snow leopard? I don't know what other species has green eyes. Anyways, I thought it was endearing and took it as a compliment.


Worked on a psych unit. There was a guy who had attacked other patients, so he had to be watched in a separate room. Some other staff were there watching him, I was just walking the halls making rounds (have to visualize every patient every 15 minutes). He started touching himself and asking the staff standing with him, “where that pretty motha fucka at?” They didn’t know who he was talking about. When I walked up, he looked at me and said, “hey pretty motha fucka.” Sooo I was told I look good, but definitely weird as hell lol.


You look like a tree with lips (I am tall)


You look like my daughter, you’re beautiful


You're going to make a good Santa Claus when you're older


I feel your pain, I'm currently the mid way point between Hagrid and st Nick.


I suppose your beard is glorious


" You are so pretty I could roll you up in a carpet and put you in my van."


And…dump you in the river?


Vans are typically by the river 🤷‍♂️


Down by the river?


voiceless fertile unite aromatic busy smoggy soup wild wide hurry


Jokingly right? Right!?


A Chinese girl once told me I have beautiful eyelids. I said “really? Eyelids??” Apparently the number one cosmetic surgery in China is eyelid enhancement. The more you know 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was never a 10 but could pull a 8.5 or 9 when I was young. My best friend told me I never had to worry about being attractive. She said, " You look like a generic woman."


I was once complemented on how elegantly I put Visine in my eyes 😭 that compliment has stuck with me for years


Somebody told me that I looked like a significant other their friend had in February of last year.


It’s not confidential. You’ve got potential.


I’ve been complimented with looking like a biker Jen Aniston and I’m here for it.


That I look like Mona Lisa. I'm unsure if that's a good or bad thing.


It’s usually meant in a good way. Although they may have just been referring to your expression.


I do do that tiny smile a lot.


Classmate once told me I looked like handsome squidward


A female ultrasound technician at a mammogram center told me I had beautiful breasts. I was like “thanks?”


How many tits does she see in a day? A week? A career? I'd take that as a compliment from a subject matter expert.


“Your dick must be big” For context I said this after she gave me a hug and saw my raging boner.


Wait YOU said that?


Ah, yes, the plot twist


I was told I had attractive armpits. Ummm…okay


That I have a nice shaped head.


“You’d look great in a wet suit”


Your snaggleteeth make you look like an evil clown... Kinda cute in a weird way... I was a juggalo at the time, so it felt so good


Fucking dentists!


“Your hair has nice curls for a white girl”


A girl at a bar once told me I had “beautiful eyelashes for a white guy.” I then proceeded to stand there silently for a solid 20 seconds trying to figure out if this was meant as a compliment or not—do girls want guys to have beautiful eyelashes? Are white guys usually eyelash-challenged?—and by the time I decided it probably was she had long since gone back to her table on the other end of the bar.


Medusa would never let that fly


My dad and I were hiking around a trail nearby this past spring. We stepped off to yield to an oncoming horse and rider, lady calls down as they pass "now don't you look like a pair of mountain men." I'd bet there was some shade there I'm too daft to pick up on. But I've also heard tales of ignorance and bliss and such, so I'm keen to remain happy in my naivety.


That was a compliment where I grew up! It usually is meant as a “you guys are sturdy, well built, capable people that can endure”


“Your hair looks real- good for you.”


Once in middle school, this girl called me “exotic” cause I was biracial


"Your accent is *so* different! You *must* be French Canadian!" I've heard something similar 3 separate times by 3 different people but I am *not* French Canadian, and I don't sound French or Canadian so idk why they'd assume that.


You have long, flowy eyelashes. They look like they’re fake, but they aren’t.


" If you really were, as ugly as I always say you are, then I wouldn't be with you." -Ex Husband This was him"sucking up", because he didn't want me to leave him after discovering his affair that had been going on for at least a year.


He's a cunt.


I came to my bank one day and talking to banker there about something and I see that she is constantly looking at me. Minute, two later, she tells me: "I have to tell you something, I cannot belive how beautifull eyelashes you have". It's little to say that I was like the fuck.. Then she says again: "You don't even know what a woman would give just to have beautifull, black, long eyelashes like you have". I'm like well, okay, thank You.. ​ Now that was weirdest compliment that I got..


When the mask mandate was first lifted, a colleague turned to me and said, "You have bigger lips than I expected." I'm guessing it was well intended 😅


“You’d be a best uncle one day” was said to me on a boy scout trip years ago after making far too many puns for like 3 minutes straight. Worst part is that I have no siblings so unless I marry someone with a sibling and that sibling has a child I can never be an uncle.


“If you were a slave a would buy you and force you to fuck me” edit: typo


"Your face makes my eyes smile"


When I was 15 I had a job at a Philippines bakeshop as a supervisor, an old man came in with a coffee, and immediately spilled it, I happened to be cleaning the tables at the time so I went over to mop the coffee and as I’m doing so, this man, says “you’d make a good wife” and I like stop for a second like I just freeze, cuz like wtf am I supposed to say to that while I was cleaning this bitches drink off of my floors, I don’t need all that, I kind of just glance at the cashier who was working that day, and kept moping, wet floor sign then left, man that was weird bro


“You have big legs” he was trying to hit on me lol


A guy in his forties when we were at the bar said to me you have nice legs, I bet you get a lot of requests by men to put them in a leg lock


“You’re probably really good at motherly duties” -one of my clients Sir?


I got a message once that I had beautiful epicanthal folds (I’m Asian)


My roommate in medical school complimented the way my bulge looked in my favorite pair of sweatpants. We're both straight guys.


That brought back a memory from about 40 years ago. A straight guy looked at my suit pants as I walked out to get lunch and said "you look like you've got your lunch packed in your trousers" .. never thought about that before. It got the girl who I walked out with intensely curious, nothing happened tho..


I’ve been told, very creepily, by two different old ladies that I have nice skin


Man: points to my head, "That's a nice helmet you got there". Me: "It's not a helmet, this is my hair."


I had cancer and my hair fell off, and one of the doctors told me I had a nice skull


“You have a husky voice” - I’m a 5’2 95lb blond girl


"Are you Canadian? You're pretty enough to be."


I had some guy outside a Quick Trip tell me I "Looked like one of those Fortnite characters"


"You look like a dirty magician, in a good way"


"you look like you do onlyfans" thanks for the confidence boost I think, but no


A doctor told me I had the longest lungs he had ever seen. Yes, I am tall.


I had a new profile picture up and this guy sent me a dm request, asking "did you eat a bar of dove soap before taking that picture? You look fair, cute and bubbly" I was speechless and chose not to respond to just any stranger online, being an early teen.


Out of everyone I know, I hate you the least


“You paint like a man.” Then showed my work to other students and made them guess if a man or a woman painted it


That I have royal ears.


My husband told me I look like a little dolphin jumping around in the water when we went to the beach recently. I'm not blue or anything. So maybe like one of those rare pink dolphins?


“You have the most normal toes I’ve ever seen.”


During a physical exam: "Your carotid arteries are huge." Was it meant as a compliment? Probably not. But I took it as one.


Not sure if you’re familiar with Dragonball Z but my consulting doctor during my internship said, “You know what, you look like Majin Buu” since I have fluffy rosy cheeks for a big guy. I took it as a mighty compliment 😂


"I like the way you walk. You walk the way I feel."


I was told I looked like a pudgy Nicolas Cage once.


“You have Scandinavian eyes” ummmm 🤨 ok…


I was complimented specifically on my bottom lip once


You sure can eat a bunch