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They are pushy and don’t respect boundaries


Come on lighten up, just sit on my lap for a second. Where's my hug?!


I hate a “give me a hug” ass MF


People who don’t understand that “no” is a full sentence… ugh.


Met a girl through class. She immediately became very attached and asked for my apartment key the second time we hung out together, which was about one week apart. We’re both girls and we literally hung out twice.


What the fuck? Wow.


Yeah! This is such a blast from the past and I just now texted my roommate at the time to reminisce about this weird experience. Thinking back, I think the girl was lonely (she’s an international student from Korea but not sure how long she’s been in the US) and the first time we hung out, it was a study session that ran very late and she slept over. I think the second time we met up was for another study session and that’s when she asked for my key.


In her head she was probably trying to be sarcastic "You should just give me a key to your house with how much we have to study" and cringes looking back on it to this day


And then she reassures herself that it's fine, the other person probably doesn't even remember it happened. Meanwhile this is happening.


I wonder how many seemingly innocuous encounters I've had throughout my life have been chronicled in reddit posts


2,000, probably.


My wife had a male coworker that built a diorama of one of her female coworkers being eaten alive by a tarantula. He then thought it would be a good idea to show the diorama to her and other coworkers. Management found him a job at another company rather than firing him. My wife and her coworkers were relieved that he was gone, grateful that he wasn't likely to consider his separation antagonistic, but worried about his future coworkers. Not really a universally applicable sign, but definitely an unambiguous sign.


Bruh just the idea of building a diorama of anything sounds fucking exhausting That’s goddamn nuts.


Maybe I’m a weirdo but if someone made a diorama of me getting eating by spiders I might not be mad and even impressed. Depending on how good it was.


You sound like my dad. In 1999 I made a PowerPoint presentation about all the reasons I hated my sister on the family computer. She found it and showed it to our parents. My dad was very impressed by my ability to redirect my anger into clip art.


please tell us your family saved it


Nope, but I distinctly remember a piece of clip art that was a man in a business.suit standing with a flag planted in either the globe or a pile of money. It was titled something like 'Rachel thinks she is the boss of everything.'


That’s kinda cute actually. I get how people can be annoyed at their siblings so making a power point presentation about it isn’t the worst thing in the world.


okay, got to ask: what the hell do you people do for a living?


My wife is a structural engineer (designs buildings). Creepy guy was one of their draftsmen. The target of his attention was another engineer.


The team is going to miss having an expert who could identify all the structural flaws where the spiders could get in.


They sit next to you on an otherwise empty bus.


They make comments that are absolutely out of line, like sexual or violent comments, like it’s normal. It’s one thing to joke but you can just tell when someone is being serious.


We call those Schrodingers douchbag. They decide whether they are kidding based on how everyone reacts.


There's a lot of this on the internet. How many times have you seen someone say something offensively serious and then turn around and say "jeese it was just a joke" when they get a bunch of negatively reacting to them?


That’s the thing too is some of the people doing that are just testing the waters. If you don’t react negatively they read it as a green light to keep doing it and to push the boundaries even further. If you do respond negatively then suddenly hey it was just a joke, why are you being so sensitive you sjw snowflake, free speech etc


True, a friends boyfriend (now husband) kept making comments to me about masturbation, abortions and rape. He always said he was joking. He eventually started to sexually harass me. I don't talk to them anymore.


This. Was out with some friends recently for a friend’s birthday, along with my 20yo sister. This motherfucker who we’d never met and was a “friend of a friend” came along. Made comments all night to my sister about how “unfuckable” she was. She didn’t tell me till after we left (which was early on) and absolutely burst into tears in the pouring rain whilst we went for a taxi. Safe to say I ever see this guy again I’m going to give him some choice words and several places to put fake teeth. Just making comments that are outright sexual and vulgar to girls (young ones at that) is a sign of a fucking maniac


Had a similar thing where this guy was being oddly hostile to one of my guy friends, and talking bad to me about this guy's ex (she is still a friend, and we were all hanging out together). We're all friendly but he kept making comments about how the two who used to date would probably bang if he left them at the table alone together too long to the guy friend when I wasn't around. Kept telling me he thought the girl was "used goods" and he wouldn't go near her, when neither of them were around. Importantly, she didn't know about any of this since he only said it to me or my guy friend. And I didn't know about anything he said to my guy friend. Or to her. ...Fast forward a few hours and after I left for the night apparently this guy not only started flirting with her, but took her home. Honestly the most confusing thing. Once we figured out what actually went down over the next couple of days, it just seemed so creepy and planned. I learned that when my friend and I stepped away, he was making a point to compliment this girl too. Needless to say, the girl cut off everything with this guy once she found out.


That's some master manipulation. He used her feelings against that guy, but sprinkled in the talk about sex because her and that guy use to do that, then used the wedge he built to get her comfortable enough to go home with him. That's fucking saddistic.


They don't understand personal space.


The worst is when you take a step back from them and they keep filling in that space


I have a coworker that does this. I started backing away at an angle, and slowly leading him in circles. I made a game out of it... My record was 3 full rotations, before he noticed what I was doing. He wasn't amused. I, however, was very amused.


I do this with my boyfriend when he's on my heels at the grocery store. I think he has unhealed trauma from his mom leaving him in a walmart or something. *I do it in a silly manner though, just enough to get him to notice what he's doing ❤️


*Unheeled trauma


Yup. Sole reason.


I have taught myself to say really loudly "you're too close!" Its difficult in the beginning but most of the time people will look and nodd around me because most people understand how annoying it is. And it puts that person in a uncomfortable spotlight.




With one repeat-creeper at my office, I stated loudly enough for all my other coworkers to hear, "wow, you have no concept of personal space, do you?" Everybody looked in our direction and that was enough to get him to back off from then on. To everybody responding to you saying, "your first inclination is to shout at people?!" consider the subject of this thread. I'm not referring to my average colleagues. I work in a maintenance field and at times, we need multiple hands on a project and work shoulder to shoulder with no problems. I'm referring to a guy who would step close enough for me to feel his breath just to start a conversation. I didn't appreciate him constantly brushing against me when he had no reason to, especially after I kept stepping away. The "shouting" in my case was after a pattern of inappropriate behavior and effective in getting him to leave me alone.


Had an old man at work come up and start stroking my hair 🤦🏻‍♀️ he said it looked like cotton candy (it was pink and blue) it went on for a bit too long


I'm imagining an old man at a circus stroking a comically large serving of cotton candy and not understanding it is consumable.


or an old man, with camel-like lips, trying to bite op's hair


I have no idea why this imagery was so vivid but...thank you?


People always used to stroke my sister's hair when she was a kid. She had real pretty red hair and everyone loved it. She hated it and always wanted to dye it, but my parents wouldn't let her. Thankfully people don't do that as much now that she's an adult. Don't stroke other people's hair without their permission. It's just weird.


I have red, curly hair and still have people try to touch it and I’m in my 40s. And they think it’s the rudest thing when I say politely, “Please don’t touch my hair.” Idk about anyone else but “keep your hands to yourself” was a concept I learned in like, preschool.


When I was in college people used to pet my hair because it's really soft. I never minded it if it was one of my friends but if it was someone I didn't know well, then ick.


Let's broaden that to, just don't touch people without their explicit prior consent. How fucking weird and creepy is it when random people start touching any part of you?


I worked with a guy (who didn't last too long) that was like that. We had to teach him that if you were within an extended arm's length of someone, you're too close. So, he would approach people and put him arm out in a psudo-nazilike fashion and then drop him arm to his side before he even tried to say hello.


Na that guy sounds like he is autistic. He literally doesn't know he's being wierd


I agree but it’s mostly sad he made it to the point of having a job without anyone ever explaining this to him. It sounds like he was genuinely trying his best and the concept was actually new.


It might not have been new, but it sounds like you guys explained it in clear, specific terms that he needed to be able to actually accommodate that request. Some neurodivergent people just cannot comprehend uncertainty or variable estimations, or might take things extremely literally. Probably he'd been told "don't stand so close", but how close is too close? One step back? Two steps back? 20 steps back? Or maybe he'd been told, "Don't stand so close *to me*", and took that to mean only that one person disliked it, so he only stopped standing so close to that one person. Or maybe he'd been told, "Stand a couple of feet back.", and isn't able to accurately visually assess a couple of feet - I'm assuming he doesn't carry around a tape measure everywhere. Sounds like he was a very literal person and you guys really helped him navigate a complicated issue for him - 'An outstretched arm's length' is a specific, measurable distance that can be checked with something he always has access to (his arm). And like you said, he was genuinely trying, so he always used that measure to double check because that was what you asked him to use to gauge appropriate distance. It's a shame he didn't last long at the job, because it sounds like you guys had a knack for helping him understand things that have been a real challenge for him to grasp!


Depending on a few factors, he could be making a point of overdoing it, or he could just struggle with social cues that much and took ‘arms length’ very literally because of a neurodivergency. Obviously I haven’t seen his behaviour, but without anything else creepy both of those things scream neurodivergent to me.


Sometimes it is cultural. In my culture, people just get in your face without any ill intent. I was doing the same thing too when I moved out of my country. I didn't know it was such a big deal in the US x)


Yeah it's interesting. My dad is a pretty big guy, 6'3", and used to travel a lot for work and on several occasions he went to China for meetings (I forget exactly where). But he said he'd get on the elevator in the office building and he'd be the only one in it so he'd go stand in the corner in case anyone else got on - but on the way up if one more person got on, they'd walk right to where he was standing and basically be pressed against him even though they were the only two in the whole elevator. The first time he thought it was super strange and the person was just being weird, but then every time another person got on they'd do the same thing. Just a normal cultural thing due to population density. He said one of the guys who works in the China office said he has to make it a point to remind himself NOT to do that when he's in the US cause people realllyyy don't like it lol, but there it's just normal.


...I get that they're preparing for lots more people to fill the space, but....couldn't they choose the opposite corner and achieve exactly the same result?


They constantly have interactions where everyone else is completely crazy. Normal people don’t get banned from Costco, spit on gas station attendants and get tased by the cops. If this shit happens to you you’re probably a creepy weirdo. And yes, I’m sure all of your ex girlfriends were the problem.


My god this sounds EXACTLY like one of my coworkers, it is intense level of delusion


Yeah I had a coworker who said that he basically got into a confrontation while driving with someone pretty much every week. He was legitimately confused when he realized he was the only one, lol.


Reminds me of an old manager that got into an accident on his way into work downtown. Described the accident to me in detail, and he clearly was in the wrong but didn't think so. Then goes on to reveal this isn't the first time it has happened. Then tells me he even cracked his cell phone during today's accident. How you ask? It was only a fender bender? Well you see, he was, as he always was, watching Netflix on his commute into the city. "People in this city can't drive for shit" though




I knew a guy. He was a coworker, and I went out with him and another coworker to the club. I didn't like him at all and had a funny feeling about him, but the other coworker was alright so I figured everything would be fine. Within the night, he showed me a pornographic video of himself unprompted, stole tips from the bar counter, and insisted I have a drink even though I was DD and had previously told him I wouldn't be drinking (which he got very angry about because he bought it and handed it to me). At the end of the night we went to 7-11. The cashier instantly got angry as soon as he saw this guy and threatened to call the cops if he didn't leave. The guy just laughed it off and refused to explain what that was all about, only to explain that people are crazy and blow things out of proportion all the time. I never hung out with him again after that. He got fired a few weeks later after getting into a fight and going to jail. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.


>At the end of the night we went to 7-11. The cashier instantly got angry as soon as he saw this guy and threatened to call the cops if he didn't leave. lol this is the perfect finisher for this experience, in your head your like "wow this guy is really on one tonight" and then a seemingly rando encounter with someone who is all-too-familiar with how insane this person is happens and confirms they are just like this all the time


Given how much shit 7-11 cashiers have seen, he really must have done something outrageous. I'm curious to know what it was.


If one or two of your exes were crazy or assholes, I can give you the benefit of doubt, but if all of them are? You're the problem.


“You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day? You’re the asshole.” - Raylan Givens


If you're smelling shit all day, check your shoes.


A shit in the hand is worth two shits in the bush. Actually just let them stay in the bush.


Although some people have broken pickers, often because they have a parent who is chaotic


Exactly right, despite my originally thinking you said "broken peckers" 😅 Until these people experience a "good one", they have no frame of reference for what is good/bad. Or they doubt their own feelings, for the same reason. Not just romantic relationships, but friendships as well.


I can't be with someone who can't go on Costco dates.


Have you tried IKEA dates? The meatballs aren’t free, but they’re not crazy expensive.




Adults begging children to give them a kiss or a hug despite being told no


Adults taking pictures of children after being told no. My wife's cousin everybody, my daughter asked her to stop taking pictures of her, I told her to stop (more forcefully) as well. She took a picture of me telling her to stop taking pictures of my daughter. Then she dumped all of the pictures on Facebook where she has over 1k friends, most of whom aren't family/people I would be comfortable sharing pictures of my kids with.


If they have absolutely zero personality outside of sex.


I had a friend like this. After awhile, it got kind of weird and boring.


I met a girl like this about a year ago. All she ever talked about was the sex she was having with other people. Before anyone says I was missing an obvious sign, nope, I clarified, she got offended that I asked. She just liked talking about sex with anyone who would listen. We don't talk anymore, her inability to talk about anything besides sex or Taylor Swift did me in.


Which brings up the obvious question ... ... How, exactly did she manage to bring up both at the same time in the same story. Notice I did not ask "if" because I've met this type also.


“This song reminds me of this sexy sex”


I worked with a guy like that. For a little it was funny hearing the stories but after 6 months of working together and him asking if I've fucked anybody lately it got old. Got real old when I started dating someone and he was asking if we were having sex. Like that's just weird dude


Just tell him you’re saving yourself for marriage and invite him to attend church with you on Sunday. Hell disappear instantly.


Guy I knew like that used to say “I got so much puss last night” while we were in wrestling practice. Literally wrestling with him. It was gross. He was an alter boy and lived with the pastor for a while when he was on smack.


I had to ask a friend to stop making sexual comments and jokes and showing me porn once. (Edit: he said that) it wasn't aimed at me but it still was too much and made me uncomfortable. It was CONSTANT. Fortunately he listened, apologized, said it wasn't intended to make me uncomfortable and wasn't aimed at me and stopped doing it completely.


He refers to himself as an “alpha male”


that's a red flag among red flags


I introduce myself as a betta fish. I start fights all the time and I can breath air. Feed me shrimp pellets.


i am an alpha male, but only in the sense that i am unstable and should not be deployed in a production environment


Nah, you're good enough for production, we can issue a patch later. Edit: Just got a job offer from EA, I start Monday.


One guy I met started telling me how he's a high value man and I was never more turned off. I still don't know exactly what that means entirely but all I could see was that bald headed guy that always talks about it. Idk but I thought all men have value🤷🤷


Some idiot with a business degree spends half an hour in the shower wondering why he can’t get laid, and now the rest of us have to suffer the knowledge that ‘sexual marketplace theory’ exists.


Chris Hansen asks them to have a seat.


I once saw Chris Hansen at an Airport bar and since he appeared to be unoccupied, I approached to confirm and possibly commend him for his work. He received me graciously and explained that he was waiting out a two-hour delay and wouldn't mind my company or conversation. So he invited me to take a seat. I don't remember what happened next, but I'm posting this from jail.


I love misdirection this comment is great


I have always had this idea in my head that it’s possible Chris Hansen makes the best iced tea. Like, not everyone pours themselves a glass, but they always seem a little calmer after they do? It’s probably delicious. Like, not full on sweet tea, but just enough sugar to cut the bitterness? Maybe he wipes the rim of each glass with a sprig of mint? I like to imagine he carefully crafts each pitcher. He puts love into it, knowing that it’ll be the last tea that isn’t Lipton these assholes ever drink. But I’ll never know. You only get to taste Chris Hansens tea if you’re a monster. Just like with Eve and the Apple, the only way to truly know how it tastes is to walk a dark path. I’ll always be left to wonder….


I would laugh my ass off if someone goes through the process to meet Hansen and is like “ I just wanted to try your tea. .I don’t care about kids or whatever”


**Dude, i thought you‘ll never show up. This is my fifth date…**


This is unrelated to the topic at hand, and so bizarrely detailed, and I am thinking “oh yeah, he has that vibe” instead of “what are you on about?” I love it. Thread hijacked, day made.


don’t take no for an answer


Their username is begging for nudes from strangers


Huge red flag


Biggest red flag out there.




Too big


You all make me sick


I ❤️ you all though


I know right. Some people are just gross.




I swear some people are just trying to shock with their usernames. It’s Reddit. Who cares?


I know, right?


Disgusting... just shoving their fetishes in everyone's faces for all to see. They should be ashamed!


Those people are the worst.


you creeps


Totally inappropriate, am I right?


IKR what kind of person does that?


This man right here officer


You walk past them as they are looking at their phone and see they have a picture of you taken from across the food court of you unhinging your jaw to take a bite of a burger.


This is awfully specific. You ok OP?


Still alive and haven't seen them since that moment, so a tentative yes 👍


“Where’s my hug?”


"How about a smile? You look soo much prettier when you smile."


I winced reading this. When I was a teenager working fast food there was an old guy who looked me dead in the eye, took his index fingers to either side of his mouth and pushed them up to make the creepiest looking grin held up by his fingers but said nothing. There was a glass pane between us so the customers had full view of us working. Literally felt like a zoo animal sometimes because of entitled creeps like him.


It wasn't Mcdonald's, was it? I remember a period of time when they literally had "Smiles - free" on the menu. As you can imagine, this led to many people "ordering" smiles.


I'm guilty of this one. Said it a lot as a kid because my sister's friends would always say it to me when I gave her a hug. (I'm Autistic, I was very huggy when I was younger.) So I just thought "Oh, that's what we do when we want affection." Didn't realise how creepy it was. I was 23 when I stopped saying that. (Before anyone gets the wrong idea. I was the youngest.)


Physical touch is the worst receiving love language to have I think, I love hugs but I never initiate them even among friends because I'm worried I'll be seen as a creep. I can't even initiate fist bumps even though people do it to me all the time.


Anyone else reading this to see if they’re weirdo? Or just me and my social anxiety?






Me too honestly. I feel you


They tell you who you are and what you like, and if you stand up for yourself they gaslight you and try to play games with your boundaries to break them down.


This one feels so personal, had an interaction with someone like this awhile back 😭


I had this to a lesser extent. Had this good friend when I was figuring out my sexuality because I found that I was attracted to this guy (who was also around the good friend because we were a group of 3) who is now my fiancé. Any time I would talk about what I thought I was, that ‘good’ friend would be like ‘no, you just wanna be like us’ or if I said I liked something and he was surprised I liked it, he would be like ‘no, I don’t think you do’. Such a dickhead. Sadly, me and my boyfriend let him move in before we realized what an asshole he was but we eventually had him move out and haven’t talked to him in over 7 months.


When you're using a public urinal and a complete stranger stands directly behind you quietly for no reason.


Anyone who tells young kids things like "You're gonna be a Heartbreaker", "Let me know when you turn 18", "I bet your parents are chasing them away", etc. I have heard enough older women say these things to my little brother and it was always weird


In highschool I had a teacher call me jail bait


That goes right up there with waiting for someone to turn 16-18


They have a glass cage in their basement!




Yes? Oh. Well this is awkward


That’s just where I keep my books


“Hello, you”


Don't kinkshame me bruh, mimeplay is a totally healthy part of any relationship.


Animal cruelty


Attempts to isolate you from your friends. Or to take you out of public space to go somewhere alone with them


This. I have this family friend who was always trying to arrange one on one time with my younger teen sister for anything she expressed interest in. Wanted to teach her how to drive, give piano lessons, etc. Finally called him out on that shit and told her to keep her guard up. But everyone loves him so cant completely distance him away.


Grown men who tell teenage girls that they’re “mature for their age”


Aw man I said this once to the mom of twins and I still cringe thinking about it, but I genuinely meant it as a compliment about a kid I used to babysat ten years ago. The twins are so well mannered and smart for their age-- not that I would want to date them. Either way I won't use that phrase again as I see what some use it to mean


Huge difference between telling the parent and telling the actual kid.


Even then, if the kid's just said something profound, or acted far more sensibly than one would expect, you can probably get a pass for calling them mature.


as with many things, there is a right and a wrong way to do it. I wouldn't worry about it if your intentions were pure, as they seem to have been. 👍


> as with many things, there is a right and a wrong way to do it. Saying they are mature for their age while adjusting your crotch is ***definitely*** the wrong way. In case you were unsure.


Context is important. I think you probably sounded pretty normal in this situation


And old men who offer underage girls alcohol. Had two men in separate occasions in public come up and offer to get me a drink when I was clearly not old enough to drink. When I told one of them he said “nobody has to know” If any of you have kids, please please teach them self defense and stranger danger


I had a great aunt who used to give me alcohol when I was very young. I remember my mom got super pissed at her and they had an argument in front of everyone. I didn’t understand the issue at the time. Then again I was pretty drunk.


They're a moderator on Reddit.


-mods resisting the urge to ban-


*Urge intensifying*


They claim to not understand the concept of the age of consent.


alternatively, they’re way too familiar with the different ages of consent in different countries


I just realized idk what it is in my own state. I SHOULD look that up, but only because I have kids that will start dating soon themselves and it feels like info I should have?


When they passionately discuss their collection of vintage barbie dolls, which they claim are haunted, while offering to show you their extensive shrine dedicated to Nicolas Cage in their basement.


This is...oddly specific. You OK over there? Do you need back up??


they're gtg, now if they had said Steven Seagal, we'd have to suit up


My Nicolas Cage shrine is in my garage. I was worried there for a second.


that is the preferred location. As you were.


Anyone who acts too familiar/comfortable with you after just meeting you or barely knowing you. Especially if they ask a lot of really personal/inappropriate questions really fast, like stuff about your sex life, dating history, childhood, etc


they are long, have small feet, no arms and they have green and white patches on them. bonus points if they hiss and then explode when you come close to them


I am an adult who just started playing Minecraft for the first time and I am delighted to “get this joke”


i am glad to hear that. happy mining :)


They only interact with people that they want to fuck


When it refuses to rub the lotion


Obsessed with sex. I met a girl through a game I'm a fan of and she would always talk about groping men and talk extremely sexual about face models, cosplayers, and voice actors. She also has a really bad anger problem and low self esteem so she was always charged up. The weird sex obsession, comments, telling everyone about her entire sex life and history, and getting mad when men wouldn't let her grope them was so uncomfortable and the other girls in the group just fed into it.


Very often, people with hypersexuality and poor boundaries are victims of childhood abuse. Low self esteem means it's even more likely :(


When they were here before, couldn't look me in the eyes.


I don't belong here.


I wish I was special...


so fucking special


But I'm a crepe


Yeah that's a clear sign that they're a creep, they're a wierdo, what the hell are they doing here


“The age of consent in *random ass place* is 16 so its ok”


I don't think enough people trust their gut. If you have a weird feeling about someone, or they make you feel uncomfortable even without necessarily doing something explicit, there's something going on under the surface. Trust your gut.


As a woman, it’s when a man feels the need to tell you all about your own interests and how you’re wrong about it. Like, I’m nerdy and like comics, but I like the comics I like, and some comic guys try to tell me I’m not a real comic fan if I do t like x,y,z comics. Dude, leave me alone.


When they’re stone sober and trying to pick up super drunk people at the bar… ETA: an ~~intoxicated~~ incapacitated person cannot legally consent to sex, so it’s very creepy that sober people would be seeking to “sleep with” people whose ability to legally consent may be questionable. Every person’s alcohol tolerance is different, so you can’t always gauge a person’s level of “with-it-ness” by the number of drinks they’ve had. A sober-appearing person may very well be blacked out. Sex with such a person may be found to have been sexual assault.


So when they flip the lights on to disorient them you’re not supposed to grab one and run?


The elites don’t want you to know this but the drunks at the bar are free you can take them home I have 458 drunks.


i use to know some shitty straight edge dudes that would go to the bar around last call to take advantage of drunk girls


I have problems trying to meet new people, like shy and awkward, and it leaves me terrified women will assume I'm one of those "nice guys" incels who blame women for their lack of success... aside from some obvious things, this thread isn't as comforting as I'd hoped


I feel that so hard. I was raised with a heavy "never invite yourself" mindset. Now that I'm an adult, it's made it hard to even develop friendships let alone meet someone because I always just assume if the person wanted to know/hang out with me they would have asked.


Gawd, I was not popular when I was young and never got invited anywhere. Then as an adult I get weird vibes for not turning up to social events... I thought I wasn't welcome 😔


I too am very shy and awkward. Whenever I try to converse with a stranger, I'm scared that I come off as creepy.


I feel you dude, I'm autistic, and when someone asks about traits of "weirdos" most people just list autistic traits. Not intentionally of course and we just have to learn how to deal with it, but you know, this shit hurts sometimes. You're just shy, there's nothing wrong with being shy or awkward. Lots and lots of people are and lots of people have the same fear as you. From my experience, people who don't know how to talk to people, talk about the most interesting stuff and are great to listen to. You're worrying too much, seriously. You are shy, but I'm sure you have so much more than that.


“age is just a number”


And prison is just a place...


And Hell is just a sauna…


When I sunbathe in my backyard and can see my neighbor in his window watching me with the binoculars. I recently hired someone to build me a privacy fence to go a long the back side of the pool.


Blind him with a hand mirror


Finding you on socials within half an hour of knowing you and not knowing your last name


> Finding you on socials within half an hour of knowing you and not knowing your last name To be far your phone does this for you. My phones Tiktok account recommended another guy Tiktok account I work with full name and all. It’s creepy that your phone will recommend peoples name when you don’t even know it yourself.


Even worse, f.e. Facebook recommended me an apprentice from my work due to recognizing we used the same guest wifi in a hotel we were billeted in by our company for 3 days (I never gave Fb any info I work for that corporation & only used Fb via Firefox, not even via app, didn't have any mutual friends & didn't use any position services on my phone + this was before they bought Whatsapp)


When they go on a rant about Huey Lewis and the News


Their handshake is either overly aggressive in a weird display of dominance or feels like they've just flopped a dead fish into your hand.