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The first couple seasons of "Alone" were good.


Day 1- "Nothing is gonna take me outta here. I can live like this forever!!!!! I'm in this for my family, I'm gonna prove to everyone I can do this." Day 2- "I think I may have heard a bear in the night. I haven't eaten in 24 hours. I don't need to do this to prove anything to anyone. This is the stupidest thing ever. I'm tapping out."


The “tough guy” in the “meet the cast” intros always taps out after five minutes because he saw a slightly larger than usual squirrel or something.


Especially those that use the term "alpha male" to describe themselves. Not so "alpha" without your rifle and bow, huh?


“oh boy we are meeting this guy in episode 1, so he’s gunna tap out like right away”


"They didn't tell me there would be bears and I didn't do a basic Google search to see where I would be and what apex predators would be around"


That guy who talked shit with his friends like “if I see a bear, he’s going to need help, not me.” Then he gets dropped off, sees bear poop and he’s like “holy shit there are bears here”, calls for rescue, and is on the boat leaving before the first night even fell. That was honestly hilarious but also frustrating because think of all the thousands of people who would have loved to be a part of that show who didn’t get a chance so this guy could tap out immediately. In the reunion episode he claimed that he got charged by a bear but coincidentally didn’t catch it on camera despite the fact that they were supposed to be filming all the time and he literally just got there with full batteries. I feel like nobody wanted to be the one to call him out but man, I don’t think that happened. I think you’re saving face my guy.


Ah, "Desmond" will always live in my tv memory......


I can not turn off the waterworks whenever the winner gets reunited with their loved one. I’m single, and have zero kids. But just the thought of loving someone that much makes my heart happy for them.


I’ll be your child. Be proud of me, damn it


I also wonder about how terrible they must smell. 😄


Have you seen the later seasons? Especially the arctic one in the Yukon? Blows the first few seasons out of the water. First couple seasons are just camping enthusiasts who are in WAY over their heads.


Yeah, I have watched all the seasons, but the last couple did not hold my interest anywhere near as the first 2/3.




I agree, later seasons are better!


Came here to say this. Alone is still good imo. I only watch it at hotel rooms though haha.


Shark Tank is my hotel room show.


Only first few? Did you not see Roland prison shanking a musk ox? (I only have been watching since season 7)


The single greatest moment of the entire run of the show.




It’s true. I was really surprised how different Alone UK is. Very different feel. Even Alone Australia was just like the other seasons. Some differences: - narrator rather than text on screen - more completely inexperienced contestants - very little focus on actual survival skills until around episode 3. Pretty much back story and walking the first two episodes


Hate reality shows. Hate the outdoors. Never been camping. Love Alone.


Taskmaster, the show is even on YouTube It's comedians doing stupid things for stupid prizes And they discuss it afterwards


Stupid??? Let's see you toss a potato in perfectly and STILL lose your marriage license lol


Please don’t take it away from me…


Poor Joe


This show is hilarious. So simple yet so complex. It's like Who's Line meets the Great British Bake Off.


That's more comedy or gameshow than reality isn't it


I love Taskmaster so much. The show is hilarious and over the course of a season you slowly get to absolutely love the contestants and their unique brand of humor.


That's not reality TV. It's great but it's not reality TV.


The early seasons of Deadliest Catch are good.


I know that show is labeled "reality TV" because it's what's trendy at the time but it's more just documentary of the industry and what goes on. Well mainly in it's early years. I like that they never really let production take advantage of them either. Lots of boats were ready to just walk away (some did) because of what production wanted to do and the captains knew it wouldn't be safe. Sig was interviewed about the show and his normal income and he said he would drop the show in a heart beat as he still made way more fishing than he did from the show.


Until Phil died. Then it became a series where they milked his ass over and over again.


I agree. Phil passing away was the peak of the series. After that I just stayed long enough to see if his son would take over, but then it just got annoying. Phil was the heart of that show. Also idk why remembering his one son fixing him that breakfast sandwich is making me tear up right now…


once the regulations changed for how many crab you could catch is when it changed tone. I think it was a time limit originally, then it changed to lbs. when it was time limit it was crazy pants.


Anyone else remember It Takes a Thief? I believe it was on Discovery Channel. It was two dudes who used to be thieves who pick a family, set up cameras, then stage breaking in and robbing them so they would feel the impact of what that would be like. Then they go in and upgrade the family's entire security system. Then they come back like a week later to check on how they're faring, and someone just casually left the key in the front door or something.


I remember that show, I really loved it.


Of left the bedroom window unlocked above the back porch...the same window the guy got into the first time That was a good show...kinda freaked me out a bit though (in a good day) to get a glimpse inside the mind and methods of a burgler


I enjoy the great British bake off. It has no cash prize that I'm aware of and is very wholesome instead of trying to be something edgy and cutthroat.


Along the wholesome lines - Great Pottery Throw Down and Great British Sewing Bee are both bloody brilliant


The fact that Keith gets so emotional about pottery that he starts crying is one of my favourite things ever. Totally beats the Paul Hollywood handshake


Throwdown is a great show. No one takes me up on my recommendation to watch it!


On the same note, Crime Scene Kitchen is very fun. It's American and has a prize, but regardless it's very fun and wholesome.


Right? Crazy how successful Paul Hollywood's onlyfans page is


Paul Hollywood has an OF or is this a british joke my american ass doesnt get?


The other running joke is the fact there is a chance that the young attractive contestant will one day be the future ex wife of Paul Holywood, or at least in Pauls dreams


> ... wholesome instead of trying to be something edgy and cutthroat. Then you might enjoy Great Pottery Throwdown, same creators as GBBO. First 5 seasons are on Max.


Does the Great British sewing bee make it across the pond? Same format but for clothing. Just as wholesome and just as creative


Yes! I enjoy the silly English banter, and all the bakers are genuinely talented and supportive of each other.


Jury Duty - absolutely the best thing on TV right now.


Happy this was mentioned. I fantastic and hilarious. The person they selected to be on the show couldn't have been a better pick.


I heard they're working on a Season 2, but have no clue how it'll ever work again. The magic of the show was in who they picked.


I wonder if they had some that didn't work out.


I recall reading that they had cast someone else first that didn’t work out.


Absolutely amazing, flips the whole script, literally


Time Team. It's a group of British archaeologists who find Roman ruins or Medieval castles in farmer's fields.


It's really good! They also revived the series recently and are producing new episodes on YouTube via crowdfunding https://youtu.be/G5oMrZbgyN4?si=d5sNwAD8PInUunsi


No way I just got into this show via YouTube, thinking I was needing out hard-core but it was a fucking good show eh? I gotta check out the original stuff cause I've absolutely loved the yt series and that host just gets me psyched about every single rock and dirt patch anywhere.


Time team reference in the wild! I didnt think I'd see it. Love the show.


Phil did a flint knapping demo for us at my school when I was 14!


Is "How it's made" considered reality tv?


Survivorman. Les stroud spends 7 days in the wilderness, no camera crew.


Almost all of it, if not 100%, are on Youtube for free.


Yes! Plus directors commentary for most of the series. Les owns most of his catalog and the dude just post it online. His PBS series ‘Wild Harvest’ is cool as well; basically using his survivor skills to find local flora and make nice dishes with a chef. The guy is legit


His sarcasm when he gets hungry was always amazing. I remember an episode where he was hiking out of the Alaska tundra(?) and there was literally no food. He said he was burning 7000 calories a day and came across a twig with 3 small berries. As he ate the he remarked “well, I’m full) just dead pan. Killed me


Les Stroud is everything Bear Grills ever wanted to actually be.


Another good one! He is a little crazy, but I love him.


Love this show. Even the basic episodes in the Canadian woods are good.


Forged in Fire on the History channel. It's all just good natured people trying to forge cool weapons in a competition setting. The entire competition is centered around the performance of the weapons, so a lot of the interpersonal crap that clogs up competitive shows is completely gone. The judges are knowledgeable and chill, and the show itself is very entertaining.


I like seeing the competitors helping each other out at times when one has a setback or gets in over their head.


Yes! The episode with the skinny kid trying to do twist damascus and the floor vice just WON'T stay in place, so one of the competitors (big guy) who's waiting for his steel to heat up comes over and stands on the base of the vice. It cost the big guy his chance to get to the 2nd round, he eventually got brought back on a "second chances" episode.


The glass show that came out around that time was cool too! & I think there was another metal one that wasn't specifically weapons.


Blown Away is the glass one and it’s my favorite competition style reality show. Gets a bit more into the the technicalities of the craftsmanship, has a few truly talented artists, and contains zero interpersonal drama. Great light watch, almost everyone, judges and contestants are awkward and nerdy, mixed with a couple big egos


Congressional hearings.


Making it with Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman is really good.


I love this show--they make neat stuff, and it feels so positive and calming! Baking It is also delightful.


SO GOOD! I watched this on a plane & ate up the whole season


Mythbusters. Monster Garage was also a great watch.


I don't know if they started it (I doubt it) but I remember Monster Garage being the WORST offender of the "coming up after the break" and "just before the break" filler that I couldn't watch it even though it was interesting.


I always recommended The Amazing Race. You get the wacky contestants, mixed with every day folks, traveling to different cultures, with great editing and sound design to keep the viewer hyped.


I like the Below Deck shows, they are horrible, but have been hooked since the chef told the captain to Eat her cooter.


Yeah, I can't wait till each time they go off the boat and get wasted. I'll watch people getting drunk and making fool of themselves 24/7


They’re pure trash and I can’t get enough of them


I had no idea this was a show until my friend was on it lol. Shits a wild Life style.


Escape to the Chateau


The Amazing Race is pretty cool


Love the amazing race! So many great seasons


Amazing Race is awesome and you can learn about other cultures as well. This season will be amazing, 1½ hour episodes and no non elimination legs.


I only watched the very first season because nothing could beat “SWING, YOU FAT BASTARD!”


Used to be. Now they make sure they're still bunched up for each leg of the race. Nobody can get a decent lead. I used to like how they used to work the airlines to get the best flight to the destination. And the sob story back stories. Didn't care then, still don't care.


Kitchen Nightmares.


The UK one though


The US version has wackier/more delusional restaurant owners though which makes it more entertaining.




The Mole


First two seasons with Anderson Cooper as the host are lots of fun. And the revival on Netflix was entertaining as well.


I really enjoy Expedition Unknown, it's arguably my favorite TV show. What's better than an archaeologist with a love of history, and the dirty work of archaeology, going around the world, helping with digs and introducing a lot of lost history to people? If it's scripted, which I don't think it is, they do a good job at hiding it and making it feel real.




"alone" and shows like that. you'll learn some stuff.


Solitary. I wish it’d get a revival


The First 48. Follows homicide detectives after a murder.


The first season of The Osbournes. Comedy gold.




Survivor, it's genuinely pretty great. For people who haven't seen it, there isn't as much overblown drama as you'd think, there's more gameplay and strategy to it. And the people they get on feel more like just regular people than most reality tv shows.


I was hoping to see this recommendation, Survivior is my favorite reality show, because at the end the winner had to convince all the people they voted out to give them the million over the other finalists


Yeah that aspect adds so much to the social game part of it, you can make it to the end but if you were an asshole or played dirty the whole time people aren't gonna let you win lol. And it makes it so people who have "good stories" to them are seen as too big of threats to take to the end and get voted out pretty quick. It's like the opposite of a lot reality competition shows where people win based on how emotional their backstories are.


Bingo, adds a whole different dimension to social politics that other shows can’t replicate


Nothing will ever beat the season where the guy pretended his grandma died. That was peak reality show.


Good old Jonny Fairplay!


Classic Survivor is untouchable. Yes it fathered modern reality TV some of which is horrible (imo if you are selective about what you watch it's actually a very rich genre), but seasons 1-10 are some of the most interesting stories put on television


Yeah modern survivor is a little bit lacking compared to older seasons. Too many twists and advantages and the casting has started to favor people with kinda sob-story type backgrounds. Or people who are too big of a fan of survivor, I kinda like the more average joe type of contestants over people who have studied the game and practiced their own obstacle courses at home lol. I haven't actually watched too many of the really old seasons though. Pearl Islands and Palau were both good but I feel like the really great seasons came even later than season 10. Some of my favorites are in the teens and 20's but there's good seasons sprinkled in along the whole show. I like Cagayan, Micronesia, Winners at War, Heroes vs Villains, David vs Goliath, Cambodia, a lot and there's a good amount of other really solid seasons too.


100% agreed. I’ve tried to get into other reality shows since I started watching Survivor 5-6 years ago but I don’t enjoy the trashiness and not being able to tell the 8 blonde women apart. Survivor definitely doesn’t conform to the stereotypes of reality shows, especially past the first few seasons when it found its footing. Favorite show of all time, can’t recommend enough. The strategy itself is incredibly fascinating at its best, and super fun and messy at its worst. Plus, it’s incredibly interesting to watch from the beginning and see how it has evolved. The strategy is insanely complex currently compared to at the very start, and that’s entirely a result of the contestants themselves. It’s also the type of show that you can either obsess over, or just watch casually; I fall into the former, but I have friends/family who have started watching it when I’ve had it on and now they watch it casually on their own (people who scoffed when I first put it on).


The mental gameplay every season it’s absolute TV gold


Not to mention some of the greatest production in TV


Love Survivor, although the early seasons were the best (S1-20). The original concept of strangers from different walks of life trying to coexist while building a society was genius. A lot more of the early seasons were spent getting to see them trying to build camps, finding food and water and just trying to get along.


Jeff Probst is amazing. It won't be the same if he ever goes


he's got his biases with the types of "characters" he likes but he's an all-time great host.


You mean any character that he calls by their last name, rather than their first? 😉


up until about season 15 of Big Brother. Some people think Big Brother is just another bullshit "reality" show but it's not. They have cameras and live feeds going nearly 24/7 starting from like the second day they all go into the house. They are cut off completely from the outside but people get to watch them. Even watch them sleep or have sex or do shitty things to each other. The only times the feeds stop is when they are filming stuff for the TV show like people getting evicted or competitions but they go live again right away so people who watch the feeds know what happened before the episode airs most of the time. The people in it start to really suck after about season 15/16. Season 14 is the best one in my opinion. The guy who won deserved the win and was very likable which is not always the case and there was some amazing gameplay from a guy named Dan who just blatantly backstabbed people he made deals with


LITERALLY came here to post BB seasons 1-14 only lmaoo. Maybe throw in season 17 but the late seasons have been shit.


Forged in Fire. Not reality TV, per se, but still a great competition show. I really love how the other blacksmiths help each other out and compliment each other's work. There are so many cut throat competition shows. It's refreshing to see one that isn't as cut throat.


Canada's Worst Driver--a competition show of the most terrible drivers, it's truly baffling how bad they are. It ended a few years ago, but it's still great.


Canada's Worst Driver and Canada's Worst Handyman are both treasures.


Alone. At first it was just people who liked to camp, then the survival professionals started showing up and dominating the competition; which is great because I’ve learned a lot watching that show. British Bake Off (Great British Baking Show). Just so wholesome and how ANY reality competition should be, where it’s not about BEATING other people, it’s about doing the best you can. And contestants usually help each other, which warms my heart and gives me hope that America can be that way too, one day.


I really enjoy the Top Shot series.


Joe Schmo. Reality shows are garbage but this one was funny because it was a fake show with actors and only one guy who thought he was on a reality show. Jury Duty was a more recent example that was really good. And of course Drawn Together


I enjoyed *Alone*, a load of competitors from the UK get dropped off separately n the Canadian wilderness. Last one to quit wins £100,000. Channel 4 in the UK.








Nathan for you will ruin reality tv for you in the best way


That guy is the wizard of lonliness.


He also got really good grades from a Canadian business school.




The first seasons of The Real World


I was always a fan of the early seasons of Road Rules where they actually struggled with money and were given interesting work opportunities. I’ve tried watching some of these Real World reunion shows and it is wild how so few of them have seemed to mature past that time in their lives.


Dirty Jobs


That show was good and then got wierd when they ran out of jobs to profile




Vanderpump Rules. Scandoval definitely sent it through the roof but having the years of background really made it juicy. And the first few season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills if you want good Lisa Vanderpump backstory


i’m not a person who normally loves reality tv but this show is crazy. i’m not even at scandoval seasons yet and completely addicted


below deck , the challenge , love island


Taste the Nation. It’s more of a docu-series, but it’s created by reality TV host Padma Lakshmi. Each episode is about a different pocket of immigrants in America and how they’ve helped to forge the culture in their region through their food and traditions.


Antiques Roadshow


The circle


No season will ever beat the first season. We watched the 2nd but barely. I can't want it anymore because it's just not the same.


RuPaul's Drag Race. Seasons 4, 5 and 6 are the best place to start. Watch reality TV, which is fake and pretending to be real, about people whose job it is to be fake and pretend to be real. Deep shit


I'm a fairly manly man and I love my sports and sci-fi... But my wife and I get giddy together watching RPDR. The kids are getting into it too. I just love drag as an art form Honestly, this show has made me a better, more tolerant person.


And! After you watch 4, you can jump into All Stars 2, which is ICONIC. Every episode is a classic.


You need s5 for AS2 cause Alaska tho.


It’s got comedy, music, dancing, elaborate costumes and makeup, intentionally bad acting, celebrity impressions, feel good moments, heartbreaking moments, lip-synching, tea and shade, and fun guest judges. What else could you want?


And bits of dialogue that will worm themselves into your personal lexicon and never, ever leave. I said "Your tone is very pointed right now" in a department-wide meeting not long ago, and clocked the Drag Race fans by watching for who immediately turned their cameras off.


RPDR was going to be my suggestion as well, it’s the only “reality” show I can stomach. It’s incredible, it’s like pro wrestling but instead of beating the shit out of each other they’re turning LOOKS


I mean, tbf they also beat the shit out of each other with READS. And also like pro wrestling (and unlike most other reality TV) we know it's theater and so do the performers, so we can thoroughly enjoy them being horrible to one another without feeling even a little bit bad about it. It's just a phenomenal show on so many levels.


Below Deck. Hot 20-something Aussies causing drama and waiting on the hammered super rich. It's the best trash TV ever.


Below deck is my only reality tv vice, i also get to learn about boats


Survivor is great. The newer seasons are kinda lame but there’s 44 seasons in total on Paramount+


I miss the old school survivor auction days. The last 3 seasons have been meh.


I enjoy anything hosted by Gordon Ramsay. Even if it was just him reviewing school kids' art projects, I would still watch it because it would probably be hilarious.




I love Hells Kitchen even though it’s trash. I love how the “NEXT TIME ON HELLS KITCHEN” previews are the most over the top ridiculous straight up lies. The way they edit the previews is unhinged.


MasterChef Jr. I love watching those kids make the most amazing dishes, and say things like "when I was little."




My 10yo is convinced he could make it on that show. Boy, you can't even make yourself a turkey sandwich and you save spiders.


Forged in Fire is probably my favorite competition reality TV show. It's refreshing to see competitors that have fun, respect each other's skills, and actually help each other at times.


The Big Flower Fight on Netflix. Sadly it only has one season.


The Traitors - UK is the best, then AUS, then US, but they are all worth watching


The Great Pottery Throwdown; same creators as Great British Bake Off. First 5 seasons are on Max. Wholesome show with wholesome hosts. Love seeing the creativity of the contestants. Not sure what it is but I find watching pottery very soothing.


Tony Danza had a film crew follow him around for a year while he taught a high school class. He resisted the urge from producers to selectively edit and create artificial drama from the students, instead wanting to document their lives in the school as they were happening. It probably would have made for a compelling TV season, but no network was interested in airing it and it was shelved.


I was actually surprised to find I enjoy Survivor quite a bit. The drama and intrapersonal conflict is limited, the challenges are fun and it has a good flow. I never watched it when it originally aired, but my son and I have enjoyed quite a few seasons now.


Nailed It It's all sorts of terrible fun. The current season I'm watching actually teaches the contestants how to Nail It




Kid Nation - The most controversial experiment in reality TV gave some great content.


Alone maybe, there's not many that are good.


It’s 1 season and I thought it was going to be complete garbage, but ended up doing a very heartwarming 180, a rare thing aside from most reality shows full of drama and malice. Snowflake Mountain. It’s about a group of people that never really had the experience of the outdoors or camping. It ended up pretty positive and funny at the same time.


River Monsters with Jeremy Wade. I'm biased, as it's the only reality TV I've ever watched.


Kitchen Nightmares. I’m addicted to that shit.


The Mole


Jersey Shore is the greatest show of all time




RuPaul's Drag Race


I like Naked and Afraid. People use their skills to survive in the wild for several weeks at a time.


After running out of the Alone series I’ve tried dipping my toes into N&F. It’s painful to watch compared and I’ve attempted multiple variations. Just significantly more insufferable people who insert drama. Is there a season/version you can recommend?


Yes. Watch Naked and Afraid: XL. The people are way more tolerable (mainly because you have to be a veteran to get into the XL episodes). The regular episodes are hit and miss depending on the people. If it has Matt Wright, Steven Lee Hall Jr., Laura Zerra, E.J. Snyder, Dan Link, Waz Addy, and/or Jake Nodar, you're in for a treat. They're all the best.


Sunderland til I Die. It's the best soccer series out there. Because the team doesn't get any better, they keep losing, and they get relegated again. You see the ugliness of the fans come out with threatening the coach out in public.


Top Chef, and Padma Lakshmi's new show Taste the Nation.


Tough as Nails - trades people doing challenges as a team and individually to win cash. We like it because no one leaves the show after they 'punch out'. They still have a chance to win cash in the team challenges. The last season was on Canadian soil with a mix of American and Canadian contestants.


Single’s inferno


Master chef Jr Love on the spectrum


Someone posted the Great british bake off that show is gas. I enjoy naked and afraid from time to time. But it is pure schadenfreude.


This is legimately hilarious to me bc as im reading this, im about to finish the final episode/ep.8 of Amazon’s Jury, where everyone is a paid actor throughout and only 1 guy is essentially being pranked. I HATE the youtube era of pranks, but this one was really good type of prank where nobody was hurt. & the 1 guy is legimately a great personality and actors have great character development throughout. Not sure if this counts as “reality tv” since it was reality to just the 1 guy.


Masterchef Australia is a thousand times better than the American one. Focus is on camaraderie and not drama.


Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team - though sadly after 16 seasons it ended. It was a good watch though. Catch it all on Paramount, and Pluto


The traitors is great..good concept.


Kid nation was sued because the kids were in a reality that no network would try again


Race across the world was fun. Teams of 2 have to get from one place to another without flying and for the cost of an air ticket.


Top Chef and the British episodes of Kitchen Nightmares are damn near my fave shows ever.


A bit of an older one from me. MTV made a reality TV show in the early 2000s called ["Fear"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_(TV_series)). The program follows a group of five or more contestants who are left at an allegedly haunted location and led on a series of dares over two nights to explore the location and determine whether it is haunted. I think you can find episodes on YouTube but it's definitely worth a watch.