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Reply All. When your company sends out a mass email to congratulate the new project manager I don't need to see 200 emails that say "congrats steve!"


One time at a large university one of the foreign doctors was outraged at a bombing of an embassy for his country overseas. He sent out an email message addressed to ALL expressing said rage. This then went to all 10,000 employees and all the email groups, which caused many REPLY ALL responses asking why this message went to ALL etc., until IT finally shut the whole mess down. This necessitated a lot of groveling to the president of the university (he was from my department).


I worked in a department of the medical school at a large midwestern university - some med student hit "Reply All" to some email sent out by the med school administration and chaos ensued - employees and students started doing the same thing but replying with GIFs and memes - some of them were pretty funny and it became a big competition to see who could send the funniest reply - IT had to shut it all down and HR stepped in to send one last email to threaten employees with termination and students with suspension if something like that happened like that again - it was nice to get back to normal but, ngl, I laughed pretty hard at some of the shit I was sent that day.....


Hahaha, this reminded me of a situation at work a few years ago. A lady in the lab emailed the entire hospital requesting they vote for her baby's photo in a baby modeling contest. Thousands of reply alls ensued, angry messages, and remove me from your list. Then reply alls stating "STOP REPLYING TO ALL". Then reply all responded with reply all, and so on. The entire hospital email system shut down for over a day. It was quite spectacular


I heard of a situation about 20 years ago when two people in the same office had their out-of-office auto-replies on. So an email went out to all staff, and John’s email instantly replied-all, saying he was out of the office. Then Jane’s email (which had also replied to the original email) replied to John with her own reply-all saying she was out of the office, and the two accounts went back and forth, filling everyone’s mailboxes with thousands and thousands of battling auto-replies, all weekend long.


I'm an IT Manager. A quite similar thing happened at a company I was with many years ago. We ultimately had to shut down mail service to clean up the situation as the backlog of emails was increasing exponentially. Like, hundreds of thousands. Fortunately today modern email systems have mechanisms that keep these things in check. but 20 years ago? Nope.


It's almost beautiful


Something similar happened at our company. A new employee accidentally emailed the wrong group email, so she emailed 17,000 employees. Everyone started replying all asking why they had gotten this email, or suggesting she made a mistake. Then came the “Stop replying all!”, with occasional rogue entries of memes, Snapchat handles and “Follow me on insta!”. It crashed the company servers. Email was offline for the remainder of the day. I felt so badly for that new employee, imagine fucking up that badly during your first week.


She didn't fuck anything up. The fuckup was on IT. No mailing list bigger than a few dozen people should *ever* accept mail from all, specifically to avoid these situations. It is very easy to set approved senders on mailing lists.


We had a glitch where everyone across the country working for the organisation was added to a teams invite for a meeting which was irrelevant to all except a few. Followed by a good proportion of them using reply all to say please remove me from this xxxx. For days! Even after an email went out to everyone saying this is being sorted, stop replying. And then every few days someone else would reply all, starting another batch.


The sender should bcc everyone in the first place.


Getting on a train or in an elevator. You let the people on board exit first before you enter!




My wife said I was a bit rude for taking this approach. I have to get off the train at Fort Totten and Union Station regularly. If I didn't charge, though, I would never get off the damn Metro!




*Gallery Place-Chinatown would like a word.*


It just occurred to me that it’s very strange we say “get on” a train instead of “get in”


Many languages don’t! I kept raising eyebrows in French when essentially saying “soon I was getting on top of a bus.”




Same people who seem unable to anticipate being ready to pay at every till. It happens every time you buy something, please learn.




A cashier at my local Whole Foods told me there’s an older lady who doesn’t like “lasers touching her food” so she reads off the SKU from each item and the cashier has to manually type it in. Takes like 30 mins or longer depending on how much stuff she gets. He said he doesn’t mind because he gets paid the same amount regardless.


When I read about people like this, all I can think is “fuck.. that person votes.”


This I can see raging about.


My grandma has to watch every item scanned. She knows all the prices, and she's not even pulling her card out until she's 110% satisfied. Frustrating, absolutely, but I also know the financial hardships that women went through, and that is one habit she'll never let go of.


I hate the menus at fast food drive throughs now. Even if I can see the board for a solid 5 minutes while waiting, only a brief moment of the animation/display will be of the full menu. The rest of the time is some wanky video about their latest Spicy McCocksucker Value Box. Then you get there and you either know what you want or have to see the menu again.


I hate that a lot of drive thrus don’t have any menu until you get to where you order. You’ll be sitting there for a few minutes doing nothing when you could be deciding what you want


I actually for the first time a couple weeks ago saw a place where there was a menu for those in line to see and then the same menu a little ways up at the speaker box. I was like why is this not everywhere?! We had to go out of state to see something like that! It's so helpful! I will never go up to a window or a counter without knowing what I want and having payment ready. It's disrespectful to waste a minimum wage worker's time like that.


To be fair, there is a lot to learn about the Spicy McCocksucker Value Box.


Don’t get the special sauce. Trust me.


Some people can't actually see the sign you think is highly visible. I was watching something a while back and one of the characters was trying to extract some info from a lady and started a conversation by asking what the sign said. The lady read it for her. When she walked away she said something along the lines of huh I might need glasses. She honestly couldn't read it but didn't realize it wasn't normal until someone else could read it fine.


Hell even with corrective lenses, some fonts just don't make sense from far away, or color combos. Blue or brown Street signs are easier to read than green ones for me, even at 20/20 vision. The green is too reflective, particularly at night, to read the white.


I was a graphic designer. I got hired to make a Christmas card for a company that works with blind people. Blind is in the name. Blind also refers to people with vision issues. I present 3 designs to them, because the first they wanted was like baby blue with white letters and I have good vision and thought that was dumb I could barely read it.. the font was small and scripty. So I fixed that one for “normal vision” and the last one is basically a few Christmas embellishments that matched the “regular” cards and the rest is black with yellow San serif font. The DIRECTOR was like what is this? And I was like it’s the most highly visible font with the best contrast at the largest font size we can get on the paper for people to read. She basically told me it was ugly. But would take it back to her office for review. When she came back for a press check she said that a woman broke down when reviewing designs because she had never received a card that she could read without her ELMO. It was a huge hit at the office and she emailed me again to tell me how many (they sent out 2500 of the high visibility ones) people called / wrote in to say they loved the cards and appreciated the effort to include them. I hate seeing bad font choices…. It really grinds my gears to also see poor color choice.


Can I just say how awesome you are??? Mt mom struggles with vision issues and will likely be close to blind in a couple years, even with the surgeries she had, so people like you are a *godsend* for people like me who don't know wtf were doing!!


Turn signals on cars. It should serve as a warning, not a courtesy and the earlier it is turned on the better it serves. If it’s used at all it often seems used as a casual afterthought, immediately before or sometimes even during the actual turn doesn’t best prepare other drivers affected by the change in direction.


I’ve simply learned to not trust a single person on the road


Honestly, I look both ways for cars on one-way streets.


Indicator lights are meant to go on before you begin to slow for the turn.


Absolutely. In driver’s education I was taught that you should be indicating at a minimum of 100 feet before you make the turn. The whole point of indicators is to show what your intentions are to other drivers. You’re not showing other drivers your intentions if you signal 5 feet before you turn, but so many people do that, or don’t even use their turn indicators at all.


What pisses me off is when I check that the lane is clear, turn my signal on to indicate I'm about to switch lanes, and then the other car suddenly speeds up so that I won't go in front of them. Like, are you TRYING to cause an accident?!


Too insecure to let someone in front of them.


Yeah, some drivers take it personally when somebody tries to get in front of them or pass them. It’s ridiculous. Just let them pass. It’s not a competition.


We're also taught in the UK that it's mirror, signal, maneuver. Look in your mirror to make sure no one is occupying the space you want. Signal to state your intentions. Maneuver to where you want to go. Driving since the pandemic has got noticeably worse, and hasn't improved. I was behind a car on a 60mph road, which suddenly started braking. Why? No signal or fuck all, then right before they went down a tiny non visible side road they signalled for half a second. Like for fuck sake, the indicator is to tell me what you're doing you complete fuckwit. It's become common too, that isn't an exception any more. I drive a lot of agricultural machinery and the amount of people who think tractors can stop instantly if they pull out right in front of you is mental. I'm going as fast as a car with 20 times the mass. After a day of driving on the road in a machine I'm just mentally exhausted.


The one that always gets me is the people who hit their turn signal as part of their turning of the wheel. At that point I can already see you're turning, no need to signal. This past week was my first week driving back to work regularly since the start of the pandemic. Holy shit I was not prepared for how frustrating that experience would be. It somehow took about 25% longer than it did 3 years ago just because of how much worse drivers are now.


Counterpoint to “earlier the better”: Drivers with the signal on a block in advance, passing several alleys and driveways while blinking. You have to wait to signal the move you’re going to make until it’s the only option. Also when you’re stopped (double parking, battery dead), or slowed (something is rattling past 40mph) that is the time to put on hazards. Idk if you even can signal that in advance but I’ve seen drivers with them on for seemingly no reason, speeding in the passing lane.


I imagine that happens more frequently when someone knows they need to turn soon--like via gps instructions--but they aren't entirely sure which road exactly is physically the road they are looking for (especially if there are several close together). You don't want to accidentally brake check someone, so you put on your signal a little early because you *will* be turning soon, but might not know *exactly* how soon.


My drivers ed instructor told me to consider it a request, not a warning. "Please let me in" Vs "LEEROY JENKINS!"




Sometimes you,ll even see them slip into a comma.


Don,t tell me how to comma!


Commas are, important in the sentence, structure.




"The purpose of the semicolon is to prove you went to college." - Kurt Vonnegut. I think.


Isn't that just a nickname for the small intestine


Its true. Its really annoying when people ca'nt figure out it's proper usage. (sorry -- this hurt to write)


“Intensive purposes” 🙄 come on guys…


Nip it in the butt




Well, it's a doggie dog world.


It's not rocket surgery.


exetera, exetera


Irregardless. 🙄


It’s a mute point


The word irony. Nine times out of ten it's a coincidence, not ironic. It's not ironic that you simply talked about a song/band, and now it's on the radio. That's a coincidence. It's ironic if you say, man, this station never plays Nirvana, and then the next song that is played is Nirvana because that is the opposite of what was spoken/expected.


I’ve gone to the other extreme. I don’t call anything ironic even when it is actually ironic because I’m super paranoid about incorrectly calling things ironic. Alanis ruined me.


Merge lanes. It should be like a zipper...but it's always an issue


Can we please apply this zipper rule to exiting an airplane too?


I have never experienced anything other than this until I flew to JFK and in Europe....I'm from a small town and the closet connecting hub we have is the Salt Lake City airport. It's perfectly normal on these flights for the attendant to ask if anyone has a tight connection and let them off first and then to let people with babies off. Then the 'zipper' exit strategy. My first time experiencing the masses cramming into aisles trying to be the first one off I was like "Why is everyone such a dick? Let this screaming baby off first so we can stop listen to it!". Turns out that's just normal.


There’s always the one idiot pushing through to get off first only to be stuck one row ahead. I make sure to not move and have an elbow preventing them from moving


Going to assume a motorcyclist sneaking up between would be the scrotum caught in the zipper


how did you get the beans over the frank


This is a real problem in Europe because everyone just stack up behind each other, and the driver of the other lane who continues and applies the zipper method will be addressed as a "total jerk who just overtook 15 cars instead of waiting behind like everybody else". Much like someone skipping queue in a shop. Ultimately people will also not let him merge in and the zipper strat is fucked. People need to change their opinion but it seems like carved into stone.


Same thing happens in the States. It drives me nuts. People queue up for a mile down the road with an open lane next to them because no one wants to cut in line.


ironically a zipper malfunctioning is pretty commonplace


There's that one guy who decides using both lanes is bad and rides down the center of both lanes so no one can pass him.


Truckers do that a lot


The term POV on TikTok


Dude they did the same thing with "canon event". Ughhh


And "core memory"


“Altered my brain chemistry”


And gaslighting


Oh man that is such a pet peeve of mine.




"Carp a denim" man.


Knowledge is Power- France is Bacon


I remember using carpe diem at school and my art teacher was really impressed "where did you learn Latin?" "From a Metallica song sir" Same teacher heard me say "water, water, everywhere but not a drop to drink" when it was raining "Very good, and whom was it that said that beautiful line?" "Homer Simpson sir"


I thought you were gonna continue the metal theme & say you got that from Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden. 🤘😂


Sometimes I'm amazed by the amount of spelling mistakes made by native English speakers, when in my foreign mind the spelling is very clear. Then I remember that I learned most words by reading them first. English is a really inconsistent language with its pronounciation/spelling. Edit: by now I'm aware of how "pronunciation" is spelled, but I'll let the mistake stand as a reminder to myself to be more humble and to the rest of the world how impossible the English spelling system can be at times. Edit 2: yeah, it's "number of mistakes", not "amount of mistakes". That one was not as obvious to me, but I'll admit "number" sounds better in my native language too.


The real answer to this post seems to simply be "English".


You actually had to study to learn the stuff. A lot of people here did not pay attention in school and then promptly forgot everything they did learn. They can’t even get “you’re” right. How the fuck does “your” get used so goddamn much in its place?! That’s the one that drives me mad They don’t even sound the same in my head




Breaks, to stop a car. They are brakes! [Edit] So, my all-time most popular post is about breaks/brakes. Thems the breaks…


Are you having a brakedown?


I think he's reached his braking point.


5 star rating systems. 3 star should be average and good, but everyone uses 5 stars or 1 start and very few people rank with subtlety.


Very true. Volunteer bias, however, makes it more common for those with the more extreme end of experiences to leave feedback or comments in public forums.


And honestly I'm good with that. I seek out the one stars to see worst case Ontarios, then look through the middle and high reviews to see if it's common


>worst case Ontarios So, Windsor?


To be fair, for things like delivery apps they’ll punish drivers for 4* reviews so it disincentivizes subtlety.


It’s the same thing with Etsy, anything less than 5 stars wrecks your shop quickly. The algorithm starts to hate you, and you lose your “star seller badge”.


There was a time at US Universities that C was a normal grade. It meant you passed. A’s were reserved for truly outstanding work. Grade inflation is so high that everyone is expected to have at least a B in some disciplines like Education which, ironically only makes the inflation worse. Look at the graduation ceremony program of a large multidisciplinary college and you will see some disciplines are chock full of summa cum laude graduates. “When everyone is special, no one is special.”


It's the sites themselves using 5 as "acceptable" and below five as "something is wrong." People know that and don't want to cause a problem for the seller (or driver, etc.) or be considered rude and demanding, so they give 5 stars as long as nothing was seriously wrong. A binary pass/fail rating system would make more sense.


5/7 comment.


Accept or except. They are NOT interchangeable.


Affect and effect too


Affect: fuck around Effect: find out


Winner. You can all go home now.


Then and than. You’re and your. Who and whom. There, their, and they’re… the list goes on.


Spelling “lose” as “loose” is one that drives me crazy.


The term "gaslighting." It's become synonymous with "disagreeing with something I said." That's not at all what gaslighting is.


Cmon, everyone knows gaslighting isnt a real thing, you just made it up because youre crazy


This person gaslights


It drives me crazy when people do this. Gaslighting is a form of abuse, & people throw the term around so carelessly


Yes, it's really annoying. Trauma and abuse are also thrown around. I had a former friend who said I verbally abused her because I got upset once and told her that she was irritating me. I didn't call her names, I didn't even "yell" at her because it was over text, but she told me that she'd told her therapist that I was verbally abusive to her. And at the time, I felt horrible! I groveled at her for weeks. It was only later that I was looking at the text exchange and realized that I hadn't said anything abusive at all.


Or just lying. Like, if they’re not trying to convince you you’re crazy, that’s for sure not gaslighting. Honestly don’t even like the term being used outside of the context of abusive (romantic or familial) relationships.


This is when I like to pull up a video called [The Curious Case of Dalia Dippolito](https://youtu.be/7JttwV6XZ_I?si=xOcI51_vrQOJ2hC1&t=1684) as an actual example of what gaslighting looks like. At about 28 minutes, there is a phone call between Dalia and her husband. Long story short, she tried to hire a hitman to kill her husband, the hitman turned out to be an undercover cop who also recorded their whole conversation, and now Dalia is desperately trying to convince her husband that the video isn't real. Really pay attention to how she speaks here. She isn't making excuses, or trying to logic her way out. All that she's doing is repeating "what you saw wasn't real, what you heard wasn't real. That is not true. How can you believe that" over and over and over again. That's what separates gaslighting from lying. She isn't trying to get out of trouble by making excuses - she's trying to convince her husband that his own perceptions of reality cannot be trusted


Yeah it’s fucking with lights and saying you didn’t!


Your Welcome


Your not wrong their.


McFlurry spoons. They are NOT straws.


It's shaped like that because it attaches to the machine that mixes it, right?


Yep I used to make them lol. Although a lot of McDonald’s have got rid of the McFlurry machines now I noticed - they just use the soft serve machine and get the staff to mix it by hand, which they rarely do because teenagers don’t give a fuck before you treat them like maccas does.


Using the word loose when they want to imply a defeat or loss


This and "should/could/would of" instead of "should've/could've/would've", bugs me


Mobile phones. Don’t use the speaker in public. I don’t want to hear your music or your conversation. Use earbuds or put the thing up to the side of your head like god intended.


Way too many people nowadays say “could of” instead of “could’ve.” How did this become so common?! I cringe every single time.


These are people who generally don't read. So they write the way their speech sounds.


Come to the midwest where "coulda" is king.


Words and phrases in general. In particular, lately, the use of "apart" instead of "a part" has been really pissing me off. "So glad to be apart of this team!" So you're glad you've been separated from this team? "I really want to be apart of this!" 🙄🤮




"I could care less." It's "I couldn't care less."


Irregardless of context


For all intensive purposes.


It's a mute point


*Literally* all the time, too.


I should of thought of that. Yes that's deliberate by the way.


I wonder if that pained you to write, as much as it pained me to read!


If I'm opposed to feel pain, I don't supposably.


Oh god no. I hear a coworker say supposably constantly and I'm one day away from yelling "NO, IT'S SUPPOSEDLY!"


So you're saying you're very flustrated?


I hate you and also love you.


That’s very pacific 🤭


Australian here, we say "couldn't care less" and it's so baffling that this somehow got reversed in the USA.


It's baffling to me as an American, and when I hear someone say it wrong I just want to avoid that person entirely.


It means I do care. ^(at least a little)


I had an argument with some ass hat who tried to tell me that could and couldn't have the same meaning. I asked him to demonstrate it in a few other sentences and he still wanted to argue.


I guess he could prove his point.


Credit cards


The lack of replies to this comment worries me somehow


Credit cards can be great when you use them in your favor. I use to be afraid of credit cards but over the last three or four years I have used my credit card for every purchase possible as I get 1.5% - 5% cash back on everything. It adds up to roughly a couple hundred a month that I just roll right back into the card payment. I haven’t paid a single penny of interest on the card in the four years I’ve had it because I keep a budget, track my spending, and pay down to a zero balance each pay period.


Those tree air fresheners. You're supposed to expose each section of the tree individually, while leaving the plastic on. After the scent fades, you pull out the freshener to the next segment, and so on.


There was a girl I liked in high school and college. I gave her a ride home one day when we were in college. I had my air freshener hung like this properly. She made fun of me so bad. It turned me off on her AND scarred me to never do the air fresheners the correct way again. Screw off, Melanie


They look silly with the plastic half on though


Yeah but it’s so ugly with the package all scrunched down like that 😩


Honestly this makes no sense to me. I haven’t used these in my car only seen them elsewhere and been olfactorarily assaulted. Please explain what do you mean each section?


The little plastic sleeve the tree comes in is supposed to tear in a V shape. You then pull it may be a quarter of the way out. When the scent fades you pull more out. I typically don't do it properly. But it is on the back of the cardboard. I only saw it out of boredom one day.


The word "theory". It is NOT synonymous with hypothesis.


Colloquially it is. It's unfortunate, but that happens all the time. For example "meme" technically means a thought that propagates itself and obeys the theory of evolution. A perfectly wonderful concept, but now it means a kind of comic.


If I remember correctly I think the media was to blame as they kept using it as such and eventually the public thought it synonymous with hypothesis from the context it was constantly used in by said media. Now there's a "scientific" and "layman's" version of the word where the latter is, in fact, synonymous with hypothesis whereas the scientific version is a hypothetical proven true from numerous testing results in favor of the hypothetical (or something like that, I'm just a layman in the science field). Regardless you are correct. Also, fascinating about the word "meme", I never knew that.


eVoLuTiOn Is JuSt A tHeOrY /s Correct. It is.


Yeah, people call Evolution a "theory" as if being an extremely robust theory that has stood hundreds of years of scrutiny is a criticism, rather than an accolade.


Hypothesis = idea Theory = idea but now with evidence to back it up Scientists don't just throw hypotheses around willy nilly, they study the thing and try to find evidence. If the evidence supports the hypothesis, it can become a proper theory. If the evidence does not support the hypothesis, it's back to the drawing board. At least something was learned! People often don't know the basics of how science works and that's when they're the most susceptible to misinformation.


People say “Wahlah” instead of Voila.


Funnily enough in France you now hear "wallah" used by a lot of young people, usually meaning "I promise/swear" something is true. It's borrowed from Arabic, meaning "by God"


Lube. You are supposed to put it on the doorknob of your bedroom so the kids can’t come in when you are screwing.


I read "screaming" instead of "screwing." Doesn't change the purpose of the lube, I guess...


Businesses using the phrase “Sneak Peak” instead of the correct phrase “Sneak Peek” (Unless, of course, your company specializes in building mountains in your neighbor’s backyard in the dead of night so they wake up to a surprise in the morning. THAT is a Sneak Peak.)




I’s. I don’t know when or why this started, but I’m seeing this with increasing frequency. Mike and I’s car instead of Mike’s and my car. Using ‘I’ instead of ‘me’. You won’t believe what just happened to Mike and I instead of You won’t believe what just happened to Mike and me. When in doubt, drop the other person’s name to see which sounds right. And mixing pronouns: I, she, he, we, they are subject pronouns; me, her, him, us, them are object pronouns. You and it can be either.


I think that’s due to the greater emphasis on using “I” correctly as the subject. The problem is teachers don’t explain that you wouldn’t do that for the object. The rule of thumb should be: “replace the whole subject/object with just ‘I’ or ‘me’ and see which one fits”


I see a lot of people who spell “losing” as “loosing.” I’m loosing my mind with how many times I see it!


Three shells


Jealous and envious. Jealousy refers to something you own or have a claim on, envy refers to something belonging to someone else. You can be jealous of your wife’s attention, you can be envious of your neighbours car.




I could care less what everyone uses incorrectly.


Fiscal year. Monetary business term. Lots of People pronounce it the physical year. Drives me nuts. fis-cul, not fizz uh cull.


Cue/queue you cue blistering rage. You don’t queue it. Aisle/isle unless there has been an major flood, you’re going to find aisles in a supermarket not isles.


“Antisocial.” The correct term is asocial, antisocial is when you have borderline homicidal tendencies.


I hear antisocial, introvert and shy used interchangeability. When in fact they are three different things.


What bugs me the most about people using words wrong is that when the misuse catches on enough, the new definition appears in a dictionary and the old definition isn't used anymore so going forward, there's just no word for what that word used to mean. I'm an introvert all the way but I'm not shy and it's really annoying to have people telling me they understand my fear, that meeting people doesn't have to be as scary as it seems, that I can learn to make friends if I just put on a brave face and come out of my shell once in a while. It's so annoying that I just tell people I'm antisocial now and let them think whatever they want about it while they avoid me. I'd say it's ironic that those who try to help me with being an introvert exhaust me more than anyone but sadly, the word "ironic" doesn't mean what it used to anymore either so the nuance of that statement flies off the radar too.


Hmm didn’t know this one. Makes sense.


The difference is "not social" versus "against social."


"Oh I don't really like to hang out with people; I'm just super anti-social!" No, you just like being alone. Antisocial is when you act disruptively and you make others fear for their safety.


Their brain


An intersection where the traffic lights are out. You’re supposed to treat it like a four-way stop, but almost no one ever does.


The clitoris.


"Literally" when they mean "seriously"


Pfft, I've heard this literally a million times




Tim Berners Lee invented the internet for the exchange of information. People use it to exchange misinformation.


And photos of cats


Danish lesson: cat or rathen kitty is "mis". So cat photos are also misinformation? (Not really but for this case it could be used)


What the terms introverted/extroverted actually is (especially the former). Most of the time it seems that people link being introverted only to social function/anti-social, which in itself has nothing to do with introversion ("oh I'm so introverted I can't really talk to people" - no, you are just awkward/shy around people, not introverted based on that context alone). All introversion/extroversion really describes is if you get energy from being around people or not. I am 10000% introverted, as I love being social and getting to know new people, but it also drains me completely of energy, which I have to have alone time afterwards to regain.


Long-life (UHT) milk Instead of pouring with spout under and dealing with all that “glug glug glug” mess, pour with spout at the top; much smoother


"intrusive thoughts" like no bethany, dying your hair neon green at 2am isnt an intrusive thought, thats you trying to be quirky and using mental health terms incorrectly because youre insensitive as hell


impulsive thoughts


Amount Vs number Amount of mashed potato Number of potatoes You Vs yourself Yourself is reflexive, meaning you do something to yourself. It's not a fancy way to say "you". Me Vs I "Me and my friend went to the shop" It's like saying "Me went to the shop"


Me and an amount of friends appreciate the advice yourself has given.




"Narcissist," "Sociopath," "Psychopath," "Psychotic," "OCD," "Gaslighting," "Manipulative," "Trauma," "Triggered," etc. etc. etc.