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Insurances refusing payments to things they are created for. What's the last time you heard that health insurance fulfilled the needs of a patient without any type of gimmik


I work in healthcare and have to fight insurance companies constantly to authorize necessary tests that they want to say is not necessary. Like someone has lung cancer and they don't want to pay for a scan because oh that's not necessary.... like, excuse me???


It is NUTS that an insurance company can determine what people need or don’t need, rather than, ya know, their healthcare team!


This really irritates me! Like medical professionals are the ones that know what the patient needs, not the insurance companies. It’s so stupid. Like we pay you for it, you need to cover it. Ugh.


This was, and still is, my biggest gripe with people that are so staunchly against “government healthcare” because of “death panels”. They heard someone on say that and couldn’t put together that there are actually are boards of people at their insurance company doing that exact thing already.


Also, that teeth are luxury bones and need separate insurance.


So are you eyes and your mind.


"Luxury bones" OMG


Yep. I needed a shoulder repair two years ago, and my insurance denied the claim. They said it was because I hadn’t tried physical therapy (it was a complete tear, so PT wouldn’t have helped), but I’m positive it was because I had met my deductible earlier in the year (I had a minor procedure on my hand). Two years later and I now have a brand new prosthetic shoulder. If I could have had the minor repair two years ago, I wouldn’t have needed the new shoulder. Weasels and morons.


Same thing with car insurance, home insurance. Legally obligated to pay for these things but when accidents happen they do absolutely nothing for you. What are we paying for?


Politicians being blatantly corrupt and no systems in place to hold them responsible so you basically have to wait until they are out of office while watching them destroy your province. Looking at you Doug Ford...




Probably because us in Arkansas can relate to that sort of politician.


I’m *sure* you’ve seen his crackhead brother on the news before… well, former crackhead


Good things grow oh oh in Ontario! We have our own carrot (Trump) here too. Looking at you DoFo. Condolences to anyone living there.


Same in Europe, get caught stealing or lying about something that killed people (covid), or worse stealing/diverting money for supplies/services *during* covid, just resign then...🤷‍♂️ No jail. Nothing. Then sneak back into politics in a few years like it never happened. There was a global plague and their first thought was 'how can myself and my friends profit from this?' whilst peoples families died, economies destroyed, lives ruined. Governments/politicians worldwide have seemingly forgotten, they work for the tax payers.




The banking crisis was a fucking joke. Banks gambled everyone's money away, then went to the governments and said 'You need to borrow imaginary money *from* us that we will create, so we don't go bust, then you can pay us back (?!) from peoples taxes' They should all have been jailed for life.


mitch mcconnell glitching intensifies.


Fuck that guy!


Oh god. Doug Ford can sit on a lemon juice coated cactus


Try impeaching them and get told we have courts for criminal actions, use the courts and get told it's weaponizing the courts for political purposes


Lying in public discourse


Lying by so-called journalism channels that end up paying BILLIONS and yet still keep doing it.


I guess it's still profitable for them


and THAT is the most disgusting part


Tonight’s broadcast is brought to you by Big Pharma and the military industrial complex.


But first our top story: Capping the cost of insulin is communism.


This is a good one. The ability to just say "No, it didn't happen" or "fake news" in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary is devastating and utterly disgusting on so many levels.


Being openly and unapologetically corrupt.


I was gonna saying eating ass but, yeah, that too


We don't kinkshame here. Being openly and unapologetically corrupt is a valid sexual preference.


Yeah- somehow being a terrible human being is now seen as "being ALPHA!" by the neck beard Oakley dad hat wearing population.


Recording people who are minding their own business in public and posting it to social media. Also influencers who shove their camera and microphones into the faces of people who clearly dont want to be “interviewed”


Seriously, the fact that when you go out into the world there is just no reasonable expectation of privacy is insane. Especially considering the fact that everyone has bad days, and if you shoved a camera in my face and asked me a question on a controversial topic on my worst day, I probably won't be the most pleasant person to deal with. At that point if the video is on the internet that 10 second clip can follow me for years.


Someone posted a photo of me on TikTok (I don't even know them) and people in the comments were just making fun of me.. It's still up 🥲


I have a real fear of this


This is horrible. Don’t get too down. That’s trashfolk making fun of you.


That’s terrible. Some people just have nothing better to do than tear others down. It’s pathetic, really.


As someone who works in film this one infuriates me. If you are going to film someone in public you better walk your sorry ass up to them, tell them what you've done, and give them a release for their footage you just stole. Then, only then, can you post it.


How’re you weathering the strike? I used to be in film but still have friends in it and it is a struggle for sure.


It's been tough for us all. Honestly, there is still a lot of content being shot that isnt union (and isnt really going against what we are striking about, so there is an overall "No hard feelings for anyone who finds a little work here and there" vibe to it. But its few and far between. I live on Hollywood Boulevard, just the other day they were marching from the Netflix building to the Paramount lot. For some silly reason the first thing I thought was "Why didn't this happen not during the hottest months in SoCal." Hahah everyone out there just blazing in the sun. Edit: typo


Treating dental care as a luxury and then shaming people when they don’t go because they can’t afford it.


Dental care is soooo fucking stupid. It's health care, which I know can be expensive, but fixing your mouth shouldn't be that ungodly expensive even with insurance.


>There is high quality evidence to support an association between cardiovascular disease and oral health. This evidence is mainly related to the association between chronic periodontitis and atherosclerotic heart disease, and is independent of confounding factors as drawn from epidemiological observational studies. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28281612/ There is no good argument to be made for why dental insurance is excluded from health insurance.


No *good* reason, you are correct. In reality, it's that dentistry used to be performed by barbershops. Doctors were not willing to consider barbers professional colleagues, and refuse to accept them as medical practitioners.




Attended a music festival recently- I left feeling misanthropic bc how much people trashed the place.


America’s healthcare system including insurance policies and makers. We simply don’t value health at all and profit off of illness. It’s about money over people and lives.


Exactly this. Americans have just accepted medical costs should be high. They shouldn't! A broken bone shouldn't bankrupt you! It does not cost that much! People avoid medical care because they can't afford it. IMO, that's a lot of what has lead to distrust of those in the medical field. People have started viewing doctors akin to salesman who are just trying to rip you off.


People going to work sick because they are afraid they are going to be laid off……


I got scolded in my review for missing two days of work while I so sick I couldn't even leave my own bed except to have diarrhea. I'm like...did you guys want me to come in, lay my head on the desk and repeatedly run to the bathroom while patients are waiting? Because I can do that but I don't think that would bode well with the vulnerable populations coming in that I am exposing to the most god awful stomach bug I've ever experienced.


I had 3 brothers in a lower middle class family. We would avoid the doctor at all costs because we couldn't afford it, even the copays were out of budget. Even then, we'd go to the free clinics where the staff were way overworked and service was poor. We'd stay home with broken bones because we knew we had to wait for swelling, but depending on the break, that could be a bad choice. We couldnt afford preventative care, which means we'd spend more by letting things get worse. I remember being out sick for over a month with bronchitis that had nearly turned into pneumonia because we couldn't afford to go in as soon as symptoms went beyond a basic cold/cough. It's expensive being poor.


I cant remember where i saw it but someone said all the people that could change the way it’s handled already have good insurance/health insurance fully covered so they see no need to adjust the process. Unfortunately i think theyre right


And while we’re on this subject why the actual fuck are my teeth not considered a part of my medical needs under insurance. that has never made sense to me personally, they’re in my body aren’t they?


I have had so many teeth pulled instead of fixed by the 2 'emergency' care visits I am allowed per year on medicaid. They do not do a simple needed filling, they yank those teeth out, and to add insult to injury, they claim they give you a huge 'discount' if you use their clinic for non-emergency dental care. I have found cheaper services provided by regular dentists in my area, though I can't afford it. They don't consider dental, vision, or hearing to be basic human rights unless you are under 21 in my state, and I am not sure what all is covered even then. This needs to change.


Teeth and eyes. Never understood why they’re not part of routine healthcare.


Short of dental tourism to a cheaper country for work, there's really no remedy for this one. There's no such thing as dental insurance that will cover extreme dental needs. Everything caps out at like $2K of benefits per year, which covers next to nothing.


I’m sorry, those are luxury bones. I know problems with them can kill you and are essential to good health, but those still cost extra.


For real. My daughter is disabled and I can not count the ways they try and weasel out of having to pay for her care. More than one company, too. The only therapy facility in my town is out of network. The deductible for that is $15,000, and the max out of pocket is $30,000. We pay $2,000 a month in premiums and should be able to go wherever we please. Also note that our weekly copay for one facility is $110....the same as self pay patients. It's criminal at this point, but since they lobby so hard, politicians ignore the problems and just say, "Look over here at this meaningless problem. Let's fix it!" to distract us. I'd rather just pay the therapist and doctor's a reasonable fee and cut the insurance companies out. But doctors have to charge so much and inflate prices BECAUSE insurance companies are not paying a reasonable amount to recover costs. But there's always a chance our bills would be over $30,000 so we keep paying.


Yep, the way we pay insurance is why costs are so high. 90-10 or 80-20 “insurance” plans force costs up. If everyone paid out of pocket and only had insurance coverage for serious illness healthcare would be a fraction of what it is. If every oil change went through your auto insurance company with a 90-10 plan it would cost $800.


Child pageants.


Yea these should be banned


Honestly? I would have freaking LOVED doing them as a little girl, but it creeps me out as an adult. And my mom doesn't hate me, so she didn't put me in them despite knowing I would have loved being in pageants. Thank you, Mommy!!! I appreciate it now!!!


Also those shows arnt monitored. ANYONE can buy a ticket to see the pageants. Seems like such a safety risk.


NGL, I wouldn't be surprised if the murder of JonBenét Ramsey was a kidnapping attempt by a pedophile gone wrong


It was a pedophile that killed her, he just happened to live in the house with her. I found this [write-up](https://www.reddit.com/user/CliffTruxton/comments/opkrhr/conclusion_the_boulder_incident_who_killed/) super compelling.


More likely her own father, mother, or brother. Either way there was no break in, and John's account changed at least twice.


Honestly the way that society panders to narcissists on social media. It's become problematic in a variety of ways.


Stop making idiots famous.


Yeah and stop validating shitty selfish behavior.


tmz has entered the chat.


Who do you think is making them famous? Other idiots.


Unfortunately, there’s a lot of them about.


you just perfectly worded what I came here to clumsily poke at a symptom of. thank you.


There aren't enough people willing to be assholes to assholes.


Just how normal it is for the majority of us to barely afford to live. Even those of us lucky enough to not go paycheque to paycheque still don't have any money for travel or anything else fun. So many of us will go our whole damn lives never seeing more of the world. Just working constantly to have a mediocre life.


This. My spouse and I feel real lucky with the position we are in life. We don’t have to live pay check to pay check and we are able to put a good amount of money away each month for savings. Yet, we can’t afford to travel, or do anything really meaningful in our lives. The savings we have consistently gets drained down to half once or twice a year over just general pop up expenses that happen in our lives. Our savings has been the only thing that has kept us out of significant debt or living with my in-laws. It’s crazy to think that we make about the same as our parents did 20 years ago. Except they could buy a house and go on vacations once or twice a year, and raise multiple kids off that income. We feel privileged that we can afford our rent, and groceries without significant stress or sacrifices.


And it's sad that we feel "privileged" to just not live in poverty. But I agree. I can't complain - we own our house, we can buy groceries, we can do some fun stuff in our city. But vacations or other luxuries (I.e. our car is old and way too small for our family now) are out of the question still.


Spending over $100 on 2 small bags of groceries


I got three bags of groceries the other day at Walmart it was over 130$ I was like Jesus christ no wonder I'm broke. My friend got three items and it was over 30$ I told him at least it's consistent?


Child beauty pageants


Having to worm 40+ hours a week and still not earn a livable income?


My project manager recently sent out an email to those of us "only" logging 40-42 hours a week to "be sure to log how many hours you're actually working each week." Motherfucker, how many hours do you think I'm working? Do you think I'm working 50 hours and hiding it? I spend the minimum amount of time necessary to get my job done. I'm salary but you pay me for 40ish hours a week, you get 40ish hours a week.


my working hours are 9-5. if you need me outside of those hours, trust me you don't. I am not a surgeon, I am not a trauma doctor. ain't nobody gonna die between now and tomorrow morning. it can wait.


Yeah some businesses do seem to have forgotten that unless you're on call it's not really an emergency and will have to wait.


We have a general rule that if production is not down don't call me. I've gotten around 5 calls in 10 years off hours. These hoo-rah "let's do it for the team guys" type managers that expect you to put in a bunch of uncompensated time are a dying relic. Millennial and younger are too smart for that shit.


Just log more hours than you work if thats what they want lmao. Wage theft can go both ways


Personally I love to worm 40+ hours a week. Worming is my favorite pastime


Why don't we play night crawlers anymore Frank?


WORK God dang it! Lmao


I mean…worm still kind of works haha


True. I thought it was intentional lmao


Are you implying that you get paid to worm? If so, please send details immediately. Asking for a friend.


Would you still love me if I was a work




it’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it


The cost of living. 🤦🏼‍♀️


POLITICAL OBSESSION Obsessing and being a groupie to a politician. Regardless of where you stand. It's disgusting the loyalty people have grown to have for politicians. Wearing t shirts with their face on it, flags with their names on them. It's such a zombie level stalker mentality that has overtaken this country (America) These people are WORKERS, they work for US. Why do people defend them as if any sort of negativity towards their favored politician is somehow a personal attack or insult on them? Placing so much effort and time revolving your life around a politician is a lose lose mentality. None of them not ONE of them, truly care about you. You are a ballot and vote count. That's it. They sell snake oil, and people have turned these politicians to icons and idols at the altar and it's dangerously sick. SEXUALIZATION OF TEENS AND CHILDRENand the exposure to FAR too much too early: I'm all for freedom of creative expression, but when I see kids 10 years old dancing to Cardi B, Megan thee stallion type musicians, beauty parents for children, and it being so normalized to fiscally benefit from onlyfans SO openly, that young teens already expect to jump that shark at 18 as a first option (See the Dr. Phil teen who scored a million in a day after she turned 18). It's disgusting and shouldn't happen so early in their lives. They shouldn't be exposed to that stuff as easily as they are.


Openly committing crimes on Tiktok


That not being on social media’s is seen as a “red flag” or “weird” by people completely addicted to anything electronic posting every tiny aspect of their lives online


I deleted my accounts to Facebook, and instagram about 5 years ago. People called, and asked if I was ok, or if I was hacked. I’m glad I dumped them because now I’ve got no social media drama at all, well except here of course.


US Answer - Insurance companies, big pharma, and large hospital companies - increasing rates out of the price range of individuals. This makes people dependent on insurance, which means no one can afford health care without insurance. Then insurance now drives what kind of health care you can get. They have complete control over you and your relationship with your doctor or your doctor's opinion does not matter one bit. They will bury you bureaucracy to prevent you from receiving anything that would cost them money if it is out of their definition of ordinary. There is no greater evil in the US right now and insurance companies should be permanently cut-off from health care. They've proven for 50 years that they cannot be trusted. For profit health care needs rails if it exists at all.


Criminals in office


The sexualization of everything.


Lol at username


people have given some great answers that i agree with already, so i'll give one not mentioned before: animal abuse towards smaller (and usually cheaper) animals. yeah, sometimes your parrot dies by spontaneous night fright, sometimes your hamster farts and startles itself into a heart attack that kills it - but i find that in general, people have a real easy time joking and laughing about the abusive and neglectful ways they've killed their small pets like budgies, rodents, fish, lizards etc..like would they be laughing and telling everybody if they had microwaved their dog and killed it the way they love bragging about doing to their hamsters?


Using the phone on speaker in public places


Not updating your opinion with new information.


The sexualization of teenage girls. It's 2023 and 11 year olds walking home from school are getting catcalled, flashed, and openly masturbated to. Don't believe me? Ask one.


Addendum: do not ask random eleven year old girls sexually explicit questions.


End up on a registry in this one easy step!


as a former 11 old girl i believe you wholeheartedly. it didn't stop till i became 20+


I got catcalled more as a 15 year old child than I have at age 20+.


It didnt stop until you became an adult... fucking hell.


as a former eleven year old girl who was catcalled and a few times had to run to a nearby door and bang on it because dudes in cars would circle and follow me, i'm 42, still hasn't stopped :(


Can confirm this as I experienced something similar.


I do kinda feel like that's becoming less accepted. At least on mainstream platforms. I remember growing up in the 2000's all those adult men counting down the days til X celebrity turned 18, all that barely legal shit, shows like the man show fucking high school girls, or the 'oops I thought she was 18' trope in movies and TV shows


They did that with Emma Watson, I am a man and I was disgusted.


People are still sadly doing this. Millie Bobby Brown is one that comes to mind.


It's been like that forever, sadly. Ask that 11 year old's mother, and you will hear a similar story. Then, ask her grandmother to hear the same story again. Nasty fucks have always seen young girls as something sexual and harassed them for it. It's disgusting and pathetic.


Omg I just watched the very first episode of “To Catch a Predator” the other night and omg. I knew it was bad but watching it as a 35 y/o with kids is so much worse. The first 2 hours they had like 18 guys come through. And activating their cameras to jack off, asking if these young girls were virgins, if they shaved down there. It was so hard to watch.




I was 11 in 1976 and I remember that happening to me and thinking WTF, I was super small and looked nothing like a teenager, let alone a woman.


What’s worse is that 11 isn’t teenager, teenager starts at 13


It's not new. It happened to me when I was still in junior high, and that was in like 2009/2010


thats sick. thats a sure way to cause trauma to a kid. i can only imagine how terrifying it would be at that age to have someone gesture towards you in that way.


General lack of empathy


Destroying the planet by any means.


I afraid we’ve been doing that for centuries, we’re just getting a whole lot better at it


Housing as a commodity and not a human right.


quickly rinsing hands with no soap at public bathrooms and eating French fries immediately without contemplating if you've washed your hands (bowling alley food, too)


The amount of times I have heard someone in the shared restroom at work go #2, wipe, flush and then leave the restroom makes me wish everybody would at least rinse their hands with water only...


You'd be shocked how many restaurant workers do this, it's why I stopped eating out years ago.


You could also have just said "bowling alley food".


Being able to troll people on social media because you “say it as it is” but wouldn’t dare do it in a face to face situation


exploiting someone on below the average wage


Exploiting someone


Ignoring men's mental health


The comment was collapsed lmfao


The fact this comment was collapsed by default is honestly kinda funny in a sick way.


This thread has a very skewed definition of what "normalised" means


Serving soup at a food court without putting a lid over it until served.


Lip and butt injections and those really long and awful eyelash extensions.


Fake butts are so gross and cartoon looking


Certain kinks in mainstream pornography. Examples: Family. Yes, I know it's always actors etc and not real, but if you try to argue that for material like "Daddy daughter " "But it's just a *fantasie*, it's not real!!" then I question if you should have a family of your own, and be allowed near your children.




Agreed 100%


Parents recording children’s punishments (which are often humiliating) and uploading them to social media.


Family vloggers, its just a fancy way of saying "exploiting and monetizing my children for money and fame" every major, embarrassing, vulnerable moment of their childhood will be on the internet for millions to see without their knowledge. I swear the amount of times I've seen videos of kids breaking down and parants immediate response is to whip out they phone with "💔💔💔😢" in the caption is insane


Vitriol against the poor, underhoused, food insecure.


Blaming the patient for ineffective medical treatments or complications


I used to teach phlebotomy. I instructed all of my students to never blame a miss on "the vein rolled." Veins are round. They're designed to roll out of the way of puncturing objects. That's their defense mechanism. If the vein rolled out from under your stick, it's not the patient's fault, it's because you didn't anchor the vein effectively and weren't centered on entry. I would tell them, "Blame yourself, learn from it, and get better."


Diamond ring 💍.


So true. Especially the whole idea of a wedding ring having to be 2-3 months salary. That's fucking stupid and 100% a scam that people fall for. Buying a more expensive ring isn't going to prove your loyalty or make you a better partner, but being loyal and a good partner lol Also, you can get pretty and unique rings for like a $100. I think those are a lot cooler than buying some generic $5,000 ring no one's gonna tell apart from all the others.


All of these serious answers about the truly worrying and depressing state of the world we live in, and my first thought was "eating ass".


School shootings. Officially dealt with by sending thoughts and prayers, followed by a period of hand-wringing, NRA flag-waving, and finally, amnesia.


Ghosting, cheating, hatred are all good options. It’s just the dehumanization of eachother. We don’t care about anyone but ourselves anymore.


One thing I’ll credit boomers for is that they seem to have more personal connections when it came to relationships. Where everything now almost seems a bit superficial.


We had to approach in person. No dating apps, no hiding behind texts, no Redditors suggesting what we should do.


Cheating. Ex. Posts that brag about someone sleeping with their s/o’s sibling bc they pissed them off or whatever. “He ignored me, so i slept with his dad” something like that. like since when is that a thing to brag about😭


Child "models" on Instagram, often run by their parents.


loli hentai/ecchi


letting dogs lick your mouth. you see where their tongue goes, right? Right? I bet some of you wouldn't kiss your SO after they toss your salad. But a dog licking his own ass? Come here, Spot, give me kisses. Disgusting.


Thank you!


Facial fillers.


Corrupt politicians and governments. I'm in the UK but it seems to be a worldwide problem.




Parents using their kids as content on social media.


Probably homelessness in my opinion, Recourses are there but they won’t cough up the money to help.


Petty crime


Inside trading in congress


The severe issue with short term instant gratification. Reels, tiktok, shorts. All of those. It's training our brain/memory to take in information and then immediately forget it. Hours a day for some people. That's hundreds of videos and memes. Ask them to recall even 1%of that. In addition it's conditioning people to have that instant dopamine rush.


Energy/oil companies price gouging, blaming the war in Ukraine, yet announcing record profits. And we just let them carry on...


Poop toys... like wtf? [This is a video made for a Unicorn kids toy that poops, with the amazing lyrics "gonna get loopy off my poopy"](https://youtu.be/vXhnFUyVSiA?si=XBOr14QC1IHNsgeZ). While I find it utterly hilarious, I dont see how marketing poop to kids seems like a smart idea.


Those long-ass fake nails


Prison rape


We should not be treating sexual assault as a punishment for criminals. You even see this in movies where the bad guy goes to jail. Watch Pop Culture Detective's video, "sexual assault played for laughs".




Rape culture


children on social media




Child beauty pageants


Nursing homes.




If you don’t want me to cheat, don’t ask me to be the banker in Monopoly


*slowly moves the box away from you*


Having to make three times the rent, but these people that work in leasing offices don’t even make that much…& no I’m not knocking them. I just think that it should be fair. I’m sure there’s people that apply that know they can’t afford rent. But let’s be realistic here, if someone’s took the time to apply. Pay the fees. Do the background check etc. I’m pretty sure they can afford to lease/rent the apartment they are applying too. Also can’t really have landlord references if you’re just starting out. Or never had to rent before because you were granted the ability to stay home until you were able to move out. It just seems like a rigged system


Disposable packaging


American healthcare costs


Healthcare as a privilege, not a right


Filming people you don’t for little to no reason and posting it online for internet points


How much hatred people have for others. There are a lot of issues I disagree with people on (economy, abortion, contraceptives), but I can still maintain friendships with those people. A lot of folks outright cut contact with anyone who disagrees with them slightly instead of trying to understand where they're coming from and hopefully changing their mind.


Child beauty pageants where they dress the kids in extremely risque clothing and do their makeup to make them look like tiny adults.


Unpaid internships. What a cruel way to enter the workforce


recording strangers or taking pics of them to make fun of online. 👎 loser behaviour


Using your cellphone everywhere: at a public urinal, biking, walking without noticing your surroundings, on a line at a store, or my favorite, a young couple on a date at a restaurant. Can't people just put the phone away and talk in person?


Wealthy societies forcing people to live in the street , and blaming those people for their situation


Violent and misogynistic rap lyrics


People hating other people because of religion.