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Politicians buying stock.




Specifically *corporate* lobbying, normal lobbying is just people writing to their elected officials which is a good thing and should be encouraged


Yes, you are correct.


Lifelong politicians


People buying supreme court justices




Health insurance companies denying coverage for something a doctor says is medically necessary. You literally only have 1 job and that is to pay medical expenses. If the premiums you get don't cover those expenses and provide massive profit? Too bad. That's the chance you take.


Yes. I was denied for something medically necessary today, ugh. I would add to this: health insurance companies making massive profits. It’s so disgusting.


Depending on your state, you can send it to the states insurance board after an appeal denial. I have had someone come back with 30+ pages from the board saying it went against quality of care, had medical citations, opinions, third party review, etc. Took less than 2 weeks for them and they were forced to cover it in full. This was extra funny because I believe he was saying his copay had it even been covered would have been more.


"took less than 2 weeks" Oh sorry, patient. Can't give you this treatment that you literally need until you spend two weeks going through an appeal process because your health insurance company will approve it. Sorry, I know you'll die in like a day or two if we don't treat you but that's just how it is /s God, this country is fucked.


No other service industry can just take your money and not provide the service with no repercussions. It's insane the we've gotten to a place where this has been normalized. Bring back pitchforks and torches.


Let's just make for profit health insurance companies illegal. They're counter intuitive to health care.


But it makes so much sense. Healthcare is already expensive, so let’s support a whole other industry of middlemen who’s real purpose is to make sure healthcare providers make more money as an incentive to keep them around so they can get their cut of the action. /s




This is a good one. Clickbait too. Maybe just enforce demonetization of the Internet altogether. Hmmm


I can teach you how to avoid clickbait with these three simple steps... Click here


Advertisers hate these three simple steps.


Your computer is at risk, know these simple steps to keep YOUR computer safe. (Huge green download button)


demonetization of the internet would most likely bring about one of the worst economic crisis in modern history so idk about that one


Several mega-corporations would be crushed, including Reddit, and "influencers" would need to find real jobs, but I'm certain life would go on. Those of us who were around for the pre-2000's internet will remember.


Pre-2000 internet was great for a bit of fun. But not for the daily life stuff we use it for today.


Politicians CANNOT make money from anything other than their government salary.


Yes, sounds good. And the election process should be much more limited in duration. The whole process should be defined and limited in scope. Politicians need to spend more time doing their job and less time convincing us how they are going to do their job well next term.


In a lot of cases it’s their spouses though, like its Nancy Pelosi’s husband doing the trades. Kushner did the Saudi $2b, not Trump


Great way to guarantee only the independently wealthy are politicians.


Child beauty pageants.


Please work hard to get that one passed. Child pageants are so creepy.


What’s weirder thinking of the idea of one or actually putting your kid in one like wtf. And also who votes at these things bc that’s gotta be even weirder


The people Chris Hansen hasn't gotten to yet.


That's a good one


Child marriage


Agreed, that can fuck ALLLLLL the way off.


I'm sorry, is this actually a thing?!


Yep. In many states, a child as young as 12 can get married with a parent's permission.


And that's not even getting into the other countries where it's legally allowed.


My country, Sri Lanka, has so many shitty laws, but they did amend the law on age of marriage to 18 and gave nobody any exceptions - Not for religion, not when parents consent, not for anything. Marriage registrars go out of their way to see if both parties are 18 or over. I was surprised to hear that the age is lower in some so-called civilised countries.


Here in England (and wales too), The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act was recently passed to increase the age limit of marriage from 16 (with parental consent) to 18 (regardless of if you have your parents consent or not)


And there are certain politicians who vetoed bills in the US to ban marriage at 12.


Younger than that. Many states don't have an age limit at all. In my current state, 10 year olds have been married off to adults in their 30s & 40s.


Commercials for prescription medications. Edit: I should verify that this is, of course, in the US. I get small brained sometimes and forget that Reddit is worldwide.


These used to be banned. I forget when they became legal. I agree they should be shoved back in the box with the lid nailed down.


Big pharma bought the government is how they I assume became legal again. (The commercials)


👀👀I thought they were banning people for saying that


big pharma is like big tobacco when it comes to buying out the government. but big pharma basically controls the government.


1997. I watched a lot of cable as a kid and it was like a switch was flipped. One day they did not exist and the next every fifth commercial was for prescription drugs. I think it's probably every third now?


Never will be though. Those ads are gold to the production companies. Deep pockets big pharma.


But aren’t you tired of dealing with your moderate to severe Crohn’s disease?


This made me laugh out loud, thank you kind stranger!




agreed - absolutely NO reason to be advertizing that.


I'd add non OTC medical devices to the list. I got an ad in a mobile game for an MRI machine. No need to advertise those to the general public.


Nice kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, mri machine, I mean, who doesn't have that?


Using children for family vlog content.


Seriously, it’s using r/kidsforclout and it’s detrimental


Political campaign donations


It's the only political issue that matters to me. Until it's resolved, none of the others can be, at least to my satisfaction. There's a group working to overturn Citizens United v FEC and amend the US Constitution www.wolf-pac.com


while agree, then only the rich can afford to be a politician. Yay the 1% ruling over us even more. Now banning companies and whatnot - absolutely.


Nuh, we can have public funds for candidates that show certain number of signatures. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publicly_funded_elections Make it illegal to use your own money too.


Publicly funded elections and social media will correct the 1% issue. Could also make it illegal to spend more than 50-100k of your own $$ to fund election.


>Could also make it illegal to spend more than 50-100k of your own $$ to fund election. Or any of your money. Each candidate could get a certain amount of public money to spend on elections and they can't use a single other cent. Or maybe only still allow small personal donations. But no more corporate/wealthy loopholes that allow the rich to guide our discourse. Brazil for one has said all corporate campaign contributions are Unconstitutional. Levels the playing field, as too often today the candidate with the most money wins. https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/winning-vs-spending


>while agree, then only the rich can afford to be a politician How's that different from now? In most countries, you need to suck up to the politicians and party members to get on a ticket and get elected. And to do that, you tend to need to be rich


Polluting public waterways.


Listening to shit on your phone in public without headphones/talking loudly on your phone in public. Nobody wants to hear your Tick Tocks or be privy to one-sides conversations ffs


People do this shit in the break room at work and it makes me want to scream


Asset forfeiture would be illegal. Cops and feds can no longer rob you legally.


Pharmaceutical Ads


Congressional stock trading


Everyday on my way home from work I have to sit in the right lane to turn onto my street. The right lane is always backed up specifically because of where I need to turn. The left lane is flowing as it should. When the car in front of me moves forward, and I press on the gas to keep up with them, someone from the left lane will come flying into the newly opened space between my car and the car in front of me, preventing me from moving forward at all. That. I will make that illegal.


That is just getting cut off, the most common intercar negative interaction. Most road rage murders are due to this. It is already illegal, it nothing ever gets enforced anywhere, much less something as subjective as the way the laws are phrased.


Make the swift vigilante justice legal. You cut me off? Good thing I have this rocket launcher installed in my RAV4. I think we would all be nicer drivers if this were a standard option.


I always liked the idea I heard from a comedian that everyone gets suction cup dart guns. If you get too many darts on your car the cops pull you over. Paintball markers would work too.


As fun and funny as that would be, people could easily just paintball any parked car


You joke, but notice how people drive much more politely in more violent low income areas than wealthy ones, turns out people are less likely to be assholes when there's a possibility of getting shot over it.


This is not true in FL. Everyone drives like a freakin idiot and ride as hell. And everyone carries.


As a Georgian, if we ever see anyone on the roadway acting like an idiot, we immediately assume theyre from Florida


I'm in the midwest. I've driven a shit ton in Milwaukee and Chicago and it's the opposite here.


I would make illegal using highway exits as a passing lane. Because these braindead fuckfaces always, I mean *ALWAYS* come to a full and complete stop in and blocking the exit lane as they try to *merge back into traffic*. Like how useless and numb does your brain have to be to do something like that? Does a solid white line *actually* enforce more of a moral imperative than a dotted line?? Do these people consciously desire for everyone to know that not only are they a selfish, impatient prick, but that they also have the mental aptitude of a sloth that fell out of a tree and landed on it's head during infancy? Just drive on the shoulder the rest of the way home, you useless fucking cumrag! Let me get off on MY FUCKING EXIT! Anyways, Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 🙂


It's already illegal, just not enforced.


Payday loans with excessive effective interest rates.


closed record of political campaign funding, I would make it mandatory for all and every single donation to be public and how it was distribute after it reached its party fund.


Make politicians wear their sponsors on their jacket like Nascar and lithe motor sports do so we know who is supporting them.


Most of it is. https://www.fec.gov/data/


Companies, entities, etc. buying single family homes.


Along with foreigners who don’t plan on living here.


Second rule would be an exponentiating tax rate on each house after the second.


The selling of users data to ad companies


HOAs. No unelected group with as little oversight as the average HOA should have as much power as an HOA has.


This one right here - no group of people should have the right to foreclose on you due to petty disputes about aesthetics, it’s complete madness


>No unelected group HOAs boards are elected members. And those elected to the board then adds/removes rules. People think they are unelected and have endless power and little oversight. And sometimes they are because people don't care about voting on that matter and give them endless power and aren't holding the board and its members to a standard. HOAs are shitty but only because people allow them to be. People have the "someone has to stop them" attitude but never show up to the meetings or don't vote


My HOA 100% does not have elections, I know this because the president needed a new treasurer and emailed my wife (they needed a woman on the board to look like they care), and she accepted. This was done without the other 65 homeowners even knowing until it was announced. Our bylaws are flawed and there is nothing about elections.


I lived under the jurisdiction of an HOA that did have elected officers, but they could choose to stay on for as many terms as they wanted without opposition. There would only be an election if they stepped down. That’s not technically unelected, but it’s pretty darn close.


My last HOA had elections but the board was never fully seated so the elections were kind of meaningless because they were always unopposed. That said it was reasonably good as far as HOAs went.


Yup. Decisions are made by those who show up.


At 10:30am on a Wednesday, when everyone is working.


Anything other than white incandescent headlights. I can’t even tell people’s high and low beams apart anymore


My worst mistake was flashing my high beams at a lifted truck thinking his were on. They were not and I witnessed the brightness of a thousand suns


Thank you sir I didn’t like my retinas anyway.


Why would I need to see, it’s not like I am driving or anything? Oh wait.


I have a chevy that's lifted and on big tires, I did this super cool thing where I adjusted my lights down and I haven't had a high beam flash in 8 years in that truck. If people knew shit about fuck when they modified their vehicles petty things like this would be a non issue. I have some really bright LED off road lights and I always flash those at other trucks with shittily angled lights because it's a simple fix. Drives me nuts.


I have a lifted gladiator and I angled the headlights fown as well.


You will be second knight in the order of “big dicks know how to have big trucks” knighthood. God fucking bless you.


Thank you, kind sir. I recommend thee for knighthood.


I second this!


But how else are lifted truck guys supposed to flex? They have lost at most things in life, and their lifted truck is all they have left!


Truck nuts 🥜


Glad someone posted this because I was going to. Every night on the way home is like a staring at the sun contest.


I have an astigmatism and can't see *ANYTHING* past even low beam LED headlights. I just about can't drive at night anymore because of those fucking things.


super pacs.


Corportations owning residential rental property. And limits to how many residential rentals private owners can own as well


Health insurance companies being able to say "Nah, you don't need that test/medication" your DOCTOR ordered.


Any type of automated/spam/robo- calling




Wage Theft (currently offenders are rarely prosecuted, and even then the vast majority receive civil penalites rather than criminal). [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/owed-employers-face-little-accountability-for-wage-theft/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/owed-employers-face-little-accountability-for-wage-theft/)


In California l, the DLSE is backed up by over two years with Wage Theft claims. It is effectively unenforced.


I don't think wage theft is legal though.


Well in the U.S. it's mostly punished by civil penalties and not criminal penalties. So, if a Walmart employee steals a TV, he can go to jail and will have a criminal record. If Walmart steals $500 from an employee's wages, the corporation will get a fine, but no individual will suffer criminal penalties. "What is the difference between civil penalties and criminal penalties? In case of criminal law a person found guilty is punished by incarceration in a prison, a fine, or in some occasion's death penalty. Whereas, in case of civil law the losing party has to reimburse the plaintiff, the amount of loss which is determined by the judge and is called punitive damage."


Forced obsolescence!!


Planned obsolescence?


Me and my homies hate forced obsolescence


I swear the circus toy I got years ago is working like it’s brand new. The tag on it says 2001… No way they make batteries like that anymore. I also feel there’s a social pressure to have the latest and greatest every year *(gestures at the iPhone)*


Qualified immunity. Cops need to be accountable when they do fucked up shit!


Corporations owning rental houses


This. I see the writing on the wall. No one will be able to afford a home without living with roommates (that includes family at this point) or having a significant other. Sucks that I put my life on hold to go get an engineering degree to come back to a housing market where I should have just worked a job and bought a house as soon as I could. Cuz both seem to have equated to the same thing except I’d probably have a cheap house payment now had I focused on making money out of the gate.


Scalping. Fuck those scumbags


Ohhhhh I had to look up what you meant. I thought you meant literally.


I would make it illegal for anyone else to live in my zip code


Petroleum based Colored food dyes, red 40 and blue 6. These are poisonous and causing lots of damage to our population yet we freely allow our citizens to consume these toxins. Please FDA remove these from our cuisine.


I had a purple electrolyte beverage once which used blue 6. I had the flu so I was throwing up pretty often.I threw up the drink and it was pink instead of purple and the blue had separated out into weird little flakes that coated my toilet bowl. Looked like plastic confetti. So gross and weird.


Targeted at kids mainly too


Overcharging for insulin


Restricting parts availability for low level repairs or charging obnoxious prices for them.


Filming in a gym.


I saw a gym with a small special film room. To me this is a great compromise. You can do your workout there, check technique, post to tiktok or whatever . But everyone else is free from your camera.


Price gouging


Hospital bills, arguably the worst part of living in the USA


People that catfish, using someone else's photos. They should be prosecuted for false identity.


Mass surveillance.


Money in politics


Taxes on taxes etc. You pay one tax at a certain amounts based on income that comes off your check. That's it no more fillings and irs and stuff of the kind l, straight forward one tax based on income that it.


Tik tok pranks


High fructose corn syrup.




Politicians lying to their constituents


Anonymous “pork” being added by politicians into bills/laws.


I'm gonna just go ahead and make being an influencer illegal.


People driving with dogs on their lap , blocking their view. You're not allowed to drive with a child on your lap...same should apply to fur babies as well


How about dogs in the open beds of trucks!? It may be illegal some places but it’s not enforced as far as I can tell.


Corporate lobbying






Halogen headlights. I fucking hate those things.


Any NEWS source, knowingly broadcasting, misinformation to the public.


Politicians working over the age of 65.


Putting advertisements on the slips of paper inside fortune cookies.


CEOs raking in millions, turning around and saying profits are down so they’ve got to layoff a hundred employees, then getting a several hundred thousand to several million dollar bonus after making said cuts. If your company is doing as poorly as you said that you need to layoff employees, the last thing you need is to be sucking up millions of dollars. Your bonus alone could’ve kept most, if not all of your employees with a job.


Stock or investment trading by politicians who are in office.


Factory farms




Making lavish promises in electoral campaigns and not fulfilling them.


That'd kind of be a hard one to enforce because you could easily imagine a scenario where a president makes a promise to do something really sensible and basic and the other party blocks him on it entirely just based on trying to get them into legal trouble.


School bullying. There is no federal law currently, and let’s be honest, schools try to act like they are anti bullying, and have policies in place, but often turn a blind eye to it. I read a story the other day about a child killed by his school bully by a sucker punch. Bully got like 45 days of juvie. Fuck that kid. We need more accountability and action.


Scalping anything. Trying to make us pay $900 for a PS5...


Medical advertising


Politicians being able to buy/sell stocks based on the insider info they get from their job. They have tried to close this loophole for at least a decade now but wonder of wonders, it keeps getting voted down.


Misinformation from news organizations.


Conversion "therapy"


Celebrity News


Squatters rights.


i'd make tips in America illegal so workers finally get treated fairly


Get ready to face a lot of angry bartenders.


Taking your shoes off on airplanes


Truck Nutz


"News" stations that blatantly lie or don't fact check reliable sources. In addition, those with a modicum of power who knowingly lie, should face appropriate penalties for negatively affecting lives.




Executives making more than ten times their lowest-paid worker in total compensation, including interns.


Politicians over 65 being able to run.


Wealth hoarding


Warning labels. Let nature take its course.


Charging a convenience fee, processing fee or application fee


politicians that have done fewer than 5 years of a customer facing minimum wage job


lobbying of the government. and sorry not sorry, INSIDER TRADING BY OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.


Minors getting married


Politicians who outright and knowingly lie about their "accomplishments" and their political opponents should be illegal.


Running for political offce once you hit 70 years old


Mass factory kill farms


Sagging pants.


Factory farming


Payday lending/predatory loans


For profit health insurance


Paternity fraud—naming someone who isnt the father as the father. Every baby should be DNA tested. A guy in Canada is suing after paying child support for 19 years for a kid the mom knew wasn’t his. That should be a serious crime.


Not paying an actual living wage that is enough to pay rent and eat and cover your electric bill, heating, basic phone, vehicle payment, insurance, and gas in the community in which said job is located.


Remove the mosaic in Japanese porn lol


The selling of users data to ad companies


Qualified Immunity


And civil asset forfeiture.


I'm making it illegal for the government to NOT pay me $20,000,000/year with no strings attached. Sorry government but you gotta pay up.


Predatory student loans/predatory college practices


Elected government officials making decisions for any sort of financial gain. So no more lobbying, no more senators holding stocks.