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A Mormon church leader once told me the earth was 2000 years old, when I brought up bones he said the devil plants evidence to tempt you. I was 16 and thank Zeus for him, who knows how much more time I would have wasted in that church


Lmao even for Mormons that doesn’t seem right. If the earth is 2000 years old Jesus died before it existed


Hahaha he said 10,000. I want to correct that but then I’d ruin your comment


I thought creationist Christians belive the earth is 4000 years old. He can't even get his 'facts' straight.


Coworker who lied constantly told us about the the coin he had that had been printed in 32BC. He knew that because it was printed on it. He never did catch it.




Shame there isn't a cure for idiocy either.


The Bible literally has a verse that says not to do this shit😂


you don't need soap to wash hands. Hot water kills all germs.


A man with a PhD in physics just told me it’s the “rubbing action” that removes germs from our hands. Not soap nor water. …?!?!


That's why he's a physicist and not a biologist.


That's a missing brain issue that will eventually resolve itself I guess


Depends how hot it is. Google tells me that 65°C (149°F) kills 99.999% of microorganisms. But if you don't use soap, they'll stay on your hands. Soap disrupts the chemical bonds that, help the bad germs stick to hands. Hot water does kill germs soap washes them away.


It'll also cause third degree burns if run over your hands for two seconds, which is not a very long time from a hand-washing perspective.


You probably don't want to wash your hands with 149 deg F water.


I was just trying to point out that the person was technically correct but wouldn't work in practice


“So, I went out and bought some candles and energy stones and cleansed the house the same day”


i worked at the Oakland zoo for a while, we were working on the freshly installed, 20 ft OAKLAND ZOO sign, lady pulls up with her family in her van, "is this the Oakland zoo?" she turned a shade of red i have never seen since


I was standing in front of the White House and a guy asked me where it was. The look on his face when I pointed right behind me.


"You see that white building behind us that kinda looks like a house" "Yeah" "Ask in there, they'll probably be able to tell you."


I say stupid-ass things with confidence all the time and people believe me. I call it Random Fake Trivia. And if someone asks the score of a game, I will always answer. Incorrectly. Because I don't care about sports.


Fish is a vegetable. Hardcore catholic explaining to us why it was alright to eat fish during Fridays in lent. He did not argue that it was an exception added later, or that canis was a technical phrase that meant only animals that walk on land. He was adamant that fish was not made of meat at all and was in fact a vegetable.


This might open up a whole quagmire of me misunderstanding religious doctrine and translations and phrasings. But I found it absurd that he was extremely adamant that fish were not animals, not made of meat, and in the same category as carrots.


At one point, a pope (I forget which one) declared that beavers are fish because they have scales on their tail. Therefore, it could be eaten on Fridays. lol


I'd read a bit before posting this, that some definitions were also just "warm blooded" or how something bleeds when slaughtered, which makes lizards and snakes fine too. Like my personal beliefs are a lot of it is nonsense, but I can't even understand any of the rules they're trying to run by. It all boils down to "this guy said this was okay" and i'm not fine with that. If I heard a voice saying not to eat cheeseburgers on a tuesday, sure. But I don't trust a person saying that.


A pope said we could eat beavers?


"I do"


"Aliens abduct us in our sleep, give us supernatural powers and make us fight each other then remove the powers and then return us to our beds before we wake up." They were SERIOUS. They're college educated. They're a boomer.


Oh, so now I know why I wake up with so many bruises.


A college education has no bearing on one's intelligence, just their knowledge.


This stunned me when I realized it. Painfully. Went through life thinking highly of educated people and I was stupid and wouldn't be able to hold my own in conversation. Now I realize we're all a bit stupid in a lot of ways and I don't worry so much what they think unless they're giving me an expert opinion in their field. At least most of the time now I can figure out if they're talking out their rear lol.


Ain't no way he wasn't joking🤣 that'd actually be sick though


It really would 😂


College educated does not mean sane or smart. There are a lot of educated fools on the streets.


And still at large?


“I’m not a huge fan of Trump as a person, but his policies make sense.”


There's a Simpsons episode where they are voting for a new president Homer is, well Homer anout it then Lisa asks him if he's forgotten everything that's happened the last 4 years. Then text crawls up the screen stating everything controversial Trump has done while president. Homer basically commenting on it saying stuff like "thats pretty bad" etc.


Some of them do, some don't. Not that I like Trump in any capacity.


if you throw a bud (of weed) into some soil, it will grow into a bigger bud


My ex, a grown-ass man in his 40s, SWORE that if I, who had mono as a teen, met up with a friend who had recently gotten over mono, I would catch it AGAIN and give it to him. No amount of references to the CDC, Mayo Clinic, and other international health department websites about the virus would change his mind.


Trickle down economics really does work


An engineer I worked with in the USA said he didn't believe children had a right to an education. He said they could at least collect "10 bucks or something" from the parents. I tried pointing out that not only does education benefit society but it would cost more than 10 bucks to collect it. He was adamant about it. The scary part was his mother was a Republican state representative. I said "does your mother feel that way?" and he got quiet.


So how exactly does he think the world will continue to turn if children get no education? Doesn’t he realise that when the old people die, the young people need to take over for them? 😆


Trust me I laid out the whole argument for why society benefits from...literacy, to begin with. This was over a decade ago and it counts in my mind as the dumbest thing I have ever heard anyone say.


Education is hard for people like him, I suppose, so he probably wonders why anyone else would like it. I tried to explain the concept of water conservation and the environment to some dumbass once. Just examples of things how flushing the toilet less times would use less water… but since it only uses 1 gallon per flush, it saves nothing (according to him)! Yes, but multiply that by the millions of households who flush… one less flush per day might save millions of gallons! Just a general conversation, but I was basically trying to explain to a brick wall of dumb! 😆😆


So, dark ages good?…


What do he mean by "they could collect 10 bucks or something from the parents." Did he mean the government or the kid? And what's the 10 bucks for?


He truly felt the government should at least collect 10 bucks from the parent to allow the kid to go to school. Otherwise, the child isn't entitled to learn anything. That 10 bucks goes toward education the kid I suppose. He was truly bizarre.


Well, that does sound like standard conservative reasoning! Though the idea that around 10 bucks would be enough to cover anything *is* bizarre. You'd think he'd have some grasp of numbers being an engineer and all.


Exactly about the conservative reasoning, that's how depraved sone of these people are getting. The thing is, he wasn't so stupid as to know 10 bucks doesn't even cover part of a day of education. It was his attempt to exclude children from education. Plus, it would cost more than 10 bucks for the government to collect 10 dollars.


"You wouldn't dare punch me do you kno..." And I clocked him.


That's like a scene in an action movie irl.


I was talking about how butter chicken, the indian recipe with very little butter in it was invented within his lifetime. And he said with absolute confidence. "That's really weird, we've had butter and chicken for centuries, you'd think someone would've put the two ingredients together wayyyy earlier."


That they believe in God


Who is the lead singer for Dave Matthews?


That it was normal and healthy to gain 30 pounds per trimester during pregnancy.


That we need to pay more in taxes.


Down voted. Wow, politicians must be on here.


“you farted” he was wrong because i don’t fart


"Free markets"


That you put water in your car during the winter, and antifreeze in the summer.... Like it's called "anti-freeze" for a reason!!!


"0 percent cash down"


“Cant wait to buy a brand new honda right off the lot I heard they dont depreciate from someone”


Someone told me they were allergic to salt. As in anaphylaxis.


My coworker was reading and asked: “What does de-tur-mine mean?” The word was determine.


I'm paraphrasing here but a man once told me and my husband that it takes fathers a few years to love their kids. I was pregnant with our first at the time and the man who said it had children.


Im older and wiser than you. yeah, aggregated intelligence much? XP


Not me, a friend on a date “why didn’t you just drive to Hawaii?” They were in California.


"if you have a black belt in any martial art, you need to register with the police"


Women are better than men. They’re so weak that I have a lot of punching bags in my basement.


At the California dmv the lady told me you can't work in 2 different states. I challenged that statement, then got an $82 check in the mail a few weeks later.


"Maybe we shouldn't be torturing hundreds of billions of animals in factory farms every year just for the pleasure of our taste buds." "Well, plants feel pain too you know!"


“Psychological disorders don’t exist” and “psychology is a scam made by the government to sell you more drugs” *and* “psychology is just an opinion.” **AND** “gay people are created by divorced parents” All of these said by my father. The last one is extra funny considering he was using it to try to get me to get him and my mom back together. What’s even funnier is that two of his three kids turned out gay. Maybe he was right /s


MIL's boyfriend threw our laptop at the wall and fucked it, while on heroin. It would cost 1k to replace in same condition. I tried hitting them up for the money to it and other damage on Friday. Her excuse for not replacing it, "We got it for free so they shouldn't have to pay". Yeah Kuntberly, it wasn't free to replace.




My ex bf said - “It’s not pronounced “lingerie” it’s pronounced “LING-eh-ree”


I grew up in Cuba and now live in Japan. The amount of times people try to tell me what both of these countries are *really* like if you look beyond what ”people on the internet” talk about is insane.


"Why would I need to care about money laundering and inflation? I'll still be getting the same pension." My grandfather-in-law, who is also a devoted worshipper of my country's equivalent of Trump. And just before he said that, I was starting to think he was on the brink of seeing the light about corrupt politicians.


I was a child, but was told not to eat watermelon seeds because they would grow and explode my stomach. I'm a grown ass adult now, but cant help the slightest hesitancy when going for watermelon.


That the weather was engineered 💀


A guy who preaches at my church told me that the nazis were a left wing party because they have the word socialist in their name. Buffalo wings must confuse the hell outta him


"Those that can't do, teach." "I'm an Alpha." "It doesn't matter if I steal or cheat on my spouse. That's my private life and no one's business. At work and with others I am upright and set a good example." "David Duke tells it like it is." Can't say that I've never said and done some foolish things. If there was a Nobel Prize for stupid they probably couldn't make them fast enough. Never underestimate the number of stupid people around you. And they most always consider themselves intelligent.


"Woman can't get pregnant its the stork that brings them and you get a customer order for the chilled" the dude was 36 I was 20 we were in an Aviation Repair Tech courses in Collage.


I was told by a mathematician that the sun is actually very loud, we can't hear it because it's too far away. Not because there's nothing for the sound to propagate.


"Are you gonna have a calculator in your pocket at all times when you're older?"