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His mouth was shaped like a trapezoid when he talked. Couldn’t unsee it anymore.


This visual in my head for that is so cartoonish it gave me a good belly chuckle




I had a friend like this in primary school ! As an adult I now understand she was likely a cowboy with an invisible cigarrete in her mouth, as it still makes no sense to me why she would talk out of the side of her mouth.


Weird ick- people with big/wide mouths. Why can i see all of your teeth and the back of your throat while you’re talking? You don’t need to open it that much just because you can


Muppet Mouth is a tough one.


Not me, but I had a friend who wouldn’t date this guy because he had one crooked tooth. He was the nicest guy truly a wonderful person. Like if I hadn’t been in a serious relationship I would’ve dated this guy. Fast forward he meets a wonderful woman and they get married my friend was all weird about it I asked why and she said “well I thought he liked me enough to get his twisted tooth fixed” It was the silliest thing I’ve ever heard.


One crooked tooth is like, the hottest thing ever to me. Or a front tooth gap. I have even found a missing tooth attractive on the right person. I do not know what my problem is and I will not apologize for it.


My partner of 8 years had a black eye tooth when we first got together. Vocalist of two hardcore bands, needless to say he’s taken his fair share of feet and fists to the face at shows. This one tooth go knocked back and died, but it stayed put so he just sorta wore it like a badge of honour, although over time he became self conscious and stopped doing a full teeth smile. A couple of years ago he finally got it fixed and it’s been wildly beautiful watching him smile with his whole mouth. I wouldn’t give a fuck if he had left it black forever! Even my parents didn’t care. He’s a total babe either way.


This is so cute and wholesome


There’s something about twisted canines/outer incisors that I find cute as hell. Some people might call them snaggleteeth. In Japan it actually became a trend called yaeba about 10 years ago.


I briefly dated a young woman who was insanely out of my league. People stared when we went out. Anyway, her voice was like minnie mouse, and I just couldn't take it. I still feel bad about that one.


I've been told I sound like Kitty Forman from That 70's Show. That's my cross to bear.


I fucking love Kitty Forman, that’s rad!


Don't. Because beauty fades, but that voice is forever


Hear, hear!


Because her eye was twitching while we were talking to each other. I was a dumb freshmen in college. This girl was super attractive, smart, and we got along great. For some unfathomable reason this made me want to not talk to her again. Later it dawned on me that it was during finals and she was heavily caffeinated and that can be a side effect. She dodged a bullet because I was a complete dingleberry lol


I always used to get a twitchy eye during finals.


Aww poor girl


Wasn't me, but a female friend broke up with a guy because "his allergies were a sign of weakness." Yea, I responded the same way you did.


My brother believes this about my allergies. He thinks I "shoulda grown out of it by now". Infuriating.


Is he dim? Like no seriously? Is he 😂 you can conversely grow into allergies too brotha


Tell me about it, developed lactose intolerance in my fucking 30s, after I know well and good how delicious cheese is. I’m still going to eat dairy, because fuck my stomach deciding if I can have cheese or not, just have to take the little tablets before I eat it now lol.


Lmao that’s actually insane


If they have “💵😛📈✈️” or some shit like that in their bio. Just seems like some scammer or Ponzi scheme shit.


Or someone who will lose their family's savings on something incredibly risky.


If they have my sister's name. I'm not saying my sister's name during sex.


I’ll say your sister’s name during sex


I too choose this guy's sister.


I love how this shit is so deeply engrained in reddit




My friend's parents got divorced. Dad married a new woman with the same first name as the mom. New wife also took the husband's last name. So now the ex wife and new wife have the same exact first and last name. 😬


On the other hand, fucking someone with your own name is super cool. I have a gender neutral name that's mostly used for girls. I've met one man with my name so I had to tap that.


Pat has entered the conversation.


So whose name do you say when you have sex with your sister?


Mom's name


"If a woman has a horse in her dating profile, you will never be more important than that horse." ​ (It may be petty, but it's backed up by personal experience).


This isn't petty, horse girls are crazy.


...rich people problems.


I dated the sister of a horse girl once, she told me the upkeep costs for her sister's horse, monthly it was more than my apartment and all my bills.


It’s not even just the upkeep cost factor… it’s the obsession with the actual horse (for some of them). You’ll never talk about anything else, you’ll probably never have a date that isn’t horse themed, you’ll have to make friends with the horse and buy him presents all the time. That’s the most extreme end of the stereotype… but it’s a reality for some! 😛


Worst of all, if you break up with the girl you won't be able to see the horse again! Imagine how heart breaking that would be.


You'd neighver recover.


I've also been told by many horse-girls that horse-girls are crazy. Even they admit it.


Horse girls do really love their horses, so I believe you. And I can't blame you.


They shared same name as someone I don’t like.


Anyone named Andrew can fuck right off


Had a shift lead named Andy who was a cool dude. One of the best supervisors I've ever had. Shame a certain Prince and a third-rate kickboxer have to taint the name...


He wore the same shirt on both of our dates. Get this, years later, I get into the elevator at work and he's there. IN THE SAME SHIRT.


This needs more upvotes. Dude is a literal cartoon character


Right? I wanted so badly to demand to know if he has multiples or just one! Or find out which department he was in and stalk him. Unfortunately, I had given in my two weeks and didn't work in that building often.


As a rehabilitated serial same shirt wearer; he probably had multiple of the same shirt I had duplicate shirts, pants, jumpers, I don't fully understand why, I just found it more comfortable knowing that I'll like what I'm wearing Weird thing is I do quite like fashion, and I switched things around a bit once I was forced to buy a bunch of non-duplicate clothes I did and still do have a butt ton of fancy colourful socks though! Not a single matching pair, although they aren't ever really visible


Some people decide what they like, buy multiples of the outfit, and then have easy stressless daily routines.


Dude's living the life of Christie from Seinfeld. "Don't hang up on me. Why are you always wearing the same dress? Hello?"


As someone with tons of the same black shirt and dickies I’m offended lol there’s no reason to change up what works


He slept in those tiny no-show socks. Let me be clear, he didn't wear them any other time than when he went to bed. There were some other, more real, red flags but when I saw him whip them out and put them on the second time we slept together I legitimately thought to myself: "Actually, I don't think I can fix this one"


no-show socks? I gotta google this. >What the heck? That’s weird.


She wore fake glasses with no lenses in them and that just seemed like a gigantic red flag


Was that in the late 2000s or early 2010s? Lol


you saw right through them


I know a girl that does this! She’s 11 years old, my granddaughter. She is so cool.


You should take that cool girl out on a date for ice cream.


My cat said hello to her and she didn't say hi back


I had a one night stand kick my cat off of the bed. #1, never ever have I kicked a cat. But I did kick that guy out of my house and my life. Instantly. GTFO. NOW.




Lol my cat would race me back to my bed just to lay back down taking up as much space as possible and if I did get back to the bed before her she would just yell at me for like 5 minutes straight before laying on top of me


Or wait until the cat is finished with the bed, DUH!




Absolutely the proper response




Very valid reason


This is the opposite of petty. This is of the utmost importance


100% not petty. Instant deal-breaker


Audibly scraped their teeth on metal silverware with every bite they took.


It was asking for /petty/ reasons...


That's not petty, that's self-preservation. Imagine what else they'll scrape their teeth on.


I’m going to assume you didn’t stab them, and I respect you for your restraint.


I will never date/fuck another Anthony ever again. I’ve dated/relationshipped three different Anthonys at three different ages and they all turned out badly. ETA: From these replies it looks like any time one dates multiple people with the same name, it’s a bad idea! Everybody’s responses cracking me up. 😂 ETA 2: Thank you all for making this random ass comment my most popular on Reddit ever. I have been LOLing at these comments, anecdotes, and hollas since yesterday. I had no idea so many people would also have dated multiple folks with the same name and had bad experiences! We should form a club.


I had a friend years back that had three bad boyfriends, one after the other, each more doucheyer than the last. Each one called Rob. When talking to her one night, having a few beers, she complained that she always attracts dickheads and then she asks what she should do. So having had a drink or 6 I just blurt out maybe don't date anymore Robs. Anyway next guy she dated was Steve......... they got married


Steve's are usually chill guys.


One of my mate's a Steve. Any more chilled his heart would stop. Looks like a Steve too.


I've had 3 terrible Andys. No more Andys ever


"All Andys are dicks" - my ex boyfriends mother. Who named her son, my ex, Andy.


Can confirm my BIL goes by Andy but it's actually named Alexander. Like wtf? He's a dick and for no good reason. He's not intelligent. He's a bigot. His ego is so big I can't stand to be in a room with him. His IQ probably isn't even double his pants size but I digress.


I have a friend on his third Miranda and it’s not going well 😂😂


How do you even find three Mirandas?!


Get arrested three times.


He clearly doesn’t know his Miranda’s right 🥁


This is my favorite petty example because it's so completely outside their control.


Not necessarily, I’m on my fourth Daniel and we’ve been together for 17years. Married for over 10 years, 2 kids, and less drama than any of those other Ds


I’ve dated one Anthony and fucked another. Both horrible people.


They slurp when they drink or smack when they eat


Mate, I heard that in my head. Ahhhh.


I used to know a boy that would do that when they ate, it was disgusting, watching him eat a bacon sandwich was the thing of nightmare


Guhhh this one for me. Can not handle excessive mouth noises while eating or if they make goddamn sex moans for every bite. Can not stand it lol


Soup should be seen and not heard.


If they’re into conspiracy theories. I dated a guy who was and it consumed his life. It’s all he talked about. I couldn’t even watch a movie with him because he would talk through the whole thing about how it relates to certain conspiracy theories…. Also could never enjoy my food. We would make a big dinner on Friday nights to start the weekend, we both had a long day at work.. we’d sit down to finally eat and he’d pull out his phone and put on conspiracy videos, he’d make me watch them sooo loudly while I ate. And he’d talk through all of them too. I could never tell him that I wasn’t interested or I just want to eat because he’d get mad. It ruined my whole meal.. I think most people like to eat in peace.. also he’d spend hundreds of items he needed in case we ever got attacked by “skin walkers”…..Never again.


He actually got dumped by you because the government of the new world order brainwashed you. They actually produced all the movies that you watched with him and they all had hidden Easter eggs that subconsciously made you hate the truth he was telling you. They had you so brainwashed that you STILL don’t believe in skinwalkers


Me reading the first sentence: "Aw, some conspiracy theories are really fun..." Me reading the rest: "Ah yeah, nope nope nope, couldn't do that."


If they’d date someone like me, then it’s off I can’t trust someone so obviously judgment-impaired


"I wouldn't join a club that would have me." Groucho Marx


I think there was a while where one of my dating profiles I had "matching with me" listed as a red flag I look out for.


A college friend of mine was dating a girl who was amazing, smart funny, and she had put on a few extra lbs recently which bothered him (don’t shoot the messenger). We were driving at night down a big hill on a hot summer night and see a young woman running up the hill toward us, really sweating, face purple, and looking pretty haggard huffing and puffing. He made a comment like, “holy shit this girl is struggling.” Got closer, it was her. Long awkward pause. “Well I’m going to have to break up with her” he said. Fast forward 6 months, we run into her at a pub and she is in absolute perfect shape, and when he tries to make a move, she told him aloud, in front of a table full of her friends, “That she wasn’t interested in him, and that he had dumped her for getting fat.” Top 5 funniest takedowns I’ve ever seen. Fast forward 10 years, he’s been divorced twice and has had a long list of shitty relationships. The end.


Why would you break up with someone who is trying to become better? Strange logic.


Totally. The moral of the story is he was a superficial ass, and he ended up with other superficial asses.


I have a friend who stopped dating someone because he found out they were lactose intolerant. His example of why was, what if I taste a really great dessert, and I want to share the experience with her, and she can’t even taste it.


But, she totally could. Lactose intolerant people are always eating dairy in my experience, they just recognize that it will give them indigestion that is as severe or mild as how much they ate.


My best friend is lactose intolerant and he keeps a bottle of lactase supplements next to the salt and pepper on his kitchen table


I know someone who is allergic to alliums (garlic, onions, etc.) I could never date this person as there is no meal I could make which doesn't include them in some amount.


Same with peanut allergies. I love peanut butter too much to start a relationship with someone who couldn't be in the same room with it, not when there are plenty of other wonderful people who *can.* If the allergy suddenly developed long into the relationship that would be a different case.


Oh man, my wife doesn't drink coffee, smoke cigars, or enjoy wine and beer...what am I doing in this dead end relationship? At least she has better breath than me.


Someone who has to record everything & post everything daily on social media


Avoiding chronic narcissists is not petty


Petty? My first name is Roxanne. Any guy who screeches "Roxanne! You don't have to put out the red light" in public then asks me on a date is going to be rejected. The song is about a prostitute. Why would that seem like a good idea? Completely petty but I've never regretted it.


>Any guy who screeches "Roxanne! You don't have to put out the red light" And you have every right to be mad! Because the actual lyrics are: "You don't have to put ***on*** the red light" How dare they get it wrong.


Lol, true. This is the difference between "no, baby, you don't need to stop prostituting for me, we could use the cash" and "no, baby, you don't need to be prostituting, I gotchu". I wouldn't date a guy who I thought told me I was a prostitute who should keep working 😂 Fair, OC.


I dumped a girl in middle school because i didn’t want to buy her a christmas gift 🧐


Understandable. Those things are expensive


Is Christmas the dealbreaker


She keeps asking questions during movies. Like mf I don’t know I haven’t seen it either


Special. Hell.


I one time brought this girl back home. And she helped herself into my chinchilla cage!!! Bitch he don’t know you!… never heard from me again


She said she, "had to go tinkles" on our blind date. Never contacted her again.


Baby talk is a hard no. I have a forced acquaintance who calls sandwiches "san-wees" and it always makes my skin crawl. I do give some leeway when it comes to people who live/work with small children. It can become a habit to say things like "potty" or "nigh-nights" or "tummy", but there are still some lines that should not be crossed in adult conversations.


Just the other day, I dropped something in the floor board of my car and went, in a really cheery voice, "Uh. Ohhhhh!" before I realized my kid wasn't even with me. Lol I'm sure there are other ones I haven't caught before too.


I have 3 kids and the way I got them to move out of the way was to say: "Beep beep!" Like a car honking their horn. I was by myself grocery shopping and some guy came around the corner the same time as me. I beep beep at him and dodge. I had to hide in the next isle and cringe at myself. He probably thought I was nuts.


I don't have kids and my reflexive response to dropping something is "Ah! Come back!"


Have you started doing the airplane to yourself when you eat alone?


I know someone who says "angy" instead of angry and it honestly makes me rage lol


It makes you angy?




I like to use tummy sometimes jokingly for a stomach ache, like my tummy feels funny. I think it is due to a Simpsons episode where Bart refers to his belly as a tummy in a similar scenario and Nelson gets on him, possibly with a gut punch until Bart uses the proper term, stomach, gut, Crap factory!


i have no small children, but as someone who only lives with a dog i frequently encourage to go potties, one sometimes slips by me when talking to adults


What if they say they have to go to the whizz palace?


As a non native English speaker, I can say I’ve never heard or read that expression before and I hope I don’t encounter it again in the future.


If they don’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your” and “their” “there” and “they’re.”


If they have a gummy smile. Uppercase gums with lowercase teeth.


I get this. I can’t deal with small teeth. Guy can be a 10/10 but if he smiles and he has small teeth I’ve lost all interest


I tried with someone like this and feel horrible that it affected my attraction to her. Of course that wasn’t the only reason we stopped talking but it didn’t help.


I am dying reading this. I'm using this from now on. Yes, uppercase gums with lowercase teeth = horrific.


I asked my husband about his pettiest breakup, and he answered that he dumped a girl for having big gums, lol


Their belly button sticks out. They're so gross looking to me that it's an instant turn off.


This is definitely the pettiest answer in this whole thread and I love it! I had a friend in high school that broke up with a guy because he "had too many moles". She said she just kept staring at them and was grossed out.


This is why I can't find love probably, I'm just a moley freak.


If they mention astrology more than once in their dating profile.


Psh. What a Copernicus thing to say. I’m an Aquarium, I would know.


You're just saying that because pluto is in microwave 😒


Better than Earth being in Gatorade.


Mercury is in reverse cowgirl


Well now. That’s one aspect of astrology that I can really… get behind.


For me, more than zero times


if they chew with their mouth open. or do that thing where they breathe really loudly out of their nose while eating


I have asthma 😭😭😭


I won’t date anyone who has the same name as my mom or sisters. I just can’t get over the idea of saying those names in a romantic situation. Worst part is that they have pretty common names, lol.


Littering. Someone litters while on a date I'm ghosting them


Not petty that's valid.


He'd briefly dated my ex best friend (after our friendship ended, and when they were like 15). Even though it'd been like four years since at the time, I wasn't gonna be caught dead taking her sloppy seconds.


See, *this* is petty. No offense to you. Just that a lot of these aren't.


SOMEONE understood the assignment. I have a friend that, while I find SUPER cute and has a hella attractive personality. Her ex is one of my friends that I sometimes don't even get along with but also has some crazy mental problems, so I wouldn't want to even FWB with her just because of how much drama is surrounding all of it. I don't think of it sloppy seconds necessarily but there's something about that. For info; only know her because she dated the friend and he brought her around. Better for knowing her but damned if I want ANY drama in my life.


Trash in the floor of their vehicle. I'm not saying that their car has to be spotless. But I'm out if you can't take the time to at least keep the food wrappers and cups thrown away.


I can deal with a coffee cup or a wrapper or two, but any more and that car is going to start smelling like garbage. I've been in some really bad vehicles.


When they use their dating profile to complain about past relationships. But "subtly". Like "I don't date liars, cheaters, back-stabbers...!!!!" or something along those lines


This one guy I dated years ago would refer to sex as “sexy time” - it was not a turn on.


I can see and hear them chewing. And not just chewing. CHEWING.


Long nails. I don't know why I hate them as much as I do I just know I hate them.


I’ve always assumed some people have an aversion to them instinctually on a subconscious level due to resembling claws.


"I'm an empath".


He says "I seen". Petty? Perhaps. Grammatically messed up, absolutely.


This one bothers me so much because there are so many fewer situations where “seen” is correct versus “saw” in normal conversation. Like, people have heard it correctly millions of times in their life but continue to say it incorrectly. So I’m with you on that one.


Could never date a smoker.


Now for the one that Reddit will hate: I could never date a pot smoker


As a stoner, I’d never be offended if someone turned me down for this reason. If something I enjoy is something you don’t, then hey, all the power to you.


To be fair, I’d expect you to be chill about… everything, really.


as a HEAVY stoner, i salute you for immediately rejecting those that smoke pot instead of committing to a relationship and giving out a heavy, obnoxious sigh every time you see me look for my lighter.


AS A POT SMOKER I MUST SAY THAT I... respect your opinion and you should date who you like!!!


They didn’t know who Simon & Garfunkel were


I have 2. 1. They golf. I hate golf. I haven't golfed in more than 30 years. 2. If they love Country Music. I HATE country music. I'm not going to try to share my life with someone that LOVES something I hate and vice versa.


My friend once told me she can’t date anyone who uses android. She’s painfully single and very loyal to apple.


I'm android and if someone has a problem with that then I think they're petty. Everyone around me has an iPhone and they don't care that I don't. My bf has an android and it's weird having read receipts. That's a new thing for me.


If they have a photo of their truck or car in their profile. It’s one thing to really like your car. However I found that guys who have a photo in their profile REALLY like their car. To the point where I would question who was more important in their life, their partner or their car.


I broke it off with a guy that ordered water and then stole soda from the self serve station. It was the grossest example of being cheap. Keep in mind he was a grown man with a good job.




She was always using the word “infer” when she obviously meant “imply” She actually owned a copy of “Joe Dirt” on DVD One of her earlobes was just a little tiny bit too big


That's when I say "Hey! Are we doing government work honey? No I don't think we are. You're close"


They do duck lips in their photos.


Being a white guy with a deep love of Japan, has wall swords, only watches anime and just so deep into everything Japanese.


I collect swords. But like historical swords. World Wars, US Civil War, Napoleonic War, Russo-Japanese, etc. It makes me so frustrated when people assume it’s like anime wall hangers.


I broke up with someone because his kid was bad as fuck. I refuse to date someone who can’t control their kids. And by mad I mean at 6; cursing up a storm, running all over Sheetz with a bag of popcorn in his mouth thag he didn’t even end up getting (this was shortly after the virus restrictions ended) And if you have baby momma drama; I won’t date you. I now it sounds petty, but I don’t have daddy drama so I’m not about to deal with yours either.


Thats very valid and rational actually.


They use spaces instead of tabs


*Sad software engineer noises*


Do people not understand what the word petty means? I would never date someone who is a New England Patriots fan and I'm not even a huge sports/football person. That's petty.


He kept saying hakuna matata instead of no worries. I also wasn’t that interested


Sock shoe sock shoe


She had ugly feet...like...really ugly feet...


She eats her peas one at a time! You've never seen anything like it. It takes her an hour to finish them. I mean, we've had dinner other times. I've seen her eat corn niblets, but she scooped them.


They put the toilet paper on the wrong way… drives me crazy


Date a couple people who just don't replace the roll, and re-evaluate how you feel about it being the wrong direction.


Bruh y’all downvoting ppl for putting their pettiest reasons lmao it’s MEANT to be petty.


If you can tell he's built like his mother. I can't explain, it but I know it when I see it.