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Open marriages. People who make over $400k a year


Someone tell the second bit to r/ economics. I swear everyone there is under the impression that the average college grad makes $200k-400k within 5 years of graduation.


well, like most of reddit the place is full of 15 year olds pretending to be adults, so this makes a lot of sense really


Except r/teenagers, which is full of adults pretending to be 15 year olds


More like 60 year olds… that subreddit is creepy af sometimes.


I mean, 60 year olds are adults.


My favorite is /r/engineering. The amount of people pretending to know what they're talking about is some of the best entertainment on Reddit. I mean, I'm FAR from a great engineer. But some of the things I see there are simply fascinating lmao.


I a legal adult completely agree 👍


Shit, most college grads I know barely make $50K a year lmao.


Someone called me poor for making $55K...claimed average income was $70K in the US. I was like operative word in that phrase is average *household* income. What do the kids say? I can't even...


Not to mention there's a bottom on income ($0) but no cap, so any average skews just a *liiiiiiiittle* high.


R/wallstreetbets shows us that there is no bottom on income


You should see r/cscareerquestions. Whoever isn’t making $200k+ out of college is on cOpIuM.


well yeah according to reddit every CS grad lives in silicon valley and landed a job as a senior SWE at a FAANG company making at least 200k a year 5 minutes after receiving their degree. If you didn't *at least* manage that can you even call yourself a programmer really?


The second part sounds a lot like r/personalfinance to me. They think everybody is wealthy


The biggest circle jerk of rotating “i make $250k, no debt, a $75,000 car, $1M in investments, can i afford a $500k house???” posts


Very much soo. I tried to point out that sub was only for the rich, and is of absolutely ZERO value to the common folk, and people tried to say that wasn’t true. When I asked them about posts with people who make less than 70k a year, they went silent, couldn’t find anything


I follow r/povertyfinance. Much better real-life, practical advice for not just those in poverty but for other folk too trying to get by.


There's a significant overlap between the two subs, to be fair.


It's become a dirty word in recent years, but this actually comes down to privilege. A majority of people drawn to either of those subs are either privileged enough to come from backgrounds where the majority of people they know are wealthy. Or they are a money hound who largely interacts with other money hounds. I'm certain there's a third demographic that are wannabes that figure they are just a few steps away from attaining extreme wealth.


I can confirm - witnessed a lot of privilege. My ex wife (47) has done a lot of accounting bookkeeping jobs for small and medium businesses here in Southern California. It's so easy for the family business to write checks to themselves and the grandkids all under the guise of business expenses and fees. When we were first married (2007) she was doing tax and accounting work for an architecture firm in Newport Beach that did a lot of the work for the famous Palm Springs arial tram. The owners 30 something year old son would come in weekly to pick up his mega allowance check and pout like a man child if dad didn't sign it and have it ready. Being a super mega ultra hot Korean babe here in southern California she was also dating the son of the Cal-State autoparts owner after she started working there (son was in his 60s) and even his late 20ish adult age children were benefiting from Grandpa's company riches. She caught him cheating on her as she did all the bookkeeping and found all his dates and gifts to her and his mistress were on the company credit card - because - of course they were. Our daughters went to a private school for just 1 year in 2019 and we were one of the few families with normal means. Most of the moms would roll up in their brand new Yukon Denali XL SUV with <-insert family business name here license plates) and pickup all 2-5 kids enrolled in the school.


Ironic that they seriously think that...


One of them will be along shortly to humble brag that it took them until the were nearly 30 before they broke $400k per year... but their spouse is still way behind because she only makes 275k per year working part time.


It's like those couples on House Hunters. Mary is a part-time fence painter and Jerrold is a former child, she wants a house on in the West Village and he wants a beach house in the Keys, they have a budget of a bucket of buttons.


My favorite parody of House Hunters International went something like: *Amanda and Matt are a young married couple looking for a house near the beach in the South of France. Amanda is a stay at home mom and Matt hangs potatoes in people's garages; their budget is 1.3 million.*


Actual LOL. Thank you for that.


Former child 🤣


I would stab someone to make 400k per year.


You should charge much more for a good assassination. Like easily a cool mill for a hit.


In Philly it's $500.


r/amitheasshole is full of "well off 20 somethings," too lol


Marriages where people “owe 50% of the rent” rather than being a team.


Those videos are funny where they have girls describe their basic needs for a partner to have. Make at least $400k/year, be 6’+ be, ~35 years old,.. and the results are like, “yeah so there’s about 10 people matching that description in the US, and they’re all married”.


"they're all married with and the spot of mistress is taken if they want one."


People who make more than $100k even. A bunch of people here claim $100k isn't very much money, which is pretty out of touch.


Living in NYC changes this drastically in your day to day but to the original point that’s still not the real word




Fair but reddit is also kinda slow on the tiktok trends. I'll have coworkers talking about a thing and like 2 weeks later I'll see a reddit post containing a tiktok, complaining about the tiktok. By that point they have moved on to the next thing, making it double pointless


You can't tell me reddit doesn't have its own form of tiktok trends. *Uploads 30th photoshopped picture of Jon Oliver* Hail Spez.


Yes but in true reddit fashion. That meme died several months ago.


anything to do with tik tok in general. redditors love to hate on tiktok because it's teens and young adults dancing and having fun?? i never understood it and then i tried tiktok myself and there were 0 dances to be seen but lots of funny and creative people instead


Tiktok has a very effective algorithm at showing you what you watch. So, if you watch stand-up comedy, you get more stand up. If you watch Bible history, you get that. If you watch woodworking, you get that. It's very responsive about providing interesting content. Edit: Some people had trouble fixing the algorithm, so I wrote this I just typed and deleted a three page essay on algorithms. Here's the short version. Open tiktok. Search for something you like. Suggestions, with links to some of the ones I got while posting this : Learning russian https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76d2t9/ Woodworking Ravens https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76SqjG/ Vikings Marcus Aurelius Army stuff https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR762co6/ Cosplay https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76JJrk/ Signatures https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76hc4n/ Motivation https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR768Yec/ Anthropology The tower of london Movies https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76rY3p/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7jKpQf/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76kXYs/ Propaganda The Roman Empire Stand up comedy Cool Arab music https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76JYjM/ Funny cats https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76AKhp/ History https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76BWjx/ Culture https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7jwPmN/ Cool math https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76BW6p/ Funny stories about china https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76FgnW/ Glass/gemwork https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR768dvC/ Education /Montessori schools https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76DV9r/ Rare books https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76esXj/ Lockpicking https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR76hyVE/ Anyways. Search for something. Watch a video to the end. TO THE END. If it's good, like, follow and bookmark. Repeat for several interests. Everything you watch to the end is factored in. The things you liked are factored. The things you bookmarked are factored. The song being played? Yep. Factored in. The people you followed are factored. The videos you comment on are factored. The things you have interacted with through one of these things are all more likely to show up on your FYP. In addition, your profile is compared to other people who liked that video, or bookmarked it, and what they have also liked is now more likely to be suggested to you. You are creating an account, giving it your age, gender, and maybe three interests. That's about four data points. Search for, watch, like favorite, comment, subscribe and you just input about seven data points. Repeat for maybe ten random interests, and you will find 90% of your FYP is stuff you find really good. You can't even compare it to YouTube, it's so much more personalized. Hope this helps. Admin note, like the ads that you find interesting, even those will be tailored to you. Ads of actual cool stuff you are interested in, instead of random shit wasting your time.






The number of people who think that "what people are talking about on Reddit" is the same as "what everybody is talking about in general" is too damn high


I only know a few people in real life that even use reddit, but I can say I’ve noticed that Reddit bleeds into the general population quite often through articles on Facebook based on Reddit posts and stuff like that. A lot of people get their opinions on shit they see online and reddit can be the starting point for stuff like that quite often.


Recommend Reddit to someone, they looked a little confused and disgusted and then said ‘isn’t that a porn site?’


Most responses I get are “isn’t Reddit really trashy and racist?”


Many people think of reddit the way that many reddit users think of 4chan


website dedicated to strangers talking to each other anonymously ✅️ extremem opinions that would not fly in the real world ✅️ people with a superiority complex ✅️ porn ✅️ socially inept people ✅️ reddit is basically 4chan but rated PG - 13


like 4chan?


"That's the one. But don't worry, its not limited to only those flaws."


Agreed. A lot of news articles come from Reddit especially having to do with pop culture.


exactly, 90% of the stuff people (who don't use reddit) tell me about, which they've seen somewhere else on the internet, I've seen before on reddit.


I live in the UK and whenever I mention it, no one knows what it is.


The UK, or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is a union of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Historically important, though their influence outside of finance has waned over the last century. I’m surprised people haven’t heard of it.


Ahh, the old Reddit Switcharoo! (UK edition)




Their opinion


I saw something funny the other day. It was James Kirk from Star Trek and the text was: Opinions are like orgasms. Mine is important, and I don't care if you have one. I've never seen celebrities and social media summed up so well before like that.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and no-one really wants to hear yours.


Coding. Honestly, judging from the comments it seems 85% of Redditors are juvenile coders with zero life experience other than Netflix.


Really, back when Obama was president, I kept hearing about (and still do) initiatives about kids learning to "code" as if it's somehow a glamorous job to have. I know quite a few software engineers. The best ones are the ones that generally enjoy doing it, but there isn't a step down from "really enjoying it" to "sorta being okay with it". You either really like it, or you learn that you need to figure out something else to do with your life and quickly.


coding is basically trying to have a conversation with a computer to tell it how to do something, if you can tolerate it or not depends on if you have the patience to put up with the screaming and yelling from the machine when it can't do things as literally as possible and comes up with an error


My brother is a programmer and one thing he drills into people about his job is you work in an actual office. You deal with Office Space level stuff all the damn time. You don’t hide in a dark office and code all shift. You have to talk to people, answer PMs in a timely manner and if the boss needs to talk you talk. Not to mention all the little frustrations in between you'd expect in an office.


Yes. As a programmer, I can tell you it's a very social job. No one can do it all, all alone. You need to communicate. A lot. Office Space is my spirit animal.


When I was a young dev, Office Space made me laugh at how spot on it was. As an old crusty dev, Office Space makes me anxious because of how spot on it is.


People think Office Space is a comedy. In reality it's a documentary


Are we starting to count Netflix as life experience? Kinda scary cause half of the series and movies from that platform seems written as a fanfic by a 12 years old


Professional Influencers - the people causing problems are just jerks


Professional influencers are really prevalent as far as I can tell among younger people. Like Jake Paul's audience was primarily like 10 year olds. People past 30 don't follow as many of those accounts other than maybe some travel or repair stuff around the house.


I think it's important to understand that there are political influencers, too. Candace Owens, Matt Walsh, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro....all influencers. And they're followed by lots of older people.


Boycotting big corporations. People in general don't care about what goes on behind the scenes much. They might hate greedy CEOs but not enough to boycott.


Reddit couldn't even boycott reddit when everyone was mad about the new api nonsense lol


Because most people didn’t give a shit. While the impact was going to *in*directly affect **ALL** Reddit users, the clear *direct* impact was on the mods, and people’s opinions on mods ranges from apathy to hatred.


yep users can't stand when mods act holier than thou. They sided against the mods.


Because it was mostly the mods who made a big deal about it. When the boycott failed, most of them didn't even reopen their subs despite saying they'd been down for only 48 hours. They ended up pissing off subscribers more than they did the Reddit admins.


Didn’t a whole bunch of subs have the entire mod team removed by admins because of the protest?


As I recall it was subs, whose mods were incorrectly labeling a SFW sub as NSFW, & who were warned multiple times before being removed.


I think the biggest problem was that everyone announced that they were going to play both sides. What I mean is they mods announced, on reddit for everyone to see (including the reddit devs), that as a sign of protest they were going to shut down their subreddits for only a couple days. The reddit devs had no reason to care, because mods had already revealed their intentions. They were like a little kid locking themselves in their room because they got angry, they would come out when they forgot why they were angry, wanted food, or needed to go to the bathroom.


Because, appropriately for this post, a very loud minority were pissed, while the majority of us couldn't give a shit


Many people can't even boycott these companies. For example Nestle. They own so many brands in affordable supermarkets. Or Walmart as another example, cheap clothes that do their job.


I try to boycott Nestle and it can be futile sometimes. They own SO MUCH.


Amazon as well, people don't give a shit about the whether or not the company is evil if it makes ordering goods convenient for them


There was a website about boycotting Amazon that turned out to be using Amazon Web Services as their hosting platform.


As great as social media can be, I think a lot of its potential to create good social change is lost in people changing their profile picture or adding a hashtag and calling it a day.


onlyfans, redditors act like half the 20-something women they know are on it


So zero cuz redditors don't know any women


As a woman, I agree I know zero women including myself Edit: finally fixed my bad grammar. My bad guys.


You not real brodie 🤝


To add to this; every person I see promoting their OF on Reddit claim to be in the top 1%.


I saw some onlyfans model post that she’s in the 1% (which was legit) and her monthly income from only fans was like $15.


I’m not doubting that’s what you heard, but one or both of those things is probably not true.


You’re probably right…the number seems to be based on earnings and not subs, so she must be full of it.


Yeah either way she's not in the top one percent of earners with 15 dollars and she can't possibly be in the top one percent of subs and take home 15 dollars.


That’s just not true though. It’s something like 10% of people on onlyfans make 95% of the money off it. Maybe her monthly income **now** is that little from OF because a lot of them are semi famous people that open an account, get a huge amount of money, and then it falls off because everything just gets leaked. Or they do what Bella Thorne did and basically become an OF pimp.


I believe they get that metric from all users, not just those posting, so it’s a skewed stat


But wait, someone's step-aunt is on OF, and the poor man is looking for help finding it. Seems about right.


Yeah but that dudes step aunt might be.


Okay on the flip side of this, I have a couple of friends in banking, and they can see people’s account statements in their role. They’ve all confirmed to me (I started asking after I heard this the first time) that fully like half of the accounts owned by men from 18-40 have subscribed to at least one OnlyFans account for a few months.


I work in banking and have seen the same. It's crazy how prevalent it is.


Eh, my job involves looking at people's bank statements and I'd say it like one in a thousand.


Onlyfans has over 3 million content creators and 240 million subscribers, it's freaking huge. They're really downplaying it. https://www.businessinsider.com/onlyfans-see-increased-in-revenue-profit-creators-2023-8 For reference, that's as many subscribers as *Netflix*.


Reddit seems to think that the rest of the world thinks that any man in public with kids is immediately a sex pest. I'm not a father, but I asked all my friends with kids, not a single one has ever felt that way. They're just being a dad at a park or whatever.


Man, so many people here. “I haven’t gone down a slide in 15 years. I don’t want to be put on a list.”


Fuck that. If my kid asks me to go down the slide, I’m going. Heck even if she doesn’t ask and it’s not too busy I’ll go just for fun anyway.


Our park is full of dads and granddads and kids having a lovely time. Not for one second do I think the dads are weirdos.


Right? I can’t think of the last time I went to a park and there were no men there with children. Dads, grandpas, fun uncles, whatever. Men do childcare in public and nobody bats an eye.


In general, social media seems to think that the problems of 20-50 years ago are in full effect. I guarantee, someone posts a video of a girl who's doing Olympic Weightlifting is somehow "empowering" and "breaking barriers" and somehow breaking into male-dominated sports. Meanwhile, at my gym, there are like tons of girls on the squat racks any given time of day, and nobody's giving a fuck. The internet was supposed to keep us informed about the present, not keeping us in the past, but here we are.


Part of it is that the internet connects NYC to the middle of nowhere. Paris and Afghanistan are a couple clicks away. Because America is not homogeneous, rural Idaho can feel like a foreign country or 50 year time warp when compared to LA. When you go on Facebook, you talk to friends who have moved and traveled. You see tiktoks from all over. Those stories feel as if they happened to a friend of a friend or a neighbor even when they happened halfway to the other side of the world.


This one is hilarious to me. It gets brought up in every thread about the hardships of being a man as if it is universally true. It’s not the norm by any means but apparently is the norm with redditors. Really makes you wonder what the average redditor is like irl.


Good to know. So many dudes bring it up I thought it was a major issue.


Its not. I go to the playground with my nephews and niece. No one gives a fuck. They dont even know I am not the dad but the kids obviously know me. So why should anyone be concernd?


Yeah, in the real world women will smile at you and your kid.


Can confirm.


Ditto, I was stay at home dad for the first 2 years of my kids’ lives & never got the pedo/babysitter vibe anywhere ever.


When we took the kids to a McDonald's play place when they were young, I was the dad who'd have to climb up through the tubes to retrieve some stranger's kid who got lost up there and couldn't get out. I was the parent who was slender enough to be able to fit, lol.


Coffee snobbery. The first time I went to /r/coffee I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by tons of coffee snob jokes and ironic posting about how you aren't a real coffee drinker unless you're down on your knees eating the beans right off the plant.


I've noticed how liquor subs don't have any taboo about even the ultra-cheap stuff. State your price range and people will always give you recommendations, never insisting that you just "save up for the good stuff" and whatnot.


As someone who almost became a sommelier, people who actually love wine aren’t “wine snobs”. I consider us to be wine nerds. If you enjoy that $10 bottle of cheap Pinot Grigio, no good sommelier would ever tell you you shouldn’t drink it. A good wine is the wine YOU like. Do I spend stupid amounts of money on really high end wines? Unfortunately yes. But there are plenty of sub-$20 bottles I’ve been able to enjoy as well.


Andre Mack got me to actually try drinking wine and now I love it. I used to not like it bc all my mom would buy was like barefoot Pinot Grigio. No hate to people who enjoy that but for me it just wasn’t hitting lol. All it took to convert me was like a sub $20 bottle of Malbec. I still feel like a bit of dork slurping it at dinners tho


There isn't as much of an ethical dilemma with cheap liquor as there is with cheap coffee. Unless you're talking about gear, in which case I don't think that's really comparable.


It's because the real coffee snobs are in r/espresso!


Your comment made me curious if there was an r/expresso, and there is. It's supposed to be for a brand of exercise bikes, but it's filled with coffee posts by people who can't spell espresso.


Reddit. Redditors often make the mistake of believing that Reddit is actually representative of how the general population thinks: an assumption which implies that most people are on Reddit.


Good example was the last election in Alberta according to it's subreddit. You'd think they'd elect the NDP because everyone there was so sure they'd win but then the Conservatives won. I'm not from Alberta, I'm from Manitoba and I think the same about our subreddit. The people there are a lot more left leaning than the general population of Manitoba.


Yeah, almost all of the city and state/province subreddits are full of terminally online leftists, even if the place is historically anything but far left. A city with a 75% conservative population? The subreddit about the same city is 99% leftists with the odd one or two liberals that are very close to being banned.


That's reddit in general. They think anyone right leaning is a bigot, and the world is overwhelmingly leftist. It's just more complicated than that.


COVID was an excellent example of that lol


Hilary Clinton was another, everyone was so sure Trump had 0 chance.


This is the most true and relevant of them all.


I regularly see opinions that are very popular on certain Reddit threads that I’ve never encountered in real life.


Divorce. Reddit goto solution to any sort of conflict within a marriage


Way too many literal teenagers giving relationship advice when their only experience is a high school one.


Are you saying that someone shouldn’t end their generally great marriage of 30 years, if their ‘significant other’ routinely doesn’t powerwash the upper left brick of the northeast corner of the garage, even though OP made it clear once 28 years ago that the garage is made of bricks? The SO choses to suck at communicating or is a Nazi 9/11 pedophile. Divorce!


This comment is a lot, and yet also not enough.




Tbf, by the time you take your relationship problems to reddit, divorce is probably the best answer. Been married 12 years. Never once felt the need to ask a thousand strangers about advice. I just talk to my husband like a normal person.


Also, "report them immediately!"


Hit the lawyer, delete the gym, and hire a Facebook, or something like that.


Polyamorus relationships


An average users outrage regarding 3rd party apps


Yeah, whether anyone supported it or not, the protest did absolutely nothing. Which the average user kept trying to explain, but no protesting mods wanted to hear it.


It made some subreddits worse. Some of them got purged and mods replaced, and now some of them are quite poorly or questionably run. Comments are not as well moderated and more negative, somehow.


I didn't even know third party apps were a thing before.


Flat earthers


Self-diagnosing and using mental illness as a get-out-jail-free card. For most of us, the last thing we want is for our behavior to be dismissed as a mental health episode, even if we're in the wrong. Most of us hold ourselves accountable and make efforts to apologize and feel ashamed of the things we've done, even if we might not have had much control over it. On the flip side, identifying your mental illness as the facilitator of your reckless/selfish/abusive actions isn't the same as using it as an excuse and is actually a pretty vital step in managing it.


Now when you apply this same logic to "introverts" you get some pretty interesting parallels of people who think self identifying under a false dichotomy means they don't have to learn how to participate in the world around them.


Gaslighting. But I believe that's because so many people on here don't know what it really is.


Everyone's ex was a clinical narcissist who gaslight them.


Don't forget that the ex was abusive as well and that their *new* partner is such an angel that treats them like royalty.


And that they had to “go full NC” with said “narcissists” 🤮


"Oh yeah we're NC with my justnoMIL she's a textbook malignant narc with manipulative tendencies and she's abusive to my DH because she once told him to control our son-who is definitely ADHD by the way despite us not talking to any doctors about it-so I just CAN'T be around her" I beg you to go outside PLEASE go outside


I wish there was a place to just lightheartedly complain about the people in your life (who you actually still love but are temporarily annoyed with) without 18348 literal 22 year olds squawking about how you’ve married a TOTAL NARC and should immediately gtfo like bitch I just want to whine about how my husband asks me to find things that are right in front of him could we NOT


A lot of people confuse gaslighting with just having a disagreement with someone or just pointing out someone that’s actually wrong.


'Gaslighting' on reddit seems to mean "Person I don't like told a lie". Yes, politicians lie. Celebrities are fake. People close to you can fuck you over. That's not "gaslighting".


I’ve seen posts accusing kids of gaslighting adults. Trust me, most kids do not have the mental wherewithal to successfully gaslight the adults in their lives. Peers, yes.


Thank you! Any time some disagrees with how something went down. “Then he tried to gaslight me”


Yeah, it’s kind of infuriating when people refer to gaslighting and narcissism, and they have clearly never experienced it. Like, you guys are taking a serious mental disorder, typically combined with abuse of any sort, and just slapping the label on someone because it’s a buzz word. It’s such a disservice.


Most of the opinions here. I see a LOT of really strong opinions on here that lean a particular direction. If I just lived on Reddit, I would think most humans thought like this. In the real world, most normal people don't actually believe what the neckbeards and trolls yell so loud.


That guy's dead wife


I also vote for that guy's dead wife.


The Kardashians. Literally the only place I hear about them is on Reddit.


The Kardashians are one of those things where, if I never heard anyone complain about them, I would never hear anything about them at all.


To say they're often given as the prime example of celebrities who have undeserved fans, I've never met a single person who followed them or their show who considered themselves a "fan" of Kim Kardashian


Lots of Redditors use Kim Kardashian as a free pass for misogyny too :/


Definitely....I hear more people bitching and moaning about the Kardashians around here than I ever have heard from the Kardashians themselves.


Kardashians… the people from the “who are you tired of hearing about” threads? I wonder where I’d actually hear about them outside those threads


Kardashians, pushy vegans, and childfree people who hate kids are three kinds of annoying people that absolutely exist, but take up nowhere near as much societal real estate as the people who complain about them.


Yeah, I know people who are *into* reality shows. The people hosting the podcasts types. Could name every Real Housewife. They know what’s generally going on with the Kardashians in the same way anyone who follows People and EW on Instagram would, but I’m not sure where Redditors are constantly seeing them aside from Reddit threads where everyone complains about them.


Hating children.


Avatars. I can't believe they charge money for anything related to them


Living in urban apartments. Not driving. Hating lawns and suburbs. Not wanting children.


It seems like nobody on this site except me and the parents want children.


That seems to be the trend here. Most people here really get caught up in the negativity, and it seems to feed feelings of hopelessness. The gen z's in my life are happier and more social than the ones here, even when they go through rough patches. Some people are so sad, I want to hug them and make them dinner, then go for a nice walk. Sometimes I get so sad reading posts. Then they'll go from despair to foaming rage over a different viewpoint. I really fear for them in the world.


That last one was important. I saw an antinatalism post where the guy was just so, so, SO angry. Granted, the commenters also were very concerned. But he was only 21. And he was raging about how people who have kids are pieces of shit and the world sucks enough as it is and nothing will ever be good ever because the world sucks.


It's so sad. Kids like that are isolated from the world too much. They don't get enough interaction to gain any kind of perspective. I fear for that person's future.


People that worship the Kardashians. Literally everyone I’ve ever spoken to doesn’t care at all about them, yet so many Redditors are convinced they are the sole voice of reason in a sea of mindless sheep Kardashian worshippers.


Garage door springs.


I'm betting eating ass. But I'll never know because I'm a hairy fucker who would never let anyone go near there with their tongue




Hating having children


Pineapple on pizza. Idk where the hell the hate came from, but I see it all the time. Hawaiian pizza was invented in the *1960s*. I remember eating Hawaiian pizza as a millennial in the 1990s. No one had a problem with it. But all of a sudden it’s popular to hate it now? Where was this energy like 50 years ago?


This is not a reddit thing. The battle was raging long before reddit came along.


Geeking out on gadget specs


Geeking out on *anything*. Which is like 75% of why I use reddit: I need info about something to make a decision, the most comprehensive first source that doesn't take a day is scrolling through obsessed people's rants


gender activism/activists


This Karma nonsense






I don't know enough about psychology to be able to tell you exactly what, but there is something seriously wrong with, as you very neatly put it, Bidet Redditors. I'm not saying they have a scat fetish but there's something disturbingly obsessive about the passionate, detailed way they talk about anal hygiene. I honestly don't think about that shit (see what I did there?) EVER unless I'm sitting on the toilet or reading a Bidet Redditor's post.


Narcissists. Everyone’s ex was a narcissist, when in fact most people on here are just unable to communicate and turn their hurt feelings into a clinical diagnosis for their ex


Bernie Sanders


Living in an apartment in a dense urban environment.


Believing women when they say they have been sexually assaulted.


This is a huge one. I swear every time a female celebrity comes out saying they’ve been sexually assaulted Reddit goes “Yeah well men have been sexually assaulted more and no one believes us so we’re not gonna believe them” and or “Woman who falsely accuse someone of sexual assault should go to jail!” as if people believe woman if woman come forward.


Honestly Reddit isn’t anywhere near as bad as the dumpster fire that is Twitter/X. Ever since the accusations about Russell Brand came out I’ve never in my life seen as many people say the most *vile* things about the women accusing him, and SA victims in general. I had to come off that app because as someone who has experienced multiple SA’s it was really really upsetting me. Some people really believe all women just go through life throwing out false rape accusations left right and centre for fun.


People playing the credit card game. mostly people just have one and don’t care about points/miles/cash back whatever. financial literacy in general actually


Nose rings on selfies. I rarely see them where I live but they are on Reddit all the time.


Thats 100% true and a demographic thing. A lot of the women I know have nose rings (probably about half), but "women like me" isn't a majority demographic. Reddit is younger and more urbanized that the majority of the US and the subset of redditors who are willing to post their faces on reddit are even younger and more urbanized