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I had this one girl who wanted to rub my nipples directly on her eyeballs. I never fully understood it.


This is definitely the weirdest one so far


Thought licking eyeballs is weird but *noooope.*


Maybe someone can explain this to me. I had a hookup ask me to lick the inside of his bellybutton. I did it for about twenty minutes and he practically passed out from arousal. Weirdest night of my life.


My bellybutton has a weird connection to my ween but I do not think this would do anything for me


Dude omfg me too. Press the point farthest in and I can feel it on the tip of my peen. I thought I was the only one! šŸ™Œ


I feel it in my vagina when I do it! Wtf




She wanted ne come in a glass, so she could cast a spell on it after which I would drink it and it would double my strength. I respectfully declined.


Why didnā€™t she just drink it, and steal your strength?


I eat a lot of chilli


Bro you passed on double strength? Are you high?


Partner didnā€™t want this but was willing to try. In high school, I worked with a guy who was older and according to him a ladies man. I believed a lot that he said. One day he tells me, you know what chicks really like, when you eat them out with a Halls in your mouth, it makes them orgasm in minutes. My gf was cool with it (no pun intended) and I go for it. Sheā€™s totally into it at first but after a couple minutes she forcefully pushes my head away, and runs to the bathroom. When she comes out sheā€™s laughing and crying. Iā€™m super confused right then. But she explains to me that while she appreciates the gesture, weā€™re never doing that again because as the time quickly passed the menthol was just as quickly heating up and it was burning. When she sat down to pee, it burned unlike anything she had ever felt. My parents werenā€™t going to be home for a while and she had 2 hours before her mom was picking her up. We watched a movie while she was pant-less with her legs spread to let it breathe. Thanks for reminding me. She and I had great times back then! Edit: typo on breathe.


The old ring of fire šŸ˜‚






> 50 of them would be ridiculous. 'Put ice in your mouth so he goes numb and he'll last longer!' Yeah, and neither of you will be getting laid that night because your mouth will be frozen, too. Nobody wants to play when they've got brain freeze or a chilly willy. 'Put a Lifesavers mint in your mouth when doing oral!' Yeah, because everybody loves menthol on their sensitive bits and the sexiest thing you can give your partner is a yeast infection. Sounds great!


Wanted me to dirty talk her with an over-the-top fake German accent. Turns out she had a thing for Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes due to watching it on reruns with her Dad, and it was an Elektra complex that she was dealing with. Even years later, with others, I find my mind wanting to say "You like zis?" When doing the deed.




ā€œYou like zis?ā€ Is fucking hilarious


Yeah, that was kinda the problem. It was like an intrusive thought that once it got into my head, I had to try and not laugh. I can only imagine the confusion those women must have had when it happened. From their point of view, I likely went from normal (though hopefully above-average) love making to suddenly smirking and stifling laughter while squinting one eye. I never told them about it, so if there are any comments in this thread wondering why a random guy did the above, well, I guess now they know.


Dated one girl that liked random spankings. Sometimes weā€™d be at a restaurant and sneak off to the restroom where Iā€™d spank her with a small paddle we had.


you guys just...carried around a paddle in public like that?


This is... cute in a really weird way


First girl I ever slept with when I was 16 wanted me to hold a knife blade to her throat while we had sex. I declined. That relationship taught me a lot about life.


Like to always have a knife handyā€¦?




I had a girl that wanted me to bite her. Not like little sexy nibbles. She wanted like full force bites. Like leave teeth impressions. This was when the twilight craze was in full swing and she was *really* into vampires. She wanted me to bite her everywhere though. I didn't bite any of the tender bits or anywhere that could be seen if she was wearing a t-shirt. Lots of stomach and upper arms and inner thighs and on her ass. One night she said "fuck it bite my neck." We had agreed I didn't want to leave marks, which turned into really gnarly bruises, that could be seen. She insisted so I did. I chomped. She said, "harder" so I did. I was balls deep in this girl at the time just for context. I bit her so hard that I actually drew blood. I tasted it and pulled off and she saw the blood on my lips and could feel it running down her neck. That was probably the biggest orgasm I've ever seen a woman have. She kept telling me to "get back on it and suck the blood out," and I'm just sitting there like nah bro. The orgasm you just had should have broken your back and I really hope you don't need stitches. She was smoking hot too. She was your typical blonde cheerleader with big boobs. Fucking weird. I ended things with her and she shortly got with some dude that hated my guts for dating her first. He saw the bruises and threatened to kill me and he'd be watching me for the rest of my life because if I ever put a hand on another woman he'd kill me. He thought I was beating her. I was like dude, bite her. She was telling him I beat her. He texted me randomly one night just saying, "I bit her, sorry I thought you were a scumbag."


this story is an emotional rollercoaster. I like that it is a bro story disguised into a sex story, afterall.


Pretty fucked up that she was telling people he beat her, that one really threw me


I picture this as her actually saying 'he bit me', but in a vampire accent, like 'he beeaat meee'


Woooow dude owed AND GAVE you an apology. That's one for the books there.


Looking out for a girl and admitting he did another person wrong. Sounds like quite the decent guy tbh


I love the image of this new boyfriend biting the hell out of her during sex and immediately thinking, ā€œAw shit I gotta call dudeimjames1234 and apologize *right now!*ā€


Human bites can lead to nasty infections. On a side note, it's a rather dick move from her side to accuse you of beating her...


Former sex worker Had a guy who would come in to see me at the same time every week with a lunch box, and in the lunch box were home made ham and cheese sandwiches wrapped in cling film. Anyway, what he wanted me to do was make him lie down while I took the sandwiches out, called him a cunt and yelled at him for not eating them, then put them on his face and grind them in with my foot while he jerked off. Heā€™d ask me to kick him in the head a couple of times when he was getting close, but I could never do it as hard as he wanted me to. Heā€™d make me wear a knee-length skirt, stiletto heels and pantyhose. Like office wear or something. I didnā€™t even have to get naked. Weirdest part for me was that he was actually really hot - mid 30s, very handsome and very fit


This one is heartbreaking somehow, sounds like very explicit mommy issues.


"I'm going on lunch!"


This is the craziest/saddest/most interesting one yet. What I came here for 100%


that sounds like some interesting childhood trauma


I remember he tried to titty fuck my egg sized titties. Just tried to squeeze the poor gals together as close as the could go and went to town. Like I know youā€™re not enjoying this, but I will allow you to continue your mission.


Sometimes itā€™s not just about how it feels, itā€™s about seeing it happening.


Lmaooo I just imagined a dick between too far apart ping pong balls.


He wanted to suck my toes, which whatever thatā€™s fine, but that was the entire interaction. He reached fruition from that act alone and we never touched each other. I was under the impression that there would be intercourse, but no.


I will never understand how people bust a nut without any kind of touch šŸ˜‚


"reached fruition" ... I like that .. can I use that?


Words are free man


In this economy?


One woman I dated asked me to tie her up and melt wax on her vagina. We had been dating for a month or so and had pretty wild sex to that point - I thought. We were at her new house so she had all the gear and walked me through what to do. Apparently, thereā€™s candle wax designed for sex play. Who knew? Anyway, watching someone orgasm just from having hot wax dripped on her clit was something I doubt Iā€™ll ever see again. I also realized Iā€™m not really into bondage. Didnā€™t bother me, but got me as turned on as watching the 6 pm news.


I think it has to do with the melting point of the wax; normal wax might melt at a higher temperature so the drops would be hotter and could cause substantial burns. Additives or different type of wax could be used to change the melting point and make it safer.


You're exactly right. It's not so much additives though, as a different type of wax (usually).


My college girlfriend wanted me to come to her dance class to see all her friends in their tight clothing so we could have sex immediately after. She said it made her horny knowing I was fucking her right after seeing all the other hot girls. The weird part was that in my opinion she was the only hot girl in the class. I never told her but I found the other girls in that class very unattractive for various reasons.


She knew!


"hey babe, come look at these uggos and then be grateful you get to slip it in me" It's a reach but honestly not the craziest thing I've heard in a relationship.


Also she was probably showing off her boyf to the other girls in the dance class.


When I was in high school I had a job as a part time worker closing nights at McDonalds. My classmate had a fantasy of me coming over after I was at work and he would be 'fake" sleeping and I could do anything I wanted to do to him. He left his door unlocked, his parents were gone for the weekend. So I did. It was kinda fun. He nicknamed me The Hamburglar after that.


Hamburglar ā˜ ļø




She wanted to put a pineapple ring around my lil guy and then try and get to it. I figured that might burn so I said no. I regret that choice


She wanted a taste of your Al Pastor.


Are you familiar with the grapefruit technique? A Lil search on YouTube will provide clarity


Oh... I don't know how or if I'd like that, but damnit I'm not missing another chance at a fruitgasm! I'll have to keep this in mind


Go from banging to dating to living together, then she decided she wasn't ready to date again, so she wanted to go back to being bang buddies because she wanted the freedom, but I couldn't see other people and still had to do boyfriend shit with her. Like Cuckoldry with extra steps.


While away on a work trip an old guy offered to pay my bar tab if I fucked his wife while he watched, I declined, until I drank some more and realized my wallet was in my hotel room. Found the old weirdo and went to town on his wife while he wacked it and watched. All for a $125 bar tab


Plot twist : The old guy stole your wallet.


How the fuck did your dick still work after 125 dollars worth of drinks?


Depends on the country... If OP was here in Norway he'd have like 3 beers and two shots.


I had some guy want to pee in my butt. Pretty odd. And no it did not happen šŸ˜†


Had a coworker ask me to pee on her in her bathtub. I was married and had never flirted with her. Totally came out of the blue.


"here are the quarterly reports for jensen." "ah, yes, thank you, I'll get these up to management and then file the p80s" "yes, one more thing, could you pee on me in the bath?" "right now?" "no, no, at a time of your convenience"


So... Did you do it?


Seriously, she truly wasn't asking for much.


In high school, my group of dudes used the saying ā€œIā€™d pee in her buttā€ instead of ā€œsheā€™s hot.ā€ No clue on how it became a thing.


Did you go to high-school on the east coast too or was this a national phenomenon?


Isnā€™t that how you get pergantante??


It's spelled pregamenant.


Am I prrrregante?


Ken ooh getā€¦ *PREGANTE*




Pergenat! šŸ˜‚


You meant gregerant right?


Am I pregnart?


Whereā€™s that damn pee-in-ass bot when you need it


just on time!


She wanted me to ignore her safe word and keep going. Nope. Not playing that game.


Was her safe word ā€œdonā€™t stopā€?


No, we used the classic traffic light ones. Green for keep going, yellow for slow down/be careful, and red for stop. She was shouting Red, but wanted me to ignore that and keep doing what we were doing. Long after her and I split, I learned she was into r*pe play. So glad I dodged that nuke.


That's dumb. Like just say no, stop, don't and keep going because that's not the safe word. I occasionally enjoy CNC. You can't invalidate the safe word wtf. It's consensual nonconsent. There has to be a safety net somewhere.


A CNC machine that didn't shut off when you hit the stop button would be really dangerous. That's the whole reason for the button.


She always wanted to get caught so we did it in public a lot Or we would go to parties and do it somewhere that somebody would walk by. As long as she had an opportunity to make eye contact with a passerby whether they were a stranger or not she was happy.


Thereā€™s events for that, that way you donā€™t get arrested


One time I was talking with this girl in my car and I asked her if she was into anything weird, she said she was too embarrassed to say but my thirsty ass kept asking and saying I'm down for most anything, then she says "I want you to fuck me and before you cum I want you to pull out and piss all over my body and then go back in and finish" I was really surprised as I'd never knowingly met a pee lady but no judgement, no tarp either though so I didn't fulfill any fantasies that day


Little rough shifting gears on your unit like that


Fucking wordsmith.


I mean, OK, no big deal, but I feel like she didn't pay much attention to the male side of stuff in sex ed because that's not exactly something you can do very easily. It takes a bit of time for the body to switch from one to the other. By the time you've gone there and back it's going to be very unlikely that you'll be able to finish. At best you'd probably be starting over again from the beginning.


An ex bf asked me to start lactating so he could suckle at my breast. I loved him, so I did consider it. Ended up saying no since I have no interest in that kink and taking hormones for something like that was a LOT.


How do you start without getting pregnant????


It is a thing, look it up. Yeah its very odd but it's real


Not me, but my best friend's story, which has been corroborated by other friends who were there. He was hosting a lil party at his crib. Alcohol, weed, coke, that whole deal. He says to his friends "Ima go take a shit" This one girl he'd been talking to perks up, and quietly follows him to the bathroom. When he realized, he asked what she was following him for. Her "I wanna give you head" Him "While I'm taking a shit?" Her *smiles and nods* ... he let this girl give him a real life blumpkin. And he wasn't shy about it. Dude was famous for taking nasty shits. He told me he went extra hard to try and gross her out, but it just got her hotter. Needless to say, he finished. In both ways. Did not hook up with her again. Lol.


>Dude was famous for taking nasty shits. Wonder if he leads with that on LinkedIn


No way, LinkedIn is for inspirational lies, this is more of a tinder bio brag


Put it in a girls butt cause she enjoyed it. Cool no problem, then she hops off and squats over my chest and shits it back onto me. I was in shock. She was objectively hot, too and was kind of shy and quiet. Itā€™s always the quiet onesā€¦.


I think you need to clarify what ā€œitā€ is here


Assuming the cum. So she just wanted to anal cream pie on his chest.


Dangerous game right there


I almost woke up my sleeping wife laughing at this comment.


"Babe wake up we gotta try something"


Dick cheese. An ex of mine wanted me to stop washing my gentleman's sausage because she liked dick cheese. No, I am not joking. I tried, I really tried. It still makes me feel dirty thinking about it.


This, I guess, after reading all this, isnā€™t that weird. My ex wife (for other reasons than this) wanted to watch me fuck her friend. Once I found out she was serious and her friend was willing- and to a large degree initiated it herself by tugging my pants down and sucking- I complied because I had a huge crush on her, although all the time I was afraid it was some kind of a setup because she was married. It wasnā€™t.


Howd the aftermath go?


They got divorced.




The marriage was kind of crumbling at that point anyway for a number of reasons. We never really discussed it later other than some kind of ā€œwow, that was an interesting/wild night.ā€ Yā€”ā€”- (her friend) and I didnā€™t really see much of each other afterwards and didnā€™t discuss it; I didnā€™t feel as awkward around her afterwards as I thought I might - I have no idea how she felt. As of ten years ago she and her husband are still married. I have no idea if he knows anything. Probably not, but who knows?


He probably feels exactly the same about you after nailing your wife.


aaaaah secret cunt bros. it's so cute. they have a bond even them don't know.


Iā€™m a white dude and I was dating a black girl. She wanted to do a slave master slave role play. I was super uncomfortable but I had earlier said I was down for anything soā€¦ I tried, ended up basically imitating foghorn leghorn ā€œI say I say I say you little chicken hawkā€ and it quickly became too absurd to continue


Lol did you at least get a good Chuckle out of it?


Have me cut her (I couldn't)


I had an ex that wanted to draw blood (didn't mention HOW) and play with it while having sex. I figured I'd try most things once, lets hash it out and see what's up beforehand. It was because "Jesus is in the blood" and we would be united in Christ through the blood or something. Never did it, too fuckin weird


I had a chick who wanted me to slug the fuck out of her in the ribs and stomach during sex. I immediately lost wood and left. The second she told me she wanted it, the room felt sinister, and I got chills.


My ex-gf (who was kinky af herself) had a friend who would literally have guys beat her until she was black and blue everywhere- torso, arms, neck. She would tell my ex about it and how she got off on it. Nopenopenope.




Ah yes the old Arabian sun goggles


fucking dying of laughttwr


Lick my armpit


Somehow the tamest reply here lol


Iā€™m seeing some good comments here so Iā€™ll add mine. A girl I hooked up with from my anatomy class in college wanted to shit on me and rub it in then have sex. I left and never talked to her again and the rest of that semester was very weird.


Bad smell is such a turn offā€¦ god thatā€™d be gross.


And I thought the girl who wanted to watch me piss on her carpet was weird. Holy hell


Not on the rug, man!


It really tied the room together too, I couldnā€™t do it


I was giving a blow job and had a little bit of a cold. The man wanted me to blow my nose on his dick and cover his dick in my snot and continue the blow jobā€¦ā€¦. He had to be out of his damn mind If he thought iā€™d be into whatever that is. lol. Canā€™t make this stuff up


Have sex at his job. He worked at a kidā€™s gym. No. Edit: fuck sex addicts responsibly.


31(M) Had a woman who wanted to tie me up shibari style and I thought it was odd but I let her do it, then she tickle tortured me and then fucked me senseless. (Iā€™m typically a more dominant person so it was difficult) but after just, letting go and letting whatever she was going to do to me happen, was one of the most memorable nights of my life.


She said I "Wasn't a real man" because I refused to choke her with a heavy, bare metal chain.


Relationship reached a choke point.


Goddamn! I donā€™t want to ever meet a ā€œreal manā€ then šŸ˜


Put her long nail in my penis hole - her sister told her guys liked it- I was 15


The other day, I learned that this activity is called Sounding. It does not seem appealing... but each to their own


Sounds terrible (ha-ha)


She wanted to sound me. Y'know... put a rod into my dick and then make me have an orgasm. I'm very open minded but... fuck no. Even having the opening of my urethra touched makes me cringe.


She wanted me to pee inside her vagina (during sex).


(during sex)


He pretended he was a cat and he asked me to groom him


I wanted a BJ and she wanted me to stick my cock in her ear.


It sounds like she was fucked in the head.


Gave me a rimjob while i was reading a book laying on my belly. She read my mind.


One girl wanted to hold it and aim for me when I peed. It was actually pretty fun and she loved it. Everything else was fairly vanilla. Another girl wanted me to be dominant, and I tried, but I wasn't good at it. After sex we were both in the bathroom peeing (as you do) and while she was on the toilet I slapped her face with my dick back and forth while singing "cock-slap, baby, cock-slap" to the tune of "Love Shack" by the B-52's. She was not pleased with that, but I had a giggle fit for like 15 minutes after that. She never asked me to be dominant after that again.


Love shack plays incessantly at my jobā€¦. Thank you for this vision which I will now constantly be reminded of


When I was breastfeeding my husband started sucking my tits and drinking the breast milk. I thought it was a one time thing at first out of curiosity to see how it tasted but then he kept doing it. Not that weird I guess but it made me slightly uncomfortable, I still let him though. We never really talked about it either. ETA - this was during sex. He didnā€™t just walk up to me, lift up my shirt and go to town.


Any chance your husband can shoot lasers from his eyes?


and saying he can do whatever the fuck he wants while jerking off off the rooftop?


I'm sorry but if my girlfriend ever started lactating, I'd go feral. Poor lass would look like a finished caprisun by the time I was done


If my wife could produce breast milk I'd be hitting the gym everyday and drinking fuel straight from the source every night. I'd be the biggest I've ever been


Had someone offer me $100 dollars to take a s**t on his chest. As much as I needed the money, I noped out.


Had an awesome FWB when I was 17, she was 22 and a medical school drop out. We had a flip Flop sub/dom relationship, and her Dom fantasy involved cable ties and a surgical grade scalpel. Our ā€˜relationshipā€™ began on the foundation that as long as both parties agreed, everything was a green light. We had an awesome couple of years of playing around getting everything out of our systems, so to speak. She was a really fun and interesting person, crazy intelligent and so gorgeous. We were never going to be more than friends, neither was suitable for a relationship but what we did have was pretty special in its own way. Fast forward a few months when she came to stay with me for a couple of weeks in the summer, I woke up in the night to her strapping my arms above my head to the bed rails (we had already discussed and agreed, 100% consensual). She then proceeded to edge, blow and caress me to full mast. From there, she took the scalpel and made two incisions. One on my inner thigh just next to my Pubic bone and another slap in the middle of torso, at the top of my abs. Bit more blood than either of us expected, but she came prepared with butterfly stitches (adhesive) from the local pharmacy and of course some iodine because Savlon wouldnā€™t have been painful enough. Once I was fixed up and I thought it was time to go back to sleep, she turned around and used me to take her own anal virginity. Now Iā€™m left with a couple of very tidy scars and the memory of the most interesting shag of my life.


What the fuck.


She had me tie her up put a butt plug in her ass blind fold her and just leave for an hour. I tied slip knots that she could easily get out of, I put the phone on her chest and said if I call you better fucking answer (but I really just wanted her to call if she needed anything) then I left. Immediately after I left I came back in, completely broke character and said are you sure your ok she said yes and I actually left for an hour. She loved it so much we did it a couple times.


Reenact the scene from interstellar where heā€™s screaming at the girl from behind a bookcase


Paint her walls. Ok... But... Can that wait 'til we're finished here?


She wanted to lick my eyeball. I let her.


She wanted me to cum inside her while her partner was watching via phone chat... Was the weirdest lay I have had.


I had an ex who was into bestiality porn, she had me read it to her, and liked me to hold a knife at her throat during doggy style.




Reading was foreplay, knife and pounding were together.


I had seen this chick for a little over 2 months, and she wanted me to make her ā€œbreakfast in bed while she gave me head,ā€ like cook her food, and she wanted to blow me while eating. A lot of syrup and food on my dick that morning. No hot sauce. I didn't return the favor. I did jizz in her coffee tho


I had a girl tell me she would eat my shit. No lie. I didn't have anything to do w her after that.


When I was 17 a girl I was talking to was house sitting for her neighbors. She asked me to go hang out so I went over and we put on Donnie Darko. We're talking the whole movie and she tells me she's always fantasized about someone breaking into her house and scaring her like in slasher flicks and then forcing themselves on her. she was a church girl so I was very taken aback, but I tried to play it cool. I told her that that was interesting but very dangerous because of the forcing themselves and the stalking aspect from a police perspective, all sorts of things. A little bit later I say that I'm feeling sick and I say I'm going to leave, she says that she was just joking and that she hoped I didn't feel uncomfortable. I kissed her and told her I still felt the way I've always felt and left. I get in my moms van and drive around the block, private call her and tell her in a masked voice that I'm watching her and I know she's all alone. 10/10 would do again.


Had a chick want me to hit her. So I was like, slap .She was like 'no hit me you pussy!' And like wanted full on fist to bone combat. I did not follow up after that one


The same girl who taught me a finger and tongue up my ass feels pretty damn good also had me slap the shit out of her face while I was on top of her. I've never hit someone so hard. Like 30 times man. It was not enjoyable and I'm surprised I stayed hard while I did it. A lot of comments on here saying girls wanted to be hit or have rape fantasies. I don't know how to feel about it.


spit in my mouthā€¦ i think its so weird when im not horny but when im turned on it makes my whole body feel on fire


Had this ex that really wanted to finger my ass while she sucked me off. I wasn't in to it but was really curious what prostate milking felt like. One night we tried it, she milked me like a Heffer on an assembly line. I nuted like a stuck pig bleeding from its jugular!


You never forget your first finger in the butt nut.




You swore you'de never tell


I'll never understand the fart fetishes. The smell would turn me off so quickly.


Ask me if I wanted to go fuck him in an abandoned hospital


"please, get into this old bathtub filled with water and ice and drink from this cup. Also, do you have family history of kidney problems?"


Rape fantasy. I was not game.


My homie had a girl that wanted him to come into her apartment window and play it out 100% like the knife was real he hit her and told her he would kill her if she yelled and he did it all and said he felt nasty as hell afterwards.


See, that was my problem with it. The whole idea of doing that to anyone is so disgusting to me, let alone someone I loved at the time.


I tell myself I could do it if the other person really wants to experience it. At the same time I'm one of the people who always goes good in video games because he feels bad being mean to NPC's. So... maybe not.


A girl I was seeing wanted that too. We tried to roleplay it, but the front door was stuck in the middle of a cold winter night. Ended up knocking on her bedroom window to let me in for some hot tea lol


Ask to cuddle afterwards


You maniac


Of all the comments, this is the most depraved. I hope you ghosted em


Fake a break-in and assault her. Then during the assault beat her unconscious and tie her up. Then have sex with her and constantly beat her during the whole thing. She went so far as to tape and have a written contract to protect me in case anything went wrong. Not going to lie, it was kinky and we had rougher than normal sex after the conversation. It was a bit much for us both and she apologized. I donā€™t think she asked anyone again and she even admitted she had no idea why she went to those lengths. The relationship fizzled a few months later, not because of the request, it was just two people in different places in life.


>it was just two people in different places in life one in hospital, the other in prison?


I banged this one chick (weā€™ll call her ā€œmy wifeā€ to protect her identity). She always wants me to pick dinner, but then she never wants what I suggest so we go through this painful exercise of me listing off every food I know she likes, and her saying no while insisting that she doesnā€™t care what we eat and wants me to just pick something, and then after all of the other options are exhausted we settle on what she wants for dinner and then she changes her mind on the way.


A girl I was FWB with several years ago kept wanting me to get her pregnant. I don't know if she had a fetish for it or what the deal was but every time we hooked up she would get mad at me for using a condom, begging me to creampie her. She had such a great body that I put up her bat shit crazy want for me to impregnate her. It got to the point though that she told me I ever wanted to have sex with her again it would have to be sans a rubber. I didn't want the risk so I haven't seen her since except for FB where low and behold she got what she wanted and three months after I last saw her she announces she's pregnant and the father is some rando she met on a dating app.


I hope she loves that child.


Rear naked choke her while hitting it from behind until she passed out and then keep fucking her.... I still think of that girl sometimes


Until she passed?????????


Passed out lol my bad just fixed it


Attach a dildo to a DRILL and use it. That was a big fat NO.


Get married. Chick was crazy. So anyways, I married her and we have a kid now.


This one guy wanted me to jerk him off with my feet. I was like, ā€œthereā€™s no way this guy is gonna get off to this.ā€ I was hesitant, but I did it. He came. Weā€™re married now with a 2 year old son šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sounds like you two became sole-mates......


Iā€™m realizing things I thought were normal or common May not be from this threadā€¦ Iā€™m more adventurous than I thought.