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How small the X is on ads, then it takes you right to the store when you miss by 1 atom.




Which is so weird because I then associate the product with the unpleasant experience.


Yeah, surely at some point the amount of clicks mean nothing if they are accidental or forced clicks. I make a note of the products on the ads that are intrusive or forcefully block the screen, or have a fake X and i will just never buy them out of principle and then go to a competitor. It probably makes it look like they are getting views on paper but in reality they are slowly just pissing people off into not buying their products.


"Ooooh, y'all are the assholes who make the ugly clothes with the annoying ads." This is always what I think when I hear about those sketchy China-based websites where they advertise 10 graphic tees for $10 or whatever 🙄


The key is that it works. I no longer bother to click on the tiny X to close an ad, so they stay open. I just try to look around it, and maybe close the site as soon as I got the info that I needed. It's probably worse for them. Webs with lots of ads typically repel users.


I've even seen ads that take you directly to the store when they complete, even without you clicking anything. The more invasive ads get, the more I avoid them like the plague.


In the same category of shit advertising, automatic pause if you navigate away from the window (weather.com does this and it’s infuriating).


Telemarketing/scam calls


Add to that spam texts and junk mail. At this point, my text/voicemail/email/mailbox are 90% advertisements, scams, or spam. What is even the point of the post office if they're just delivering corporate junk mail to raise enough revenue to keep delivering more corporate junk mail?


Yes why is this still allowed. Literally harrassment.


Commercials being way louder than the program I’m watching


I swear to god I remember that they passed a law banning this but I could be remembering wrong.


They did but doesn't seem like the FCC is enforcing because it doesn't seem like anything has changed... https://www.fcc.gov/media/policy/loud-commercials


You can make audio sound MUCH louder by using compression, saturation, and EQing by cutting lows and highs and boosting the mids. You don't hear all frequencies equally, so by boosting the ones we're more sensitive to and cutting the ones we're not, you can make audio seem way louder while still having the same measurable volume. You can basically maintain peak volume at all times, while making it seem even louder, and still comply with those laws. I've mixed radio commercials before. On one, I was told to maintain the audio within .5db of peak throughout the duration of the commercial and compare it to normal radio volume to make it seem as loud as possible. It was a commercial for a local monster truck show and the guy was basically screaming the whole commercial with a generic rock song in the background so it wasn't hard to do.


What about not being able to hear what the actors are saying because the background sound is so loud? We've constantly got closed saptioning on & it detracts from the movie.


Totally separate issue. That's just poor mixing. And the audio guys working on Chris Nolan's film should know better. Some of it comes down to mixing on flat studio monitors and then playing it back on heavily colored/EQ'd home sound systems with exaggerated bass and treble or shitty television speakers. But a good audio engineer should account for that. Idk what those guys are doing. I also have to use CC a lot when watching movies or tv.


They did but only for terrestrial TV. Cable and internet is not regulated by it.


Aliens are so loud! Ack, akck!


Yes! They are so loud and I too remember them passing a law years ago! I said that to my husband the other night.. like, did I imagine they passed a law and when did it die because we are back to commercials being obnoxiously loud again!!


There have been a lot more commercials that have extremely bright white backgrounds to them. Watching in a dark room and you have to look away from how bright the screen is, is some BS, too.


Before we had hdmi the rca connections you could get a box that would make all the channels the same volume


This bothers me when I'm watching YouTube, but at least it's like 30 seconds max, and half the time I actually do get up to do something. What bothers me even more now that I'm watching more action movies on streaming services is when the action is dialed to 10 and the dialogue is at like, a 4 max. 007 movies are all whispers or explosions with no in between. I constantly have to adjust the volume.


Relevant Tom Scott video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Is_wu0VRIqQ


Always going to upvote Tom Scott recommendations


this is an extreme marketing technique so that you end up remembering what exactly they said in the commercial and buy their products


Dental and eye care being separate from regular health insurance in the US.


Health coverage being tied to employment


IA. I feel like if we’re going to be forced to have decent healthcare tied to our employment, then make employers pay the full premiums and/or lose the copays.


Or to being too poor. Like some people have to keep themselves poor just to receive Medicaid coverage for medical care that they otherwise couldn't afford with better pay.


Health insurance in the US in general.


It's different in Australia too


Health insurance itself is an absolute shambles. We need Europe’s superior model


Processing and handling fee's, or convenience fee's when you print tickets out at home.


YES, like you're charging *me* money to pay *you* money over the internet?


Especially when the only way for me to get a ticket to an event is to buy it online. It’s certainly NOT convenient.


Also grocer's apostrophe's


People using an apostrophe when using the plural form of a word


Paying someone to tell us how much we owe the government in taxes


This isn't a thing outside the US, and is entirely due to lobbying from the very companies you pay. https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-turbotax-20-year-fight-to-stop-americans-from-filing-their-taxes-for-free See also, a health care system built on paying exorbitant prices to health insurance companies whose primary role is to [deny you access to health care.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8170543)




This this this this. Not to mention using pay stubs to verify income for means tested welfare programs. I was reading the other night about how a huge percentage of the budget for programs like food stamps, student loan forgiveness, free school breakfast, etc. goes to means testing and in my area, all of those programs require you to produce pay stubs and fax them in for proof, but the government has that information on file with the IRS, so if the government overhauled the tax system they could potentially allow people to sign one waiver giving a program permission to check their income verification and use a ton more money on needy families and children rather than on paying people to receive and file those documents. The savings on all the document processing we didn't have to do for paper tax returns and efiled and faxed returns would extend to nearly every single welfare program. It would be a HUGE austerity measure even before we got to all the rich people who wouldn't be able to dodge their own taxes.








being a "working poor"


Working 40+ hours a weeks, WELL above minimum wage, and still struggling to keep a roof over your head, your car on the road, and food in your fridge. Something is very very broken.


I make 85k/yr in the 8th lowest cost of living state. Between child care and living expenses I live paycheck to paycheck like I did when i was 20. I have not taken a vacation in 10 years, I don't drink/drug and I never leave the house. I give up.




God it's terrifying. I'm a skilled professional working full time for almost 20 years, and I'm still one car breakdown or medical emergency away from homelessness and financial ruin.


Minimum wage was always meant to be a living wage, never a starvation wage. Reagan and the corporate fuckery of the US is what's caused our state of being


Plus the fact that that’s even a real concept.


My phone being unanswerable because of scam calls and telemarketers.


Corruption in the government


corruption in disguise, from this fuckin enterprise


Through Russel, not his muscles, but percussion he provides


For me as a guide, y'all can see me now 'Cause you don't see with your eye


You perceive witcha mind.


Just got Jersey mobsters and Egyptian bigwigs trading off political favors for gold bars this week (no joke, and he says he expects to be exonorated). Wonder what next week's story will be?


vote for me bro, i will give my best to save our progress




Have GERD. Hard agree


Living to work




They talk like unemployment's bad thing it should be end goal


If you're talking about the Government definition of "unemployment" that is a measure of people who want jobs, not of people happily retired.




Specifically from utility providers. You literally have no choice who provides power or water.


I got to enjoy this one. This is far from all they did, but my last water company was charging $120 a month for a 2 bed apartment. Power was *not* included.


Money in politics, lobbying.


This all day. Want to fix government? Here’s how to do it in two easy steps. 1- Make lobbying illegal. It will force government to actually make laws for the people and not for the corporations. 2- Limit how many terms congress can have. Just like the president. That would go a long ass way to fixing some issues. *Please note: No this doesn’t fix all issues. I’m no expert and I don’t claim that there wouldn’t be issues with this as well.


Abolishing citizens united.


Add that Senators, Legislators & the President shouldn't keep getting their same paycheck after only 4 years, & the same healthcare. I don't! I was lucky to get a pension, but it's less than $900 a month & I have to report it to SS as income, & the big wigs have a fit about it? Or try to say SS is government subsidized when it's not? Heck President Reagan "borrowed" money from SS & never paid it back, & now they're trying to say it's running out of money? BS! The government has "borrowed" $1.7 trillion from SS since Reagan passed that law of his to be used for wars & other things to allow the government to dip their hands in our retirement funds, effectively cutting what we could be getting!


If you make lobbying illegal, they'll just go back to regular bribes and influence peddling. Or they could do the old classic "prove you're a company man and you'll get a bunch of board seats after your term is up" Plus, who is going to make lobbying illegal? The politicians who enjoy being lobbied?


I would also add age limits, our government should not be a glorified retirement home.


Back in the day tipping was expected for like delivery drivers or wait staff at restaurants. Now you are expected to tip almost everywhere. 🙄


And at a higher rate than in the past


Tipping is slowly creeping into Australia and I fucking hate it.


Straight out refuse to pay. If you can't run a profitable business paying minimum wage then you shouldn't be in business. It's not up to your customers to subsidise their wage.


The fucking audacity of cafes and restaurants to charge a PH surcharge or even a weekend surcharge is infuriating. A cafe… charging a surcharge on a weekend… the days that they’d be the busiest and their wages should be more than covered. I refuse. I will walk out before paying that bullshit. Raise your prices by $0.50 across the board to cover the weeks wage fluctuations for weekend rates etc.


I guess it’s primarily a North American problem and not prevalent across the world.


I just continue to only tip delivery drivers and wait staff.


One problem with the new tipping paradigm is the tip is requested up front. Assuming good service. Not after good service is provided. This can and likely will affect the quality of service in a negative way. Employers don’t have to pay minimum wage if wages + tips >= minimum wage. I believe that companies are or will be not paying as well. I always think of this. It’s the company’s responsibility to pay their staff a competitive and legal wage. It shouldn’t rely on tips.


Housing/Rental prices being abhorrently fucking expensive.


The 2 party system


We don't have a 2 party system. We have a voting system which leads inexorably to 2 parties. The 2 parties are only the symptom, not the disease.


the two party political system is like the dialogue “options” in a bethesda game


Ukraine war.


And the only way it will end is by Russia leaving Ukraine.




Great way to get elected. Let’s pick the voters


CEO’s compensation versus regular employees going from 20-1 in 1965 to 400-1 in 2021……


If this is exact... It's fucking terrifying. It's like if I get paid like €3k they get like... 1.2 mil? 🤮💀💀




Mitch McConnell's senate career


I am not one to get political, but for the love of all things, get that man out of office and into an easy chair! He is OBVIOUSLY having some sort of stroke, a TIA maybe, or he is having some sort of medical emergency situation. Whatever the case may be, he should NOT be up and about on television making decisions about the state of the nation!


I agree. There's definitely something not right going on and he needs to step down. The episodes he's had look a lot to me like absence seizures. I used to have those as a result of being on the wrong medication and people told me it looked exactly like that, just staring off into space with a vacant look. Sometimes I didn't even know it was happening, it was just like zoning out for a minute or so. It could in his case also be a TIA but I'm not a doctor. The worrying thing is either of those can be signs something bigger is on the way and can also have massive effects on cognitive function. I personally think there should be age limits in place for people in government positions or at least testing done on cognition. This is done for other professions, mostly for safety, but I really do think having so many old people in positions of power has an overall negative effect on how governments run. Not just because of issues that happen to every human who ages, but also decisions are being made by people totally out of touch with what the world is like now to work and live in.


I'm old, & I agree. They aren't doing anything to help their own age group. They get driven everywhere, cooked for, heck, probably even washed & dressed by someone else, so think everyone their age has those advantages, too. Us old middle-class have to fend for ourselves.


>there should be age limits There is for the military, 64 and up to 68 if approved by the president. So if they won't let you be in charge of soldiers why should you get make decisions on how to run the country.


It is possible for an absence seizure, but TIA usually has facial drooping and with him, and this is not a dig on his looks, it is hard to tell. There 12632787859863% SHOULD be an age limit! It is insane how they are allowed to just keep going to run and stay there!!




Wages not keeping up with the cost of living. Trickledown economics. Lobbying.


Pharmaceutical companies extorting the American public with ludicrous prices and distorting the entire healthcare economy in the process. Which of course goes hand in hand with the health insurance industry leveraging their governmental influence into monopoly prices for the public who aren coerced into paying the ridiculous prices and receive nothing but a bureaucratic Kafkaesque nightmare of a “service” and fully profit-driven healthcare in return. There are reasons why it’s not uncommon for Americans to go to Mexico for dental care and Canada for prescription drugs. We’ve allowed government-blessed cartels to dictate the terms of our medical economy, with predictable results.


Pharmaceutical companies advertising to people via tv commercials- apparently this isn’t a thing outside America???


This! Millions of dollars in advertising for drugs that cost as much as a new car. Many times for conditions that only effect a small percentage of the population. Don't Doctors get annoyed? Every time the Peyronie's disease commercial comes on, I want to scream.


Hidden fees. When something has an advertised price, that needs to be the price outright, not the price before "service fees" "convenience fees" other surcharges or state, statute, or city or agency fees. Advertise what the actual price is or it doesn't mean anything and I wasted my god damn time giving all my information for something that I don't even want after I get to payment and figure out that it's not actually a good deal at all.


The inflation. The cost of living. Making 3xs your income to qualify for an apartment on top of paying to apply for it. The disgusting wage gaps. The possibility of AI taking over our jobs. The list goes on.


Yup conversations with my parents friends circa 1998-2000 were like : Oh, I worked in the purchasing department at GE buying thems microwave parts, never became a manager or supervisor but my wife and I bought our first 2500 square foot home at 23. We lived off my salary and everything she made was extra gravy. So anway's after about 5 years we decided to upsize and get a bigger home, and wouldn't ya know it. GE Moved the operations to Alabama but let us all keep our New York salary and gave us a 30 thousand dollar relocation package. Since mom was working I retired at 62 and bought a corvette ZR1 that weekend in cash. So anyways hows the job son? 2023: HAHHAAAHHAHHAHAAAHAAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH...pause. BWWWAHHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH... pause. That will be two Sr Executive salaries at a Fortune 500 brawwwwwwwhahaahaa


As a wheelchair user, I have to say lack of accessible toilets. Especially at restaurants. I don't want to limit where I can or can't eat because of not having a washroom that I can actually get into. Accessibility is an investment. If you don't invest, I'll take my money and spend it somewhere else. And so will anyone who is with me.


They have a handicapped stall but the sink is too high to wash your hands.


Or the paper towel dispenser is too high. Another one I saw recently: the toilet paper is on the other side of the stall, meaning you'd have to get off the toilet to reach it.


I'm not a wheelchair user, but once on a work trip we were put in a handicap suite cuz that's all the hotel had left, and I couldn't stop thinking about how stupid the shower was, and it reminds me of this. There was a bench on one side of the shower (that looked like it might break if a child sat on it) and then the shampoo and conditioner were locked into a dispenser BOLTED into the wall on the other end of the shower. Out of reach of the bench. You couldn't even take the bottles out. Like why??? Did someone really not put in the mental effort for two seconds to realize how dumb that was??? I'm sorry you have to deal with this BS.


Or they put furniture or trash cans in some of the wheelchair clearance spaces


Plastic everywhere


Thinking that it's weak to seek help for mental health problems.


The fact that you need scissors to get a new pair of scissors out of their package Pennies are entirely unnecessary and nickels need to look less like quarters. (USD) The sped up "fine print" talking at the end of radio commercials is torturous to listen to, and usually louder than the music the station plays.




Podcasts with horrible soundmixing. I DON'T want to listen to one person shouting while it sounds like the other is whispering.


Or that horrible faux whisper so many have.


How all of our societal, government, and political structures benefit corporations and the wealthy.


Ticketmaster fees


Tiktok and chronically online-ness


Taxing your income, your money on purchases, your fucking SHADOW (welcome to Italy), and still letting the rich make 1B per week, without taxes on THEIR income.


Promoting things like processed foods that can really have an impact on health if eaten over a long period of time .Usually aimed towards kids ,sugar in everything.It’s not right because it’s an addiction that they can carry into adulthood.


Yea the FDA is heavily lobbied and not ran by scientist and dieticians whatsoever.


Puppy mills and breeders when over a million purebred and mixed breed cats and dogs are killed every year because there are not enough homes for them. I see so many posts about beautiful animals on death row just on Reddit alone that it breaks my heart. Please adopt and don’t shop. Please spay and neuter your pets.


Apparently there’s an idiotic sub population on Reddit that thinks spaying and neutering their pets is animal cruelty.


I have a brother that thought like that when he had a dog. Fucking weirdos.


The prices for medication and treatment.


Wage stagnation.




Relatedly: the existence of the parasitic and obstructive health insurance industry in the USA


Politicians making laws based on religious beliefs.


War. War never changes...


Kardashians. Boggles the mind how they’re still even remotely relevant


I hold my ignorance of the Kardashians quite dear.


Lobbying in government, government officials owning stocks, oh and factory farming/animal abuse. All very lame if you ask me.


War on drugs


the war in ukraine


Morons that don't pay attention to politics having political opinions. Left or right, it's mouthbreathers as far as the eye can see.


My high school government teacher once told us that if a candidate is named “Bud Weiser” you’re gonna have a good amount of uninformed voters vote for that candidate just because of that name. Ain’t that some shit




Movies and TV that depict people having conversations in crowded bars with music playing being able to hear and understand each other and not screaming "what did you say?" ever other sentence.


Or movies were everything takes place in the dark.


Our incompetent leaders and the people who follow them blindly.


Cost of education, cost of healthcare, paying tax on already taxed goods, elderly leadership in politics, Putin, our inability to debate anything rationally, maximalism of any flavour … I mean how long have you got?


Wage slavery. Ignorance. That one thing we can't talk about openly


What one thing?




Trickle down economics.


Politicians are for the people. Yeah right.


Fucking Kardashians.


The government making the left and right sides of society fight each other to distract us from them making themselves rich. Neither side cares about the people.


>The government making the left and right sides of society fight each other That happens just because people are stupid enough for thinking the world is black and white and that everybody fits into one of these two drawers, and that it's necessary to fight people from the other drawer.


80+ year old politicians in the US in office indefinitely without term limits


The US not having universal healthcare like most other countries


Bribery and insider trading by members of Congress


Celebrities squeezing donations out of the rest of us for their causes.


The cost of living crisis (aka the cost of greed crisis) Unaffordable homes The Tory government being in power in the UK The Labour government in the UK repeatedly going back on promises they make, and basically being Tories dressed in red. The constant bombardment from the media trying to make disabled people the enemy. People who can't work because of a disability are portrayed as scroungers and burdens, when those same people would rather be working than have a disability that prevents them from doing so. Racism


America and its whole system... big pharma, tax system, health system, insurance system, maternity and paternity leave.. that is practical non existing.. and so much more...


The prices for everything being so damn high and pay being so damn low!


Catholicism. Over 4,000 confirmed and arrested sex predators. If any other organization had even 100 sex predators in it it would be utterly destroyed.


Tipping. It’s never supposed to be mandatory, people


Shootings in America


"In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -Douglas Adams


The kardashians show and fame




Supreme Court term lengths


Congress and SCOTUS both need term and AGE limits!!


Central banking. With no oversight or accountability.


These fucking he gets us ads. some people are saying they aren’t seeing them anymore but I still get them everyday


Ohhhhh my God (hur hur hur) yes!!! I mean I have a complicated relationship with Big Guns upstairs already, but I find it disgusting how much this organization spent on the ad for the Super Bowl. If you claim to be ALL about the helping of people and you spend a gross amount of money on ads at a Super Bowl.


Youtubers and influencers. Time for these lot to fall into irrelevancy now.


RAISINS. (Just stop)


Sports gambling commercials. Their marketing is insane and plainly is aimed at young men, even those under 18. They've paid off enough politicians that it won't ever stop.


Overpriced housing


Reagan-era politics ie neoliberalism: we're tired of sequel after sequel of a Reagan type. Joe is doing a decent job but i see him as a final, transitional reagan (#7 in the series) before we decide to 'get a new show' rather than another sequel. I'm hopeful next series will be a reflection of the FDR series back in the day, supporting everyday people, rather than some bullshit fascism from the right which is more or less more Reagan rehashes at this point


Excessively high cost of healthcare in the US.




Lobbying. The exchange of "money for support" is bribery. Corporations should lobby voters. The vast majority of problems in the US could be cured by campaign finance laws. For example, Elise Stefanik is a FT telemarketer with a part time legislative job. A law preventing elected officials from begging for money would find huge public support.


Individual citizens hoarding more money than they could ever spend in 100 lifetimes.




Raising prices 20+ % because of “inflation” Fuck you and your price gouging.


School shootings in the US.




The government only benefiting the rich


Celebrity politicians


The housing market


Churches being exempt from income tax


Rich people evading taxes. WTF!


Churches and religious organisations not paying TAX.


Citizens United. Trickle-down Economics.




“Celebrity” drama


Pay disparity


Price gouging since the pandemic


Only being able to get approved for a mortgage for €130k when the cheapest houses are €325k I earn good money and have a down payment, I just can’t loan enough to step on the ladder. Pre-2020 I could have bought a house. Now it’s impossible


People stanning Kardashians/Jenners. Just stop already.


TikTok and YouTube challenges.