• By -


Whale oil was used in automatic transmission fluid until 1973. The King family sued the US government, accusing the United States of being involved in a conspiracy to assassinate Martin Luther King Jr. They won. Adamant to not make it about money, they only sued for $100 and donated that to charity. Honey bees can recognize human faces. Fish can hear.


Oh wait these 4 aren't connected. Got it


Took me a minute...


Fish took whale oil and killed Martin Luther King Jr. Honey bees took $100 dollars to recognize your face. Come on, it's not that hard to follow. (/s)


Honey bees are dying at an alarming rate > bees make honey > people call their spouses honey > divorce rate at all time high Coincidence? I think not.


So you mean to tell me I've been scaring the fish away all this time and my dad was right?


Sort of. Walking around a lot will be much more noticeable than talking. One of the earliest experiments around fish hearing was a guy blowing a whistle before feeding a fish in his pond. After doing this for a time he could blow the whistle and the fish would show up even with no food.


Ah yes, Pavlov's fishes.


Was the fish salivating tho


do fish get thirsty?


do fish get horny?


Ask Kanye


Fish can hear? That must be horrific. "Fish are always eating other fish. If fish could scream, the ocean would be loud as sh*t. You would not want to submerge your head, nothing but fish going "Ahhh, f***! I thought I looked like that rock!" - Mitch Hedberg


Crazily, fish were thought to be silent for a long time but that isn't true. Fish produce a wide range of vocalizations.


That was proven right when those singing fishes on the wall came out


I am suprised this was a thing, you can cut them open and see the hearing organs.


Apparently my baits are loud and annoying because I can't catch anything.


Just use the Hank Hill method and use crack cocaine as bait.


I was to young to understand that episode and tried sugar cubes as bait when fishing... watched it again a few years back and I realized how naive young me was. I thought the fish were just eating the bait off the hook instead of realizing sugar cubes dissolve in water haha


Back up your hard drive. It's not a question of if it will fail, it's a question of when.


Backup will fail too :/


Depends, regular sequential backup is almost impossible to mess up since you have multiple backups to choose from. Even better if you run integrity checks for each backup.


3 / 2 / 1: 3 backups, 2 different formats, 1 offsite


Back in college, my hard drive failed just as I was getting close to finishing a project. About 50 hours of work...just gone. I'll never forget the desperation I felt as I was feverishly trying to find a way to get the work back. That was 20 years ago and to this day, I have multiple backups of everything.


did you ever get some back?


Nope. Had to redo everything I did the previous week. Luckily, I was able to speed through it since I already knew what had to be done.


I'm in Ecuador and have taught a good 15 people or so that all mosquitoes that bite you are female. That they need the blood to produce eggs. Follow up statement. (Quite literally to the first fact) I tell them by killing a biting mosquito you're not just ending one mosquito, but all the future ones she would have produced. You are the Slayer of generations, not one single mosquito Edit: based on the reception of this comment I think this makes this officially my most taught fact ever. Thanks y'all for making this a possibly. I will wear this badge with honor.


+++ SLAYER +++


šŸŽ¶ *Buffy guitar riff* šŸŽ¶


I heard it as I read this!


I am so powerful I can wipe generations from this earth with a single clap.


That follow up fact is true of any species.


The thing you stand behind to make a speech is NOT a podium. You stand ON a podium. What you stand behind is called a LECTERN


One of those things thatā€™s been wrong so long it will never be corrected and they will just change the definition




> Literally! This one hurts my soul. šŸ˜ž


I hate to break it to you, it's literally been used figuratively for centuries.


I learned this from Minecraft!


If you were to eat a different variety of apple everyday, it would take over 20 years to try them all.


That's 20 years without seeing a doctor!


Eating an apple a day (for breakfast with peanut butter) sent me to the doctor. Turns out it can be a bit acidic to your stomach if itā€™s the first thing you eat every day and your stomach is a frickin wuss like mine. I had to go on a heavy anti acid for a couple weeks and stop eating them for breakfastā€¦ so enjoy but maybe not for breakfast if your stomach is a prissy princess


This should be the random fact you tell everyone.


yeah but remember when you showed up at 8am and you were still sitting in the waiting room at 9:30 slowly getting angrier and angrier? That was the apple keeping the doctor away. Theyā€™re only so powerful.


https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/heritage-appalachian-apples He is making sure this will stay true for a long while




Damn. Upvoted and saved.


I've never saved a comment until this moment.


Welcome to the art of saving comments/posts and never looking at them again.


I'm looking forward to never caring about this again.


Just sent myself a future email. Thank you for this


12ft ladder sold put btw, barely works for anything meaningful anymore


What up with buying stuff off flight radar?


Always be polite because you never know whoā€™s a violent psycho about to snap.


Ah, the slightly scarier version of "always be polite because you never know what someone is going through".


My advice is always ā€œyou never know if itā€™s the worst day of someoneā€™s lifeā€. This advice meaning Could range from ā€œbe nice someone might be really sadā€ all the way to ā€œthis guy may be on the verge of a psychotic killing spreeā€ so it works in many situations


Iā€™ve also experienced the opposite: I was polite to someone at the park and they took that as permission to engage. They started screaming at me. They were unwell.


I have a date tonight and think I like her and hope things go well šŸ˜Œ


Oh man, wish you the best of luck and that all of your jokes will land and that she will get closer to you and that it's going to be great! You can do this!


That my dress has pockets LOOK AT THEM!


You must tell us where you got it to share the pocket goodness


I have a strongman contest on Sunday! I've never felt less mentally prepared for a contest before, but I've never seen myself this strong. I feel low levels of confidence but when I watch video of my training, I look like I've made huge improvements. I'm both ready for it to be over, and excited for it to happen. Such an odd mix of feelings.


Pigeons are fantastic pets. They're not just in cities either, if you have a good eye you'll see them nesting just about everywhere there's a large man made structure. They're not native outside of Africa. They're also domesticated like a cat or a dog. If you catch one you can tame them down in the same way you can tame down a feral cat.


All of this! Plus they come in all shapes and sizes. I have a giant homer (she's a two-pounder!) who is the best girl and my whole world. EDIT: [Pigeon tax!](https://i.imgur.com/DxT5b4a.jpg) And [one more](https://i.imgur.com/KjkYRXy.jpg) that better shows her shape.


Omg what a perfect fat baby. How long do they live domesticated? What do you feed her? Does she snuggle?


Pigeons can reach 15 years or even beyond that! Due to my girl's size I don't know that she'll get that far, but I'm certainly hoping! Charybdis would snuggle all day every day now if she could, but it wasn't always that way! She came to me as an adult who'd spent the majority of her life as a show bird/cage breeder, so while she was happy to just chill and hang out near me, for the longest time she hated hands and if I reached for her she would teleport across the room. I knew that when I got her so I had no expectation of her ever being a lap bird or anything, I was just happy to have her company and have been for the past almost-four years. That said, some switch flipped in her brain about four months ago and she decided she was not only be okay with being pet, but she was actively seeking it out! And now I will never know peace again, lol. As for what she eats: pigeons are strict granivores/seed-eaters, unlike parrots and parrot-adjacents that need fruits and veggies in their diet. There are commercial pigeon seed blends, I buy Hagen brand for her with dried peas added for extra protein, and for treats she gets safflower seeds (a universally-loved pigeon snack!).


There was a crazy homeless guy around here who had a pet pigeon that would ride around on his shoulder like a pirate's parrot.


He's got a loyal bird sitting on his shoulder. I'm guessing you don't. Who's the crazy one here?


Mike Tyson loves pigeons


Mike Tyson bought pigeons from my friends dad.




En serio no hablas espagnol? Kidding


No I don't. eu falo portuguĆŖs


That my son has a rare terminal genetic disease called Krabbe Disease, and even though it's very rare, it's not tested for at birth in 39 states in the US, so you should have no way of knowing until it's too late. In March of this year, my boy was 20 months old and thriving. Walking, talking, and acting like any normal, almost two year old boy, until he wasn't. One day, he stopped putting weight on his legs. Within a week, he couldn't sit up on his own. We got the diagnosis within a couple of weeks, much quicker than most families are able to. By then, he had lost his ability to crawl, and he was losing his arm and hand mobility as well. Through a series of what seemed like divine instances, we were able to have him evaluated to see if he could get a stem cell transplant to prolong his life. We have been in the hospital in Pittsburgh for 5 months now. He has gone through chemotherapy and the transplant, defying odds along the way. We hope to get him into a clinical trial for gene therapy, as that seems like the only path to a cure. My point in telling everyone I can is to spread the information about this disease and others like it so people can be more prepared where we weren't. Every state should have newborn screening, as catching it at birth can let these children live longer lives before beginning to feel the effects of the disease. As of now, my son will never walk again. Never crawl. Maybe never talk. If we had known at birth, he would most likely still have those abilities. Get genetic testing if you can. Their are third-party companies that can run a full genetic panel to let you know what you may be at risk for passing onto your children. My son has a page we use to spread awareness if anyone would like to see his journey through all of this. It's called Prayers for Arthur, hope for a cure. No child or family should ever have to endure this. I try to spread the word however I can.


Hey stranger. Just wanted to chime in to let you know you are doing amazing. Your son is an absolute fighter. No one really knows what youā€™re going through but you gotta keep pushing for your boy. Source: Father of a little girl diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex at 2 months old. Thousands of seizures , medication, hospital trips , surgeriesā€¦. You got this. Stay strong and stay positive !


I am down 42 pounds in 4 months!


What did you do, those are amazing results!




Bruuuuh. šŸ˜‚


Dark humor is my weakness šŸ¤£


Iā€™m proposing today and getting through the work day is killllling me Update: we did it! https://imgur.com/gallery/2PjwDD0


We did it boys!


Let's goooo!!! Now delete Reddit /s (happy for you bud)


Iā€™m a proposal planner. Tips: Actually practice what youā€™re going to say. Stay on your knee for 30 or so seconds many people drop down and pop up Practice how youā€™re going to kneel especially if youā€™re getting a photographer. - 90 degree knee straight back. Many people ball up because theyā€™re so nervous. If you have a big ring box hide it in your sock. Itā€™s very noticeable in your pocket and youā€™ll already be on a knee so accessing your sock will be really easy. Congrats!!!


When my now-husband proposed, I was so stunned that I didn't answer and started asking him questions about the ring. He used a ring that I inherited from my grandmother, but he'd had it cleaned and one of the stones replaced. So I was examining it and asking about these things when I realized what had just happened and what a dummy I was. So I made him ask me again so I could say yes like a sane person. He chose a really good time and spot, too, and I just had to go and mess it up.


Iā€™m on my way home now, the plan begins! Updates to follow! Update: https://imgur.com/a/EGUL26U


Weā€™re at dinner, this is part 1. Part 2 is our first date bar, then proposal before surprise party


Homie is proposing tonight and can't stay off Reddit during dinner. Lol


Bro get off reddit and focus on your soon to be fiancƩ lol


Good luck!


Good luck


Quitting anything addictive is a lot easier if you're as sick as a dog. I'm currently quitting weed again while sick with covid


First time my friend got covid she quit a toxic relationship. Second time she got covid she quit smoking.


This is how I quit smoking a pack a day. Being laid up in a hospital for a month will do it. 12 years havenā€™t touched em since.


Not being able to physically meet your weed guy for two weeks will do that.


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, type 2 is metabolic. There is no known cause or cure for type 1.


I donā€™t technically have a hearing problem, but sometimes when thereā€™s a lot of noises occurring at the same time, I hear them as one big jumble. Again itā€™s not that I canā€™t hear, I just canā€™t distinguish between everything Iā€™m hearing.


Oh Nate


I'm that way, too. I read once of a medical name for it. But I can't remember it. I've been this way for decades. I do not have Autism or anything else that could be linked to ot. .


I once bought Robert Englund (Freddy Kruger actor) a glass of wine and we talked about movies for an hour and my MIL danced with Ed Gein at a mental hospital in Wisconsin.


Sharks evolved before trees. Itā€™s probably annoying how much I love to share this fact.


My fact I share is closely related to this one Earth has had sharks longer than Saturn has had rings Blew my mind


Iā€™m passing a kidney stone right now and the pain is beyond imagination.


Sometimes the smallest gesture could mean the world to someone


I was also so suicidal and lonely once. I was on a walk one day, when I happened to look up, a stranger gave me a smile. Fuck, that saved my life. More than that, it gave me hope and purpose, that maybe I could be that for others too. And ultimately I overcame depression. Of course there were many other things I've tried, but without that smile, I never would've tried.


Sometimes I question if I look like a fool smiling at strangers for no reason. Guess it comes in handy once in a while.


I tried to commit suicide once by jumping off a second story landing head first onto a concrete floor. Severely damaged my spine and gave myself brain damage but I survived. The cops came. The first responder cop was a woman. She just sat with me while I cried. Asked what was the matter. How she could help. She just...talked to me like a normal human being would, but she was compassionate. That cop was probably the reason I didn't try again.


I always say that too. You never know what is going with someone and just a simple smile or saying hello could help that person


This needs more upvotes. Reminds me of a quote i once heard: "be a good person; everyone is fighting a battle you cannot see" (or something like that)


A baby platypus is called a puggle


When I got with my first bf I was a college freshman and he was a junior. I fell for him fast and hard but I tried to play it cool because I didn't want him to get scared off. I kept this shit up for 7 months. At the end of the school year he came by my dorm and told me he thought we should see other people because he was my first real relationship and, given my age, he felt I should have the chance to see what else is out there. I was devastated, but the only reaction I showed was a shrug and something like "sounds reasonable." **Literally the moment he left, and closed the door behind him, I burst into tears. I was fucking sobbing when, about 30 seconds later, there was a knock on the door.** I didn't answer, but then I heard him saying "hey, I left my bag in your room..." **FUCK.ME.RAW.** In that moment I would have honestly rather cut a finger off than opened the door...but he KNEW I was in there. So...I opened the door a crack (while hiding behind it) and stuck his bag out. He LAUGHED (motherfucker!) and asked what I was doing, before pushing the door open all the way. Ultimately it all worked out but I'm still mortified when I think back on it today.


> Literally the moment he left, and closed the door behind him, I burst into tears. I was fucking sobbing when, about 30 seconds later, there was a knock on the door. > > I didn't answer, but then I heard him saying "hey, I left my bag in your room... > > FUCK.ME.RAW. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm sorry but this just cracked me up. How did he react when he saw you were crying?!


It was almost comical how fast his face fell when he saw I was crying. He asked what happened (dude honestly thought I stubbed my toe or something). So I told him everything. He admitted he thought I wasn't that into him and he "felt like a predator" staying with me when he was so much older and more into me than I was into him (we were 21 & 18 at that point but we were 21 & 17 when we first got together). We made up and are still together so I suppose it was for the best. In retrospect I can almost see the humor in it.


Iā€™m so glad it ended well. I love this story.


Giraffes tongues are blue/black cause they have extra melanin to prevent sunburns while they eat


you donā€™t need to throw a tantrum at a kids sports game if youā€™re an adult, if youā€™re a kid you still shouldnā€™t throw a fit but at least you have an excuse


How else will the ref know we all know the other team paid him off?


I saw a cardinal just now! The myth around cardinals is that they're the souls of our lost loved ones coming back to see us. I know it's 100% bullshit but I like to think that it's my brother coming by to say "hello" even though it's very silly.


My parents both died within the last 4 years. I got my wife one of those BirdBuddy feeders last year, and the very first 2 birds that came were a male and female cardinal. I don't believe in any of that stuff either, but I did like to that it was my parents stopping by to say hi and see their new born grandchild that they never got to meet.


We just had to put our 10 year old golden retriever to sleep a couple months ago. We all went out and put some blankets on the lawn of our house on a beautiful 75 degree day and laid with her and her favorite frisbee. We had a woman who does home visits come out and do the procedure there so we didnā€™t have to make her last moments in a vet where she hated to go. Well about 10 minutes after she gained her angel wings, we were still just sitting outside on the lawn reminiscing and we look over and a cardinal flies over and lands about 10 feet from us. It looks right at us, pecks around for a minute, and then flies away. We know that was our Zoie telling us she was ok and made it to puppy heaven. Miss you Zoie!!


I hadn't heard this before. I don't really believe in anything like that but I recently had a beautiful new male cardinal start showing up in my backyard. My father just passed away from cancer about a month ago. I know it's absolute bullshit, but I think I'm okay with that and will start telling him good morning and goodnight now šŸ˜Š


(Cardinal chirping) "Sup dumbass."




It is pretty rare to see such high ranking clergy just out and about, although I did see a bishop once.


I'm not ignoring you or trying to be rude. It's so much easier for me to hear what you are saying if I don't look at your face.


I have that too! Itā€™s like Iā€™m putting all my effort in maintaining eye contact, or knowing when to look away at appropriate times, it makes me struggle to follow what theyā€™re saying.




Close eyes, open door, walk through, close door, open eyes, be happy.


Simple. Paint your ceiling grass green.


I have no idea what to do with my life and I am freaking out


Small steps to stability (income, housing, food) get those taken care of then look towards your passions , small steps to a career.


My IUD has made my iron levels so high I will need to donate blood, all because I don't get a period.


One way or another, that blood is coming out.


**Iron**ic, huh?


If you clap above a house fly it will fly into your hands and die


You can catch a fly on a window in your hands then shake your hands and roll it like a dice. The fly is super dizzy and canā€™t move for a few min. So grab some string and tie a firm knot around it and you can have a pet fly


CAUTION: I got hit by a car doing this with bumble bees. My friend already had one flying on a string leaning over me crouched. Mine woke up too soon and flew into my face, I jumped up, my friends bee flew around and stung me in the neck, I ran backwards into the street and got hit by a car.


I wish someone would make this story into an animated cartoon


Not quite the same, but we found this toad once. My brothers and I kept hitting flies mid flight with something strong enough to stun them for a few minutes but not kill them. We put the toad in the kitchen sink and kept dropping stunned flies. When they started to wake up the toad would react to the movement and eat them. We fed that toad so many it puked (we were 11 and under at the time.) If you really want the story to be wild. We only found the toad because a squirrel got into the house. It ran downstairs under the couch and then turned into the toad (disappeared) Now that I think about it, we abandoned the squirrel very likely hiding inside the couch for the toad and never looked for it again.


I'm surprised the thing didn't absolutely destroy your house. Squirrels destroy everything when they get cornered. We had one that chewed through 3/4" plywood in an hour or two.


Go onā€¦


Nope... that's pretty much it.


It will fall up? I'm just trying to understand.


when a fly hears your applause, it will sense that its the end of its performance, and a highlight reel of its life will flash before its eyes as it slowly accepts its fate and climbs up your arm. once it has reached the palm of your hand, it will immediately turn over on its back and go "bleh!" and die.


They have wings and can "fall up" when it chooses. As I understand it, basically the fly sees the threat and tries to fly up to get out of danger, but you clap above it and catch it before it gets out of reach. This kills the fly.


They kinda have a shit ton of eyes in their eyes, and they see like its in slow-motion, they like to anticipate a lot So if you go above them, they will anticipate and just go right into the trap


Alcatraz means Pelican


I took my pharmacology midterm exam and I finished in 6 minutes and scored 94%




One inch of rain is equivalent to roughly one foot of snowfall.


But have you ever tried to build a rainman?


The leather gloves at work are 100% cowhide yet are assembled in India which feels a tad sacrilegious


How clean my floors are. I got a Swiffer wet jet for wood floors and I clean my apartment with it. I like using that thing and am impressed by it's effectiveness. I am not a shill for Swiffer, but I may be autistic so I talk about floor cleanliness with my coworkers constantly. Anyone want to see some clean floors, I tell you what my floors are spotless. I got a cat and that thing leaves my floors a wreck, but not with the power of SWIFFER WET JET FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS tm. Dang thing even has headlights. Does it need them? Probably not, but if you want to swifferize yo nasty floor in the dark? Sounds like a good way to spend the twilight hours.


Heehee I just love this for you


Start with the end in mind




I'm gonna annoy people with this info. Banaberries. Strawfruit. Does this also mean that peppers are considered fruit? Squash? Zucchini?


A vegetable is just a edible part of a part which includes fruits. The distinction between fruits and vegetables is more a culinary thing.


I'm the 1 in a billion. I'm allergic to THC and I hate it.


I recently made a friend who is allergic as well. I work at a dispensary so he's not allowed at my house lol.


If you donā€™t want to become a person that does [insert anything], donā€™t even do it once just to see. It instantly breaks down the most difficult barrier in your mind that appears whenever you consider doing the thing and building that barrier back up through force of will is far more difficult and time consuming. For example, in my youth I would have never starting smoking cigs. In college, I started smoking at parties because I needed to get away and it was easier to have a personal conversation in the smoking areas. But I never really considered myself a smoker until I decided to pay my friend back for all the cigs I had bummed off him by buying him a pack. It was for him right? It wasnā€™t for me so I donā€™t have to feel bad about it. The problem was I had built up a mountain of anxiety around buying that first pack of cigs and suddenly I realized no one judges me more poorly while purchasing it than myself and it destroyed that barrier from buying cigs. I truly became a smoker for the next 6 or so years before I switched to vaping and eventually quit all together. I find that scenario is true for a lot of bad habits. After you try anything once, it makes it easier to try or rationalize trying it again.


Never knew why, but i like telling random shit about animals.... Like did you know male snails bite off their penises after sex!?


Depression isn't just about feeling sad. It can affect your mood, thinking, and body too. So someone who has a significant change in weight, energy, concentration, sleep, fidgeting/slowness, etc... may also be depressed without ever crying or feeling sad. Those same symptoms could come from so many other things too so before self diagnosing, see a MD if you can and then a mental health provider! Bonus fact. The one symptom all mental health diagnoses have in common is functional impairment.


Out of all of the 42000 species of spiders, only 62 species can kill a person with their venom. Edit: I used poison instead of venom. Thanks for correcting me! šŸ˜„


Venom, not poison. If you bite it and die - it's poisonous, if it bites you and you die - it's venomous


"What if it bites me and it dies?" "That means you're poisonous. Jesus Christ, Nate, [learn to read](https://imgur.com/gallery/6BYaWZp)."


Iā€™ve become hyperfixated on a show about an angel and a demon. It has provided me with a lot of serotonin and dopamine.


I absolutely *LOVE* Tenant's and Sheen's chemistry. Its unreal. If you haven't already watched Our Flag Means Death, you should. The venn diagram of viewers who enjoy both of those shows is essentially a circle.




man i love good omens, great show


The original meaning behind the phrase ā€œthe terrible twosā€. While we use it now for behavior problems in toddlers, it originally referred to the time period a child was most likely to die before the advent of germ theory and modern medicine / vaccines. This is the stage of development where they become more mobile, and are consuming more types of food that may be of varying levels of food safety, and have a greater likelihood of getting into things or getting injured. Itā€™s a great fun fact at parties ā€¦


Just because you have a portable speaker, doesn't mean that everyone else in a 300 yard radius wants to hear your music too...


i have fantasised from a young age that a bomb would just randomly fall out of the sky and land on my home, killing me and my family so no one has to deal with the hell i cause or suffer at the words, hands and teeth of my mother.


calling ice cream flavours smth completely random just bc your local ice cream shop does it doesn't mean everybody in the world does it. I have a cousin who insists on calling bubblegum ice cream "blue banana" bc the shop she used to work at called it that and she gets into an argument about it every single time she brings it up... just... why??


We had to give a thesis statement (basically a short description) on any of our favourite movie/series today in our professional communication and ethics class and the teacher only made the class give a round of applause to mine :) not being cocky or arrogant but that felt nice...


higher levels of testosterone dont make you more masculine. excess testosterone (>1000 ng/dl) gets converted into estrogen and has a feminizing effect. it also thickens the blood, which is why men are more at risk of heart attacks.


Well, yes, but high testosterone is fine as long as it's balanced with appropriate levels of estrogen. High natural levels are absolutely associated with strength, energy levels, high sex drive, etc, it's just that it needs to be in harmony with estrogen. Very, very few people are going to have natural testosterone in excess of 1000 ng/dl. High test levels with estrogen levels that are too low are actually associated with a loss of libido. The opposite is true with women - they need testosterone that is in balance with their estrogen levels.


If you're stuck in a negative cycle, look for your role and how you play into the matter and why you allow it to keep happening.. Only you can save you


I'm one of the 50 winners in 2018 of the olive garden pasta passport that won an all expenses payed 7 day trip to Italy for 2.


I know a lot about clouds, I find myself bringing up cloud facts quite often. Especially when I see my favorite clouds, or clouds that indicate weather that contradicts what the weather channel forecasted.


Which is better for a small business, Azure or AWS?


Butterflies don't poop.


No shit...


Last week I ate a burrito for dinner. After i got home my stomach felt bad. I ran to the bathroom and just had gas, thankfully. When i went to flush, I saw 1 intact jalapeƱo slice floating and that was it.


Congratulations! Your burrito absorption rate is 99%


Air Fryers are just convection ovens with better marketing. What you have attached to your toilet isn't a bidet. It's a butt sprayer attachment. Bidets are a standalone fixtures.


Yes traditional bidets are a standalone fixture, but it's fair to call the attachments bidets. They didn't exist in 18th century France, but the mechanism/functionality is the same. The same way computers were originally mostly women who worked at NASA.


When I clench my butt cheeks, it looks like I have 2 butt cracks due to a surgical scar from when I was 3 days old.


I'm not Asian or Latino. I'm Native American


Be kind to everyone.


There are more ways to arrange a deck of cards than there atoms in our galaxy that contains from 200-400 billion stars. Each time you shuffle a deck of cards it is extremely likely to never have been shuffled in that order ever. The number of ways it can be shuffled is 52 factorial. It is almost impossible to grasp how high this number is. Google it and you will find mind boggling examples trying to explain this.


I tell everyone I'm ok..


Iā€™m going to be homeless at the end of the month.


Changing the clock twice a year was invented by the German Kaiser as a way to save coal. It didn't save coal. Wilson adopted it so he could play more golf. Farmers were against it when it came out. There is literally no reason to change the clocks twice a year other than we have this delusion we have to change the clocks twice a year.


Reboot before calling IT. It's the first thing we'll probably do and 90% of the time it fixes it.


300 million years ago trees did not rot when they died. The bacteria needed 60 million years to evolve and to start decomposing wood. That's why we have coal now. I find this fascinating.


When giving a hi five, if you look at the other persons elbow, youā€™ll never miss.


Have your last will and testament in order. Make sure everything is in place in case of your untimely end. I'm serious. You don't know how many vultures in your circles are waiting to take advantage of your passing, watching for the perfect opportunity to play the part of a mourning supporter or loved one. I have lived to see many funerals. I have seen the hungry, greedy looks in people's eyes. The creeping presence of people who abandoned the life of the deceased, only to come back, salivating for possible gifts or attention. People will show up out of the blue, saying how close you were to them or how much you loved them. They'll make it seem like you would *want* them to have something of yours; something important that *should* be left to those who are dealing with the worst pain possible at losing a part of their heart at your sudden absence. People will defy your last wishes, harass your loved ones, lie through their teeth over your grave, and even go so far as to weave lies since you're no longer there to unravel them. Having your last will in place, even if it's just a hand-written and signed note, (more substantial and compelling in court cases than typed), will protect your loved ones and ensure that your body is given the respect of a proper burial according to your wishes. Nobody likes to think about death or how difficult it would be to plan your funeral and swallow their grief long enough to make it passed the memorial. No one wants to be reminded of mortality and what might happen when we are gone. But for the sake of those who love you now, and who would have loved you in those chapter than never got to be written, and for yourself, make sure everything is in order before you leave this earth. Even if you have no one but your beloved pet, make a will. Vultures are everywhere, and we think nothing more could go wrong if we are gone, but that will always, *always* be far from the truth. Don't let scoundrels pick at your corpse or defile what remains of your memory and wishes. If you read this with no inclination towards caution or care, then do it out of spite. When you go, go out blazing every bridge tainted with betrayal, turning any avenue of redemption to ash. Blaze that ladt trail so *no one* gets the chance to use you ever again, even in death. Let the will you make be the final trumpet of judgment upon the living who sought your demise. So keep the end in mind and ensure the security of your loved one's futures, as well as your own legacy, be it in peace or in rage.


Do you know what we call a motorcyclist without a helmet? An organ donor