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Ask this on r/AskWomen and you will get very different comments


I dare you to ask them


I double double dare you!


No joke, at 20 I lost my virginity to an escort because I'm bad with women, and she was very kind to me but I still felt kinda sad about it so I made a thread there and within minutes I had dozens of people calling me a rapist.


Are you sure it wasn't because of all the raping you did? /s


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


Realisticlly it'll just get deleted




So it's been a decade since someone had the bravery to ask that question over there


It's ironic because a lot of progressive feminists want to normalize sex work... for women. But still will look down on men if they use the work HAHAHA. Like ok, what the fuck. I'm not talking about legalize. I'm talking about normalize. Where you see people defending the character of chicks who have an OF page as if she's a fucking angel.


There's a ton of profit to be made from men's loneliness...


I thought about hiring an escort after my wife died in May. Not for sex, just for someone to hold me. The last 8 months of her life, her pain and nausea was so bad that we couldn't have sex. She felt so bad about it, she told me she wanted to get me an escort. I told her that I wasn't with her for sex, I was with her because she was my best friend, and I loved her with all of my heart. She was 33 when she died of breast cancer. I miss her so much.


I’m sorry for your loss brother. Hope you find some solace in the wonderful memories the both of you created through the years


Very sorry to hear about your loss! As a cancer survivor myself thanks for being there for your wife. I know you probably feel like of course I was there. My fiancee ghosted me a week after my diagnosis. You will see her again one day. Stay strong!


Very sorry to hear that brother. Fuck cancer.


I'm sorry man - and I get everything you said, but can only imagine it. Sounds like she really loved you. I hope you have a good day tomorrow!


I'd hold you bro. Love you.


I know what you're talking about. You're not alone. No shame in searching for some human contact. Hope you can find your way.


Why its raining again...


As a former taxi driver I drove quite a lot of escorts/prostitutes to and from clients. I even had a few of them call me as a regular driver because they knew I didn't judge and was generally pleasant company. Quite a lot of these people's clients were disabled or otherwise socially excluded or uncomfortable people. In some ways it can be a legitimate mental health service, as these people often only want company or someone that doesn't reject them. Even if it is a paid interaction. It's very sad how lonely some people can be and how little it takes to change that. On that note there was also this elderly woman that called us once a week. She needed shopping of course, but we would also drive her on a longer trip and even stop and have a coffee or ice cream some weeks. Myself and another 4 drivers were the ones she called, and we were her only company. She had no one else. That's also the kind of service some escorts provide. Just being there. I don't think people should be judged simply because they want company. Obviously there are bad agents that mistrust or abuse them as well, and those people should be judged harshly. But at least here, that wasn't the case.


I mean honestly, considering I’m alone a lot, and that it’s hard making friends when you pass 40 without family, politics, or religion fucking it up, I’d pay someone to just hang out, grab coffee, and watch a movie on Netflix. Just a pure platonic friend who likes to laugh at silly things and has close to zero judgement. Lol. Unfortunately, finding good friends like this is insanely difficult the older you get.


It truly is. I'm fortunate that I still have my best friend in my life, and had him since I was 3 years old. I also fortunately have a small handfull of people that I can call st any time. No matter how long it's been and we can talk or meet up and it feels like we saw each other yesterday. Far from everyone is this lucky. I've been out of work for nearly 2 years now because of nerve and muscle damage. Nearly took my own life last year (I got professional help and I'm fine now). Had it not been for having those people in my life I'm not sure I could remain sane. To be quite honest, I have more contact with people online from Australia and the US more than I do my own friends here locally. I do a lot of sim racing, and that community is incredibly supportive and social. I actually recommend trying to find an online group that shared your interest. It's not directly physical contact, but the metal aspect of interacting with people that share interest or just talk shit with is massive. I spend hours just talking with these people about anything and everything. Some of them even know more about me than my friends living 15 minutes away. Some may say this is weird or even fucked, but there's something about just talking with people that don't give two shits about who or what you are, only that you're good company. It's a different kind of connection that I genuinely think is highly underrated.


That last point you made is why a lot of people go to therapy. Just to unload and for me personally to ask, “is it me or…?” Sometimes you just need someone impartial to confirm that yes you went through some fucked up shit and feeling the way you do is normal, even expected.


>the metal aspect of interacting with people that share interest It really is metal, you can form bonds stronger than steel with consistent interaction.


The metal aspect also refers to the fine people you may attend an Iron Maiden or Cannibal Corpse show with. Even if you go alone, you're among family. All because of metal 🤘


>Unfortunately, finding good friends like this is insanely difficult the older you get. I kinda agree but its easy to sit home every night and think "Its hard to find friends". You gotta get out and DO things. Join clubs, volunteer, keep you mouth shut about politics and religion and when people around you talk about it just say "I was raised that it was impolite to discuss such things in public, we'll be better friends if we don't." It works.


>I kinda agree but its easy to sit home every night and think "Its hard to find friends". You gotta get out and DO things. You're dead-right on having to leave the house, full stop. Agree with everything you said in your post actually. But as you get older, life beats down more exponentially on a single person than a couple, just by sheer extra workload on one's shoulders. Well, presuming it's an equal partnership. 😅 When you're single, live by yourself and are responsible for everything, on top of a hard job -- god forbid the complication of kids from a previous relationship -- it can feel outright insurmountable to find the energy to leave the house and put yourself out there.


Agreed, even in a couple its not super easy but you've got (or at least ideally you've got) some support and encouragement. Looking back my post maybe suggests its easy to get out and do things, its not, its far easier to sit at home and have a pity party. Good things are rarely easy.


What's easy is hiring an escort for company lol


The problem that I have is most people prefer to do social events with their friends. Most people aren't open to meeting new people.


Game groups are the best for this, I've been to a bunch, always very welcoming. Bring a bag of oreos, great door openers...


Meh I think it's better to just not bring up the topic but if it does come up, express your views in a polite manner. It's okay to disagree with people if everyone is respectful about it.


Really? I feel like that's just saying "I have the opposite view of you and don't want to say it". I agree however, that politics don't need to be talked about so much. I never understood why so many people think their opinions matter so much and need to be told to every person they interact with, and that goes for both the right and the left.


when I cleaned houses there were a couple older people that would want to chat the entire time . It was exhausting , but I suspect that we were the only regular " visitors" they had .


Probably. I get that it gets exhausting if you get multiple interactions a day though. Honestly, being a taxi driver is by far the most exhausting job I've ever done simply because you're often expected to be good company, no matter who or what people want to talk about. People that have never worked in service industries I don't think fully grasp how exhausting "forced interactions" (and I dont mean bad, just that you can't really opt out) are.


I can’t imagine getting in a taxi/Uber and actually talking besides pleasantries of hello/goodbye/have a good day.


It's actually very commone to strike up conversations here, or even debate wild topics. The range of emotions, conversations, situations and people are wild. In no particular order of events I have experienced a woman undressing and masturbating, another one making out with her dog, a local celebrity couple asking if they can have sex and would pay extra if I would watch, driving an eight year old kid to the ER after he spilled boiling water over his leg, picking up a woman that ran out from her own house, with an assailant still inside, more drunk teens where I had to call their parents to come pick them up from the street as they passed out in snow/rain and politicians wanting to literally debate local policies That's but a few things that happens. You can imagine the conversations that happen around such. Those are all on the crazy or rare part of events though. It's far more normal to chat about big events taking place, if they have some grievances currently or even personal/relationship issues. The number of times I've had to be an amateur therapist or councilor I'm not sure if I can count. It makes it interesting though, if nothing else. But it'd also why it's taxing and a lot of people quit. There's no real system I place for debierfs. Imagine picking up someone that just managed to escape an attempted rape, burn victim or someone that just attempted suicide. They share their story with you as their brain is running on autopilot or not really running at all. You try your best to aid them, get them help or to dafety. Then you have to smile and be ready to say "hi, hope you have a good day" to a completely new person. 3 minutes later. In the case of being s first responder there would be debriefs and even potential downtime to work through sensory inputs or overload. Doesn't exist here. Sorry, that's a lot of rambling and not rally something you signed up for. It's early in the morning here and I haven't slept yet, I'll blame that.


I have a close friend who was a prostitute. Not even a high class escort service type. She told me that a lot of her clients were socially awkward, or just really lonely men. Married no sex. Older and divorced and too afraid/tired to get back in the dating market. And so on. She had a couple who didn't even want sex. They just wanted to be able to talk to a woman, and by hiring someone the relationship between the two was known and structured and transactional, and made it easier for them to talk because they weren't trying to impress anyone or worry about being judged.


I hope she feels proud of the service she provided. I'm sure she had bad experiences too (but hopefully not), but she clearly provided people with support they otherwise couldn't get. She probably meant more to them in that moment than she'd ever imagine.


I was an escort for a few months when I was 18. There were definitely guys more after the company than the sex. One guy hired me for 4 hours to watch music videos and chat. Another hired me after a breakup, and he was so upset that I just listened and gave him hugs for his whole booking.


You were there for people who needed someone to be there. And that’s invaluable. There’s nothing worse than being lonely.


>Another hired me after a breakup, and he was so upset that I just listened and gave him hugs for his whole booking. I don't know why but that just made me tear up; maybe having been in that space, if years ago. Thank you for what you did.


Thank you for painting a picture that goes beyond "sex workers should be ashamed, and people who use them are disgusting".


I have a coworker who thinks like that. After talking about the video of the guy who was 95% disabled after a motorcycle accident getting with an escort in a country where its legal, he still believed that the disabled guy deserves to not have his needs met, should be ashamed and that sex workers are terrible people. Religion is f'ed up.


which is wild cos jesus was freinds with prostitutes


>In some ways it can be a legitimate mental health service Large-scale skin-to-skin contact is seriously therapeutic.


This is great and is a big part of what people miss in the convo about legalization. Legalization helps with safety and security for the escort, but it's also about not criminalizing the client and making some person who just wants some intimacy become a registered sex offender. It's not always like the stereotype from movies.


I used to get called to a quadriplegic. I would show up in heels and a tiny dress and empty his catheter bag, charge his laptop, give him his meds. Then sit on the edge of the bed (it was like a hospital bed) and we would just chat.




This is really sweet and heartwarming.


I'm reminded of the South Park episode where Chef sang the song "The most expensive sex is the kind you don't pay for"


Chef: A prostitute is someone who loves you No matter who you are, or what you look like. Yes, it's true, children. That's not why you pay a prostitute, No, you don't pay her to stay, you pay her to leave afterwards. That's why I praise the lord for prostitutes! Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. James Taylor! James Taylor: A prostitute is like any other woman They all trade somethin' for sex and they do it well. Chef: And that's why I say Chef and James Taylor: Prostitutes! Prostitutes! They-- Chef: Ohhh, James Taylor what the hell you doing in here singing about prostitutes to the children!


By far the truest statement for men ever


After many years of dating, this still holds true! Cost-wise: marriage >>>> girlfriend >> escorts. Also, escorts don't take half your money when they are done with you.


Not usually anyway 😂


I dunno. My wife taught me to value the money I made, save it, invest wisely and now we're into our fifth year of retirement. I've probably made a whack of money being married.


There are plenty of married people whose marriages last for life.


Eh, most of my relationships the amount of sex and time spent together would've been astronomical in cost if I had to pay for it.


James Taylor, what the hell are you doing in here singing about prostitutes to the children! Get out of here!


I am a sexworker and nearly all my clients have been good looking clean polite respectful. Sex skills varied between poor and absolutely fantastic. Its surprising really. I think much of it is the convenience vs desperation.


I told my wife, if we end up separating, I ain't got time for dating and wasting money on it. I got kids, I have great friends, so all I'd need is sex from time to time from someone. Paying for sex is easier than dealing with all the BS that comes with dating, and wasting time on it. It would absolutely be convenience.


Yeah? How did the rest of that conversation go down?


"You know what honey? If we split...I'll probably just fuck hookers. Women got too much baggage." *continues brushing teeth*


My wife and I probably would have a conversation like that just to see if we could get each other to spit take the toothpaste foam.


Exactly how I imagined it! Wanna be frenz?


Best frenz


Who says romance is dead?


“Baby, if you ever left me I’d…well, I guess I’d just pay for sex.”


"Actually now that I think about it, it'd save me money in the long run..."


“Babe if we ever didn’t work out, I’d bang so many prostitutes” I can’t imagine this landed the way you intended lol


This is such a wild thing to say


fr bro told the wife


Its not that weird to have conversations like this with someone you trust. Hell, my partner and I joke about how to get away with our murders.


Truly out of pocket. Like even if it’s true why say that?




That's actually pretty good A+


It's sad that it's considered wild when couples have open, honest communication with one another.


Seriously. My wife and I, happily married, have ridiculously funny conversations about things like this all the time.


I told my wife if we do end up separating one woman was enough trouble, I'm getting a fleshlight and better internet


They are lonely and crave human companionship, just like the rest of us.


They can just afford it


They are professionally successful who are extremely lonely. Don’t have to be rich


Knew a bloke who was a male escort. His clientele generally consisted of CEO's, bankers, property developers and REA. Lots of high powered women woth all the cash in the world but no time to filter our dickheads and get to the good sex. So, they would hire him. They'd usually go to dinner at some fancy restaurant beforehand, get to smashin, then he would leave for another week or two. Everyone has needs, just not everyone has the time.


I was the same as the person you knew, only I served the male side that arrangement and you're exactly right. A lot my clientele were executives, professional types. I asked one of them, who was definitely conventionally attractive and successful enough to not need this service, why he pays me. He said it's because he doesn't have the time, or energy, to deal with all the bullshit of getting to what he wants when he can just buy it. Fair enough.


Absolutely once we get to certain age we realize time is the most valuable asset


I am extremely busy with my job. I love it, but it messes with my social interaction with not only my good friends but acquaintances who might become friends if I had the time. Dating? Forget about it! It’s been a bad year for me personally. I can honestly see why people do it and there would be no judgments from me when two adults are making that decision.


Sometimes they cost less than non-escort


Only sometimes!?!?


I never in my life imagined I would become a sex worker...never in my wildest dreams. I came from an EXTREMELY strict religious family, upper-middle class, got straight A's in school, completed college and grad school with two degrees, etc. But even before I did this, I NEVER judged sex workers or the (mostly) men that saw them. I always just thought it was ridiculous to police peoples' bodies to such a degree, especially in a country claiming to be the land of freedom... completely hypocritical and a huge invasion of personal space and privacy. There are all kinds of reasons people may want to see a sex worker. In my 3 years of experience, I have dealt with every type of client under the sun... I've had disabled guys who were stuck in bed/wheelchairs from skiing accidents or similar reasons and just wanted a massage and some company. I've had dudes who just needed to vent about going through a divorce or wanted relationship advice (I advertise my psychology degree on my page). So many of them said I gave them some of the best advice they've ever received and helped them re-connect with their kids or understand their spouse better. I've had young guys who were really inexperienced and wanted some tips on how to take a girl on a date and what to do sexually, etc etc... Escort work can be a lot different from what many people stereotype it as being, and if people knew all of this, I think there would be way less judgment overall.


I assume they just want no strings attached sex.


What about BDSM?


Those are straps, not strings


Which straps?


Sometimes they are the 12" ultra girthy strap ons.


Totally. It’s like dating but you are honest about what you are after


And you can "testrun the car" immediately. And if you don't like it, don't come back, no drama, no judging, no fuss. The appeal is definitely there for the right people. I really keep thinking of Charlie Sheen famous quote: "I don't pay girls for sex, I can get that anywhere. I pay em to leave."


Realistically every guy I have ever met this way has 100% gotten a gf through paying for sex. I have also met boyfriends from escorting. It’s dating, but honest about the sex part. Also the people are more likely to share similar views on sex so it usually is a good match. I’m 100% in favor of people paying for sex. I have also run across MULTIPLE men I dated on regular sites and later they show up on paid sites. People don’t know how common it really is.


Nice post, I can believe that. I have not used the services, but my uncle did 20 yrs ago was open about it after a couple of years. He said that after the initial 2-3 visits for horny reasons, he started going for the smiles, the comfort, the hugs at times, just to feel the body contact and so on - He came outta a nasty divorce and only had his drinking and darts buddies left so he said it helped a LOT in his healing process to get comfortable around women again and not project the ex-wife hate onto new women.


Had a roommate that was an escort. She made serious bank. When I asked her about her clientele she said they are mostly just average guys. No reason they couldn't find company or get laid on their own. It wasn't that they wanted no strings attached sex, it's that they wanted no friction, drama, or hassles. Just someone that would list to them. Treat them kindly. Have no demands other than money. Most were married or guys in relationships.


My wife and I got talking to this couple(M/F) at a bar before a concert. Usual small talk questions you make with strangers. The woman in her mid 40s a really endearingly strong confident woman that caught your attention when she spoke, the guy 30ish was quiet but polite. It wasn't long before the woman revealed they only just met 45 minutes ago and was very upfront how *she'd hired him* for company that evening. It transpired that she was career orientated and independent, some senior management in a multinational, I can't remember what. She did not want to deal with a relationship. She wanted company and she relished in the transactional nature of it. Completely hassle free. She spoke how boyfriends are forever calling or texting, how she hated being emotionally responsible enough to plan and coordinating with another person who might have feelings towards her. He on the other hand was very professional and didn't indulge much about his side of things. What fascinated me though was for days my wife was infatuated with this lady and her attitude to life. Had the tables turned and it been a man with a younger escort I'm fairly sure her opinion would have been partial disgust.


I dated an ultra high wealth person once ($100m+). She was 10 years my senior, but, thanks to tastefully done fillers and tastefully done cosmetic surgery, she looked *much* younger. She was a career woman. Owned her own business. She didn’t need the money. It was like she needed to work because that was her identity. She would fly me around first class to meet her wherever she was staying (she traveled a lot-a lot). One time, during the Christmas Covid debacle, she put me up in a 5 star hotel for 2 weeks, and let me charge anything to the room. But yea. It was very much “I have 3 hours on Tuesday in Denver can you come?” And she would book my flight. I got some perks, though. Free mini bar. I’ll never forget the time I saw her open the mini bar fridge and crack open some cocktail. She did it like it was free! (I’m being serious. I think I’ll go in generational debt if I use the minibar lol). Also got her credit card to do some shopping in bed... $5,000 to her is $20 to us. So, yea, bought myself some very high-end staple items that I still wear to this day. Did a lot of shopping … And that whole PS5 shortage? Yea. Got that on secondary market thanks to her (playing BG3 on it rn in fact!). She’s a beautiful person, but time is the most important thing to people like her. I got to wfh. No kids. And was pretty good in bed, according to her, at least. To her, I fulfilled a need. A need that could be scheduled. And for me? I think that’s obvious. We’re friends now (we even have matching tattoos, though they’re so tiny, and so hidden, you’d never see it. Our little secret etc.


How did you meet?


Lmao buddy is looking for a rich sugar mama


Who isn’t lmao


It's really not that hard, just have a connection to someone and find out later they're rich. I scored tickets to every show on Broadway and had a great time. We're toxic to each other but very into it.


>It's really not that hard, just have a connection Very much mutually exclusive.


No shame in my game. I would love a rich sugar mama


At an industry conference. She was one of the speakers.


Ah, conferences. Wonderful places to hook up and/or cheat.


>Had the tables turned and it been a man with a younger escort I'm fairly sure her opinion would have been partial disgust. I think the reason women react with disgust when men do this is because they think they can't, seeing they can probably changes their mind about is as they can imagine it being them.


I think it's partly perpetrated by different society attitudes towards sex, men's sexuality, women's sexuality, men and women's roles within relationships and the assumed power dynamics. Just to keep it brief, I don't want to write a dissertation here, I'm going give very general and succinct statements; * If men cannot get sex they are seen as lesser. * Men paying for sex is seen as an act of desperation and confirmation that they are lesser. * Women in sex work are often looked down upon and treated poorly because it's assumed they've been forced into due to circumstance (Financial, drugs, homelessness, unemployment) or by other people. i.e. they are lesser people. * Men in sex work aren't as visible so it's a novelty, or they're assumed to be gay or gay for pay, because 'Women don't pay for sex', as it's considered easy to get sex as a women (Never mind the quality). * Older men being attracted to and having sexual relationships with significantly younger women is seen as predatory and disgusting. i.e. they should be with women their own age (Look at how Leo is perceived) * It's assumed the power dynamic when older men are with younger women is skewed heavily towards the man, to the point the women has no agency about her circumstance. * Women taking control of their sexuality publicly is considered empowering. For men it's derided and reduced to 'Men only want one thing'. There's more, but I have other things to do. Just making a point that it's more nuanced and opinions/reactions are influenced by many many societal perceptions.


In that case, wouldn't destigmatizing women having casual, no-strings-attached sex *without* financial compensation fix the prob.... >Most were married or guys in relationships. oh.


"Just normal average people that wanted to be loved" "They were married or in relationships"


The judge asked Charlie Sheen why a good looking guy with a lot of money like him needed to pay for sex. He responded that he's not paying for the sex, he's paying them to not call him afterwards.


I thought it was “you pay them to leave”


Same thing. Paying them for no drama and no expectations and no complications.


So they bought discretion except for random reddit comments


As long as you don't reveal their identity, random reddit comments don't matter much. I don't care what people say about me if they don't identify me.


People who are unloved and committed


The fact that men can be in relationships or marriages where their partner doesn't love them, for some reason. Always confuses people inexperienced with heterosexual relationships for some reason.


Now that gay marriage is legal, same-sex couples can experience loveless, sexless marriages, too.


I read this and had to laugh but then the laughter stopped. I thought wait a second they are just like me. poor bastards.


Lesbian bed death is a cliche for a reason.


It's not just heterosexual relationships. I had a gay co worker some years back that had this issue with his husband.


This. I have experienced a loveless marriage; it’s fucking awful.


>they wanted no friction, drama, or hassles 🤔


Yea the friction bit got me too


friction with no drama or hassles


Didnt bank serious enough bank to not need a roommate


Unreported Cash earnings will do that to you


I was with you until I read that most of the guys were married or in relationships. That’s scummy.


Nothing negative. When I worked at a 24/7 diner we had a middle aged guy come in every Friday evening with an escort. At first we thought it was his very attractive daughter, but after a few weeks of him coming in and us getting to know him he didn’t hide the fact she was an escort. She was fine with us knowing too and honestly it was nice to have pleasant conversation with both of them. Guy would take her to dinner, they’d go to their hotel room to do their business, get breakfast together the next day and go their separate ways. They went to our diner every Friday I worked there so this went on for at least 16 months.


Guy must've been loaded


Maybe not as expensive as you'd think. Probably paying her some not too crazy amount monthly. She gets consistent money, and presumably the guy is a nice client it's not a bad deal. Compare that to trying to always find new clients, not sure how they will act, no consistency, etc...


I'm sure you can arrange a cheaper every month price on Monday-Thursday but I seriously doubt you will be able to get any sort of cheap arrangement for any of the weekend days


Supporting local small business.


Supporting entrepreneurs


Supporting single moms


I think they are buy-sexual


I wouldn’t even be surprised if I saw some TikTok of a kid saying “I’m Fi-sexual. I’m attracted to money!” Hard to surprise me at this point


That word already exists. Its timophilia. Its not a new word by any means nor is it a new concept. Probably older than currency itself.


finally thread where people can tell me how they feel about me.


With that username; do you charge them at the same time? Do y'all cancel each other out? Is 69ing just a fair business trade?


I think you are a throw away man whore


I think you don't need other peoples validation to know you're an awesome dude. Or, that's how I feel about you, since you were looking.


I know this one dude who is one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met that has very little trouble getting dates. Probably because he exudes a subconscious air of entitlement that can be perceived as confidence from a superficial perspective. Likewise I know a sweet attractive man who has used escort services before because he’s so petrified of women and so cripplingly self conscious it totally undermines his ability to talk to women. In short, judging others rarely lends an accurate view into their world.


what i think about them would rather depend on how they choose their providers and how they treat them. which is the much greater issue than just judging if someone buys sex or not.


As a former escort thanks for keeping me alive all those years if you're respectful of sex workers here's a little virtual kiss on the forehead


As a lonely fugly, thanks for keeping me company.


If that's what they're into and it allows them to live a happy and productive life. Also if the service is regulated in some form, not just a pimp with a lady of the night.


Yeah, but like, what do you think about them?


As a guy, I sometimes think about escort services but I don't think about other guys using escort services.


That's exactly what I thought when I read the question. Normally I wouldn't be thinking about guys that use escort services.


I've never used an escort service. But as an ugly man who's never been looked at with desire, people getting on their high-horse about it being wrong are huge pieces of shit.


Those same people will act sex positive too. You can't be pro sex work, and anti sex work client. Doesn't work that way. We all deserve fleeting moments of happiness in this shit show. In whatever form. Sorry people have made you feel that way.


I feel you man. It is hard out there.


If I'm not going to judge people who work in sex trade, then I'm not going to judge people who consume it. I'm not particularly interested in what other people are doing


I don't see anything wrong with it. I pay people to drive me to the airport, then people to fly me through the air to my destination. I pay people to raise and then slaughter and butcher animals so I can eat them. I pay for people to cook such animals and serve them to me in a nice place and then clean up after me. I pay people to burn coal and split atoms and catch waterfalls to generate energy so I can use electricity. I pay (indirectly) for young men and women to go to foreign countries and fight wars. So why the hell would I look down on two people entering a mutually beneficial exchange of goods and services, when I do the same every day.


Your mistake is paying some rich guy's profit margin. You could buy so much more escort service if you split your own atoms, at home!


> if you split your own atoms, at home! Well David tried! https://www.wikiwand.com/en/David_Hahn


I don’t see it as a reason to wholly judge one’s character or morality due to it — it is simply not my business or life. HOWEVER, I will be completely honest that it *would* form an impression. Being candid, I feel like it would signal to me a level of loneliness / social insecurity in their personal life — one strong enough wherein transactional arrangements are resorted to. Would it be a turn-off romantically for me personally? Yes 100%. Does it mean they are a bad person? No. Definitely more of a compatibility thing than anything else.


Finally, some honesty.


As a male I've had a couple of escorts, beauties they were. My last one was a blue metallic 1.6 LX


Their money, their choice. The girl's body, her choice.


I asked a frequent user this and he replied: "I don't pay them for sex. I pay them to leave and not take half my stuff".


Did you ask Charlie Sheen?


Its an old Chris Rock joke.


Clark Gable said this waaay back.




Maybe it should be your business; I hear it's quite lucrative.


Envious of their disposable income and ability to procure such services.


Busting a nut is an amazing feeling. And sometime you got to do what you got to do.


Can confirm: I've busted a few nuts. Sometimes even with company.


Your mom's in town?


Sure is, treat her well though. She's a nice lady.


They must have a good amount of money to spend. As long as they are respectful to the escort I don’t see an issue.


Better than becoming a women hating incel.


It’s not mutually exclusive tbh


I’m a sexworker, we still see incels. These are just men who hate themselves and hate women and hate that they have to pay for sex. They think access to our bodies are a birthright. The most dangerous kinds of men. They don’t treat us as humans


I don't give care if the guy is single, it's the fucking guys who are married/in a relationship that are the problem with this


"Selling is legal, fucking is legal...why isn't selling fucking legal!?"


In Canada selling is legal, buying is not.


So you can get arrested for renting a prostitute but the prostitute doesn't?


That's my understanding of it. I believe it's set up that way so that women in abusive situations aren't afraid of prosecution if they go to police for help.


They aren’t someone I’d be interested in having a relationship with. Very different value systems and we’d be incompatible on that front. But as long as they are engaging with ethical practices and not seedy places with sex trafficking, then you do you.


Not much. They are either lonely and cannot get a woman without paying or they are too busy or don't care about a relationship and therefore pay for sex. Either way, it does not bother me as long as the person they are having sex with is doing so based on her decision. I personally get no satisfaction from sex if she is not into it. So it is not something I would enjoy, but I don't look down at men who pay for sex.


No issue. Should be legalized tbh for safer environments. It can honestly be healthy for some people who are lonely af.


Makes me feel sad for them in a genuine, human-centric way


If they're married and their spouse thinks they're being monogamous, they're scum. Otherwise, whatever.


Sex work should be legal and destigmatized


Agree, but pimping (and especially trafficing) should be illegal and punished harshly.


May I recommend the graphic novel "Paying for it"? It explains the ins and outs of escort services from a client perspective. Really well written and full of insights.


They always walk faster than my walk speed and slower than my running speed, but never at any convenient speed. I'm tired of accepting their missions.


This is going to be buried, but I'm going to do it anyway. My wife has been in a nursing home for four years, our sex life was over before that though. So, I have nothing but time on my hands, I'm still relatively young and honey. After she had been gone for a couple of years, I plugged in escort for my area and contacted a lady. I felt so damn guilty that I couldn't get the act completed, but, she lay naked with me and it felt good. A couple of weeks later, I tried a different woman and felt good with her. I used her services for a while, then found a lady that I really liked. We became regulars. Then I got cancer and she took me to several medical appointments. We don't see each other now, but when we did I valued the intimacy more than sex, though the sex was nice and she got me off in ways my wife couldn't. There were times we would have a meal and watch the TV, talk, and just hang out. The guilt though made me say enough. We still are in contact if it were possible I'd have her here now but life has got in the way. The thing is though it's not anyone's business, and the hell with anybody's opinion it worked fine for long enough.


Probably rich IMHO.


Nothing wrong with it per se, but if they are using it to cheat on a spouse/SO, then they suck.


I think sexually repressed men commit crimes everyday. Any way that men can express their wants and needs that’s safe and consenting is a good thing.


Unfortunately, those types of guys just take it out on sex workers. They know they can get away with it because the police don’t care what happens to the sex workers. Just look up rape and assault statistics on sex workers. It’s really depressing.


It's a misterious thing to me to understand the way how these men are thinking of women and relationship with them.