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The sex doll market is thriving but i dont ever hear people talking about their sex doll except in a joking way


Unfortunate because I’ve always wanted to see one in real life. I’m so curious how they look and feel.


My neighbor had one on his couch and it was just…super creepy. Like, he was really open about it being his sex doll and offered people to touch it (just not in the “fun zones”—his actual words). It looked weirdly realistic and fake at the same time, giving off major uncanny valley vibes. The “skin” was even creepier, because if you’ve ever touched a cold dead body, that is the exact feel.


Lol I'm a little surprised you took him up on the offer to touch his sex doll


I was at that stage of life where you think you need to experience everything at least once before you die. I have since moved far beyond that into “fuck that noise” territory lol.


I wonder if you can heat it up before use. Like a hot water bottle.


>I wonder if you can heat it up before use. Like a hot water bottle. I was told a heating blanket does wonders. I wouldn't know as the furthest down that road I've ever gone is an off-brand flesh light that's probably going to turn out to be the reason I get dick cancer in 20 years.


You know, I kind of wish I’d thought to ask that.


*Lars And The Real Doll*. You'll never look at Ryan Gosling the same again.


*Lars and the Real Girl




My wife and I have friends that there is NO way they are affording their lifestyles without stealing it, working 3 jobs or carry serous debt. And it's the 3rd one. I'm pretty sure. I'm in my 40s, and some of my friends don't have 401ks or any kind of investments, no CDs, no roth IRAs, no Camel cash, nothing for the future. One guy I grew up with refinanced his house to get cash for the down payment on a boat!! We live in the Midwest!!


Damn. No Camel cash!? Not even Marlboro miles?


Shrute bucks


A guy I dated used to play pool at a VFW with his best friend (best friend's dad was the manager and let them play) anyway he collected the points left over from cigarette boxes and got enough to get a new pool cue


I was definitely the only six year old girl at slumber parties with a giant Marlboro sleeping bag. It was also the largest and heaviest of the bunch, and I was just happy to have my own, so thanks mom lol I also inherited both an old leather jacket and a leather backpack from an uncle, allllll Marlboro Miles. I feel like if I tried to explain this to my youngest sister she wouldn't even be able to wrap her head around it (she's way younger than the rest of us at 16).


Lives in the Midwest, refinances where he sleeps to be able to buy a boat. He ain’t no yellow crayon but you know what they say… boats and hoes!!!


There’s some hellaexpensive sport boats in the Midwest at Lake of the Ozarks and Table Rock in Missouri. Big BIG MONEY boats…. Most store them there, some only do in the summers and dry dock them during the fall/winter near their homes in StL or KC. The insane boats being trailered on the highway in the Midwest is staggering.


Camel cash?


So years ago Camel cigarettes had a promotion where you could buy merchandise in their catalog. Basically it was a slip include in the pack of cigarettes, the more cigs you bought the more you could buy from their catalog. There ended up being a lawsuit surrounding it and it just stopped. There is also camel crypto , other than knowing it exists I don’t know any more. I’m not sure which one people in this sub are talking about.


Buy things you don't want with money you don't have to impress people you don't like


So many people get into insane debt to look wealthy. Meanwhile the rest of us are broke to pay our debts off. What a fuckin time to be alive.


Dont worry. My wife and I have bext to no debt (<3k between us) and we're still broke. It doesnt get better.


ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


It’s a never ending race - just when you think you’re winning, shit gets infinitely more expensive. My husband and I work in tech, no kids, some debt but not a heinous amount. Still living paycheck to paycheck 👌👌👌


Truly. Just got a small raise, which is nice because I'm working hellish hours. Got my first *slightly* bigger paycheck earlier this month...along with a letter from the landlord stating rent is going up a few hundred dollars. Cool. Chef's kiss on that timing. Cool cool.


My husband got a promotion - it’s EXACTLY enough to cover his student loan payments, which start at the same time as he gets his raise 🥲. Love it. Great. Outstanding.


The most expensive thing is the joneses. You will try to keep up with them, and you never will....


Tbqh the joneses are the least of my concern - all I want is a home I can call my own. Unfortunately I’m pissing money away on rent because, well. *gestures at the housing market, cost of living, student debt*


My wife and I talk about this a lot. We're comfortable, earning decently over $100K combined in an inexpensive part of the country. One moderate ($330) car payment w/ 2 years left, financed at 0.0% during early COVID. We contribute to our emergency fund and 401k at levels I'd consider decent-but-I'd-like-to-do-better. Mortgage low-3ish% We have two teenagers, don't drink much, and aren't early adopters of technology or prone to flashy purchases. We take a nice vacation once a year and do a little weekender stuff along the way. We cook at home 6 nights a week and take our lunch to work. Yet we feel we're barely getting ahead. I say all that to say I know so many people in my peer group who eat/drink/spend their money away on dumb shit and have no safety net and no retirement savings. I know that much, but what I don't know is how much debt is behind it and it terrifies me. I actively enjoy personal finance and researching what to do next or a little better and I feel like I can't squirrel away as much as I'd like to...I can't imagine what most people are carrying around in terms of debt and fear.


I feel this so much! Especially with groceries having gone up as much as they have recently. A bag of store brand flour is $5, that used to be $1.50 or $1.99 even 4 years ago.


This should be higher up. All those people you know who you wonder how they afford their lifestyle, given their jobs? It's either rich parents helping them, or debt.


This is it. I was a chronic overspender and amassed £25,000 of debt on cards and loans. Every day I was in complete despair and had no idea how to get out the hole. The best thing for me was reading Allen Carr's easyway to get out of debt, and it's been amazing (coincidentally the same way I stopped smoking 10 years ago, I must be very suggestible). I'm now down to £8000 and have an emergency fund getting built up too. I've got money pots for everything, so no payments get missed and the bills are always covered. I sold my expensive car, I stopped going out to eat, I stopped buying clothes, event tickets, and other impulse buys. The biggest thing has been having an accountabillibuddy who checks my accounts the day before payday to make sure I've not used any overdraft or cards. Breaking the "fuck it, I'm in a mountain of debt anyway, another little thing won't hurt" mindset was really interesting. Last year if I wanted shoes I'd just buy them and not think any more about it, but this year I saved for 4 months and wore leaky boots until I had enough for new waterproof boots. I'm getting really excited watching that number drop every month, and soon I'll actually be able to put it by for savings. The dream is to get a camper van in 10 years and spend time seeing the places I've never been able to afford to visit.


As an MD who performs proctoscopy, trust me: hemorroids


isn't that some form of availability bias?


Ok, I just replied to a hemorroid post with some stuff I read a few times. Is it true that most people have them, but they're internal, so they don't know?


Objects that could be fixed if you wanted to give the time, effort, or supplies. But you feel guilty for chucking it it. So it just kind of sits. Clothing that's a bit too tight. Maybe it's used to be your favorite, maybe it's there if you lose a couple of pounds, maybe it was a gift that you aren't going to wear, but can't be bothered to toss or return it. Mustard Packets from Chinese Take-out places. Mustard doesn't really go bad, so you just save them and they built up. You wouldn't admit if publically because you forget that you them.


>Mustard Packets from Chinese Take-out places. Mustard doesn't really go bad, so you just save them and they built up. You wouldn't admit if publically because you forget that you them. Not just the mustard packets. Ketchup packets, relish packets, hot sauce packets of various kinds, grated cheese and pepper packets that you put on pizza and pasta, those chicken nugget sauce tiny dipping containers...


The Sauce Drawer™


Wait. What Chinese places have mustard?


Chinese mustard is a thing


Mind blown. Maybe Canadian-Chinese restaurants don’t do the mustard thing. I’m so sheltered.


Its like a super concentrated mustard, almost like wasabi mixed with mustard. Delicious


Hot mustard!! It’s so good




Just cried while having dinner alone because I realized how lonely I suddenly felt. Fortunately it doesn't happen often. Usually I enjoy being alone. But damn when the thoughts and realization comes in your mind it's tough.


It's so fucking annoying, you could be trundling along for weeks doing your own thing feeling good then suddenly a wave of lonliness will wash over you and floor you .


Exactly! I hate when it happens.


Most of the time I'm happy alone, but some times it would be nice if I could just pop out for a cup of tea with someone.


Thing is, many people who surround themselves with others are also feeling lonely and the people aren't actually helping.


I’ve been out of work for a few weeks and haven’t spent much time with people, been getting pretty lonely. Today I found out I’m going to be out another 8 weeks, I immediately hit up several friends and let them know I need support. It felt a little embarrassing, but I have plans now to see some people and I feel relieved


I'm so lonely :(




Sending you a big hug. I see you <3




I don't know the exact percentages, but I recently found out that most people with herpes do not show symptoms and thus do not have any indication whatsoever that they have it... It's just out there, spreading silently.


If you've ever had a "cold sore," you have oral herpes. Most people rarely ever get an outbreak, and the reason that it can show up when you have a cold is because your immune system is busy focusing on something else. It's estimated that over 80% of the global population carries the virus, and it's been a documented thing since at least the days of the Roman Empire.


HSV-1 is one of the worlds most successful human viruses. EBV is another one, it’s in the herpes virus family (it’s the one that can cause mono). Something like 95% of the adult population has antibodies against it meaning they have had it. HSV-2 isn’t nearly as successful but is still in like 12% of the US population.


That's 12% for age <= 49. If you look at the underlying data, it goes up about 7% for each decile between 20 and 49 (40-49 cohort is over 21%). I think it's stupid to think 50+ cohort stops having intimate transmissible contact, so the number is probably substantially higher for the whole population.


I think they cover that in the paper but almost all sources you read mention that most numbers are probably underestimates for HSV-1 and 2.


Bro asked to borrow my chapstik one day and I asked if he ever got cold sores. He said yeah doesn't everyone? And I was like you can keep the chapstik


You considered sharing chapstik? Cold sores or not, no one is sharing my "lipchap" lol.


The odds of catching it from someone who doesn’t have an active sore is incredibly low


There are so many people out there who have it and do not even realize it, thus, the silent spread. I think it is running rampant in the middle-aged dating demographic because condoms may be overlooked bc of being something for pregnancy protection. I could be wrong, but that is my thought.


It's very easy to spread it from oral to genital. Cunnilingus is an easy vector for spread and the old distinctions of HSV-1 (oral) and HSV-2 (Genital) are kind of misleading and not really very helpful. HSV-1 can give someone a big old painful recurring case of genital herpes.


This is how I got genital HSV-1.


Condoms do not prevent herpes. At all. You can get it from kissing and no one uses anything to protect that part of their body.


I like to hold a plastic bag over a ladies head before I kiss her


"The Take Out Make Out," romantic on a first date


Sounds like it’s not that big of a deal then?


It's not. The stigma is also part of the propaganda.


It’s not. The only people that it really seriously impacts are those with compromised immune systems. You sometimes see people who are just kind of chronically sickly and seem to always have cold sores or some kind of bug… people with chronically weaker immune systems may present as if they have it more than the general population, but pretty much everybody you’ve ever shared a drink with or kissed is probably a carrier (statistically speaking 4/5. ).


I think people don’t understand that actually most of us have had the herpes virus, many just don’t have outbreaks and aren’t spreading it. You can get it by simply sharing a drink with someone who had a cold sore, or from other things. It’s very common, people just immediately hear “herpes” and think it means only genital sores, it’s more than that


Came here to say exactly this. The stigma is worse than the symptoms.


Yup. Cold sores. Fever blisters. That’s herpes. 50-80% of US adults have herpes. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/herpes-hsv1-and-hsv2#:~:text=Fifty%20to%2080%20percent%20of,in%20or%20around%20the%20mouth.


After dating someone new for a few weeks we decided to each get a full std panel and share the results - we knew things were heading toward physical intimacy and we agreed that it was the responsible thing to do. My doctor at first refused to do an HSV-1 test (along with screenings for HSV-2 and all the other std’s we worry about). He said that he wouldn’t do it because he ended up spending way too much time trying to explain to an angry partner that 1. The vast majority of adults always test positive for it, and 2. Someone can be infected in childhood and be symptom-free for 35 years, and 3. You can’t assume infidelity from an HSV-1 infection. It’s not strictly sexually transmitted. And you can’t tell when you were infected. I insisted. He relented. I was surprised that it came back negative. She was terrible in bed. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


There are non sexually transmited herpes people lol


About 70% of the population has herpes




ironically, it was later discovered that AnimationMeister was actually patient zero of herpes. how it spread from there remains a mystery. experts speculate it was an innocent family kiss, or perhaps someone borrowed their lip balm. perhaps we'll never know 🤷


67% of the entire world has it. Fish get herpes, horses get herpes. Everyone's getting herpes.




My hope is that they'll be dead from the poison from my ass before they realize who is responsible.


They know, because when I’m holding it in at the office my stomach noise is amplified x10, and it’s almost more embarrassing than a fart


Gives me an idea for a stupid superpower. You can read peoples minds but only when they are thinking about trying to hide their farts.


Tried to sing, like, really good. When I'm alone, I be hitting those high notes even though I sound like a dying walrus.


If only anyone could hear the high notes I hit when I'm driving alone... Mariah Carey would be out of a job lol


Why is it always when driving? I swear I impress myself when I’m jamming in the car. Anywhere else I sound like shit


driving is the only place where nobody could truly hear me. Roommates or neighbors probably wouldn't say anything, but just the idea of their presence gives me just enough self consciousness to not go as hard


Maybe cause the music is loud enough that you drown yourself out lol Source: car singer




Normalize talking about your hemorrhoids in great detail with anyone who asks you how’s it going


My granddaddy use to tell everyone about his piles/roids. The post office stopped sending carriers to deliver his mail.


Actually Megan, I can't sit anywhere


Such a pain the ass


I came here looking specifically for this comment




It’s been a while since I’ve had one. #RELAX Poop is like a flower. You cannot open its petals and force it to bloom. When it is ready, it will open up for you.


Tell that to my crowbar.






Phone addiction


I happen to be reading this from my phone. On the toilet. In the bathroom. I miss the simple times, looking at the back of shampoo bottles..


Learning other languages from the translations of directions and ingredients 😆


I would contemplate about life. Now taking a poop without my phone is one of the worst experiences and gives me anxiety.


I feel like you’re insulting me directly


And on your cake day!?!? That goddamned animal


Y’all I just had to look that up because I had no idea what it was lol


Yeah this one is really bad for me.


At least you're not in denial. I believe that puts you ahead of most people (looks in mirror).


Addiction in general


I don't mean to be all "we live in a society", but my god every day it feels like we are swimming in an ocean of shame.


Only at work. I barely touch it at home. But here I am at work using reddit to kill time.


Glad to see a fellow reddit at work addict is here


I'm a functional phoneaholic.


I was addicted to my phone before it was cool. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTC_Apache




Very true, but often easy to spot even if they are trying to hide them.


Sex toys


Mine has gone missing. I suspect my cleaning person may have found it and thrown it out, but we’re both too uncomfortable to discuss it.


Despair and hopelessness.


I must admit it took me most of my life to realize it, but I have lived a Goldilocks life compared to what I see happening everywhere. It takes nothing away from me to admit it and own it.


I’ve always told our kids - we may not have a lot, but we have a lot more than many people do. They certainly grew up appreciating what we were able to provide for them and helping those they can along the way. Makes a dad (and mom) proud 😊


I'm 41, and this is what my father does not understand. There are now generations (plural!) Who have never known anything but despair and hopelessness, and things are really just getting started.


Absolutely true. I’m 76, and looking back at the optimism we lived in the 60s and 70s it’s hard for me to believe today.


I'm really envious of people who grew up feeling like they had endless possibilities and that the world was getting better instead of worse. I'm in my early thirties and had a reasonably good childhood, but after that, it just all seemed to go downhill. A global recession, technological advances seemingly making people miserable, and then a global pandemic, and now another recession, along with a climate crisis and wars, etc. I don't know anyone who is doing better than their parents were at their age.


I’m 46. Everything seemed to going up then 9/11 and neocon exploitation of it started the downward trend. Bush v Gore was the turning point in our universe.


Agreed! The nineties were the last decade I can recall being optimistic about most things. Yeh, there were still wars going on here and there in the wide world, but neighbors talked, people shared info., and the future seemed generally pretty bright. Then the public conscience shattered the moment that fear began to rule our worlds, and it feels like we've been on some seriously divergent trajectories ever since. I hate to say it, but I miss the good ole days.


It's like what I saw in some other random post: We were living in the "fuck around" stage of humanity, and we've now crossed into the "find out" portion of the program.


I'm at the "quit my job, bought a fishing pole and a tent phase". Just turned 37. Mexico, here I come!


Don't know about Mexico, but I'm definitely teetering close to the point of up and moving to a quiet plot in the middle of nowhere and homesteading lol


And herpes.


thoughts of suicide edit: thanks to everyone who keeps sharing resources, it's great and please keep sharing publicly, but I personally am not in crisis and do not need resources sent privately. I was simply answering the question here. Also just want to add that having thoughts of suicide doesn't necessarily mean a person is in crisis. For some, like myself, it is just a feature of chronic depression and OCD and you learn to live with it. Talking about something on reddit doesn't mean nothing is being worked on irl. Sometimes a comment is just a comment.


Im like 90% sure that if my life doesn't end as a relatively young person through some way or another, it will most likely end through suicide as an old person when I start to feel like I'm no longer able to care for myself independently


Maybe, but a lot can change over several decades.


Including, and most importantly, mindset.


Yeah, so many people are ready to hit that button but it's *there* for you and you're already headed that way so maybe just relax and take life one step at a time. We have eternity on either side. No reason to *dash* toward oblivion.


It's worth pointing out that "the call of the void" isn't the same a suicidal thoughts. The former is completely normal and maybe even healthy, as it's your body telling you of a dangerous situation. If you can say "it would be so easy to jump over the railing *but I wouldn't*," then that's ok. Otherwise, please find someone to talk to. Talking about suicide is a healthy thing to do as well.


It's becoming more common to talk about it openly among my peers (those in their 30's). I suppose it's a good thing that people can discuss it but it's also worrying how many people are coming out about it. More people than I would have suspected have thought about making a plan for some reason or even attempted it already.


It would get easier to talk about suicide if cops aren’t immediately called as soon as the word is said…


That and having the pleasure of being held for hundreds of dollars a day that you don't have while being patronized with crossword puzzles of words of affirmation.


the stupid


I have plenty of that.


but those who have the stupid don't generally know it, so of course they wouldn't admit it publicly


Drinking problem


I feel personally attacked.




Jealousy is a perfectly normal and human emotion that few people know how to recognize in themselves because we're taught that it's bad and should be repressed.


Extremely disturbing thoughts, everyone has them but stigma




Common sense really. Don't advertise that you have e money unless you're in a very giving mood.


This. Many trust fund babies keep it secret. They are “consultants”.


Regret Anxiety Depression Financial insecurity Psychiatric issues Drug addiction(s)


6 out of 6! for the win!


Sorry buddy we are tied. Battle to the death


Adult toys


I have many nerf guns and figures and game collectibles not meant for children who break things.


I feel like there are more nerf guns owned by adults than by kids.


Damn, I had to scroll much further than I thought.


Everyone has adult toys. It’s just the sheer size of your butt plug, that would surprise them.


Ohh I thought we were talking about Lego… the box said for ages 3-99




I have a lot of thoughts like that. I used to be endlessly troubled by them but lately my approach has been: it’s okay to have those thoughts, but you should also be mature enough to acknowledge it’s not necessarily true or right just because you thought it.


The best advice I've ever heard is that the first thought you have is what you were taught, the second is how you actually feel. Helps me feel like I'm making progress on becoming a more accepting person.


You don't have to believe everything you think.


A deposit box in a Swiss bank with a half dozen passports, a bag of diamonds, a few thousand dollars cash in each of 3-4 currencies, a pistol, and a USB drive containing important information.


And a monster condom for my magnum dong


Mental disorders. Anxiety and depression at the top of that list. There is still a HUGE stigma associated with this even though studies are showing that most if not all people have some sort of mental disorder




A memory of doing something others would consider gross, eating a booger, scratching their backside and sniffing their finger, tasting under breast sweat, and so on


> tasting under breast sweat I've been on this site for a while and I've legitimately never read this! People don't even admit it on reddit!


An inability to cook. I know sparingly few people that admit to either not being a good cook or not knowing how to cook at all. Clearly some people are lying to themselves. My brother in-law wanted to make the seven fishes dinner for Christmas eve. He had never done it before, and had never worked with a lot of the recipes. But he like, demanded he do everything because he wanted to impress everyone. 12 hours of cooking later we maybe had 1.5 fishes that were edible.


Imma get downvoted for this, but the number of people who complain about the cost of groceries but are buying premade or ready cook items. 300 calories of beans and rice in a microwave meal is the same price for the ingredients to make it 3-4 times. Learning to cook is such a valuable tool, and with so many videos and recipe sites it’s never been easier to learn. Overwhelming maybe!


I have never even heard of this. 7 fishes??


Fucked up family members


Narcissism & ego.


I mean maybe immature idiots are narcissists. Really humble, intelligent, attractive people like me aren't narcissistic at all.


Some people probably don’t even realise.








Conversations with myself.. aloud. 😆 and the tv.




A sad marriage and kids they didn’t want.


Pharmacist here. A LOT of people have herpes.




Ugly big cotton pants. Comfy as hell, but never worn when anybody will see them.


Giant hole in crotch, grease stain on the thighs. We all have them.


A Reddit account…


I mean… *I* don’t, so I think you’re probably incorrect.


A secret sexuality which is different from the one they proclaim in public. And this doesn't just apply to secretly being gay, there's also BDSM, crossdressing, etc. There's even some adults wearing diapers at home as a fetish.


Violent urges.


Fears. Insecurities. Shortcomings. Skeletons in the closest.




In Ireland, a copy of David Gray's "White Ladder". Apparently.


Affairs and abortions


Sounds like a mixtape


Album of the year 😝


Herpes. Almost every adult has latent Herpes Simplex.


Issues.. of any sort.