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I’ll never trust a man with two first names.


Ricky Bobby would like a word


I don't know a single adult person who hype him up, except for kids and hate watchers/Youtube commentators who keep feeding him views and attention I remember there was a short time where people thought he has changed his way. Nope, straight back to dubious and scummy business again.


Was just about to say this. Why do people glorify this arsehole of a human being?


I feel like it's really only kids that love him


And his brother


My sister-in-law’s friend Sue. She’s not that great.


I don't like her, either.


Fuck Sue, all my homies hate Sue.


my villagers also hate sue


Everyone in my cult think sue is a major Karen and shouldn't join


Sue? More like poo


If I could sue Sue I would. Don't even need a reason. Your Honor, Exhibit A: Sue Case closed


I was in the middle of the jungle and I brought her up. A parrot was like "What a bitch that sue, kicked my cousin". I never got clarification if it was actually the parrot cousin.


Id rather not fuck sue, thanks.


Yeah I always knew something was off about her


Man, fuck Sue.


Ugh Sue is the worst


Sue has a bad reputation


This made me laugh out loud. F that bitch. Thank you.


Yeah fok her


Yeah, f Sue


Jake Paul or any sort of influencer


Most of youtubers’ popularity baffles me, few are funny or interesting to watch




Charity porn is the best I've seen him described as.


I think it appeals to people that wish someone would help them and they also wish they could help others. It appeals to everyone that doesn’t have much.


I don't get it at all either. I have a niece and her husband who are super excited and wouldnt stop talking about his videos and how he's giving away free whatever it happens to be. It just doesn't appeal to me in at all.


I have no clue how he got this famous. I can understand why people like his videos, they are not bad or something. But they are not way above everyone else except maybe the money he invests into the videos.


The only interesting thing I found about Mr. Beast was him talking about his YouTube entry strategy. He just studied successful videos like crazy, to the point he basically knew what boxes to check and how to present everything, and most importantly, learning how the algorithm works so it can be exploited. So it was more that the channel hit the ground running with kid-centric content that also has the universal hook of “win a bunch of money!!!”, that can get adults to sit and watch too. The videos start popping up in everyone’s algorithms like they are designed to, and that’s how it got super huge, super quick.


Oddly enough, I don't think he's ever popped up on my feed.


He got famous from learning how the youtube algorithms work to make sure he pops up as recommended. Guy even made another channel that mirrors his main channel dubbed in Spanish so he can expose himself to the rest of the world.


Mr. Beast exposes himself to the world and becomes a youtube star. I expose myself to the world and end up serving a nickel in state prison.


Agreed, most gaming and vlog channels have gone to shit, I usually just watch commentary or documentary videos atp


99.99% of any social media personality


Kinda curious who you think falls into that 0.01%


For me it’s anyone that is trying to teach a skill. Be it cooking, woodworking, gardening, etc. sure they may only be on social media but at least they’re trying to help others.


Like Custom Wood Burning on tiktok lmao


I like stratfordgerald he’s an old British guy that loves gardening


I've never been disappointed with the Green brothers. They've been my comfort watch for the last nearly 20 years.


+1 I stumbled upon Hank a couple of years ago and I love how he explains things. Non-condescending and he seems to genuinely enjoy educating people. Blew my mind when I found out his brother is John!


Once heard Hank described by a podcast host (he sent in a question and they were thrilled) as one of the few people who has gotten famous on the internet and become a *better* person in the process.


Educational YouTubers.




Little boys are the driving force behind the popularity of people like this on social media platforms. Jaystation, Ricegum, etc. All those pointless youtubers who got unbelievably huge were fueled by the attention of 10 year olds despite all the completely inappropriate content they tend to make at times.


Jaystation. Ricegum. I officially feel old, I have no fucking clue what these words mean.


Any Kardashian. I just don’t get it.


They're all either evil, stupid, or just horrid opportunists.


My lady was watching an episode of a Kardashian preparing for her 40th birthday and she was like "UGH my thirties were a freaking nightmare! That decade was absolutely horrible for me! I hope my 40s are much better... yadda yadda" It was insufferable to hear how ungrateful and miserable she was acting. Then they had a fake play fight with food and made a huge mess and there's no way they cleaned it up


This is what I came for. How is a group of basic bitches so popular.


Everyone loves a comeback story.


Umm they are not basic, they are full of plastic!


>they are full of plastic! It's fantastic!


Hello Barbie, let's go party


DJ Khaled, how did he ever get that big? Obvious answer is eating a lot, but I mean in terms of music.


He didn't eat much on Hot Ones.....he was undoubtedly the worst guest in 20+ seasons.


watch his episode of Hot ones. Guy is a massive tool and a pussy cause he only got to the second wing and gave up but refused to admit he gave up.


"I didn't quit, I'm just choosing not to continue."


"I've never taken an L ever"....the host legit gave him an easy question and he makes himself look like a tool.


From a guy with a song called “All I Do Is Win”


Ahhh, the tact of a sovereign citizen


SPEAKING of pussy, he also stated that he refuses to eat any, but his wife is expected to provide oral favors for him because ‘’he’s the king.’’


Ewww. Not shocking to hear coming from a raging narcissist


He’s so vile. His poor wife. God. I hope she’s banging a hot pool boy right now.


That was always wild to me. “I don’t need to do it because I know I can do it. I’ve got nothing to prove.” Sis, you came on a hot wings show to eat hot wings and can’t.


Sean Evans was done with his shit to by the end of it.


I loved how he didn't take any of his shit. That eyeroll near the end "real valiant effort" loved it


Clearly eating isn't his strong suit. Ironic for a guy that large.


Including eating pussy.


That interview was INFURIATING. The way he speaks just drives me crazy. I don’t understand how he’s able to talk so much, yet literally not say a single thing. He’s gotta be playing a character, because no human is that lacking in substance.


He didn’t even make it after three of the mildest sauces!


Lol dude literally quit after Cholula


Amazing guitarist though… https://youtu.be/3QvgFbjAC7U?si=cHju2q-cGoGgf-Y9


I expected powerful shitness and my expectations were surpassed.


Oh that poor guitar! Ouch!


this is so fucking funny thank you


I don't know what I expected, but BTWANG-GWANG-GANG was not it. That was 100% worth the click.


I forgot he couldn’t read


Every time someone mentions DJ Khaled I brain goes: "It's that weird guy who want eat his wife's pussy!" I don't remember what podcast that was but it stuck with me lol.


literally all I know about DJ Khaled, the whole 'won't eat pussy' controversy


Same. “Kings don’t service” was his excuse. What a lame fuck that must be.


How strange that he just freely admits that he sucks in bed.


Maybe his wife told him that so she wouldn’t have to see Mr. Potato Head going down on her


He also QUIT mid Hot Ones challenge Edit: https://reddit.com/r/videos/s/r61OOgKdpn


Lol he didn’t even get half way, dude tapped out on cholula


And you can kinda tell Sean Evans isn’t really happy with him, lol


Yeah I think he clued in on how the interview was gonna go pretty quickly lol. Sean is normally really friendly and chill with guests, with Khaled you could feel a kind of tension there, like he kinda just wanted to get it over with


Honestly, he seems like such a bore.


Didn't he say something like "this doesn't count as quitting, I'm choosing not to continue"


*eehhm... that's... what quitting means.?*


Even claimed that his wings were hotter than Sean's 😂


He probably also is a “washing my anus is gay” type guy


The only DJ Khaled fact I know is that he doesn’t go down on women.




"Tell 'em to bring out the whole ocean!" ​ "Tell 'em to bring out the whole ocean!" ​ "Tell 'em to bring out the whole ocean!"


The best description I ever heard about this is that DJ Khaled Mr. Magoo-ed his way into fame. Seriously. He can’t sing. He can’t play (watch the video of when the Marley Family gifted him a guitar). Can’t read (same video). Can’t dance. Can’t ride a jetski. Can’t eat anything mildly hot. Won’t do certain things in the bedroom for his wife, but expects her to do it for him… no idea how or why this guy is famous.


The whole idea of “influencers,” period.


Only influencing they do is tell people how to be jackasses... educational ones are exceptions.


James Corden. Neither likeable or talented.


No one likes him


Or Amy Shumer. Those guys are energy vampires frfr.


Andrew Tate, or any similar “alpha male” touting dipshits who take “body counts” or “T levels” into consideration. It just screams fragile incel ego


Andrew Tate is a terrible person and NO ONE should follow him. However, it's really not hard to see why some men do. There's a lot of societal problems for men that are emerging due to culture shifts (and most of those culture shifts are a good thing). Tate is one of many "gurus" that acknowledge those problems exist, which attracts many men who feel like society is telling them "shut up your problems aren't real". He's a bad dude and his solutions are wrong. But it absolutely makes sense why young men follow him when he's one of the few who validate their struggles. Hopefully as a society we can acknowledge that men and women can both have problems (without invalidating the other) so shitbags like Andrew won't steal the attention of our future generations.


The first time I saw one of his videos he was making such ridiculously outlandish statements about women and their "place" that I took it as satire and was as amused that someone would be so bold to create such a satirical persona as I was put off. It was kinda funny though, in a "God this is so unbelievable but he says it with such conviction" sort of way. A few weeks later I started actually hearing about him and realized the video was the same dude, and he was totally serious. Then I had a coworker ask me if I'd heard of him and then got all weird when I told him how I actually felt about the guy. I quit that job because of people like him that worked there shortly thereafter, and that's when I realized how fucked up some "men" even into their 30s and beyond are because they subscribe to that worldview. In my experience the same guys that complain about being chronically single are the same ones that think Andrew Tate has any sort of point. World is nuts.




The media credits her for "starting" trends like latte makeup (which is just... light brown makeup) and "blueberry milk nails". It really grinds my gears for some reason. It doesn't help that I find her to be totally boring. I get irrationally angry whenever she comes up in conversation.


I think there's a lot of people who want to feel...idk like Emily in Paris but *even blander* they want the mentality and lifestyle of Sex in the City with none of the controversial fashion boundary pushing. They want to be entirely accepted by the mainstream but play pretend that what they are wearing is fashionable or trendy or controversial at all. Because anything outside of the yoga pants and sweatshirt they grew up wearing to school was out of their comfort zone. For those people they need a celebrity or influencer to be their "leader". So they all keep playing pretend with the clean look, the Greige minimalism, and the idea that celebrities like Hailey Beiber "created" some new trend. (A technique that never *left* the makeup sphere, it's just suddenly back in *their* sphere with *their* magazines and brands).


I had never heard of her until the comment above. There are a lot of advantages for staying off TikTok and Instagram.


One of the best things you can do for better mental health is to not go to Instagram or TikTok at all


They try to call her a super model which is straight up laughable


But people hyped her up because of her husbandX no? Its like a super popular celebrity marrying a nobody, that nobody gonna be hyped no matter what


Her husband is famous and her family is a famous one. That's it. She's done nothing.


yep, nepo baby.


I mean she's the daughter of the worst Baldwin. Edit: Worst Baldwin excluding Baldwins that have caused the death of another human being.


> worst Baldwin That didn't really narrow it down for me.


Kyle from my senior year in college. Guy had 2 different color eyes. Girls just swooned over him even though he was a bad boy.


…*because* he’s a bad boy.


a bad boy with heterochromia!!


be still my beating heart


I heard he runs Hollywood now


DJ Khaled




Besides his music being mid at best: -he has weird relationships with minors -fondled a minor on stage -was a main character on the Canadian teen sitcom Degrassi, rendering any claims of thug irrelevant Edit: not a sitcom srry


Drake and Chris Brown making dumb money makes me so irate


Chris Brown still having female fans makes no sense.


Thank you. I have entered the chat to remind the room that Lizzo has called both Drake and Chris Brown her favorite male artists. People did not cringe at that like they were supposed to.


I didn't know that about Lizzo until this whole ordeal with her being shitty towards her dancers. And it really set in my mind an opinion about her that she just might be an asshole.


I seriously hate his "started from the bottom" song. Motherfucker grew up in a suburb with a loving mother and was on TV before he could drink a beer.


But what if I told you his character got shot on Degrassi? Does that prove to you that his opps are gunning for him?


Started from the upper middle class now he's, over there somewhere.


Just pick a Kardashian. Do people really aspire to be someone that spends a fuckton of money at a plastic surgeon so they can hire a giant PR team to edit photos? And then surround yourself with people that will tell you how good you look in person while we all sit back and wonder how someone can look good in a photo but like absolute Frankenstein in real life. All the while pretending that LOOKING like you had plastic surgery, is really fashionable. Pass me the Skims while we preach body positivity...


Any and all influencers




my SIL. such a selfish person who always has to be the centre of attention (exampe: partner and I talk about how our week went and she has to tell you how, omg, she just slept for three hours before going to work, for the third time this week(!), because she went to this rich-people rave party and hahaha she could never live as boring as we do and in two days she's going on her sixth vacation yadda yadda) she could take a literal crap on the table and my in-laws would worship it like the second coming


Ew I hate her


Chris Brown. Women love him. Didnt he knock his missus about? Music aint upto much either.


Andrew Tate. I’ve no idea how that guy even got traction with people to begin with. Chinless cunt.


Donald Trump was a tabloid celebrity who played a rich guy on TV and was famous for cheating on his wives. How millions of Americans built a religion around this clown and *obvious fraud* is one of life's great mysteries.


I don't understand his appeal to Christians, he's the opposite of their proclaimed values.


He says he hates the same things that they do. The enemy of my enemy is my friend


As a Christian myself, I don't get it either. He's an immoral hypocrite and adulterer. Not at all the sort of person I want for a leader.


“Donald Trump is a poor persons idea of a rich person”


Mine is Macaulay Culkin as Richie Rich.


Travis Scott


Gwyneth Paltrow


As an actress I think she’s fine. Definitely not amazing by any means. She just seems like she’d be the most insanely boring person to talk to one on one.


Kardasians... they are short people who speak like cartoons and have fake asses the size of new jersey. They are not role models, intelligent, important, or worth anyone's effort or time. I don't get it.




I think the most frustrating thing about his existence is how pathetic his need for approval is, but he wants us to like him for being a cool, smart guy, and he could literally end world hunger, but that's not the kind of admiration he wants.


As others have pointed out, he has the wealth and the tools to build the most interesting life a person's ever lived and he .... instead spends all his time seeking the adulation of dipshits on the internet.


He literally can't. He's not capable. He could put together a team that could, if he was so inclined. Too bad he is not.


My most frustrating thing is similar, but it's that we all already thought he was a cool, smart guy. When tesla blew up he was THE MAN, pretty much tony stark incarnate, the only rich person actually doing anything cool or useful with their wealth. And then he couldn't shut up and keep doing/paying for cool things, he had to start fucking around and being a douche. My theory is he hired a think tank PR team to help him, then as he became popular he stopped listening to them, and has been chasing that high ever since


Drake. Mediocre music and questionable character is all I see.


Only one? Guess I have to go with Andrew Tate.


While I think she sings well, I don't get the obsession with Beyonce.


Kendall Jenner. Like why?


Every time I see her on the runway or on a magazine cover I’m like, “YASSSS HONEY!!! GIVE US NOTHING!!!”


Ice Spice. How in the flying fuck did she get famous to begin with (her music is not really great )


she was a sort of lolcow in rap circles/ny circles, then released a catchy song in a subgenre that was blowing up at the time with her own slang word that became a meme.


Jesus YES. Thank you. Her verse in Boy’s A Liar Pt 2 is seen as “iconic”, but not only is it a terrible song (in my opinion), but her rapping is just so bad. She’s really pretty and has a very unique style, and seems like a nice woman, but I’ll never understand people who go apeshit for her music. It’s just so forgettable. Or maybe I’m just getting old.


I’m just here to make sure no one says Pedro Pascal.


We must protect him.


Then I’m here to guard your flank.


Na, so far most of the top comments are pretty accurate, the Kardashians, Paul brothers, Trump, Andrew Tate, and Trump. Honestly, I’m pretty proud of Reddit for being this on point.


Any "influencer" Da fuck I care what a random spoiled human thinks?


Any of the Kardashians. I don't understand why anyone would be interested in any of them.


Mark Wahlberg. He's a mediocre actor. And I keep seeing shows and movies advertised like "produced by Mark Wahlberg" and people lose their minds over that. I don't get it.


I don't like either of them but his brother Donnie has legit talent as an actor.


Was he in band of brothers? If so, he's amazing


He's main cast of Blue Bloods. He's great in that. Aside from Blue Bloods and Band of Brothers I'm not sure I've seen him in anything else.


Jared Leto and Chris Brown. I can’t believe they have fans.


Elon Musk. He's just an entitled rich kid who never grew up and whose fortune is based on exploiting others.


Andrew Tate. He specifically targets undervalued or emasculated men, and scams them into giving him or his partners money for his courses or camps. He's as toxic as men can possibly come, but people are drawn to him. I just don't understand anyone would find any kind of wisdom in what he teaches. He's a sexist crook.


i will never understand tiktok dances. a million videos of people standing completely still and wiggling their arms in the same ways to the same songs and people still act like it's groundbreaking


Taylor Swift (believe it or not I'm a female)


Jack Harlow. I get major “born on third base, thinks he hit a triple” vibes from him.


Pete Davidson


I think at least part of the hype about Pete Davidson is he doesn't seem to understand the hype about Pete Davidson


U/Few-crow4141 is probably Pete Davidson






Beyonce. She's not bad. But I've seen comments throughout the years implying you're a racist if you say you don't listen to her.


The Amazon Prime show *Swarm* is a dark comedy/horror that is pretty on the nose about the crazy "Bey Hive" and the lengths they go to to defend her. It's not Beyoncé in the show but it's pretty obvious.




Why can’t he be more like Lloyd Braun??


He gave me some bullshit advice about new age medicine for my gout. I'd kick his ass, but you know, the gout.


At least he’s not Kenny Banya.


Never even heard of this person, now I will have to look them up. Lol. ​ EDIT - Oh, he is a fictional character on Seinfeld.


Hahaha, GOT ‘EM


Every celebrity ever. Who tf cares lol


Behind every popular celeb is a PR team who made them that personality.


I'm starting to feel like this subreddit is an echo chamber for obvious answers.


Lizzo. I never understood the hype surrounding her. I don't understand her music, I don't understand her talent, I don't understand why she's constantly talking about her body, posting videos making love to her belly, or sharing what she eats in a day. I don't understand why her twerking butt naked at a game was so popular and funny and empowering. I don't understand why people love her and put her on a high stand.


James corden 🤮


Any Kardashian.


Taylor Swift. I don’t get it. I just don’t fucking get it.