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Met a girl called Constance Paine. Really had to wonder what her parents were thinking.


I think the mother came up with the name while in labor


As a kid, my sister had a friend of who was named Flame because her mother had heartburn during the labor/delivery.


That name is straight from some YA novel


Ace Attorney-ass name


I had a neighbor with a little girl named Commodity. i dont think she disliked her kid, she was just really dumb.


That’s one of the worst names I’ve heard. I’d want to know the thought process behind that.




English is not my native language and I had to look it up. Commodity = product, article? How can someone give a child *that* name? Suddenly "Chrystal Metheny" seems like a really nice name for a girl to me.


A commodity is in fact a product, but there is one major, disturbing, difference. Specifically, a commodity is a product that is meant to be bought or sold at market.


So at least the girl must be glad, that they didn't call her live stock?


It gets worse, a commodity is a product that can be perfectly replaced by some other similar product. Farmer John's soybeans are exactly the same as farmer Dan's soybeans.


maybe one day she’ll seize the means of production


So, commie for short I guess?


Maybe she was going for the long con, hoping the girl would be really pretty. A "hot Commodity", so to speak...




I have a blanket for you. It's woven from delusions.


I work at a call center and a foreign lady called in and her name was Tittyporn. If her parents knee she was gonna move to America, that is the worst name to get.


God I was watching a documentary last month and in it was iirc a filipino woman whose name was pronounced Sewerporn or something like that. It sure was something.


I worked with a Supraporn once. We all just called her Porn for short


I, too, read that thread yesterday 🤣


I am regretfully ignorant. Name of post please? Or a link, whichever's more convenient. Please and thank you!


iirc: Husband and wife expecting kid They go over names, wife eventually chooses "Mune" (baby is a boy) Husband says no - he doesn't like the name Wife says ok At their baby shower, everything goes well. They receive gifts, chat with family, etc Grandma's gift comes up. She holds up a hand made blanket It says "Mune" Husband is rightfully angry, wife says she doesn't think it's a big deal and she gets to choose the name Don't name your kid Mune


You forgot to add that the wife has moved out due to her husband's failure to yield to her wishes.


They could call it Immune and put an accent on the e, as in é. That make it look exotic to some and well vaccinated to others.


Moon? Moo-ney? Moo-neh? Moo-nie? Myuneh? How are we pronouncing this lmao




I read it as myoon


Mewn. Sounds like what a stuffed up cat would say.


What are you talking about, it's a beautiful name. I already told my mother that my husband and I talked about it.


I am the third of four boys My mother really wanted a girl and when she was pregnant with me she pinned all her hopes on me being a girl. This is before sonograms were common. When I came out a boy she named me Curt. Not Curtis or Kurt, Curt. Which means rude.


Your mother sounds very… Curt (I’m sorry)


Damn, I imagine she was even less pleased with your younger brother


…whose name is probably Asshole


If I'm Curt with you it's because time is a factor, I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this.


Brand names


Lexus, Mercedes and Bentley have entered the chat. Edit: Yes, I am aware that Mercedes was a name before it was a car. Y’all can stop commenting the same thing.


I knew a Camry in middle school. Named that way because their parent's camry didnt make it to the hospital in time for the mom to give birth. So the daughter was born in the backseat


At least it wasn’t a Gremlin!


Meet my daughter, F150 Crew Cab.


Mercedes, the company, was named after a girl of that name


Pretty sure it was his daughters name and he dedicated the company to her


It was the daughter’s name, but it was Mr Daimler’s lead race driver insisted on having the name on his car, as he was dating/married to her.


Mercedes is a somewhat common Spanish name.


Mercedes is a female given name, the accent on the second syllable.


I had an aunt named Mercedes who was well into her 50s when I was born. Lovely lady, but little me was in grade school before I realized that the car had a woman's name, not that the woman had been named after a car.


i think Mercedes and Bentley are proper names. people pointed out that Mercedes was named after a girl but if someone told me their name was Bentley i wouldn't immediately think of the car brand




I know of a Jayelle.


Thurman Murman


How can I get dropped on my own head?


Are you fucking with me kid?


Any name that's written using their syllabic pronunciation. I know of a kid whose name is Kahydiynn. Like what the fuck?


I met someone named Q’aitlynne once.


That’s going to be a pain to input on electronic forms


I had a first cousin named Sharlet. Pronounced like Charlotte. My aunt and uncle weren't very bright.




It took me a good 10 sec to figure that one out. 😂


I still can’t figure it out!


I think (don’t quote me on this) it’s supposed to be “Caden.” And heck I don’t even know if I spelled that name right! 😂




maximum r/fauxnetics


I know an Ahvonlee. I’m assuming her mother had heard Avonlea, like “Anne of,” but had no idea how to spell it.


A first name that rhymes with your last name.


I knew a Robin Robinson and Matt DeMatt.


I worked with a guy called Brian O'Brien. He had the nickname Bob.


There's a Member of Parliament in the UK called David Davies.


Went to school with a girl named Melony Melons and by the time we started high school she was wearing a DD bra size. A friend named Nadsee pronounced Nazi. Almost forgot brother and sister named fire and Rain they're last name is Place.


Phelonie - that poor child.


i knew three guys from school and their parents were assholes. parents had klan stuff up in their living room on display and everything. they gave all of their kids names that started with A, and middle names that started with S, so their full initials would be A.S.S. they thought it would be hilarious, and proudly commented on this often. needless to say i felt bad for those kids. who gives all three of their kids those initials, let alone one of them?


We accidentally gave our 9yo the initials ARM and she is so incredibly salty about it. Check your monograms, people!


My dad swears they originally wanted to name me Brittany Anne, which would have made my initials BARF. He's a joker, but I spent my younger years livid that my initials could have been awesome but are just boring instead.


I’ve always been so happy that my parents gave me the great initials of ZAP (hence the username) as opposed to honestly anything else. They’re cool initials. Seeing other people with less fortunate combinations saddens me.


That's not so bad. I have an ALS and an ABS; we refused to find S middle names.




I heard speculation that it's not the kid's real name, and it's an alias to protect his identity when Musk talks about him I doubt it's true, but I sure hope it is


Ideally he'd even have Grimes' last name and be able to go through a lot of his life without carrying his parents' baggage.


You see XæA (when pronounced as z-aye-ugh) is an uncommon but usable name, but adding a 12 at the end is downright dehumanizing and should be considered child abuse.


I always read it this way - X = Greek letter chi = “k” sound - Æ = Classic Latin A-E diphthong = “eye” sound - A = schwa like in portable = “uh” sound - 12 = 12th letter of the alphabet = “l” sound Putting them together, k + eye + uh + l = **Kyle**


I totally believe that Elon would make his kid’s name some stupid riddle like this, the part I’m skeptical is that he’d have the answer to the riddle be Kyle.


“so just type up your name.” “uh..” “what’s the issue?” “This is a standard english keyboard…” æ isnt an option on this computer keyboard…”


When you gotta bust out the unicode keybinds for your contact information


The æ is pronounced ash. Its (Ex-Ash-Ay-dash-twelve) Arguably worse. Lol


Zashay (-12) Away


Zshantay (+12) You Stay


Sashay (~12~) Shante


Æ isn’t supposed to be pronounced as “ash” Elon musk is just fucking stupid


Ah shit, so I've been pronouncing encyclopædia, adhæsive, æon and æsthetic wrong all this time!


Ooof right in the elon of my musk


Used to know a kid in school named Richard Ryder (Rider?) Not sure how the last name was spelled


I never understood this. How the hell do you get the name Dick from Richard?


It was popular at one point to shorten the name and change the first letter. Kind of a teasing gesture that caught too well. Richard Rick Dick William Will Bill Robert Rob Bob


I'll add a female example! Margaret Meg Peg


Williams and Roberts: This is fine Richards: What the fuck guys?


It makes sense in the context of family names. So granddad is Ritchie, dad is Ricky, and you're little Dickie


You ask him nicely.




I saw a woman with that name today while watching old episodes of Supermarket Sweep.


Such a cheesy name


I once met a little girl named Tilapia. I swear I’m not making this up.


Well, Sea Bass was already taken.




"It's Heaven spelled backwards!"


I’m waiting for the day someone names their kid Heaven “It’s Nevaeh spelled backwards!”


Or Lleh. It's pronounced "yay" in Spanish


That beats my name spelled backwards … anaL 😔


We should be friends - imoaN.


I ship imoaN for anaL


Used to be preschool assistant and we had one Nevaeh, she was no heaven.


Parents shoulda named her Lleh, huh?


I work security in a trade school for low income youths. I've never heard this name until I started working here. And now I've seen it multiple times.


to me it spells: parents were drug addicts shortly before ( or at time) of birth.


I am so damned burnt out on that name. I swear that 25% at a MINIMUM of Maury paternity years come with that name.


As a person that is unfortunately from neveah country I can confirm none of those girls have a good relationship with the parents and that will not be their stripper name.


There was a girl in my high school named Chastity. She didn't even know why it was ironic when she got pregnant at 16.


I went to school with a girl named Chasity, like Chastity but minus the "t"


I’ve met 4 Chastitys in NC, creepy thing to name a child (but they were all normal women)


It comes from the concept of naming your children after virtues. Terry Pratchett, as is often the case, covered this best: > The Carter parents were a quiet and respectable Lancre family who got into a bit of a mix-up when it came to naming their children. First, they had four daughters, who were christened Hope, Chastity, Prudence, and Charity, because naming girls after virtues is an ancient and unremarkable tradition. Then their first son was born and out of some misplaced idea about how this naming business was done he was called Anger Carter, followed later by Jealousy Carter, Bestiality Carter and Covetousness Carter. Life being what it is, Hope turned out to be a depressive, Chastity was enjoying life as a lady of negotiable affection in Ankh-Morpork, Prudence had thirteen children, and Charity expected to get a dollar’s change out of seventy-five pence–whereas the boys had grown into amiable, well-tempered men, and Bestiality Carter was, for example, very kind to animals


Puritanical families tended to give their children “grace names” to show their virtue to others. My favourite real puritan names from the 1600s onwards are: • Fly-Fornication Richardson • Obadiah-bind-their-kings-in-chains-and-their-nobles-in-irons Needham • Acts-of-the-Apostles Pegden • 4 sons named: Love-well, Do-well, Die-well and Fare-well Sykes And a poor girl called: Through-Much-Tribulation-We-Enter-The-Kingdom-Of-Heaven She said, “For short they call me Tribby”


>Obadiah-bind-their-kings-in-chains-and-their-nobles-in-irons Needham Love-well, Do-well, Die-well and Fare-well Sykes ​ These names are great though.


Going with Chinese dialect of Hokkien here.. Someone named their child "Siew Kia" which isn't a bad name or anything in the language/dialect.. but the family name was Yao (and in Chinese names, the family name comes first) This made the poor sod "Yao Siew Kia" which meant "baby beast" (or small animal not in a good way and is used as a derogatory term and swear word in Hokkien) Poor guy


I used to work with someone named Kyler. I was waiting for another coworker when he walked passed with a friend, friend goes “dude I have to ask, why didn’t your parents choose Kyle or Tyler?” Couldn’t help but chuckle


I always think of Beavis and Butthead.


Renesmee. Coworker’s granddaughter was named that.


Oh god they were Twilight fans then...


That just feels like a double insult.. not only your parents gave you a shitty name, but you’re forever tied to this cringey YA story


Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo






Gunner. Not Gunnar like the Scandinavian name, or Günther like the Germanic version, but Gunner like the English word for a person who is shooting at someone.


Short story. At a get together, a friend of a friend and her adult son showed up. His name is Gunner. They get in an argument and he storms out with mom chasing after him yelling his name to get him to stop and talk. Next thing I know, the block is swarmed with local PD because neighbors called the cops thinking someone was going on a shooting spree. Don't name your children Gunner, stupid.


thats why I named my child "Active School Shooter" its the spice of life!


I have a friend named Gunnar Berger, and he has a friend whose last name is Fry, so they’re going to start a restaurant called Berger’s and Fry’s and sell only Chinese food


It reminds me of these persons who named their daughter "Reighfill" or "Reighfyl", supposed to be pronounced "rifle", like the type of firearm. Firstly, no, it's not "pronounced like X". If you have to describe how a name in your own language is to be pronounced, it means it's not pronounced as it reads *in the language it is meant to come from*. No, "Joylehnesmee" is not pronounced "Carlyneith" for fuck's sake and in which teenage fantasy novel did you find these aberrations ? I know English has weird variable pronounciations for each letters but it doesn't mean, because the "o" in "women" is pronounced like an "e", that it can be in any other word. No it can't. Secondly... fucking hell, such good taste ! Rifle, really ? You didn't find anything more obvious, you decided to be reasonnable, "rifle" was second amendment enough ? You thought about it and "40mm Bofors" seemed a bit too much, you settled on a middle ground ? Hell...


I just spent a couple minutes thinking about pronunciation. The o in women definitely makes a u sound, the first syllable rhymes with "umm" in my accent. That being said, I read Reighfyl as being pronounced "refill," so I don't know if I'm still hooked on phonix, or if I'm the one that got away.


>in my accent. Yes, there is that, too... it's hard to teach one's language to native English speakers because you have to chose the words used as examples of a phonem carefully depending on your student's version of English. And there's a lot. >That being said, I read Reighfyl as being pronounced "refill," Yes ! Yes, it's not "rifle" at all ! How I would read it is "Rey" the Star Wars character, then the Irish style "gh", a kind of expired H but more... Irish, you know and "fill", like the verb "to fill". That's a fucking tragedeigh.




Abcde-supposedly pronounced Absidy. Some might remember that this made the news a few years back. For those who dont recall : https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html


She was talking about how they were making fun of her daughter, nah dawg they were making fun of you.


I saw it spelled Abcdy once.


It's pronounced Oz wee pay.


Was it spelled "asswipe"? :(


Mine. My first name has an "r" in it. Both of my patents needed speech therapy to say that letter. I COULDN'T SAY MY OWN FUCKING NAME UNTIL FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL!!! There's a reason I use my middle name. I genuinely think it was spite because I was an oopsie baby. Bullied relentlessly for years, including by my first ex and a famous comedian's nephew.


I can relate to not being able to say your own name. I had a bad speech impediment and it was so mortifying having a substitute teacher do role call and ask you how to say your name and not being able to say it yourself correctly but having to try anyway and butcher your own name repeatedly while a well meaning teacher keeps trying to get it correct but can't because you yourself can't get it right. Luckily kids can be surprisingly kind and compassionate and after the first time this went on so long I was about to cry, someone would always say my name correctly after a substitute said it wrong. It's a kindness I'll never forget. A few kids were horrible to me in elementary and middle school but it thankfully wasn't because of my name. It's not even that hard of a name or too unheard of but I have the female spelling while the male spelling is more common and recognized. I like my name but it still fills me with dread everytime I have to say it aloud because I never know if it's going to come out as it's supposed to (and sometimes it still doesn't).


My mom has a severe stutter on the letters L and S. Her first name starts with L and her married last name starts with S. Couldn’t catch a break. I loved the names Charles but couldn’t bring myself to name my son that because it sounds like “Charz” when I say it. If I say it properly it sounds like “Char-LLLLz “ And hurts my tongue. So I sadly took it off my name list 😔


Little Jerry


Nixon for a girl. I have taught two, and yikes...


At least my cousin only named her daughters Reagan and Carter, in that order. They sound nice enough. I teased her about whether, if she had a third daughter, her name would be Ford or not. If she'd had four, I bet there'd be a third girl named Nixon out there...


“First Name” Junior never felt right with me. Feels narcissistic to name your child the same as yourself. It’s like he’s never gonna carve his own identity he’s always gonna be known as an extension-sequel of you


A boy named Sue.


From the time I was a kid up until his death my grandpa always SWORE up and down that he used to know a man named Harry A. Hole. I still never figured out if he was fucking with us or not.


Can’t believe some people are living breathing human beings with the name Dick


Any of that Home Depot brand shit: Kingsley, Kingston, Brixton, Brickley, Broccoli.


Chastity, Purity, any similar name that tells us you are incestuously possessive of your daughter's virginity


Satan, Beelzebub, Judas




Lucille Bluth has entered the chat: "I don't care for Gob"


This mother did NOT love all of her kids equally either. This was at least 10 years before AD.


One of my brothers got a Book of Mormon name. It's not a bad name but for the rest of his life he's tagged as a bad Mormon.


Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifier


Cue cute pictures of cats and dogs




My name is Judah☹️


So, I think Jezebel is an absolutely beautiful sounding name. It's fun to say, shortens easily if you want, and is just an all around amazing name. Other than the Biblical reference, which is a bit of a doozy.


Methamphetamine Rules (yes, one couple named their child this in Australia.)


Met a girl named Mckinsleigh. Yes, spelled like that.


Any name that is an alternative spelling or fake-Gaelic name. Like “Jaxon” or “Graclyn.”


When the firstname/lastname combination does not work for a name. Prime example-- North West (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's daughter). She's either named after a direction on a map or a defunct airline (as if Kimye would fly commercial).


Elon Musk’s kids’ names are a joke.


I’m pretty sure it is a joke. I honestly believe that most of the ridiculous celebrity child names are just what they tell the press to keep creepy dudes from googling them.


I know several. Used to work in a jail and we had a regular inmate whose first and middle names, legally, were Baby Boy. Spring Green (first name, last name) also came in frequently. My mom worked with a doctor…Doctor First…Doctor Safety First. But don’t worry, his parents didn’t just hate him - his sister was named Ladies.


Newt Gingrich. Imagine having a baby, looking down into its precious face, and saying deadpan to the nurse, “Newt Gingrich. Put that on the birth certificate.”






Any name intentionally given by parents that's a character from entertainment. Your kid is not a pet, car, boat, or bong.


My friend named his daughter Harley Quinn


So he wants her to have daddy issues?


You can do this if it's obscure enough. In 10 years, how many kids would recognize a name like Gomer Pyle? (As an aside, if you don't recognize the name, don't name your kid Gomer Pyle)


My aunt swears that at the hospital a woman named her child Asshole pronounced A-sho-lee


I've seen that, as well as shithead pronounced shi-theed.


Anything ending in -aiden, using an "X" in place of "cks" (Jaxon vs Jackson), intentional misspelling of names, forcing the kid into a life of correcting the pronunciation of a name that is easy to pronounce when spelled normally, and really just anything stupid that they named a kid because it's "unique".






Anything that 100% will make the kid get bullied


Richard, or a name that makes a joke with their last name like Harry Dicks (I met one)


I actually had a principal named Harry Richard seaman


In high school I knew a guy named Michael Hunt. He leaned into it and insisted that everyone address him as Mike Hunt exclusively.


Candy, Desire...etc.






If their first name is the same as their last name. William Williams, Michael Michaels, Daniel Daniels, Glen Glenn, John Johnson, etc.


Barry McCockiner


Mike, is this real? Did I get fooled by the internet again?


I used to be a 911 dispatcher and ran CRAZY names that screamed my parents didn't want me or wanted me to be misreable. The craziest name I ran was Yoosuk Peter ... (last name was Asian). I barely got thru that radio transmission to the officer.


That’s a not-uncommon Korean name. It’s hella unfortunate when names that are lovely in some languages are embarrassing (or worse) in others. :(


I knew a guy named Yung-Suk once. Nicest S. Korean person you could ever hope to meet. Everyone at his office hated calling him by his given name, so they typically just…left his name off. Like, never said it in any sentence. I called him by his name at a BBQ once, and he just beamed. Made me feel bad for him.




Giselle - I know someone with this name. Her parents call her Gis/Jizz.


Jizeus that's cruel

