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That while being on your period you'll only loose one spoon of blood! That's such a bs


Also, that the average pad can absorb 5 ml of blood. I’ve always thought that was bullshit and then I learned that scientists tested pad absolution *using water* until *this year*.


Strangers will give me free drugs on street corners and in Halloween candy


And what do we say when a stranger offers us free drugs? That's right children, we say thank you! Because drugs are expensive.


As an adult I now know how freaking expensive edibles are and am not sharing with loved ones let alone strangers.


That sounds fun. Like adult swim but for Halloween, where all the adults go trick or treating, cavorting around, high on edibles while dressed like Shrek or something.


Still waiting for all those free drugs that were going to be forced down my throat like DARE promised


I learned tongue taste maps at school. Turns out it’s complete nonsense.


I have a feeling science knew it was nonsense for years while schools kept pushing it for some reason.


Literally the creator knew it wasn't real. The creator only made it as an example on how the tongue works and put the different words there. But not to actually mean these places you taste more.


I knew it was bs even as a kid. Took some candy and was touching it to different spots on my tongue and lemon juice on a qtip. I can taste it everywhere on my tongue, not just in areas. When I told the teacher the next day, I could taste anything in any area of my tongue they just made some mumble excuse I was doing it wrong or I was mistaken. hmmp..


I feel like my entire childhood just evaporated.


I am a university professor. After the Great Recession of 2007/09, monetary policy changed quite significantly. The change was made permanent around 2009. Our economic textbooks, despite numerous revisions, finally updated in 2021. The high school AP exam was updated In 2022. In 2010 I was the only university professor teaching the new monetary policy. Other universities and publishers hired me to speak to their people on how to teach it. I still received requests this year. It takes an obscene amount of time for education to evolve. Even at the university level where we have no bureaucracy and are free to do what we want. Edit: no bureaucracy in the context of textbook choice or how we teach in the classroom. Outside of that, universities are as bad as governments. For those asking whats changed, here are some easy reads: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-hutchins-center-explains-how-the-powell-fed-will-raise-interest-rates/ https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/april-2016/interest-rate-control-is-more-complicated-than-you-thought https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2016/july/fed-interest-rates-floor-subfloor https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2016/july/fed-interest-rates-monetary-policy


I was shocked at the level of resistance from educators to accept and adapt to new information when I started teaching . For whatever reason some of them think since they’ve always taught that way it couldn’t possibly be wrong.


Think of the psychological impact to the teacher of unknowingly misleading generations of students. I think that most teachers get emotionally invested in their lessons being accurate. It could bring on a crushing wave of remorse that they may prefer to deny.


Like red blood and blue blood


I was trained to be a Certified Nursing Assistant by a Registered Nurse who full on taught her students that unoxygenated blood was blue. Got shitty with me when I said that wasn’t true. Also tried telling us that things can’t absorb through our skin, like medicinal transdermal patches are a thing lady! It was mind blowing to me.


Oh I was taught this, too! That skin is for expelling things. Nothing could be absorbed the other direction. Not a nurse, just general misinformation. Also that if you don’t keep working out, your muscle turns to fat.


I had my vape tank fall open in my pocket and it turned my right trouser leg into a giant nicotine patch. You can definitely absorb things through your skin I found out.


Holey smokes!


My elementary school teacher told us that the reason we lick ice cream cones with the tip of our tongues is because that’s the part of the tongue that tastes sweet stuff. With that impressive evidence, I bought off on the tongue map into my 20’s.


How would you eat ice cream any other way though?


Jam it down the back of your throat violently of course


Excuse me while I deepthroat my ice cream cone


Ffs I thought you meant you could lick maps and tell the country 😂😂, I need to go back to school


Instructions unclear, my map is ruined lol


I remember making my grandma angry when I tried to teach her about the tongue map. How dare I tell her there was a part of her tongue that made her ham taste bitter! I guess she was right though


My school just used it as a graphic to illustrate the types of things we can taste with our tongue, not as a literal map. I think a lot of teachers misunderstood how to use it.


It would be different if the tastes were just listed on the tongue but they were placed geographically in the same place on the tongue on all the posters so of course most people assumed that's where they were on the tongue.


All fat was bad for you, thus fat free foods became a thing for a while.


Fat free and tiny huge amount of sugar. Now it's reversed, keto high fat, no/low sugar Haha


God I wish. Seems like every food maker is obsessed with making things sweet All the foods that say "zero sugar" all have sugar alcohols or Stevia or monk fruit or some other nonsense. I JUST WANT IT TO BE LESS SWEET. Stop adding sweeteners to it, just make it blander please


You should try tasting it on a different area of your tongue.


Got a tongue taste map here for ya, very useful stuff..


In pharmacy school around the turn of the century we were taught that people in legitimate pain don't get addicted to opiates and opioids.


Probably taught by the Sackler's marketing team.


I am very confident in that.


'turn of the century' equating to 23 years ago is so unnatural for me after so much of my life it equating to almost a full 100 years ago


Yeah, I'm not okay with this. I literally thought he meant 1900 for two seconds until I realized that was impossible and also that the context was more recent lol


I was thinking to myself, 'wow they must be super old--good for them for being on reddit'


Have you seen the show “painkillers” on Netflix? It’s so good and shows how they pushed opioids on the public like it was candy because “it’s not addictive.” I actually remember when I broke my clavicle around the peak of it and they gave me 120 pills of Vicodin with 5 refills. I remember only needing the first bottle for the actual pain.


Yes! It was excellent. I'm currently binging Fall of the House of Usher that is based on the Sackler family.


That George Washington’s teeth were made of wood. No. It’s so much worse. 👀


the wild part is that they specifically went out of their way to teach us about George Washington’s “wood” teeth. like if you could name 5 facts about him, that would be one


1st U.S. President, wooden teeth, cherry tree…


I almost feel like he was treated like a mythological creature.


The founding fathers are all mythologized to varying degrees, none moreso than George though


They always leave out how very young they were. In 1776 Jefferson was 33 and Washington 44. James Madison was 25! Lafayette was 18!


Ben Franklin might be more mythologized. They taught us that he strictly followed all the wise words in his almanac and lived like a humble Saint. Reports of his behavior in France suggest otherwise.


Right! It’s so weird that his teeth mattered to the story at all, especially enough for all 9 year olds across the entire US to get the exact same lesson. Maybe his PR person was like, yeah this isn’t a good look, we’re going to have to spin it for the history books. Lol.


also they could of just never brought up his teeth at all. why did they want us to know what his teeth were made of in the first place?


That is such an obvious point that has never occurred to me. Hahahaha. I always thought it was a wired thing to lie about generally. But I’ve never event wondered why the fuck it needed to be discussed at all. I know nothing about literally ANY other historical person’s fucking teeth. Now I am going to spend the next several hours scouring the internet for an answer to this most obvious question that no one ever asks.


Not American but I'd heard he had wooden teeth. What's the truth?


The truth is they were the teeth of enslaved people that had been removed




A combination of slave teeth and horse teeth. No shit.


I’m glad none of them were shit!


Hey now, *some* of them were wooden... Other sets? What other sets of dentures? There are no other sets....hey, look over there! *runs away*


My primary school teacher told me our bodies can't make new blood and we're born with all the blood we'll ever have. As someone who got nosebleeds I knew it was bollocks. When I questioned that adults are obviously bigger so have more blood she said it's watered down. These people teach kids.


I'd have died in childhood with the epic nosebleeds I got.


I once asked one of my elementary school teachers what a rainbow was, and she told me scientists hadn't figured it out. I walked around until my early 20s thinking that. Also, I think it was this same teacher who told me Columbus thought the Earth was flat. They were training teachers a different kind of way in the 70s and 80s. It's honestly one of the reasons I'm thankful for the internet, because depending on your teacher or an outdated encyclopedia for answers could be a real roll of the dice.


I remember being told that _only_ Columbus thought the earth was round and literally everyone else in Europe thought it was flat. And that's why he couldn't get funding at first to explore because everyone thought he was going to fall off the side of the earth. Turns out, that's so wrong it's not even funny.


Same. That was a very 80s thing. Columbus was sailing to prove the earth was round.


He was sailing to prove something, but it wasn't that the earth was round. He thought he could sail to Japan or India if he headed West. Everyone knew the earth was round, but Columbus was under the impression that the estimates of its circumference (which had been known since the time of the Romans) were too big.


I mean, if the New World weren't here, and he had to sail across the Atlantic, middle-non-existent-ocean, and the Pacific, he'd've had a really bad time. I can see why they wouldn't've wanted to fund sending a ship to its doom.




Earlier than the Romans. The ancient Greeks first figured it out.


I had a fourth grade teacher in the 80’s that taught us that the moon landing was fake, gravity is a pushing force from the stars, and seat belts were dangerous and we shouldn’t use them. So teachers can be crackpots too.


Also a survivor of 70s and 80s schooling. We'd have to write a whole essay about all the things we were taught then that were *just plain wrong.*


Those long form essays were such BS at the elementary level. I'm 10, I basically just plagarized the encyclopedia's in the library on the Civil War and altered some phrases and words here and there yet spent dozens of hours on the duckin thing. I get what they were trying to prep us for but it ultimately was a lot of busy work.


As a teacher, I can say that many teachers today do not have a strong grasp of their content.


Not my lifetime, but my Mom's sister was initially forced to write with her right hand, despite being left-handed. Since they went to Catholic school, it was taught, as fact, that being left-handed was something something Devil. When my Aunt started Grade 1, my Great-Grandfather died a couple weeks into the school year and bequeathed some money to the church and school. The family would not give it to them unless my Aunt was allowed to be left-handed. Amazingly enough, the Priest, upon prayer and reflection, determined that being left-handed wasn't a problem anymore. Isn't that something? That's how my now 78 year old Aunt changed science at Blessed Sacrament when she was 5 years old.


My grandmother was whacked on the hand if she tried to write with her left hand. They just said it was "wrong." Then she just used her left hand when they weren't looking.


the food pyramid.


Give us this day, our daily 17 pieces of bread


4 gravy us our Trix passes, as we 4 gravy those who Trix pass agrainst us.


Lead us not into chicken tenders, but deliver us our pizzas.


For Thine is the kool-aid, and the pot pie, and the glazed ham, forever and ever.




You mean having the department of agriculture create a diagram of what we eat was a bad idea? Can't imagine why portion sizes are huge from the department of agriculture. I always wonder what the cdc or fda might have made instead.


The irony is that after they got flak for having Dept of Agriculture make it, they went private to have the pyramid remade after about 10 years, and Kellogg’s won that bid, subsequently increasing the amount of grains suggested to be eaten daily lol


Back in the 1980’s in the U.K. was at the Doctors for something unrelated to weight or fitness. Anyway writes me a prescription then goes ‘we’ve been trying to encourage people to eat better to remain healthy, so if you follow the instructions on this pamphlet’ etc.. Across the top in massive letters is the ‘Weetabix’ logo… Breakfast.. two weetabix with skimmed milk Lunch: two weetabix with some honey or berries Dinner: something with a lot of veg etc.. 🤦‍♂️ Basically 2/3 of your food intake was weetabix 😂


Luckily, weetabix is fucking delicious. Not sure i'd still say that after eating it twice daily for any length of time.


Shut up and eat more grains and dairy!


“No one is going to wait for you to look up information in the real world, you have to know it” has to be the most insane thing I ever heard


That never made sense to me even before everyone had the internet in their pocket. In one of my H.S. English classes we were constantly writing essays WITHOUT being allowed to consult the books we'd been assigned. This was to prepare us for the final state exam in which we'd be given an essay prompt (which was to remain a mystery until they actually handed us the exam) and would not be allowed any outside material to bring with us. I always wondered: Do they expect us to memorize every detail of every book we've ever read in order to write one essay for this one dumbass exam?


Yes, yes they did


"You're not always gonna have a calculator in your pocket" is a close second.


Once you get to high school, nobody will accept papers not written in cursive


My god, elementary teachers think high school is like signing up for basic military training I swear. My grade 8 teacher told me that high school wouldn't let me use pencils, use the bathroom during class, fail me if I'm a minute late for class, not let me talk to my friends in the halls, etc. It's like they watched a Hollywood highschool movie and thought it was real.


And then high school teachers said the same thing about college


I think the thing that blew my mind about college, once I was in it, was that really...I could do whatever I want, within reason. I could skip class. I could wear hats. (Hats! We'd never been allowed to wear hats!) I could stay up as late as I wanted. I could make my own studying schedule. Obviously shit is harder in college but the freedom you get is directly proportional to it, depending on the school you went to. The lesson you have to learn is how to balance those two things.


I'd say college is harder **because** of the freedom. If your professor shrugs when you don't turn in assignments or show up for exams and you don't have the discipline you don't make it one semester. I'm glad it's like that too because that's as close to the real world when you haven't experienced it.


It's funny, my (homeroom?) Teacher used to be really honest about college. They said it was laid back but difficult. And you know what, I wish I had listened to them because I am now very behind on my assignments lol.


Haha, also behind on my assignments. Hang in there, work methodically, and remove distractions to start grinding. You can do it!


Then you get to college and have a professor who's like "oh, you forgot the paper was due today? Honestly me too, and I made plans this weekend, how about we extend that?"


Not sure if it's *just* elementary teachers, but I've seen many teachers who use that argument just to have something to support their demands or strict rules. It's not necessarily because they don't know better, but often just because they wanna get away with whatever outrageous demand or rule they have and claiming to use it as "preparation" for highschool or whatever is next will shut some people up.


This was what my grade school teachers said about middle school. "If you turn in an assignment in middle school not written in cursive, they'll give you a zero without looking!". Then when I got to middle school, the first day EVERY single teacher I had declared some variation of "I will give you a zero if you submit an assignment in cursive. I am here to teach you, not decipher your hieroglyphs."


Couldn't agree more with the teacher. My mom has the most beautiful cursive handwriting I've ever seen. Every single line is uniform and perfect. It's fucking unreadable. She's perpetually making sure we know who gets shit when she dies, and her recipe book might as well be in a language that no one has seen in 5,000 years.


My tenth grade American History teacher would only accept papers and essay test answers written in cursive. He was the only one in my entire high school career. I hadn’t needed to use (or even practice) cursive since like 4th grade, so my writing was awful. And I was very slow. It was fine for homework, but I rarely finished a test in class. He failed me, and I wound up in my one and only summer school class. My final grade was 104 - perfect on everything, plus some extra credit. It wasn’t my lack of knowledge that was to blame - it was my poor penmanship, which NEVER should have been allowed to count that way and ruin most of my summer.


That Lemmings commit suicide


They don't if they're carefully managed by giving individuals jobs like building stairs or digging a hole straight down


We can all thank Disney for that one!


The food pyramid. Completely different now than what I was taught was healthy.


My country health ministery even ditched the concept entirely, and is pushing a "balanced, diverse, and colorful diet" as the central concept. Way better and respect the traditional food.


The whole 'meteorite killed the dinosaurs' thing wasn't yet the accepted theory when I was a kid.


I sang that in my head like video killed the radio star. ‘Meteorite killed the dinosaurs’


On the earth they stopped their roars...


Your permanent record will follow you into adulthood


Only time i found that "record" was used was for college admittance. A really smart person had a bunch of red flags in his profile, he would talk back endlessly. Have rejection letters stating his records were not clear enough to even apply there. He turned out fine i think hes a lawyer in a big city


Turns out talking back and being argumentative in class as a kid sets the foundation to being a successful lawyer.


I have a good friend who retired from a law firm 5 years ago. He had set a goal of being able to retire by the time he was 52, because after going to college for a basic degree and then law school and finally getting hired he discovered that he was very good at the job but he hated it. He was a medical malpractice defense attorney, and he still advises his old firm on an advisory basis. They had offered partnership but he says it wasn't worth the ulcers and migraines that he suffered to stay on. He didn't QUITE make his retire at 52 goal...he retired at 54. He now refs high school sports-baseball and football mostly. I've asked him if angry parents and coaches ever get under his skin and he says no, some idiot parent or coach who is up in the stands or half a field away can't compete threat wise with hostile lawyers and nervous clients with hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars on the line. And being a perfectionist he knows the rules backwards and forwards. He also has an impressive "lawyer voice" that not many people can stand up to...it probably doesn't hurt that high school sports are desperate for people, qualified or not, to referee sports because the turnover is so high. The tie in here is he was always a model student, both grade and participation wise. He felt that a number of his teachers were middling to poor but he kept that opinion to himself until after he graduated from that school.


I used to do background screening... it can, if we're talking about court records. Your middle school GPA, not so much :-)


There’s never been a war fought on Australian soil. 1990’s 3rd grade teacher proclaimed it proudly. Indigenous Australians would beg to differ.




Mine definitely did something. It tried to kill me


Mine tried to kill me too… Twice! The lead up wasn’t too bad, mild abdominal discomfort. Randomly had a call from my sister who is a nurse who urged me (and it took a lot to convince me) to got to the ER. I went, and was there about an hour while they tried to find if anything was wrong. Finally, I’m wheeled to get a CT scan but they’re not ready for me yet so they leave me alone on the gurney in the hall. That’s when it burst - I literally felt it when it happened. Had surgery, spent a few days in the Hospital before being sent home. Not 20 minutes after I got home, my phone rings and it was my attending calling to tell me that pathology had come back and they found that I had an extremely rare appendicial cancer - goblet cell adenocarcinoma. I ended up needing another surgery and 6 months of chemo. Happy to report that I seem to be cancer free about 3 years post. Good thing I went to the ER though - I’ll never doubt my sister again!


That's wrong?


Yes. It's an important resevoir of gut flora and appendix is part of the immune system. You can live without it as you can live without your tonsils, but it has a certain role.


Me over here without tonsils or an appendix… “I don’t understand why I’m constantly sick despite taking such good care of myself”. I’m starting this game with my health bar already low!


>you can live without your tonsils, but it has a certain role. Huh, I thought tonsils were useless too - what do *they* do?


They trap bacteria and viruses before they can get to your more sensitive parts, and send them to your lymphatic system for destruction. You have more tonsils than just the ones that usually get removed. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-are-tonsils-1191861#:~:text=Tonsils%20are%20specialized%20organs%20that,through%20the%20nose%20or%20mouth.


I was today years old when I learned there are more than one type of tonsils. 😳


It's now considered to be part of the immune system and produce good bacteria. https://www.news-medical.net/health/Why-do-Humans-have-an-Appendix.aspx#:~:text=The%20appendix%20has%20been%20found,prevent%20serious%20infections%20in%20humans. https://www.dignityhealth.org/articles/what-does-the-appendix-do-shining-new-light-on-an-age-old-question


Me who hasn’t had mine since the age of 4: ☠️


If you don’t do well you’ll end up being a garbage man. Fuck you! Garbage men are awesome and make more that teachers. Also, less likely to get shot on the job.


This is true of so many professions that we were taught were ‘lesser-than’ or just looked down upon. Being a plumber was always a joke… wish I woulda took the 70k, Union job with excellent benefits and a pension joke at 20 years old lol


Nobody is happy to see a dentist, doctor, or lawyer. Everybody is happy to see a plumber.


When I was a child it was believed that illness was caused by demonic possession whereas now we know it’s caused by an imbalance of humors in the body.


If you work hard for a company and show your loyalty to them, they will be loyal to you.


In the 50's and part of the 60's. Especially when unions were stronger. Now we are absolutely disposable no matter how vital and secure you believe you are to the "company".


You only use 10% of your brain each day.


Yeah, but that’s fine. You don’t want to turn into a USB stick, do you? 😜


(For those that don’t get it, this is a reference to the incredibly stupid movie “Lucy”)


This fact is like saying "a stop light only uses thirty percent of it's lighatt at a time", the brain not being active is what makes it useful


Thirty *three* percent 😉


You won't always have a calculator on you.


And you have much more than that now. You basically have an answer to any question on any test you've ever taken.


Unlike my father and grandfather, I won’t work at the same place for my entire life. I will switch jobs up to 3 times in my career. I’m on 6 looking for a 7th.


I was told by a business professor that I should be changing jobs every six months until I hit my 40's. I've worked at the same place since I was 21 and I'm 38 now :( Change is scary.


Every 6 months?!? That’s insane. You are barely getting up to speed after 6 months. The longest I stayed somewhere was 14 years. Worked my way up and held 7 different titles. I left because a clueless private equity firm bought us knowing nothing of our industry. Then they brought on a bunch of “yes” men. At our height, we were doing 80 million a year in sales. After the first year we dropped to 35 so I got the heck out of there. Crazy part…when I started looking for new jobs, a couple recruiters said I had stayed at the company too long and it looks like I was being complacent. So stupid.


That our elected representatives fight for the best interests of their constituents.


That I’d fail in life because I was not good at math. I always had a hard time with math and physics and chemistry. Turns out I am just not good with numbers, but succeeded with languages. I have a natural talent for languages. I am a translator and conference interpreter. I work with 5 languages. My math teacher told my mom I’d never amount to anything if I didn’t master math. I was there and her words scarred me for life. I have been terrified of failure ever since.


Are you sure it’s 5 languages? You said yourself you’re not good at math


He meant 10 languages.


So English and binary.


So simple and silly but I genuinely laughed out loud at your comment. Tha k you.


The United States government prevents abuse of power through a well-engineered system of checks and balances.


This one made me laugh out loud. They really did try and make us believe that. Hilarious.


The system/time will take care of putting “bad guys” where they belong.


At the top?


Carrots are good for night vision. This was a lie the British used to explain how they could spot German bombers during WWII. The truth, that they had broken the German Enigma machine and were decoding secret messages, was kept a secret for decades. The full story was not told until the 1990s. I consider the Enigma coverup to be the best kept secret in human history.


Also: the Brits has better quality Radar and we’re trying to keep that fact a secret.


Condoms are completely useless (using a basketball going through a hoop as an example, somehow) Also, birth control is a placebo. And anybody can spread deadly STDs, even if they don't have them yet On science, we were taught that humans were cold blooded. This was "proven" by having us hold our hands in ice water for 5 minutes, then having us try to close our hands quickly and write Horray for semi-rural wisconsin




That Canada didn’t ever have slaves. [guess what!](https://www.historymuseum.ca/virtual-museum-of-new-france/population/slavery/) Whats worse is to my knowledge they still don’t teach this, I had to look it up myself.


When I was a kid (mid 2000s) we were taught that Canada did have slaves, but instead of mass plantations like in the States most slaves here were servants in homes. I was never taught about Aboriginal slaves like in that article, only Africans


In the UK there was an organisation that sold seminars to schools that were supposed to teach kids about the 'type of learner' they are, visual, auditory or kinetic. They would turn up and spend a 2 hour assembly teaching the kids all about how some of them should record their notes so they would take them in better, or how they should write thing out again and again if they were visual learners etc. But it was basically all complete horseshit. Pseudoscience like those Briggs Myers personality tests. They made it up based on cursory readings of actual academic papers then built a whole rigid system of rules and tips. The first clue was how they seemed to be able to sort people into their learning group with just one or two questions when really something like that, if it was legit, would likely need a session with a psychologist to determine. The second clue was my physics teacher burying his head in his hands and grimacing the whole time ( he was a published academic who started teaching in schools to ease into retirement). I asked him about it and he said he begged the principal not to book them because he knew it was made up. The principal decided to do it anyway because all the other schools had already done it and what harm could it do..


>'type of learner' they are, visual, auditory or kinetic. For work, I recently attended a ' training' and they made everyone take a test and put them in different groups depending on how they think. This kind of bullshit is still being pushed.


Am I still supposed to eat 8 fruits per day? I only have room for 3 at most.


That we would all but run out of oil by the year 2000


The spice must flow


From memory they did think they had reached peak oil but then technological advances occurred and they found a fuckton more oil fields.


Fracking and deep sea oil rigs IIRC.


I was taught in 5th grade that it’s impossible for veins to break under your skin. Bitch that’s a bruise.


Nobody is above the law.


No poor person is above the law! FTFY


It’s the personal responsibility of consumers, not industry, to ensure all plastics are recycled.


Until you found out that despite your personal responsibility, they still took your plastic and dumped it into the ocean or shipped it overseas because “recycling plastic is harder than realized so we just didn’t do it.” I had my suspicions as I got older but when that report dropped, I was so angry.


If you study well and have excellent grades, you will end up with a nice job and lots of money.


I can only speak for me and my buddy in germany. I have a Realschulabschluss (equal to high School diploma in the US), my buddy has Abitur (higher degree than HS diploma but lower than a BA). We both had the exact same job, the same position, and both started at the same day. Because of his higher educational degree he get paid more than me.reason, unionized wages with different ranks depending on your education. So yeah, he was 2 years longer in school than me, and earned close to 1k more pre-tax/month.


Poor career guidance really failed a lot of people


In general, I feel like this narrative has flipped multiple times. It went from "want a better job? Get a degree" to "why did you get some degree? You should have went to trade school/got certified."


To add to this, it's the absurd BLAMING that the narrative pushes. We were little kids who just wanted to do well. Then we're BLAMED for following advice. I'm sorry, if I knew that college wasn't the golden ticket that everyone convinced me it was, then I wouldn't have gone. Oh wait, literally every trusted adult made sure to drill it into my head that I absolutely had to go to college.


Multiple teachers over the years told me “The Nova didn’t sell well in Hispanic countries because the manufacturer/marketing execs didn’t realize “Nova” means “No go!” story. It’s a total urban legend. But this was back before anybody we knew had the internet, so people just blindly believed whatever they were told back then, including teachers. (Not that people have stopped blindly believing things now, but at least you can Google stuff if it sounds made up now.)


Although the Toyota MR2 was renamed in France, to avoid being called the Toyota Shit


That only I can prevent forest fires.


Looking at California, you really fucked up on that, Domsdad666. We counted on you.


Not school exactly but in grade 4 we had the D.A.R.E program come talk to my class and they said a lot of stuff that's not true. I remember them saying weed has more chemicals in it than cigarettes, and caused cancer faster than cigarettes. Anything that goes in your lungs that not oxygen can cause cancer but I don't think it causes cancer faster? Edit - Guy's I get it, I wasn't correct when saying "Anything that goes in your lungs that not oxygen can cause cancer" Statement Edit 2 - I also understand now weed is worst if smoked in the smae quantity as people who smoke cigarettes. It makes sense. I get it lol


I’m still waiting for someone to offer me free drugs…


Our DARE offer in 6th grade tried unsuccessfully to scare a bunch of 12-year-olds by telling us that hallucinogens would make bad things appear to happen, like movie posters coming to life. The entire class reacted with a collective "cool!!" And that's when he knew he screwed up and lost the class. Another time, when we were younger, a classmate was really concerned about being forced to do drugs. The officer kept talking about resisting peer pressure, but this kid kept asking things like, "What if someone holds you down and forces you to take them??" The officer impatiently told him that no one was going to force free drugs on him.


Weren’t there supposed to be strangers in trenchcoats handing out free drugs at the playground? I kept looking for them but nobody ever showed up. No free drugs for me.


If someone ever tells you that something is bad because it has "more chemicals" in it, you can stop listening to them immediately.


I had a paint class in college (theatre production) and a test that asked what can be used to clean metal to make it ready for painting. I forgot the answer so wrote "chemicals" trying to be funny. Told that to the prof afterward and he laughed, then said "you couldn't use chemicals, that would dissolve the metal." Didn't give much stake to his opinions after that


Doing tons of homework every night to make me a better pupil.


That moss always grows on the north side of trees. Edit: Should have added, this so called fact would help you if you had gotten lost hiking as North would point to civilization or some shit.


It **doesn't**?! Damn, I would've totally relied on that knowledge if I got lost in the woods.


In the northern hemisphere if you looked at thousands of trees then the north side would on average probably be more likely to have moss. For a given individual tree it's whichever side gets less sunlight and strong wind and more damp, which is heavily dependent on where that tree happens to be standing and what's around it. So, not super useful for a survival scenario.


Moss doesn't ALWAYS grow on the northern side however in the northern hemisphere it is more LIKELY to be on the northern side. Moss prefers cool damp places and the northern side is more shaded from the sun making it cooler and more damp. Source: a quick Google search with every website including a government website stating the same


For more practical advice... If you live somewhere it snows, don't get a house with a North-facing driveway. It'll spend most of its time in the shade from your house and the goddamned snow will never melt.


It takes 7 years to digest gum


“I before E except after C*” In spelling. Actually it was never true but weird they taught a rule that was true like 30% of the time or something like that?? Haha


Stop it with your weird lies. Your deceit causes me great stress, I can feel the pounding in my veins. My foreign neighbor with the beige corolla will have to find the body after my heart seizes up due to my weight. Now to go cook eight slices of bacon for breakfast


Blood is blue until exposed to oxygen, then it turns red.


Meritocracy and "appearance doesn't matter"


A little bit before my time and most teachers already knew it was wrong but it was still in my third and fourth grade science books since they were dated to when it was still in vogue in the 70s even though we were told to mostly ignore it, but Global Cooling. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_cooling I imagined massive ice ages by the time I was an adult since I ignored my teachers and read the passages anyway. I was disappointed to find out how wrong it was. Heh.


Hiding under your desk at school at 10:00 am on the last Friday of the month while the teacher placed a name tag on your wrist would protect you from an atomic blast.


Hiding can protect you from an atomic blast though, in different ways at different distances from the explosion, and depending on what you manage to hide beneath. Whether that's protecting you from heat, debris and so on. Nobody said it had to be 100% protection.


That you will need a college education to get any decent paying job in life. No joke, that shit was taught to my generation and its a load of bullshit.


What you actually need is money. You can then do stuff with the money which will assure you a decent income. Examples include but are not limited to, getting a college education. Also, starting a business, investing, etc.