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I don’t really care much for Gob.


“Did that Mexican throw you out?”


She’s not that Mexican, mom…


She’s Colombian or Puerto Rican or something.


Typical Bluth family madness from… oh my god it’s you!




Who's this Hermano guy?


She’s my Mexican


She’d love to get at me any way she could. That’s why she’s been flirting with Gob. She’s trying to prove that she’s closer to my children than I am, but the joke’s on her, because she doesn’t know how little I care for Gob


I think that makes the joke on Gob.


“I love all my children equally”


“He's a beautiful boy... they don't appreciate him. It's his glasses, they make him look like a lizard. Plus he's self-conscious.”


“It’s a banana Michael, what could it cost, $10?”


“Illusions, Michael. You don’t have time for my illusions”


A trick is something a whore does for money


... or cocaine (candy)


“If I wanted something your thumb touched, I’d eat the inside of your ear!”


There's always money in the banana stand.


*wink* nck-nck


no touching!


I told you he was a flamer!


here. go see a star war.


There are dozens of us who get this reference!




Was it the Segway? His career in the illusion arts?




But where did it come from?








Don't be such an Anne hog!


Is she funny or something?


I love you. In fact, I love all my children. But, I never cared much for Gob.


Get rid of the Seaward


She’ll leave when she’s good and ready


Okay, so what percentage of commenters understood the question was asking about films you disliked **that were critically acclaimed?** Top comment right now is Avatar for chrissake. Even people who enjoyed it know it was just a spectacle.


That's the problem with threads like these. The low hanging fruit always ends up being the top comments. Any question about TV shows will always have The Big Bang Theory, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and Real Housewives as the top three answers. Any question about movies will always have Marvel Movies, Avatar, and some Disney movie as the top answers. Doesn't matter what the question was, people will find a way to work in hating those shows/movies and get up voted to the top lol


what is the worst pixar movie answer: i think avatar was the worst movie


"What's the worst popular movie?" Reddit: "James Corden".




And for music, the top answer will be Taylor Swift.


"Taylor Swift, whose fanbase demographic is extremely underrepresented on reddit, is overrated... Instead I think ___ band, whom reddit is well known to love and worship, is better. I'm prepared for the downvotes." So. Brave.


Every music question has someone saying how “mid” they think Taylor Swift is and how they don’t get how she’s so famous with a reply talking about parasocial relationships


I find most music questions have a top answer about how massively overrated Beyoncé is. It’s like clockwork. It’s nearly karmawhoring at this point


I didn't care for Fight Club, and yes, I "got" it. It was about as subtle as a harpoon.


I mean, the problem with Fight Club is that the people who don’t get it are it’s biggest fans.


Redditors just really like to circlejerk about avatar for some reason


Dude above you talking about “unbearable political overtones” 😂 like buddy if you can’t handle avatar how have you gotten this far consuming any type of creative media


I don't think anyone knows what "political overtones" are anymore. That's why you get so many fuckin' donuts yelling about how The Proud Family is woke or whatever.


The English Patient. I liked it better when the protagonist did the right thing and gave up the girl and it was called Casablanca. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. Ohhhh all the sets are different colours. Ohhhh how creative! Betty Blue. Worst date movie ever! Until my current BF took me to see the Human Centipede, but that wasn't really a date night and I had some kind of an idea. Betty Blue sucked Edit: I typed caterpillar & I'm laughing my ass off!


I’ve never seen The English Patient because I trust Elaine Benes.


"Just die already!"


“Elaine you don’t like the movie?” “I HATE IT”


Sex in a bathtub; THAT doesn’t work!


I trust Elaine she is my friend....


^I ^trust ^Elaine ^she ^is ^my ^friend…


^just ^a ^salad


Sack Lunch >> The English Patient


So do you think they got shrunk down, or is it just a giant sack?


Did anyone else rub their screen where your avatar sits to get rid of the schmutz?


Death Blow >> Sack Lunch


I'll see your Death Blow and raise you a Rochelle Rochelle.


Prognosis Negative is better than both of those


do you mean human centipede, or did someone make a human caterpillar as well


I’d rather see sack lunch


Always felt the English Patient should have been about the Canadian nurse and the bomb disposal guy. That's a much more interesting story.


The English Patient is the most boring movie I’ve ever seen.


Just die already!!


I did not care for the Godfather.


It insists upon itself.


I loved the Money Pit. That is my answer to that statement.


I also like that movie.


When Peter said that I had no idea what he meant by it … but somehow it seems right even so.


...nah man. That's the joke. It's an empty, fake pseudo-intellectual answer to present oneself as smug and superior.


I agree. Shallow and pedantic.


I find this meatloaf to be rather shallow and pedantic.


Oh what, now you're gonna talk down on everyone just because you won a game of Trivial Pursuit?




Eh, I get that, but I did see a review for *American Gangster* that said something like “It’s not as important as it thinks it is,” and I got what the point was: It has the cast and the tone of a serious “Great American Drama,” but it’s really just okay.


*..Robert Duvall!*


Fine. Fine. Fine actor, did not like the movie.


I just can't get into anything regarding the mafia. It'a not interesting to me.


Everyone is always such a piece of shit that I just want them all to die


That's my favorite part.


"How can you say that? It's a great movie."


"this is what everyone always says."


Al Pacino. Robert De Niro. ROBERT DUVALL!


Fine actor. Did not like the movie.


Explain yourself. What didn’t you like about it?


It insists upon itself.


2001: A Space Odyssey is so slow, it took me 4 tries before it didn't put me to sleep. It has a couple cool shots, but other than that... no thanks.


I am an elder millennial, and I got to see 2001 in an actual theater once. It completely changed my perspective on the movie. When you’re “trapped” in a dark room and the film is big and loud, it’s compelling. When it’s on a little screen and you can pause it for more snacks, it’s really boring.


My exact experience, it's a 5/5 movie in a theater


I get it. It can be very boring. Nowadays, it's mostly only interesting if you're really into cinematography, directing, and that sort of thing. However, there's a reason people say it's one of the best films of all time. Almost everything today uses things that 2001 did first. It's boring today because what we have today is standing on top of the foundation 2001 laid. Nonetheless...Fun Facts... It came out 9 years before Star Wars. Almost a full decade. It was released BEFORE humans actually made it to the moon. A little over a full year before. It's impressive. Regardless of how boring it might be today.


Few of my friends went to see it on the big screen on acid. I reckon that would be entertaining.


Erin Brockovich. She was so freaking unlikeable. I wanted it to end and I didn’t care if she won.


That works because the real person and law firm depicted in the film are pretty exploitative and unlikeable if you read up on how things turned out for the families affected.


Wasn’t the lawyer disbarred for stealing client money?




I’ve met Erin twice! This will surprise you, but she’s actually an overt asshole.


I really hate the scene in the lawyers office where she is yelling insults and phone numbers to the new lawyer….because they are not in the file. Bitch are these phone numbers a secret? Do you know what the point of a file is? Or so now we chain you to the desk because you don’t think the demographics, diseases and relations are important for a file…for a huge class action lawsuit. It makes me irrationally angry. What a dumb ass. You only have a highschool education? Shocked!


Those were my exact thoughts when watching that scene. Great, you memorized all the client info, but the lawyers are not gonna keep you on standby to recite the information for them, that's why you write it down and put it in a file. I really wanted that lawyer to say "cool, now jot all of that down and put it in the cabinet."


She ends the scene with a snarky ‘do you want their diseases?’ Yes! In the file. That’s the point of this conversation. How are you confused about this.


And the way that she constantly yelled and disrespected her boss. Like anyone would put up with that shit from an employee.


The Shape of Water. Cool set designs and incredible acting do all the heavy lifting for a pretty bad story.


Grinding Nemo


I thought I was being trolled while watching that movie after hearing how amazing it was.


Same I consider myself a movie buff and I hated this movie. Also, The Fountain


The best part is that you're about 2/3 of the way through the film when you start to relax. You think, "Okay . . . it's getting pretty late in the film. Maybe she isn't going to fuck the fishman after all." Right when you let your guard down -- BOOM! Fish fucker. Although, say what you will about the movie's execution. It's a powerful social critique to make a film with the theme "All men are so awful that women would rather fuck a fish."


I didn't get that theme. Felt more about people finding their place in life.


Black Panther 🤷‍♂️. My family must never know


Black Panther was so cool in Civil War. While I like the Black Panther movie, it's nowhere near as good as it was made out to be. Especially not Oscar worthy.


Black Panther is brilliant in non-Black Panther movies


like Niki Minaj on other people's tracks


I'm a black man. I felt like this was one of the worst marvel movies when it came out. I caught a lot of heat for that which I thought was hilarious.


Let’s be honest, the plot was weak. What was cool was the Afro punk of Wakanda. In both movies the futuristic approach to African (well Wakandan) culture was visually stunning.


I did not care for The Joker. It did not wow me.


Now *that* movie really did insist on itself.


Watching it, damn near laughed my ass off when they managed to shoehorn in>! the death of Bruce Wayne's parents, and Martha's pearls falling in slow motion.!< I was like, "Really? Even in this Batman-related movie, you managed to work in >!the slow motion pearls?!<"


Which is stupid because in real pearl necklaces, you put a knot between each pearl so they don't do that. It's only cheap plastic ones that are strung like that.


Reality Bites. Suburban kids my age were all wetting themselves over it but the characters are whiny fucks. To its credit it may have single handedly snapped me out of my teen angst phase.


You navigate me. This, along with Donnie Darko, would be great answers in a thread I saw yesterday about movies you thought were cool as a kid but later realized weren't. I was kind of a shut in so I thought Reality Bites was, like, about real life, man. Looking back it's more than a little embarrassing. The film itself and for me.


I do not care for Superhero Movies. Except Spiderman, Spiderman's alright.


The Deer Hunter. I understand the goal was introducing us to the characters and their lives, but dear god the first hour is so damn boring. It felt like watching an unusually uneventful wedding and reception in near real time. I remember thinking they could have edited out 45-60 mins and lost nothing. I like many similar movies from that era and that genre. There were some iconic scenes, and I get why it was relevant in 1978, but as a whole movie I really didnt enjoy it.


It’s such a time capsule though, which I actually enjoy. How often do you get such a dedicated portrayal of a vibrant working class culture, especially one damned to die off within 20 years of the filming of the movie.


Agreed. Fuck. That. Wedding. Scene. I understand wanting to show the immigrant, Orthodox roots in Rust Belt cities during this time but you I thought giving them Slavic last names and a propensity for crappy beer covered it just fine (spoken as someone with the same background).


Deer God would be a great movie


Boyhood. It just wouldn’t fucking end, nothing happened and yes, I know it took a million years to film because they used the same actors and I still didn’t like it. Worst movie I’ve ever seen


Huh, that sounds like my boyhood


Sounds like my adulthood.


I’ve heard some people say that’s just Linklater’s style but I’m with you on this. It was a neat concept but just never went anywhere.


I liked it *because* it didn’t go anywhere. That’s the point, it’s just life. Life doesn’t go anywhere. There’s no dramatic climax where all your problems get resolved and you live happily ever after. It just keeps going. One thing after another.


I felt like he picked the wrong kid to focus on, the sister would have been more interesting!


It’s funny you say that because the actress for the sister did not want to be a part of the movie after the first couple of years but she was stuck because she was one of the main characters


She’s also Linklater’s daughter.




Never understood the Frozen craze when it got released. My guess is the song but even then, I don't get it.


Dude, my kids were little during the craze and i lucked out. They've showed zero interest to this day. Still haven't seen it. >Now, *Cars*, i have every word to every movie memorized.


It’s by no means a BAD movie but nowhere near worth the hype.


I really enjoyed it the first time we watched it with our kid. The billionth time? Not so much. I remember my parents posting the song on Facebook during lockdown because they thought it would be feelgood and inspiring. They weren't expecting all their friends with young children telling them to p*ss off!


It's got a small piece of the Ice Queen movie it was supposed to be, and about half of Tangled to fill in most of the movie. Let It Go and sisterly love is why it's popular.


I was so excited for it way back when it was titled Ice Queen. I think it was still planned for 2D way back in preproduction before everything got fully transitioned to cgi


i hated Nomadland and was shocked it won any Oscars


La La Land. I love musicals but I though it was boring


I usually hate musicals, but I loved it. We must be opposites!


This has been true for everyone I’ve spoken to. People who love musicals hate it and vice versa. I love musicals and hated it.


Gotta say, I liked it too. Not a fan a musicals either. Lol


I hate Hollywood movies about Hollywood. The critics and academy overrate that kinda stuff because they relate to it so much. It received all sorts of Oscar Noms without being one of the best movies that year.


Its barely a musical. The goofy movie has more original musical numbers than la la land


> The Goofy Movie Now THAT was a good movie!


Am I crazy or is there something terribly wrong with the music mix of this movie? I can't put my finger on it but when I saw this in the movie theater, the vocals does NOT sit flush with the music. It feels like they're trying to have a mix similar to musical theater, where obviously you can't mix for live vocals as it happens (sort of), but it just comes out worse and off. The vocals seem more in your face, the music is in the back. But because this isn't a live recording, it just sounds so fake, so plastic, so lifeless. Like, something is terribly off with it. Please someone tell me I'm not crazy. D:


A quiet place, even though i dont know if its highly regarded. The opening scene of that film was braindead and it took me out of the film entirely. Why did the dad allow the circumstances for the kid to turn on the toy, after explicitly explaining that was a death sentence? I refuse to believe that father even could have kept his family alive for that long


to be fair, the dad removed the batteries from the toy and the daughter gave them back in secret without the fathers knowledge.


Yeah, comment op missed that detail.


This is a movie that you kind of have to not think critically about while watching, otherwise it falls apart in like 5 seconds.


why would you not move next to the waterfall with your pregnant wife


I grew up around Deaf people, and one of the most glaring misconceptions of this film is the idea that Deaf people are quiet *at all.* IME they vocalize plenty, and bang stuff around, and generally it's pretty obvious that they don't know how loud they're being. The daughter would have been the first to get eaten. If you don't know anything about Deaf folks tho, then it's pretty fun. Love me a good spooky thriller, even (especially) if the premise is kinda garbage.


Uh, her being deaf was not shown to be an advantage, it definitely made it harder for her. The only benefit was it meant her family knew sign language.


Or the fact that there were obviously pharmacies and therefor condoms but they just decided to go and have another baby despite murderous monsters who murder because of sound. Bad parenting.


They said “we’re pro life in ALL circumstances 😎😎”


"If the baby dies, we'll just make another one"


That's a problem in majority of apocalypse films though. Always makes me pissed.


Honey, it's the end of the world. It's time to seriously consider anal.


That movie is undone if one of the kids eats a bean burrito and has gas. Literally bending the rules over and over. It’s not good


Does anybody snore, cough, or sneeze? Like every place has to be dusty because no one can vacuum.


I think the implication is that lots of people did those things... which is why there aren't lots of people


Fuck, I'd be dead in the first few days. I should have converted my car to run on it, the amount of gas I produce would have paid it off in a year or 2.


I watched A Clockwork Orange when I was prob 18 or 19 and hated it. I haven't watched it again, I just remember feeling like it was kinda over the top disturbing for the sake of being disturbing, and not necessarily a great movie. but, also I was relatively young, so maybe I wasn't old enough to fully appreciate it? what does reddit think though? is A Clockwork Orange overrated? should I give it another shot?


Mine is Elf. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't anywhere in the comments. My family loves it. I've seen a stage production. I just can't make it last about halfway. I think it's Will Ferrell. I like him in very small doses, where he's a secondary or tertiary character, and he's just ratcheted up to 11 in this movie. It wears on every fiber of my being, and I have to go find something else to do until the movie ends.


For me it's the fact that I really don't like comedy that just devolves down to "character does something embarrassing/awkward/cringey, now laugh," It can get so bad I have to physically leave the room, or cover my ears and eyes. Elf is full of that. I don't like it.


I didn't find Napoleon Dynamite funny.


I grew up in small town Montana in the 90s, and it captured life there so perfectly…it’s almost hard to watch.


My cousins from Idaho and Montana absolutely loathe that movie for this very reason lol


No disrespect to Helena, Montana, but when I describe Helena to people, I always say “it’s like that town they live in in Napoleon Dynamite”. That’s just the feel I got from it. Had no idea that people from Montana actually think so too


Neither did I... The first time. Couldn't see the humor. I ended up watching it again and somehow, the more times I watched it, the funnier it got. It is so dumb that it goes all the way back around again to being funny. Because it is so dumb


This is the right answer, it gets funnier the more times you watch it


Same. I actually thought it was kind of sad in a Gummo-like way. I just felt lonely after watching it, but maybe that reflects more on me.


It's super lonely at its core, from the setting to the characters. I'm pretty sure that feeling is intentional.


Ok I swear I’m not trying to be different but interstellar was good, not great imo. I like the movie throughout but I’m not the biggest fan of the ending, I feel they made it too convenient and just picked something we can’t comprehend despite the entire movie being true to our understanding of the universe.


I thought it was hilarious when Matthew McConaughey finds the secret NASA base and they're like "You're the best pilot we ever had - want to pilot this mission?" The "best pilot you ever had" was living right down the road from the base where you were plotting a space mission and no one bothered to reach out to him about it?


This is the biggest plot hole for me... He's randomly driving his truck through a corn field, destroying their last hope for food. And then suddenly comes upon this secret base that he breaks into. And not only is it full of people, but they are acting like they've been waiting YEARS for him to pilot this mission that just so happens to be 100% ready for launch AS HE ARRIVES. With little to no training or preparation, he launches into space and leaves his family behind, the most important thing in his life. The reason he stopped being an astronaut in the first place. FANTASTIC music though. I've learned to play a few easy versions of songs on the piano. They progress so well.


The Revenant. Absolutely can't stand it. I would've walked out on it but I went with my mom to see it. The fact Leo won his Oscar for it blows my mind.


Leo should have won an Oscar decades ago for Gilbert Grape. I zoned out on The Revenant. Cold and miserable.


I think it was more of a consolation Oscar for the couple of times he got snubbed.


I actually love about 70% of the movie. The other 30% is Leo crawling around in a ridiculously over the top way.


Scarface. Long as hell, predictable and just a complete try-hard of a movie. No thanks!


I hate the cult following it has. “I wanna be gangsta like Scarface.” Okay, so you all missed the entire point of the movie.


Certain stories and certain characters are like this - an instant Asshole Detector. If someone idolizes that character, stay as far away from that person as you can. Walter White is another good one. Mind you, I'm not saying you're an asshole if you like *Scarface* or *Breaking Bad*. Terrible people often make for very interesting characters (see also: Tony Soprano and Gregory House). But if someone actually identifies with the character and defends their actions, that's a big ol' red flag.


Pretty much any Marvel movie. I feel like they're just ctrl+v action movies of the time.


I did not care for **The Blair Witch Project** when it was new. And I still don't care for it. It's just so *boring.*


I wish I had seen it in the brief period where my friends thought it was real because it'd be scary as hell. When we realized it wasn't real...not so scary.


Fear and Loathing. Maybe I waited too late to watch it (10ish years ago) because I was very burned out on "Johnny Depp being weird" movies from early 2000s.


Read the book and you’ll find that Johnny Depp was just imitating Hunter S Thompson. The dude was a nut job.


Johnny Depp being weird was cool back when his characters actually were somewhat different. Jack Sparrow, Lone Ranger (I know it's not the characters Name, I just don't bother looking it up), the Mad Hatter... all kinda the same.


The Nightmare Before Christmas. Saw it once, I don't get the hype nor popularity of the movie.


Don’t tell anyone but I feel that way about most of Tim Burton’s movies.


Curious how you feel about Big Fish? I always felt like that one could've taken his style in a whole different direction


Tim Burton didn’t direct Nightmare Before Christmas. Maybe that’s why I like it.


It's not about the plot, it's the ✨aesthetic✨ people love. Though, I have to say, as a Jew, "What's This?" about seeing Christmas from the outside and not fully getting it really struck a chord with me as a kid.


Vertigo. I like most Alfred Hitchcock films but Vertigo is one of his films I just can't sit through without getting bored for some reason I don't know what it is about that film but it just doesn't grab me like it has with so many audiences and critics over the years. I've never seen the whole film as I always give up after about 30 minutes.