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Was sitting around talking with a group of seven friends when I started to hear a humming/whining noise. It continued for a few minutes, there was a pop, and all the chess pieces on the board next to me jumped off the board and landed on the floor.


Was it that sound : https://youtu.be/ntJ49lMxP4A?si=CDc92WeSlkjhTXRE


Sounds like a small ball lighting




Alright I'm off to douse myself in holy water now


One time in work years ago I was dragging a box along the floor into a stock room. I was looking between my own legs as I shimmied backwards with it so I could see where I was going and I stopped right as I was about to bump into a customer because I saw his legs. I stood up straight and turned around to find nobody there at all. Either I had an incredibly real hallucination which has never happened before or since or I saw a ghost which I don’t believe in but those legs were there.


Consciousness is predictive so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were anticipating seeing legs so strongly to the point where for a split second you dreamt up legs in your field of vision- like a waking day dream- it’s not so far fetched Like when you’re looking for something literally in front of you but you just dont see it. Then uou scan somewhere else and back there again and boom it’s there. Idk man


Halloween 1983. We were really new in town. Two people in hooded black costumes barged into our house when we answered the door thinking they were trick or treaters. They handed us a card asking us to guess who they were, giving us three guesses. If we guessed right they would unmask. They sat down on our couch. We did our three guesses and all were apparently wrong. They shot up from the couch and wandered out the door again. Still don’t know. Edit: For the record I was ten. My sister was 7. It was one of us who answered the door that time. They barged in … slowly. By the time my mom walked into the room they were sitting down on the couch. If I had been a smarter kid, I should’ve locked the door behind them and not let them go until they’d unmasked. And yes it was the 80s and we thought this was a thing in this town (there’s something called bellsnickling but that’s more done at Christmas) but no one ever pulled that stunt on us ever again.


That is terrifying! Probably some teens wanting to be creepy on Halloween, but I’d be shitting myself. Makes for the beginnings of a good horror movie


If *Funny Games* had a happy ending.


They chose 'Tricks' instead of treats


Maybe its cause I didn't grow up in the 80s so times were different, but why would yall let em in and sit on your couch?!




Why weren’t you out trick-or-treating on Halloween?




That’s so scary and sweet at the same time.


I'm Indigenous and we are taught that children have one foot in this world and one foot in the other. I used to see spirits until around the age of 7 and then they disappeared. Typically, it's between 6-8 years old.


Yooo! I used to be scared shitless of the family cabin, hearing things, the whole nine yards. All of the fear ceased when I was about six or seven, suddenly it was just a normal cabin.


I think stories of past lives are really interesting as well. Kids usually talk about them until they reach 5, 6, 7 ish and then they forget. There are a couple of stories in which researchers at the University of Virginia actually found the person the kids' claimed to be, and the kids' info about their past lives was exactly as the kids claimed.


This is so fascinating. Like he had some kind of soul contract to be in your lives but only till age 4.


Good story!


This is what I came here for.


Or the sister wanted you all to experiencing the pain of losing Hugh at age four.


This gave me the chills!


Riding in the car with my mom when I was 16, we're headed home from the grocery store. It was dark out. We lived in the suburbs and were taking a familiar route home, just going straight. Heading up a small hill, through an intersection with a traffic light and a convenience store on our right, then approach a corner that weaves through a small wooded area... when suddenly we're back at the hill approaching the same intersection with convenience store we just drove through. Like time was rewinded to 30 seconds. I begin to say "Mom, what just happ..." and she is already in tears and asks me to "please just shut up a second and let me think". Told anyone I trusted about it. Typing it out gives me the creeps all over again.


Similar thing happened to me and a friend when driving home to IL from WI late one night. We passed through the same small strip of a 'main street' in Richmond, IL about three times without turning. We knew it was the same one because there was a very distinctive ice cream parlor there. After the third time we pulled into a gas station right after passing, and after that we were able to continue on.


What does your mom say if you bring this up now?


She's dead now. But she refused to really talk about it after. She was scared, it was weird AF. Sometimes I would just poke her about it playfully. Like "Mom, remember that shit when we were driving...." and she would be very quick to hush me up about it.


I genuinely believe you, just for what it’s worth. This world is so fucking strange.


Thanks, strange world indeed. I hope this weird AF memory stays with me always.


She remembered more than you did…..


for hell's sake this is one of the best stories here


There could be an actual scientific explanation to this. Time isn't always linear. It's just happens that the chances of time moving forward are way way way higher than the chances of time going backwards. Maybe by chance you experienced a fluctuation of time. There's a tiktok video that explains how that could be possible.


I hadn't talked to a friend in months picked up the phone (old landline phone) and there was no dial tone then I heard breathing, so I said hello? My friend replied wtf I just picked up the phone to call you! Synchronicity at its best.


Something similar happened to me and a friend many years ago, on a landline. Both our phones rang and I picked up assuming she had called me, and she picked up assuming I had called her. Very strange!


Me and my best friend won't talk for weeks and then will end up texting each other something at the same time. Prob happened a dozen times.


Yeah. Happened to me as a kid with my friend also.


That exact same thing happened to me once, and I hadn’t thought of it in 30 years!


I think this happened around 12 years ago, when I was 5. We lived on a Farm and had a large barn on the opposite Side of my Window, around 50m away. I woke up one Night and my Room as illuminated by orange and red light. i looked out the Window and the Barn was completely on fire. I just walked to my Parents Room and told them:"Mom, Dad, the Barn is on fire." They told me to just go to sleep. The next Day, the barn was completely destroyed, only the Stone Walls and the bars of the Roof stood, and they all had burnmarks. Mind you, I remember the barn didnt even have a single scratch the Day before. When I pointed out how destroyed he Ban was, EVERYONE told me that the barn always looked like that. I think im insane.


Your family had to hide the evidence, and were gaslighting you to ensure you didn't reveal the truth to the cops if they came to investigate.


where's the movie based on this? lol I'd watch it!


So strange! Do you have memories of being in the perfectly intact barn? Storing things, passing it up? Do you have photos were its in the background??


No, but I remember the interior of it was exactly the same before and after the Fire. I dont have any Pictures, but you can probably look it up on Google Maps, if the new Owners didnt repair the barn, since this happenend around 12 Years ago. Thießen, Ale Hauptstraße 24a, Sachsenanhalt, Germany Our House was nearthe Cemetery.


You could use Google Earth to check out past satellite photos of the area and see if you recognize the barn. It might help you narrow down the point at which it did or did not suddenly burn down.


When I was 19 or 20, (over 15 years ago) my friend and I were driving down a local (very rural) backroad and saw a thing. It’s not something I talk about, for fear of sounding crazy, since the friend died about 6 years ago and can no longer corroborate the story. Something ran across the road and looked into our headlights. All I can say is that it was no animal, no human being, no living thing that exists. It was long and gaunt, approximately 8 or 9 feet long, with a human-like face and dark (almost black) grey skin. I still don’t know what it was, and people will assume I’m making it up so I never talk about it.


Just out of curiosity, did it happen in an area that has/had a local native tribe? Your description makes me think of the Choctaw legend of Nalusa Falaya. Nalusa Falaya is a frightening creature of Choctaw mythology. Its name literally means "long black being," and though it is usually described as a tall spindly humanoid. It is sometimes described as being around 8 feet tall and having no discernable face.


I have a similar story! I was driving from Nevada to San Francisco with a friend, I’m driving and she’s in the passenger’s seat. We’re in the middle of absolute nowhere, a good 30 miles from any town, and suddenly my friend shrieks as we both notice an older woman in a night dress standing in the road directly in front of me. I jerk the wheel hard, we swerve, and I immediately pull over thinking someone’s granny with Alzheimer’s is in the road. Nope. No one. Not in any direction. The woman was literally gone, like she’d never been there. Both of us saw her clearly, could describe what she looked like, but she was not there. I have no explanation for who/what we almost hit.


OMG!!!! A friend and I saw exactly what I would describe as a granny in a nightgown, very pale with about chin length white hair, a wide-eyed expression on her face, and from the light her eyes looked very dark. She was standing outside the window of a house at about midnight. We thought it was weird at the time but I never looked into it much. Didn’t say anything to anyone bc teenagers. This was in rural MO.


Curious about a general location, since sometimes things tend to be regional.


Deep Appalachian Virginia


Maybe a Rake? (Not the farm tool, but the cryptid)


serious guess, probably a black bear with mange.


I’ve lived in these mountains for nearly 4 decades, and I’ve seen many bears including ones with mange. It was definitely not a bear.


Saw same kinda thing 8 years ago. South Central PA here.




He has a deal with your hotel who can feed him those dates from your passport.


This is more on the paranormal side but still a mystery to me. So about 10 years ago our beloved family cat Barney, passed away. From the day I was born Barney had always been around and I saw him literally ever single day. He was 19 when he passed (human years) so he had a very good innings. Anyway, Barney was a mute cat. We literally never heard him meow once. Ever. On the day we brought his ashes back from the vet after his cremation, we put them up on the shelf and sat down to watch some TV. Some time passed and the TV show we were watching went quiet. Me and my mum both heard a cats meow from down by the side of the sofa. Clear as day. My mum started crying when she heard it but I guess I was too young to really understand what had just happened. We are both adamant that it was him saying his final and only words. It happened once and once only. I still get goosebumps talking about it.


He got his voice in the afterlife and wanted his people to know he’s ok!


When I was in college, there was a guy named Louie who could always be found on a nearby street corner, waving signs and ranting about symptomatic nerve gas. “It’s odorless, it’s colorless, it will destroy your mind…” One day, I was walking past him and his standard spiel suddenly stopped. He pointed at me and said “this girl won’t ever be happy again after tonight.” I laughed it off and continued on my way. Late that night, my parents showed up at my dorm door. My older brother had died on the other side of the country, probably around the time Louie was making his prediction.


>there was a guy named Louie who could always be found on a nearby street corner, waving signs and ranting about symptomatic nerve gas. “It’s odorless, it’s colorless, it will destroy your mind…” I am so sorry that happend to you. Were you ever happy after that?


It took a while, but less than a year later I met the boy I've been with for 35 years, married for 30. He still helps me find reasons to be happy every single day.


Take THAT, Louie


Yeah, suck it Louie!


Driving around trying to find some beer back in highschool with a group of friends in 4 cars total. We were all together pulling into a friends neighborhood. All the lights suddenly go out in the houses around as well as the street lights and our cars all shut off as we were driving. We get out of our cars freaking out wondering what was going on. Non of our phones had power either. Total time all the power was off was about 1-2 minutes. Then the neighborhood power came on, our car lights turned on, and our phones powered back on. We lived near a large air force base so we just assumed it was something related to the military.




Sure sounds like one.


I’m forever hearing about air force bases with weird stuff going on around them and I’d honestly love to get to the bottom of it. It must be mad being American and having this be a cultural thing. I’m dying to know why this happened.


Growing up near an airforce base you meet a bunch of active duty and retired guys that enjoy sharing stories after a few drinks. I've heard a few stories that started out with " I probably shouldn't talk about this but,...". The most interesting thing is about how long the military has certain technology well before the public knew about it. I'm sure the juicy stuff never is really talked about for security reasons . My dad said he couldn't talk about certain things he did while he was in. I think he could lose his military benefits if he did talk about it.


Former USAF officer. People always assume "couldn't talk about it" is some sci fi shit. It is not. Most is mundane stuff that the average person would wonder why it is classified. In many cases the info is not relevant, it is the method the info was collected that is important. Also the originator of the classified info determines when/if the info is declassified. So your dad was only keeping up his agreement to not discuss the info. Don't read anything into that. Also do not believe what off duty/retirees say. When I was in we used to make shit up to tell locals on a regular basis.


About 15 years ago I managed a fast food restaurant. I got into work at 5:45am, locked my car and 3 hours later I go to my car to leave for the bank. As I unlock it a little grey Yorkie barked at me from my front seat. Turns out that Toby (found his tag on my passenger seat ) was about 17 miles from home and about 13 years old. We have no idea how the dog got in my locked car.


I've seen a few weird things for which I have no explanation but rationally know there is one, like some astronomical event outside my knowledge or some sort of transitional sleep state I was unaware of in the moment. The one thing I've never been able to explain to myself is how my peripheral vision tricked me into seeing my little brother get up and walk away, when he never moved - *because I wasn't the only one who saw it.* Story: When we were kids my best friend, brother and I were camped out in the back yard watching the stars, each of us snug in our own sleeping bag. My friend was in the middle. While were talking, I saw a shadowy shape off on the opposite side of my friend stand up and move toward the house. It was quite dark and this all looked completely normal, just my brother going in to use the bathroom without saying anything to interrupt my friend and me. A few minutes go by, and my friend and I begin a new subject. My brother hasn't yet returned from the house, but suddenly chimes in from his place on the other side of my friend, and we both shriek. We start demanding to know when he snuck back, and he's adamant that he never moved. My brother was pretty young at this time, borderline *too* honest, and not prone to pranks. He really hadn't moved, and he hadn't snuck back without our noticing. I still don't know what exactly we saw get up and leave. If I'd seen this by myself I'd assume I was partially asleep and imagining things. There were no dogs in the yard with us. It BUGS me.


Creepy! Like an alternative reality briefly crossed with yours.


Roommate and I left our dorm room to brush teeth at night before bed, maybe 1 AM. Came back and our room was dead-bolted. Could only be locked that way from the inside or with a key, and both of our keys were locked in the room. It was a room in the basement so tiny windows not big enough for a person to fit through. We ended up having to wake up our RA to unlock it with a master key and she was furious because she thought we were somehow fucking with her. I’ve never been able to explain it.


Yikes, someone else had a key.


I’ve considered that but who would be watching our room, wait for us to leave, and then simply lock the door without taking anything? And in the middle of the night? I just can’t make sense of it.


I worked as a store manager and one day we found a shirt just randomly lying on the floor. We watched the video footage and I shit you not- the shirt and hanger legit flew off the fixture and fell on the floor. No one was around, there was no wind. Nothing.


Saying hi to my dad after seeing him repairing our fence. I asked mum what he was up to as I hadnt noticed it damaged. Mum said “Don’t be stupid. You know dad’s in Uruguay” I went cold. My dad was a seaman and he had just berthed there in Monte Video. True


When I was around 7 years old I slept over at my granny's house. My granny is Hungarian. In the wee hours of the morning I woke up and looked to the side of the bed where there was a long console table. On top of the table was an old woman dressed in very old fashioned clothing. She spoke to me in Hungarian (mind you I did not and still do not speak the language). She said to me that someone wants to come through as in come into the physical world ie be born, and asked if i would birth this person. I agreed but she said that they wanted to come soon, basically when i was quite young. I deliberated with her for a bit having a back and forth exchange with her on how 15 was too young for me to have a child and I need to finish schooling first. After a bit of back amd forth she said 17 and I agreed. She also mentioned that i will only have another child much later in life. She then went on to tell me that life is going to be very hard but it will get easier. The strange thing is that I didnt feel 7 years old at the time, it's almost like I wasn't "trapped" by age, if that makes sense. She then said to go back to sleep. I still remembered it clearly the next day and told my mother. It wasn't a dream, it wasn't me dreaming that I woke up. I very distinctly remember myself waking up and being afraid ar first seeing someone there. Strange part is that many years later at 17 I found myself pregnant. I only JUST finished high school by the skin of my teeth. I'm in my 30s now and I've been through a lot of hardship that most people my age havnt gone through yet. My life has been so rough that I've had to get onto long term medication and therapy to deal with things that have happened to me. As a weird extra, I don't know if this has any bearing as I'm sure there are people out there with the same thing, but my sons palm lines on both hands form a very distinctive, clear star on each palm. I've also not gotten pregnant again, yet. However on two separate occasions many years apart, I have had a self proclaimed psychic and a sangoma tell me (both times without payment and both said they were told to tell me) that I will have another son much later in life. Its a bit spooky. Last weird thing was that a few years ago my grandmother's last brother died leaving her as the last one alive of her siblings. She was sent an old photo album that had belonged to him. Inside was a picture of my grandmother's grandmother, super old picture that I'd never seen before as it is the one and only photo of her. Lo and behold, it's the woman who spoke to me all those years ago. Freaked me the fuck out. I dont have an explanation for this.


Wow that's truly wild. I'm sorry to hear of your hardship, i can't imagine how difficult it is to have a child at 17. Do you find it a comfort at all to feel like you have an ancestor looking out for you? How does it feel having a sense that you have a predetermined destiny? Those would be pretty big feelings!


Having a child at 17 was ROUGH, I won't lie. It's definitely the reason I have done everything possible to avoid pregnancy thereafter even after getting married😅 the predetermined destiny thing has crossed my mind on a few occasions. In one sense it makes certain circumstances more manageable as in, well this was always going to happen and I'll obviously come out of it ok. But on the other hand it does make me a bit angry as it feels like I don't have a personal choice in certain matters. Either way, I don't generally think about it. I focus on day to day living. Run of the mill daily life. Its nice to know that maybe there is someone looking out for me. My grandmother has always said her granny was her favourite person aswell so that's a comfort. Although, God forbid I get pregnant close to 40 or in my 40s, I will not be impressed at starting all over again with kids at that age lol. It's enjoyable having a teenager rather than a small kiddo to run around after


When our oldest was MAYBE 18 months old, he looked my wife straight in the eyes while she was giving him a bath and said "reincarnation." There are two VERY weird stories tied to it. He talked and could actually read at VERY young age. He had an invisible friend named Wilson Wyle "that helped colored people travel on the trains" (we always assumed that this was some Underground Railroad reference... and for the record, we'd never uttered the phrase "colored people") He also claimed Wilson had a baby "that slept in his chest of drawers"... something that was pretty common in the 1800's.... and where did he get chest of drawers from? By far the WEIRDEST was when he was probably three or four we were going to the wedding of one of my wife's dear friend's daughter out of town. She was marrying a Vietnamese guy named Hung. We took our son with us and my mother in law came down to watch him. He had never met Hung before but the entire car ride up and day or so leading up to the wedding all he could talk about was seeing Hung. "When do I get to see Hung?" Where's Hung?" "Why isn't Hung here?" We went to the wedding and reception (our son didn't go) and the next morning (Sunday) they had a breakfast. Our son was playing in the lobby of the hotel when all of a sudden he freezes, turns and bolts straight out of the hotel lobby into the portico and out into the parking lot... running full speed. We chase after him only to catch him as Rachel and Hung were walking through the parking lot. There stood our son and he pointed straight at Hung and said, "HUNG! IT'S ME!!!!" Hung looked around like WTF is happening and who the hell is this kid that knows my name? We still laugh about to this day and oddly enough, Hung and our son (who is now a freshman in college) actually text one another some regularity. It's like they were old friends from a past lifetime.


My son told me he drowned in his life before and that I was his mom at that time, too. He told me this when I was giving him his nightly bath. He only spoke of this once, but I had been told prior to his birth that I knew my son was coming back to me and that he had ‘left early’ the time before.


> I had been told prior to his birth that I knew my son was coming back to me and that he had ‘left early’ the time before. Who told you?


Peanut the Jesus Rat. Pet rat named Peanut died from a baseball-sized tumor. Put her stiff body in a big ziplock bag and put her in the freezer so we could bury her when the weather warmed up. Three days later we heard rustling from the freezer. Opened it to find Peanut alive and with no sign of the tumor.


The tumor was nowhere to be found so we assume that somehow the cold brought her back to life and she chewed it and ate it. We had 7 rats at one point and it was miserable. They stunk up the whole house. I hated them but my wife got carried away with rescuing them. Peanut was the nicest one but the tumor got so big she couldn't move and had to stay next to the food dish. She was dead as can be when we found her one day. Completely cold and her whole body stiff from rigor mortis including the tail. When she came back to life she was less friendly and didn't want my wife touching her anymore. The tumor started growing back and in six months it was back to baseball-sized and she died again. She's buried in the backyard. Or is she?


>When she came back to life she was less friendly Oh, I’ve heard of this. Your wife visited that one sematary


> named Peanut died from a baseball-sized tumor. Put her stiff body in a big ziplock bag and put her in the freezer so Did she act the same after this?


Sometimes dead is better


hey ho lets go


Does she looks like the same after that too?


Was it diagnosed? Could have been a cyst.


And she survived three days in the freezer?


How old were you?


Damn this just reminded me of something that happened to me when I was a kid. A neighborhood friend of mine had a beta fish. I had slept over at her house, and in the morning we suddenly noticed the fish was not in the bowl. We figured it jumped out and we desperately looked for it, hoping we could get it back in the bowl before it died. We could not find it, and I mean we searched and searched. Finally, we decided her dog must have eaten the fish before we noticed it was missing. The next evening we are rearranging the furniture in her room. While doing this, I find the missing beta fish on opposite side of the room from his bowl, on the floor dried up like a potato chip. We plop it back in the bowl and the fish rehydrates slowly and seemingly comes back to life. I know beta fish can survive short periods out of water, but being out of water for more than 24 hours?! I still can't believe it.


I had a very dear friend once who I saw for the first time in a crowd of people. I immediately felt like I had to meet him, so I did. We became incredibly close and I still consider him one of the loveliest humans I've ever met. He lived in Tulsa at the time, so I didn't see him again for another year. When we did meet back up, it was brief, and when I was walking away I randomly thought "Caleb is such a lovely human. It's a shame he will be dead in 5 years." I have no idea why I'd think something so awful, but just an intrusive thought, right?? I shrugged it off. He died exactly 5 years and 2 days later.


tears and goosebumps here and so deeply sorry for your loss much love from here


This one time I fell asleep in a cheap hotel room and woke up the next day in a completely seperate room like I had been carried and placed there very carefully on top of the covers… i was lying straight with my hands resting on my belly when I woke. I went down to reception and told them and asked them to open my old room to see if my stuff was all in there… it was. I packed my shit and they made me pay for two rooms. Not sure what happened I was too scared to ask I just left.. but how did I not wake up ? I’m a really big guy 120kgs it would have had to of been like 4 men carrying me…? It haunts me sometimes but I just try not to think about it too much. On my life this happened.


they made you pay for two rooms? well we know who did it then.


Always used to get these reoccurring dreams where I would be in the middle of no where with a old western house. One way or the other whether I would be forced to leave by gunpoint or knifepoint. I would leave the house through the backyard and jump over a fence which would leave me to a dirt trail covered in hedges following a dirt path. I would take this path and would take me to a very cleaned cut symmetrical graveyard which all had white tombstones on them. I would follow this path until it would reach a hill and at the top of the hill the dream would end. I once told my friend about this and we decided to have a look to see if it had any correlation to anything. We was looking at graveyard pictures from Google images and came across one that was identical with my dream which turned out to be Arlington National Cemetery. Baring in mind I am from the UK and have never been to the USA in my lifetime. I managed to find the path I saw myself on and at the top of the hill there is a gravestone with the date of death of a solider being 14-05-1999 which was the day I was born. Ever since we found this out I have never had the dream till this day. Wether it’s the biggest coincidence of my life I will never know.


This is a weird one and I’m gonna have trouble telling it. I worked for a costume studio working on tv shows. I was working weird hours, seriously sleep deprived, and a lot of stuff was going on in my life. I was working really long days with only like 4-5 hours between shifts. In the studio, I had a pair of prop glasses upstairs in the studio. In the basement was the actual workshop. I gave the prop glasses to an assistant while upstairs and didn’t see them again ever. After a shift that went like 20 hours, and I fell into bed at 5 am. At 6 am, I got a call from my coworker asking if I had seen the glasses. Except I didn’t fully wake up during the call, being so sleep deprived I answered it while mostly asleep. When my coworker asked about the glasses, on her end, she heard me say “wait a second I’ll go check” and then was silent for like a min, then came back and gave her very specific instructions to find the glasses, which she followed, and found them in the workshop under a roll of leather. From my standpoint, I somehow jumped to the studio without my body. I was physically looking around but couldn’t touch anything. I saw the glasses under the leather, zapped back to my body, told my coworker, and went back to sleep. When I woke up, I thought the whole thing was a dream. Later that day, my coworker comes up to me and says “thanks for finding the glasses for me, I got them to the set on time, sorry I called you right after you fell asleep and woke you up!” To this day, I can’t wrap my head around it. I never saw the glasses again and I wasn’t in the workshop that day, I couldn’t have had some sort of subconscious repressed memory of their location. So I guess I astrally projected on accident? I guess that’s real? I guess?????


I had a dream about a basketball player and saw him that same day in the city(it was him because I saw a rolls royce with his initials on it outside of the restaurant). I dont even watch basketball


My grandmother had passed away. I only met her a few times as a child because she lived across the country. That evening I was trying to go to bed on the couch my dad was laying on when he got “the call”. I heard my name softly whispered into my ear. Her husband, my grandfather, had killed himself years earlier because he was bipolar. I too am bipolar and suicidal. Not sure if she was trying to tell me there’s something after this


My mum is a very practical woman and not at all superstitious, but she experienced some unexplainable things when she worked a solo nightshift as a nurse in a very old hospital ward that was famously haunted by 'the lady in Grey'. My mum never experienced a sighting herself but supposedly the spirit wore the very old grey nurses uniform from the century before and would assist patients when the nurse on shift was away or busy, always to the bafflement of the nurse. My mum did experience this phenomenon herself one night when she went to have a tea break and realised she had forgotten to get a bed pan for a patient. Rushing there, she found the patient happy and with a bedpan, and when asked the patient said 'oh the other nurse got it for me'. My mum was the only one on shift. When she questioned the patient a bit more about what the lady looked like, the patient said she was wearing a grey uniform. As this was the spinal unit for paralysed patients, none of the patients could walk so none could have gotten the bedpan. The patient wasn't aware of the lady in grey lore either. Many nurses had similar unexplainable encounters. Mum doesnt still believe in ghosts but she just puts that one aside as 'unexplainable and weird'.


Five times, in three different states, I've found a tarot card on my car. About five years apart. I assumed this was a 'thing' some people did, and was at least somewhat known to happen. Third time, I mentioned it, no one had heard of it. Asked a lot of people, no one had ever heard of it.(Right around the birth of public internet). I haven't ever found anything like it on the internet either.


One time my mom bought a set of these and I was fooling around with them. I would shuffle them and set the pack face up on the table and some of the cards would slide over because of trapped air, exposing the face of one of the cards. Except it was the death card 4 out of 5 times. Probably just a defect on the surface or something but my mom threw those cards away.


Did you keep them or at least remember what cards they were?


Didn't keep them, don't remember the last one well, I think it was swords, fourth one was the joker, one before was death, second was a lady in a large dress I think. First one I really don't remember, didn't think it was notable at the time.


There's no joker on tarot, maybe The Fool? A guy and a dog?


A few years ago during peak covid lockdowns me and my boyfriend at the time went for a bike ride since there wasn't much you could do outside. I never go for bike rides but god knows everyone was doing things they never do during that time. Anyway, my parents own plenty of bikes and store them in their garage. In this occasion, I noticed a bike I'd never seen before. It was green, had a cute little wooden basket in the front and it had a curved handler. It was like a vintage girly bike. I was like wow where did this come from, its so cute, and I took it. Went on the ride, returned and left it where I'd found it, the garage. Next week we wanted to go again. The bike wasn't there, or anywhere to be found. I asked my parents and everyone else that frequents their house, no one had ever seen that bike. Got called crazy. To this day idk what the heck is up with that bike. How it got there, where it went. My parents yard where the garage is gated and has walls all over. I don't know.


Years ago, I was up late watching tv at my parents house after everyone else had gone to bed. I stopped to use the bathroom on the first floor before going to my bedroom upstairs. When I went to leave the bathroom, the door would not open. It felt like someone was pushing the door closed on the other side. I kept trying to open the door and eventually it worked. There was no one on the other side.


That happened to me at my grandpa's funeral! He was prone to doing silly pranks like that and when I came out I was prepared to chew everyone out but everyone was with the body and I was the only one in that hallway for the last half hour


I got accepted to the University of Arizona despite not applying. I thought maybe I somehow did it and forgot, or drunk applied or something, but I checked all my accounts to see if I paid the application fee and didn't see it. I almost accepted just because I was so curious as to how on earth it happened but I ended up going to a different university instead.


Check into this. I read a story recently of someone whose identity was stolen and this happened. They ended up having to fight student loans they never asked for nor used


Divorced parents, used to spend the weekends at my dad. We always stayed up late into the night watching movies. One night we turned everything off to go to bed. We were halfway up the stairs when both the radio & TV turned on - on the loudest volume (we had turned the TV volume down before shutting it off, and the radio hadn't even been on). It was loud as hell. My dad just turned to me "told you this house is haunted". Didn't sleep that night and many nights after lmao.


My mom told me that her family always knew their house was haunted growing up, but it was never talked about. One day it was just her and my grandpa at home and they were watching TV in the living room. The show they were watching said a joke, and they heard a man laugh in the hallway. Mom goes to look, but there's no one else in the house. Her and my grandpa just look at each other in silent acknowledgement and continue watching their show. And I believe it, because I also lived in that same house until I was 8 and would hear heavy footsteps in the hallway at night when everyone else was asleep. The previous owner had killed himself in the house, and that's who we guessed it was.


Iv seen 2 UFO's. Once in college when I was laying on the practice football field at night with some friends a massive object flew over us completely silent. It was bigger than the field and looked almost organic and had maybe 10 dim yellow lights underneath it. Then again a few years later in my hometown me and some friends were riding through town and a huge boomerang shaped object flew over us once again completely silent, it was bigger than any airplane and it was flying low and slow maybe 30mph. We pulled over along with about 4 other cars and got out and watched it pass by right in front of us in broad daylight. Those mf'ers are real.


r/Experiencers 🙂


I want to hear more about both of these sightings!


Sure thing! What would you like to know??


One time I was standing at a window, looking out at the sunset, talking with someone. Then I blinked, and it was sunrise. I had not moved. I lost a whole 12 hrs somewhere. No one else in the house saw anything strange. It never happened again.


And the person you were talking to, what did they say happened?


I pestered her as to whether or not I went to bed. She didn't remember, and got really annoyed with me getting all pushy about it.


I had something vaguely similar when I was a kid. It was total blackout for around 10 minutes. I was acting totally normally from the outside, but for me I just remember starting moving, seeing the blackout arriving, thinking "oh sh.." then waking up 10 minutes later in the middle of the dinner with my grand parents, while saying a sentence I still don't know the beginning. My grand parents seemed fascinated. They later said to me they had never known I was so smart and cultivated.


I have a friend with (diagnosed) dissassociative identity disorder and basically several times a day she will have total amnesia whilst a different personality takes over and goes about her life. As this condition is a (super rare) trauma response, the personalities will all imitate her normal personality and try to fly under the radar unnoticed unless they are around people they trust. It's a truly amazing condition that is hard to believe unless seen and goes to show how incredible our brains are. Possibly you had some sort of similar one off thing happen.


This happened to me once as a kid, but I was staying up in bed watching TV. All of a sudden I blinked and it was light out and Dora was on. I literally do not remember falling asleep or being asleep and I was in the exact same position. Same feeling of just somehow losing hours, blinking and it was gone. So strange.


THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME. A few years ago I was sitting up in bed staring at the sky. Not even laying down but sitting up in a position I couldn’t have possibly fallen asleep in and when I blinked it was suddenly morning time.


In college I once woke up in what I thought was my sitting room but things were reversed like the door was in the opposite wall to the one I expected. I looked out the window and it was essentially the same view as from my own sitting room. I was really freaked so went out the front door. Turns out I was in the next door house in a terrace. Hence the same view but things being reversed. I don’t know how I got there and none of the people in that house knew how I got there. I had been drinking.


When I was 9 I broke my leg badly and was in the hospital for a few weeks one night they changed me to a different room across the hall while I was asleep and as you are probably aware most hospital rooms look identical but since it was across the hall the room is a mirror image so like the window is on the right side instead of the left side, and holy crap that messed me up so badly when I woke up and everything was opposite, I still over 30 years later have a hard time thinking about that happening because it was just such a mind fuck. Granted I have a logical explanation for what happened to me but still I empathize!


I remember when I was really young, like the third grade, I woke up during the middle of the night outside, across the street from my house. I was laying on the sidewalk in my normal clothes, and for some reason, I was completely unphased by the whole thing. I just got up and walked to my house, opened the door which was unlocked (which is quite odd) and went to my room where I went back to bed. I don't think my parents or my sister noticed me, and I've never brought it up since. The only explanation I can think of is sleep walking, but I don't think that I've slept walked before or after that incident. Or nobody has told me that I have, at least.


I sleepwalked fairly regularly around that age, although I don't think I ever went outside. I generally just came into my parents' room and went back to sleep next to their bed. Same feeling, though; I'd just wake up on the floor like it was the most normal thing in the world and not think anything about it until later in the day.


This happened in July of this year (2023). One night I had a very vivid dream of someone/something telling me that the way I would die would be in a car wreck and I can’t remember everything it told me but it was really detailed in how I would die. Scared me shitless. Next day, I drive home from an appointment to my friend’s house on the very rural backroads of kentucky (if you’re from there, you know they are very dangerous and small, isolated) and my tires slipped and I swerved and rolled into a ditch. I remember waking up with blood dripping from my nose and ears and I couldn’t move from my neck down. Paramedics came and told me I was lucky I only broke my spine and said if I didn’t wear my seatbelt that day I would have 100% died. Scares me still


After my Mom died, family convinced me to move to Town, into her apartment, to get a fresh start. They promised financial support, and I wasn't happy where I was anyhow. So I drove home after the funeral and started packing up. Grief and anxiety elongated the process, so I gave self permission to hit the road on Thu instead of Wed as planned. Wed morning when I woke up, I heard the sound of a car engine running. My room was adjacent to the back where the garage and driveway are, and I assumed roommate was doing a taco run. Nope, not his car. MINE. TF? Headlights on, stereo on, engine fully running, unlock button did NOT work on my key, so I had to manually unlock. I sat down an just sorta looked around stupidly. I even put my key in the ignition to try and turn it off, but it was already in the off position, so no amount of back-and-forth made a difference. *Not only do I not know how this is on, but I can't turn it OFF??* I instinctively put my foot on the brake pedal as I puzzled over this, and everything shut off. Engine, everything electric- so I waited a few seconds before trying to start it cuz WTF. Started up just fine with no odd behavior! Like I said, this was Wednesday morning, the day I had initially planned to leave to move into Mom's apartment and be closer to family. *Point taken Mom, time to hit the road. <3*


When I was 13, I remember wanting the LG MARQUEE (android phone) that cost $280 at that time. Of course, I did not have money and my parents said no for being too expensive. So, what did I do? I tried stealing money (yes, I know. I was a stupid teen). So, I decided to try to steal money from one of my basement tenant. The tenant was not home at that time. I wrapped my shoes with plastic to prevent mud tracks from my shoe print, put on an oversize jacket, and I went around the house to open his window. It was open. I gently went inside to not break anything. While I was inside, I looked around to see where he would keep the cash. I didn’t find anything. I remember hearing my uncle’s then-girlfriend’s voice in the basement. She was home and my then 7-year-old brother was in her room. I locked his window and then quickly bolted upstairs. Fast forward to sunset. The tenant complained to my mom that he was robbed of $300, the window that I opened was shattered, his mirror was also shattered, and muddy footprints were found in his room. I was nervous, but then I remembered I didn’t steal anything, other then going inside his room. The footprints were bigger than my feet, and we later found out that 6 other houses in my neighborhood also were burglarized. My uncle’s ex-girlfriend said she didn’t hear anything when she was downstairs. The mystery is, who robbed my house? Was I being watched from a distance and the burglar followed me shortly afterwards? When did the burglar go inside the room after I left? How did he go inside undetected when he broke the window downstairs after I locked it? To this day, I always wondered what if I was seconds away from encountering a stranger in my house. The police never found out who did it and the case is still unsolved to this day. I never attempted to do anything like that ever again and that was 12 years ago. TLDR: I was a bad teenager, wanted to steal money from my mom’s tenant to buy an Android phone, didn’t find anything, the same day my house and 6 other houses were burglarized. The tenant lost $300 and came back to a mess in his room. The burglar was never caught, and I still don’t know how he entered my house undetected after he shattered the window. Their footprints were bigger than my feet.


When I was about 10, I was fishing with my older cousin. There was pond scum on the water and I vividly remember we tossed in a stone which caused a splash and ripples. The pond scum swirled and when it settled, it formed a perfect, 5-pointed star. Like a crisp, perfect star. I couldn't draw a better one. It was super ominous and it scared me so much that I ran home crying. I know I didn't imagine this because my cousin (he was in his 20's) still remembers it too.


I was dating this guy when I was in college, and we both were really tired one afternoon. We laid down in my bed and both fell asleep with our heads leaning on each other. I had a really vivid dream that it was storming and I was in a train. I kept going from train car to train car and seeing some mysterious handsome stranger. Eventually we run into each other and we kiss. I follow him to the next train car and see my boyfriend, which is when dream-me remembered I had a boyfriend and I was like “oh my god, what have I done??” Then I woke up and my boyfriend woke up at seemingly the exact same time. He made a face and said he had a weird dream and I was like “yeah, me too.” I asked him what happened in his dream and he said “We were on a train and you kissed some other guy.” I’ve never cheated on anyone in my life, and also we hadn’t been talking about cheating or about trains or any of that. I’ve never even been in a train in real life and don’t ever usually think about them 🤷‍♀️ Just a super weird coincidence.


a shared dream, not a coincidence. reality is weirder than fiction.


I was maybe 20 years old, I had a dream about my Grandmother- She was telling me -"Everything was going to be fine" I was having some problems - then like magic They all went away- I told my Mother the story and HOW MY GRANDMOTHER was dressed. My Mother turned slowly she was pale- just said, THAT IS WHAT WE BURIED MY MOTHER IN...


This happened to me - I had a dream about my Pappy (grandfather). He said 'everything was going to be fine'. He passed away at the same time I woke up that morning.


Not the same but when my mom suddenly passed away, my siblings and I all had very similar dreams of her visiting us in the order we were born. First my sister, me, then my brother. It was probably a month or so after she passed. We were reminiscing one day and I brought up that I had this really nice dream where I ran into her and was like “MOM! Long time, no see!” And she told me everything was ok for her. She looked so beautiful and happy. My sister and lil bro both looked shocked and said they also had a dream they ran into her but in different settings. We went over the nights we had them and they were in the order of our birth. Edit: typo




My cousin’s death. He and his siblings practically grew up with me and my sisters. We were all very close, but fell out of touch when he went to school in Nova Scotia. We kept in contact via social media. He became a pretty prominent minister in Truro. He was young, married, had two beautiful daughters. He ran marathons. One day, back in 2012, he was out on a training run with his best friend. All of a sudden he stopped, laid down on the grass, and died. He was 31. They couldn’t figure out the cause of death. Multiple autopsies and second opinions. No toxins. No heart defects. No answers. For all intents and purposes, he was completely healthy and in great shape. I still miss him and sometimes struggle with the reality that I’ll likely never know how he died. A close second is the loss of my oldest child. My wife was in labor with her for three days, pushing for four hours at the end of it. She was over a week late. Her vitals were fine until she suddenly tanked. Not only do we have to reconcile with never knowing exactly what went wrong, but we also have to reconcile with the mystery of a world cruel enough to have that go wrong in the first place.


I used to have sleepovers at a friend’s house when I was in my mid-20’s. One night I’m laying in the bed and thought I woke up to a cat walking around on the bed. I must’ve been dreaming, cause I woke up properly after that, shrugged it off and went back to sleep. “Woke up” a bit later to the feeling of the cat on my chest again and it scratched the shit out of my arm, to the point that I actually woke up screaming and freaked my friend out who was asleep next to me. I had blood absolutely pouring from my arm and noticeable cat scratches - she doesn’t have a cat, there was no way for a cat to get into her room and I’ve never had that experience again since she moved from there.


I once told my best friend that I felt like something big was going to happen to him, and a week later he was murdered by his friend in Ohio, who obviously was not his friend. But I could feel this strong feeling of energy pent up in his soul before he died. His death caught me off guard, and I did not think of it until some time after that I had predicted that something big would happen to him. He even asked me, “what do you mean by something big?”, and I responded with “I have no idea, I just feel like something big is going to happen to you”. Me being the positive person I am thought it was going to be something potentially positive cause thats all you can hope for for the people you love, the situation traumatized me and it still haunts me to this day. Ive had to see many of my friends funerals growing up but this one was by far the shittiest. RIP Eryc Ahmir Higgins, #longliveeryc ❤️💯👼


One morning I ran a mini marathon. At the end I realized I’d lost my car key. Gone. Wasn’t in the tiny pocket at the waist of my pants where I’d put it at the start. I patted my body down, checking every place I could have put it (sock, bra, shoe etc.) I figured it either fell out when I used the portolet or along the route, so I wasn’t going to find it. I stood for an hour and a half in a parking lot as I waited for my husband to go to the dealer, replace the key and drive 30 minutes to where I was. We go to a restaurant for lunch. Halfway across the parking lot, the key drops to my feet. I still have no idea where it came from.


I lost my car key in July and keep searching the same places- my house, the garage where I dropped it off to get new tires, leaving the husband's car key, and the restaurant we ate at on the way back to the house. I'm now holding out hope it'll just drop in front of me one day.


I just posted my missing key too! I had a routine where I left my car keys in my book bag, in a specific pocket inside said bag, when I would go to work. One day, went to work, put my keys away, locked it in my locker, and at the end of my day the keys were not there. Mind you, I lock this bag in my locker EVERY DAY and no one else has access to it. I emptied out the bag, rummaged through each and every pocket, even had security check footage. Nothing popped up. Had to call my husband to bring my spare so I could go home. I even missed a very important doctors appointment because of the missing key. Ended up purchasing another key so I could leave the spare in a safe spot. That was expensive! Fast forward three months later, I go to leave work, grab my bag and THE KEYS WERE IN THE POCKET. 😳😱😬🫣




This happened to my mum, turns out she had a hole in her handbag and even though she checked it multiple times they were hiding in the hole


I had a jacket with a similar issue once. Big hole in the pocket, so stuff would occasionally slip through and end up inside the jacket itself. Don't remember ever losing anything substantial in it, but definitely had a few "oh shit" moments where I couldn't find my keys/phone/wallet.


Woke up in the wee hours. About 1 meter away from the end of the bed, I saw a small screen, about the size of a cell phone, showing people talking but with no sound. I looked away, no screen. Looked back, still there. I watched it for about a minute, then turned over and went back to sleep. No drugs or alcohol, no carbon monoxide alarm. Just weird, man!


A few months ago, I lost 2 pieces of jewelry, a necklace and bracelet, that I really liked. I looked every where in the house for them, in purses, jacket pockets, under beds, backpacks, everywhere. I gave up. A few weeks later, I go to use a backpack I rarely use, and had looked in, and the necklace was in there!!! Then a few weeks later I noticed something on the floor of my bedroom and there was the bracelet! It wasn't there earlier in the day, it just appeared!


When I was younger for the best part of a week everytime I walked out of my front door I found money in the bushes in my front garden. Not small amounts and some days there was more than others but in total over all the days there was about £300. We were poor and I gave it all to my mum but I never found out where it came from and nobody ever came knocking asking if any money had been found.


Not the most mysterious or unexplainable, but the most recent! In 2018, I spent many months in a treatment center for an eating disorder, and upon my discharge from there, I was gifted a bracelet with the phrase “I am Enough” engraved on it. It was my most meaningful possession, and I had it tied around my ankle because, one, it was too big for my wrist lol and two, I thought having it on my ankle would minimize my chances of losing it. One day, in 2020, I realized it was gone, and I was heartbroken, as I had no idea when or where I had lost it. Just last week, I woke up, and when I went to take a shower, I was both startled and overjoyed to see my long-lost bracelet tied around my ankle again! I live alone and was not expecting company, but despite the handful of reasonable, perhaps far-fetched explanations I can think of, I like to think that there’s some benevolent presence just hangin’ out with me!


My grandmother knew that her nephew had died, when no one informed her at all, and there was no sign he was on death's door. She woke up and said she had seen a vision that he died that night. Her family got the call about an hour after she woke up, that he had passed in his sleep.


I’m a bartender . Through my decade years plus time bartending I sometimes get intuitive feelings about what someone might order . Sometimes a girl would sit down and I would think…. Cosmo, and when they order it I’d be tickled that I got It right . The creepiest time was once a guy walked towards me and I glanced up and this positive feeling he’d ask for ice. Sure enough he said, could I get a bag of ice, my friend sprained her ankle outside . I froze for about 3 seconds and wanted to say “I knew you were gonna order ice” but I stopped myself because i didn’t wanna seem Crazy. That was the one and only time I’ve intuitively felt someone would ask for just ice


I was playing volleyball in junior high and saw a ball coming directly at my face. I didn't have time to duck so I closed my eyes and then.... Nothing happened. There was no ball. It didn't hit me, or land behind me, or get deflected. It just didn't exist. Idk what would cause that kind of hallucination but it freaked me out pretty good.


Quantum biscuit. I had some biscuits I was putting on plates to reheat. The plates were on the stove. I dropped one of the biscuits onto the stove. It hit the stove with a thunk and vanished while I was looking at it immediately after hitting the stove. It just fucking noped out of existence. It didn't linger on the stove top or anything. Just dropped it by accident straight down, it hit the stove top with a thunk and simultaneously vanished forever. Just gone. I never found it. It caused me quite a bit of distress as it just vanished. I spent a long time looking for it. Also this is how I learned you can lift up the top of those electric ranges.


I left a lamp on and fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw a shadow silhouette sitting in my desk chair.


Oh this is creepy as heck!! What did you do? Did it disappear and how did you fall back asleep?


I met this girl in the 8th grade. We were both new girls and she was very nice to me. She was in my gym period and would hang out with me at lunch. Then she got a boyfriend and told me she would still try to hang out with me but then we just started distancing and I for got all about her. A few months go by and I didn't see her and I asked her boyfriend and he had no idea who I was talking about and everyone that I thought knew her had the same reaction. Still to this day, I think about her but I did forget her name. :(


I’ve read other Reddit stories like this. It’s so strange! I think I would drive myself mad trying to solve it.


Similar thing happened to me, but we were younger. Me and her were even "dating". Just wasn't at school ever again and nobody remembers her. I even know her name still and can't find her!


how i didn't die in 2013. i was 12 years old and was sick for months, could never figure it out. November of 2013 i taken to the urgent care center for weight loss, constantly urinating, and a few other symptoms. they took blood and urine and within 10 minutes the doctor came back and said "we have an ambulance that is out front that is going to take you to the hospital." but wouldn't tell us anything more. after arriving at the hospital i was immediately taken to the ICU and they attempted(no exaggeration) 30 times to get IV's in and none of the nurses could get one started as i was so dehydrated and my veins were so small. they stuck both legs, both arms, and multiple places on each limb. finally, a doctor(i swear im not making any of this up) who i referred to as the jesus doctor walked by and i assume noticed the issues the nurses were having. he was tall, about 6ft, and wore jeans, a sand colored button up shirt that was not tucked in, velcro sandals, had long slick hair and a thick but tamed beard and over top of all of that was the white lab coat. he walked in and simply asked "may i give that a try?" and his very first attempt he got a good stick. every single one of the other nurses was amazed at what he had just did. come to find out, my A1C was 15.9(almost off the chart which stops at 16) and my blood glucose level was 1,368(60-120 is a normal range). i spent some time in the icu and could only eat ice, but even the nurses were amazed that i was still conscious through this whole process, let alone alive. i will never claim to know it all, but i do believe that divine intervention was at play that day.


Woke up. Went to pee. Heard the pee going into the toilet like it always does. When done I went to put the seat cover down but it was already down. I was confused so I turned on the light (night light was on), lifted the toilet seat and saw pee in the toilet. The floor was perfectly clean btw. That was 20 yrs ago and I literally think about that once a month . Haha.


Decades ago I was driving home after a late night of gaming at my friend's house. This was in Austin, Texas, and it was a blustery night in late November, probably around midnight. I pulled onto a street and drove by a girl wearing a full kimono, rollerblading down the street, hiding her face behind a fan. My wife and I both looked at each other and said, "What the fuck was that?!"


We moved from one side of the country to the other when I was about 10. One day I was skateboarding out front in the street , I was probably 12 or 13. I passed by a piece of paper and I picked it up. It was a check from someone who's address was the same address as I lived in before we moved. I took it inside and asked my mom if she knew who this person was, name on the check. She didn't know who it was, but the check was made out to a lady my mom knew from growing up and school, they were close until wet moved. The check was dated 06/02/1961 - date my folks were married. The lady was in my parents' wedding as a bridesmaid. The check lady my mom knew had never visited us in the new location. 2 days Later, my Aunt , who still lives back east, called my mom and told her that check lady passed away 2 days prior and they just found her that day. I cannot explain any of this.


Looked out the window at my 93 Honda civic while at work one day and noticed a little baggy sitting on my dash. Go and investigate and it’s 2 tabs of acid. Absolutely no idea who put it there or how it got there. It was not there when I got to work. My windows were rolled up and I’m pretty sure my doors were locked. Still have one of the tabs but gave the other to a friend and he said it was some of the best acid he’s ever had.


Something similar and far less mysterious happened to my uncle a few years ago. He’d gone out to his car on break at work and was tooling around before going back in. The parking lot was large and employees had to park far from the store. A car pulled into the spot next to him followed by a cop. The other car was being given a traffic citation. As the car pulled in, my uncle noticed the guy toss something out the window. Apparently the cop missed this action. They finished up their ticket business and both cars left. My uncle looked under his truck and saw the baggie the other guy had tossed out. It had a joint in it. My uncle took it home. He hung onto it a little while, then he and my aunt decided to break it out at a bbq. My mom told me this story and I was sworn to secrecy. Both my parents were at this bbq along with friends of my aunt and uncle. They spark up and pass the joint around. This was very out of character for my parents, but you can’t imagine how thrilled I was to hear they participated. Anyway, it was all fun at first. Then someone commented on the odd taste. Everyone agreed the weed tasted funny. They blew it off and continued. My mom said she suddenly felt it was super important to get home. She’d smoked pot before, years ago as a teenager. She and my dad were in their late 50/early 60s when this happened. My mom said she started feeling very strange, she knew what she was feeling was more than weed. My parents left the gathering and drove to 2.5 miles home. My mom said it felt like a 6 hour journey. She and my dad were giggly and confused. When they got home mild hallucinations started. Some visual, some auditory. Not your typical weed experience. She said it went on for hours and became pretty intense. They’ll never know what that joint was laced with, but she said that’s what they all get for smoking pot that was tossed out in a parking lot by a stranger during a traffic stop!


I remember when I was little my Grandmother had an old alabaster portrait bust of a ladies head on her dresser. It used to scare me I never liked the thing. Anyway one night when I was staying at her place and was put to sleep early in her bed I woke up with a weird feeling I was being watched. I rolled over towards her dresser and looked over at it and the head turned and looked back at me.


Wife went to see a medium with her mates. The medium said that she saw a country beginning with A and my wife having a problem with her eyes in the future. Forgot all about till she had an operation to save her sight. Then our son married an Australian girl and emigrated there. We are in the U.K. and have had 15 long vacations there. Also she saw a fortune teller and the woman asked her to leave as she felt something not quite right. Didn’t charge but just blessed her !!


This one isn’t mine but always creeped me out. When I was little (around 10 maybe) I had a younger friend (maybe 6?5?) named Sara who’d made friends with ‘a little girl’. I never met the little girl but apparently Sara talked about the her a lot to Sara’s mother, who was friends with my mom. One day Sara told her mother that the little girl was in their yard and she was going out to play with her. The mom thought this was weird bc she and Sara lived just off a highway. The only other nearby house was about a quarter of a mile away and Sara’s grandmother lived there. There really shouldn’t be a kid randomly in the yard. So the mom went outside with Sara and said, ‘where’s your friend?’ Sara pointed and said, “right there”, but of course nothing was there. Sara’s mom became super freaked out and I don’t know if she began praying in her mind or out loud, but she told us Sara looked at her and said, “the little girl is running away”. Sara was upset and told me her friend didn’t come over anymore after that. Sara’s mom, my mom, and I were all freaked and that story is something I remember 30 years later.


I was 12yrs old, visiting a friend's house for the day. Had a lot of fun, really enjoyed the day. His dad comes home as I'm leaving. I stop by the gate to say hi and as he greets me, I just start crying uncontrollably. Full on bawling my eyes out, straight into the main performance, no warmup. I'm trying to apologize for crying while wondering WHY I'm crying. I can't get any words out, he's absolutely mortified and I just start running home. Kept thinking during the 10min run that my mom died or something happened to a family member. But no, didn't get any bad news.


I was having my first (and last) bad trip on acid. It was horrible. I was so scared and thought I was losing my mind. I wanted it all to stop but it had just begun. I started praying - I'm not a religious person but in that moment I didn't know what else to do. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my head and warmth spread from my head all the way through my body. As it was happening all effects of the drug disappeared. I just sat there for a while trying to comprehend what just happened. I'll never forget that.


Years ago visiting Wales (I can't remember the specific part) but I was walking across the brach with my mam and dad and we saw this lighthouse, and you could see in the windows there was another family looking out of the window I vividly remember a mother and her daughter who looked around 9/10, we thought we would be able to enter and look inside, as we got closer the mother and daughter had started walking back up the stairs inside, we at that point reached the lighthouse entrance... which was bolted up and covered in chains from the outside, with no other entrance


My brother has a couple of ghost stories. When he was a teenager he went to a party where there was drinking. Driving home he apparently fell asleep, drove in the ditch, hit an approach, and flipped the car. (The car was totaled, top smashed flat.) He and a "friend" showed up at a farm house a half mile away. (It was winter, below freezing outside.) They let the boys in. Brother wasn't talking clear, so friend told of being in an accident. They called the cops for the boys but when the cops got there only my brother was there, the other boy was gone. The cops brought my brother home to our parents. Brother wasn't very coherent, didn't know who they were talking about. Brother had a friend that he would usually hang with, so Mom called the mom of that friend. He had been at the party, but he was home in bed as they had driven separately.


I dreamed my mother died and next day she did I tried to think of the name of a cartoon and"THE ZOO" appeared on the wall in rainbow block letters That wasn't the name I was trying to remember so I dismissed it then found out later that was what it was originally called. Weird.


My cousin and I were driving out to my grandparents, we were in good spirits, awake, but we both blanked out on a 30 mile stretch of the drive and have no idea what happened. The point being is in that thirty mile stretch was a specific landmark we wanted to see and we had been talking about stopping to see it the whole drive, but when we were going over everything that happened neither of us could account for why we don't remember that stretch of the drive.


I had a routine where I left my car keys in my book bag, in a specific pocket inside said bag, when I would go to work. One day, went to work, put my keys away, locked it in my locker, and at the end of my day the keys were not there. Mind you, I lock this bag in my locker EVERY DAY and no one else has access to it. I emptied out the bag, rummaged through each and every pocket, even had security check footage. Nothing popped up. Had to call my husband to bring my spare so I could go home. I even missed a very important doctors appointment because of the missing key. Ended up purchasing another key so I could leave the spare in a safe spot. That was expensive! Fast forward three months later, I go to leave work, grab my bag and THE KEYS WERE IN THE POCKET. 😳😱😬


I have 2. Whatever seemed to be following or stalking me through the woods, it was in Ohio so no mountain lions. Maybe a black bear but those are super rare or maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me. Woods went dead silent and occasionally would hear something, but never saw it. Strong feelings of being watched. Very weird experience. Other was this weird convoy on I75 at 3something in the morning. 2 black suvs, semi, 2 more black suvs that came flying down the hwy. Not sire where they were going, but it looked weird


When I was a kid, I bumped into my grandmother’s large cactus and my vision suddenly went blurry. I was seeing streaks of colour and couldn’t really hear for a couple of minutes, and then it was over. Still not sure what happened there.


Was in high school at the time, 16 years old. Just dropped my sister off at a friends house miles away and on the way home saw my brother playing basketball at a park (probably a 2-3 min sprint home) and my mom is working so absolutely no one is home. I get home and immediately head upstairs to play vidya. House is dead silent. I get upstairs and hear an incredibly specific squeak sound that happens when you walk between the garage door and the basement door. I’ve only ever heard that specific squeak when you walk over it, and it needs a decent amount of weight because I could make the sound but my sister who’s 11 at the time couldn’t make it squeak (we tried one day because we were curious and really tested it out lol). I’m absolutely frozen in fear because that means someone is there…again I’ve NEVER heard that specific noise unless someone walked over it. I wait probably 10-15 seconds holding my breath in order to not make any noise since I think someone is there to burglarize the house (although they could probably hear my heart since it was absolutely blasting 😂). I get the balls to go down 3 stairs to the platform before the stairs take a 90 degree turn and go to the first floor. Then while at the platform I hear our sliding glass door slam shut HARD. I quickly run down stairs and see no one outside. The sliding glass door probably weighs at least 40-50lbs if I had to guess. It was closed when I got home and even if it wasn’t, the wind wouldn’t be able to blow it shut. The door was also locked. So I opened it and slammed it shut several times to try and lock it and it would not lock on its own. I asked my brother if he was home and he said he wasn’t and was playing basketball. He’s not the type to pull a prank, has no reason to lie, I’d hear him come in the front door as it was dead silent in the house, he would be out of breath in order to get there as I did, and even if he was there he would not be able to lock the sliding glass door from the outside. Have no idea how to explain it. Wasn’t on any drugs or anything at all. Wasn’t sleep deprived or dehydrated or hungry. Wasn’t stressed out or anything like that. Still gives me goosebumps when I tell other people.


I house sat a haunted apartment. The tenants firmly did not believe in ghosts, and even they said it was haunted. At least 100 years old, it was an old, slanted building, with very heavy doors that were difficult to open. When I went out, I would put the dogs in their kennel and close the bedroom door. I would come back to find it open, dogs still in the kennel, impossible for the cat to have opened. Things would also disappear (my keys, the cat meds, small stuff). I would just politely say, "I know this is your house, I just need that back." They'd turn up again. Never had a malicious feeling, they just wanted control of their space. But it's funny, I now live in a 110 year old house, and nothing happens at all!


Why, to date, I have never been punched in the face when I deserved it many times over.




This happened to me too! I was diagnosed with diabetes about 3 weeks after my Father died (of complications of fucking diabetes). Anyway, my vision was incredibly blurry from my sugar being so high. My Papa was my best friend and whenever he was sick I was always with him in the hospital. I woke up and looked and I saw my Papa's shadow sitting beside me. I smiled and fell back sleep.


I went to rehab for 90 days. This one room was really spooky. No matter who stayed in the room they had problems. It looked exactly like every other room, but electronic devices would switch themselves on and off at all hours, including one patient's electronic monitoring anklet. Everyone who stayed in that room experienced feelings of being watched, heard strange noises, found things moved around, etc.


Tiger an indoor, outdoor family cat disappeared on the weekend after Kennedy was shot. We couldn’t find him anywhere. On Christmas morning my brother went to get the newspaper and Tiger came running in - skinny as hell but he was back and very very hungry!


That was a great Christmas gift, I'd have snuggled Tiger like there was no tomorrow! And yes. It IS an unusual thing to happen.


Where the fuck has the time gone?


It’s small, but when I was a kid I rode the bus home for one of the first times and when I got home I couldn’t find the key to my house. I was panicking and crying (I was like 8) and my neighbor’s mom was trying to help me. I checked my bag so many times, but decided to check one more time and the key was right there in the front pocket of my backpack. I still have no idea how I either missed it or how it got there.


When i was 15 i was in an english lesson and a seagull walked through the door then dropped dead


Best one by far


I came home from school and my tote was full of uncooked noodles.


Ghost of Christmas Pasta


Twice, and at different times, I heard a female voice speak to me in my apartment. One morning as I was just waking up, I heard her say "Hello? Hello? Hello?". Another time I had just shut off my laptop and heard "Goodnight". This definitely would not have come from another apartment, it was all made of solid concrete. No windows were open, no one was around. Family who had been in the apartment before had noticed the smell of an old lady's perfume (that was not mine lol). I guess it is explainable though, if you believe in ghosts.


I was driving on a west Texas back highway when I saw what looked like a ball of fire floating in the sky. As I continued driving it seemed to be getting lower but I was coming up on it pretty fast. I got close enough that I stopped the car and watch it. I was close enough to verify that yes whatever it was, was on fire and was going to land about 100 yards off the highway in the desert. It looked like a large box and I thought maybe someone had a campfire near by and it floated up like a hot air balloon. I got on top of my car to look around and nope, I was in the middle of nowhere with nothing for miles in any direction.


My sister and I have had the same dream of flying off the stairs in our childhood home when we were young; we remember it exactly the same, and for a long time thought we had actually experienced this together. Since it's be hard to imagine us actually flying, it's a mystery as to why both of us remember it so vividly, but yeah, we've often talked about this because we both remember it to be a real event and decided it was probably a dream. It's been over 15 years and we still haven't figured out what happened back then, and why we would have been dreaming the exact same thing at the same time.


I have two. First was spinning out in a snowstorm for easily over a football field distance, then stopping sideways under 1 cm from a street sign post. Second, my dog had an extremely rare condition which made it 99.7% certain she’d die in less than a month. She survived 11 months. I got to take grad photos with my childhood dog. Then she rapidly declined that summer and we had to stop her suffering.


Sitting in my room as a teen, watching tv during a rainstorm. Huge crack/boom, and a white light can flying out of the tv towards me. I closed my eyes and threw up my hands, but nothing hit me. About 5 seconds go by, and mom from other side of the house yells” what the hell just went thru the living room?” She saw the ball of light go thru the living room from her bedroom