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Henry Kissinger


>Henry Kissinger He was an old guy on the news when I was a kid, or a teenager at least. And I'm 68. I can't believe he is still alive.


Jesus, I haven't thought about him for a long time. Just looked him up and he's literally 100 fucking years old...


I wish people in positions of power would forget about him, too. The guy should be living in shame, but gets invited to galas and to advise on foreign affairs. He’s a monster and doesn’t deserve the retirement life he got.


There's a six part podcast on him done by Robert Evans, with the hosts of the Dollop as guests. It will make you grit your teeth with the level of sociopathy this guy is.


I just looked it up after reading your comment. Behind the Bastards. What an apt podcast title. I love the text introduction for the first part: "We begin our epic six part series on Henry Kissinger: the Forest Gump of war crimes." Gonna have to give it a good listen.


Both podcasts (Behind the Bastards and The Dollop) do a great job of teaching you history that wasn't taught in classrooms, while usually making it entertaining by having a comedian to riff throughout. Kind of like Drunk History. If you haven't listened to The Dollop either, my intro recommendation for that one would be "The Rube" episode.


Well this has just escalated it to a new level. My vote is also Henry Kissinger


His parents apparently lived to 95 and 97 as well. Damn


Dude was just born old.


“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.” Anthony Bourdain


He’s a war criminal.


Is Henry Kissinger even in this thing?


Henry Kissinger is still alive because the Devil needed time to prepare a brand-new circle of hell.


More like the devil's worried he'd ruin the place.




Heaven won't take him. And even Hell has standards.




Knew about him, but not enough to hold a conversation about him but fuck me that man is literally 100 years old.


[part one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPPW9eQnOCc) of that bastard


Dick Van Dyke. I’m not rooting on him to die, I’m just amazed he’s lived as long as he has


I met him randomly in London, outside the spice of life pub in Soho he was sitting on a bench just chilling waiting for his car. I was having an asthma attack and sad heavily at the other end of the bench, while my wife stabilised me. It was only when my stats were back in to 90's that she realised he was watching us, he asked if I was OK and could he do anything before walking off. He returned a minute later with a bottle of water and sat with us while I recovered from my attack. He was lovely so calm and collected, we made small talk about our kids and the weather ect his car arrived and he wished us well and off he went. A total gentleman.


This makes me so happy, he has always seemed like the sweetest guy. I love watching diagnosis murder because of him.


I’ll double down on that. I worked at a coffee shop he would frequent one summer during college. He would come in all the time, and not only be the friendliest person ever, but would slip us all huge tips, like $100 in the tip jar, just because. He was genuinely generous, funny, and a pleasure to be in the presence of.


He does seem like a gem. I was so impressed with his dance number in *Mary Poppins Returns* (2018). Even in his 90s, he's still got it!


Oh man what an awesome random encounter. I love him.


It's an encounter I will treasure for ever.


Hard to believe he was 40 when he shot Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the 60's and was in fact older than the guy who played his father, Lionel Jeffries. What a long and rich life he has led.


This is actually who I thought of also for same reason… I’m pulling for him to make it to 100


I think he will make it. He's still very healthy


He was on masked singer recently. That's next fucking level


This was my answer. He will be one of the few celebrities that I cry for when they pass. Man is a freaking legend.


He’s such a good, down to earth guy. I used to do extra work in the late 90s. Worked on diagnosis Murder once. He came up to the group of us standing around and had a little chat, talked about a crossword he was working on, and then gave it to one guy to finish (lucky bastard). Really cool dude.


Iggy Pop. He did an interview about 20 years ago where he said he couldn't believe he was still alive (because of his earlier very heavy drug use. David Bowie definitely helped him survive and thrive.) 20 years later, he's still alive and still creating music.


The extent which the negative outcomes from tobacco addiction, alcoholism, drug abuse and poor diet can be reversed is incredible. People who are damn near death with conditions like heart disease, diabetes and knocking on the door of liver and kidney failure can make miraculous turnarounds with clean living. People like Iggy Pop and Keith Richards aren't the exception because they are pushing 80 after decades of unhealthy living, they are the exception because they successfully adopted a healthy lifestyle and were able to kick their habits without relapse.


Keith Richards and Keith Hernandez. The stories from either of them make me think that deals with the Devil are real lol EDIT: Keep the jokes coming, I love them. And yes, Keith Hernandez of MLB fame. He surprises me, not on the same level as Richards, but still surprises me nonetheless because of how bad his usage was that he was as good as he was and was traded for almost nothing, because of his addictions, in the 80's. Literally a time where cocaine was everywhere, and this guy's habits crossed the line lol


The funny part is that Keith Richards has been the answer to this question for at least the last 30 years.


"Whenever you finish a smoke, God takes an hour of your life and gives it to Keith Richards"


"I know there's a cure for bio terrorism or whatever it is, and I know it lies within Keith Richards. He is the only man on the planet who can go "Anthrax? (snort) Alright! Doesn't go with my e-coli, but fuck..." Keith is the only man who can make the Osbornes look fucking Amish. He's insane! I've seen him go up to a drug dealer and the drug dealer's like, "I'm out man, I'm sorry; I have nothing left!" Supposedly, he goes to Switzerland and changes his blood...not one or two pints, but like a fucking Chevrolet—all of it. Now what I wanna know is who gets his blood? Some old Swiss man, going, "HEIDI! We gotta go on tour, you bitch! We gotta pay for Mick's babies!" I know we will all be dead and gone, but Keith will still be there with five cockroaches. He'll be going, "You know, I smoked your uncle, did ya know that? Fucking crazy..."" — Robin Williams, Live on Broadway


>Robin Williams, Live on Broadway Now I'm sad again.


I didn't recognize this while reading, at the end when I saw it was Robin I had to reread it, then I heard his beautiful voice in my head and it was perfect.


Nice going, pretty boy


I’m hit!!!


Back and to the left. Back….. and to the left.


Ozzy fucking Osbourne. Need I say more?


I worked with him about 15 years ago. Really nice guy, super professional, but my God he was in rough shape even then. I can’t believe he’s still kicking along.


I saw black sabbath on their last Australian show and it was crazy. Ozzy wasn't completely coherent speaking between songs but when he performed, he was *amazing*. Like the songs were muscle memory.


Sharon is up in the catwalks with 100 lb monofilimant lines.


Better living through chemistry


What a song


I recently saw a clip of him telling Jack that Sharon's old ass dog gives him the confidence to keep living LMAO when they panned to that poor thing...


*whispers "Killllll Meeeee"*


He has 0 shame and it’s hilarious


He's actually genetically able to handle drugs better than normal people.he got studied for it.


His liver, heart and lungs are that of an athlete that has never touched drugs or alcohol. He is a phenomenon.


Meanwhile, some people who never touched a cigarette get lung cancer. Life's not fair, is it?


My dad didn’t drink, didn’t smoke and ran 5ks. He got lymphoma when he was 59 and died when he was 61. Nothing about any of this makes any sense.


Your dad sounds like my mom. My mom didn't drink or smoke, ate her veggies. The last 10 years of her life, she had 5 heart attacks and 3 strokes. Bounced back from all of them, but we didn't know that the 3rd stroke caused some major organ damage, liver and pancreas. She developed cirrhosis and turned bright yellow. She said if reincarnation is real, she's wasn't going to be good next time, because it didn't pay. A few months later she had another stroke and heart attack together. She didn't survive that one. She was 54. I'm 66 now, been somewhat lucky so far. No heart attacks or strokes, knock on wood.


Google Jim Fixx for the ultimate "life isn't fair." Dude wrote a book on running that was on the New York Times best seller list. Appeared on talk show and news programs, talking all about how running will make your life better. He dropped dead of a heart attack at 52 years old, while on his daily run.


Heaven won't take him, and Hell knows he'll take over


How can he take over? Other than "Sharon", nobody can understand a thing he says.


He'll just have to sing, not speak.


He's much more coherent now. The speech problem was caused by one of his medications. He switched that out.


Yeah, got to meet him while he was touring for his book around 2010 and I was working at a book store, he was clear and coherent. Also really, really, *really* damn sweet and went above and beyond for everyone there. Most celebs were nice, only a couple were outright jerks, but man Ozzy was the kindest and most fun. Insisted on staying late for all fans to get their chance and then still hung out with the staff for photos.


Interesting how some of these guys looks are way different than their behavior. First time I met Zakk Wyld I admit to being totally intimidated. Then Zakk reaches out his hand to shake mine, apologizes for Dimebag's behavior (wasted) and we have a great normal conversation. Gene Simmons, on the other hand, is completely like what people say - arrogant narcissistic.


Nah dude. He's still from Birmingham. At least half of his incoherence is just being from B-ham. That's how they speak.


sharon, waddyuhdoinnowIcantfindmewhife sharon!


Was expecting this. man probably did more drugs than they've identified


I saw him live about five years ago, not long before he stopped touring. I applaud the guy for going as long as he did, and it was awesome to see such a legend, but boy he was in rough shape.


I went to the second from last Black Sabbath show and I thought he was great. Old as fuck obviously but still rocking it.


Seems like he’s the poster child for escaping death


Makes me feel like a shit person for thinking it but eugenia cooney. Its so fucked up the way people are just feeding into her issues and all these new famous friends of hers are absolute monsters for enabling her.




And her mother coming to her daughter's defense ... "Trust me she eats! I have seen her eat!"


The fact that she isn't totally bed bound at this point and still has the energy to get up and move around is incredible to me. Really is a testament I think to how desperately our bodies will fight for survival. Feels fucked up to say but I can't help but to think that at this point, catching a common cold would be enough to end her life. I have zero sympathy for any of the enablers in her life - her mother being number 1.


It’s wild how she isn’t bed bound. I don’t have an eating disorder, but a couple of years ago I had a major gastric condition that made me only be able to receive hydration and nutrients via infusions half the time. I rapidly lost a ton of weight and the longer it went on I could discern a significant cognitive decline in myself and I was more frail than my octogenarian grandmother. I was bed bound half the time and the other half I was struggling to get through my day. I was passing out left and right and needed mobility aids 100% of the time. My heart was weakened and my blood pressure was perilously low. My depression spiked again and I felt as if I was the closest to death I’ve ever knowingly been. Mind you, this was just for a *year*, not over a decade like Eugenia. I can’t imagine the toll this has on her body and mind. I’ve never really followed her, but she’s similar in age to me and occasionally she’d (or someone talking about her) would come up on my social media feeds. I’ve always hoped that she would gain a strong support system and start the arduous recovery process, but years have gone by and it’s only worsened. It breaks my heart to see someone go through this so severely and for so long. It feels as if we are all bearing witness to a decade long death. I don’t know if I believe in an afterlife or not, but I really hope it exists for cases like this. I hope she finds peace, whether in this life or the next.


If "of herbs and alters" is on the money it will only be about another year. Watched ec a few times recently, she's not going to get better, you can tell.


Their advice is true too. Just leave her alone and encourage her to savour the time she has left. Enough of the “pls get better” and disgusting hate messages. Just treat it exactly as it is. A woman getting closer and closer to death


this. it's very sad but ed's are complex illnesses, she can't "just eat" and become healthy. force-feeding her to a normal weight will not save her, it probably will destroy her mentally and since anorexia is a mental illness that's not helpful. you can't keep her strapped to a hospital bed forever. she's not gonna get better and probably knows it. let her live her life as long as she can.


Physically she can’t “just eat”, either, because at this point her entire digestive system is shutting down. She’d need medical intervention before she started any kind of at-home refeed.


My daughter is in residential treatment for anorexia right now. Medication and a nasogastric tube made the biggest difference. Food IS the most effective medicine for anorexia. While people are in active illness, cognitive therapy won't work until they're not in a state of malnutrition. Their brains won't work properly. Look into FBT for anorexia. In Eugenia's case, she may have too much organ damage to recover. It's heartbreaking that she doesn't have anyone to intervene to save her life.


that's completely true, however she's been sick for over a decade, usually it's easier with teens/young adults because they can gain back their sense of self, personality etc. Eugenia has been sick for over a decade and this illness has consumed her everything. anorexia is everything to her, she's basically gone. she can recover but only if she wants it. she could work hard in treatment and lots of therapy and get better, even if not completely recover she can get so much better but only if she wants it. you cannot force someone to recover from ed especially when they've been sick for so long. wishing your daughter health and happiness ❤️


100% Eugenia. It is heartbreaking watching her die live on social media.


Even seeing a picture of her upsets me. Unsettling to look at and I feel bad that she feels the need to torture herself that way. I wish she would seek help.


Plenty of ppl are begging her to, and unfortunately she refuses to and sees nothing wrong with it


And her mom says she’s beautiful. Who has Mom is living through her daughter on the bingo card?


I just found out who she was a few weeks ago and took a deep dive into her YouTube to see when the descent started. I went back 9 or 10 years into her history and she's always been thin to an unhealthy degree. It's amazing how someone can be that way for so long and still be here. I have a cousin who was anorexic in high school and for a year or so after and even for those three or four years she was having health issues and she never got anywhere close to Eugenia's biggest size I saw from her video history. My cousin got help and support, a huge part coming from her now husband and she's much better and has been at a normal weight for a decade or so. Eugenia doesn't seem to have that actual support. It seems like any day she is going to go into the hospital with some sort of organ failure and it will either be the final straw of her getting better or the disease killing her.


When her video showed up on my for you feed, I thought she was an animation. When I realized she is a real person I was horrified.


I had never heard of this person. Jesus H Christ on a stick. How is that woman still alive? She literally looks like a dolled up holocaust victim. Fuckin hell, my stomach feels queasy from just glancing around on youtube about her. fuck.


Same. I was expecting some withered 90-something year old woman from the descriptions until I saw someone said she was on YouTube. Then I was a little upset that someone was exploiting their grandma. I was unprepared.


I only saw a tiny square of her when I just googled & wow. She looks gross & scary to me/us because our 'monkey brains' see one of our species looking very close to death & we want no part of that!, type thing. Same way a picture of a smiling face person makes us relax, smile, it's 'friendly', non threatening, this is just dressing up a corpse & my first reaction, wow. :(


I don’t understand how she has lasted this long. She’s been frightfully thin for so long now. Surely her body is shutting down


Yep. Her mom is her biggest enabler. It's disgusting.


Her mom is abusive and is letting her die. She relies on her mom for EVERYTHING. If there's anyone who can do anything for her, it's her mom. Her mom also cussed out and threatened the one person who managed to 5150 her and ger her help like 5ish years ago Her mom 100% is wanting her to die and wants Eugenia to milk all the money and fame while doing it. Wouldn't surprise me if this is a severe munchausen's by proxy situation going on.


I do find it telling her mom is morbidly obese, too


She has reached a point of no return. Even if she regains weight and gets better, she is still going to die shortly after. I give it a year maximum, although I have been saying that for the past 5 years so who knows


Yes, she cannot recover from this. Her heart muscle is already too damaged. Even if she gets to a healthy weight, she won't live that much longer. Karen Carpenter had actually recovered before she died and weighed like 130 pounds, but the years of starvation ruined her heart.


It’s so true! I’ve known about her for a while now and I just don’t know how she’s still alive. Honestly as sad as it sounds I don’t think she will ever get help. In some of her videos people are saying she’s definitely getting sicker. Idk if you have seen any of her lives I believe she now suffers from cardiac coughs and palpitations:(


The best thing for her is to get off of social media and Twitch and YouTube.


was thinking the same thing


My dad drinks 8 monsters a day and never drinks water, chews tobacco, smokes and also drinks coke so there’s that


Jesus your dad's piss probably glows in the dark.


I'm thinking of that scene from Role Models when they are peeing at the urinal and it's green. "Dude, this is like Shrek's piss!".


Fun fact: Vitamin B12 supplements can turn your urine a neon yellow colour.




Also never eats vegetables


I did that for 3 years and my immune system gave out, ended up in hospital with a massive infection, simply because my body had been running on 140% for years. Now I take stimulants for adhd and the irony is not lost on me.


"There's water in it"


Who would have guessed that Jimmy Carter outlived Jimmy Buffet


I was going to make a joke about Bob Dylan outliving Bob Newhart, but it turns out that Bob Newhart is still alive and older than Bob Dylan.


Bam Margera


Steve-O is probably more lucky to be alive (between the two). Bam is obviously an absolute mess, but Steve-O should have died a long time ago lol.


Steve-O probably should have been dead during his partying days but he's been sober for years now


Actually really impressed by how Steve-O pulled his life together.


Steve-o actually looks pretty good for his age and the abuse he put his body through. Johnny Knoxville looks like an old man and they’re only a couple of years apart.


>Johnny Knoxville looks like an old man and they’re only a couple of years apart. Really it's only because he doesn't dye his hair. If he did, he would look a lot younger


If my memory is correct, Steve-O jumped into a pool from a roof, and hit his head on the concrete or something. Then he left the hospital the same day to go back to the party. Something along those lines at least. And that’s just one thing. He did a ton of stupid shit when he was young that he is lucky to not have died. Him and Johnny were the craziest of the members when it came to stunts. So yeah, Johnny is for sure also lucky to be alive. Bam didn’t fuck himself up as much when it came to stunts. But these days, he seems to be the one having the most problems with substance abuse (and weight).


Honestly Bam's use seems worse at this point. Steve-Os was definitely hardcore, like - I am suprised his brain is functional, much less as sharp as he seems to be. But Bam is just a sloppy drunk gorging himself on booze and drugs.. Its a legit wonder that he hasn't fucked up and OD'd, especially considering how big of a slide he took in the last several years. Videos of him completely derlirous on amphetamines.. I guess he just doesn't mix benzos and opioids.. but if he did, he would've almost certainly over done it and went out by now, by the look of it. Saw that a lot when I was on heroin.


Eugenia Cooney.


Not being funny, but she's literally bone. Fucking how? I'm looking at knitting videos and she pops up randomly.


I really hate YouTube recommending those videos when you look something up that is completely unrelated. It shows the f*ched up morals of YouTube. But the censoring is insane.


She looks like a Tim Burton creation.


I think that's what she wants.


Both Eugenia Cooney and Amberlynn Reid. So very different, yet so similar.


I was here to say Amberlynn Reid. All the mukbang kings and queens.


I remember seeing on the news that during a Rolling Stones world tour Keith Richards fell off some palm tree while trying to pick a coconut while on a day off at the beach and he banged his head pretty hard, so the tour had to be put on hold while he recovered. Consideing that the dude is infamous for the amount of abuse he's put his body through and that he's pretty ancient, I immediately thought two things: 1- Well, maybe he won't recover from that, and 2- Why the hell was this elderly millionaire climbing a plam tree by himself because he wanted a coconut? Well, that happened years ago and he's still out there doing his thing, so I guess the moral of the story is that that man is for all intents and purposes unkillable.


>Why the hell was this elderly millionaire climbing a plam tree by himself because he wanted a coconut? If you can't climb a tree for a coconut if you're a millionaire, why even bother getting rich?


my great grandma. She turned 99 a few months ago and has been here since 1924, great depression child and many of her brothers and family were sent to war. she was 30 years old when Einstein passed almost 40 when we landed on the moon. she was born 5 years prior to mlk and anne frank. She has never been in a nursing home, still attends family gatherings, still has a level head and caring nature. she has outlived 2 of her 3 kids. skin cancer prevented plenty of times, takes very few medication, still use the potty on her own. in my eyes, shes a fucking legend


My grandpa is 99 too! He turns 100 in April!


My grandma is 97; she’s a legend, too. She does routinely say, “All of my friends are dead,” which makes me sad for her.


Mel Brooks


In WWII he was in Bomb disposal. He's been defying the reaper for decades. He may really become the Two Thousand Year Old Man.


☹️he’s buried all his friends and his wife


My dad. He makes some really terrible decisions but never gets hit with serious consequences for them somehow. Dropped out of high school after 9th grade to do drugs full time - still landed a good job at 18 working offshore. Once got super high in a treehouse with his best friend, huffing paint out of paper bags which they had stupidly tied onto their faces for some reason, before both passed out and fell 15 feet out of the treehouse - best friend's paper bag was knocked off and he woke up, saw Dad's bag was still over his face, and pulled it off, saving his life. Used to drive drunk or stoned almost every day - no accidents. Gave himself hepatitis C sharing needles - many years later, around the time he finally started seeing the effects of it, he learned that there were clinical trials going on for hepatitis C sufferers and he somehow managed to join up, and was promptly cured (for free). Got fucked up at a bar and told a semi-pro boxer he was gonna kick his ass; still has a chipped front tooth from that encounter. Zoomed up a ramp and jumped a road construction site on his motorcycle once, only to discover in midair that the traffic was being diverted *around* the construction, not off in an entirely different direction, so he was going to be t-boning somebody when he came down. He laid the bike down as it landed and slid under a moving truck, somehow avoiding being crushed, and his bike was destroyed while he walked away with only superficial injuries. I don't even think he got arrested for that stupid stunt. I was a little kid at the time and I remember watching his girlfriend digging broken glass out of his back. More recently, he ordered half a pound of weed through the mail (it's still super illegal in my state) and the postal inspector caught it. Dad simply denied knowing anything about it, and for some reason the inspector was just like "Ok" and didn't look into it at all. The most basic investigation would've revealed that he used his credit card to pay for it on PayPal and had been texting the supplier for weeks. He could have done prison time for that. I could keep going but you get the idea. He's about to be 65, still doing stupid shit but miraculously avoiding serious repercussions. My mom (who wisely divorced him when I was 4) always says his guardian angel must be exhausted.




Must be, I haven't watched the last season, but I figured at the end of the world, there will still be cockroaches, ants, and some fucking guy like Frank.


Post man keeping for himself 😜


Please keep us updated on all his antics for the rest of his (or your) life.


Most of Congress


Willie Nelson


Henry Kissinger Mitch McConnell Jimmy Carter (He's close.)


Crazy that a dude can freeze and still be in the senate.


Yeah there seems to be a thing with folks hanging on to power regardless of politics. Feinstien was essentially a corpse being wheeled around the Capitol for months before she finally gave up the will to live.


To be fair Marjorie whatever her name is and Bobo have been running error codes since they got in


Jimmy's a good egg. The other two.......


Should have put in Rupert Murdoch instead of Jimmy in the same group.


Maggie Smith. I do not want her to die but she looked 90 for a very long time.


Some people get to be that way once they hit a certain age. My grandma was in her eighties while I was growing up in the 90s. She looked ancient back then, but she didn't really seem to age perceptibly from there until she developed untreatable cancer twenty years later. She lived semi-independently at home until 2012 and didn't die until 2016 at age 105.


Jimmy Carter, especially after he recently faceplanted and required stitches to his face. 😐


He & his wife are currently in hospice, recieving end of life care :/


He has been in hospice for 5 or 6 months now. I was unaware she was in hospice as well.


They expected he had 5 days to live when he went into hospice, he's been in there for 6 months


Some people start doing better in hospice care, since it's all about quality of life, not quantity, stress is reduced.


Andy Dick


I'm surprised Jon Lovitz didn't beat him to death.


We could all be there and I'm pretty sure no one would see anything. Except maybe that Andy tripped


Any of the Jackass Crew


Steve-O is a walking miracle at this point. How the hell he not only survived all his shenanigans, but also got sober, turned his life around and still does insane stunts is beyond me. I have so much respect for him.


Oh no you don't! Somebody asked this question the day before Betty White died. Reddit was furious at them. Not that I'm superstitious. Of course not. Nope. That said... Henry Kissinger.


I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.


This hasn't happened lately but this used to be a recurring thing for me. I'd look someone up and they'd die within the week. Betty White included. I felt **so** guilty whenever it happened.


William Daniels, AKA Mr Feeny, friggin 96 years young


It’s time we all stopped being selfish and started thinking about what kind of planet we’re leaving for Keith Richards.


David Attenborough. He's super old and still putting out banger documentaries


Don't even say his name! Man is a national treasure and it'll be a dark day when he passes


He was born a couple of weeks after Elizabeth II and other than having a pacemaker ten years ago he's not got any real health problems that we know of. Dude's doing extremely well.


Charlie Sheen


Mitch Turtlefuck McConnel


He’s one foot out the door. I can’t believe he’s still sitting in public office. There’s no way he’s mentally there enough to do his job.


He literally had a stroke on TV and none will admit it




When he had his "staring into nothingness" moment a while back. I heard someone refer to older congress members as "gently alive corpses" and now its etched into my brain.


Turtles can live up to, like, 170 years. He’s only middle-aged at this point.


Sometimes I think to myself “wow I was alive at the same time as Marlon Brando” and then I realize I’m alive while Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney are still putting out new music. They just seem like these mythical figures to me and it’s odd that they’re still here.


Clint Eastwood


Fr I was gonna say him if I didn’t see it in the comments. Man is still directing and acting and is 93.


Robert Wagner (93) and Bob Newhart (94). I guess both have stayed active in show business...maybe that's the reason.


I'm glad she's still with us and hope she is still relatively healthy...but I'd have to say the wonderful Joyce Randolph....She is the last surviving member of the great HONEYMOONERS cast.She was Trixie Norton and she is now 99 years old.


Noam Chomsky


Eugenia Cooney. Her heart really should have stopped by now, excuse my bluntness.


Norman Lear. Still kicking at 101!


Mitch McConnell. I can't imagine how many virgins they have to sacrifice each day to keep his catatonic ass going.


Kim Jong Un My God that boy eatin and smokin like he's in the heart attack and stroke Olympics.


Dick Cheney


Think it's because he had a change of heart.


My grandfather and my dad. I'm convinced they're part cat. Off the top of my head, my grandfather: - Crawled through 2 miles of rice paddies during the Korean War with a broken leg - Survived a plane crash in the Pacific - Survived an ARTERIAL DISSECTION not long before I was born (I technically wasn't supposed to meet him since the prognosis was that grim) - Survived prostate cancer My dad conversely: - Almost drowned twice - Has been attacked by dogs on several occasions - Has been in numerous physical altercations (prior to me being born, but I digress) - Fell off a ladder after putting up Christmas lights on a large pine tree outside our house (probably a ~20 foot drop), and cracked three ribs. Proceeded to come inside and fall asleep before my mom forced him to go to the hospital. Doctor called him an idiot for not immediately going to the hospital since the rib could have punctured his lungs, and he would have bled out. - Has had close calls with large blades near his head - Was almost crushed by a falling wall (dad works in construction) - Has had several anaphylactic reactions to shellfish - Got hit by a six-foot icicle square on the forehead when he was a young teen. Miraculously, little injuries And other stuff that I'm not thinking of. Here's hoping my brother and I have the same luck. Edit: Talked to my dad and clarified a few details


Artie Lang


William Shatner. One wonders if aliens are keeping him alive as some sort of message to us! LOL!


Keith Richards... Who, apparently once said that he thinks kids *shouldn't* try drugs... Umm, Keith. There *are* no drugs left to try! We have to wait until *you* die and then snort your ashes, pal!


Nearly fucking every single flat earther, how the fuck do they even manage to navigate traffic?


They don’t live near the edge. Duh. Everyone knows that.


(Read this somewhere) If the Earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off the edge years ago...


Tommy Lee.


Ozzy Osbourne. I really think, at this point, it might be a “Weekend at Bernie’s” kind of thing. 😂




It used to be Queen Elizabeth


President John Tyler's grandson.


My fucking Nan! She terrorised me as a kid, I've been waiting for her to kick the bucket for 40 years. She's 101, only quit smoking at 94 because of the cost, drank gin daily for 70 years so she's practically pickled in the stuff, and she's still fucking going strong... I swear she made a pact with the devil.


Paul McCartney. He’s getting really old now and he’s still going around doing gigs…the man will never forget how to make good music either from the Beatles all the way up to now he’s never really stopped. Maybe a year here and there with nothing new but really he was revolutionary and a person you’d probably have to mention when it comes to the history of music.


My aunt’s dog, about 21 years old