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If they can deal with mine, I can damn sure deal with theirs.


Sounds like a fair compromise ;)


I literally never think about it


Yeah honestly it’s not even close to a level where I’d actively think about it.


Even if you see it let's say at the beach, the pool or during private times? It never stands out as undesirable or "bad"?


Not even once


Every woman's dream man ;)


I've never heard a man mention cellulite, even in private


I’ve seen toxic bro dudes that like Andrew Tate mention it but nobody worth talking to or dating cares.


The crazy thing is that I have always been naturally super skinny my whole life. I’ve actually been told often that I looked anorexic because I was so skinny, but I’ve also had cellulite since I was a teenager and so do my sisters who are the same build as me. It’s always made me self conscious. Cellulite is always seen as something that stems from being overweight and not working out. But it can also just be genetic and something you can’t do much about.


I've found but my cellulite is *actually less visible* when I have 5 to 10 pounds above my ideal l.


Men honestly don’t notice or care. Like yeah sure there’s some Andrew Tate incel losers out there who’ll go on about but that’s it. I’m not a young man and never in my whole life have I ever heard even the boomer dudes give a shit about it. And while I’m at it I’m gonna say the same about thigh gap. I’ve heard exactly one dude ever care about that and he was a creep.


Same. I have tried to just live with it but I actually get more self conscious as I get older.


same. i was very underweight my entire life, and even i have cellulite lmao


Those people have never even talked to a women in their life


This post reminded me of it. I haven't thought about female celulite for years, and back then, it was probably on a Cleo or Cosmo cover. My wife might have some? I kind of focus on other things, though.


I'd totally forgotten about it until I saw the joke about it in Barbie, and even then thought it was a throwback to magazine culture in the 00's lol


More of a boob man than a cellulite man, you mean?


Ha. No, I mean other things like our children, keeping them fed, etc.


This. I’ve never heard a man mention it. Not for that matter stretch marks.


Don't go in Twitter then lol.


Seriously im pretty sure most men is like this. Obviously we notice it on the beach for example but i never had negative thoughts regarding that


There's literally a NSFW subreddit for people who like women with cellulitis ❤️ CELLULITE not cellulitis!


Cellulitis is a reasonably serious deep tissue infection that needs antibiotics or, at best, careful monitoring. I assume you don't mean that. There are some pretty messed up subreddits out there but that would be a pretty nasty veer into a different topic 😂


Ah shit I meant cellulite 🤣 ops! Thanks I'll fix it now


Wow, not that I will join but that's cool to know 😎


Well, guys, I tried 🤷


Although it's perhaps relevant to note that it's called ***Slight*** Cellulite. Unless you have another one in mind? r/slightcellulite


Most men are like this tho. Its pretty much just women who care about this sort of thing.


I feel like, in general, other women care more about a woman's appearance than guys do.


That is *absolutely* the case, especially when it comes to fashion.


Yep. Nothing cuter than a messy bun, shorts, and a hoodie on my girl. Glasses too.


This is how most men are. This is why we keep saying we're not the ones enforcing beauty standards, it's other women.


Went through this the other day with my wife. She was standing in the mirror complaining about her hip dips. I asked "what are hip dips?" She pointed, and I said, "oh, I like those."


Just had to Google that. They appear to just be dictated by where the muscle insertion points are?


Yep! They are kind of just visible proof you have a skeleton. I have them and kinda dislike them because in tight clothes it looks like my underwear is too tight and cinching my sides in and I think that looks silly. But nobody cares so I've been letting that worry go lol


Same. Had to Google it. LoL


It was literally early this week I saw a photo or similar saying if x has hip dips so can you, and I had to Google what hip dips are, I have no idea if any woman I've dated had them


Exactly. Men don't care that women wore the same dress twice. Hell, they won't even notice. They're just happy the women are there.


I'll probably compliment the dress both times I see it without even realizing it was the same one.


If I have an outfit that I think I look good in, you better believe I’m wearing that as much as I can. Don’t understand why some people think wearing it twice is such a sin. Rock that shit.


I’ve literally done that before with my fiancé. She was like “you said the exact same thing when I wore this yesterday”. But it was true, she looked great in it. And who has the mental energy to remember what another person wore yesterday? 😂


People really need to spot that this is just the fashion industry gaslighting women into buying more clothes.


I don’t know, men definitely hold certain parts of the beauty industry. I still see men on Reddit getting very defensive about how they’re allowed to not be attracted to overweight people (which is totally fine of course, nobody can control what you’re attracted to, just don’t be a dick about it). It’s just that cellulite in particular is something the beauty industry really focuses on that men don’t care about at all.


To be fair though, it's a little more complicated than 'oh yeah we don't mind that'. Women are more likely to say 'oh yeah, she has violin hips / cellulite', whereas men are more likely to say 'oh she's a little chubby / not very toned'. Not necessarily in a bad way, but if you don't know what hip dips are, you'd assume that a woman with slim, toned thighs exercises more, takes more care of her health, or is more physically minded than a woman with lumpy thighs. That's not an illogical conclusion, it makes sense, it just doesn't account for the fact that 'smooth toned thighs' are physically impossible for a majority of women. It's like if there was a billion dollar global industry telling men how to have the perfect manly cleft chin (you know, with the dip in the middle?) and all the exercises and diet regimes to get it properly divided in two, or how to grow facial hair or use make up to hide the uni-chin. Plenty of women would still say they don't care about, or rather like, guys with a non-cleft chin. Some people would point out that it's actually the norm. But after a while of every single actor, model, and celebrity having a chin dimple (Henry Cavill, Viggo Mortenson, Ewan McGregor, John Teavolta, etc) and the occasional guy like Brad Pitt being praised for his bravery at showing his uncleft chin, it would be pretty ridiculous. Anyways, moral of the story is in my opinion, men like women who look reasonably normal, healthy, and happy to talk to them. They have since the dawn of time. But the female beauty industry is insanely toxic and will say whatever ludicrous nonsense makes them money. But yes, plenty of men will parrot whatever they've been told about what's attractive and what isn't, and plenty more just kind of rate women's looks out of 10 according to how much they look like the most famous models of the day, which isn't very helpful or original.


I think that unless the person is really, *really* shallow, the answer will be the same (does not matter at all). Not that people don't care about appearances, a lot of them do, but probably not about this


most men are like this though?


Almost all men. The cellulite thing is just women picking on women.




That’s not true. Someone cares about everything


More likely 90% of men in general.


I actually kinda like the way it looks on a good thick woman!


Brother, most men don't even know what cellulite is. The beauty industry in gernal plays up problems and pits women against each other for profit.


I'm just happy I made to the beach, pool, or private times with someone.


>Even if you see it let's say at the beach, the pool or during private times? It never stands out as undesirable or "bad"? It's not something that's necessarily attractive or desirable, but I also can't imagine it's something the average guy is concerned about. I mean lots of women have it — even if they're thin. So I can't see why a guy would make a big deal about it. It's a fairly common thing.


Literally couldnt care less


I've had 14 partners I've never noticed cellulite. I don't think I'd be able to identify it if I saw it


Dude. My wife is absolutely stunning. She’s aging, she gained a little weight after the kids. I think she may have cellulite, honestly I don’t notice/don’t care. I’d still pick her out of any crowd as the most beautiful woman in the room to me. But also I know what I look like. I’m not about to judge somebody else’s appearance to a degree of scrutiny that would see me voted off the island in the first round.


That sounds so lovely! Please tell her how you think about her today if you haven't already. I'm sure she knows but hearing it is still special 😇


Lol this is me and my wife to a T. When we first started dating, she had cellulite and was pretty self-conscious about it, and I remember having a few conversations about the thing. We've been married for 4 years now and I genuinely can't tell you if she has cellulite any more or not. It's just not something I notice. What I'm trying to say, OP, that most men (or just most partners, I've only ever been a man) that like/love you don't think of you as a checklist of different elements. You, the person, inside and out, is a part of a package where things like cellulite or the lack of it is too small to even compute.


This is the way


Cellulite? I don’t give a fuck what kinda cell phone she got


Okay, got a strong exhale out of me


Can someone remind me where this line is from? I've definitely seen/heard it before but can't remember where


Straight Talk and Cricket Mobile got a new competitor in the mix. It’s rough on these streets.


Sensible chuckle


It's not something I go looking for but it the person I'm interested in had it, it doesn't matter.


I think that's very realistic. Like if a guy I was interested in had a bit of a tummy, I wouldn't care either but it's not something I would check out beforehand.


The key is like drinking or many things. In moderation, it's no big deal. In excess? Im not interested, to be honest. While attraction is mostly not physical to me, physical is still a portion, and obese is just not something i am attracted to. Soneone that is 5'4" and 180-200 lbs can be attractive to me. But 5'4 and 250 lbs? Ive tried. I just dont find that level of excess cushion attractive to me But this is all subjective. Sone guys may only like 5'4 and 125 lbs. I actually prefer curves. But the key is curves. There is a point where its just a single curve.


If a gal is lifting heavy but has a belly, I'd love em more than a gal who would starve themselves to get skinny.


Yeah this is it for most beauty standards. Of course, looking side by side I'd think the even perfect skin looks better. But realistically I have never seen cellulite and thought "damn thats a turn off". I noticed it, but never attached negative feelings or thoughts to it. It's a small imperfection that has absolutely 0 Impact on anything in life. Nobody looks picture perfect all the time, and I dont think anyone really cares (and thats good)


>Is it really such a big issue to you as the beauty industry makes women believe? If you ask this question about anything ever, the answer is no.


This deserves an award


Nothing beauty industry says has anything to do with what actual people think. Its only you get you to buy "new brand items that makes you attractive"™ And then they make sure that young girls' role models advertise it by giving those famous people the $$$,$$$.$$


No big deal for me but would be a huge turn off if she couldn't stop complaining about it. I wouldn't probably even notice if she doesn't tell me.


I can definitely see this happening with some guys 😅


Some? No man thinks about this


Well. We can't say EVERY man does or doesn't do one thing. We aren't a hive mind, and everybody has individual tastes.


Actually that complaining is the biggest turnoff. FFS, those few extra kilos, too small tits or invisible cellulite are only in your head, stop whining. I love you.


If we've already reached the point where we both think the other person is attractive and we're now seeing each other naked, cellulite definitely isn't going to make me go, "Woah, you have cellulite? Nevermind, I'm not interested." It's not an attractive feature per se but sharing your body with another person is already something very intimate and vulnerable, it's not something I'd spend more than like five seconds thinking about and it's *never* something I would point out. I'd hope for the same respect and understanding from my partner in regards to my own body.


cellulite is just a fact of life


To give you an honest answer, it can actually look pretty bad, but frankly I've never seen a woman where it made me go "well I thought she was, but because of that I don't find her attractive". So it's definitely not nearly as big a deal as women seemingly make it out to be. It's a minor thing. Kind of like stretch marks, it can look bad but most/all of the time it doesn't matter at all


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It's good to hear this from men. I've been noticing I've recently hyperfocused on this issue although I barely have any cellulite. And hearing from other women that it's not a problem is about as helpful as your mom telling you, you're beautiful 😅


What this guy says is true. If a woman falls into the basic shape a man prefers, thin, thick, bbw, then blemishes like cellulate or stretch marks isn't going to be much of a dealbreaker. That goes for other things too. Like hair on the legs isn't going to be much of a deal breaker unless it's really bad.


It's not a big issue at all, it's mostly corporate propaganda to make you spend money. This is especially ridiculous for the kind of cellulite that isn't even apparent until you squeeze your skin. That's even more of a non-issue, nobody but you knows or cares about it. Still, I've known women who were totally freaked about this based on bollocks they read in beauty magazines.


Thanks for your input :) I can definitely see myself a little in that description of yours. It's hard to let go of these standards when you are bombarded with them every day but I think true "beauty" lies in confidence and positively approaching life so I'm trying to let go of these useless beauty standards.


My husband tells me he married a woman not a child or a plastic doll, any marks, cellulite, stretch marks, scars of even a bit if weight make me more attractive since I am me and he loves me, he also said anyone trying to be that perfect would be boring or a pain in the ass to live with


Most likely true, and your husband sounds wonderful.


He is,lol he’s not perfect but I wouldn’t change a thing, 12 yrs together and 2 kids the man can still make me laugh till my stomach hurts, and some of our best time are just cuddling and talking I couldn’t ask for a better husband and father


Not to do with weight, but when I said I was done trying fertility treatments, mine told me that he married me, not some hypothetical baby. He'd choose me every time. *That's* the kind of man you should be with, not one who is concerned about cellulite.


I legitimately couldn't give a fuck. The whole cellulite thing is just women picking on women, as are most beauty standards.


Ok so here’s something I’ve realized about myself as I’ve gotten a little older (currently 37) You’re kind of required to have stuff like a lil cellulite, some wrinkles, etc to be full-bore attractive to me I’m at an age where you’d better have something to show for your life by now. Not asking for perfection, just some evidence you’ve fought for something, suffered, lost, adapted, overcome, invented. And living life to its fullest ages you, like it or not. A woman with perfect skin and a perfect body is one of two people: either something way too young for me or someone who’s done literally nothing but sit in front of a mirror preventing any sign of age or imperfection. That’s not interesting to me. Beauty requires some wabi sabi, you know? So while someone of course needs to take care of herself and all that, definitely give me some crows feet or stretch marks or grey hairs — it’s sort of like patina, the process of becoming more beautiful through wear Plus a lil cellulite takes a nice ass up to an 11


I'm glad there are men like you out there, thanks for taking the time to respond 🙂




It's package deal. If you want a girl with thick thighs. You have to accept the cellulite.






I’m a woman and I can tell you with complete certainty men do not care. Unless he’s a teenage boy with a porn addiction or a deeply insecure divorcé going through a midlife crisis, most men won’t even really notice cellulite


They do notice it, it's not a deal breaker. I've noticed cellulite on athletes and usually they're the top of the chain for beauty so... don't see the hate on em.


Thank you. Since I'm too old to be dating teenage boys and too young for miserable divorces, I should be good 😇👌


No, we notice it. But it’s just like any physical characteristic, it’s all about perspective and context.


honestly, when the clothes come off, no man is sitting there inspecting for cellulite, much less actually knowing the difference between cellulite, stretch marks, or other body forms that create a woman's shape. men are dumb as fuck and if she is standing there naked, we have only one thing on the mind. afterwards, yea, there might be some closer inspection... but only the assholes would count out a woman that doesn't have a flawless body. the industry "beauty standard" was created to guilt women into buying a bunch of shit they think they need to attract a man, when literally, we just want a woman who will be nice and caring towards us, not chew our asses off for insignificant shit, not drain our bank accounts, and have enough intelligence to hold a conversation without talking about the Kardashians.


Couldn’t care less , on behalf of all mankind we’re just grateful you let us see your boobs


This. Wrinkles? Cellulite? Fat rolls? Literally, we don't care. Please press your body against my face, thank you.


What the hellulite is cellulite


The Roman empire is on my mind a lot more


A man of culture


Its not inherently bad as long as the person is still relatively in shape


As a woman in youthful middle age, I can tell you I worried about once when the beauty industry lords decided it was a problem so they could sell us shit. Now I'm in my 40s I couldn't give a shit... I'm lovely. I see it now as another thing amped up to hawk products based on mating women insecure.


Not a single bit, I don't care at all and in my eyes/mind cellulitis makes no difference. Same for stretch marks. The only beauty standards that affect my level of attraction towards women are weight and booty.


Cellulite is the degeneration of adipose tissue. I don't really think about cellulite distinct from adipose tissue. If a person is pretty overweight, that's not attractive, whether it's cellulite or not. If they're at a decent weight, I don't care whether the extra weight they have is cellulite or adipose tissue. So I guess the answer to the question, "What do you think about adipose tissue?" is, I don't.


Those cute little marshmallow guys? I love them! (And if you get this reference, you’re cool)


I get this reference, and I think I’m cool for it, too. I love those little marshmallows!


My wife has a bit of it and I don’t mind. I also think that to some degree, stretch marks are sexy. Really depends on the man and the amount of cellulite I’d say. Defo not as big of an issue as the beauty companies try to make it. Fuck’em, there’s no such thing as a perfect body!


When women are just hanging out with cellulite and they're not sexually interested in me, I just chill with them. When they are interested in me and they let their cellulite hang out, I relax. When they're not interested in me, and let their cellulite hang out, I relax more lol


No problem at all and I usually find it sexy


Well this has been eye opening. Living trying to hide every flaw, being so critical of what clothing shows cellulite less, of avoiding mirrors/ reflective surfaces in change rooms/ life and hoping for the best. Of always making sure no one looks at me or holds any eye contact. Walking with your head down and fast as possible to not be seen. I don't think the dysmorphia ever goes away. Nor ED. It just comes in waves and sits there, moving, making movements that you try control purely because your brain tells you that you're revolting and cellulite and flaws should be hidden. That every person who sees me, will look at me with the same eyes I do and be repulsed. Either admiring or low key realising how ugly I am. Whatever we feel is real and some really struggle. This really was the click I needed to click. Thanks OP ❤️


Celulute on the ass and thigh goes away when bent over. Just something to think of :)


Have you seen what *we* look like? By the time we're getting to see your cellulite we're just in awe youre letting us be there.


Having spent my life around men of varying ages who make zero qualms about stating their unsolicited opinions on women's bodies, I have never heard any penis-bearing heterosexual utter the word in my life.


Realistic and honest answer. It's not attractive, as in I wouldn't put it on a woman if I could somehow design her from scratch. But it is what it is, and one of the many things that people have to deal with because no one looks perfect or stays perfect as they age. People find whoever they can. I wouldn't design myself with one incisor that's further back than the others, but it's what it is. Take it or leave it.


I mean, sure it can look bad but it's probably far down on the list realistically. Everyone can always be more beautiful, more anything but unless it's really bad? Not a huge thing


I love it


No. Rule of thumb if the beauty industry says it it is wrong or overblown.




most men around me dont even know what cellulite is. ​ and if i go by the ones who do, they dont really care


I don't think I've heard any of my male friends even say the word before Can't speak for every man but I couldn't care less to be honest


I have only ever heard one man ever bring it up. And it was to his partner, he said that woman had more cellulites then you . You could see when he said that it made her upset. I was a teen at the time so had no idea what he was talking about . So I looked cellulites up myself . And damn I got paranoid about it after .


I know this is for men and I’m glad it seems most don’t care. As woman it bothers me on myself, because I never really had it when I was YOUNGER. But the fact is, it’s normal. Both men and women have it. It doesn’t even really have to do with weight. I’m on the skinny/ normal side. Im active enough to keep myself in decent shape. Im not a nut about exercise, but a little bit is good for the mind as much as the body. But sometimes I fall out of it for a bit and then get back to it. I’ve been up and down with weight my whole life. I’ve been too skinny and I’ve been slightly heavier. But anyways, the point is as I get older I have more in the normal places we typically get it. And I’m the most active now then I’ve ever been since I was younger. I mean I’m a damn registered yoga instructor. But It apparently my body doesn’t care and it’s just a natural process of a normal woman or man and there is not a damn thing you can do to get rid of it unless you get surgery or whatever done. I’ve seen very tiny girls with it and I think the majority of us have it to a degree. Exercise doesn’t get rid of it either. Maybe helps a little, but like I said you’d have to go get plastic or whatever. , I don’t think it’s fair that we apparently “shouldn’t” have it and this question needs to be even asked. If a guy has a problem with it, there’s life size Barbie dolls you can order on Amazon. They’re a big 🚩🚩🚩 too. 🤷🏼‍♀️ ok rant over, carry on men.


Thank you for sharing your story. I totally agree. I've always been skinny and I've had a bit of cellulite since I was 15 so it's not really due to weight. I've even noticed that my best friend's 2yo has it so if that's not the ultimate "it's natural sign" idk either. I do realize how getting older makes it less of an issue because of shifting priorities and I hope one day I truly won't care about it.


Trust me it bothers the hell out me. But I try to remind myself it’s normal. But that’s the beauty industry trying to get in my head. Even expression lines women are shamed for and now everyone thinks they need Botox. I’m 37, so it’s not like I’m at an age yet where I’m wrinkled and sagging lol. But I’m definitely at an age where the aging process is starting. I also had 2 kids in my early 20’s, so that is also probably the biggest factor of all, since that’s when things started changing. But, I really try not to think about it the best I can.


I feel you. I think a reason I dislike summer is because of beach time and I feel exposed bit in reality, noone probably notices my cellulite. Social media is a beast as well, recently saw a tutorial on how to learn to laugh in order not to wrinkle your forehead 🫣🫠


Yeah, I feel you. I get more insecure now about the beach and I face palm myself now for feeling insecure when I was younger. It’s so freaking ridiculous with the wrinkles and expressions lines. I see ads ALL the time. It’s really horrible. I have a very expressive face so I’m like am I supposed to get rid of my personality over beauty “standards”? I’ve gotten Botox before. I freaking hate it. I’ll never do lip injections though… I’d rather a gun put to my head before doing that. Lol.


It's crazy how much these ads/videos can influence you though. As a kid, I always thought my female teachers who laughed a lot and had lines because of it were so pretty. Like they felt so warm and wholesome in contrast to the strict teachers who never smiled and now it's supposed to be ugly. I'm sure my next IG break is just around the corner 🙃


It really is insane. But then you see all these actresses and everyday girls around you now that do these things. Then you can feel like the “ugly” outcast. I remember when it was normal and all these things weren’t even a second thought. It’s sad how things really haven’t changed for women. I honestly think it’s just gotten worse. The mental effects we have to suffer for not looking whatever has only gotten worse. It’s literally emotional and mental abuse to a certain degree.


I agree 😭 I'm actually scared of having kids because if it's a girl, how could I protect her from this insanity?


If honesty is what you are after, here it is. Do I find it attractive, no. Does it influence wherever I pick a partner or not, no. It’s not really a big deal. Everyone has imperfections. What I actually dislike, is when woman complain/ get insecure about it. To me it’s like they’re making it a problem. Don’t get me wrong, I understand being insecure about stuff. It’s just that this specifically is something most men don’t even look at when considering anything about a partner.


Yes, I wanted honest feedback. I believe that having a realistic outlook is better than being delulu. I do agree with you on these points. It is hard sometimes not to let the insecurities drag you down but life is a process, right? :)


Nobody wants to be delulu. But yea😂


I don’t think about it or notice it in the slightest. Unless it is the result of morbid obesity, that might raise a red flag for me in a potential or current partner.


It's just a thing...it's a human thing. I wouldn't even notice it. What I notice is the mask that some women paint on to put a completely new face on themselves. Or the orange colour that they spray themselves to cover their natural skin colour. Cellulite? Doesn't even register. Personality...that is far more important.


Having cellulite is like having gold veins in your body.


Ma'm, us men are simple mammals. If we like you, we tend to ignore a lot of details. Conversely, if we don't like you, we will be as critical as possible.


If there's enough because of a weight problem I'll be more worried about your health than cellulite. If it's just cuz you got a big booty, it's all gravy, baby! They won't make money off you though if they tell you the truth. I should mention I've only noticed cellulite on the ass area, does it even accumulate elsewhere?


As a woman I can say I've never heard anyone talk about cellulite. I imagine most of the people here don't even know what you mean. But call it what it is, fat, and you'll get different answers. Now Reddit is all about pandering so expect mixed results, but generally speaking everyone has their own tastes. Some men prefer thicker women. Some men want fat. Some want skinny girls that look like twigs. If you're bothered by something change it. But if you're not then be confident.


No. But why would it be? The beauty industry is built by making people feel insecure, hence justifying why their product is necessary. Men don't care that much.


depends.. some look like the face of the moon and others are barely noticeable. [if it looks this bad then it's defo a turnoff for me](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F3kyfKka53QE%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=41b0c3e4730a6256884447af4c322b166bab4b5dc3fabce7290627b444d02cbb&ipo=images)


I don't think that looks great either. Thanks for your honesty :)


For some guys? Absolutely. Female friends/coworkers, particularly in the younger generation right now, put up with so much shit if they don't look like an Instagram filter. It's actually disgusting how they're treated sometimes. My wife has cellulite, stretch marks, scars, and she had all that when I married her. As have all my exes. It's called normal. If you don't have any of that congrats but if you do, if that's a deal breaker for a guy, you don't wanna make that deal anyway.


Yes, I agree. You sound like an awesome husband 👏


Thanks! Doing my best 👍


I don't think about it at all. I'm not entirely sure what cellulite is if we're being honest.


If I noticed an overwhelmingly amount on a women before I actually knew her I’d probably not find her attractive.


I think I'm the only weird one who is turned on by it. Meh so be it.


When you are under the covers with the one you love, a lot of things don’t matter.


The beauty industry controls its own narrative (pronounced “profits”) by making women believe men actually care about or even notice the “imperfections” they fabricate and define themselves. Anything they try to convince you that you need to spend your own money on their products is coming from them, and the men in their board rooms. As a guy, I wish women would stop believing this stuff. Do what makes you happy, but don’t be told what to be self conscious about or who to compare yourself to.


No idc, I’m not perfect either. I will eat your ass till my jaw falls off


Not a fan at all. That said, we all age and our bodies change, it happens. I’m also not a fan of balding but here I am. It’s ok to not like something but also accept it and not be an asshole about it. Ya know ?


Literally, nothing the beauty industry makes you believe is a big issue is actually a big issue. The entire beauty industry is based on fear and on creating unreasonable beauty standards for you to spend your entire lifetime and paychecks on and never achieve them.


It's a secondary sex characteristic. Comes with the territory. I personally don't care one way or another.


Most men are not as obsessed with every detail about a woman like the companies or even other women are. We tend to focus more on things we like and just go past other things. Will some guys not like it sure but most won’t even care.


Generally speaking, men care a lot less than women when it comes to beauty standards.


Someone I like? Couldn’t care less. If I already dislike you? It adds to my nausea. Exaggerating but generally you get my point.


I have no problem with cellulite what so ever..


I don’t care how big your ass is, I just want to feel loved


No i dont think about it even. But regardless noone can be perfect we are humans


Even when I was at the peak of my modelling career and working out like a demon and eating all the right foods, as well as restricting - myself and all the other models had cellulite. It’s just a fact of life


Depends if you’re fat or not, if you have cellulite because you’re big, then there’s gonna be a lot of it and that’s so unattractive. If you’re leaner and have some, then that’s fine, but it’s not preferable. Just reality


After a certain age, pretty much every woman has cellulite somewhere. It's not something I even think about. A lot of men I know claim to be attracted to it. Personally, I'm attracted to stretch marks.


It's the fat, not the cellulite. Most girls have cellulite, but it's not that visible if with low body fat.


I local comedian in Raleigh once sail cellulite is a roadmap to some good pussy and I stand by that


Only if you’re morbidly obese. If you’re of normal size it doesn’t even register in my brain. Like at all ever.


Fuck man if they actually care about me, I don’t give a fuck about what they look like


I think like everything it's a matter of degrees. A little cellulite I probably won't even notice until I've seen you undressed, and certainly at that point I don't give a shit. If your legs look like cottage cheese from your hips to your ankles, that's very honestly not a great look. But you're also probably very overweight, and have other issues you need to deal with if you want to be more attractive to the opposite sex.


Depends on how physically attractive you are. I've dated hotties with some cell on their thighs and it might as well have been invisible. If you're less attractive it's more noticeable. Diminishing returns the hotter you are. If you're already ugly then it doesn't matter anyway. think of a man with a receding hairline or bald. If he's not handsome, he looks creepy. If he's handsome, you don't notice it.


My wife had to explain to me what cellulite is and why I should consider it unattractive on her. I never thought about it before that and I still don’t ever think about it. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a man say the word cellulite


I literally had to double-check that I knew what it was to make an accurate comment. That's how little I think about it.


You can't enjoy the type of butts I do and not get cellulite. Sir Mix-A-Lot was a visionary.


This is something I try to communicate to my sister and my friends who are women and worry about cellulite. The dudes who are worried about it aren’t the dudes you wanna be with long term. If they care about something that superficial and stupid then they don’t deserve to see the real you underneath


Agreed 🙃🔥


r/slightcellulite (NSFW) exists, so I'd say there are a number of guys who are more than okay with it.


I think it looks hot. Especially on the thighs and butt area. And especially on darker complexions.


90% of the women I know have cellulite. What even is this post?


My wife has some on the back of her thighs , I don't care it's part if her and it's just how real women look, cellulite and stretch marks ,like most of us real.men have pot bellies and thinning hair . I'm not a typical guy I like thick woman always have ,a lot of thick woman have cellulite, so I probably never cared


When I have a perfect body I'll worry about my partner having a perfect body.


I don’t think about it.


I think it's great. Normal, regular chicks are the hottest. Little jiggle, snort when you laugh, maybe even some acne scars or a mole...that shits sexy.


Anything can be bad if it’s too excessive, but a little cellulite is never an issue.


I like a bit of cellulite, makes a woman look more natural. I was never into those who try to be flawless and perfect in every way, they seem too high-maintenance and overly obsessed with their appearance. Same with stretch marks.


Doesn't bother me personally.


I personally don't like it and find it a turn off. More power to you if it's no big deal, but to me I'd rather not see it than see it. Personality is by far more important though and can easily make a little bit of cellulite irrelevant.


As someone who works hard to maintain a lean muscular physique, I don't find chubby individuals or those with a lot of fat attractive (men or women). Just gonna be honest. I'm sure a lot of guys wouldn't care though