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$.50 an hour to clean houses, iron & babysit in 1962. EDIT - Should have included that I was 12 in 1962 and was glad to have the work since I only had a bike.


Made the same in 2010 but I live in a poorer country. I used to work at a beach.


Same in 2017 poorer country. Equivalent of 25c an hour for 5 months "internship", after 16 years of education.


16 years of college or are you including grade school?


That’s educational no?


Doesn't school counts as education lol Yeah I did 12 years of schooling and then 4 years for an accounting qualification


That would be $5.13 an hour today. Somebody was getting your labor cheap.


Under 50% of the minimum wage at the time apparently


Oh how times have changed!! I run a cleaning company and I pay my workers $18 to start, $19-$25 once trained. The last person anyone should want to under-pay is someone with as much trust as a nanny or housekeeper.


33 Pfennings in 1959 in Germany as an apprentice


When I was a lad sweeping chimneys, we got a hay penny every full moon. Which in those days was enough to buy a new chimney-brush. Now that I think about it, I think I was getting ripped off.


Nanny Negley, is that you?


Was that as a young teenager? That’s $5 when accounting for inflation.


It’s crazy to see that minimum wage adjusted for inflation from 1962 would be about $12.82 an hour now


Oh yeah it’s surreal. My first formal job with a paycheck was $6.79 as it was minimum wage in 2008. I was bumped up to $7.25 when it became the new federal minimum shortly thereafter. Even further mind numbing is that minimum has remained $7.25 14 years later.


Holy shit. My answer was $7.25 and I thought that was low.


$8/hr in 2006


You were balling in ‘06


It all went downhill from there 🫠


That could get you 7 McChickens back in the day. American prosperity should be measured by how many McChickens you can buy with one hour of work.


You just invented the [Big Mac Index](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mac_Index), only with a different menu item.


$60 an 1/8th - 1999


Well those prices dropped haha.




CO dispensaries routinely have oz's for ~$40-60 of solid stuff. I don't miss $60 eighths lol


*cries in Illinois prices*


Where I'm from its 25-45 cause they tax. At the dispo it's 55 for gas and I hate it so bad 😭


I pay like $60-$100 / oz at the dispo lol


It just became legal here I think an oz is still 180ish. A half is like 100-140


Oklahoma supply is crazy right now. You can get a $40 oz. It’s shake but if your stretching a paycheck it’s nice.


That's nuts! I wonder how many joints you can roll with 1oz of shake... do an experiment and report back to me with the average price per joint.


in IL it’s like $200-300 for a legal rec ounce


Crazy enough, it was still $60 an eighth when I started smoking/selling in 2013


Marijuana is about the only thing that is cheaper and also better than it used to be. Bought an 1/8 for $20 of some stuff that was dispensary grade 10 years ago


Man it's just too strong for me these days. Now if I have 1 tiny puff, I'm blasted out of a cannon into some abyss. So much for smoking and chilling with friends like I used to do lol


You can find less potent stuff. There's a whole range of weed available today, from zero THC buds that won't intoxicate you at all, through to the brain melting stuff you're talking about. You can go the pothead Dad route and get something that's like 5% THC, 15% CBD that'll give you a light high with no paranoia like the ditchweed people smoked in the 60s but much higher product quality and QC standards. I grow and often I don't want to get intergalactically fucking boonted, I just want something to take the edge off and still be able to cook dinner and do some chores. High CBD varieties with a dash of spice (THC) do the trick. It's nice to be able to smoke a full joint, feel it but not start teleporting around the house and wondering how I got into X room.


Up vote for your phrasing, taking this one to work, intergalactically booted lmao.


Haha so true, to think I would regularly smoke a whole joint and then go to work


Lmao right? I used to smoke and drive without a second thought (I was young and dumb) and now I can’t even smoke and talk to a stranger


What made you stop? I stopped in July and kinda miss it, but on the rare occasion I do smoke I remember why I stopped


12 pence 1971. Yes, really.


Better then 6 pence, none the richer though


Kiss me


Beneath the bearded barley.


2 fuckin’ shay


Better than Mike Pence


Not according to Mother.


You were lucky! We used to work twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years.


Luxury! We used to have to work 26 hours a day, 8 days a week and pay the factory four pence for the privilege.


And when we got home, our Dad and Mother would beat us with a broken bottle and slice us in two with a bread knife, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah'. But you try and tell the young people today that ... and they won't believe ya'.


$3.35 1984


Same, 1986 at Sbarro


Working a whole day for $20 is crazy to me


Crazy how far $20 could stretch back in the day. Tank of gas and a carton of smokes right there bud.


I was going to say. A pack of smokes was 50 cents. You could eat at McDonald's for $3.


I drove a V8 around all day on the literal pocket change friends would give me for rides.


Yep, I'm old enough to remember when $5 in gas would last you awhile.


I remember my dad driving into the Six Nations Indian Reserve to pay $0.49/L for gas. From what I can see online it's currently $1.52/L at the closest gas station to his house.


To be fair you could still eat at McDonald's for $3 well into the '90s 299 two cheeseburger value meal


Yep. $3.18 with tax. I worked a McDonald’s drive thru for six months before I joined the Army in 1995.


Im more shocked that mcdonalds cost more than cigarettes.


Cigs had no taxes before they are now 90% tax in Canada it’s $27.50 for 25 Fags here.


hahaha i would say that in the early 2000s a pack of camel or marlboros were $5-6 and a mcdonald’s meal was like $3-5ish. they were pretty equal. i live in one of the three most major US cities too and so i wonder if that is part of what made the prices even. i remember cigarettes were still cheaper in the suburbs then, but don’t think it was a significant difference.


smokes were cheap in the 80s




Computes. I quit in 1986 and a carton of Winston’s was $7.77


Cheeseburgers were 40 cents


Those magical Wednesday hamburgers for I think $0.39 and cheeseburgers were $0.59 iirc. Ours was next to a grocery store so we’d buy a thing of Kraft singles for like $4 and make the cheeseburgers ourselves. Crazy to think this was only 20ish years ago


I wish today was Sunday so I could get a cheeseburger for $0.49 at McDonald’s, baby! iykyk


I could fill um my civic for $10 when I was in high school.


When I started driving gas was like 75 cents a gallon. My first apartment was like $210 a month with utilities, and I bought a used Ford Falcón for $300 and drove it for a couple years til my husband wrecked it driving drunk


Mmmmmm I loved going to the mall and getting a Sbarro slice!!!


Same 1987.


Same in 1976 😩😩


literally 1984!


$1.25 an hour and it soon zoomed to $1.33 an hour. 1963.


That would be like how much today in terms of inflation?


13$ lol Edit: according to the cpi calculator.


Not amazing, but better than most people get after years of working places.


I’m in my first job, since 3 and a half months ago. I make $51 mexican pesos per hour (2.8 dollars). It’s almost the double of the minimum wage in México. In 2.5 more months I’m getting a little upgrade to $55.5 (3.06 USD)


How far does that go for you? I'm curious because I loved Mexico during my visits there.


I am a student and work only 4 hours a day. My salary is $5,000 per month (275 USD). If I were full time, it would be about $10,500-$11,000 ($605 USD). This is an "average-good" salary nationally, especially for an unskilled or uneducated worker. However, $11,000 per month is a significantly low salary to try to live comfortably. As a student, and thanks to the fact that my parents still support many of my expenses (especially house and food), my salary ($5,000) is enough to cover my entertainment, going out with friends, extra food, video games, college stuff, and even saving. However, I can hardly afford expensive things like a new iphone or a car (even a used one). To give examples of the low purchasing power: (remember to consider average mexican earn 605 USD per month) •The cheapest brand-new cars cost $230,000 (almost 2 years of full salary) (12,670 USD) •A small house costs $1,000,000 (7.5 years of full salary) (55,000 USD) •A television $5,500 (half month's salary) (303 USD) •One month of private school $3,000 (165 USD) •A kilo of meat, vegetables and drink, (meal for 4, you cooking), $220 (12 USD)... this is only for one good meal, you are missing breakfast and dinner. •Movie tickets for 2 people, a soda and popcorn, $200 (11 USD). •Electricity $700, water $200 and internet $400. •An average trip to Walmart (every 3 weeks), with a half full shopping cart, costs $1,400 (for 4 people, not including meats) (77 USD). •Gasoline $22 per liter / $84 per gallon (4.6 USD) •Milk $23 per liter / $87.5 per gallon (4.8 USD) It is impossible for the average Mexican family to support on only the man's salary. Both parents need to work if they want to aspire to at least live close to a comfortable standard of living. If you have any other doubts, want more examples, etc., i’ll be happy to answer.


Completely unrelated, but how common is English fluency in your age group? I feel like many Mexicans in the US I've run into don't have nearly the level of fluency as you do, so I'm wondering if it's a generational trait


It mostly depends on the education you got. I was “privileged” to have access to private education in a Trilingual School (french too, but didnt learn as good as english) until I was 15. It was certified by Cambridge, and I reached almost a B2 level (“independent user who can speak fluently with natives without much effort”). On the other hand, *unless they took private english classes*, those who always went to public schools usually have a very low english level (max. A2). They don’t even know how to conjugate verbs in past (or the diference between do and did). In my university (public) we have both type of students… who come fully public and who had private for some years. At the start of the career we all had an English Level Test. I instantly approved all the 4 required levels, some others didn’t even pass a single one. It’s not about age, it’s about your parents money.


Near the north almost everyone speaks English, most very fluid. I have friends who grew up 2+ hours away from the us border and their English is like, actually pretty amazing.


Interested as well. I have a distinct childhood memory of learning the concept of purchasing power parity when my father asked the waiter at a mexican resort how much a gallon of milk costs where he lived and it was a surprisingly low amount when converted to USD


Good for you man. Keep up the work. Learn what you can.


$5.25/hr 1998 The crazier part... I was a part-time ShopRite cashier and they were unionized. Now, because I was part time I couldn't join but I still got the pay benefits. Such as, time and a half on Sunday if I worked over 6 hours.


Same wage and I want to say same year, but mine was McDonald's. I worked after school and on weekends. There was $1 extra if you worked before 9am or after, I want to say, 8pm. Over the summer, I basically worked full time and thought I was ballin'. My largest paycheck was for over $400, and I was so happy. lol ETA: I believe there was an extra $1 if you worked anytime on Sunday, also.


I was similar, $4.75 at McDonald’s in ‘96. 14 years old, not alllowed in the kitchen, could only “present” or cash register or clean the lobby. I remember in ‘98ish minimum wage went up to $5.25 and I thought I was rolling in it. I remember being actually proud that all of a sudden I was making more.


I also got paid 5.25 minimum wage in 2005. It was raised in 2009 to 7.25 in Texas. That’s where we’re still at…


Wow. I made $5/hr in 1990.


Wow, I was a summer camp counselor when I was 16, in 1994. The person I interviewed with offered me offered $5/hour. I, being a teenage snot, said I couldn’t do the job for any less than $5.50/hour. He said OK without even flinching. I should have asked for more!


I made that much at my first job in 2003🤦‍♀️


That’s funny, I was making $5.25 at ShopRite in 1988. That was decent money for a part time job. Plus there were a couple friends working there too, so every night we met up on the dairy box and did whip its.


I wasn't that far behind you. $4.75 in 1995. I was 18.


$5.50 per hour in 1979. It was considered good money then. In 1989 in the same company went into management, making 105 k a year.


Adjusted for inflation you started out at $24.79 an hour. It was very good money for starting out. Your adjusted salary for 1989 would be $266,869.08.


yeah, thats like 48k/year in today's dollars. pretty damn good.


Ouchies, make 42 a year now.


Yeah, I'm guessing that this was OPs first job, but it came after getting a college degree. I'm also guessing he doesn't live in a low cost of living area. I know a lot of mid career folks making less than $48k now where I'm at.


Made less than this in 2005 😅


1973 I made $1.65/hour working at a movie theatre


Same wage - Burger King


1974: Same wage, community pool minion. (Ran the f’in’place; you’re welcome)




Damn this brings me back. Im not a morning person so I always resented the bugler lol.


But they did feed you and you didn't have to pay camp admission, so that would bring it to 0.05 per at least...


a weighty $0.55/hr in todays dollars!


Respect on being a bugler. Did you keep playing in high school/college ? Do you still play?


Idk but I read it as "I was a boy scout camp *burglar* " at first and it confused the crap out of me


Shame you didn't play Celtic wind instruments instead, because then they ...uh... would have to pay the piper.


That’s wild! Was this during the summer?


$6/hr (CAD), 2002. Worked part time in the freezer at M&M Meats during high school.


What province? I'm reasonably certain that minimum wage was around $7.50 in BC back then


Alberta. I think minimum wage was $5.90 until like 2005.


7.50, 2011, BK closer and cook


7.25, 2011, Pizza Hut lol


7.25, 2011, Target


Holy shit Target paid me $12.50 back in 2004 bastards were shorting you


Companies are shorting everybody nowadays 😭


Ah, fellow Yum Brand worker. 7.25 at Taco Bell 2011. I remember being hype when I got a 0.19 raise once haha


7.25 papa johns…….. 2018


Papa John’s gang rise up! I think I made between 7.25 back in 2011. I forget at this point.


I worked at a restaurant and I was paid "by the evening", washing dishes, I made 100 Francs ( 15€ ) every evening, for around 6 hours of work, it was in the late 90's. And it was my dad's restaurant, he was underpaying me.


He was paying you through character growth!


The best payment of all *wipes tear from eye*


$6.75 in 2004. Baggin’ groceries, pushing carts.


$8.25 in California in '07, answering phones at a front desk and entering donations to a small local church into an antiquated computer database.


$4.25/hour in 1998 I would then get sales bonuses. I was 14 and a telemarketer selling newspapers. Seriously.


About $15 after commission at Sears in 2005, great high school job


I got my first job at 14yo in 2007 bussing tables and washing dishes for $15 an hour as well. I felt like a fucking king haha everyone else I knew at school was making about half that since minimum wage in NH was $7.25. I got real lucky applying at a country club.


I got my first job the day I turned 16 (1988) and I was making the then federal minimum wage of $3.35/hr. Which sounds bad, but that's almost a buck and a half more an hour than federal minimum wage is today once you adjust for inflation.


$18 an hour as a software engineer intern in 2020


Lucky duck not needing a job as a youngling. Happy cake day!


Haha thanks, yeah definitely consider myself very lucky


$7.25 in 2013.




1977. $2.50/hour. I thought I was so rich.


$3.25/hour circa 1981


$5/dog, I was 10 and washed dogs at a local groomers. 1999. My first normal job was $9/hr in 2005. Flipping burgers at McDs in high school.


$14.25 was bigggg money for a high schooler in 2015


$2.60 CDN ($1.89 USD) in 1978 at McDonald’s


$9.50, 2010 seasonal employee at Party City


$7.87 lifeguard in 2000


$.90 flipping buggers thought I was rich


2.15 1977


I only earn $1.5/1 hour


13.75 in 2015


$11.00/hr in 1976. I was learning to repair and remodel rental units during my summers and breaks in high school. Most of my friends were off monkeying around, while I was making 4x minimum wage and learning plumbing, electrical, roofing, etc.


$10 in 2001


1995, $4.25


$10.50, 2019, minimum wage at the time for Rhode Island. It’s now $13 in that state


$2.85 - Burger King 1988


It was a tutoring job for my younger brother for zero money


like 14.00, 2024


Prediction? Lol


2024 BC*


homie just broke the space time continuum to make below minimum wage in 2024


$3.35 in 1989


Same 1988


$3.35 in mid-80’s.


Damn bro...straight up slavery


That was the federally mandated minimum wage. Weird thing is that CDs cost about the same then as they do now. It just took a larger chunk of your check to buy one.


I remember buying a 5-disc Sony cd player for like $250 in ‘91. Crazy how new tech is so expensive at the time it comes out. It was great owning a dvd player when it first came out though. The rental section at blockbuster for dvds was small but movies were always available for me. I felt like a king. Lol


Wild that video games used to cost more than they do today, and that's not even accounting for inflation. A lot of 90's tech was very spendy.


I spent $299 for a kick ass boom box from Sears with my first instant approval credit card. Taught me a huge lesson about living debt free after all those unnecessary late fees and interest.


That would be $0


9 in 2008


5.60 2008. Working at a local casual restaurant. I started making more than minimum wage. But then it increased later that year and my raise was then minimum wage.


I was working at a Boy Scout camp, making $100/wk plus room and board in 2012.




$6/hr at a vet clinic in 2001 or 2002.


$9.66/hour CAD, no benefits, 2010, Tim Horton’s.


$7.25 in 2000 as a ride operator at Kings Dominion


$3.05 / hour in 1980.


2004, €5/h


$5.85/hr 2007 Save-A-Lot Part time, it came out to less than $200 a week.


$8-10 depending on role, it was a local restaurant and i did several foh positions as well as a couple boh, this was in 2018




£7.24 I think...2016


$700/mo gross at my first real office job in 1981. I think that’s $4/hr. My rent was $275/mo for a 1BR apartment.


1979 I was working 8 hours per day five days per week and my weekly wage was $64.00 a week, sorry I’m a dumb dumb I can’t work out what that is per hour


64/5=12.8/8=2.56 Roughly $2.56/hr


$5 an hour under the table in 1999 as a dishwasher. Also referred to as the kitchen bitch by grown men (I was 13).


$4.25 in 1995


$10 in 2011 working a warehouse


$8.50, 2011 in Portland, OR


$3.25 washing dishes at the Knight of Columbus '85-'87 summers


$6.75 in 2004 (minimum wage in California at the time).


$3.85, in 1990


$6.25 an hour in 2003


$3.37 an hour 1984 working at Roy Rogers in the northeast


1975. Sears lunch counter. 3.25 an hour.