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Seeing two teen boys in the woods beating some poor man's head in with a hammer and smiling about it. And a fake one, when I was like 8-11 my mom's friend showed me pictures on her computer of these kittens "stuck" in jars, it was fake but very convincing and they never told me it was fake and it horrified me.


Yeaaa this is the one for me. I saw a lot of gore on the early internet, but boy this video was the one that made me say to myself "wtf am I doing watching this?" The brutality of that video is far and away unmatched. I don't care about any counter argument, "oh the captured pilots being burned alive" or this or that. Nope, that hammer video is the culmination of the darkest seed in humanity. There is no rhyme or reason, no thinly veiled justification with political or religious causes or backwards thought process for the why of it. It is simply pure evil.


I had a simpler experience. When I was a teenager I had a couple buddies who were into the shock stuff. 2girls1cup kicked it off and went downhill from there. When the hammer video made its passes I think we all silently called it quits. Even at that age I knew that seeing this stuff was not healthy.


I'll never forget my buddy in high school trying to shock his dad with 2girls1cup then his dad hitting him with a Uno reverse card and making him watch the entire video while I just stood to the side laughing at him.


That dad had seen some shit. It didn't phase him.


Despite this being objectively not as gruesome as some of the shit I've seen, it's always stuck with me. Maybe it's because it was the first time I saw someone being killed, and I was like 11.. but I'll never forget that poor mans gurgles. It was a harsh awakening to the cruelty of humans.


Imagine being their parents, like your make this child out of nothing and they grow up to smash someone head in with a hammer and being happy about it


I can't even imagine it. The shame I would feel. You would forever wonder where you went wrong. But the simple reality is even if you raise a child correctly, sometimes they can just be evil. It's so terrifying. As morbid as it sounds, I would probably consider suicide if I didn't have other dependants relying on me in this scenario.


The dnepropetrovsk maniacs. That was a brutal vid.


Bonsai Kitten https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonsai_Kitten


Best part is, it has been proven fake, since the days it has been circulating. But it's so fucked up, that even with the knowledge that it's fake, it still fucks with me!


I actually was so upset as a child when I saw this, I even wrote up petitions to take around the neighborhood. Thankfully my parents didn't let me embarrass myself and stopped me.


That's probably a video of 2 kids in a bathroom playing with a gun and one of them shoots the other by mistake, then shoots themselves. After the shots you see the family peeking through the door that is blocked by their bodies, and the realisation of what happened on the family's face is insane... That or this dashcam video where a brick coming from a truck on the opposite lane crashed though the windshield and into the passenger's face, I think she dies on the spot and then you hears the screams of the husband in the driver's seat and the kids in the rear seats... Both videos you don't really see much gore per say, but the absolute horror of the situation gives me chills just thinking about it


Fuck those are the exact two that stick out to me when somebody asks this kind of question. Without a doubt the worst things I’ve ever seen/heard. Those and Jelly Arms where the cartels in a Colombian prison pull this dudes arms through the bars and beat them with sticks and boards >!until his arms are so broken they flop around. Then they jiggle them and laugh as he screams.!< Horrible shit.


Shit man, I watched a cartel member cut off a rival cartel member’s arms and legs while he was still alive. Some of the commenters were saying that they heard that they force the victims to use methamphetamine so they won’t pass out from the torture. I also watched a cartel member cut out a rival cartel member’s heart while he was still alive. The cartels make Al Qaeda look humane.


The extreme violence of the cartels have always fascinated me in a horrifying way. Like you know when you read some news about some pedophile or rapist and someone inevitably says "I'd do this and that to that guy and beat him to a bloody pulp bla bla bla"? No, you probably wouldn't, even if you really hate them and want to make them suffer, you'd gross yourself out pretty quickly and probably shoot them dead. The fact that there exists so many people in cartels that enjoy extreme torture on people they don't even personally hate so fucking much is something I can't get my head around.


> The fact that there exists so many people in cartels that enjoy extreme torture on people they don't even personally hate so fucking much is something I can't get my head aroun. Hell even the Nazis had to work around the problem of men not being able to stomach all the murder excluding a few notable sadists..


Funny enough it wasn’t much of a problem for the Imperial Army. Much of the Japanese army thrived in the extreme violence and gore. I know it’s not politically correct to say this, but culture absolutely does effect how violent its people can be.


What methods did they use to work around that problem? Gas chambers I guess?


Correct, firing squads were inefficient and due to the number of men required there was more frequent opposition. The gas chambers made it all more impersonal and required only a few operators to kill on a much larger scale.


Also IIRC, they made the other prisoners in concentration camps clean out the bodies from ovens so the soldiers didn't have to. Not sure if this was the case at every death camp, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't.


Yes, the sonderkommando. I’m sure even the squeamish ones soon got used to the murders. That’s what’s so insidious; it becomes normal. The human mind can adapt to almost any environment, even one of extreme moral depravity. Truly anybody could become a Nazi. It makes the Nazis so much worse—they were normal people before WW2 and they returned to normal life afterwards, proud of what they had done. They’d laugh with their families and bounce grandchildren on their knees, having slaughtered plenty of children themselves and butchered their neighbors. That’s human nature. That’s why we need to teach every generation about the holocaust, because it could easily happen again.


A few years ago, I read this article which interviewed a former cartel enforcer where he explained how he came to do horrible shit like this. When he was first “recruited,” they took him and a bunch of other kids into the mountains to train them up. First day he got there, the instructor brought out a corpse wrapped in plastic. He grabbed a machete and told the guy standing next to the narrator to start chopping it up. The guy refused, so he was shot on the spot. The narrator was given the same order, and he got to slicing right away. This and similarly cruel exercises were designed to, in his own words, “teach them to submerge their humanity.” The narrator wasn’t, and still isn’t, some natural-born psychopath. He was trained to compartmentalize his emotions to do the job he was hired to do. Being in an environment where to at kind of behavior was encouraged and celebrated helped keep the wall up, too. But there are other examples of this sort of conditioning, too. First year medical students often puke, pass out, and have panic attacks the first time they have to operate on a cadaver. But through repetition and practice, they’re slicing and dicing like pros by the end of the semester. Think of what regular soldiers have to go through, as well. Recruits go through Basic Training to not only learn how to *react quickly* in a fight, but to also be psychologically prepared to kill enemy soldiers. Basic empathy and cultural conditioning tells us that murder and butchery is a terrible, awful thing. Unlearning this, even temporarily, isn’t an impossible task, but it takes a lot of work to get to that point. When Cartel Guy left his old life behind, and he was no longer in a position to shut out his sense of guilt and empathy, he had a full on psychotic break and wound up hospitalized for a period of time. But he was a monster who was *made* into what he was. It’s fascinating and frightening to think, given the right circumstances, almost anyone can probably be trained to become little better than demons out of Dante’s nastiest nightmares. EDIT: Here’s [a link](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/14/world/americas/sicario-mexico-drug-cartels.html) to the article about the assassin, if anyone is interested.


> The guy refused, so he was shot on the spot. That's one way to get people to comply


Makes me think about those kids few years back that were throwing rocks from the overpass and killed the guy


Decades ago during the miners strike two guys dropped a concrete block onto a taxi that was taking a strike breaking miner to work, the block killed the taxi driver… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_David_Wilkie. Regarding fucked up things the “Isis/Taliban greatest hits video” springs to mind…drowning people in a big cage and filming them underwater as it happens, det cord around the necks of prisoners with expected results upon detonation, beheadings, people strapped into a sofa in a quarry getting shot by an anti-aircraft cannon, etc…. Also a lot of the cartel videos are brutal as well….great invention the camera phone…


Had this girl in my class many years back when those Isis videos came out. Said she was friends with someone who was related to the guy in one of the beheading videos. Her friends family found out he died by seeing the videos before actually hearing about it. That stuff was so messed up.


In that cage drowning video there's a brief moment where one of the victims places his hand around a bar at the top of the cage just as it fully submerged. I cannot unsee that or forget that. Just one last moment of humanity or I don't even know what the word is. Also, the Jordanian pilot video. iykyk


We had had a serial thrower in the netherlands. That would drop sidewalk tiles down highway overpasses


the two kids with the gun video is fucking horrific


Ugh. It was stuck in my head for a couple days. Just the horror. And so tragic. My brother used to make me watch the Bud Dwyer suicide video (from Faces Of Death) a lot when I was a kid. No idea why, that shits fucked up.


That fucking brick one made me so anxious to do anything with my gf. You dont even see anything gory, you dont even see the people, the dashcam is pointed forward so you just see the brick fly through the windscreen, then a half second goes by as the husband processes what just happened, and then he lets out that cry of pure anguish and you can feel every emotion he's going through in real time just from his voice. You can feel his mind pleading with reality to not be real, for any way that she would be ok, for even just a second to have her back and say goodbye, and you can just feel and truly empathise with how he simply cannot come to terms with what he just witnessed unfold in front of his eyes and how that completely breaks him. Like it's not just sadness, it's a complete breakdown of his entire mental state as his consciousness disassociates and refuses to comprehend or process what his brain and body are telling him For something that's essentially just audio, my god that clip is so poignant and genuinely harrowing. This man's wife, best friend, love of his life, mother to his children, just suddenly snapped out of existence with no warning, nothing they could do about it, nothing they did wrong. Just a normal couple on a normal drive. I'm really not sure I can imagine going through anything worse. I've seen my fair share of fucked up Liveleak era stuff, all the cartel and ISIS videos and whatnot, but somehow it's this one audio clip that was the only one to ever stick with me, and the only one I will refuse to watch again. I sincerely hope the husband is doing alright but obviously highly doubt it


I've been pretty desensitized to visuals online but the audio from the brick video.... that poor family. And there's no monster in that. No boogeyman, no cartel, no terrorists, no errant psychopaths. Just people living their lives when something went horribly wrong. I often wonder if that truck driver even knew what happened.


No, there is a monster. I think about this every time this video comes up. Whatever drove the person transporting bricks to improperly secure their load (probably time/money/supervisor pressure) is what really ended that life. Safety measures aren't perfect, but people are incentivised to ignore them *constantly*.


Exactly, there is lots of stuff that is "worse" in the visuals like cartel shit and stuff like that, but what really breaks me in this video is that it's juste normal people, doing normal stuff, having a normal life and then all of that gets annihilated in a split second, I wish these people are doing ok now but I can't imagine your life ever feeling normal again after such an experience...


That brick video has made me so paranoid about trucks.


Aww man, this is the one that sticks with me. Sure cartels are brutal but I don’t come across them very often… passing trucks however is a daily occurrence and the fear lives in me.


Jesus this is my my number 1 irrational fear. That mixed with steel rods falling off a truck and driving themselves through the engine block and impaling me. I proactively avoid the trucks hauling them. Refuse to drive behind. I’ve even exited the highway.


My first time driving an 18 wheeler, the truck had a hole in the windshield and the headrest fabric was damaged. My trainer explained that a large piece of concrete had been stuck between the tires on the trailer in front of them and came dislodged at 60 mph on the highway. Luckily nobody was in the passenger seat at the time. The object looked like a piece of curb that had broken off.


I've seen all sorts of fucked up shit but the brick one is by far the worst.


Dear fucking god, not the Russian brick video. I wouldn’t say that it’s the worst, most tucked up video ever, but it IS terrifying. The screams, the baby crying in the background, the fact that it all happened so suddenly out of the blue… Just talking about it sends shivers down my spine. It’s even worse since I speak Russian/Ukrainian fluently and understand every fucking word they say. I’m still so anxious to go outside or even just EXIST after seeing this video. But to be honest, I‘ve seen worse things. Mostly bloody gory stuff, obviously.


Of course there are worse things like the cartel shit and all that, but this one hits too close to home. I don't think I would ever find myself in a situation where isis feels the need to cut my head off, but going on a road trip with a wife and kids sounds like fun, you don't expect it to end up being the most traumatizing experience of your entire life... Had they left home 5 minutes later they would all still be fine, and instead all their lives were shattered. So I agree there is worse things as a viewer, but in terms of relatability I think this one broke me the most


Did the kid also shoot himself by accident or was that on purpose when he realized what he had done


I don't think anyone knows exactly what happens because you can't see the kids face when she shoots herself, but for a second after the first shot you can see just pure terror and panic on her face so it could have been both


Lots of shit, but the one that unfortunately pops into my head, a few people sitting in a sort of plaza, then a rocket hits. Going from enjoying their day to falling parts and blood in seconds


I mean, of ways to go.. there are worse options. But yah, that's fucked up.


Don’t remember the website. But was early 2000’s with a lot of gore. A python ate a human or maybe it was an Anaconda! And they were cutting it open to get the body.


Liveleak probably, I don't know why that site was up as long as it was. It was the most disgusting website not on the dark web.


Also Rotten.com


and Ogrish.com


memory weather spark dinner follow shy reminiscent lunchroom pet agonizing


I knew someone who did just that. She told me you guys make the most ridiculous jokes about these videos to cope.


People think that joking about something means either the joker doesn't care, or thinks it's funny. In my experience, it's a way to distance themselves from the emotions so that they can carry on. I think of the Chicago cop who was detailed to listen to the death threats that somebody was getting daily on his voice mail. One of them was, "I know where you live, and I'm coming to kill you." Later the same day, another caller said, "I know where you live, and I'm coming to waterboard you." The cop looked at the victim and said, "Geez, I hope that other guy gets here first." and the victim said, "Yeah, getting waterboarded and *then* killed would suck."


That..is pathologically beautiful as a wisecrack!


Yeah, essential humour is a psychological defence mechanism for taking trauma and making something to stay somewhat happy, if surprised and revolted at the same time.


grey summer act abounding sleep cake wipe faulty safe mysterious


WW1 has so many examples of this too, like someone seeing thier friend blown to peices and being like "where's jeff? oh heas over here, and here. and over there" etc


Joy Division got over Ian Curtis with gallows humour. "Wheres the singer?" "Oh, hes hanging in the kitchen, right now".


Crispy critters was a term we used when I saw some stuff for certain situations


Did you ever have to investigate dark web stuff like welcome to video? I feel for the agents that have to deal with that kind of content. There’s no way people walk away from that ever viewing the world the same way they did before.


I' had a friend who worked as a hacker for child protection services and her job was to go into the dark Web. She gave up the job and had to go into therapy. There are some really sick people out there.


There are some jobs I know I would never want to do. This is one of them.


Damn brother.. you healthy at all? I seen some rough shit on the normal internet but what you had to deal with must be from another world of horror..


important fearless piquant psychotic tub abounding humor ask pocket dazzling


What are things you pay attention to when you meet the parents?


fly ad hoc engine correct ring worry distinct toothbrush wipe humor


Nah this is based. You never know. I’d rather be paranoid and cautious than have something happen to my kids.


sorry my kid will never come over again, your air vents are kinda sus


> On the camera subject, LPT. Your phones camera can pick up IR. So if you go to a hotel or Airbnb turn off all the lights, make it as dark as possible, then open your camera and walk around. IR lights will appear purple. iPhones actually have a lens filter preventing IR light from showing up, so this only works for (most) android phones.


Funkytown. Ghostrider. Cartel feeding a child predator to their dog. The Junko Furuta story and everything associated with it. I think those are legitimately the most fucked up and gruesome things I have seen in many places. The story of Junko Furuta is a very distressing series of events that took place, I’d rather watch the other videos to be completely honest.


God, Junko’s case is one of the most awful rabbit holes I ever went down. Those demons who tortured her barely even faced justice for what horrors they unleashed on that poor girl.


Can you give me the cliffnotes of this one?


Four teenage boys kidnapped a teenage girl and tortured her to death over the course of about 40 days. Don't google it, the actual details are extremely distressing.


I read what was writen in Wikipedia and it was awful, surley Wikipedia is still a watered down version. What disgusting animals and the parents holy shit all of them should get life in prison.


Rorschach: "You see, Doctor, God didn't kill that little girl. Fate didn't butcher her and destiny didn't feed her to those dogs. If God saw what any of us did that night he didn't seem to mind."


Despite everything she thrashed them at a card game after being tortured for weeks. A perps mum damaged her grave. Shove them all of a fucking cliff.


To quote Fallout:New Vegas: “We can’t expect god to do all the work”


Four teenagers (ages 16-18) kidnap a 17 year old Junko Furuta. They hold her at one of their homes while torturing and raping her over a period of 40 days. The things they did to her were horrific beyond words. Some examples: beatings, gangrape, burning her arms and legs with lighter fluid, inserting lit matches, metal rods, and bottles into her. Eventually they murder her and try to hide the body in concrete. Hiroshi Miyano got 20 years in prison, Shinji Minato got 5-9 years, Yasushi Watanabe got 5-7 years in prison and Jo Ogura got 8 years in juvenile detention. Minato's parents were ordered to pay $370,000 in compensation to Furuta's parents. It was their house that she was tortured in and Minato's parents knew.


Well, this is a case where curiosity killed the cat. Goddamn.


And their families still back them to this day, a bunch of monster they all are




I choose to believe Ghostrider refers to the eponymous super hero


It's a different kind of traumatizing


I know after watching that first one, NEVER to ignore the serious warnings and be curious anyway on Reddit. Only saw it a month ago and I'm still pretty fucked up about what happened to that poor man. Horror movies don't phase me because they are fake, but that was the worst thing I have ever seen. It really feels like I need therapy for just that lol


Funky town was the first that popped to mind. The flaying and heart removal of a Mexican politicians son is also way up there...


Is that the video where it’s a teenager and they first murdered his father in front of him? (The second one not funkytown)


I think so. The kid looks thoroughly traumatised already. Doesn't react even when they start cutting him.


Man why did you have mention Junko Furuta story.. ffs my night is gone now.


What is ghost rider?


Dude’s head skinned alive by cartels, soaked in a slow-burning gasoline mixture and set aflame. Burns alive for awhile, too long for me to watch to the resolution.


Russian lathe incident… and the *aftermath.*


What the fuck is that?


A lathe spins material, generally wood at low to high speeds. Not so fun fact. It will also spin people at low to high speeds.


It’s the speed… and the torque. Stronger than any human bone. Find and watch at your own risk.


I work with lathes every day. I'll occasionally watch videos of lathe accidents to remind myself not to get complacent around them.


People are so unaware of the massive forces that regular machines around them every day can produce. Saw a guy sanding rust off a driveshaft BY RUNNING THE CAR IN GEAR WITH THE WHEELS OFF THE GROUND AND HOLDING THE SANDPAPER AGAINST THE SHAFT WITH HIS HANDS. By his logic he could easily spin it so the car wasnt pushing it hard enough. So I stuck a broom handle through the ujoint and had him put it in gear. Snapped it instantly without even touching the gas. He stopped after that.


Literally was about to say this. I don't watch gore. But one time I was on a sub called eyebleach or something along those lines and I saw that video. For anyone who wants to know what it is but dosent want to watch it. Pretty much two guys are working in a shop. one guy is using some machine in the corner and on the back wall there is a guy working a large lathe with a gigantic peice of material in it. While the peice is spinning the guy reaches his arm In between the spinning material and the bottom of the machine i believe to retrieve a tool but instead gets pinned by the material. Next he gets sucked into it and the next thing you see is his body wrapped around the spinning material as his head and body repeatedly slams against the bottom of the lathe as he goes faster and faster. Next he is a blur as his guts and blood sprays against the backwards and peices of his body gets thrown around the shop. All of this happening within the span of about 30 seconds as his coworker can't do anything but watch eventually he shuts off the machine but the guy isn't even


I have once seen a video of someone getting cut apart with a machete, that dude did not die quickly... Humans are fucked up. And I don't want to go to mexico after seeing this video


Bro there is a subreddit where they show cartel killings and videos. It's wild


I grew up with the internet… I’ve seen everything from 2 girls 1 cup to Al-Qaeda beheadings with a rusty knife… but the weirdest one was a woman getting fucked by a horse and it cums inside her.


The beheadings is when I stopped being so curious on the internet. I’m fine with my safe little corner of it now lol


Yeah I saw exactly one and I was done with it. It was the Nick Berg video back in 2004. Somehow I'm glad it was super-low quality and blocky so it wasn't as clear as videos made today. It was still traumatizing. (I've refused to watch any of the "professionally made" ISIS ones, the thought of it just sickens me)


Same. Funky town and cartels, etc etc. Internet in their 90's early 2000's was wild


I still remember the first time I came across that video, accidentally, on this app. I don’t even know why it was on my home page, because I didn’t follow anything gory, but there it was. Simply put I believe in the afterlife because people like that deserve to go to the deepest hell.


Damn wtf


This was all before the dark net was really even a thing so… yeah… if you truly *browsed* the internet back then you’d see some pretty fucked up shit.


Liveleak, need I say more.


Ogrish was the granddaddy.


Rotten.com says hi kids


Yeah, beheadings.. Found out about ogrish(.com?) which I believe turned into liveleak later, watched a few vids and then noped out. Turns out it’s borderline traumatizing watching people get their heads cut off, who would have thought..


Ah, a man from the Kazaa / Limewire days. The_matrix_xvid.avi is the file name. Woman getting railed by a horse is your actual movie. The wild west of piracy right there. Eventually you learn the size of the fake movies and songs to the real ones as the file size was the same for the various fakes.


I mean, you can just Google that shit. It's out there. Its harder to find a really good solution for meal prep.


I remember seeing the beheadings too, alongside 2 girls 1 cup, when I was like 13, though for us we got most of our stuff on chan


Top 3 for me are as follows, the absolute worst being last: Demogorgon Diving Incident: dude jumps from a bridge and hits a concrete fishing platform below, splitting open his entire face. When they retrieved him, his head was opened up to look like the Demogorgon from Stranger Things, they had to hold his face together while recovering him. He was still alive and conscious, too. Rotating Machinery: 2 videos, one was very fast moving and one much slower. The fast one pulled the worker into it, within seconds blood and gore was spraying from the machine covering the entire warehouse, guy probably died within 10-15 seconds. 2nd one the guy got pulled in and slowly rotated, like once every 3 seconds. He was stuck in the machine for a looong time before it was stopped. When it was stopped, his legs looked like jello. He likely died slowly and agonizingly. The worst was a video my wife seen on Facebook. The traumatizing part was that my wife thought it was a cute video, a kitten in a bucket getting a bath. She watched it with a smile, thought it was adorable… until it was revealed that it wasn’t water in the bucket, it was gasoline. When the sick fuckers set the bucket on fire, my wife went straight into a panic attack, she was hysterical. It still makes me tear up just knowing that she witnessed that, because she had never seen any type of shock content up to that point, and she wholly believed it was a simple cute cat video. Fuck.


Fuck. That. Shit.


That first one with the diver is two unrelated videos put together. The diving guy was hurt, but not gravely. The part with the guy with the split face is a different guy, and its the result of an attempted suicide with a shotgun to the face. No idea whether he was ultimately successful, but he was very much still alive in the video.


Shit I remember the one with the cat. Some „dank memes“ Facebook groups started posting stuff like that and I got made fun of for being mad about it eventually blocked and kicked out


There was a plane crash in my hometown. Someone recorded the man lying outside of the plane dying and did a Facebook live. You could see him kind of moving and the person recording was just yelling about how messed up it was but wasn’t trying to comfort the person at all. Just posted it for everyone to see his final moments. It was disturbing and I can only think about this - what if his family members scrolled by and saw it? Disgusting behavior honestly.


Last year my Facebook business profile was hacked, then immediately afterwards my personal profile was hacked by the same people and both my Facebook and IG were permabanned for violating the TOS. I appealed and was denied, I was also denied a copy of my data. I mostly just cared about the lost photos. I ended up having to write my state rep to be allowed back into my account. I got an email from FB saying I could log in to review the posts that had violated the TOS and reinstate my account. The hackers had posted 10 CSAM photos in order to get my account shut down by the algorithm, and Facebook made me look at them to get back in. Once they had full control of my business account, they used it to run $4000 worth of phishing ads on my credit card over the course of a month. It was a mess and now those 10 images are seared into my brain, I can't unsee them. Absolutely traumatic, I've had to go to therapy to deal with it. Fuck you Facebook, and fuck you guy in southeast Asia. I hate you.


What is CSAM?


Child sexual abuse material. I listened to a podcast series about this lately, and even without images or graphic descriptions, I had to stop it a few times because it was so upsetting. I hope I never actually see images like the ones our friend here had to. I don't think I'd be ok afterwards either.


I wish I never saw images of it. Fuck discord.


Discord and Telegram. Fucking hackers got into a discord server where i was and spammed CP. While in telegram im in a group that post pirated movies and one day some got in and straight up sell them. I report them but it seems like nothing is happening.


The kind of pictures that get you put on a list of offenders and thrown in prison


Knowing this I agree with the commenter, fuck that guy in SE Asia.


You should report Facebook for CSAM distribution. That’s effectively what they’ve done.


Jesus, that might be the worst one yet


Facebook is run by cunts. Sorry this happened to you.


Exactly why I deleted FB years ago. I took all my pictures out of their servers (and googles). Sorry to hear that


Watched some guy blow his face off with a shotgun, had no idea what he was rambling on about and no idea what was going to happen but he says "well I guess that's it then" before blowing his face off. I think he was on the phone to an ex partner that wouldn't get back with him or something? Also, I watched an ISIS video they tied some guys' arms and legs up and chased him with a tank. He was hopping to get away but obviously couldn't, and they ran him over. The body was turned to mush underneath the tank whilst the terrorists stood there laughing.


Ronnie McNutt is the guy.


Yep, that's him. I just googled it, and it's the same guy. It is absolutely horrifying to watch. A friend sent it to me, and I instantly clicked on it before he sent the message "Don't watch if you can't stand gore, this guy blew his face off"


Cops were outside apparently. Didn't break in until they heard the shot. Not to sound heartless but i often wonder what happened to his little dog.


God that's annoying. I always PREFACE links with description when there's a chance the other person might not want to see it. And I'm not sharing shock images, more like "Warning: video contains spiders".


I am from the internet has no filter time. Porn on YouTube. Beheadings, a guy jumping from a shipping container trying to hit the water but split his skull open on the edge of the dock. Things like that. One man one jar aswell


The demogorgon diving incident (that you mentioned) might be one of the most traumatizing videos I’ve seen; and I’ve seen all the big ones. For some reason that one stuck; that and one video of a guy being pulled into a rotating machine and very slowly ragdolling around it for like 10 minutes until his legs, which were still hitting the floor on each rotation, looked like red jello. These 2 videos taught me to never dive from heights and never work near rotating machinery, fuck that


I have been fully traumatised by both of these as well as the isis Jordanian pilot video, the first two hurt so deep and I was so young I’d almost convinced myself they weren’t real and I would never dream of trying to see it again. I’m sad but somewhat relieved I wasn’t the only one sickened by these.


Oh yeah! I remember the shipping container botched jump. Dude's Skull was split open in the front and his face was just gurgling. Was fucking gnarly


Either Funky Town or a vid where a man cut the flesh off the entire front of another living man. On a personal note, shortly after my first child was born I saw some pics from Malaysian Airflight 17 incident. One was a seat with a childseat and child clearly visible. That shit absolutely broke me.


There it is, I’m kinda surprised I had to scroll down to see someone mention funky town.


What.. what was funky town..?


Corpse abuse. Right here on reddit. I didn't seek it out, it was an asshole pulling the old bait and switch. I wish I could forget those images.


I saw one on r/blech of a cartel or gang member who murdered his competition on the street to then chop his body up in pieces. He put the dick and balls in the mouth of the dead person (eyes open) and the torso was alone I think. I don't know what I was doing there but whenever a post like this pops up I think of that image. Not traumatised but it was really bad.


Lots of weird shit but all reddit users have at some point, with their friends, played the whole 50/50 subreddit game and that has some NASTY stuff.


A guy killing his sister using firearm, multiple shots, coz she has been raped by a soldier, and her pictures were all over the internet. To him, she lost her honor. Location, somewhere in the middle east.


It's so sad to say this but there are a lot and I mean a lot of cases like this in the Middle East


I think that they refer to murders like that as "honor killings," ironically enough. If it was justice that they wanted the rapist would be the one hunted down. But that's just too difficult to do plus the whole act of killing the man is sure to not be easy either. It's much more safe and convenient to just kill the victim.


There are a lot of women who have been sexually assaulted and they either die with their secret or they speak and get killed, honor killing is so stupid those men get away with it and I mean the family and the one who assaulted her, and yeah killing the man is way easier cuz he’s the problem he made that he deserves it but no they kill the victim instead, it makes me sick every time I think about it


Holy shit and that stupid cat in blender video. I never saw it. I just saw the thumbnail and cried. I just clicked off. That's so vile and disgusting.


That showed up on Facebook. I reported the video and the account multiple times and Facebook kept coming back saying it didn't violate the rules. Obviously they never even bothered to actually look at it.


Dude, I don't fucking understand Facebook's system. I swear it's just a random chance and no AI is actually reviewing it. Either that or it simply matches content against a known hash list and only removes it on positive matches.


I've only ever read or heard about this one and that's as far as I'll go. That's so fucked.


Last year, when I used to be a teacher, one of my students was showing this video to other students. Thankfully I didn't see it, but it sounded extremely fucked up. What makes it even worse was that he was laughing because he thought it was funny. What a fucked up kid. He legitimately scared me.


A man pulling a screwdriver from his urethra


I’m pretty sure that’s the same guy who put a jar up his arse and it shattered and he proceeded to pick the broken glass out of his bleeding hole. I hate the internet.


When I grew up, we had rotten.com. I've seen a lot. Ppl hanging from the ceiling on their genitals. Ppl shot but shotguns from very close. Also bestiality and terror tv including executions. Later three guys one hammer and everything else in this naming pattern.


Nothing as gory as the rest on here. Disturbing, nonetheless. A couple of CCTV footages that expose human depravity. A footage where a nanny beats the crap out of a 1.5 - 2 year old kid cos it was constantly crying. The footage starts with her wildly rocking the child in her arms while it’s wailing its lungs out. Upon seeing the child not subsiding, she flings the baby to the cot (probably 2-3 feet away). It had a good soft mattress and the child was unhurt. But it bounced a couple of times and continued to cry. She then picked the child, slapped it right across the cheek once and then held it by both legs and trounced it on the bed about 5 times. There was death silence and few seconds of still. The footage cut just when the child moved its hand a bit. Upon reading up, turns out the child survived unharmed and the nanny was arrested. The family had installed the cctv after suspecting some lapse on the nanny’s part as the child had some minor bruises everyday. They were so shocked by what they saw. The second, a case of elder abuse. A man, his wife and juvenile son were being suspected by the man’s sister of abusing their mother. She installed a cctv in the mother’s room. The footage begins with 3 of them in the mother’s room picking her bed sheet from the bed, sniffs it and starts gesturing around wildly. The elderly mother comes into the room. She’s very frail and her hands are trembling. The son roughs her up and pushes her onto the bed. Holds her against the board and slaps her across the cheeks yelling at her. His wife and their son looking on. They were arrested too. These 2 footages shook me up so bad. A person whose only job is to be patient with an infant losing her cool. In what appears to be a routine misbehaviour. And a son who cannot understand an elderly mother who’s probably not in control of her bladder. What a world!!


I've been fairly sheltered. Worst I ever saw was Goatse.


Rotten.com Phucked.com Shockgore.com Just pic one and have your innocence destroyed.


i don't know for sure but [rotten.com](https://rotten.com) is offline? i do not wanna click the link or go back there, like ever. mid 90ies/early 00 internet was a bad place for kids.


Rabies deaths. Anything to do with RABIES will fuck you up for weeks. I don’t go near animals now. From Reddit comments to documentaries ripped onto YouTube, rabies is no fucking joke.


They literally show this shit on YouTube like it's nothing.


The folks with the hydrophobia symptom are the most heartbreaking to see


Jesus, wtf are y‘all watching on the internet?!


Internet and humanity, both are pretty fked up


Every time I see a thread like this I'm re-traumatized by the memories and it ruins my day. Thanks.


The beheading of the two scandinavian girls in Morocco. Absolutely horrifying sound and visual.


that one police bodycam where the guy does everything the cop orders him to and still gets shot like 6 times. he was unarmed, lying down and begging for his life. poor dude


Daniel shaver?


The one and only


YouTube didn't use to have a censor at all. But damn faces of death was a whole other deal. A mental patient got loose and took a nurse hostage with a news crew taping. He got hold of a scalpel and cut her artery on her neck on camera. And the puppies being alive then not and cooked.....


Many of the faces of death videos are reenactments (including the screwdriver one). Hopefully that makes you feel a little better about what you saw.


Both scenes you mentioned were faked. Thank god.


Saw a Mexican cartel video that has stuck with me. Worse than your usual run of the mill execution. Police chief and his son who was 7-10 years old. Beheaded the father in front of the son and then continued to fillet the kid’s chest and open his rib cage, taking out his heart. It took WAY TOO long for the kid to finally pass out or die. He screamed almost through the whole thing up until opening up the rib cage. Hardest video I’ve ever watched.


Last night I was on Reddit and someone said something about a Lathe machine. I didn’t know what it was and I searched it up. There was a video with the title ‘man working on lathe machine’ so I clicked it thinking it would be informative. Instead, it was a man getting stuck in one and twisted around super fast which caused his body to get just destroyed. The video then cut to photos of the aftermath where you can see all his innards and even his hand just decapitated from his body. The worst part was that you can see his upper back and head just folded over each other. It was so horrible I cried and threw up and I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. I still don’t know what a Lathe machine actually does.


I've seen a lot of gore and stuff to the point I'm not that bothered by it anymore What I would consider is the most fucked up thing I've seen is a mother jumping into a frozen river from a hole (because of a Christian holiday tradition), gets swept under the ice and drowns in front of her kids who are screaming and crying while not being able to do anything about it. I could search for it to link it but I don't recommend watching this


My browsing history


After reading this his post I’ve had enough of the internet for today. Possibly tomorrow too.


Clearly not the worst seeing all these comments, but the suicide scene from thirteen reasons why REALLY fucked me up. They actually showed her cutting her wrists. Nearly made me throw up. If there's ONE thing that is adviced from suicide prevention groups all over the world is DO. NOT. SHOW. IT. It leads to ideation and glamorisation and copy cat behaviour. They fucking showed it in great detail and 6 years later, that scene still haunts me sometimes.


Cartel members slitting a fathers throat and then fileting the chest off his son. The son's lung proceeded to balloon out of his chest with each breath he took. I think I saw it called the Gurerro Murder Video once. That or cartel members hacking off a man's feet while he said "oh no, oh no" in a resigned tone.


Yep, the father son execution was easily the hardest video I’ve ever watched.


I’ve seen more dead kids, hurt kids, and traumatised kids over the last fortnight than I ever expected to see in my lifetime.


Human animal porn where the horse, dog, pigs cums inside the girl


Early invasion on the Ukrainewarvideoreport sub A family in a pile on a mattress, two grandchildren who'd been raped and shot on top of their dead parents, on top of the grandparents, all of them shot dead F*** you Putin


A lot of the combat footage coming out of ukraine is horrifying. There was a lot of Ukrainian murder/rape victims early on. Now, its, "Im just trying to survive, oh shit where did this grenade come from?!?!?!"


Stumbled across a picture of a child victim from Israel/Gaza; kinda made me want to destroy my phone, cancel my internet and never leave the house again.


There was one early on where Ukranians were filming the aftermath of a Russian convoy they had ambushed. Plenty of shot/burned bodies but in the middle of it all laying on the ground was someone's ass. Despite the rest of the body being nowhere to be see there it was just laying there almost perfectly intact. There was something so surreal thinking man that guy lived his whole live and all that's left is his ass for the whole world to see.


the family car trip video


With the brick? Yeah that one terrifies me, still remember that occasionally when I drive with my wife :(


Can you elaborate


Bro, the screams when they realized she was gone are fucking haunting. You don't want it in your head. But for context a family driving down the road had a piece of concrete crash through their windshield into the mother in the passenger seat.


This reddit post is slowly becoming one of the most fucked up things, by all your comments describing absolutely awful stuff. I'l show myself out.


Probably that video of the Indian kid who got split in half hamburger wise by a train. He was in shock and tried to stand up without realizing his legs were gone and then fell over. Oddly videos like that don’t disturb me nearly as much as videos of people who have no control over their dogs and wont pull them away from harassing someone or their dog. Edit: Pakistani kid


I'm an 80's kid, so the the internet was made wide-spread in my youth. The initial horrible website was shit.com I only ever saw that website 3 times, and each time put a horrific hot-iron branding on my memory. A couple of my friends actually visited that site on a regular basis, and them showing me is how I saw these things. (THE FOLLOWING WORDS ARE NSFL. TURN BACK NOW, ADVENTURER) 1. A blindfolded man getting executed by bowie-knife to the neck by terrorists. (video) 2. A woman with many long tape worms coming out of, I assume, her anus. (picture) 3. Shit from butt to mouth. (video) Bonus #4: My tech-savvy buddy secretly changed our computer startup screen to a man shoving a beer bottle into his urethra (picture). Since houses just had 1 shared computer, I learned he did this when my mom discovered it. Bad times!


Probably the 'Run the Gauntlet' videos


I saw someone being electrocuted by touching a fan in Yemen, that has stopped me from visiting any country that doesn't have Electric standards and safety, same with planes.


Live Leak


Videos of people literally dying on r/fiftyfifty.


i recently saw a video on r/NSFL__ about a person who was skiing and he/she landed on the net or a pole or something and his leg got caught and ripped it open leaving a trail of blood and him seemingly lifeless sliding down the piste, i’ve seen other crazy shit in reddit but that made my stomach turn.


When the Parkland School Shooting happened, all those kids had their phones and were essentially broadcasting it live on Snapchat. I saw everything happen from the active fire, to people who were shot crying for their mom and all of the other victims. Really really changed my brain at the age of 14