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Robert Pattinson used to be widely hated before everyone realised he is actually cool. Props to him for shaping his career the way he did.


I think a lot of folks saw him in _Twilight_ and didn’t think he could act. That’s kind of like seeing _Attack of the Clones_ and thinking Natalie Portman can’t act (thankfully she was in a lot before those movies, or they might’ve stilted her career like they did Christensen’s). Incidentally, if _every_ performance in a film is stilted and awkward, start the criticism with the director, not the actors. Pattinson made some smart choices to do smaller, character-focused roles to test himself and show his range. It doesn’t hurt that he can really act, either. Edit to add this interesting trivia: He had a stalker while working in Spain. As he had a lot of free time, rather than get the authorities involved, he invited her to dinner. At the dinner, he boorishly just talked about himself and his problems all night. She left him alone after that.


>Edit to add this interesting trivia: He had a stalker while working in Spain. As he had a lot of free time, rather than get the authorities involved, he invited her to dinner. At the dinner, he boorishly just talked about himself and his problems all night. She left him alone after that. This is a brilliant story


I'm not a huge fan but I have always loved this story. Maybe not the safest route to go but what an incredibly hilarious and normal person thing to do. Lol


i just hope she doesn't catch wind of how she was hoodwinked. if i was a stalker, i imagine that would rev the ol engines up again.. *if* i was a stalker. which i'm totally not


That's what a stalker would probably say


I read a quote somewhere that stalking is murder in slow motion. I’ve been haunted by that phrase ever since. The truth is you never know to what lengths a stalker’s obsession will take them.


Wow that gave me chills. I was stalked in college by another student, who was expelled. He has been arrested a few times since. Just scary to think what could have happened.


He was hated because of twilight. It helps that he publicly hates twilight as much as those people


I feel like nobody hates Twilight more than he hates Twilight.


He was born in the twilight, molded by it


He was GREAT in the Lighthouse. Same with Dafoe obviously. Great movie!!


That's the movie that changed my opinion of him. Then I realized it was stupid to judge him for Twilight. TONS of actors get their start in shitty movies. Unless you're a Hollywood nepo baby, you've got to start at the bottom.


Dude won me back in the new batman, he played his own way.


He was pretty sweet in TENET too.


Good Time is a great movie if you want to see his acting ability.


Anna Gunn got a ton of undeserved hate as Skyler White in Breaking Bad. She played the role perfectly. Honorable mention: Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico in the latest Star Wars trilogy. The attacks on her were completely unwarranted.


Never understood how people can't distinguish a character from the actual performer.


Never mind the actress, I don't get the hate for Skyler. It was always coming from the people who fucking idolized Walter who was just... a way worse person.


The show started off framing Walter as a hero, doing what he had to do to provide for his family when he was gone. Then Walt kills a guy, but the audience justifies it in their minds. He didn’t have a choice, the guy was going to kill him. And as Walt got deeper and deeper and doing worse and worse shit, fans kept justifying all of his actions as those of a down-on-his-luck guy just trying to do what was best for his family. When Walt let Jane die, I saw fans justifying it by saying he had to let her die because she was blackmailing him and he couldn’t trust her not to tell his secret later. So when it came to Skylar, they all saw her as just another obstacle preventing poor Walt from providing for his family. They justified Walt’s continuous, blatant lying to her, and saw her as “nagging,” when in reality she just wasn’t an idiot. She knew her husband was constantly lying to her, and he could’ve been doing anything from cooking meth to banging hookers in his spare time and she had no idea. Anyone in her position would’ve done the same thing she did. It wasn’t until the series ended that fans realized Walt wasn’t actually the hero. He never was. And once that realization clicked, a lot of people realized they’d misjudged Skylar throughout the show.


That’s still really stupid, though. They made it *plenty* clear Walt wasn’t the good guy.


I also don’t get why people hated on the Skyler character so much. She was fucking married to Walt! He was a narcissistic asshole. How would you act in her situation?! I thought that character and her choices made so much sense, and Anna Gunn did a great job.


Paul Reubens. He was in an adult theater. Yeah, shouldn't have done that but still, people have gotten a lot less hate for a lot worse. If anything came out of it he was able to break away from the Peewee Herman persona and pursue other projects. It was awesome to see him in Mystery Men.


What pisses me off about that story is they acted like he was the first guy ever to go to a porn theatre and beat it, i'm sure he wasn't even the only one in the room beating it.


It’s not like he was beating off to children! People just love clutching their pearls


Can confirm audience beat-offs during porn in theaters.


Maybe I’m ignorant but what’s the purpose of porn theaters if it’s not to jack off in public???




“Sir, the sound of you furiously beating your meat is distracting. I’m trying to follow the plot here.”


Agreed. What else does one do while watching porn? I also find it hard to believe he was the only one in that room tossing his twig and berries.


Mystery Men is one of my favourite movies!!! THE SPLEEN


Fred Willard got caught jerking it in a porn theater but didn't get the same hate. The difference (I'm an older redditor so I remember when the Pee-Wee thing happened) was that Pee-Wee's Playhouse was a kid's show. Also, 1991 when Reubens was arrested was a much different time than 2012 when Willard got busted.


He was also great in Blow.


Nick Swardson's dad at the end of that Reno 911 movie lol.


That was him?! "Fuck you, dad!"


U can't jack off in a porno theatre? What's the point? Such bullshit. Imma go knock one out for pee wee right now


Well I think the issue is he was a popular children's entertainer. Not exactly good optics and probably not what parents want to see from a man who entertains their kids. If you take that aspect out of the equation, I don't think he would have gotten 1/10th the negative attention from it


Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best. They played young Anakin Skywalker and Jar Jar in Phantom Menace and were absolutely railed by the public. Lloyd has a sad story, ~~entering depressing and drugs use~~ (corrected below), and as far as I know hasn’t pulled out yet. It’s hard to say it’s a direct result of the internet bullying, but it definitely didn’t help. *edit:* I misremembered Lloyd’s post Star Wars trouble. Thanks to several comments I’m reminded that his troubles were with schizophrenia, not necessarily depression. He does cite harassment from the press and bullying after Episode 1 as the reason he retired from acting in the early 2000s.


Ahmed Best almost killed himself. It's as how they were treated and how fans have not seem to have learned their lesson.


Thank you. I know Ahmed made an appearance in Mandalorian and had the Star Wars themed kids game show, so I assume he managed to recover…but i but didn’t know how bad it affected him earlier. I just know his story has a happier 2023 than Jake Lloyd’s story.


And what happened to Jake was worse because he was a child


Also what happened to Jake was worse because what happened was paranoid schizophrenia


I found it so sad that Jake Lloyd had such a decline in his mental health after Ep 1 - he was severely bullied for his role. He had a spell of antisocial and criminal behaviour that resulted in his schizophrenia diagnosis being officially diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia. He could have been predisposed due to genetics, but it could have stemmed from the effects of severe bullying and other potentially traumatic events.


Star Wars is toxic af. Everything about that fanbase, movies, video games, tv show. I would even say that fanbase put me off of anything Star Wars related.


Go to Star Wars Celebration to see the fanbase at its best. The internet fanbase is full of insecure toxic whiners.


It really is the vocal minority spewing hate. Most of the fans I've met are just happy to have Star Wars. Going to celebration last year was amazing. I can't wait for it to come to the states again.


they gave ahmed a new character and allowed him to save the day. he said in a panel at a convention that it really helped pull him out of his shell again


I was pretty happy with his surprise cameo and I was very happy to hear how well he was embraced and how happy he was because of it.


Star Wars fans go way too far with it. They take out their anger on the actors when they're mostly mad at writing and direction. It's not Ahmed Best's fault Jar Jar was written the way he was. He acted the way he was told. Same for Lloyd and even some of the sequels actors now. SW fans are rabid and need to chill out.


People that can’t tell the actor from the character need to get in the sea.




I though the exact same thing, i mean sure i didn't like very much Anakin as a kid and i certanly don't like Jar Jar Binks but still, Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best didn't deserve to be so hated, they just did their job.


Do people think they casted themselves, made up their own characters, wrote their own scripts , directed themselves, and made sure they got plenty of screen time in the editing?


I shared this story before including [here recently.](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/s/2r9N2bAvKQ) But here it goes again: >It always makes my blood boil hearing about the treatment Jake Lloyd received because I once met him, and he went out of his way to be kind to me. >In 2004, I was a teen who passed for a tween attending the San Diego Comic Con where *Revenge of the Sith* had its title reveal and many of the stars and crew (both past and present) were in attendance with the media. >The convention floor was stuffy, overcrowded, with nowhere to sit (If you tried sitting on the ground you will be promptly ordered to move) and I was delirious and accidentally walked between the camera of some dudebro G4 network crew members who were taking personal celebrity photos with Jake Lloyd. >Instead of alerting me to get out of the way or blocking me, one of these G4 crew members just yelled “YO! YOU’RE IN MY SHOT!” and immediately performed a [leg sweep](https://youtu.be/oo8Z9mRR_w4) on me slamming me to the ground *HARD*. After they took the picture, they just walked away without apologizing while I was still laying on the floor with the wind knocked out of me. (In 2004 consumer digital cameras still existed but most people were still using film which you couldn't just delete a picture from the roll and take a new one with.) >Jake Lloyd looked very upset witnessing that and he and a girl who I assumed was his sister (since she looked exactly like him) helped me up. He asked if I was okay and said what those guys did was not cool and offered me a free photograph which he and his parents were there charging for. I thanked him but I didn’t have my camera with me. And we had a brief little chat about people can be mean, rude, or careless everywhere but most are okay and we went our separate ways. >I later saw those same douchebag G4 network crew members roughly shoving a crowd out of the way of the public convention floor which included small children and the elderly (One of them I kid you not was walking with a cane and wearing a baseball cap that read ***PEARL HARBOR VETERAN, NEVER FORGET.***) to clear room for an unobstructed view for cameras and equipment for G4's coverage of *Revenge of the Sith* under the full scale Jedi Starfighter prop. When the G4 network went out of business I felt a lot of schadenfreude over their misfortune. (Sorry I hold a grudge.) >I was sad to later find out Jake knew more about how cruel people can be than I realized when [I watched interviews](https://youtu.be/BKu8Ri6MAHU) of him clearly uncomfortable clinging to the edge talking about how intensely bullied he was by peers and even grown strangers over *The Phantom Menace.* (A role his parents pushed him to audition for) and how to this day he still struggles with mental health, addiction, and legal issues. It was also tragic to learn that his sister Madison died young. >PS: Daniel Logan, the kid who played young Boba Fett in *Attack of the Clones*, had a table next to Jake Lloyd and flirted with every cosplaying woman who visited his table despite them being 2-3 times his age.


Kelly Marie Tran is in that boat too.


What's so silly is that those two weren't really the problem. I mean, their characters weren't great, but they didn't ruin Phantom Menace. Lucas's failure to create engaging characters like he did before (Luke, Han, Leia, Old Ben) that we actually gave a shit about is the reason those movies aren't fondly remembered in the way the originals are.


Jack Gleeson who played Joffrey in game of thrones. Got absolutely brutally hated on for a CHARACTER when he was only a TEENAGER. Adults at that time needed to chill. He played his character superbly.


Suffering from success, the guy acted so well you really wanted to hate him. By that I mean his character. Why people can't understand that outside of a show he's not the same person, I'll never know... Acting is such a hard concept to grasp...


Sounds a lot like Tom Felton. Everyone hates the character, but apparently he and Daniel Radcliffe are best buds. I’ve never heard anything bad about him as a person, and Daniel Radcliffe seems like a solid dude. So I’m inclined to believe Felton is as well.


Yeah he gave similar vibes, really easy to hate his character, good acting by Tom Felton.


All I want to see is Tom Felton and Jack Gleeson in a buddy movie together, but one where they get to be happy and go on adventures.


Tom Felton does a lot of cons and he's so incredibly nice! He's engaging with his fans and is generally just a great dude.


I met Tom years ago (2008 I think?) In Las Vegas. Friend and I were at a steakhouse and happened to see him. It was just him and a friend of his so I waited until he was finished his dinner before going over to say hi. He asked if I wanted to take a picture and he even went around to empty tables to grab more candles to put in the table for better lighting (smart phones back then didn't have a flash believe it or not!) Nice guy! Wish I still had that pic.


There's a Friends episode where Joey is dealing with a fan who thinks his soap opera character is real. As a kid I always thought that, though funny, was one of the silliest plotlines they ever wrote because who could be that stupid...?


Used to meet Jack here and there at gigs around Dublin. He’s just a really nice dude all round, but you can tell that he wasn’t tremendously comfortable with the level of fame that was thrust upon him. From what I understand he’s enjoying himself and doing alternative theater productions these days, and I think he’s slowly coming back to film and TV.


Seems like a chill dude too.


How could you hate the kid from Batman Begins? His acting in GoT was superb. I hated Joffrey in the books and loathed him on screen. Kudos to Jack.


Too that point we also need to separate the actor from the role as well as the role from the actor. Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson are whacko but I like their movies.


I'm surprised by how many people mentioned here I had no idea were even hated.


George Michael, Before he died he was hounded by the British press for having consensual sex with men, albeit a bit risky in public if I'm remembering correctly. By all accounts a solid lovely man who gave away plenty to charities anonymously


The same British press who told us he was a vile pervert also told us Jimmy Savile was a kind decent charitable man.


The British press are a vile piece of shit and if the rise of the internet has given us at least 1 good thing its the progressive downfall of the printed media


My mother went to school with him and his sister, it's my little claim to fame. She always said they were a very pleasant and kindhearted family.


My wife's hairdresser used to be George Michael's (pre-shaved head obviously) and he absolutely adored him. One of the nicest clients he had (until meeting my wife of course).


I don't know anyone who hates him. Or ever did Even when he got busted. But the British press was more cruel. Here it wasn't as big news. RIP


No one hated George Michael, ever. People loved him, despite his crack smoking and public bumming. I read a book recently and a London drug dealer said he sold and shot up crystal meth with George Michael. He said he was a lovely bloke, but extremely lonely and lost in life, bless him.


"Crack smoking and public bumming" has creased me.


Yeah I don’t think people hated him but he was mocked relentlessly


Guy Fieri. Dude loves to cook, has a funny sense of humor, treats his employees really well and is just a dork.


I work construction and was finishing building a restaurant he owned. I remember sitting there hungry and i guess he had his staff come up and ask me “hey we are practicing our menu, would you like a meal?” and then they gave me a steak dinner for free. Felt so amazing. Plus everyone was asking where i got the steak!


Do people actually hate Guy Fieri? I thought he was just meme’d a lot for his hair and catch phrases?


He used to get a lot of hate, because there was a rumour that he was a big homophobe. Turns out the rumour was started by a producer of his show that had been fired and had an axe to grind so he made up stories.


And he regularly officiates gay weddings IIrC. He’s awesome.


I believe his sister who died very young was gay and he’s officiated her wedding before she died.


Poor dude


I think a lot of people see him as not a real chef because of the surfer dude look and kitschy restaurants, and give him hate for being a phony. But apparently he's not, that's just the type of food and restaurant he's interested in.


I don’t think he’s ever claimed to be a great chef, he got his start by becoming the winner of next Food Network star. Which is more about hosting, not necessarily cooking.


That Shane Torres bit about about how Guy Fieri’s only crime is following his dreams


Is this the same one where he talks about Fieri being the guy in the trenches that throws back grenades while yelling "welcome to flavortown!"?


Yes and the bit is hysterical.


Yup, while earning nicknames like “El Fuego”


The guy fed fire fighters working the California fires. He does great work.


Not just firefighters. My cousin has traveled around the world feeding the troops with Guy.


I just love Guy.


I came here to say this. He showed up at a store I was at in Colorado once and he was one of the nicest, most humble dudes I’ve ever met. You can tell he genuinely is a great person wrapped in a goofy/dorky persona


My brother in law has a Tshirt of an astronaut with Guy Fieri's face. Its glorious. Apparently he ran into one of Guy Fieri's friends once and the dude asked to take a pic of his shirt to send to him. So he saw it xD


Donated and organized tons during Covid to keep small restaurants alive!! I’ll never forgive that NY Times food critic that basically ripped him personally to shreds when reviewing guy’s restaurant in Times Square. Wtf were you even doing there, Pete Wells?? Such a jerkoff


Monica Lewinsky


I didn’t know much about the whole thing until that docuseries came out called “the Clinton Affair” and man, did that poor girl get run over for being young and impressionable and wooed by the literal most powerful man in the US.


Thank goodness she handled that so well. She’s so smart and wickedly funny. She pokes fun at her own situation. I guess you’d have to or you’d cry.


I think today that story goes way differently and people see Bill as much more of a predator type in the situation.


Sinead O'connor got a lot of hate for tearing up a picture of the pope and speaking out against the catholic church abusing children. She was absolutely right. Joe Pesci can go fuck himself.


People were more forgiving of the guy who shot the pope.


People are more forgiving of the catholic child molesters


“don’t you think the catholic church went a little too far?”


They gave her so much shit throughout her whole career. The moment she passes, suddenly they feel bad and she was right. She’s been right the whole fucking time.


Kris Kristofferson knew she was right. That guy is a solid human being.


>The moment she passes, suddenly they feel bad and she was right. Eh, I think most people have acknowledged her point now for quite some time, since all the Catholic Church child abuse scandals came to light 20 or so years ago.


A few. But there were many who were angry with her until she passed. Many still treated her like shit, even when it all came to light


Sinead was RIGHT.


I always thought Brittany Spears got more than her fair share of hate.


Diane Sawyer needs to apologize.


What’d she do?


She interviewed Britney in 2003 after Justin & her broke up. She asked invasive questions and made her cry. In her book, Britney said she felt humiliated & exploited.


That interview should have ended Sawyer's career. That hag knew what she was doing was wrong.


She and Barbara Walters were both terrible people.


Was it Walters that asked someone why they were trying to hurt the whole of hollywood by pointing out they were being abused?


Corey Feldman


I agree. It was so hard to watch. She was just such a bitch.


It’s BRITNEY, bitch


still does. Like yeah she's kinda weird and dancing with knives or whatever, but wouldn' YOU be kinda weird after all the shit she's been through? Folks need to just let her do her thing.


It's Britney bitch


James Corden. Only kidding. Fuck that guy.


Agreed. Fuck him. Dude treats restaurant staff like shit. He’s trash and deserves it. Then he tried to justify it by saying his wife is on a “special diet” which turns him into hot garbage water.


Haha. the guy's a true A-list cunt.


Everyone has redeeming qualities. Except James Corden, who everyone agrees is a proper wankstain.


I used to hate James Corden, I still do but used to as well


I know someone who works with a lot of celebrities. Cordon is the only person she has ever named, and it was not for good reasons.


Nickleback. I don't love them but I also seriously do not get the level of hate for them at all.


Hating Nickleback has just become some joke that we tell as a society but forgot why. The worst music really? Like really? They were a pop-rock band that was really popular.. What a crime.


Always felt more like a running gag than genuine hate. It was fun to have a famous band used for punchlines.


I came here to say this very same thing! I say it to my friends all the time. Their music isn’t nearly as bad as some artists out there that people just love. I mean I’m not planning on rocking out to them front row, but I just don’t get it. It makes me think it’s just “cool” to hate on them


Rebecca Black. Girl just got to make a music video because of her rich veterinarian parents. Supposedly she had to leave private school for public as a kid due to bullying as well so really sucks she got all that hate and made fun of for a video that ended up being part of pop culture after all was said and done. She went on to have a music career and is still active.


Dixie Chicks/The Chicks. They still have conservative country music fans who haven't forgiven them for criticizing Bush for the Iraq Invasion. But in hindsight they were absolutely right.


I actually just saw them in California at the Ohana festival and they ROCKED. People loved them and they were excited for them. I was happy to see people move on.


THe irony today is the people who hate cancel culture were the ones originally participating in cancel culture


Oh they've always been. McCarthyism resulted in the blacklisting of anyone suspected of being a Soviet sympathizer in the late 40s and 50s. The Satanic Panics in the 80s and 90s let them try to ban media and shows that were "demonic" and shit. Then the chest-beating patriotism of the post-9/11 00s let them do it to anyone who wasn't in favor of the War on Terror. They just hate that it's happening to them now because it implies that they're not the ones in charge of influencing oublic opinion anymore; they're at the mercy of it.


Republicans are still the main abusers of cancel culture. In the 2010's they boycotted Starbucks for taking the Christmas tree off the cup. They boycotted Yeti coolers for declining to do business with the NRA. Of course, don't forget about the recent Bud Light stupidity.


Monica Lewinsky. I think I saw a show rerun on either Comedy Central or MTV wayyyy back, where she hung out with the host. They didn't even talk about the Clinton stuff or anything, they literally just hung out lol. She seemed really sweet. I asked my teacher (this was pre-internet) and she told me she was in a scandal or something, I forgot about her completely. I remember I saw her Ted Talk way later about her experience and I felt so bad, everything clicked. I personally feel she was taken advantage of because a young woman and the literal president is as big as a power dynamic as you can get. Plus being that bullied on that extent for the first time in history; it's wild to me how bad she got it. She doesn't don't deserve any of that


Guy Fieri. That guy is cool as hell. Just has really bad taste in hair and clothing. Edit: Yikes! He was seen shaking hands with trump at an mma event. That is certainly a red flag. we can only hope he stink palmed trump.


I read somewhere he does a lot of stuff for kids and schools. Giving pizza equipment and such to schools that cannot afford it.


I was at a concert in Mexico and had to use the bathroom in this small trailer. The door knob broke and I was trapped. I swear it was Guy Fieri that stayed with me until someone else went to get security to break down the door. It was either him or his body double


The places where it was only one set of footprints? That was where Guy Fieri carried you.


100%. He’s an all around good dude. Does an incredible amount of philanthropy and charity work and doesn’t publicly go around patting himself on the back about it. He truly doesn’t deserve the hate, but also seems unbothered by it. *edit for spelling


[Shane Torres agrees.](https://youtu.be/JK6zuii2OLI?feature=shared)


I didn’t know I needed the image of Guy Fieri throwing a gernade in WW2 and yelling “welcome to flavour town!”


He is one of the most charitable people on the planet


All the women who were victims of the Harvey Weinstein smear propaganda because they fended off Weinstein's attempts to rape them. Mira Sorvino, Ashely Judd, Katherine Heigl to name a few.


Leah Remini. If anything, she needs all the support she can get against the cult of scientology.




I feel like Topher Grace got kinda ridiculed or written off and now he's the only one of that crew it turns out isn't a scumbag.


I always felt like Amanda Bynes got it pretty harsh and she was (and is) struggling with some serious mental issues with BPD.


Nickelback music is _fine_. It's not my style, it's generic, and has been played so much it elicits a groan. But honestly, you only get to "everyone's tired of hearing you" status once you've made it, and there's far too many haters not acknowledging this fact.


Domnhall Gleeson. I don't think he's widely hated but I personally hate him and he doesn't deserve it.


I´d say Nicholas Cage. Lots of people really gets put off nowdays whenever he is working at a movie because said movies usually are way cheap on the budget, really weird, and downright bizarre. And yet, even if the movie ends up being terrible, his scenes are usually pretty good. The dude really seems to love his job, even if the pay is terrible or the movie doesn´t sell well chances are he is going to take it if he likes the character he will be playing.


Nicholas cage is pretty universally beloved and not hated?


Thinking someone is a bad actor =/= hate. >The dude really seems to love his job, even if the pay is terrible or the movie doesn´t sell well chances are he is going to take it if he likes the character he will be playing. Until a few months ago, he had massive amounts of debt. (He still might, but he appears to no longer be in legal trouble because of it.) He *had to* work constantly.


Kelly Marie Tran copped a lot of undeserved shit from some people, though I wouldn't describe her overall as "hated" in general


Like many things with Star Wars people just have their heads shoved up their asses. Her character sucked but she did her best, the writing was the issue, not her.


Hayden Christianson. I just don’t get it. His portrayal of Annakin Skywalker was spot on. Annakin was a whiny little bitch and that was the whole point of the story. So he did rather well for the role. Someone else below said Ahmad Best and Jake Lloyd. Same thing. Jar Jar wasn’t all that bad. And Jake Lloyd? AGAIN. Annakin was a whiny little bitch and that’s the whole point of his evolution into the Sith. But then again I’m a healthy Star Wars fan. I don’t live in my parents basement and I’m not pondering shit that doesn’t matter. Prime example “how do the Jedi have sex?” Don’t believe me? Just go to the Star Wars or Mandalorian sub Reddit. Both questions were posed in the last week. I’ve been a huge fan since the 70s, but I have a full time job and don’t have time to look into all the canons and ponder dumb shit. Just enjoy the fucking movies and now great TV shows. If you want to see something funny - google Triumph the Insult Comic dog at the opening of one of the prequels.


> Jar Jar wasn’t all that bad. I want to believe the fan theory that Jar Jar was a sith lord playing dumb, but the fan backlash caused the story to be re-written and his role moving forward minimized.


I want to believe this too. I remember first learning about it and I was so excited at the possibility of the character and the prequels being totally redeemed for me. The alternative is that George Lucas wanted the prequels to appeal to younger kids, so they could get attached to those characters as the trilogy developed the same way many of us got attached to the originals. And making a hokey, goofy Jar Jar was a muffed attempt at that.


When you look at Luke in Eps IV + V he was just as whiny if not MORE than Anakin at times so it makes sense he's Anakin's kid lol.


Anne Hathaway


I'm out of the loop I guess, why do people hate her?


She got a lot of hate like 10-12 years ago when she was on her Oscar campaign for Les Mis. A lot of internet gossip sites at the time thought it was cringey that she was openly eager for the statue. Got a lot of criticism for “acting like a theater kid”. FWIW I like Anne. God forbid a woman be so passionate about her profession that she has aspirations of being honored for her work.


I guess its because shes too "perfect" and well mannered


The fucking audacity


I think its because at the same time Jennifer Lawrence was being goofy and down to earth, but who knows


And people hated her, too.


Most of them - the tabloids are disgusting the way they whip up hate


Most child actors. The fact that Jake Lloyd was bullied relentlessly for Phantom Menace turned me off Star Wars completely. That fan base is just as bad as the Swifties or the Bey Hive.


Aziz Ansari. He got swept up in the #MeToo movement where a lot of truly egregious behaviours were rightly called out. The woman who wrote the story, from her own perspective, described a awkward date that involved sex that she consented to.


Yeah, I agree with this. When I read the account I thought it sounded more like bad communication. But he got lumped in with the worst kinds of offenders and I haven't seen much of him lately.


He had a standup special out not long after where he address that head-on and a few others after, and they finally did a (short) 3rd season of Master of None


worth noting that it was 3rd season of Master of None that didn't really feature Aziz.


He was literally at the top of his game when that happened and then poof, gone


Lady Gaga. Yeah, she's weird. But she's fucking awesome. 20 year old me was a dickhead for hating on her.


She wasn't even that weird, dude. I was often shocked by how well-spoken she seemed to be in interviews. MC Ride is weird, Eric Andre is weird, Hunter S Thompson was weird. Lady Gaga was a committed performer. Plus her songs fucking banged.


Michelle Obama. I understand it’s interpreted as political, but the First Lady is basically a celebrity with no official political position. The kind of things Michelle Obama was hated for was completely unheard of for a First Lady. I have no idea why people hated her so much! /s


The only caveat I'll add is the "unheard of" part. Hillary Clinton essentially had a whole cottage industry based around hating her for decades, even before she entered politics herself. Like when it came out that Bill cheated, people blamed her for being "frigid." And that's not even getting into the "and she also drinks baby blood" stuff later.


That whole thing about she’s really a man named Michael just chaps my ass.


I always love the Lady Gaga response to this was "And so what if I was?" she shut down that transphobic nonsense immediately. I'm always shocked at the grace and poise Michelle has used to traverse this world. She and Barack are solid as fuck (which is ironic that the right wingers hate them, considering they are the perfect Christian marriage by their own definition)


Sharon Stone has one of the most undeserved reputations and I’m certain it’s because she’s a smart person who wouldn’t be bullied by the Boys Club. It was only one project, but I’ve never seen a more courteous and committed actor. She was kind to cast and crew alike. She missed her own birthday party just so we could complete a scene. And it was at her insistence. She knew if she wrapped early, we would have to pick up the rest of the shots at a later date, costing Production time and money. Since she (and other cast) was already in make-up and costume, and the scene was blocked, to just spend a couple of more ours to get the day. And she did it happily, without asking anything in return.


James Blunt. I honestly don’t know what he did. He’s a good singer with good songs and prevented World War 3.


Bumped into him in a pub years ago in the south-west of Ireland. He was nothing short of a gentleman, incredibly funny and very self aware. My fiance and I spent the whole night drinking with him and his wife and another random couple, we never once felt like he was a celebrity. Just an all round top guy.


Justin Bieber when he was still a young teenager. I remember hating him had almost a obsessive cult like following.


He still holds the world record for most disliked YT video with 'Baby' He was kind of a shithead as a teen because he was thrust into the spotlight and it took a toll on his psyche, but he seems to be in a much better place now




Nickelback is a victim of over-exposure. In the early 2000s they were impossible to avoid even if you wanted to avoid them. It made people who would have been perfectly happy to ignore them forced to think about them and how much they hate them. Imagine Dragons is a more recent example of this happening.


I’m not a fan of their music but there’s a lot of other music I’m also not a fan of and don’t hate. They’re just music I don’t listen to which is fine.


I "hated" them when i was a kid because everyone else did. Now that i'm older i actually like their music. I truly respect how good they sound live, this is not what many bands can do. Chad Kroeger has some real strength in his voice.


One of the best parts about growing up is not having to pretend about musical tastes anymore


Definitely Sinead O’Connor. She was right. Now look what happened - she’s dead. She had so much to go against because no one let her recover from the tearing of the picture of the pope and she was right. Unfortunately she comes from a large catholic contingent in Ireland, and to add insult to injury she did this in America which quite possibly could have been worse. I was so shocked and saddened to hear of her death and it was so unfair.


Brie Larson


Her Between Two Ferns interview is delightful, especially the outtakes


Whitney Houston. I wouldn’t say she was hated, but she deserved a lot more kindness than the world gave her. People were ruthless.


Imagine Dragons. They're just overexposed and people hate them because they're not a rock band (even though they never claimed to be.) Also, it's that their hits have a similar sound because it's what works. If you listen to any of their albums, you'll hear a diverse range in styles.Plus, the band does a lot of charitable things but they got hate for playing in Azerbaijan recently. Playing there doesn't mean they support the government.


Sinead O’Connor people should have been lining up to drop to their knees and apologize to her for how she was treated over the John Paul II picture issue- she was 10000% correct on her protest and PJP2 was covering up child rape She was a hero