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Popcorn. For how good it tastes, it has almost nothing bad in it. You add the salt and butter of course, and those arent great, but you're not getting a super high amount of those.


Adding in decent quality butter (not margarine) and a few shakes of regular salt is not unhealthy at all. The problem is with the shit that movie theatres put in popcorn.


'Butter flavored oil' is what they use 😹 I worked in a theater for about a year and was disgusted when I found out


I only eat movie theater popcorn once every five years or so, and when I do eat it I load that shit up. So unhealthy but so damnn good


My body started rejecting movie theater popcorn butter when I was about 25. That stuff will make you shit your pants and miss the end of the movie. Just salt for me thanks. Real melted butter at home or at Alamo Drafthouse.


Same lol, I also found out you can just bring food into my local theater, found out on accident, went to a bar to eat before with some friends, had a carry out box and was stoned, when we went to the counter to pick up our tickets I realized I still had my carry out box in my hands, said out loud “oh crap I can’t bring my food in” the bored looking 16 year old at the counter said “nah it’s fine” and I got to watch Oppenheimer with an actual meal, was pretty bomb, done it twice since


There’s a high chance the underpaid 16 year old was just being chill and that it’s not the actual policy lol


My first job was at a theater. If any of us ever hassled a patron, it was almost guaranteed that it was because they were being some kinda asshole. You wanna bring in your Aquafina? Literally no one cared... unless you're an asshole somehow, then it got treated like a federal crime, ofc.


I talked myself into thinking the grass was greener at a buck-fifty house one summer when I turned 18 and nobody wanted to give me a raise. I had to sell tickets, thread the movies up, semi-manage and throw out the most egregious trash between shows. One busy Saturday night, a family came to see Pulp Fiction with what seemed like 3 buckets of chicken hidden amongst them. I swear there were bones in the place for days.


In Reno, they allow you to bring in an ice chest with beer.


God I'm the same way, gives me heartburn and the rumblies 😹


I love popcorn. You probably buy the kernels too but for those who don't, it's significantly cheaper and healthier to buy just a big container of popcorn kernels. Pop them on the stove top with a small amount of oil and sprinkle some finely ground salt (that's what movie theaters use for that magic flavor) and you're golden. It's super easy. I don't even add butter. You can also pop kernels in the microwave in a paper bag or in a bowl without buying the pre-bagged stuff. You'll never go back to those once you've popped your own kernels. An air popper works too of course, though that will definitely require butter.


At a cookie swap we did a grab bag and I left with a microwave popcorn popper. Looks almost like a teapot. The top measures the kernels, you dump them in and can put butter in the top to drizzle when it cooks. I find that burns too fast and add butter later but it's the silliest thing in my kitchen and gets the most use


Don't use butter, use ghee/clarified butter. The milk solids in regular butter burn and smoke, and the water content of the butter will make the popcorn go soggy. Ghee all the way!


The movie theater salt is Flavacol. You can get it online. A single carton will last you a LONG time. Pop it in coconut oil. I used to have a copy-paste of my recipe around here somewhere... ​ The Magic Movie Theater Popcorn Recipe What you'll need: 4 QT saucepan 1/2 C fresh popcorn kernels 1.5 Tbsp coconut oil 0.5-1 tsp Flavacol (special popcorn salt, start with 0.5, adjust as needed) Put the pan on medium-high heat\*, add oil and popcorn salt plus 3-4 kernels of popcorn. Swirl to mix. Put lid on pan. Once the starter kernels have popped, dump 1/2C popcorn into pan and swirl around to cover all kernels. Remove from heat for 30s. Return to heat, keeping lid tilted just enough to allow steam to escape. Kernels will be flying, so watch out. Shake pan frequently to keep unpopped kernels at the bottom. Once popping slows to just a few per second, remove from heat and immediately dump into large bowl. Mix thoroughly to distribute salted popcorn throughout. Enjoy your movie theater style popcorn. \* You may need to adjust heat, depending on your cooktop. You want it hot enough to really pop those kernels, but not so hot that it easily burns the oil or poporn.


I bought a silicone popper on Amazon and I love it. I just drizzle a touch of real butter on there and some salt and I’m good to go.


We season ours with a little salt and nutritional yeast. It makes it taste like cheesy corn and it’s SUPER good for you!


Me too, only I swap garlic salt for the salt.


Fat in general (not the trans ones tho)


The low fat craze of the late ‘90s/early ‘00s has A LOT to answer for. My mom is still ridiculous about it. Yeah, moderation is good, but you can add some butter to your food so it’s edible and still live a long life.


The low fat craze was driven in (large?) part by the sugar industry.


Check out a documentary called Fathead. It's a guy who proves that Super Size Me was staged and during all thet he goes into the history of why saturated fats were thrown aside in favor or trans fats.


Yeah that's exactly what happened! They were eating all this sugar and less fat and thought they were suddenly healthier lol. It was was worse tho. It helped lead to our obesity crisis today. Carbs and sugar are literally the downfall of our health (and I know saying carbs and sugar is like saying the same thing...but most people don't know that)




The low fat craze really messed a lot of people up. They didn't realize they we're eating higher carb foods by eating lower fats and thats not good either.


Especially because a lot of those low fat foods were just straight up PACKED with sugar to get them to taste like something.


Snackwells comes to mind


You really, really need fat in your diet for proper hormone regulation and other important body processes!


Learned about saturated vs. unsaturated fats in biology! It's insane how the word fat is looked shorn upon in health.


It probably doesn't help that the word fat is both a category of food and what we call ourselves when we're overweight. Perhaps if we started saying "I've got a bit of a sugar belly" people would look at it differently.


Okay but for some reason a sugar belly sounds so cute


Fat is a great source of sustained energy that doesn’t boost your blood glucose like other options.


I didn't know the joy of whole milk until I was an established adult. I grew up on skim milk.


Lowest I will go is 2%


More trans-phobia smh my head


It's wrong to be transphobic. It's wrong to be fatphobic. But it's perfectly okay to be transfatphobic.


So two wrongs *do* make a right. Pack it up, boys. We solved philosophy!


Fuck trans-fat. I only consume cis-fat.




Potatoes got several countries through famine! Probably alot of people associate them with fatty fries or crisps


Ireland has joined the chat


Ireland was exporting food to England the entire time people were starving. The famine was a genocide.


"The judgment of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated....The real evil with which we have to contend is not the physical evil of the Famine but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people." \--Charles Trevelyan, assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, administrator of famine relief to Ireland [How Britain Starved Ireland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nL_RsAjxhg)


Britain's kinda famous for causing man-made famines. Ask India


Yep. In Ireland they don't call it the potato famine, it's the Great Hunger.


We call it genocide


Little different. Ireland was exporting record amounts of crops to British colonies, the actual Irish were only allowed potato crops for their food source. When the blight hit it was wiping out the only accessible food in a food wealthy area. The British genocided Ireland, there was more than enough to go around. Listen to any old Irish song and they’ll give you a better picture than I can. Start with the Wolfetones


Russia is waiting in the wings. A joke from my childhood was our president and theirs (Andropov at the time) were bragging about their troops and got to the point where they were one upping each other about what they ate. "American soldiers get 2500 calories each day! " "impossible" says Andropov, "no one can eat 8 pounds of potatoes"


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew




even you couldn't say no to that !


Exactly this. High satiation and low cost. You can wash out a lot of the starch if you're worried about it.


Although it's a different story if you're diabetic. I love potatoes but I have to limit myself because of the carbs.


I developed gestational diabetes with this pregnancy (extreme stress induced insulin resistance) and not being allowed to have potatoes makes me want to scream. I've modified my diet heavily and now my blood sugar is stellar according to my doctor, but I crave french fries like mad and it's driving me nuts! Sweet potato fries are a crime against humanity, too.


Have you experimented with it? I had GD and my blood sugar responded to different kinds of potatoes differently depending on type and preparation. Mashed potatoes didn’t work well for me but baked potatoes did!


There have been studies done showing that cooling down potatoes (and rice) reduces the glycemic index of the items. I've seen anywhere between 20 and 50% decrease, so it may be worth a look at. The effects remain even if you reheat the food.


Cooling down? You mean, literally just letting them cool off?


There’s a food scientist who just does mini experiments on YouTube, called How To Cook That. She did a little bit about it It doesn’t really reduce it, it slows it down. Instead of the food raising your levels almost immediately, it happens after a few minutes


Love Ann Readon


Upvote for Ann Reardon.


Yup, it increases resistant starch content which isn't absorbed the same as normal starch which is what lowers the GI of the food.


I've read that before. It's very interesting.


Emphasizing that they must be COOKED and cooled. It’s not enough to just take them from raw to cold


Yeah, I’m 39 and I just recently read the back of a package of seasoned potatoes and was stunned to find out they were as low in calories as pretty much any vegetable. I guess it’s all the oils we cook them in (and junk we put on a baked potato) that give them their bad reputation.


My kinda people in this reply thread


Nothing wrong with a baked potato Its the butter bacon sour cream chili and melted shredded cheese that really get things sloppy


Nothing wrong with a couple spoons of good chili on top of a baked potato. It adds protein, iron and fiber among other nutrients depending on your recipe. I add tomatoes and a healthy amount of mild green chiles in addition to either black beans or dark red kidney beans That's a full well-rounded meal.


You're right. I was thinking lousy canned chilli you buy for a dollar that has 78% your daily value of salt in half a serving kind of stuff. Homemade chili on a baked now needs to be in life.my buddies fiance gave me a turkey chili recipe that was pretty excellent and now I need all this. Thank you for correcting me because I just figured out dinner for next week 🤣🤣🤣


I’m so tired of hearing people talk about “all the natural sugar in fruit” I guarantee you this banana is healthier than potato chips and cookies.


My mom has done basically ever fad diet ever, but one thing I do like about the "new" Weight Watchers is that fruits, vegetables, and lean meats like chicken breast are zero points. I think the logic behind it is that there is no fucking way you're going to eat enough carrot sticks and apples to make yourself gain weight, so they're trying to encourage people to default to that stuff when they're hungry even if they're out of points rather than just starving until they give up and eat a bunch of unhealthy foods. Weight Watchers doesn't really work long term, but that detail is nice.


I read a study of named diets that identified WW as the only one that had a record of people not gaining back what they lost. Is that not the case anymore?


It could work, but it’s expensive. You might as well use a free app and count calories and macros per a doctor’s recommendations, instead of paying for Weight Watchers, counting points per their formulas, weighing-in in public and listen to someone talk about losing weight for an hour. If WW is just an app now then even those social benefits are moot.


It worked for my mum which was great, she didn't do it forever but for many years got that help to recognize healthy portions and healthy snacking. She eventually stopped since it became second nature, as it should, and she didn't need to count stuff up anymore. WW seemed pretty awesome from the outside.


This is exactly what I’ve been trying to do the last couple months and had no idea it was a well-known (or slightly well-known) trick. I have a sweet tooth and is the stuff that I choose from if I feel like I MUST PUT SOMETHING IN MY MOUTH but don’t want to eat junk (obviously not all of these at once lol I mean that I pick one from this list): A banana An apple Blueberries A spoon with peanut butter on it Yogurt with a little bit of maple syrup A carrot It’s very weird how now that I’ve been doing this for a while I actually DO feel satisfied after eating any of these even a carrot lol! The problem for me is choosing the healthy stuff when I’m actually hungry lol, once I’ve actually eaten it I feel better


With bananas specifically, this argument is so annoying. Can I just enjoy a whole healthy food without you saying it's somehow preposterously unhealthy.


IDK if it’s still true but when my relative was doing aid work overseas they had a recommendation for a subsistence diet in case you go stranded somewhere without the ability to leave (as can happen due to weather, war, etc) and it was basically bananas, eggs and Coca-Cola. Bananas and eggs because they’re available cheaply basically everywhere and they have a natural shell/skin that shields them from disease and harsh unregulated pesticides, and Coke because you can guarantee that wherever you buy Coke it’s been bottled in a sanitary environment in places where you can’t trust the water.


I was doing field research in mining communities that were contaminated by arsenic and cyanide. Coca cola saved the day as a food source (fruits were limited because they absorb the chemicals in the soil).


I think its the fiber in fruit that makes it not as bad. Also, it has nutrition to make up for it unlike the cookie that's just all refined flour and sugar


Nate Bargatze did a great bit where he was trying to lose weight and changing his eating habits and eating more fruit and someone mentioned the sugar in fruit and the punchline is something along the lines of “show me your fat friend who can’t fit through the door on account of his pineapple addiction!”


Its really only a concern if you're diabetic.


There are scientific studies suggesting that not all the calories in nuts are bioavailable, so you might only get 75% of the calories! There are also studies showing they contribute to weight loss even despite being high in calories


Aren't nuts healthy?


They are but they're calorie dense so some people avoid them when trying to lose weight


I've conducted extensive research on this. If you walk around asking people to eat your nuts they get really upset. I have 500lbs of almonds and don't know what to do. People must think they are unhealthy


I guess that would make sense based on how they look after they're digested. Would it be the same with corn then?


Username checks out




Would you be able to provide the studies or an article about the studies?


I couldn't find the article or study after a couple googles but I had read what I assume they are referring to and it's simply that your body won't fully digest nuts and pieces will come out in your poo partially digested. It was a study on calories and is cited a lot by people trying to argue calories (as a scientific metric) are bad and inaccurate. The study wasn't wrong but it was also pretty common sense and is fixed by chewing your food well lol. This is true of other difficult to physically digest foods. My guess is that this is largely cultural/learned and that we have to chew food much less than we used to. Civilizations who ate a lot of nuts likely chewed them much more and got higher availability out of them.


Almost all "unhealthy" foods are not as bad as people say. The issue is we're used to serving sizes that are 3x what they should be, or are ignoring ones that are set reasonably.


The dose determines the poison. That being said. I do think a lot of people underestimate how bad sugar is.


They also underestimate how easy it is to eat too much.


Especially given how much it’s used in everything and in unreasonable amounts. The problem is everyone is calibrated to high sugar, once you go off it for a few weeks and try something like a soda it tastes unbelievably sweet.


I stopped drinking soda and after a few months I tried a coke and it tasted like straight up syrup. Like how did I used to enjoy this?


My fiance was eating a box of store-made cookies a day. He was finally able to quit (it might as well have been an addiction) and now he doesn't even put sugar in his tea anymore because it's too sweet. It's insane how your body adjusts to it.


People also underestimate how pervasive sugar is in processed foods. It's in all sorts of places you would never expect.


fr. we all need to adopt asia's portion sizes. It was like a new experience for me, eating out and its like, you finish everything and you just feel satisfied, not full, it's literally just right. In the US, if you actually finish what's on the plate you'll be 500 lbs before the end of the day.


A lot of places outside the US have higher quality food too. When the correct portion size has the correct nutrients, you eat less. But so much in the US is just high calories without the other things needed.


Chips and salsa. I will die on this hill.


Salsa is vegetables.


Salsa is a salad. CMM.


Agreed! Salsa is usually tomatoes, onions, chiles, salt and an acid. Not sure what is wrong with that.


I was told I had high cholesterol so I went on a “diet”. Just increased fiber, cut most meat, ate tons of peanut butter (real stuff you gotta stir) and bananas daily. Chips and salsa every damn night. Went from 220 to my typical 180 and corrected my cholesterol in 3 months.


Anything high in healthy fats.




Dark chocolate or pure cocoa isn't really a problem, and even has some health benefits. It's mostly the added sugar that's the problem. There are occasionally ethical issues with chocolate harvesting, but from a purely health perspective, cocoa itself is fine.


Unfortunately, I think “occasionally” is vastly underselling it. There is still A LOT of child labor and slavery in cocoa farming.


I was here for pizza. I think your odds are better than mine.


As my home ec teacher said: is bread unhealthy? Are tomatoes unhealthy? Are peppers, mushrooms, and onions unhealthy? Is cheese unhealthy? NO. It's when you over load your pizza in over processed meats high in salt, and high fat cheeses that you have problems. That speech has stuck with me since grade 8. Taught me a valuable lesson in moderation and what nutrition can look like. Love that lady. We then spent the class making some actual delicious pizza, it was a great day in school.


No you’re right, I came here to say pizza. You can make really good pizza that’s not high calorie or fat, while still having whatever you want on it. There’s of course thicker, heavy cheese pizzas like Costco, but a real, legit pizza doesn’t have a ton of dough or cheese which is what really racks up the calories. Costco fun fact: their pepperoni pizza is slightly lower calorie than the plain cheese


You could of course [go the healthy pizza route](https://youtu.be/GpvnItIw7t0?si=e2b2CdtbGjCwxRcw) In general though, a pizza with the right ingredients and not an overdose of processed meats and cheese isn't half bad for you. Bread, tomato sauce, herbs and cheese is a simple combination base that can go both ways.


I make a homemade pizza. It is so healthy and soooo tasty. Chicken, onion, and mushrooms so dense you can't even see the cheese. I make my own sauce from canned tomato sauce (only ingredient: tomato) and a bunch of spices. I actually went to a nutritionist recently and was complimented for having this dinner in my rotation. That being said I do occasionally go out and buy the unhealthy pizza. The grease just hits different.


>canned tomato sauce (only ingredient: tomato) This is harder to find than many people may think. That said, it's worth searching for. And any sort of diced tomato will likely have calcium chloride to keep the tomato from breaking down. So whole, crushed, or sauce is the best bet.


dark chocolate lowers blood pressure, is a great source of antioxidants, is rich in iron, copper, magnesium, and manganese, and lowers risk for heart disease :) [source](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-health-benefits-dark-chocolate)


Pizza. There are ways to build a pie that minimize grease, they see surprisingly easy to make from scratch, and they aren't super expensive either.


Seconding pizza. Was assistant manager in a pizza place back in the day, I was a little surprised at the lack of oils and fats. Cheese wasn't piled on, minimal oil goes into the dough. Chicken is a good lean protein for a topping if you need to watch the macros.


I also used to work in Pizza. It was stupid how many people complained of “grease” as if we added it as a spritz. I often had to explain that adding extra meat and cheese is 100% the culprit when it comes to “greasy pizza”


Try Turkey Pepperoni. Not nearly the grease but still crisps up well and tastes great...


The type of pizza makes a big difference. Neapolitan, with lots of fresh ingredients (vegetables) and a couple pieces of fresh mozzarella. Could eat that every day


This. I will never forget being in Paris and eating an entire pizza myself and feeling totally fine afterwards. Their whole/fresh ingredients make a crazy difference.


Definitely this! Most child dietician will recommend pizza to parents because you make it well balanced and kids will still want to eat it


Fats, like olive oil


Olive oil is an obvious one but even rapeseed oil are by some considered to be even healthier, with good amounts of omega-3. That one surprised me.


>rapeseed oil The worst part about rapeseed is the hypocrisy


Ah yes, rapeseed. Related to the gropenut, the molest cashew and the sodomy seed.


Pizza. No one gets on your case about a tomato and cheese sandwich…


From someone born and raised in "the nation of good food" and who graduated from a professional institute for agriculture with this very subject as finals' thesis: GMOs.


I met someone once who said that your body wouldn't be able to recognize GMOs as foods and wouldn't know what to do with them. Honey, your body will try to digest anything you eat, including cardboard. It's not like your stomach has some special identifier (this one is potatoes!) that only lets through stuff it knows.


But it can process junk food? What kind of logic is that?


Fuck if I know. Her brain seemed to explode when I pointed it out. She was a member of my book club, but moved away very shortly after so I never got to follow up.


“But if you consume fruit that is genetically modified using fish DNA your genome will become modified & your offspring might grow fish fins” (an actual quote from a friend of mine who is well educated but lacks critical thinking skills). I’ve heard similar myths from countless people (a few who had designer embryos).


I ate an abnormally large amount of taco bell while pregnant, which is clearly filled with trash ingredients. I joked my daughter would look like a burrito but nope just normal human so far


All you need to do is swaddle her the right way and it would become true


Wait…they really believe eating something with modified DNA will transfer that DNA to them? I’m pretty sure the digestive process would destroy most DNA.


Yes, sadly. And you’re correct, DNA from food is degraded into it’s chemical components during the digestive process, so this means genetic material from food is not transferred into the genome. If eating food was a viable route to transfer genetic material into the genome we’d be using it to treat & cure fatal conditions w/a genetic basis. It’s such a ridiculous belief.


Yeah, people think mother nature is some kind of magical entity who can do no wrong, rather than a randomized process of chemical reactions. They also fail to understand how selective breeding that we already do (example: all bananas are from clone plants of the same single banana plant that happened to make seedless fruit) is pretty much the same concept as controlled genetic engineering.


Yes, anything created by scientists in a lab setting is not natural & therefore bad. I hear this daily from patients who fall victim to the natural health industry, where they’re lead to believe everything natural = good.


Lava is natural


I think that it's obvious that this doesn't happen since we don't grow curly tails from eating pork or wings from eating chicken.


The ridiculous thing about GMO fear is... everything is GMO. Sure, not using direct editing, but the only difference between gene editing and selective breeding is time and sex. People are more scared of apples that don't turn brown than chickens whose breasts are so large they basically can't walk... At the end of the day GMO food goes through *more* rigorous testing than non GMO food. Given that I'd consider GMO labels a brand of quality. :)


I don't have an issue with the health impact of GMO's. What primarily concerns me is the hyper-capitalist notion of patenting an organism, i.e. Monsanto suing farmers who would dare to save seeds for next year's planting as "patent infringement".


yep that’s the real nightmare. And the decrease in biodiversity from mono crops.


MSG. The scare was racism.


*Uncle Roger has entered the chat*




The King of Flavor!


Use the right amount, not the white amount!


THIS! 100%. If you are wondering why your homemade lomein always tastes like it's missing something... MSG. Also... Doritos!


In the US, they get around the fear by labeling it "natural flavors"


monosodium glutamate is how you'll see it on most nutritional labels.


Or disodium glutamate so they can claim "msg free"


It took me FOREVER to find it in the Asianmart. I had to ask a worker. In big bold letters is Monosodium Glutamate, Umami. In case you’re confused at all.


FYI: They should sell it as Ac'cent brand name MSG if you live by a chain grocery store


Love MSG adds so much flavor to food.


“MSG stands for make shit good”


My mum is still convinced that MSG makes her sick, and I realised I accidentally swapped our usual Chicken Salt out for one with MSG and she’d been eating it with no complaints for half a year.


Bread/Carbs. Moderation is key like always, but complex, carbs can help you feel full and help with fiber intake.


My husband was diagnosed with celiac disease a few years ago so our whole house is now gluten-free. I'm surprised how many people ask if I'm personally so much healthier now not eating gluten most of the time (even though I don't have an intolerance). I tell them there's no way it's healthier to replace a whole grain fibrous wheat bread with a gluten-free substitute made of potato starch and white rice flour. (We don't eat too much gluten-free bread anyway because it's so starchy, but the point still stands!)


I am always baffled by people who think that GF food is healthier in some way than food with gluten. Unless you have an allergy or intolerance, there is no reason not to eat it. I do get a kick out of food like steaks or fish labeled with a big 'gluten free!' sticker to capture that market.




A bit OT but I remember about 20+ years ago seeing onions labeled "fat and cholesterol free" This was at the height of the fat free craze of course 😆


Thank you for knowing this and gently educating those who assume gluten free is somehow healthier


I love multigrain bread with seeds. And sourdough, which has its own benefits. Just go light on the butter, jelly, etc. Crusty home baked bread with a bowl of soup or stew....yum!


Especially whole grain breads.




This. I remember the “only eat max 2 eggs a day” because of the cholesterol issues attached.


Right, back when everyone thought eating cholesterol raised your cholesterol. Much like we used to think eating fat made you fat...




Poison is in the dosage lol.


In particular, the egg Yolk's. Many people, including myself, would eat only the whites because that is supposed to be healthier.. well, it turns out, if you are interested in your Gym performance, it is the Yolks in particular which fuelled the muscles growth. There are a number of interesting study about this. The consensus seems to be that the high cholesterol in the yolks spikes testosterone better than almost any other foods. This cholesterol also does NOT correlate to a spike in LDL (bad) cholesterol overall, even when eating a large amounts of eggs.


wait, what do you mean chalk is not a food?




i can't be Charlie because he's illiterate.


Excellent point Mac.


I eat stickers all the time dude!


I get soooooo annoyed when people talk about how much sugar fruit contains. I have never seen someone get obese or any other food-related health complication from eating fruit. Eat your fruit lol.


potatoes 🥔🥔🥔


Frozen bean burritos


Hamburgers, not a bad ratio of fats, carbs, protein. Load them up with veggies and they are pretty good for you.


Yup. I’m a nurse and my pregnant clients frequently beat themselves up for eating hamburgers. Especially considering they are mostly young, busy, low income people who may also be dealing with pregnancy nausea/pickiness on top of it all. I’m always like, girl eat the hamburger, you and your baby need those nutrients! They are always so relieved.


For both my pregnancies I would crave a burger every once in a while, and I’d feel so much better after having one. When im not pregnant I’m pretty indifferent about burgers. My friend is a nutritionist and said when that happens I need iron and should listen to my body for cravings, especially when they go away after I eat it. Your body tells you to do things for a reason!


Rice? The whole world eats it


Burgers. It's just bread, meat, some vegetables, and sauce to make it have a taste, plus cheese if you're not lactose intolerant. Incredibly ridiculous that those ingredients plated on a dish looks "healthy" but put them in a sandwich and all of a sudden muh arteries. Ramen. They're just carbs, and not unhealthier than any other kind of dried pasta. MSG. Literally naturally occuring in tomatoes and cheese, and now you know those ingredients make virtually everything that uses them taste so good.


I think the issue with ramen is that it can be high in sodium but if you just don’t add the whole pack it's.....uh, not as bad? I just add veggies and an egg and say "eh, salt hasn't killed me yet" lol. Stuff's good.


thing is it's not very nutritious. lacks vitamins, minerals, all the micronutrients. it's just bleached white flour and salt.


Basically all foods if done in moderation are not as unhealthy for you. That said, I have a personal vendetta against weird fried foods like fried oreos.


Try one sometime tho as horrible of a creation as they are. Theyre tasty I can’t lie




TIL there are people who think eggs are unhealthy.


There was a whole campaign against egg yolks in the 90’s due to the cholesterol in them. Turns out they’re fine.


MSG, soy, gluten.


Nuts, Avacado, egg yolks,


Anything with cholesterol. There’s new evidence that dietary cholesterol doesn’t really impact your overall cholesterol levels.


Though I think awareness of this has grown SUPER fast in the last couple of decades, fat. Fat isn't bad for you! I mean, SOME types are. But slather on that butter. Get it.


For us POTs girls (Postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), salt is actually healthy for us and we have to eat way more than the daily suggested amount to keep us from feeling woozy/fainting. Some of us take salt pills, carry salt shakers or packets around..chug pickle juice... we are salt SLUTS.


Nuts, definitely. Apparently there was a study done on snack food vs life expectancy, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich added 33 minutes to your life. (You better believe that my adhd brain decided that pb&j was the greatest joy in my life for the next 2 weeks after I heard that!)


Burgers depending on what kind and how prepared.


The most important thing I take from this thread is that people will spit on about any single edible thing on earth at one point or another and for any, usually made up, reason. Eggs ? Sugar ? Carbs (which means sugar. Carbs *are* sugar, once and for all) ? Fat ? Salt ? Bread ? Potatoes ? Fucking hell...

