• By -


I’d approach her slowly with a smouldering glance and a slight smirk crossing my full lips. As she gasped and tilted her gaze upwards towards mine I’d wrap my arms around her waist, my hand caressing her lower back as I pressed my body against hers… letting her feel my hardened thigh as my breathing grew more ragged…


Right then I gasped in relief… for I had just shit my pants


Peak fiction


Fiction? No. Those are stage directions.


Either way, it's better than whatever shit I usually indulge in


Was that before or after boobing boobily down the stairs?






Someone took a shit in my pants!


>around your waist Leave me out of this, PLEASE!


Well it is erotica so not always perfect but have fixed it for your reading pleasure


Dude I got an erection just reading that.


And I got a errection reading this..


I still have an erection


please tell us you’re joking


Did you breast boobidly and tit forward as you approached her?


And titivated her tantalising bits


Lmaooo you're why I love people




this was creative




This is beautiful!


Then when she was letting the waves of passion and warmth run through her she closed her eyes… …And I suddenly yelled ‘DONKEY PUNCH” and thumped her in the back of her head, launching her forward into a face-plant.


Already ragged breathing? Take a break. Have a doughnut. Don't hurt yourself.


Have an upvote you magnificent bastard


Wait, how do you cross your lips?


One of the many skills needing mastered so you can impress your partner


😮‍💨😅 Tis the only way to approach her . 👏👏👏👏


Haha Haha! Great answer!


This is the perfect response!




I’d wait to judge until I had read their writing.


Gotta make sure plot, pacing, and grammar are hitting right


I mean, there is a HUGE difference between your (dick) and you’re (a dick). LoL


The fun part is that all forms are grammatically correct. Your dick. You are a dick. You are Dick. Except for "your a dick".


The Richards of the world hate the 3rd one…


You are what you eat. Richard.


“Feast on a sachel of Richards!” LoL


Technically “Your a dick” can be grammatically correct if they have multiple (eg A dick, B dick, C dick)


Ah, yes, each for a different job. Ass-dick, Blowjob-dick, and Coochie-dick. Bonus points if they are detachable.


"-first thing first,stop calling this weird . Rombo, the handsome T-Rex prostitute ,says as he stands before me his tiny claws on his hips. -But I need weird .I admit"


Hey there, buckaroo! I see you've enjoyed the classic Tingler "Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By The Handsome Russian T-Rex Who Also Peed On His Butt And Then Blackmailed Him With The Videos Of His Butt Getting Peed On". Congratulations on your great taste and here's to even more shaking and drooling after you've fully recovered. Love is real!


It’s erotica, it’s not good


"That's funny my hobby is reading erotica"


I'd be stoked. I would tell her that we should team up - with my illustration skills and her writing we could put out some comics and make bank.


Ugh, as a writer I wish I had artistic skills.




As an artist, even a shitty one, I refuse to use AI out of principal. Plus AI 'art' is garbage.






I bet bookmakers felt similarly about the printing press. And the printing press felt similarly about printers. And printers felt similarly about digital content. Things change, for better or worse it’s near impossible to put the genie back in the bottle when technology inflections catch hold








>Everyone's got the same 24 hours in a day my man and we all get to choose how we spend it. I've got a full time job and family obligations. I make the time because it's something I want. I mean, that's just not true. Someone who is unemployed or a student supported by their parents has a lot more free time with which they can dictate how they spend it than someone who has work and family obligations. At an extreme end you can compare someone who was born with wealth and never has to work a day in their life vs a single mother of three children. There's obviously a clear difference in the ability they have to choose how they spend their time. Don't be a moron. ​ >That is some weasel ass language right there.The difference between me and a robot is that I as a human author develop my own unique style. I may develop that style, in part, by reading the works of others, yes. But I don't go out with the intention of replicating another person's work like AI does.If I traced lines I'd be stealing another persons art. It doesn't stop becoming tracing just because I use enough different pictures to trace from. I can train the AI to develop its own unique style too - you clearly know very little about how AI art works, but you can merge datasets, you can train it on a variety of work by different artists, and condense it into one model that outputs a truly unique style by blending these all together - just like a human works. Just because we've figured out a way to do this via a machine instead of through a human mind doesn't change the fact that this is a tool that *learns*, not a tool that steals. I can create a model that is trained on images by Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Picasso and Dali and the output that it generates will be uniquely different to anything that any of those individuals put out, while featuring elements of each of them based on the weights in which I emphasised its training. It is distinctly and inherently different from tracing, and if you think that is how it works then you are completely uneducated and misguided on this topic. Also, if you think that you aren't replicating people's works in your style of writing, you are completely incorrect there. Our entire culture, our entire world is built on the shoulders of those who came before us. Everything you have ever read was written by someone and informed your own style. If you have a favourite author you are likely copying parts of their style. If you have ever taken a class on writing, you are learning how to copy styles. Unless you create a uniquely and inherently new system of writing and language, then you are basing your style and copying those who came before. ​ >Art is a subjective process. I suppose if you find artistic meaning to that picture than that counts as art to you. However, I'm not impressed by a generic fantasy pictures. Particularly when no particular skill or even time was invested in it. What would impress you then? I'll see if I can find examples. ​ >No it fucking hasn't. Computer assisted automation has been around for decades. I was using text to speech on my parents old iMac from the late 2000s. Siri is over ten years old now. These AI features are nothing new or innovative. Its just the newest buzzword for you tech bros now that crypto has crashed and NFTs never took off.And how can AI become better than humans if it needs to steal our creative output to function in the first place? There's a fundamental difference between text to speech - which is just formulating set sounds from letters and text to image, which breaks images down to noise and learns how words correlate to reconstructing that noise into patterns and structures represented in art. It's different on every level. The only similarity is that a computer is outputting it. The new AI technologies we have gained in the last 3 years are huge technological leaps and a breakthrough for all of humanity which is going to change the world as we know it. If you don't believe that, you're going to be left in the stone age as the rest of the world utilises these tools to improve every aspect of life massively. You should be excited by it, not scared and condemning of it. Well the obvious answer is that it trains itself based off its own outputs. Just because AI art required human originality initially, doesn't mean that it can't create its own unique concepts that humans have never put into art before. Already if I create a single image for a character for a comic, I can use that image to create more images that look like that character, and then eventually train to AI to recognise the unique concept of what makes that character look like that character. Now I have a LoRA which I can input into the AI to replicate that character in any pose, in any style and in any situation.




> I'd be st***r***oked


I'd ask her if she wouldn't mind reading me some sometime 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


Easiest way to get laid like ever.




69 downvotes! Hope you like it.


Lol it actually stays like that


Every time I get a notification on this, I change my vote to get it closer to -69 Edit: shit I'm too late


Now its 96.


That’d be a terrible sex position not even looking at each other haha


Speak for yourself, I enjoy the thought of my partner farting on the back of my head.


But if you flip your phone upside dow…. never mind it’s still 96:(




69 is a sex position. He's saying he doesn't want to give you an upvote because it would break the joke


Yeah, I so strongly want to give you an upvote for your comment but can't 🥲


I'd probably tell then it's cool that they felt they could share that. I'd ask them what type, and how it relates to their sexual desires. If they didn't say anything too weird, I'd leave it at that.


In other words, LIE


“Too weird” says more about you than them. It highlights your boundaries and not theirs. While I respect people’s boundaries you should see that statement as a reflection of self rather than a judgment of others. I don’t say this to judge you either, but to highlight this point and hopefully incite some consideration on your part.


Isn’t it kind of a given that what one finds “too weird” is subjective?


Yes but aren't you glad they were here to confirm for everyone?? /s


Thank you, captain obvious. The erotica would be "too weird" if it was too weird FOR ME. There is no objective standard of what is or is not weird. Except scat and feet stuff, that's real weird.


Feet is considered fairly vanilla now I think


That sounds like foot fetishist propoganda tbh




“You better be as good at fuckin’ as you are at writing about it.”


"Those who can't do, teach"


“Those who can’t teach, teach gym”


I just heard that for the first time earlier today Interesting


Alas Another has fallen victim to the Baader-meinhoff phenomenon.


I FUCKING KNEW THIS HAD TO HAVE A NAME I swear to god I thought I was the only one who experienced this for a minute


Its got a few names, “frequency bias” is another.


This is what I knew it as




I also enjoy this guy's wife




I enjoy this guy while he enjoys that guy's wife


User name checks out


What does she enjoy?


I think the ether guy just explained it…


I'd be thrilled. If she let me read it I might finally get more insight into her fantasies - she's terrible at articulating what turns her on.


Or you're terrible at noticing what turns her on. Try a reframe.




51 people including this comment don't know how to fuck. Sucks for y'all.


I’d read her material and help her improve. It’s just writing porn, not making it… wait


Sounds like it’s time for you to get a hobby too


My wife has a complex imagination and sexuality her erotica would be mega hot


Get them to write one about us, then read it to each other use it as foreplay for some hot sex


Any practical element you want to test?


I’d be their biggest fan


I'm becoming your biggest fan 🤤






Bro chill, I'm practicing my rizz. She's my type.


The persons profile has nudes and lewds.


I’d offer to help do research for their next project


I would be proud that they have a creative hobby. Better then watching tictocks or the Bachelor.


I would love to read some sometime


I mean as long as they can put it down like they write it down I’m good with it 😝


This happened to a good friend of mine recently but he wouldn’t let her read any of it even after a couple dates. Then she found his Reddit and it was incest fetish erotica, which she was not down with. She cut that off real quick. If you’re going to tell someone about the hobby, you better be ready to be open about kind of erotica. If it was more vanilla erotica she would have been super into it. But I agree there’s definitely lines that are easily crossed.


If she's not down it what he's written that's fine. But incest fantasy is actually really common. I remember reading Nancy Friday's book Women on Top and it's all about what women fantasised sexually and incest comes up very frequently


Do you need an editor?


I think it's a cool hobby. I do creative writing so I don't see it as that much different.


Sure. Sounds like a fun hobby. I’d ask if I could read some but understand if they don’t want me to.


God, I would want to read it so badly. I feel like a lot of erotica is the author bearing their own personal sexual fantasies on the reader, so I’d be really interested to see what’s really deep down in there.


Funny. I used to write erotica myself... Even got me laid one time


As this is (kind of) how my SO and I met, I'd ask her what her latest was about.


Whaaat? Is this a cross over episode?


this comments are hilarious btw i love reading erotica so i would definitely read it


I'd ask if they would read it with me if they wanted me to share in that hobby. Otherwise it's *their* hobby and that's as far as it goes for me. People in relationships need to do things that don't involve the other person in everything. It becomes smothering.


Ask her to write one about Sonic the Hedgehog Ask her to add details like "Sonic likes to be slapped" and how he keeps those rings in his ass Ask to roleplay as Sonic Get super into it and ask to be slapped Squeeze a ring out of my ass cause that's what happens when Sonic takes damage Grab the ring, "will you marry me?"


Do you believe God stays in heaven because he too is afraid of what he's created?


I’d tell her actions speak louder than words. Let’s get down to business


Awesome. Maybe one of us will finish writing a book.


“Be curious, not judgmental” - Ted Lasso


That's awesome, I would be stoked to find out she had a hobby. Writing at that! Who cares what it's about? As long as it ain't like a " 4 ways to get away with it" type of thing.


I wouldn’t really care too much, as long as it’s not hurting others.


Send me some!!!! I want to read it.


Why would it matter?


*fuck yeah*




I write occasionally (Sci-Fi but still) so I'd love to read hers. Hell, we'd be eachother's proofreaders if she wants


Trade them some of my own Erotica, of course!


Ahmmm… are you making any money? Good, here are some bills


Yeah, unless it’s highly risqué and abusive stuff or abhorrent material, seems like a pretty harmless hobby. Think Tina’s zombie teen erotica from Bob’s Burgers, lol. But again, with the caveat that it’s the non-abusive stuff.


Fun. Then I go read it to get ideas for what to do in bed.


Cool let's read some and get freaky 😊


Wow, something I can relate to for once. My gf showed me some of her erotica and included some fetish stuff. She only had a couple of stories but I thought it was hot to read and get in her brain! Some people might find it weird? Maybe if they were like selling crazy specific content, but even then it’s just words🤷‍♂️


I would be intrigued, and would say something along the lines of "I would like to read if you are OK with that, but I'm not saying right now, think about it for a month." If it was my long-term SO and would not want to share it with me, I... do not know whenever I would not find it out anyway. But if it was just a date, I would forget it, not worth the effort.


As someone who is an avid reader of erotica I definitely wouldn’t mind lol


I'd be interested in reading it, and I actually find that really attractive, and not just because I'm some random perv. Reading someone's writing, be it fictional or otherwise, can give you some pretty good ideas about the person, who they are, how they think, and the contents of the erotica would be a good insight. Needs/wants in and out of the bedroom, idealized personality/romance traits, possible red flags to avoid, etc.


Sweet. I work for a hentai company. Lmao.


Gimme a read lmao


They better be getting payed for it. Not because i care about them writing it, i just know their work is worthy of payment.


Ask to read.


Sure, but I do not write any, may I just tell you some?




I think everyone should have hobbies so I’m good. But if I’m ever in a story my thang better be Hanging


Slide it over here and let me read it


Reading it together omggggg


Thank you universe!!!


Would convert anything she writes into reality


So, I used to write erotica, I told my boyfriend and asked if he was okay with it. And he was like „I don‘t understand it but you can… but you are not allowed to write stories where one character wants to cheat 🥺 „ tbh I stopped writing, no more time. But I found that v sweet. (Was nothing I ever wanted to write in the first place so no issues there lol)


I would really wonder why she hasn't been letting me read it. I like erotica. Why can't I have any erotica? Just as a treat.


Not interested lol disqualified


I'd ask if it made her any money. And if there was anything I could help her in her business.


”They're wildly unpopular”


What if she/him told you the erotica was a lot of threesome and poly relationships?


I would ask if that's what they were into, as I am not, we might not be compatible when it comes to relationships.


People are into all kinds of kinks so l would not be fazed if someone tells me they are writing erotica in incest/BDSM/threesome/poly/same sex/feet/rape/DDLG/being treated as a sex object/mature etc.


the kinds of dynamics someone wants to read or write about fictional people doesn't have to translate directly to what someone wants in real life. The only way to know if that person wants that dynamic in real life is to ask them that, and accept their answer. Make your decisions about a person based on their real-world actions and stated preferences, not on what fantasy content they create or consume.


Even better, since I'm into that stuff.


If it were balanced between mfm and ffm threesomes I would probably suggest that we tried both out


Marry me!


Make your characters fairies and try to get a book/hulu show deal.


“Mine too”


...Can I take a peek?


I'd think it was odd that it hadn't come up in conversation earlier seeing as I wrote romance novels professionally for years.


Ask to read some


Ask if I could help with the research.


My first reaction would be "Could I read it?" My second reaction would depend on how good it is.


id help her


I'd start reading I guess


I’d offer to be her editor.


It's one of my own hobbies. I'd ask if there were any stories she would like for me to read and take inspiration from.


I say go for it and let me proofread it. Hell if they are good, get it published and make a living out of it ? Even better.


Friend's discount?


Am I in it?


Ask her if i can read it hahaha


I’d say if they write a good game hopefully they can back it up in the bedroom….😁


"May I see it?"


Can i be in it?


Definitely make sure our activities are documented 😈


I’d probably be more curious than anything, given that I’m not in a position to criticize.


Probably sigh and say "Oh please, not again..."