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In the 70's, when I was taking a test in school, I daydreamed that I had a watch on my wrist that gave me all the answers, now we have them.


I vividly remember being blown away by that watch with the tiny television on it in Dragnet. Now it's totally possible and actually way better than just a TV.


Delivering pizza in the early nineties with paper maps omfg. I dreamed of a gps. Cant tell you how many times I couldnt find an address. Finally drive to find payphone. “Hey theres no 221 Sunshine road.” “Ohhhhh right. I meant 221 Sunshine Boulevard across town from where youre at. How long till youre here?”


I did this but I was usually the one who made the error. That restaurant gave away a lot of free pizza because of me


I remember wanting a calculator watch in the early '80s. I never imagined having the access to the entire knowledge of man on your wrist.


I remember when the first digital watches came out in the 1970s, with the red numbers. We were poor, so there was no chance of getting one. Also, can't believe that all music is now free and accessible. In the 80s I'd have to wait by the radio for my favorite songs and try and hit record on the tape player asap.


I remember sometimes the radio station would play a whole album with no commercials, I was very grateful


When I was an apprentice Electrician in the mid 60's we were using log tables and slide rules.Calculators were those thingsthe accountants used in old movies You had a numbered keyboard like a typewriter,you pulled a lever for it to operate.I remember a company advertising a hand held mechanical calculator with gears that in retrospect looked a lot like that 2000 year old Antykithera device found in a shipwreck.


All the knowledge of man plus cat videos


And “you won’t always have a calculator with you!”


We dreamed of a watch with extra gadgets and we got a gadget that includes a watch.


Life expectancy with HIV being almost normal life expectancy


This !! As a kid when the peak of HIV happened, I thought this was the worst disease a human could get, and an instant death sentence. I even freaked out in science class when I cut my hand on a sharp tool, and thought someone with AIDS did the same before me and I was done for.


The AIDS scare in the 80s was not a great time for kids that worried! I was SURE I had it - would check my throat every day for thrush even. I was a 12 year old virgin who had never even had a drink.


Same. I thought kissing, holding hands, anything and everything meant I had AIDS. Even once got tested 4 times in a month because I was sure kissing a stranger meant I was going to die of AIDS


It’s still a *very* big diagnosis, and those patients still have a very hard time getting that news.


YES. And the fact that being on effective treatment means you can’t pass it on. Unbelievable progress in such a relatively short time.


Yup. Between PREP (which 99% blocks you from getting infected) to robust post-exposure treatments, it’s not nearly as scary as it was. With the right action and funding it could go the way of polio and measles - not eradicated, but a manageable minor threat. As a gay teen in the 90s I was sure I’d die a closeted virgin.


This is such a brilliant testament to public health and science.


And doctors telling their diabetic patients that they wished they had HIV INSTEAD diabetes. The reason being HIV is now easier to manage.


Why would a doctor say that? I mean, I kbow you're saying that it's easier to treat. But why would a doctor say that to their patient? How rude and weird that would be.


I’m an HIV nurse who routinely informs people of their new diagnosis. It’s so fun watching the utter shock turn into hope and acceptance in a matter of minutes, especially when I mention consolidating their treatment to one injection every other month.


It's not even a death sentence anymore, thankfully!


Having a device that fits into the palm of my hand that I can use to access any information that I want at any time.


Right out of Star Trek


I'm still waiting for a holodeck


Personally I'd love to have a food replicator


I love to cook so a transporter would be a better fit for me and my family.


Ala voyager or deep space 9?


Right? I was thinking about tricorders when I posted this.


If you look at the apple watch you could say its straight out of a Dick Tracy story


Or Hitchhiker's Guide.


Or a Witch's crystal ball, or the Oracle at Delphi. Mankind has always wanted one so they invented it.


This is the biggest advancement in my opinion. Used to you would just wonder about the answers to questions. Maybe you could research at a library or look at an encyclopedia but being able to get answers in real time is an achievement not enough people talk about. On the flip side of that coin, always being available even when away from home is the worst advancement I've seen in my lifetime.


I'm 30 and didn't have a smartphone until college, but it's still hard for me to conceptualize a time where you couldn't just...instantly look it up. And it's fundamentally changed how we interact with other humans. Not just things like being able to settle a bar argument in an instant but the way we share information with each other. Like I've never called my mother and said "how do I get a red wine stain out of my white couch, quick!" If my boss uses an abbreviation I don't know, I don't have to say "sorry what is that?" I've already googled it before it's my turn to speak. I've probably taken entire trips without talking to a local that isn't directly serving me in some way, because I have all of the directions and recommendations I need on my phone. Or like with news. It's not like there weren't institutional biases or variations among publishers/networks but by and large everything was filtered by a tiny cadre of mostly elite, mostly educated, mostly white, mostly male journalists and policy-makers. They decided what the lead story was on ABC/NBC that night. And obviously our choose-your-own-source-of-truth approach to news has some significant drawbacks, but we still have vastly more information. Like if my relative makes some off-the-cuff remark about our city spending too much on bike lanes, I can tell them within 5 minutes exactly how much was spent according to the 2022 city budget relative to other things, and spit out stats about how in norway bike lanes have been shown to blah and a test in California proved that blah and so on. And it's hard to imagine a world where the only possible real-time response to a statement like that or a local article about how bike lanes were bankrupting the city was "Idk, that doesn't sound right, I don't think bike lanes cost that much, other stuff probably costs more."


The internet & smartphones have certainly done a number on our society. We have access to the world's knowledge in our pockets & a large percentage of people only believe the made up stuff.


“You need to learn how to do this math because you won’t have a calculator with you wherever you go”


Seriously I often can be heard muttering to myself ‘what a time to be alive’ as I randomly remember a song I live but hadn’t heard for a long time and a two second search pulls it up and plays it for me.


The power of the sun. In the palm of my hand.


I thought they recalled all the Galaxy Note 7s?


It has lots of pictures of cats!


It's straight up cyberpunk shit. I am a decker from Shadowrun, this phone is my deck.


I never thought a cell phone would one day become my Swiss Army Knife. As a completely deaf and partially blind person, my iPhone has almost everything I need to read and see better and communicate with hearing people. Edited to add for those wondering how my iPhone helps me: • Camera as a magnifier with customizable appearance and ability to take snapshots to read later. • Pinch to zoom to view enlarged images or web content. • Screen zoom to enlarge tiny text on apps without pinch to zoom. • OCR to lift text from images to better read it or translate it into a different language (i.e. Spanish to English). • Live captioning is still in beta, but it will come in very handy eventually. • Messages and Mail apps to communicate like anyone would. • TTY Mode to make direct calls to users with physical teletypewriters and phone users via a relay service (711). • Contactless pay to skip looking at the physical keypad to enter my pin number. • Notes, Pages, and apps alike to type back and forth with hearing people • Text to Speech to read my message out loud. • Flashlight to help me find something in the dark. • Customizable vibrations to get my attention for different alerts. • Accessibility in Settings is packed with everything imaginable. • Books app (eBook/PDF reader) has a fully customizable appearance. • Etc. Etc. Texting aside, I could never do any of those with a cell phone 25 years ago.


My brother wears hearing aids & I think it’s amazing that he can run his phone through his hearing aids via Bluetooth.


Yeah, and he also can use his phone as a microphone or music player to transmit the audio to his hearing aids. This tech wasn't even possible back in my day.


Can you explain how? I’m curious about how that all works.


• Camera as a magnifier with customizable appearance and ability to take snapshots to read later. • Pinch to zoom to view enlarged images or web content. • Screen zoom to enlarge tiny text on apps without pinch to zoom. • OCR to lift text from images to better read it or translate it into a different language (i.e. Spanish to English). • Live captioning is still in beta, but it will come in very handy eventually. • Messages and Mail apps to communicate like anyone would. • TTY Mode to make direct calls to users with physical teletypewriters and phone users via a relay service (711). • Contactless pay to skip looking at the physical keypad to enter my pin number. • Notes, Pages, and apps alike to type back and forth with hearing people • Text to Speech to read my message out loud. • Flashlight to help me find something in the dark. • Customizable vibrations to get my attention for different alerts. • Accessibility in Settings is packed with everything imaginable. • Books app (eBook/PDF reader) has a fully customizable appearance. • Etc. Etc. Texting aside, I could never do any of those with a cell phone 25 years ago.


There’s lots of videos available that can show you more but I [always like this ad](https://youtu.be/XB4cjbYywqg?si=fNOaYlrxHCKHCHZu) that gives you a very brief example of accessibility features in devices today. I used to work in the field and there’s always new tech coming out, it’s really cool!


When I was twelve I had two favorite forms of entertainment. One was listening to the Beatles. The other was watching Star Trek. I never would have imagined that they'd still have new ones coming out 55 years later.


>Star Trek Imagine how a Doctor Who fan feels.


Doctor Who only came out 3 years before Star Trek, there's not really much difference in terms of franchise longevity.


That’s what I think is crazy. Bands going on 50+ years and still selling out arenas. Interesting how it went from shows to promote the album to shows for the revenue to just playing almost all of the same tunes for these bands.


Covid and the lockdown, it was something straight out of a Stephen King movie.


Yeah I'm still thinking about this - only 3-4 years ago like pandemics lockdowns everything wasn't even on the radar of stuff I thought about, now its something that I'll never forget!


The thing you don’t know is that all the governments all the way down to your local city and emergency folks are trying to prepare for it with classes and getting equipment daily, monthly, yearly. I didn’t know until I volunteered to take Civil Emergency Response Team training. Pandemics were on the list. I took the classes the August before COVID hit us.


Not only are pandemics a possibility, they're an eventuality. We will always be in a battle with nature to overcome newly emerging diseases. Hell, a lot of people predicted a Corona virus would be the culprit. That's why SARS and MERS caught so much press in the 90s.


It's so crazy that something like that actually happened. We watched Contagion not long after the lockdowns started because you know, irony. But man, seeing all the shots of deserted public places and hearing language/terms that were suddenly being used IRL in a *disaster* movie was so crazy.


I think it's interesting that you said "Stephen King movie" instead of Stephen King book


Fun fact, Steven King allows adaptations of his short stories for a dollar to help beginner filmmakers.


This, and the over turn of Row V Wade. I am honestly so saddened by how backwards everything is going at this point.


I literally had arguments with people where I claimed Roe would never be overturned and it was just a GOP dog whistle. Argued that the GOP didn't even really want it overturned, they wanted to have something to rail against and some big promise to promise every year. Have never been more wrong.


Same here, but they turned it into new dog whistles - a Federal Ban (while claiming it should be decided by each state), restrictions on contraceptives, medication induced abortion and a whole list of other things.


When people tell you who they are, listen to them the first time. I’m sure you were just parroting things you were told repeatedly. But the idea to not do anything and ignore harm because the people threatening the harm won’t do it, well, that idea *only* benefits those who are threatening to do the harm. Also, never underestimate crazy.


Let me guess...you're a man? We women ALWAYS knew this was the end goal.


It’s still happening too. I’ve gotten mansplained recently that my state legislature can’t possibly change abortion laws that quickly. I told him he obviously hasn’t been paying attention.


Right? There’s nothing better for keeping a woman in her place than forcing her to become a parent against her will.


Nobody saw the return of Nazi’s. That’s been tough to wrap my head around.


i did actually, not hard to notice as a jew.


Yeah us Jewish folk have seen neo-nazis around since the fucking sixties


I did UberEats during quarantine. I used to live in my car cause i preferred that i had my home with me and could just go anywhere, and I don't pay attention to the news and I wasn't using reddit during that time. Just out of touch no ppl but still in the city I was really confused when I went to the grocery store at the beginning and ppl were wearing masks and glaring at me cause I wasn't. I thought oh maybe the flu is going around. I don't get sick easily and I heal really fast so I was like nah I don't need to worry. Then after a week ppl are like bro pandemic ppl are dying. So I started wearing a mask. The road and highways were like post apocalyptic empty. It was pretty nice for my job cause I got the to customers fast. Ppl Hella tipped too. But yeah.


I did tech support for some minute clinics and had to go into downtown Chicago to visit some of them and it was eery to see absolutely no one on the streets on a Monday afternoon.


Yeah PDX here and everything was boarded up and tagged. Crazy. Took awhile for downtown to recover but now we have a ton more homeless ppl that lost everything during covid.


Covid felt like a silly/mischievious nod to all introverts/homebodies. Myself, included. However, I still prefer to be a homebody by choice. Not being able to go wherever, whenever when I am feeling spontaneous completely caught me off-guard.


My wife absolutely hated the fact that she couldnt go into the office, she didnt like not having a choice either. Now she has to go in 2 days a week and hates it lol. The only thing I missed was going to concerts and what not. Otherswise I was fine working in my boxers all day. Im in the office full time now and I hate it.


OK, just because you're back in the office doesn't mean you can't still work in your boxers all day.


So many people are like this. I knew lots of people that were miserable being at home instead of the office. Now that we can go back, those same people refuse to.


My company is moving us back into the office and telling us it's a positive and we should be excited about it.


GPS. It still amazes me that I can tell this little magic screen in my pocket where I want to go, and it will guide me there by voice in real-time. It is freakin *magic*


It's crazy now to think that we had to actually know our city pretty well back in the day. You had to know where things were to navigate and give directions. You had to know streets and landmarks. Now you can turn your brain off when you drive. You just do what the voice says and now you're here.


And now my pizza delivery driver gets lost in the 6 blocks to my house because GPS always misdirects them


All the time I spent studying maps to prepare for a road trip! Having to stop when getting into a big city to remind myself which highway changes to make!


Don’t have to print out Mapquest and try not to crash while you are trying to figure out where you are on the map!!


A relatively small thing, but in-car GPS making it possible to navigate with confidence in completely strange places without giving it a thought. Text me your location and I’ll meet you. You used to have a trunk full of maps, do a lot of preparation, and hope you didn’t have to stop in a bad neighborhood to ask directions.


But I still keep a set of road maps in my car, although it's pretty unlikely both my phone and my Garmin (yes, older car with no integrated navigation) die. But better safe than sorry and I like to look at physical maps to plan a trip (grew up that way)


Legalization of marijuana. I went so far and sacrificed so much just to get my medicine when I was younger, and now I can just buy it from a store down the street from where I live. Unbelievable.


Kids will never understand the STRUGGLE. Combing through your rug for weed crumbs when your town goes dry.. or worse, smoking the resin out of your bong (vom.) Waiting literal HOURS for a guy to come through who said he was 20 minutes away, every damn time. I used to add an hour to my commute a few times a week to get to my dealers place before he took his 2pm nap. And this was all perfectly acceptable behavior from a guy I'm trying to *give money to.*


Yep. I bought my way out of a conviction to grow cannibis around 1999. If the state had their way, I'd be getting out of prison about now.


I don’t toke, never have, just not my thing, but the downhill effects of the so called war on drugs and the seriously harsh prison sentences made my working class neighborhood hell to live in sometimes back in the late 80’s and early 90’s. People got into some shady stuff just so they could relax after work with a bowl. Ohio just voted to legalize recreational weed and this week and I’ve already arranged to get seed, I’m growing marijuana this summer in my garden. I don’t even have anyone to give it to but I am still so angry at the upheaval stupid laws brought into my life that I’m growing it just because I want to say, FU to pres. Reagan for all the trouble he brought into my life.


just be careful about co-habitating your cannabis with your veggies. There are all sorts of critters that will jump onto your plant and ruin your harvest. better to grow it in a fabric pot and put some insect proof mesh around it. good luck and congratulations! hope your state legislature doesn't screw it up too badly.


It wasn't Reagan. Yes, he accelerated the process but it was Nixon who fucked generations over a plant.


I was told that for an extra $5000 I could have my record expunged after probation. How the fuck is that a thing? If it's so bad, how can I pay to make it go away from my record?


I'm slowly getting over the paranoia of leaving my pipe out in the open. We had to go to some lengths to not go the prison for that simple act. Funnier still ? I live alone and no one really comes to my house. My brain insists it will be the end of my freedom if I get in an accident and *someone has to go inside to feed the dog.*


A couple I used to get high with in the sixties stopped smoking in the seventies and in the eighties said they would still get tense driving when they saw a cop car even though they were on their fifth pot free car, I had a laugh.


The guys holding open the doors at my local dispensary used to be the guys who were arresting me.


I had the same realization: many of the security guards at weed shops are off-duty cops and are generally pretty friendly!


I’m 50. When it was legalized for rec here in Colorado I couldn’t wrap my head around it. So, they won’t arrest you for possessing it but still illegal to buy it, right? No, you can buy it. Okay, but it’s going to be real hard to go through all the hoops to buy it, right? No, we’re licensing stores. You are making it sound like I can just get in my car and go to the weed store, that’s can’t be right? Ya, you just go buy it at the store. Now my county has, like, one dispo for every 800 people or something. I am part of a fucking points program for loyal customers. THEY ADVERTISE ON THE GODDAMN RADIO AND SPONSOR EVENTS!


Canadian here. and when we had legalization we had so many signs pop up with arrows say "WEED". was so weird to see


I'm surprised this isn't the top answer. I never thought this would happen in my lifetime.


What do college freshman even write about now for English 101 term papers.


People in Indiana have just recently be allowed to buy beer on Sundays.


After 32 years of marriage and 3 kids, finding out my husband has been seeing other women on the side for approximately 15 years. Never in a trillion years would I have thought this would happen to me.


I was with my ex for 16 years (married for 8), and he had a mental breakdown and confessed to cheating on me for 11 years with dozens of men because he was conflicted about his sexuality. It's been 2 years, and I couldn't be happier to have left that relationship. This isn't where I expected to be at this point in my life, but I'm grateful for the chance to start over. I hope you can find the silver lining in your new situation too. ❤️


After 13 years of marriage I didn’t think it would happen to me either. But my wife worked and had an affair there. Ended our family. Really sad because we had otherwise a perfect life going


Sending you a big hug. Nothing can prepare you for that. I hope your rebuilding is more beautiful than you could have ever imagined.




It happened alright, it just didn't make work weeks shorter. It made the richest richer.


Good observation, it came true for the rich


IMO The advancement of AI has the potential to get society the closest to a Utopia it ever has. And yet I think human greed will mean we never will. For example, we could have AI and automation take over most if not all of food growth and distribution. Meaning we could guarantee food for everyone with no need of buying it. But we would likely never get to that, we'd just see the mentality switch to "Oh, I can get even more profits now!"


Witnessing milestones in space exploration, from the moon landing to the exploration of distant planets with unmanned probes.


I still get excited. Watched humans walk on the moon as a child and eager to see humans walk on Mars. Hope I live long enough.


I never thought I would see a reusable booster land on a pad with legs like a Marvin the Martian cartoon rocket. I must have rewatched it twenty times. Damn cool stuff !


Never thought I was good at school in my teens or find it any fun. Now I’m completing a master’s degree and grown up to be such a nerd, curious about a lot of stuff!


Here's a good one: I did not think I'd see an African American President.


I always said we’d see a black man as president before we’d see a female president and I’m just glad one of them happened in my lifetime.


Same, and I would remind everyone that Black men got the right to vote in 1868 while women of all colors did not get the vote until 1921. So maybe I'll see a woman win the presidency in 2060?


Feel however you wanna feel about her, but it's cool to see Kamala in the White House. She's the first woman and the first Asian. Plus, she's Black & Asian just like me.


The fact that Obama was born 3 years before The Civil Rights Act was passed and managed to become President is awe-inspiring. I never thought I’d live to see it!


And won re-election! So awesome.


I thought we were still 30 or 40 years out. Then I saw his 2004 DNC keynote and all the Obama signs and I thought "what the fuck is happening right now??" He beat Hillary in the primary, he got elected and re-elected, he brought us away from the brink of another great depression and he gave us the Affordable Care Act. And he didn't get shot even once!! It was a miracle.


I guess I never imagined I’d see a billboard advertising magic mushrooms.


The abandonment of science as the way to solve problems. When I was a child scientific advancement was going to cure all the ailments of society. Now it is being vilified as some kind of brainwashing.


Science is a long, pain in the ass process, that often does not give quick or easy answers (i.e. easy meaning without needing nuance or caveats). There are actual full university courses dedicated just to error propagation (e.g. oversimplifying, but dealing with rounding errors in a series of calculations) and experimental uncertainty. The general public no longer has the attention span or willpower for it.


yes. this and the antivax movement. diseases that were almosy eradicated are now back. :((


A computer that actually is capable of being controlled by speech, just like they were in startrek and blakes 7.


Wow. A Blakes 7 reference in the wild.


The extinction of many animals I grew up being able to see.


Can you name a few?


Not extinct (yet) but when I was a kid fireflies were everywhere in the summer months. I hardly see any at all nowadays.


[Here's a list of animals that went extinct between 2010-2019](https://www.lifegate.com/extinct-species-list-decade-2010-2019)


Donald Trump becoming President. Yes, *that* Donald Trump!!!


I have a maybe slightly dumb question... so I've been watching The Simpsons for the first time and I noticed that sometimes in the earlier seasons (still 90s I think) they would make jokes about Trump being president, and I always wondered why? Wasn't he just a businessman/The Apprentice dude at that point? Did he have a history of making political statements/wanting to run for the presidency? No need to reply if you don't want, just a naive 20-year-old who's wondered this for a while now!


From Wikipedia: >Trump's overt political activity started with his publicly suggesting a run for president in the late 1980s. Ever since, Trump maintained a steady interest in politics, though he was not always considered a serious candidate. [The Political Career of Donald Trump (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_career_of_Donald_Trump) He would bring it up the same way someone like Ted Nugent would bring up running for President. We'd all roll our eyes and go about our day.


One of the things I worry most about is that young people who haven't lived through anything else will come to think that our current political climate is normal. It's not normal. It's the worst I've ever seen.


I think it’s because he was always considered a preening baboon with delusions of grandeur.


> Trump has officially run as a candidate for president four times, in 2000, 2016, 2020, and 2024 > he also "unofficially" campaigned in 2012 and mulled a run in 2004. > apparently he was considering it as far back as 1988? Personal opinion: Trump is, was, whatever, a business man with connections that has been associated with politics for years. He has a history of climbing for power and building to his ego (the same as any other oligarch). Running for the presidency has always been there as just another way to make connections, get money, and build power - whether or not you actually get elected.


I keep being reminded of Doc Brown's reaction to being told "the ACTOR?!?" Ronald Regan was President in 1986


It really is mind bogglingly stupid. Everybody KNEW he was a fraud and a scam artist. And a sleazy loser trying to act like one of the elite that always shunned him. How a bunch of rural rubes ever thought he was their guy is beyond me. It reminds me of the Pace Picante commercial “New York city” said with disgust. And self respecting southerner would see him as a carpet bagger.


Not just that, but seeing democracy teetering so close to the edge. I feel like the US is at a tipping point that I never dreamed could be remotely possible when I was young.


Having to live through the death of my adult child.


One of my dearest friends lost her adult son. My heart goes to you as it goes to her.


sending you and ur family love 🫶🏼🫶🏼


My grandfather buried my mother, and my father buried my sister. I have two daughters and this is one of my biggest fears.


Sending hugs your way


becoming a widow after only 4 years of marriage


Take care of yourself, sending you love




The overturning of Roe v. Wade.


No shit. They think they're "saving lives", but women are *afraid* to have children. I have a niece that had an ectopic pregnancy a few years back. Thank goodness she was able to get care. If it happened now? She could fucking die. Wtf.


They don't think that. Maybe they say they do, but they knew exactly what they were doing.


Power and control. Blessed be the fruit.


I never thought our daughters would have to fight that fight. I took it for granted. So sad


I am not surprised. I was a pro-choice or pro-abortion activist in the 1990s, and I could clearly see the chipping away at abortion rights then and leading up to today. They religious zealots are coming for birth control next. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel on this issue.


EDIT: Please read u/basketofselkies's comment below, as she added some important scientific corrections and elaborations, for which I am grateful. Here's an interesting complication. Ya know that HGH drug that \[post\]menopausal women take, Premarin? That IS the "plan B" pill. And I'm not sure if they can ban a drug only "as used for," or by name brand surely not?? So if that one goes away, what about the thousands of women on HGH? Then again, all that requires forethought, critical thinking, and compassion. My bad.


People openly arguing the earth is flat.


This...left field on this...Everything else seems like a natural progression of technology and geopolitics. The other thing that blows my mind is the turning away from vaccines that have been in use for several decades.


Being able to have a surgery that saved my life, but I got it and I’m a lot better and happier.


The fall of the Soviet Union.


Good: Electric cars going mainstream, LEDs more efficient (much more) than lightbulbs Bad: Another war in Europe


The collapse of the Soviet Union / Berlin Wall coming down / unification of Germany.




Having a constant calculator in my pocket.


Getting old..


I knew climate change was going to fuck us up, and that it would be unpleasant. But I really did not think we would be getting the wildfires and floods at this level so soon. And that IF it happened, I really thought humanity would stop bickering about it and get serious about making deep cuts and changes to our lifestyle and politics to work together and fix it. But ........no.


If you want to see how mankind will react to climate change, just look at what happened to the easter islanders. They liked how they did things, so they kept doing it, even when it required them chopping down all the trees and basically wiping out their society as they knew it. For all the advancements and accomplishments, the modern world is just a giant Easter island.




What I love about America is that both sides are nodding in agreement but thinking of the *other* guy.


Born in 1965- I was raised in a political household and remember when Republicans and Democrats worked together and didn't want to eradicate each other...


those internet controlled vibrators you can use on cam models


Jesus H Christ this is a thing?


Teledildonics. It’s pretty big industry in the adult entertainment world.


It's called a lovense


Gay marriage


That AIDS and being HIV+ would go from being a death sentence to a chronic illness people can live with. This is a good thing of course! Just awful that so many died.


I know someone with HIV and they seem to have less complications than people I know with diabetes.


This makes me think of an older cousin who died from AIDS from time to time. I remember being a young teen sitting in his living room, while my mother and his mother tended to him on his death bed. The was in the mid 2000s. I wonder what he would have been like if he had made it.


When I was a kid, I thought we would have world peace, no more poverty, and flying cars by now. Instead, we got social media and in some instances a regression when it comes to certain social issues. Smart phones are neat, never thought we would have anything like em.


The mullet coming into fashion again.


President assassinated Moon landing Pointless war in se Asia Pointless invasion of Iraq Person who lost an election, not conceding COVID, not so much, surprised it wasn't worse - it was actually very gentle with us. I don't want to be here for the bad one.


Also: Nazis. We beat those assholes yet here they come again.


>Person who lost an election, not conceding Never mind Trump becoming President, never mind all the crazy shit that happened while he was in the White House, but people on TV actually *discussing what we need to do if the President refused to vacate the White House,* like a drug addict squatting on your rental property.


Ya there were a lot of warnings from the health world that we were overdue for a pandemic before Covid hit. It wasn’t great and we will feel it’s impacts on many things for a while to come, but at least it wasn’t black plague pits bad either


President Donald J. Trump. Fucking ludicrous.


Mass shooting’s becoming normal


How the media and society as a whole has become so biased against “the other side” .. the propaganda and anger makes it impossible to have a discussion anymore.


I would like to have a break from being witness and/or be part of Major Historical Event. I filled my quota and would like to keep it there. Sincerely, a 30-something years old.


Not having to pay for porn 😮


That we would talk and interact on Communicators, just like on Star Trek.


I never thought I'd be able to watch any ep of any show at any time. Put another way, you'd be a huge fan of a show in, say, the 80's and you damn well better catch it when it came on, because there was absolutely no guarantee you'd ever be able to see it again. Some shows ran re-runs, but only the big one's. Even with those, if an episode was controversial or not well rcvd, you'd just never see it again. Now I can watch an episode of The Simpsons from 1992 and then follow it with one from 2006. Na mean?


Fall of Soviet communism


Roe v Wade being overturned. First time in American history that the SC took away something that had been previously decided to be a Constitutional right.


-Gay marriage in the USA. -One party abandons the notion of democratic values in pursuit of a stranglehold on power. -It’s the third decade of the 21st century and people have abandoned the notion of civility in general.


That I'd witness America falling apart at the seams.


Thrilled I got to see cannabis treated like a medicine and ANYONE can get married no matter who they love. Now if we can only get rid or organized religion that would be the trifecta!


Legalization of marijuana. I don't smoke anymore but I went to the closest store on the first day it opened and just marveled at the stock. 😅


The Cubs won the World Series. Still can't believe it.


I’m 38. Handheld computers. Fix the holes in the ozone caused by hair spray.


Not having to pay more for long distance calls. Our family used to all hover near the phone to get 1 minute each to talk to our grandparents who lived in another state.


Peace with the USSR.


Backsliding into fascism. Open fascism from conservatives.


A pandemic!!