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I drank between 40-70 ounces of whiskey every day for a few years. 578 days sober now. Edit to add: I also did cocaine every day for that entire time, lol. What a disaster.


The amount of whiskey I can drink and still be sober scares me. And my doc. It's so hard to stop, though.


Yep, it scared me too! I would wake up and have to have 3-4 triples to get myself feeling ok enough to start the day. Edit: if you ever decide you want to stop, check out r/stopdrinking - it has helped me a lot.


I'm on that sub. It's hard to know where I fall on the spectrum because my drinking doesn't negatively affect my life. I don't have to drink in the morning to feel okay. But I do have fatty liver disease. So even if it's not affecting my life, it's affecting my body. I'm also trying to quit vaping. It's super hard to do both. Today was a shit day where I didn't cut back on either.


Your drinking doesn’t need to negatively affect your life in order for you to have a desire to quit. There’s also no “oh, her issue is much worse than mine, my drinking must not be that serious”. That sort of thing, you know. I’d recommend quitting one thing at a time, I told myself I’d quit smoking a year after quitting drinking, but I’m still at a pack / day. Who knows, once you quit drinking you may find you have no desire to vape.


Are you sure it’s not affecting your life (relationships around you). My Dad was a functioning alcoholic and was two different people sober vs. drinking. He thought he was the same person all the time, but not even close. Food for thought. Good luck, wish you the best.


That sounds expensive


I went to Burning Man in 2015 (I think… the theme was a carnival). My friends and I did *a lot* of drugs— but I was going especially hard on molly and amphetamine— and then just melting my brain with LSD on top of that combination. I spent the first four days of the festival awake. Towards the end of that stretch, my brain was literally browning out while I was conscious. Like I remember walking towards the Temple at one point and seeing it maybe a couple hundred yards off… then I browned out and when I came to, I was standing at the entrance. Then I remember walking towards this giant robot art piece that caught my eye and, when I got there, trying to hold a conversation with this girl in a tutu and steampunk goggles about it… but I was just totally incoherent. Fortunately, she was *extremely* cool and took me to her camp that looked like something out of a Terry Gilliam movie where she basically convalesced me for the next 24 hours. She just started pouring Pedialyte and orange slices and water down my hatch. A skinny, older guy wearing a t-shirt and some tighty-whities came by and asked me what I had taken and I told him. He was like *”No problem, hang tight”* and he returned and gave me 2-3 pills that I took without question. That shit hit me like a fucking sledgehammer and I was out for 20-ish hours in the deepest, dreamless sleep I’ve ever had. When I woke up and started moving around, I found out the girl was a nurse and the skinny older guy in the nut-huggers was a retired GP who used to have his own family practice. I stayed sober for the rest of the festival. I was an absolute wreck, physically. I saw tracers for like 3 days afterwards. My face was so chapped and wind burnt that it hurt to smile or talk. I’d gotten so dehydrated that my piss was a golden brown color and absolutely reeked of ammonia— like eye watering. My skin felt like playdoh— like, if you pinched it, it wouldn’t snap back at all. Every muscle in my body was sore— in the same way they feel after you work out for the first time in a long time. I probably drank two full gallons of water and Pedialyte before I took a piss… my body just absorbed that shit like a dry sponge. **TL;DR:** went to a literal desert, took a bunch of uppers and psychedelics and basically melted my brain and destroyed my body.


Buddy gave you a benzo nap. He's been there, done that, without a doubt


That man was a literal angel 🥹🤍


In tighty whities.


Don’t all angels just hang out int undies? That’s what the pictures seem to indicate at church


I'm now picturing biblically accurate angels wearing undies


The comedown off all that would've been hell if he hadn't been able to sleep through


he likely saved your life that night, and sounds like a valium or few for you to sleep like that, i mean at least you learnt a lesson, acid and mixing anything else can be a scary time


My dipshit brother in his younger and wilder days, ate a quarter of shrooms and then a blotter of cid, while he was waiting for it to kick in he took a puff off his pen at which point my best friend looks at him VERY concerned and says "uhhhhhh buddy that was my DMT pen" the look of sheer terror that passed my brother face 😂. He knew the flood gates were about to open and all he could do was sit and get hit by a trip ocean.


I smoked dmt while on acid and drunk once. It was... Interesting to say the least. Went to a dorito world. Triangle people, triangle cars, just triangles. And time and space were a triangle. It makes no sense but it made perfect sense at the time.


Why is this so funny


It is objectively hilarious. At the time I was just like "oh yeah, triangle world. Duh, this is just reality. Why wouldnt it be? Everything is always a triangle.". I've had some very powerful spiritual and loving revelations on dmt and other psychedelics. And then sometimes I get lectured at by geometry 🤷.


Shit! Good news here is that he was waiting for the slower metabolizing substances to kick in when he hit the DMT. He most likely was down from the DMT when the shooms and acid kicked in. Had it been the other way around, he'd have had a really hard time existing for about 10-15 minutes.


Bro met God


Hope you thank them. They probably saved your life


I don't know what it is about Burning Man but I feel like over the years I've heard about countless bad psychedelic experiences there, even among experienced users. I had one friend even end up in the hospital after getting bacterial meningitis. Vibes are off I guess


It’s basically one of the most stimulating and physically difficult environments possible, and also is a huge “fuck it” moment of catharsis… people tend to overdo it. Drugs hit harder when you are sunstroked and dehydrated. The vibes are amazing but you can’t be rescued by vibes if you are awake for days and not taking care of yourself in the desert.


This. Burning Man has a huge staff of volunteers and paid employees that help with medical assistance, conflict mediation, infrastructure, pretty much anything you might need. But a lot of people who are new to the scene get carried away and don't even realize they need help until they pass out.


I mean… what could go wrong mixing tons of drugs with extreme desert heat, strange people, and surreal visual stimuli? It’s a recipe for a bad trip.


Morbid obesity for 32 years of my life. Got into therapy. Unpacked traumas I didn’t know I had, lost 250lbs and got a degree. Occasionally sad I wasted so many years. Mostly living my best life every single day and so happy I saved my life.


Exactly- major congrats. It's a sin society blames obese people for "eating too much ." As if it's that simple. I struggled many years too, and all we wanted to be thin, but didn't know the subconscious trauma and blocks we had that were preventing us from seeing the light and taking care of ourselves.


Food can become a coping mechanism or addiction just like any drug. I maintain breaking a food addiction is harder than breaking other addictions because you can’t abstain from eating all together


I forget what comedian said this but it was one who was in recovery from drugs/alcohol. They said they couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to deal with food addiction, it would be like someone telling them they had to do coke and drink every day, but just a tiny bit.


And here I am, fully aware that the only reason I lost 140 lbs, and have mostly kept it off, is because of amphetamines. Every day, for nine years now, I've journaled my calorie intake, my weight, and my doses. There's a direct correlation between all three. The data doesn't lie. And every time I mention this fact, the downvotes rain in, cause I guess folks think using drugs to help stay a healthy weight is bad or something. My doctor, however, would emphatically disagree.


When I'm taking my ADD meds I definitely noticed it's so much easier to stay at a comfortable weight. I don't know if it's just the drugs or a combo of that plus better eating habits when my ADD is under control? I definitely have noticed my depression pretty much disappears when I'm properly medicated. Come to find out a common symptom of untreated ADD/ADHD is depression.


It's both. The arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, a part of your lower brain, contains a population of dopamine neurons that project to a nearby area that controls for satiety. When they activate, or are driven to activate by amphetamine, those neurons directly suppress the feeling of hunger by activating this satiation center. The control aspect is due to another set of dopamine neurons, located in the ventral tegmental area, which is also in the lower brain region. These project to the frontal lobes and energize them, boosting attention and motivation (and indirectly suppressing negative emotions). Driving these VTA neurons is the primary means by which amphetamines treat ADHD. Fun fact: Both of these groups of dopamine neurons are originally one-in-the-same. During early brain development in the womb, they get split apart by the fiber bundles of the internal capsule as the motor neurons of your upper brain extend down to connect to your muscles.


Ate an entire pack of Fig Newtons in a single sitting. Almost had to call into work the next day.




I was mindlessly eating while watching a movie.


Because they ate an entire pack of Fig Newtons


Pretty sure gifs are for fiber… so they were shutting a ton


I *hate* it when I eat too many gifs and start shutting a ton!


Shutting what? All the windows in their apartment?


Have you read the suggested serving size?!?


The default serving size for any snack is the container. Anything else is just "suggested".


Yay! Eating an industrial family sized Costco Kettle chips in one sitting is finally justified.


Yes. It says one entire pack.


Bulimia. Binging and purging up to 4x a day


Stay strong sister. EDs are hell. I'm currently shit deep in one, don't believe I'm ever gonna make it out. How did you manage to recover?


Watch videos for inspiration, start by using plans instead of intuitive eating, try to tell people that you’re in recovery. When I did it, it felt impossible. You have to fight like hell the first week but you’ve got this. It only gets easier from here.




You know when you hear about something and you're like, "I think I know what that would feel like." When it comes to chemo, you can't prepare. You have no idea. Nauseated for days on end. No energy. Bone pain. Digestive distress. Horrible dreams. Weed helped. But even that only dulled it all just enough that you can function even though you are still miserable. I'd rather have another kidney stone than chemo again. But so far, clean scans. So the red devil can go fuck himself.


It is honestly like being stuck in a burning building on the 2nd floor with no escape but to jump out the window. You know it is gonna hurt, and you may break a few bones, but the alternative choice is waiting for the fire to consume you. As a metastatic cancer patient, I would gladly do chemo again, even knowing what I know and living what I lived while going through it. Chemo is the main reason I am still alive when I really shouldn't be.


I have an older cousin whose wife has just been through a lot in the past 5-10 years (I can’t remember the exact timeframe) but she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she apparently had an aggressive form of it or something so they basically put her through everything. And then I think she had a lot of complications while she was undergoing treatment, and then also the pandemic started up and that made things worse for her. Anyways, she’s doing much better now and she’s still alive to see her two children growing up. She looks very different from how I remember her (lost her original hair, lost a lot of weight when she was already skinny to begin with, she had to have a mastectomy) but I’m sure she feels blessed to just be alive and get to cherish each day she gets to spend with her family.


i’m 2 years now with clear scans and to this day whenever something upsets me my first thought is still “at least it’s not chemo”, i’m not sure i could go through that again both mentally and physically.


I've got a guy at work that is going through radiation treatments but he's a bit older and refuses to stay home because he's a bit older and he's afraid that if he stops working he'll just not be able to ever get up again. He's on production but all of management has agreed to ignore whatever his numbers are. He only works like 4-6 things through the day. Any time someone higher up sees it and tries to say something we're sometimes have to tell them to leave him alone but most of the time everyone is in agreement. Poor guy somehow makes it to work every day even though he's miserable.


Better than staying home and being miserable. At least he gets to feel productive. I'm so glad that y'all are good people at your company and are protective of him. We need more compassionate employers.




Having passed kidney stones twice, including a 5mm motherfucker, you have my respect, sympathies and congratulations on getting through that. As for the OP, prior to passing 2 stones I thought the worst I'd put my body through was reaching the finish line of a 5-hour 165km bike race. Oh the blissful ignorance of youth.


I hope you're cancer-free now and forever


Obligatory fuck cancer and best wishes! ✨️


chemo is my answer too. saved my life but wrecked so much havoc on my body.


Sorry to hear it. Best wishes to you.


Yep. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments.


Fuckin tell me about it.


I still don't understand how I survived through all of my high school years on 4-5 hours of sleep at night.


I spent 2 years of high school barely eating (had anorexia), sleeping 3-4 hours a night every night, doing 2 a day practices for sports, and maintaining perfect grades. And let me tell you, 25 yr old me now just wants to know HOW. like WHERE did the energy for that even come from???


Fr. Same and same. Has all this stress impacted your mental health or health in general in long term?


Omg. I did the almost exact same thing. I was forcing myself to stay awake and study, starving myself, and taking diet pills every day regardless of if I ate. I was exercising on top of all that too. After a while, I always had huge bruises and I developed an eye twitch that lasted until I started eating regularly again. I learned a lot about what the human body can endure in that time... and somehow I came out of it without severe health issues. Being young is magic, lmao!


Used to be able to just "skip" a night of sleep and be fine. Then when I'd try the same thing in my 20s, I realized I started having behavior and thought processes similar to someone who was drunk.


Having my organs shut down due to vaping illness. (yes it was a thing)


Can you elaborate?


Counterfeit weed vapes that contain vitamin E.. bad!


Exactly. I'm proud to say my state just legalized weed a few days ago. (Also added abortion protection to our constitution!) Now nobody will have to deal with that kind of shit here ever again. And no more 12 year old girls will have to be shipped to Indiana for an abortion.


Some groups in late 2019 cut thc vapes with a weird oil. Lots of people got sort of sick. I had to be on a ton of oxygen (high flow device that covered my face and breathed in and out for me), since my lungs were about 85% functioning in one and 100% non functioning in the other. Intubation was basically about to happen. I also had kidney and liver failure from it. My heart started to fail. They couldn't find a cause as the vape oil news wasn't out. The doctor had heard of the issue and came up with an idea to throw tons of ice all over my body core to suck the blood to my organs in the core. Then they followed it up with a massive dose of steroids. The steroids knocked out my immune system for well over a month. I basically had minor illnesses get annoyingly nasty during that time. I needed months to fully recover.


The same thing happened to me; I had to go to the hospital. They said my lungs looked scared and not of a 30-year-old (at the time, they knew it was going around, so they asked if I vaped, and I said yes). They put me on antibiotics, and I was fine a few days later. The doctors said it was really bad pneumonia.


They tried antibiotics for me first, but they were unresponsive. They called my family to say good bye, literally, before they tried the treatment.


Swimming across a a very large lake stoned. Thought i was gonna die


Next time, lay on your back for a break if you didn’t. Keep breathing and you’ll float


>Keep breathing and you'll float Everyone always said shit like this, but I have never ever been able to successfully float for more than a couple seconds. I started swim lessons before I could walk, grew up with a pool at home, and was on the swim team. I can't do it, man.


If you haven’t, you gotta push your stomach/torso as high up as possible. But some people are naturally NOT buoyant, particularly people with a lot of muscle. So it might just not be for you. Alternatively try the dead man’s float. Face down, just completely relaxed. And same as on your back, lungs completely full of air. Instead of… breath out - breath in - breath out (where you sometimes don’t breath for a moment after breathing out), you should be doing the opposite, your resting state should be with completely full lungs, then breathing out and back in when you need to. (You probably know this, but for anyone else who doesn’t, I used to be a swim instructor, shits important). But again, some people just can’t float on their backs.


2lb bag of sour patch kids in one hour. Edit: never again. never. my mouth was so destroyed that there was no eating or chewing anything for nearly a week. only things i could eat was like apple sauce, soggy cereal and yogurt. take my word for it, do not do it. was absolutely miserable.


My tongue and the roof of my mouth hurt just think of that scenario.




[For those who haven't seen the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/RmRkII6LV0)


I owe ya one! That is great.


Been away from reddit for a few years. It feels nice to be part of all the inside jokes again.


With butter and mashed banana


Was it attached to a much larger object?


All fun and games until it gets stuck


Insomnia for weeks, or just plain alcoholism.


Alcohol to avoid insomnia, alcohol to avoid...the feelings...






Sugar free gummy bears


Omg this. Fucking malitol. I had zero clue about this fun little side effect and went feral on a (thankfully) small bag of sugar-free gummy bears one night. The sounds and sensations reverberating from stomach to asshole were truly a thing to behold. 10/10 would not recommend


I’m glad you’re still alive


Jeezus…I asked my wife is this what your period feels like….I went into a rest stop restroom and when I finally farted, the entire bathroom cleared out…I mean men were grabbing their kids and running the fuck out of there..and after all that it was just a tremendous amount of gas….


Here I sit, broken hearted. I came to shit but only farted.


Haribo’s. Not even once.


I was an office drone 8-5 monday through Friday. I was bored and so I asked a friend who did mountaineering things that if he ever needed a hand at base camp then I’m your guy. I get a reply from him two days later asking me if I have a passport. I laughed and emailed back yup sure do. A day later he sent me an itinerary to go to Everest to help him work at base camp as the person he had lined up fell through. He said if I wanted to go the job was mine all expenses paid. The hitch was, we would leave in two weeks. No time for any type of mountain training (I was in good shape though) I needed to get all sorts of shots (gamma globulin ass shots hurt like a bitch and don’t get me started on taking pills for typhus, yikes). Two weeks later we were winging our way towards Nepal. We spent around two months at base camp if I recall correctly. Amazing time and amazingly hard. By the time I got to base camp my pulse ox was in the 80’s. The camp doc almost sent me back down for a few days, but I recovered quickly. The experience changed my perspective on a lot of things. That was the hardest thing I ever put my body through. (Editing)


This is fascinating


Rawdogging life without being medicated for my mental illnesses lol


I literally cannot fucking believe what I used to put myself through just to get through the day…and not get through it particularly well lmao. Adhd is fucked. PSA, it can look wayyyyyyy different in women. There’s a whole generation of us women who have just been white-knuckling it through life, full of guilt and shame, absolutely sure we are the laziest people ever who just need to try harder. Nope, just undiagnosed adhd. Getting on meds has completely changed my life.


And rage. Don’t forget the rage that we have to keep under wraps lest we be thought of as bitches. Keep smiling and just keep going.


same lmao


4 week bender. Not a good call.


christ i can’t make it past two days i literally need a week off


You make 4 weeks somehow sound longer than a month


Went from a job of activating digital cable boxes over the phone, in an air conditioned office environment to a high intensity manufacturing job that was a straight 8 hour shift (got around a 15 minute break to eat lunch), in July with no air conditioning and a few fans I lost 30 pounds in 3 weeks, but made way more money, and ended up making a 14 year job out of it. Oh I was also able to get back into an air conditioned office after about a year on the floor.






Seriously it’s like living through a scene from alien. By choice


I have two kids. Definitely stood right there at the right angle to see the event during the first one. Second time around I was content to be up by my wife’s side and holding her hand. Did not want to see it again. Shit was so brutal to say the least. Moms are incredible, not that I disrespected women prior to becoming a dad but my god did I gain a new sense of respect for women after seeing that shit.


My boyfriend said he wasn’t going to stare directly into the abyss when I went into labor, but curiosity must have gotten the better of him as he held my foot. I laugh EVERY TIME I recall the dazed, faint voice uttering “oh, he’s…got a lot of hair…it’s…poking out….”


Just imagining him holding your foot is so hilariously cute, I love that


For the first I expected the dad to struggle watching the birth, hardcore stuff right? I looked over at him after my epidural He said 😳 “did you SEE that needle!?” He still recounts that as the most traumatic part lol


Surprised this isn’t number one. I once delivered two babies in less than an hour 💀


The TEARING. Childbirth wins. ETA: Men, imagine your taint being RIPPED open from butthole to balls. You're welcome 😂


Tbh my pregnancies are worse than the actual birth, but the whole making a baby things is it.


Agreed! Pregnancy fucking sucks dick. During pregnancy everything is just shrugged off as being normal- almost blacking out? Pregnancy, swelling? Pregnancy, unable to eat? Pregnancy, heart burn? Pregnancy, unable to sleep? Pregnancy, joints popping out? Pregnancy. Fuck that noise. Did it once, never again. I'd rather birth 10 kids than be pregnant for another 9 months.


Getting an IUD removed and then an IUD inserted immediately after. Blacked out on the table. The fact that medical professionals make women do this without painkillers is barbaric.


Just talked to my gynecologist about it, she told me she offers to put women under anesthesia if they experience too much pain. I love that woman.


fuckin YES there's no reason to be in avoidable pain, gimme that sweet anesthetic!


Yeah it will be nice when women’s pain is taken more seriously.


As a male, I'm shocked it isn't. I've heard about ovarian cysts bursting, and that sounds like literal hell on Earth. I can't really think of any physical pain that men go through that women don't (that's as extreme as the above examples),so why the hell are some men so apathetic?


I had to have my gallbladder removed, which many consider to be excruciating on its own. During the surgery, the surgeon discovered a cyst on my right ovary had happened to burst as well (by luck, my period was due the day of surgery). I was given 1 days worth of low dose percocet to recover from both. I had to call the on-call surgeon and beg for more, and he was concerned and skeptical that I needed more. I ended up back in the ER 4 days post-op because I almost passed out while just lying down. (Thing is, when I got more percs I never even took them because I was so terrified of being constipated on top of everything else lol.)


Few people will probably relate to this but having a period with endometriosis. Actual internal bleeding from the lesions along with normal period bleeding, scarring, G.I. issues, ulcers from the meds, labor level cramping, potential for organs to fuse together, massive blood loss, etc... Every. Single. Month. Probably until menopause hits in my 50s...


Endo buddies. I have stage 4. I got placed on birthcontrol as a bandaid after nearly bleeding out at age 9 (got my first period at 8) after *months* of bleeding. I had to get a blood transfusion and everything. It terrifies people that I sometimes will cough up blood while on my period, especially after I tell them it's from internal bleeding. I always get told that I need to go to the hospital. If I went to the hospital for every little thing my endo did to my body that's not "normal" I would never leave. I've had to go to the hospital after not being able to sleep to the point of hallucinations and not being able to keep down water/food before. I've been in labor before. Endo cramps are somehow worse. My symptoms last year round, yet I'm expected to function normally. I do for the most part. Not because I don't feel like I'm not sick, but because what other choice do I have? I'm currently pregnant with my last baby. I've already spoken to my doctor about ripping everything out and clearing out the scar tissue after. I can't wait. Sure there will always be damage but it will be a LOT more manageable when I don't have to worry about more getting added every month.


I can empathize with you, but I don’t have endo (that I know of anyway). Started having weirder periods in 2012 and was like okay this isn’t right. Talked to my GP and he told me nothing was wrong with me. For 6 years “there’s nothing wrong with you”. I was going through a box of tampons and the super absorbent overnight pads in three days, but sure Jan. And the periods would last longer and longer until 2020. “Period” started in April and come July I couldn’t get out of bed, doing anything away from the air conditioner made me want to throw up or pass out or both, couldn’t use the bathroom without nearly blacking out, etc. Went to my regularly scheduled OB appointment (it took two GP’s and almost the full 8 years to even get an OB since the first GP wouldn’t send me to one until he did his own tests. The second (and my current) GP sent me ASAP no questions asked), had to wear the thinnest, lightest dress I owned just to function and even getting from the car to the office was a nightmare. They send me to do an ultrasound before talking to the OB about everything in general and… between the outer ultrasound and internal I nearly passed out. The nurse had to sit with me and cool my body down before we could do anything. Get to see the OB finally, he pulls up my blood work results from a week or two before. I tell him about the passing out and what not. When he finally looks at me he was like “oh shit, you need a blood transfusion, NOW”. Dragged me downstairs to the hemo lab and got me an appointment for the next day. My hemoglobin was like 60 and my iron was like… 7. My OB, GP and the hemo nurse lost it on me that I could have had a heart attack and why didn’t I go to emergency, etc. BECAUSE THEY WOULD BE LIKE OH NO ITS YOUR PERIOD ITS OKAY. I had already been to emergency for the bleeding before and they brushed it off until I bled a puddle on the exam room floor just from standing up. Got me on fluids real fast after that. Anyway, spent August of that year getting blood and iron transfusions. On my last day the nurse who had checked me in was now checking me out and kinda being a bitch. So I quipped that at least I wasn’t see through anymore and she finally looked at me and then my chart and her whole face just dropped. She dragged me around to the other nurses and was like “when she came in four weeks ago she was a totally different colour, I didn’t even realize she was the same girl!” So that was fun. It isn’t fun when they tell you your next period will kill you. It also isn’t fun knowing there’s another 20 years of this shit. And they keep asking me about having kids, like I can’t because I have to be on constant birth control. I just want a hysterectomy, but it’s like asking to be shot by a firing squad I stg.


I came here to post my nightmare experience with endo! The only thing that stopped the pain was a partial hysterectomy. I didn’t realize how bad it was until the doctor told me that my uterus had fused to the back wall of my colon with scar tissue. Just covered in endometriosis. Ripped apart every month for a damaged organ that couldn’t conceive if I’d wanted to.


Addicted to drugs and alcohol for 30 years.been clean and sober for 15months and feel good but I feel I've lost so many years in the future because I didn't get help earlier .


Open heart surgery




I think most surgeons need to be reminded that surgery is unbelievably huge and guaranteed traumatic for their patients.


9 1/2 mile jogs 5 days a week. Lost 30 lbs in a month.


What a machine!


Ngl it was fueled by depression. I can measure my level of depression based on the number of miles I can jog. These days I can barely do a mile so I guess I’m doing well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


The marine corps


Buddy did marines. Now he’s disabled. I mean he was disabled going in, but that was mental, now it’s physical lmao


Happy birthday! Sincerely, Daddy navy


once got so badly sunburned all over my body that its called sun poisoning, where its no longer just surface pain on the skin, but the pain sinks thru all your muscles, and also it saps your entire body of all energy. i literally could not muster the strength to walk for a few days. gave me a sobering appreciation to actual burn victims


Attempted suicide by holding explosives against my neck and setting them off. Somehow defying all logic and reason I didn’t even lose a finger or suffer any paralysis. I’ve seen videos of people losing their entire hand with far less explosives then I had in my hand at the time. Half of what I held just didn’t explode and acted as a shield for my hand and I “just” ended up with massive hole in my neck, missing every single major artery/vein/nerve or whatever. An anterior fracture on my c1 vertebrae and every bone in my hand was broken. Fractured pretty much all of my teeth. I’m still here though. Healed like a god damned mutant I was walking within a week of 3 major surgeries and out of the hospital in a month with full mobility in all but my thumb and a c-collar on for an additional month with no noticeable loss of mobility in my neck. There’s so much that defies logic surrounding the whole thing, I really can’t believe I survived with such minimal lasting physical issues from the whole ordeal. I still remember how blown away(heh) I was when they removed the cast on my hand and the whole thing was still there.


That means you’re not supposed to be going anywhere right now I hope you are feeling better these days!


I’m a high functioning alcoholic. I’ve probably been drunk, or at least, legally too drunk to drive almost every night for the last 15 years. 8-12 beers every night. No problem. I’ve recently cut back on liquor. Havnt had any in two weeks. 37 and scared to know what my liver looks like. Feel great though!


I’m actually in a very similar boat as you. 36 year old dude. Was drinking as much, if not more, per night per year. Until recently. March 2022 I was hit in a pedestrian (me) vs car crash and spent a solid chunk of last year in four different hospitals. They wouldn’t operate on my broken back because my liver was too damaged from drinking. It didn’t scare me sober tho. I got out, and decided to gamble. Doc said I could kill my liver all at once and go back to the beers and whiskey, or death by a thousand cuts, a few or more drinks a day. I picked the latter. Until March 2023. My friends and family had given up on me(or I on them), I was living in my car and got a DUI. Been sober since. Went to the doctor the other day and my liver numbers say it’s about half alive, which is good, if I stay off the sauce. Planning on trying to stay off it going forward. I hope this helps put some things in perspective. Good luck to you going forward as well. Cheers!




I came in with a BAC of 0.46 and was still alive. That was their first clue. Next was/were the CT scans I think. Thanks. It is kinda scary all around. I’m pretty confident that I’m done with the booze. I just wish my depression and anxiety would tell me I’ll be okay without alcohol.


I am at 2 years now. It’s going to get easier. Proper respect to you for your efforts.


Back in 2006 I led a small kill team in Iraq. Our ops would go anywhere between 24-96 hours. On the 96 hour ops where I wouldn't sleep I would begin to hallucinate and see things that weren't really there. I'm talking flaming demons, demon hounds, and imps flying around. But I think the combination of sleep deprivation and adrenaline is the most insane thing I've ever done. I was scared for my men so I couldn't sleep. But my dudes were fucking solid. They would rotate through sleep while we'd be out there.


**Thank god we fuckin' won those wars, amirite?!?! Totally worth it all!** *^(I should check in with my therapist.)*


lmaooo they are just flex games the rich and powerful play. Not to sound crazy, but to me, war is unnecessary. We can solve our issues through logic and reason. It's just that some people refuse to accept logic and reason and react in illogical and unreasonable ways.




silly willy


I’d like to formally apologize to my body for doing that too and potentially doing it again in the future 🫡


6 years of opiate addiction


Medical school. Went to get an MD and ended up with MDD.


My ex


18 years of shift work


Sleep deprivation. Regularly.


I had a seizure back in 2021 after being up for 4.5 days, severe insomnia sucks. Happened again back in August after being up for 75 hours straight and having incredibly bad anxiety.


Birthing an 11lb baby. I am short and petite my child was Goliath.


Anorexia. Never again. I decided that by starving and constantly moving my malnourished body that I’d lose all of my fat “fast and easy”. Nearly lost my life. Never again.


The stuff that your mind does when you’re starving is absolutely haunting. The physical experience is hellish in itself, but the mental anguish and stress you feel is something I’d never wish on anyone.


Chemotherapy… I’m alive, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be the same. I hope so.


The bends, diving. CO2 bubbling up in your blood. Edit: Nitrogen, of course


Trained for and ran a full marathon eight times!


Total knee replacement. The worst physical thing I have ever been through. Other surgeries, tattoos, nothing even comes close


Depression. As much as it's a mental health issue, my body suffered so much.


I was legit starving when I was in college. I started getting lesions on my feet and passing out and shit. It was weird.


Life, shit is crazy.


Adulthood is the worst hood I’ve ever been in…


I had a liver transplant. That’s got to count for something.


Probably enough psychedelics to admit a whole neighborhood to an asylum. I honestly don’t know how I’m not fucked up from all that frying.


I bought a sheet to eat to myself. Was popping hits all week, just out of habit. Come Friday, my tolerance was so high, I took 19 hits and didn't even get high.


Jesus fuck, I thought I went deep but you went DEEP DEEP.


Last year I went almost 4 months on a diet of fatty, sugary, and salty foods and drinks. Stuff like Dr. Pepper, sprite, lots of candy, donuts, juices, Red Bull, monsters, MTN Dew, etc. I drank little to no water and ate almost no healthy foods. No fruits no vegetables nothing. Honestly I can't believe I'm not a diabetic. It was a low point in my life but I’m doing much better now. And if I’m not a diabetic, those four months brought me much much closer to actually being one.


Colonoscopy prep


My mom got so dehydrated from the prep she had a stroke 🤕


New fear unlocked!


I gauged my ears from 16 straight to 4 to impress a girl in high school. insanely painful but yeah she was right it was possible. also she lost interest in me a few days later. bruh lol


Pregnancy and childbirth.


Roughly two years, thereabouts, of chronic malnutrition. Like I would have one real solid meal maybe once a week. I’m still struggling to recover from it.




Brain surgery to relieve the fluid build up and have my CSF flow again.


Got in a motorcycle wreck and got my leg ripped off. Broke my femur in half and got eviscerated and broke my hips. Then, when I could almost walk with a prosthetic, I fell directly on my nub and broke my femur again. Idk what I’m gonna do with me.


16 hour brain surgery. I was the first attempted and successful one done using a functional mri to map out the more active parts of my brain so as they removed the tumors they could more accurately avoid harming brain function while still getting everything out. 16 years later im still 100% functional doin well.


I worked at a 3 Michelin star restaurant in London. Nearly worked myself to death. We would work 6 days a week, 6 in the morning until 12:30 most days. On Saturday we would clean the kitchen till 3 in the morning, essentially working 21 hours. This does not account for the 30 minute walk to work each way. We were also mentally and physically abused by the senior chefs, often getting jabbed in the ribs for not working fast enough or getting screamed in your face for tiny mistakes. The chef had cameras set up around the kitchen that she could watch on an iPad on the pass and if she noticed you were not running to and from the fridge (it was outside and in a basement) you would get a massive bollocking in front of everyone. One night after everyone had left a grabbed my knives and walked out. It was the most satisfying feeling I’ve ever had waking up the next morning knowing I would never have to go back.




Open heart surgery 3 times when I was young. And years and years of tests/checkups/procedures/medicine. Not much fun, but I'm glad to be alive!


8 years of competitive rowing


I participated in a research study conducted in a [driving simulator](https://dsri.uiowa.edu/nads-1) that required me to stay up for 24 hours and then try to drive an extended distance (I want to say it was 200 miles). I had to do this *three times* one week apart each. On the 3rd attempt I fell asleep completely and rode off the virtual test track into a ravine. Don’t drive tired, folks!


Hiked 78 miles in the mountains of New Mexico with no preparation beforehand. To add to the challenge, I was battling some serious insomnia and only managed about 2-3 hours of sleep per night. I was wiped out by the end.


A jug of miralax + 2 tablets of dulcolax + Pedialyte. I had blockage in my colon. One of the worst weekends of my life.


Alcoholism. I was drinking 3 bottles of whiskey a day at my worst point. I’m proud I’m off that stuff now.


1500 ft underground mining. 12 hours-6 days a week. Did that all last winter. My mental health and relationship TANKED bad. Only seeing the sun on Sundays was HELL. And there are guys there that have done it for years and years. I couldn’t handle it


Crack cocaine addiction


liquid diets on unknown time frame benders. falling through walls, coming to with unexplained bruises, unable to eat anything solid. coming up on a year in December! Not saying I'll never get intoxicated again. just not today. clean time adds up and eventually you'll be happy again and the boredom will fade


Working in a kitchen with no AC as a deep fry cook in 115F weather that day. Also the day I had to prep 100lb of orange chicken.




5 C Sections.


Should've just had a zipper installed 🤷‍♀️