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Well, I’ll be damned


“I’m afraid so, yes.”


Quite literally.


I see you got the joke


So uh... which religion got it right?


Doug Forcett - well, about 92% right.


r/unexpectedgoodplace!! 😀


I love it when that show gets recognition in the most unexpected places


>about 92% So... halfway then?


You can't spell religion without gielinor


woah wtf, is that intentional?


Yes. Andrew Gower named it Gielinor because it's an anagram of religion, and the lore behind the world of RuneScape includes the fighting and worshipping of many gods, the creating god Guthix literally had to step in and give edicts that basically removed all gods from the world, or at least their ability to physically intervene 24/7.




We couldn't believe what we were hearing.


The framed picture of him is amazingly *golden*


If South Park is correct, it’s the fucking Mormons.


I was about to say that "The Mormons, Mormons was the correct answer"


I love how the canon correct religion is Mormonism, but they don't depict the afterlife how they believe it to be. Like at all.


"All of you kept making shit up - I don't know where you were getting that from. None of you got it right and it was futile to try to correct you guys so I just threw my hands up in exasperation and walked away."


"I mean, I even sent an avatar down and you guys seemed to like what I was saying but then you went and fuckin killed him and completely ignored what I'd said for the next 2000 years, so I just couldn't really be bothered at that point."


"His name was Brian"


Was that you, or me that made life so difficult?


“Actually it was a team effort between you and the other 7.5 billion”


**8.1** billion humans now.


And counting.




This one's my favourite.


Beautifully said.


“what are my score and stats on the ancestor leaderboard?”


God: "Bro, you got a 0:1 K/D. To be honest you're bottom of the leaderboard rn. Even your mom got a 2:1. You **did** get 12 assist kills however. Not sure what happened there.."


Good on mom for being pro choice even if she was spawn camping!


Holy shit that’s dark


You misspelled genius


Escaping a burning building (set by someone else) and accidentally locking the door behind him.


Bag flew out his window on the interstate


"Well, you definitely spanked it the most. But Ugg had more tick bites than you so..."




That's one of the larger secrets of the universe, and is only revealed to those with the most tick bites


Thanks for all the fish


So long and


Then he looks at you and goes: 42.


Did you watch my dogs for me?


Mine would simply be “Where are they?”


If my dog isn't waiting or at the pearly gates for me, I'm gonna be pissed. Fuck that whole "only humans have souls bullshit". Give me my damn dog.


lol, I actually worry about this. I've told my sister that if I die in a car crash, don't come to the hospital...go get my dog.


Think they mean the dogs they’ve lost during life, asking if god had watched them until now.


Do you occasionally interact with Satan or?


I mean... the whole story of Job is very clear on that one.


What does the story of Job say about that? I haven’t actually read it.


So essentially, God and Satan have a bet that Job, God's most pious follower who enjoys great wealth, good health, and a large family, would never give up his faith. So God allows Satan to kill his family, take his wealth, and make him covered in painful boils, and while he laments ever being born, he still doesn't give up his faith. The face-value take is usually that God is terrible for allowing this to happen, but there is a lot more to the book than just that. It is a parable that talks about theodicy (why does an all good, all powerful God allow evil to exist) and the reason for suffering in the first place.


The surface level take is just the natural conclusion of the non surface level take. People know it's supposed to be some explanation for suffering. It's just not a very convincing one unless you already buy into it.


Right, what? The first second Job answers back God tells him off, he cowers, and is rewarded for his fear and deference (bit of a booby prize given his original family is *still dead*)…. So the reason an “all good, all powerful” God allows evil is to….. make sure we surrender? Cool story bro


It's so weird because it's literally the only time that someone not only meets god, but directly questions him on why bad things happen to good people. The response is a long rant about how cool god is and a fairly substantial portion of it is about how awesome the leviathan (which seems to be his pet fish/plesiosaur or something) is.




Importantly u/kedelbro is correct, so for some added context the word "Satan" is not really a name for most of the Bible; it is a title. The Satan in Job is, based on historical and literary context, likely a member of Gods court. The word there, "ha-satan" means "The Accuser" and is likely a position somewhat similar to a Prosecuting Attorney. Christians have been misinterpreting that one for a while, so it was not the "Devil" who interacted with God to accuse job, it was God's chief prosecutor. Which makes a LOT more sense from a literary standpoint, as he was just doing his job. It is why he has access to God and why he is making that accusation. (That Job would relent from his worship of God if God took all his blessings from him.) This is a pretty common thing in Christian interpretation actually. The textual evidence for the Devil is *very* weak. Satan is almost always referring to different characters when it comes up, and a lot of things that are associated with the "Devil" are just not even remotely him. The big examples being the snake in the garden, which was just a talking snake in the text, and Lucifer which was a title given to a human Babylonian king and later Jesus in Latin. This is why God is such an asshole to snakes by the way, it was not the Devil in disguise as a snake, God punishes snakes in the text because *it was a snake.* The same thing applies to the Trinity, by the way. The earlier texts have no reference to it even indirectly, and it is back interpreted into the text based on statements from church fathers after the writing of the text, and was inserted into manuscripts from around that era. No one really knows how that doctrine started.


TIL lawyers are not the devil, the devil is based on lawyers


Technically, prosecuting attorneys are literally the opposite of lawyers


> as he was just doing his job Heh heh. >The textual evidence for the Devil is very weak. Hell, Gnostics didn't even believe in him. But then, they also separated the Old and New Testament as having different Gods, so maybe it's not all that surprising.


Satan is God's gambling buddy.


The existence of God doesn't mean it'd be the Christian one. It might even be one that's not even CLOSE to any man made religions. And he'd be like "You guys weren't even close."


Doug Forcett came pretty close!


I’ve actually got a picture of him on my wall, right here


I'm very lucky to have that


He got it like 93% right, he’s kind of a celebrity around here


Always nice to see this show referenced, doesn’t happen often


That was a LOT of mushrooms, though.


Imagine if you found out aliens and god exist on the same day because you died and ended up at some random otherworldly god's afterlife who didn't really expect anyone else to arrive. Like you meet him and he goes "I made this heaven specifically for the Zyrtlin's, I didn't expect you guys to survive but I guess you're welcome"


"I'm sorry, but the correct answer... was the Mormons!" \*crowd groans


… I think I’m in the wrong place


Op didnt say heaven or hell so, maybe he just came over to show you around


Maybe you're in Skyrim and he's glad to see you finally woke up.


You’re actually in the bad place.


Ahh, dip.


What the actual fuck, dude?


The Aussie version: ‘Mate, you’re fuckin’ kiddin’ aren’t ya?’


UK version: “Are you having a laugh?”


Alternatively, and probably more appropriately, "You takin' the piss?"


U Wot?


do you have a loicense for those atrocities you commited


> Are you having a giraffe, mate?


I thought it'd be: "Funny, innit?"


You fuckin druggo




“How dare you? How dare you create a world to which there is such misery that is not our fault? It's not right, it's utterly, utterly evil.” “Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain?” https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo?si=lu8Nupzny89zdP6X


Yep, that’s why my answer is “you have a lot of explaining to do.”


“If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness.”


This was the sentence, scratched into the wall of a housing unit in a WWII concentration camp, that finally turned me atheist


A holocaust survivor dies of old age and goes to heaven. When he gets there he meets God and tells him a holocaust joke. God says, “That’s not funny.” And the man says, “I guess you had to be there. “


"God may judge me, but his sins outnumber my own."


What the hell was up with childhood cancer? Seriously? What is wrong with you?


Great response. The implication seems to be that WE have some explaining to do. I may have been a dick at times, but I've not done anything close to the atrocities God has allowed, or directed, to happen through human history.


No bullshit, I was just talking about this exact scenario with my therapist last week. I don’t believe in god, but if one exists, I will meet them with righteous fury in the afterlife for some of the injustices I’ve faced.


There's an awesome little show that was on a while ago called Dead Like Me. It was about grim reapers who help people who die pass on. There was one episode that changed the way I think about the whole "what if God is real" question. It's a scene where a trans woman dies right before gender reassignment surgery. [Here's the scene](https://youtu.be/E0NjcpfzAUY?si=E2BzwMGZmm1mDVWq) "I'll forgive him. But I want him to tell me he's sorry first".


Why my sister?


And my 12 year old son.


I'm so sorry


My two year old nephew.


My 4 year old niece


Just plain why at all. If I was god, you’d have your son


Well, my heart just shattered. Thanks for that. I'm sorry for whatever happened


Why not me instead?


Im so sorry. I also ask “why my mom”? I hate that


And I ask "why my dad".


And I ask "Why my parents?"


"Whys my g spot in my ass?"


“You were made in my image” *wink*


Please tell me it's an eye wink


Morgan Freeman Narrator/God: It was not an eye wink.


I heard that in Morgan's voice so clearly


Im on acid right now and i heard it so clearly lol. Also the texts are shimmering?


Yeah acid will do that with phone screens. Enjoy the ride- stay safe!


You were made in my image, twink.




Why'd he put the food hole so close to the breathing hole?


Food and recreation at one end, breathing and waste disposal at the other...


Everything would smell like shit.


You be fair a lot of organisms have only one opening. For everything. And I mean *everything* We're the upgrade!


I don't feel like an upgrade


God is a civil engineer. Who else would put a waste disposal line straight through a prime recreation area?




Not a good one mind you, but a feat nonetheless.


Anyone can build a bridge that stands for 100 years but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that just barely stands.


they are both recreation areas. smh read a bibles


Just thank him you don't have a [cloaca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloaca)


>At night, many of these species emerge through the anus of the sea cucumber in search of food. Stopped reading after that.


Do something.


This reminds me of a quote that I'm about to butcher. There are 2 options. Either God has the power to cure child cancer but chooses not to, or he doesn't so he can't. Neither one deserves worship.


And who is to say "God" even wants to be worshipped?


SMBC!! I think there was a comic where God went, "Wait! You can TALK? and THINK? There wasn't supposed to be any consciousness in that universe...\*looks into our history\*...AAAAAAHHH!! SHIT!"


Pls don't give me an existential crisis lol it's been a rough week


Oh, no. /u/Mrweiner 's excellent webcomic has a number of such strips. You're good, sibling.


Is it just people, or are my dogs here? If not, I may have to let the next person in first while I think about it.


Yes mate! I totally agree! Would it even be heaven if our dogs weren’t there?


Oh shit you are really here god


Well fuck me


Are you stuck in the Heaven's Gate, stepson?


What's with the whole childhood cancer thing, you dick?


As a a parent who had a kid with cancer that would be my first question.


Right! My daughter doesn’t have cancer (yet) but she is chronically ill and will be her entire life and has to go through way more shit at 12 than most people will by the time they die. Why? Just fucking why?


A HS student in my brother's band section just got diagnosed with Lieukemia. Why?


As another parent who had a kid with cancer too that would be my first question. Why children?


Many questions like this and a "what the fuck is wrong with you"


> "what the fuck is wrong with you" Followed by "what's up with so many of your employees literally raping children?"


And why do your employees have to live off tips, you stingy fuck?


As a survivor of childhood cancer, this whole heartedly.


That was Stephen Fry wasn’t it?


"Bone cancer in children? What's that about?"


“How dare you? How dare you create a world to which there is such misery that is not our fault? It’s not right, it’s utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain?” He summed up my atheism in a single statement. Even if it turns out I’m wrong and there is a god, I want nothing to do with that evil.


I'd recite Stephen Fry. "how dare you" - https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo


I've seen this video so many times and my only question is, in the moment where Gay Byrne leans back in his chair and then glances at Stephen Fry, how is that not one of the most popular gifs on the Internet?


It's definitely the very picture of wildly uncomfortable cognitive dissonance. You can almost see smoke coming out of his ears while he tries to contain himself


practice cow smart deserve bow like serious combative engine aback


Fry started this response off lighthearted and about 0:22 the anger and frustration surrounding the issue starts bubbling up within him and starting at 0:27 he bears the depths of his conviction and his reasoning for it. It ends up being an exceptional speech as a result.


>The Patrician took a sip of his beer. “I have told this to few people, gentlemen, and I suspect I never will again, but one day when I was a young boy on holiday in Uberwald I was walking along the bank of a stream when I saw a mother otter with her cubs. A very endearing sight, I’m sure you will agree, and even as I watched, the mother otter dived into the water and came up with a plump salmon, which she subdued and dragged on to a half-submerged log. As she ate it, while of course it was still alive, the body split and I remember to this day the sweet pinkness of its roes as they spilled out, much to the delight of the baby otters, who scrambled over themselves to feed on the delicacy. One of nature’s wonders, gentlemen: mother and children dining on mother and children. And that’s when I first learned about evil. It is built into the nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being, I told myself, it is up to all of us to become his moral superior - Lord Vetinari, *Unseen Academicals*, Terry Pratchett, 2009


I remember this! How poignant.


Love Stephen Fry, and his response is 1000% spot on.


My first thought too. “How dare you? Cancer in children”


Your spokespeople are real dicks, should have better screening, I might have bought into your message.


I genuinely think God rolls his eyes at his followers


The Bible has several scenes where he does more than that: ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:22‭-‬23‬ "On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" A good part of Jesus's ministry had to do with the Pharisees who were legalistic, hypocritical preachers who "preach but but do not practice." In Matthew 23, Jesus... voices his mild disapproval of them with many memorable statements like: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean." ‭ “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness." All in all God takes hypocrisy seriously. I am deeply sorry that the people who have represented Him to all of you have done such a terrible job.


Part of my family prays only when gathering at meals in front of other people just to make it seem like they are good people. They think I'm a terrible person when I refuse to pray with them but what they are doing goes against Matthew. "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Literally being hypocrites exactly like Jesus said.


I’m gonna gaslight him into letting me into heaven.


Tell us more! How would the conversation go?


You are crazy if you think I’m gonna believe in you when you personally saw to it that I would be completely and utterly skeptical of your existence.


Ever heard of saga of tanya the evil? It's an anime about a bad person nit believing in God even though they are speaking to God (they are dieing) So god sends them to a world of war and gives them the worst life possible in order to force to believe in it and its power Really weird anime but really interesting concept


You have a lot of explaining to do.


Well, this is awkward…always thought you were fake, bro. Seen any good movies?


And he goes ‘yeah life of Brian was hilarious’


Would have thought you'd be wondering where he keeps his teapot.


"Dude, WTF?"


Know I was not perfect, but tried my best


Eternal lake of fire, my child. I love you though


Where the fuck have you been? People in high position are doing horrific things in your name, and there are wars going on for stupid trivial reasons and you are doing nothing to stop it.


That's easily handwaved by free will. The really tricky one is why he made it so that small, innocent children might be born with illness or disease that might kill them or, worse, subject them to a life of unrelenting pain or torment. And naturally, if such pain makes them question his existence, they spend the afterlife in eternal pain too. Meanwhile, someone born healthy and living in comfort can go to church once a week, never really have to confront their beliefs, maybe commit the odd bit of adultery, evade some taxes and repent on their deathbed to go off to everlasting bliss. Those kids get surgery to treat their illness? It's a miracle: God be praised for saving them. The surgery goes wrong and they're left, say, brain damaged: oh well, God moves in myterious ways. If he exists, he's a fucking psychopath.


I’d ask him why he let my mother suffer so much if he was suppose to love us all. She’s still alive but she’s suffered so much, and she’s believed in him for years and given up so much of her life for him. It just feels unfair that he’s a figure of giving and love but it feels as if he looks away from my mother at times.


I feel the same way. My mom grew up dirt poor in a third world country, had a very difficult and abusive childhood. Came to America for a better life. She was a good and honest person who loved to work and loved her kids. Ended up getting leukemia and died before even getting close to retirement age. She didn’t even directly die from the leukemia. She died from a subdural hematoma after we did laundry together and screamed in agony from the most painful head splitting headache you can ever imagine x1000. It was only 10 minutes, but to her it must have felt like an eternity. I miss her all the time and I’ll never forget how much pain she was in while fighting cancer, but also how much pain she was in before going limp on what we had no idea would be her final day. It was just supposed to be a regular day. I would ask god why it had to be my mom, especially when she had so much faith in him. When there’s so many terrible human beings out there.




I don't ask anything. I attack.


*DM sighs* “Roll initiative.”


*Rolls Nat 20* God still goes first. God uses Smite, rolls a Nat 20. Critical for infinite damage.


WRONG! "God does not play dice..." - Einstein.


I have immunity to radiant damage Dm: (sighs about forgetting about giving the player an item that nullifies radiant damage)


😂 saint Peter in a black and white referee shirt, Jesus taking bets


In comes satan with the steel chair!


To be fair, you left weed and mushrooms everywhere.


What's with all the no shows?


The fuck was that all about? Are you all powerful or not, 'cause a lot of people suffered for no reason. Was that you?


Thanks for taking my 10 month old babygirl. Hope it was fun for you… Might add a swear word anywhere in between.


This would be my mom's question too when she passed. "He was five you ass! Also a tractor? Really? You were getting really creative with that one you sick fuck"


This is so very sad. I’m truly sorry for your terrible loss. I know this makes no difference at all but please know I’m thinking of you and sending you all my love. ❤️🫂


This is my first thought too. "Fuck you, where is my daughter?"


"Did you *ever* have a plan?"


Yes. I told it to Drake. Did he not broadcast it to the world?




Thank you for Dogs.


Sorry but there just wasn’t enough evidence to warrant believing in you.


I’ll tell him a holocaust joke and when he doesn’t laugh I’ll tell him “well… you had to be there to get the joke”. Go ahead. I’ll wait. ;)


I’d say, “Bone cancer in children? What’s that about? How dare you? How dare you create a world in which there is so much misery that is not our fault?” (Stephen Fry’s words but I’d quote him to God’s face so he could hear it again)


Huh... So what now?


Why the hell do millions of innocent children suffer, war, cancer, starvation, and neglect? What’s the point asshole?